8 Marvel Villains Humiliated By Hulk

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since hulk's introduction all the way back in 1962 we've seen the jade giant battle super smart villains monstrous powerhouses and even his fellow heroes a time or two and during some of those fights hulk has managed to best his rivals in ways that can only be described as comprehensive humiliating and all-out embarrassing i'm ewen you're watching what culture comics and here are eight marvel villains humiliated by hulk number eight thanos the caveat to this particular entry is that it took place in the skewed world of marvel zombies home to such lovely scenes as spider-man getting filled with sand until his stomach bursts and whatever the hell all of this is while many will remember thanos slapping hulk around with ease during the opening scene of avengers infinity war marvel zombies saw the jade giant topple his rival without even breaking a sweat i mean do zombies even sweat i don't know but the point still stands this all took place in marvel zombies 2 set 40 years after the initial marvel zombies run that saw a who's who of marvel comics is most famous and infamous names turned into shuffling undead versions of themselves here with the remaining zombies having eaten pretty much anything and everything possible on earth they then head up to the stars in search of more food with grub in short supply bickering and unrest kicks in amongst the zombie horde to the point where the zombie thanos decides to pick a fight with the zombie hulk who the zombified mad titan believes has eaten more than his fair share of flesh rather than a protracted back and forth argument or an all-out multi-panel multi-page battle for the ages here readers instead saw zombie hulk unload one of his patented thunderclaps on zombie thanos's skull squashing the mad titan's head and putting him down permanently number seven loki come on do i really need to explain what makes this moment from 2012's avengers so great hulk gets a lot of brilliant moments in the first avengers movie but him serving up a healthy dose of hulk smash on loki before brilliantly quipping lies with his puny godline has to be the best this is a moment that takes so many of the right boxes what made that first avengers picture work so well while there are clearly potentially world altering stakes at play the thrill manages to sprinkle just the right amount of humor and charming at precisely the right time number 6. the red king one way to embarrass someone is to take their most prized possession particularly if that person is an egotistical evil sort who views power and status as the end all be all of their existence that was very much the case for the red king the person who ruled the car when hulk was exiled there during the planet hulk story as a ruler angmo assan ii wasn't exactly a man of the people instead he had communities destroyed was a proponent of slavery and was so self-absorbed that he had the majority of his many children killed so that nobody would be able to step up and lay claim to his throne ever want to shake things up hulk's arrival on sakura would be the red king's ultimate downfall deciding to enslave the green goliath this rogue opted to make hogwar the many gladiators whose only purpose was to fight for the red king's amusement not only would the jade giant take umbrage with well all of this he'd go so far as to lead an uprising against the red king himself after battling and beating this foe hulk became the new king of sakaar with red king's bodyguard kyara as his wife as he is worshipped as an icon of this world by its inhabitants number five the maestro the maestro seemed like the one villain who the hulk just couldn't be a future version of the green goliath maestro has an advantage on the standard hulk on a wide variety of fronts able to simultaneously harness bruce banner's vast intelligence and the hulk's raw aggression the maestro is the survivor of a future in which the majority of the human race was wiped out by nuclear war in the fallout of that war hulk's abilities were enhanced by the radiation and caused so much death throwing a good old dose of driven insane by what he'd been through and the jade giant and his ascension to becoming the maestro made him a threat the likes of which the world of marvel comics had rarely before seen this old future version of hulk was introduced in 1991's future imperfect dark and so tyrannical was his reign but a band of rebels used a time machine of doctor dooms to bring the professor hulk of the present day towards the skewed future still old prof hulk didn't fare too well at first with the maestro snapping off his past self's neck once the regular hulk recovered maestro tried to convince his young doppelganger to join at his side after teasing such an alliance hulk managed to outsmart and outmaneuver his vastly superior self to do that hulk sent the maestro back in time to the precise moment that bruce banner was exposed to the gamma radiation that turned him into jade jaws in the first place there as the penny dropped as to where he was the maestro was evaporated number four black bolt black bolt is a character who has been a hero of marvel comics for some time but the character gets included here for a few different reasons firstly the inhumans were once featured as villains who fought mankind at the behest of magneto secondly it would later be revealed that this black bolt was a scroll and thirdly because one particular interaction black bolt had with the hulk is too great not to include here having been banished to sakara and planet hulk the jade giant was on a mission to get back to earth and that story's follow-up sale world war hulk the reason for said banishing was that the illuminati comprising of black bolt iron man doctor strange and mr fantastic at that point decided hulk was too much of a danger to remain on earth things hadn't actually worked out all that badly for the green goliath three'd eventually end up ruling sakaar and marrying kiera it was only after the pregnant kiara's death due to hulk's illuminati enforced spaceship exploding the powerhouse decided to return to earth and take his revenge one roadblock in hulk's return home was black bolt who would confront banner on the moon given how black bolt is largely a mute due to his voice being capable of literally destroying entire worlds him muttering enough in hulk's direction should have stopped the green guy in his tracks instead hulk mocked his opponent proclaiming how he wanted to hear black bold scream with that one line hulk had completely removed the rook from right underneath black bolt's feet turning the inhumans once all-powerful ability into nothing number three abomination back in 2001's always on my mind tale from paul jenkins and john romita jr hulk humiliated and tormented emil blonsky in the most painful of ways as a precursor to this moment it's at this point believed that blonsky had murdered betty ross banner the wife of bruce and the daughter of thaddeus thunderbolt ross once ross discovers the location of abomination he passes this information onto hulk after a brutal battle this fight looks set to end in the death of blonsky as an enraged jade giants delivers while the character's greatest ever beat downs while abomination knows he's toast and is about to be beaten to death he's surprised as hulk pauses his assault instead of the uncontrollable aggression of the big guy it's bruce banner who shines through at this moment rather than simply kill his rival banner hits way below the belt locking up blondsky in a cell where an old home movie of emil's deceased wife nadia declaring her love for her beau plays on a loop number two abomination number two fights between the hulk and abomination have largely ended up in hulk getting the better of his long-time rival and a battle between the two proved particularly embarrassing for abomination during the second run in the ultimates in this corner of marvel comics abomination was scientist chang glam having created a formula to make an even better version of the hulk llam did the smart move of using his research on himself of course this led to him becoming abomination a being that was supposed to be like hulk but would allow lam to retain his own smart while in his altered state thinking there was no way in the world that he could possibly lose in a fight against dumb monstrous hulk abomination saw his plan spectacularly backfire when the liberators took on the ultimates during this scrap these two behemoths locked horns in a fight that was over as soon as it began that being due to the green goliath pulling off abominations arms punching off his head and then snacking on some choice chunks of remains because it's the ultimates [Music] and number one hair clyzer does it get more embarrassing than being eaten and then pooped out by a rival no but what i would also maybe say is that being the dude who came up with this moment is maybe slightly more embarrassing yeah well anyway this was the fate that befell hair clyser in the ultimate number 13 courtesy of an extremely enraged erratic hulk established as one of the first major villains of mark miller and brian hitches the ultimates run chrysler had by that point beaten the tyre out of captain america nick fury and countless others and the regenerating shapeshifter had even survived having half of his face shut off by fury in a move of desperation cap and fury made the decision to call in their greatest weapon and thus readers got to see poor bruce banner brutally beaten by shield personnel and then thrown from a helicopter into the battlefield thankfully for banner this fall kickstarts his transformation into the hulk and he soon has hair clauser in his sights not content with just pulverizing the villain to mush the green goliath ate his foe which as detailed by banner later was quite the change of pace with someone who had spent 15 years as a vegetarian given how kleinster is such a sneaky foe who rarely stays dead hulk later um poos out the rogue said poo is then destroyed to ensure klaize would never come back that's the ultimates for you and those were eight villains humiliated by the hulk know of any other famous hulk victories where he didn't break a sweat let us know in the comments below got the video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more so you don't miss another upload going forward i've been doing my best wishes and erasing the horror of the ultimates from your eyeballs and i will see you next time bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 148,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L27aQZLSgqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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