7 SEO TOOLS I USE DAILY to rank Local Businesses N#1 on Google Maps in 2022!

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without using the right seo tools i wouldn't have been able to rank these clients in the top spot of google maps today i'm going to share with you the seven seo tools i personally use daily to achieve these results so you can use them too and dominate your competition tool number one google analytics google analytics is an indispensable tool for any small business owner running a website it provides valuable data about your visitors activity and allows you to improve your visibility in search engines as a result for example within a few clicks you can find out how much organic traffic your website is getting and if the number of visitors is growing over time you can zoom in on which search engines your organic traffic is coming from and even track the activity that is coming straight from your google business profile additionally you have the ability to set up goals and measure precisely what kind of actions people are taking once on your website such as filling in a form calling you and more understanding this data is key if you want to measure whether your seo marketing efforts are paying off or not for this client for example i can see his website triggered 79 phone calls in the last month which is a critical piece of information want to know what the most popular pages of your websites are no problem you're only one click away are these pages working hard enough for you and encouraging clients to call you easy look at the conversion want to see what path people are following once they land on your site no problem use the predefined exploration report templates there is so much more you can do with google analytics that if i had to recommend only one tool to any business owner who runs a website this would be the one if you are completely new to it and don't know where to start i recommend you watch my video google analytics for tutorial ultimate beginner's guide google analytics is also completely free so you have no excuse let's move on to tool number two tool number two google search console google search console is another really powerful tool provided by the google family which strangely is widely underused by the majority of business owners i speak to most of them don't even know what it is for those of you who don't know google search console is a free service that can help monitor and troubleshoot your site's appearance in search results but can also be used as a potent seo tool you'll initially need to set it up which is fairly straightforward if you follow the instructions once setup is complete you'll have access to a dashboard that provides various reports which will help you measure your site's search traffic and performance as well as fix issues all of which will contribute to better visibility for example you can quickly find popular keywords that are triggering your website to appear in search results but don't rank high enough to drive significant traffic let me show you how on the left hand side menu click on performance this will display the number of clicks your website received over the selected period here which you can change and the number of time your site appears in search results clicking on the other two tabs will display the average click-through rate of your site overall as well as the average position of the keywords that are driving traffic to your site scrolling down will reveal the breakdown of that information in the form of a table which you can filter through using the filter raw option right here select the position option and from the drop down right here use greater than as a criteria since most websites receive their traffic from keywords that rank in position one to five select five as a number then reorder the position column this will show you the keywords your website ranks for below position five all you need to do now is to find out which keywords have the most impressions and optimize your site accordingly jumping one or two positions will make a significant difference there are tons of other useful information you can get from search console to improve your visibility in google search results but to be honest it would warrant an entire video in itself let me know in the comments below if this is something you might be interested to see note that search console is only measuring the performance of your site in what i would call classic google search results and doesn't include the performance of your google business profile listing for this you're going to need to look at another tool tool number three google business profile insights google business profile insights is yet another google tool which is also free and part of your google business suite this tool gives you an inside look at how people find your google business profile on google search and google maps the focus of these reports is to help you understand how searchers find your listing and what they do once they have found it to quickly access your insights reports go to google.com and login to the google account associated with your business profile in the google search bar enter your business name you should now see information related to your listing only you can see under your business on google click on the blue link that shows the number of views your listing has received this month this will open the google insight report from there you can find out how visitors interacted with your listing how many calls you've received messages bookings directions to your business the number of visitors who clicked through to your site the type of devices they were using and which keywords they have used to trigger your listing and search which you can expand further you can look at the data over a six month period or less if you wish if you ramp up your local seo marketing activity you should be able to see if it's paying off through these reports using these three tools alone should be more than enough for any business owner to drastically improve their business performance in google search and google maps at zero cost i personally use them all the time and find them invaluable but if you want to take your local seo game to another level i recommend you use some of these too tool number four bright local bright local is an all-in-one tool specifically designed to help local business owners improve their online presence with bright local you can check how well your website is ranking in google local search results if your google business profile is included in the map pack results and how well it is ranking on google maps although i personally only use it to track the visibility of my clients businesses on google you can track your performance in other popular search engines too such as bing or yahoo additionally bright local will also monitor your business citations automatically and flag the ones that contain errors so you can easily fix them there is a reputation manager as part of the toolset that will track your online reviews which is a key component to the success of your business you can connect bright local with other tools such as your google analytics account your google business profile and some of your social media accounts so you can see all the data at a glance in one dashboard brightlocal recently launched what they call their local search grid which is an awesome addition to their tool set using the search grade you can visualize the share of search visibility of your google business profile across google maps for your most important keywords the search grid will also include a breakdown of your competitors and the most important factors that influence rankings so you can easily identify gaps and make necessary adjustments to beat them and track your progress over time i really love this tool and use it all the time although bright local is not free i believe it is a worthy investment for any local business owner who want to dominate their local market at 29 per month for a single business it is an absolute bargain for more information you can click on the link in the description below let's move on to another one of my favorite tools tool number five gmb everywhere gmb everywhere is a nifty google chrome extension that enables you to spy on your competitors google listings and find out what they are up to for example with gmb everywhere you can find out what business categories your competitors are using and see if they apply to your business so you can add them to your very own listing since business categories are a key ranking factor this is extremely useful want to find out if your competitors are working on their reputation so you don't fall behind easy run a review audit it will show you if they are working hard on getting more reviews and what their average review rating is both of which contribute to better visibility on google maps you can even see a breakdown of the keyword frequency being used in reviews which also plays a part in getting higher rankings are your competitors actively posting on their profiles find out using a post audit which will reveal how active they are in that area you can gather even more information using the basic audit which will provide useful links you can explore to improve your listing and finally if you want to find out where your listing ranks in a particular location you're interested on reaching you can simulate it using the teleport functionality for example let's say i own this plumbing business and i want to find out if my listing ranks in a nearby area all i need to do is click on the teleport option type the keyword i want to check ranking for in the search box then click on the location on the map where i want to check if my listing ranks and then click on teleport me here it will show me where my listing ranks on the maps when someone searches for this particular keyword at that precise location which is in case is number three and who is ranking above me pretty neat right all i need to do is check out my competitors and outdo them so i can climb up the rankings to install the extension just click on the link in the description below and click on the install chrome extension button once you've completed the installation go to google maps and search for any local business within a few seconds you should see the options i've just described being overlaid on all the results with gmb everywhere you can get information about google business profiles that once upon a time would have taken hours to get i love it and constantly use it to help clients improve their visibility gmb everywhere is a freemium product that allows you to run five free audits per month if you want to try it remember the link is in the description below tool number six ahrefs this is one of the most popular tools amongst the seo community ahrefs is a powerful seo suite that contains tools for keyword research competitor analysis backlink building and more it's a great way to instantly observe seo changes and stay ahead of the competition within just a few clicks you can find out how strong a website is what keywords your competitors are ranking for with what kind of page and where they are getting their links from let's say i'm a plumber for example and one of my competitors is this fd plumbing and heating company all i need to do is copy and paste their website link in ahrefs and voila i can now see how many links are pointing to this site how many keywords they rank for the estimated organic traffic they receive and more to find out the breakdown of any of the data points you just need to click on it for example if i click on the keyword link i will have access to all the keywords this website is ranking for the ranking position for them in google and with web page this is extremely useful if you need to understand what your competitors are up to and how to beat them at their own game with ahrefs you can also do website audits that will help you fix technical issues with your site conduct keyword research and find inspiration to create content that ranks in google unfortunately ahrefs doesn't include google maps data which i think is a big miss it's also on the pricey side with the cheapest plan starting at 99 per month still there are tons of other functionalities that makes ahref a very valuable tool to have in your arsenal moving on to the final tool in my list tool number seven writer dot me this is a new kid on the block in my toolbox writer dot me is an ai writing tool that you guessed it helps write content with writer.me you can create pretty much anything and everything content related quickly and easily from blog articles social media posts product descriptions landing pages and more writer.me will save you tons of time with your content creation process as a matter of fact i have been using it quite a lot to write the content of this video using writer.me is very simple just choose the content type you want to create specify the tone of voice in which you want the content to be written set the keyword or topic you want to target the number of variants and the creativity level then click on write for me within seconds writer will produce some unique content based on your settings if you're not happy with the outcome simply click on write more you can improve and expand the content that is being produced by selecting part of it and using the toolbar that appears above your selection there is also the option to create seo meta titles for your pages as well as meta descriptions i have to say although you will still need to review the content and correct some of it manually i was astonished by the quality of what writer is able to produce i had used content writer tools before and the results were terrible this is definitely a game changer and also very versatile if you're struggling to produce content and suffer from writer's block i suggest you give writer a go using their free plan i have put a link in the description below that's it for today guys hope this is useful let me know in the comments below don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel and until next time happy marketing [Music] you
Channel: Ranking Academy
Views: 33,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo tools, free seo tools, best seo tools, seo tools for ranking website, seo free tools, free seo tools for website, cheap seo tools, best seo tools for website, best free seo tools, on page seo tools, seo tools 2022, free seo tools for blogger, free seo tools for beginners, group seo tools, tools for seo, cheapest seo tools
Id: jTtEamr2ems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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