How to Crush Any Cold Calling Objection

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If you're making cold calls (motivating music) or you're making any type of prospecting call, chances are you're dealing with a lot of objections. You're going to get a lot of resistance and that's okay. That's part of making dials. That's part of prospecting calls. Because let's just put yourself in the shoes of your prospect. They receive a phone call from a stranger that they don't know, obviously, they're going to push back. They're going to have objections. They're going to try to get off the phone. But, successful salespeople aren't afraid of that. Successful salespeople, in fact, embrace the objections that are coming their way and they're prepared for it. So in this video I'm going to show you how to crush any cold calling objection. Check it out. (light music) Number One- Have a call script to avoid objections in the first place. This is a really important idea because even though it's not dealing with objections per se, it's allowing you to avoid objections in the first place. And so, here's the thing is that a weak call script is going to get a lot more objections than an effective call script. That means that you want to have a strong call script and it's good and it's tight and it's not full of meandering, ums and ahs, where you're trying to make out what you're saying next. You need to have a script in place because half of salespeople are just making calls without any idea of what they're going to say when they get that person on the call. And so as a result, they just mumble on and the prospect is like, how do I get myself the hell off this call? So, having a strong call script in the first place is going to do a lot to actually help you avoid objections in the first place. Number Two- Know what's coming, when because a prospecting call is a pretty short engagement with a prospect. You know, it's only a couple of minutes in most cases, it can go on, but typically it's a couple of minutes and most of the objections are going to come up early on in the call. So it's very structured and there's a lot of predictability to what's going to happen on that call. In fact, realistically, when we are having our clients script out their prospecting calls, there's only a couple of obvious areas where they're going to get a lot of pushback. Obviously, the very beginning of the call you're going to have some very likely objections. So, an example of knowing what's coming, when. A very common objection early on is the prospect answers the phone, sales person says a few things and then the prospect determines that it's likely a salesperson and they're like, Hey, you know what? This isn't a good time. I really can't take this call right now. Could you try me back later? That's a really likely scenario. And so, by knowing what's coming, when, you are going to be ready for those objections. And so, you really want to map out what are the most likely areas that you're going to get that pushback. And so, if you've made prospecting calls before you know where they come, right? They tend to come at the beginning, sometimes in the middle and then very often at the end, when you go to try to schedule a next step. And so, knowing where they're coming and when they're coming and exactly what's likely to come, now you can be prepared. Number Three- Script out contingencies. And so, now that you know what are the key objections that are coming, now it's time to actually script out the biggest contingencies. And so, a contingency is simply that rebuttal to the very common objections. So, actually dealing with objections on prospecting calls is very different than dealing with objections when you're going to close the sale or something like that. When you're talking about a prospecting call, you really can script out your contingencies in a pretty tight and concise way. The first step of any contingency is to acknowledge what they just said. So, let's take the beginning of the call. You start the call and the prospect says, you know what? This just isn't a good time. Could you try me later? The first thing that you have to do in scripting out your contingency is acknowledge what the person just said. If you just immediately come back with something hardcore, they're going to be pretty turned off. So by acknowledging what they say you might say something like, you know what? That sounds totally fair. Sounds like this isn't a good time. And so, now by acknowledging what they just said you're going to lower their guard. And so, that's a big part of actually scripting out that contingency. And then, after you've acknowledged what they said, now you want to have a way to buy just a little bit more time. With prospecting calls you're basically going 30 seconds to 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds more that you hit with a prospect, the more likely you are to be successful. So, you might say something like, you know what, George? That makes total sense. It sounds like this isn't a good time. Would it be okay if I just took 30 seconds to tell you why I called it? And if after it doesn't make sense, we could just hang up. Sound fair? That's a pretty gutsy line. But, what you're going to find is that by using something like that, that scripted out contingency, now they're like, all right, fine, 30 seconds. You got 30 seconds, go. And so now you've bought yourself that 30 seconds and you're so much more likely to make it to that next step, as opposed to just acquiescing with the prospect when they're like, this isn't a good time. And what most salespeople say is oh, okay, well, when would be a good time to try you back? And the person doesn't really want to have them call back. They're just trying to hide. They're trying to get off the damn phone. So, have those contingencies, play hardball, be assertive. Number Four- Make it a game. Now, when I first started my first business, which was a marketing business selling to small business owners, I was making a lot of dials. And what I would constantly do was make it a game, make it fun, have fun with the calls. And so, I never took what the prospect said personally. I always thought of it as if I was getting into a football game and it was a full contact sport and we were just sparring. We're just going back and forth. And by doing that, by taking the personal part out of it, it actually became a lot more fun. And so when the prospect said something and they were being tough or cranky or difficult or angry, I was instead cool as a cucumber because to me it was just a game and I was just responding to what they were saying. And I was never getting phased. By making your calls a game, even when your prospect yells at you or gets furious as a result of something, that chances are had nothing to do with you, but had probably something to do with someone else and they're just taking it out on you, by making it a game and by diffusing it a lot of times you can get opportunities back on track. Really important, make it a game. Don't take any of it personally. Number Five- Remember you have nothing to lose. When it comes to a prospect and call, if you've got a live one, right? And we've all been on a call where we get excited 'cause we just have someone with a pulse who is willing to talk to us, we start to think, oh man, this is going to be a sale. Now you start to get worried because you're like, I don't want to lose this, but you have to remember that until you actually have a check in hand, you have nothing to lose, take risks. Remember, it's just a game. There's nothing that can happen that can be so bad that's going to cause you to lose your job. You've got to remember, you have nothing to lose. And by taking that pressure off of you, it makes dealing with prospecting call objections so much easier because when you get those objections you're not thrown off by it. You're not phased. You're not taking yourself too seriously. Instead, you're just having fun because that's one of the key parts to dealing with objections in these prospecting calls is if you care just a little bit less, it's actually going to make you so much more effective. Just play with it, just roll with it. So, they say something mean. You say, oh, you know, totally fair. It sounds like this call makes no sense for you. Fair? And they're like, yeah, actually it doesn't. And you say, okay, well, you know, before I hang up, can I just ask one last question? And they're like, okay. And now you've got them back into the conversation because whatever they said, it's just bouncing off of you and you're calm, you're comfortable and you know that you have nothing to lose. So, there are how to crush any cold calling objection. (light music) And if you enjoyed this video, then I have an awesome, free training on the data-driven approach to closing more sales in today's marketplace. Just click right here to get registered instantly. Seriously, just click right here. This is an in-depth training that will help you close more sales at a higher prices, all while generating more meetings. Also, if you've got some value, please like this video below on YouTube and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking my face, it should be right about here, to get access to a new video, just like this one each week.
Channel: Sales Insights Lab by Marc Wayshak
Views: 10,276
Rating: 4.968689 out of 5
Keywords: sales, how to sell, sales strategy
Id: 8olBXWy3pbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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