8 Video Game Characters Hiding Terrible Secrets

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well i'll do that one more time once i've realized what the point of that joke was hello all of you little demons jules here for whatculture.com back again with another episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted choose your own adventure the weekly medieval theme format where i the crown jewels of whatculture.com take a list chosen by you yes you the person who is looking oh so fine it's utterly divine i give you nine on nine which is a perfect score yes you get to decide what list i dole out to you each and every week and this week we're taking a look at secrets mustache twirling secrets evil machiavellian secrets that npcs are hiding from the player yes today we're looking at npcs looking to feast on corpses to those that have done some rather terrible things in their past and so i can say hand on heart that these characters likely aren't getting a wink of sleep due to the skeletons that are rattling in their closets so come join me on this adventure today as i'm jewels this is what culture.com and these are eight video game characters hiding terrible secrets and you know the draw by now say hi to me here in the live chat and put your suggestions for next week's episode down in the comment section below now let's get on with that list number eight pam starjew valley now when loading up stardew valley for the first time you might instantly be sick to your stomach at just how bloody cute this game is james have you ever played stardew valley no i have not now i know you like professor layton and that's pretty cute as well but this game right here it's sickeningly cute it's sickeningly cute just go am i right sure and you know what james included in this you'd be right seeing as the general day-to-day gameplay centers around crop growing house maintenance and building relationships within the local community and it is utterly charming however it's in this last aspect where the friendly facade of the title drops somewhat as it turns out that some of these locals have really dark depressing and quite dangerous secrets across your time you'll meet characters displaying clear signs of ptsd depression and in the case of pam mother of fellow resident penny well she's a raging alcoholic every single night the player can find her in the local bar boozing away her problems and while it might not become apparent at first pam is clearly hurting a lot on the inside her job as a bus driver doesn't seem to be that rewarding her home is in a state of disrepair and even if you fix it up for her she says that she's not been able to control her drinking however the real dark sting to this story is the fact that things like mead beer and other alcoholic beverages they are the quickest way to max out her romance or loyalty so unfortunately it means you end up kind of accidentally enabling her because there's a good chance you might not realize how much of an alcoholic she is when you first start giving out these gifts but once you realize it that's pretty dark number seven elizabeth winters vanquish now as we all know by now i absolutely adore me some vanquish so please once again allow me to talk about the game that lets me just go wee wee wee take that you rascally russian right this is the entire game by the way that's how the game plays out if you've not played vanquish before it's utterly brilliant anyway i digress i just hit my keyboard fantastic now i know when you look at the smug bold and very russian face of viktor zaitsev from the video game vanquish that you might immediately label him as the bad guy and to be honest he's not doing himself much favors what with his giant army of murderous robots and overall plan to hijack a solar station to be used as a death ray and last time i checked that definitely does raise your villain stock somewhat however what if i told you that the real villain of the piece was actually elizabeth winters president of the united states and all around asshat now she might not seem like it at first seeing as winters is very instrumental in taking down the invading forces aboard the space station but as the plot advances it becomes clear that she's the one actually orchestrating the entire thing now it turns out that winters was working with victor to help establish his coup but was going to betray him at just the right time in order to use this to launch a war on russia this would end their trade conflicts and their war for resources and allow the us to establish global domination pretty nefarious right well the problem is is that you play as sam rockthroat gideon which is the coolest name guy ever and he is just all-around cool guy i like him a lot and he kind of puts a stop to that plan somewhat with a bullet you might actually say because once victor's team is defeated so is winter's own personal army and this forces her to take her own life before the world would find out about her sins yet here's the interesting thing about this situation sam never actually reveals this information come the close of the game he's just stood there going yeah i did good i killed a lot of things today i can go home proud the thing is he never actually reveals the information and there might actually be a good case to argue that he might never reveal that information because after all saying yeah our president kind of did all of these really horrible things kind of is inviting the rest of the world to take you on and take you down having the exact same thing that you planned happen to you plus you'd lose support from within your own borders so never a good thing i think in this case i mean it seems we're never gonna get a vanquish too sam and his team are probably gonna go home and just be like yeah the russians did it yeah totally the russians did it who's sweating who's swinging here no no the russians definitely did this number six dr loboto psychonauts ii so if you're ever in the mood to comb through people's brains and expose their deep and dark secrets then the psychonauts titles are definitely the games for you because that's pretty much their entire core concept you go in you sort out their emotional baggage you get out now many remember the truly dark moment in which a secret room could be uncovered in the original game which was found in mia's mind that centered on her inability to stop an orphanage that she worked at from burning down killing all the children inside and of all the pain she faced seeing as she is a psychonaut specializing in empathy however to slightly lighten the tone a little bit we're going to look at a throwaway line from the end of psychonauts 2 which actually has some pretty massive ramifications after completing the game raz is able to return to sasha 9's lab in which dr lobotto was being held for psychic interrogation only to find out that the good doctor is now making his rather swift exit he claims that he's a reformed man and the events of the sequel have cleared his mind and he apologizes for all of his prior actions however as he dips out of view he mentions that he's got to go and pick his kid up from camp now this might not mean much on the surface but for fans of the original game this was quite a huge revelation because the only other character that we met at the psychic summer camp that has the same skin tone and weird head shape was that of bobby zilch the bully from the original game which implies that dr lobotto is his dad and how is this secret terrible well because he's a terrible dad that's why number five isabella dragon age so when you've lived a life full of despair regret and many many regrettable actions as much as illabella from isabella from dragon age he might begin to understand why she doesn't really like talking about her past still for most of the community they see her as kind of a rogue with a heart of gold type character well that is unless you read the canonical comic books that tied into the franchise because this well this changes everything you see while it is somewhat possible to justify her actions based on the information that were given in the games namely the fact that her father was a thief her mother sold her into a loveless marriage and that she had an affair which ended up getting her former husband murdered in the comics there exists one utterly heinous act which will forever change how you view this character the comic recounts a moment where while being pursued by a ship she orders that her cargo be dumped offside problem is however is that this air quote's cargo is actually slaves that she's transporting now isabella knows that she'll die if she's caught as the pursuing ship hangs slavers and so instantly makes the decision to drown them in order to escape it is a truly horrible moment that shattered the perception of her for many gamers and it makes that line that she says in one of the titles that our actions make us who we are kind of come back around because now we know what she is is a real piece of number four the citizens of covenant fallout 4. so when you grow up in the irradiated wastes that make up the respective fallout video game titles honesty and trust are well they're hard to come by and usually things that will definitely get you killed here because everyone's just trying to survive and they will stab each other in the back to do so it's pretty grim so when it comes to finding out what terrible secrets that npcs might have it's quite the mammoth task it's actually easier to ask yourself who doesn't have a dark and dirty secret from secret synths to mass murderers hiding in plain sight fuller as a whole is basically a monstrous statement on do not trust what you see well except for fallout 76 because what we saw was a flaming pile of trash and ipso facto however i digress as today we're not looking at just one dirty secret being hidden by a soul character but a bunch of them that a whole town would probably care to forget say hello to the settlement of covenant an almost idyllic location set in fallout 4 where aside from some wear and tear seems to be doing pretty well in fact you'll be walking through the streets and be like oh this is amazing is this one of the holy settlements of slime jesus in the wasteland right here it's beautiful everyone's smiling people are offering me lemonade everyone is just so happy and charming god thank you slime jesus wait why did he not come down but is he not taking credit for this one oh oh i see what it is because really this is the covenant of bielsa blob get out of here get out of here one more for the road stupid yet beneath the smiles of the inhabitants it turns out the covenant has a dark secret in that they've been drawing in and killing since in an effort to purge them from the wasteland so why is this a bad thing i hear you ask i mean technically synths aren't alive and they're used as weapons by the institutes do you know what chuck'em on their scrappy right well the problem is that the methods that the town uses to judge whether you are a synth or not they're kind of flawed and have definitely definitely resulted in them killing more than a handful of humans in their time so yeah this isn't just a town that's built on the broken parts of machines but also kind of becomes a bit of a mass grave number three gene no more heroes so in a world where most of the central caste would murk you for the price of a happy meal is it any wonder at all that the central cast of no more heroes definitely has a few secrets they'd like to hide yet gene who you meet fairly late into the original title well she's strangely an exception to this rule as she manages to tell her absolutely horrific backstory to the player but the game itself chooses to mask the information thus hiding it from our precious ears and trust me there is a reason why travis sped up the events that she's talking so as to not jack up the age rating because when you hear her tale of sexual molestation sexual abuse and just bloody bloody revenge there's a very clear reason why travis is making all of those shocked faces as she's recounting them if you're actually morbidly curious you can't actually slow down this section to hear all of the gruesome events but once you do you'll realize why travis was making such a shocked face in these scenes now it's played for laughs in its original style like in a black humor way but here god it's just horrible number two willow hollow knight now despite its adorable art style hollow knight isn't exactly the game that i would choose to unwind and relax with seeing as this game is well brutally hard in places is a title that seems to want to drive a nail straight into the eye of the player and smile while doing it i'm pretty sure that if you flip over the game it's not developed by any publisher that we know but it just reads one person developed by beef gates yes that's right beef gates is back baby he is rough he is tough and he's got the stuff but the one thing that we haven't settled on right now is his final final appearance so what we're gonna do now is a cavalcade of images that i got sent over on twitter at retro j with zero all of the things that beef gates could be to you lovely people out there let me know which one your favorite design is and we will go forward with beef gates looking fine and dandy like cotton candy anyway back on track this game can be crushingly hard in places and despite looking like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths most of the characters that you meet as well are just one step away from roasting you rotten yet weirdly willow the giraffe weevil that you meet in the queen station ends up being one of the most sinister of all mainly because of just how innocent she appears on the surface content to stay in one place and avoid all of the conflict going on around her willow mentions how all she wants to do is eat however if you jump up to a feeding area you'll find something well pretty horrifying for it turns out that alongside eating fungus willow has also been feasting on bugs that have wandered into her area a corpse on the floor that when hit with the dream nail gives us the message no not food implying that willow ate the poor creature and did so while it was still alive and suddenly you realized you're kind of trapped in this area with her feasting on the other side and you want to get out of there pretty bloody quickly and number one lysia of lindelt dark souls 2 bloody hell dark souls you really do want us to lose faith and trust in one another don't you from player invasions ganking us to kingdom come tricks and traps that other players can leave false messages to draw you into and of course the ever-rotating carousel of betrayal that come in the form of your characters dark souls demons souls and bloodborne definitely take the cake when it comes to keeping you in the dark and punishing you for it but for me however the biggest sneak and all-around rotter is found in dark souls 2 in the form of alicia of lindelt a supposed holy healer who is actually a massive con artist and pretty horrible sword on first meeting this kind soul seems to offer peace in a moment of respite offering to open a passage for you with the power of her miracles in exchange for some souls but you see however she's something of a massive fraud only announcing her miracle so loudly in order to condue into buying some of her wares even her magic that she uses to open the passage is actually just a keystone that she's holding behind her and putting in to unlock it cheeky right but i hear you cry this is just making her out to be uh maybe a bit of a hammy actor but little more right well true that is unless you find the body at the bottom of the stairs near her which heavily implies that she killed that person and stole their wares possibly even accounting as to why she has the keystone in the first place this is further cemented by the fact that the crushed eye orb stirs in her presence which only does so in the company of traitors with her secret out she attacks you aggressively meaning that you need to put this shady operation out of business for good and there we go my friends those are eight video game characters that were hiding terrible secrets i hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as always i've been joolzing go chat to me over on twitter at retroj with a0 or you can swing by live and let's dice that's where i do all of my streaming warhammer content and other board game related stuff so if you want to check that out i'd love to see you over there but before i go i just want to say one thing i hope that you are treating yourself well my friend you shouldn't hold on to secrets if you feel like you want to share your personal stuff with friends family and professionals in the support industry because these people care about you and want you to do well your mental health should not be a secret you should be able to freely speak about your problems the good things and the bad with people who you trust and care about alright so go out there be a massive ledge like i know you already are be kind to yourself because you bloody well deserve it and i'll see you next week alright catch you later guys bye
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 159,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dh1ZupWuAvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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