8 Things That Emotionally Hurt Your German Shepherd

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German Shepherds are intelligent sociable and energetic dogs that need a lot of affection stimulation and care to remain healthy and happy these dogs emotional well-being and behavior can suffer as a result of specific events and circumstances though in this video we'll look at eight things that might emotionally hurt German Shepherds in order to provide these dogs the care they require to thrive it is essential to understand what can emotionally hurt them let's get started number one sudden disappearance of a trusted person or Companion Animal German Shepherds may experience emotional trauma when a Dependable person or pet suddenly disappears these dogs are extremely social animals that develop close relationships with their human families and other animals German Shepherds may suffer a sense of Sorrow perplexity and abandonment when a beloved family member or pet abruptly departs from their lives depression separation anxiety and other behavioral problems May emerge from this number two change of routine or environment for German shepherds a change in routine or environment might be upsetting because these dogs thrive on predictability and consistency abrupt changes may make them feel uneasy and Confused negative behaviors like barking chewing or even hostility may result from this German Shepherds can adjust to changes more easily if they are introduced gradually and given lots of affection care and confidence they can get used to their new environment if you create a new routine and give them plenty of mental and physical stimulation keeping familiar toys or objects in their new setting might also provide them a sense of security and comfort number three unpredictable or inconsistent behavior from their Human family German Shepherds may become confused and emotionally disturbed by their Human family members inconsistent or unpredictable conduct because these dogs depend on their Human family for direction and structure they can get uneasy and uncomfortable when their behavior is erratic or unpredictable anxiety fear and behavioral issues like violence or destructive conduct might result from this German Shepherds May develop trust with their human families and learn what is expected of them with consistent training and good reinforcement German Shepherds can behave well when kept in a steady predictable setting with defined rules and boundaries this can give them a sense of security and self-confidence number four ignoring or neglecting them a German Shepherd can suffer major emotional repercussions from being neglected or ignored these docs are very social creatures who enjoy receiving love and attention from their human families they may experience feelings of Despair depression and anxiety when they are ignored or neglected because they may come to believe that they are unloved unimportant and undesired German Shepherds can become destructive or exhibit behavioral issues when left alone for extended periods of time without the right mental and physical activity it's critical to give German Shepherds the love and care they require because neglecting them can have a long-term negative impact on their health and behavior number five lack of socialization or interaction with other dogs or people the emotional health of German Shepherds might suffer from a lack of socialization or interaction with other animals or people these dogs are extremely sociable and want for companionship with both their Human family and other canines lack of social interaction can make them lonely bored and worried which can result in aggressive or harmful conduct German Shepherds can benefit from regular mental and physical activity socializing with other dogs and people and other forms of stimulation number six physical or medical neglect neglecting to provide German Shepherds with Veterinary treatment for example can have substantial and long lasting effects on their emotional and physical health German Shepherds can become afraid anxious and aggressive when they are in pain or have a medical issue neglecting a dog's medical needs can result in serious potentially fatal conditions as as well as a great deal of emotional pain for the animal regular Veterinary examinations vaccines and early medical attention are essential for maintaining the physical and mental health of German shepherds number seven exposure to loud noises or stressful situations German Shepherds may experience mental distress if they are exposed to loud noises or stressful situations due to their Keen hearing these dogs may experience fear or anxiety when exposed to loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms negative actions like barking shivering or hiding may result from this fear when German Shepherds are exposed to loud or stressful situations it might be helpful to give them a safe peaceful surroundings as well as lots of love care and Assurance positive reinforcement lots of treats and gradual exposure to loud noises can also help them gain confidence and lessen Their Fear number eight lack of exercise or stimulation for German shepherds a lack of activity or stimulation can be emotionally detrimental due to their high levels of activity and intelligence these stocks require a lot of mental and physical stimulation to remain healthy in content lack of exercise might cause them to become Restless disruptive or even manifest behavioral issues as a result they may become frustrated or anxious and act out or become aggressive daily exercise and social activities like fetch games training sessions and long walks can assist German Shepherds burn off excess energy and maintain emotional well-being failure to do so may have detrimental effects on their conduct and well-being the bottom line is German Shepherd's emotional health depends on their owners giving them the love care and attention they require owners may help keep their German Shepherds happy healthy and well-behaved by avoiding the things that can emotionally hurt them and by getting them enough of exercise training and social activities if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and if you have any questions feel free to comment down below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one
Channel: The Cagdot
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Keywords: things that emotionally hurt your german shepherd, things that hurt your german shepherd, things that hurt your gsd, never do to your german shepherd, german shepherd training, german shepherds, gsd, german shepherd dogs, never do to german shepherd, owning a german shepherd, german shepherd grooming, german shepherd exercise, german shepherd food, german shepherd puppies, never do this to your dog, all about german shepherds, german shepherd dog
Id: 39MsUkT1KJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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