8 Tiny Video Game Enemies That OBLITERATED You

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pew hello all of you beautiful little demons Jules here for whatcoach.com back again with another episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted Choose Your Own Adventure the weekly Medieval theme format where I the crown jewels of whatculture.com take a list chosen by you yes you the person who has two pieces of information here the first is did not know that those peanuts scented pretzel bites that I was showing off in a previous video didn't know that they come in chocolate versions they don't sell them here in the UK I'm kind of glad about that though I do not need that my heart was already like palpitating just thinking about them but thank you very much for letting me know that they exist and also you may hear like a sneezing noise occasionally throughout this video it's because I got a new air freshener and it scares the bejesus out of me each and every time that it goes off you're welcome yes you get to decide what list I doll out to you each and every week and this week we have none other to thank them Ty Hanson 9152 when their suggestion for tiny video game enemies that pack the biggest punch and they say that sometimes big things come in small packages and while of course this naturally refers to the ability to stuff a foot long Subway sandwich into your Street Sharks themed lunchbox uh tools that's not what it means what do you mean what do you mean that that's not what the saying means it's a sex thing because when it comes to video games it can imply that there's a Powerhouse character a smaller stature that should never ever be underestimated take Little Mac for example who while being a good couple of feet shorter than his opponents routinely lifts them off their own with his powerful uppercuts or Clank who will bamboozle opponents far larger than himself with his cunning and gadgets but what about the other side of the coin of the enemies no higher than your knee who were still able to bite your kneecaps off in short order well let's take a look at them today as I'm Jules this is what coach.com and these are eight tiny video game enemies who obliterated you and you know their drill by now say hi to me here in the live chat and put your suggestions for next week's episode down in the comment section below but with that in mind let's get on with this shall we 8. the goddamn imps from Elden ring damn wait you got there Dan oh oh stamps from Elden ring two seconds mate these enemies [Music] imp seriously even though there are far tougher enemies in Elden ring even in the opening sections of lim grave these imps that can be found within the catacombs and dungeons of this outstanding title were and sometimes still are the bane of my bloody existence they are just the perfect storm of awful in that they're able to dish out punishment from afar with projectiles and up close with a flurry of attack sure to take new players by surprise and speaking of surprises I hope that you liked having these little bastards drop down behind you from their hiding spots and being stabbed right to betwixty thy cheeks because that is going to happen a lot now to be fair the imps don't have that much health and once you start attacking them they fold quicker than a house of cards on an active fault line but still the amount of times that I saw a blade emerge from between my rib cage and just go hang on a minute that wasn't there before it were too many to count seriously I died way too many times against these God damn imps number 7. crawlers dead space 2. from the moment that you enter the nursery section in Dead Space 2 a shiver likely went down your clarkian illuminated spine because you knew you just knew that there was going to be some f'd up enemies coming over the horizon and of course this being the outstanding sequel to the original horror classic Dead Space 2 did not disappoint as the crawler enemies were absolutely horrifying in every way imaginable now firstly the idea of fighting babies and toddlers assimilated by the Necromorphs is one that will likely chill your soul and as parents to newborns will attest the experience of fending off a screaming mass of Limbs and goopy poopy viscera is all too bloody real except here the demon baby isn't going to be calmed down by putting on some I don't know like poor Patrol and giving it a pint of Mother's Milk I'm just thinking of like a baby as a geezer like Ross Kemper as a baby all right mate all right mate passes the boob in fact the only thing that's going to be going down for a nap is you should you get too close to this horror show as the crawler will explode taking everything out around it in a flashy detonation if you were on the fence about having kids yourself or adopting this may well push you definitively definitively let's just rewind that bit shall we definitively down one side I know that Dan's Gonna Keep that taken even if I do another one that's the one that's going in number 6. squiggs Space Marine now being a warrior for the Emperor of mankind sure is a bit of a rough gig I mean to The Outsider looking in it all seems rainbow rhythms and thunder hammers a glorious Cavalcade of Smashing evil in the face and basking in the warm gooey glow that is glory and Renown but in reality though it's a rather different story not only is war a constant threat to the point that you only likely get about 30 minutes a day to not be shooting things in the face constantly which let's face it you're probably using to say Thank you Mr Ram thank you Mr Emperor a million times over but your suit likely stinks to high heaven thanks to all the rotten xenos alien bits that have splashed inside your collar and there's also the fair old chance that your moment of Glory will be cut short thanks to a weird Pig mushroom that's now strapped to the gills with TNT and is charging towards you yeah I know that sounds like an odd way to die but such is the world of Warhammer 40K because the aforementioned Pig mushrooms well they're known as squigs and as a 40K orc player they are my best friend but when I'm playing Space Marine they are my worst dealing massive damage because I mean what else would you expect from a literal Wily coyote level of Acme devices strapped to its back these squigs will routinely catch you off guard thanks to having to deal with the literal green tides of Orcs at nearly every turn therefore you will die to these tiny little things again and again and again and again cool number five the jelly bully cuphead now in all honesty you might be scratching your head as to what the heck the jelly bully enemy even was in cuphead and may therefore draw the conclusion that it can't be that big of a deal seeing as you'd likely remember a particularly nasty enemy in the particularly amazing cuphead video game right well just because it didn't kill you does not mean that it wasn't a massive headache for a ton of players who were in the wrong place at definitely the wrong time the place Sugarland shimmy and the time well whenever you veered off over to the right hand side of the screen during the opening section of the boss battle if you find yourself trapped in the corner desperately trying to fend off these less than sweet mini bosses well you've got to pay attention to the lower right of the screen as it's here that the jelly bullies will declare war on your teeth by trying to kick them down your throat with their sugary boots thanks to their tiny size random spawn time oh yeah and the fact that you're fighting other bosses at the same time the jelly bully can definitely catch you off guard remember in this game you only have a handful of hits at best so when it comes along and bashes you well you may die to something that is about well literally being sized number four the jockey the Left for Dead franchise it's so funny how the Left for Dead franchises managed to create this kind of pavlovian call and response relationship with its player base through sound alone the range of cries and moans from players depend on which audio cue is fed to them right before a special infected launches its attacks and it's here that I'm going to ask my lovely and beautiful assistant Dan to help demonstrate this because I'm gonna say a name of the special infected and you'll be able to see the range of emotions and noises that come out of him as a result so for example if I mention the witch foreign come on ah yes CC he's reacting to the witch there very nicely because he knows that obviously the witch has just spawned in in his likely going to be in the one bloody door that he needs to go through but let's move on to uh the tank oh [ __ ] yes because here he's realized that um the tank is just gonna ruin every best late plan that he's put into motion uh and we'll finish things off with the Boomer [Music] okay now that's just gross yes because I'm because he's disgusting and lives exclusively on Facebook Boomer joke yet of all the special infected there is truly one that will inspire pure cries of our absolutely [ __ ] off mate each and every time without fail and that is the bloody jockey because you know what this horrible Critter absolutely sucks now it's bad enough to be pinned down by the likes of a hunter or hung out to dry by the smoker but at least that's in a fixed position where your team can pinpoint your cries and get you back on your feet the jockey however well it doesn't play by your dang rules and will jump on your back like Yoda from The Empire Strikes Back and yell this is why you fail as he leads you into a pack of other infected or of a bloody ledge to your doom and even worse is when these lumpy little dicks are piloted by other players in the versus mode as here with expert knowledge of the map and a whole extra dose of troll juice these jockeys will lead you not simply to your deaths but also into choke points for other attacks or just on a merry ride all the way back to the starting spawn area to really drive home how utterly screwed you are cheers mate I love that I'm definitely speaking from personal experience in fact it was only about three weeks ago that this happened to me all the way back to the starting area before I died oh lovely what a time to be alive 3. facehuggers the alien franchise now while one might immediately think of the much larger double-mouthed horror that is the xenomorph when the words obliterated and alien franchise are mentioned there is another equally deadly opponent found within this library of games that is made even worse by the fact that it is absolutely tiny I'm speaking of course about the facehuggers the most uh friendly of the horrors found within the alien video games and I use that term very Loosely seeing as they see your warm squishy body is the perfect gestation pod for their eggs you can imagine them just going on like a date can't you just sitting across you from a restaurant and you're just there like there's something a bit odd about you but I'm not a shallow person I can look past your personality seems very nice you're very keen though you're very very keen maybe calm down maybe calm down mate now as a well-armed and disciplined Marine with a badass attitude you're gonna look at these wispy enemies and think to yourself I am going to utterly obliterate you but the problem is is that they're quite quick and hard to pin down even with concentrated fire and not helping matters is the fact that they're very rarely operating alone and you're more than likely fighting them in poorly lit conditions with a ton of obstacles for them to hide behind so it's not all that surprising to find yourself on the receiving end of this very firm handshake and you know what that means it's an instant game over in many games how rough is that to receive such an Almighty slap in the chops that your Marine Keels over and dies but actually special shout out to Alien Resurrection in this department because while your hero would seemingly survive this attack a small countdown timer appears in the top left-hand corner and if you can't rid yourself of the parasite in time a chest burster will enact its namesake and burst through your rib cage like an eager drama student on the opening night through the curtains you just oh you'll do so well I remember him from Othello number two cucko's The Legend of Zelda franchise surely these cannot kill you these words were mentioned by myself to Scott Telford whilst I was researching this list because even though I'm a well-versed and well aware of the cuckoo Revenge Squad that appears numerous times in The Legend of Zelda franchise I was not actually aware of how much these things absolutely are capable of kicking your ass I just thought that they would harangue you and that they'd just go away I completely repressed that memory of them as a kid because I know it happened to me but I've literally shut it out of my life that's worrying however with a malevolent smile Scott linked me to video after video of players getting absolutely scarred and feathered by these winged beasts after instigating the Revenge Squad to descend on their position now they're so unassuming that one would never expect these guys to flock you up so badly but if you mess with these chicks then you're gonna be left with more than just egg on your face as it will likely be joined by pieces of your own spine and organs long story short just leave them alone their own bloody well-being and number one the black rabbite Trials of Manor now if there's one Salient piece of advice that I can ever give you the viewer It is Well aside from shave your head if you start going really bold on top because a horseshoe look it's never in and also fear the bunny ever since Monty Python's Holy Grail explored the idea of killer rabbits the concept of fluffy little deathbringers has cropped up again and again in video games from Fallout directly referencing this sequence through to Shadow Warrior punishing players who attacked bunnies around their various stages with a demon rabbit that would chew through you like lettuce there have been enough raving rabbits to put even ubisoft's favorite Sons to shame side note the raving rabbits for taking rayman's Spotlight said my piece I've said my peace you know you agree with me yet never have I ever had my ego cut down to size quicker than through my short short battle with the black rabbite who was hidden as a secret boss in the underrated Trials of Mana video game as the player explores some already dangerous dungeons in a side room you'll be ambushed by this Critter now seeing as at the start of the game you're able to obliterate rabbis just by casting a shadow their way he would expect this fight to be over in seconds and you'd definitely be right except it'll be you that's taking the dirt nap you see this black rabbite is the highest level an enemy can be and also has the ability to summon level 99 demons meaning that if its bite wasn't enough to shrivel you entirely the kicking his mates are gonna Dola will definitely do the trick this is one Bad Bunny that you should definitely stay away from and there we go my friends those were eight tiny video game enemies that utterly obliterated you I hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as well as your suggestions for next week's episode as well if you want to follow myself or Dan Duggins over on the social medias you can find us here at retro J with a zero for myself and Dan's numerous numerous social medias things here she's probably only put up the one if you might not even better you might have put up any of them but before I go I just want to say one thing consider this a tiny little nugget of wisdom that will hopefully help you obliterate a bad mood or just allow you to go off and live a healthy and happy life which at the end of the day is all I want for you and that is just yourself mate just be kind to yourself because you deserve the best things in life like love happiness and success we all do as human beings and don't beat yourself up for mistakes that you've made in the past we're all human we make mistakes just forgive yourself try and move on and remember you are a massive ledge alright as always I've been Jules you have been awesome never forget that I'll speak to you soon bye and where do I get those chocolate covered pretzel things
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 84,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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