10 Times Spider-Man Was A Real Jerk

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man that spider-man dude sure is a nice guy isn't he i mean he's just swinging around helping people out not doing anything that would make anyone say label him a great big jerk well all of that is true provided you completely ignore all the times when none of what i just said was true i'm joshuaculture.com and these are ten times spider-man was a real jerk number ten stealing a man's mcdonald's amazing spider-man number one for one if there's a one rule to live by in this here life it's this don't mess with a man's big mac just don't cross that line and you'll probably be fine well it turns out that old web head didn't get this message so kicking off with one of the pettiest entries on this list we have spidey just straight up stealing food out of some poor dude's hands to explain after some shenanigans with the spider-mobile spidey decides that he's kind of famished but doesn't want to cause panic by having the menace that is spider-man walks straight into a mcdonald's and just ask for a big mac so instead he chooses to give jameson an entire week's worth of material by just flat out stealing a meal out of a man's hands as he's walking out so that's like what 11 down the drain there if my uk pounds to dollars converter is correct so thanks a bunch i guess pete number 9 made fun of the thing carnage usa ben grimm aka the thing is one of the most lovable characters in all of marvel well that's true for everyone apart from zeb wells apparently who decided to cram in a bunch of other heroes roasting the ever-loving blue-eyed thing for no reason when he wrote the maxi series carnage usa the story which centers around spidey and pals trying to save a small town in the american heartland from carnage who's used his gross red goop to seize the minds of everyone in the town starts off with spider-man and hawkeye just viciously mocking the thing for basically no reason it isn't even good-hearted fun it's not like just a bit of banter between the lads as hawkeye outright states that he can't stand the thing the mockery is genuinely malicious on hawkeye's part and spider-man at no point ever refutes it and in fact he seems begrudgingly in agreement with it the thing is one of the best things marvel has ever created and any disrespect aimed at him shall not be tolerated in the slightest welcome to the wrong side of history spidey number eight he sold his marriage one more day this classic jerk move on the part of the web head is further down the list because circumstances did admittedly have him up against the wall and he was technically trying to do the right thing or at least some amalgamation thereof when it happened but it's still pretty cringe when the revealing of his secret identity leads to his aunt being shot by the kingpin's henchmen mephisto confronts peter with an offer to save anime with a very simple price in exchange his marriage to mary jane why he wants something as specific as their marriage is beyond me but hey i'm not the devil at least i don't think i am peter then given the choice between a future with mary jane or a future with the old woman who has basically been dying since she was introduced anywhere chooses to erase his marriage to mj good intentions aside though doing this was not just a blatant editorial mandate from marvel but in universe ungodly short-sighted on peter's part number seven invaded simcaria amazing spider-man number 26-29 a lot of people accuse a modern spider-man of being a particularly big jerk and invading a foreign country and aiding in a revolution to overthrow a rightfully elected if admittedly deeply corrupt regime would definitely be something to file in the jerk category when norman osborne flees to some carrier spidey joins up with silver sable using his funds from parker industries to bankroll them and invade the country against the us government's wishes all in order to capture him now you might think he's just trying to take down a super villain but in doing so he breaks international law by just setting foot in the country the real hilarious part about all this though is that at no point does all of his breaking of international law business really come back to bite him at least not to the extent that it did the fantastic four when they similarly invaded latveria during mark wade's run so spidey basically turned himself into a war criminal and got off scot-free number six he kissed gwen stacy's daughter since remembered gms's run on spider-man is 90 remembered fondly but that ten percent representing the back-to-back awfulness that is since past and since remembered plus the aforementioned one more day is quite the albatross around the run's neck there is so much wrong with these two stories it borders only insane but the part we're focusing on here is when peter parker crossed a particular moral line so during this story we learned that gwen stacy actually had two kids with norman osborn i know i know please hold your vomit for later because i haven't even gotten to the worst part yet so naturally trouble tends to follow these two kids around like the plague and eventually one of them sarah goes to peter for help in saving her sibling gabriel during this time though sarah finds herself attracted to peter and this is probably the point where i should explain that norman accelerated sarah and gabriel's aging process for kicks and or giggles so while they look like they're in the 20s they are both still technically 10 years old so you can imagine mary jane's surprise when she walks in on peter making out with sarah yep you may vomit now number five he stole parker industries from duck one of the most controversial concepts introduced in the divisive dance slot run of spider-man was parker industries when dock assumed spider-man's identity as the superior spider-man he decided to put the fact that him and peter were both geniuses and now they both share the same brain to good use and started up his own tech company called parker industries but of course the state is core beckons and eventually peter did get his body back from otto and when he saw the company that otto left behind for him he thought well okay mine now and so it took until nick spencer took over writing for the series for it to be pointed out how this basically makes peter a thief who stole otto's company and ideas and then took credit for them unlike most of the other entries on this list peter actually faced legit consequences for this as the aforementioned nick spencer started off his run by having peter lose his company when the secret got out number four he aired mj in aunt may yet let me repeat that he ate mj and aunt may marvel zombies the scene idea that gave birth to marvel zombies in the first place it makes sense that robert kirkman would find somewhere to work it into the actual story in one of the ultimate not cool moves in spider-man history when he gets a zombie virus that maintains his intellect but gives him an insatiable hunger for human flesh the very first place he goes is of course his home where his very delicious aunt and wife are waiting for him it doesn't take long for peter to start shouting down on his family which is frankly in my opinion anyway just not cool man like seriously spidey you're better than this hey hey dude stop knowing on your elderly aunt's spinal column and listen to me please this is not a good look eventually of course peter would start to feel really bad about all of this eating his family business when the hunker eventually went away in a few centuries time which i guess makes it all okay number three dismissing protesters amazing spider-man number 68. spider-man is supposed to be the hero of the people right he's the guy who backs up the little guy who stands up for people and even tries to find the good in the evilest of his super villain nemesis well in one issue of the amazing spider-man readers finally found where peter parker's line was and apparently it wasn't killers or octopus men but regular old protesters now it's no secret that steve ditko was a big believer in randian ideas and echoed her thoughts on student protests in this issue of the amazing spider-man where peter callously dismisses a bunch of people and their cause after walking through such a protest which the story backs him up by treating them like nothing more than a bunch of whiny spoiled kids he doesn't bother finding out what the protest is about he just looks down on them funnily enough this actually caused quite a bit of controversy at the time and stan lee had to address it in the pages of a future issue likewise the later books particularly al ewing's run on the avengers would recommend this as spidey going through something of an awkward phase but still in this single story it's it's not cool spidey number two the ben reilly freak out spectacular spider-man number 226 now to play a little bit of devil's advocate in peter's defense learning what he does in spectacular spider-man number 226 would rattle anyone but that still absolutely does not excuse how he chooses to express what he's feeling in what was the latest of a laundry list of twists to the infamous clone saga to try and bring the whole mess to something resembling an end peter and ben learned the shocking and not at all thought over the last minute twist that ben had been the real peter parker this whole time and peter was the clone this of course sends peter into a rage wherein he quits being spider-man declares his marriage to mary jane is false and then smacks her across the face for good measure apparently marvel's plan to get people on board with ben being the new spider-man and the original peter parker all along was to make the pita that we'd been following for decades be a colossally lovesome jerk yeah as you can imagine it didn't work and eventually peter returned but this moment remains in infamy number one letting the rubber go amazing fantasy number 15. absolutely nothing listed so far would have ever happened to spider-man if he hadn't been a jerk this one single time and it has haunted him forever since in fact it's frankly hilarious how all of pt's wars can be traced back to this one act of selfishness and yep by now we all know what happens peter parker first gets his powers and of course decides to use them to make himself some fast money but when a chance that actual heroism is literally served up on a plate by a robber running past him spidey does nothing because hey it's not his problem right well you all know the rest by now you all know the sayings by now other entries on this list may be technically more egregious in terms of spidey being a massive jerk but those moments might not have even existed had peter just stuck his foot out to trip one rubber running right past him so that's our list want to know what you guys think down in the comments below are there any moments where spider-man was a total jerk that i missed off here and what you think about these i really thought a lot of them were quite funny to be honest while you're down there as well could you please give us a like share subscribe and head over to our culture comics for more lists and news like this on the regular even if you don't know i've been josh thank you so much genuinely for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 57,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uhs1XD5K5X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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