8 SEO Tips to Rank Your Business for Hundreds of Keywords in 2023

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according to my favorite seo tool ahrefs the website of these criminal attorneys based in cincinnati ranks for over 10 000 organic keywords if they had to pay for this traffic through pay-per-click advertising it would cost them an estimated thousand dollars every month this pest control company located in phoenix also ranks for ten thousand organic keywords which is saving them a whopping thirty five thousand dollars in advertising costs while this dentist operating in miami is smashing it with 12 and a half thousand ranked organic keywords which would cost six and a half thousand dollars monthly if you think there is no way your business can rank for hundreds if not thousands of keywords like these guys think again one of my favorite clients who is an electrician based in london currently ranks for 3 000 keywords with a website i built for him from scratch if he had to pay for the organic traffic he is getting today it would cost him an estimated fourteen thousand dollars monthly in today's video i'm going to share with you eight seo tips you can apply to achieve similar results and save yourself tons of money in the process seo tip number one create detailed pages the one thing all these businesses i have mentioned in the introduction of this video have in common is the pages they have created on their website each and every one of them has put together individual detailed pages for the services they provide let's look at the pest control business in phoenix for example there is a single page available for the most popular services accessible by the main navigation bar but have also built pages for every other service this means they are able to target specific terms they want to rank for with each page separately for example if i check their rats and mice control page in my seo tool this page alone ranks for 282 organic keywords and if i look at the breakdown of these keywords you can see that not only they are very relevant but also rank very high which i'm sure is driving a lot of qualified leads to this business they wouldn't be able to achieve this kind of result without this page in comparison here is another pest control company also located in phoenix which has taken a more simplistic approach and only built a home page an about us page and a contactors page if i check how well they rank and for how many keywords the results speak for themselves only 23. so whatever vertical you're in make sure you create individual pages for everything you have to offer seo tip number two go to tan with internal linking once you've created and published your pages on your website you need to help them rank one of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is to use internal links if you're new to seo and i'm not sure what an internal link is here is a brief explanation an internal link is any link from one page on your website to another page on your website it can be a link from your main navigation bar your website footer but also within the content of your pages these are known as contextual links these links help your visitors find related content on your site but will also be used by google to find and index your pages the more internal links you have pointing to a given page the more important that page becomes in the eyes of search engines and the more value it is given to it you can even match your internal link anchor text with the exact keyword you are targeting to provide google with more context and help the page you link to rank higher for the service you provide google even recommends you do this in its search engine optimization starter guide for example the miami dentist that ranks for 12 and a half thousand keywords uses this strategy extensively across all of his pages which i'm sure helps him a great deal to rank for lots of keyword in search engines so if you're not using internal links yet on your website make sure you do include them everywhere you think might be relevant it will help enormously before i jump to the next step i would be grateful if you could press the like button on this video as it helps grow my channel so i can continue providing you with more content enough said seo tip number three get external links too while internal links play an important part in how well your website ranks external links will also add value to your pages and contribute a great deal to increasing your online visibility external links as opposed to internal links are links pointing to pages on your website from other websites here is an example still for our miami dentist which has links from a couple of external websites pointing directly to his dental implant service page in most cases ninety percent of external links your website will get will point to your home page because website owners tend to link to other websites using their generic web address instead of a particular page while this will help you rank for the keyword you are targeting via your home page it's important you work on getting external links pointing to your service pages too if you want to rank for those services as well unfortunately external links can be tricky to get the best way of getting other website owners to link to pages other than your homepage is to create content pages that are interesting enough to encourage other website owners to naturally link to them here is the perfect example for a log and timber home designer located in wisconsin whose log and timber home packages page is compelling enough that it has attracted 559 external links altogether seo tip number four leverage your homepage authority your homepage is the most valuable page of your entire website for two reasons a more often than not it is the most visited page b it's also the most powerful page of your website as a large number of internal and external links will be pointing to it this gives it a ton of value also known as authority this value and authority that google attributes to your homepage based on the links pointing to it can be shared to other pages across your site by linking out to them for example the blog posts that are linked to from the home page of my website will inherit a lot more value than if they were linked to from a category page these blog posts are likely to rank higher in search engines just because of it this is obviously not limited to blog post articles you can apply this concept to any type of content including your service pages here is a typical example on the home page of a former client of mine a carpet cleaner where i listed all of his services on the homepage of his website and included a link back to each individual page note i also recommend you add a short description for each service to provide some context as google will be looking at this too finally remember seo tip number two make sure you match the anchor text with the keyword you are targeting so here instead of saying just more info it could say more onward cleaning or simply rug cleaning and so on seo tip number five make the most of your google business profile categories one of the most common oversight i come across when i audit small businesses google profiles is missing business categories when you initially set up your profile you all had to choose a category to describe your business this helps you be found by customers who search for the products or services that you offer in google this is also known as your primary category while your primary category is extremely influential in ranking your business on google a lot of you are unaware they can also add secondary categories to their profile when you create detailed pages for all your services on your website you might find that matching categories exists for them on google which you can add to your google business profile look at the example of this pressure washing company called park cities power wash located in dallas they have selected pressure washing service as their primary category but unlike some of their competitors haven't added secondary categories maybe they don't offer any other services but when i check their website i can see they actually do for instance they do provide commercial cleaning and gutter cleaning services both of which are categories which are available on google while secondary categories are not as powerful as primary categories they do play an important part in ranking your google listing in map results especially if there is matching content on your website in this case this business didn't create dedicated service pages for all of their services and didn't add matching secondary categories to their google business profile either two missed opportunities that can so easily be fixed if you find that you need to add secondary categories to your listing log into the google account associated with your google business profile search for your business name you should see an option to edit your profile just click on it click on business information then click on the pencil icon next to the category option and add the relevant categories seo tip number six use google reviews to your advantage a few weeks ago i published a video to help you guys optimize your google business profile so your listing can be found in the google map pack in the video i went through the most important ranking factors you need to consider one of which is keywords your customers use in your google reviews in a nutshell when your customers write a review that includes keywords you're trying to rank for you're more likely to rank in google search results for those keywords pretty cool right so if you want to improve the rankings of your newly created service pages guess what you need to do encourage your customers to add the keywords you are targeting as part of their reviews our pest control business located in phoenix for example seems to have tons of relevant keywords in his customers reviews which i'm sure is helping him a lot to rank for his services i know what you're going to say i can't tell my customers what to write of course not but nobody stops you from making suggestions i'm not sure which strategy you use when asking for reviews but if you send your customers an email just make a few suggestions about what they can write such as what service or product they use or if anybody help them out and so on i have a free template you can use which is downloadable from the description below seo tip number seven is it working so you've created dedicated pages for your services rolled out some internal links managed to get some external links pointing to your pages as well and leveraged the power of your home page your google business categories match your content and services and customers have started including relevant keywords in their reviews so now what well if you've done everything correctly your phone should be ringing a lot more than it used to if it doesn't you've probably missed something so i suggest you go through this list again remember seo is not an exact science and you'll all be moving at different paces your page rankings may be moving in the right direction but not as fast as you want them to to find out if your efforts are paying off i suggest you log into your google search console if you have installed it that is and monitor the performance of your newly created pages to find out if they have started to rank for some of your targeted keywords this should be a good indicator you haven't wasted your time you might just need to wait a little while longer pay attention to your analytics too if you start ranking for more keywords you should see an uplift in the number of visits to your site and the newly created pages alternatively if you have the budget subscribe to a tool like ahrefs which will pick up on the progress of your site and the number of keywords you rank for regularly seo tip number eight don't set and forget optimizing your content to rank higher and for more keywords so you can attract more customers shouldn't be a one-off exercise if you followed all the steps i have described throughout this video you will achieve great results but don't rest on your laurels continue working on your pages regularly by adding more relevant content such as recent images you've taken on a job frequently asked questions your most recent customer testimonials and if you can some videos all of this will help create very rich pages full of relevant keywords and will also be extremely useful to your visitors add even more pages to your website to target niche keywords for example if you're a plumber creating a detailed page for boiler repair is great but consider writing additional pages to talk about specific boiler brands since people will be searching for them too if you are disciplined and stick to this process it is just a matter of time before your site starts ranking for hundreds of keywords that's it for today guys as always i hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and to subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and until next time happy marketing [Music]
Channel: Ranking Academy
Views: 27,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo, seo tutorial, seo tutorial for beginners, search engine optimization, seo training, seo tips, seo marketing, seo ranking, website seo, seo techniques, seo strategy 2022, seo in 2022, how to seo, seo top google, local seo, local seo tips, local seo tutorial, ranking on google, website ranking on google, seo ranking on google, ranking high on google, google business ranking, google my business seo, local seo 2023, seo 2023
Id: zmCD_sXsA8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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