8 Lost Goldmines

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forget buried treasure there are entire gold mines out there lost in history just one of them could fill hundreds if not thousands of treasure chests this is our top eight lost gold mines great the loss heaven mine this mine is one of the most famous in California and there are several versions of the story but the best-known is about Tom Schofield a railroad worker who tried his hand at prospecting in his spare time one day while working in the Clipper Mountains northwest of Essex he found an old stone house it looked abandoned and so he moved on several miles along from there he found an old trail which he followed over hill to a giant boulder split into the path continued through the boulder into what he believed was an ancient Spanish Ken looking through the deserted camp he found pieces of ore and an old rusted out Dutch oven when he started to search the oven it tipped over and a river of gold nuggets poured out he filled his pockets with as much as he could carry and went back to town celebrating his good fortune with drinks all around however Schofield eventually ran out of cold and so returned to the clipper Mountains to get more but he could not find the trail and although many have saw in the mine unsuccessfully over the years it is thought that as he gave enough of a detailed description it could be found again but honestly if he couldn't find it again I doubt you will number seven the law cement line the law cement mine is a legendary gold vein situated in the Eastern Sierra Nevada in California it was theoretically founded in 1857 by two men who were separated from their group while crossing the Sierra they traveled near the headwaters of the Owen River and found some hardened igneous rock which was red in color and possibly contained large amounts of gold eventually they found their way one of the men kept Dior until 1860 when his friend fell ill with tuberculosis because his friend was a nice guy he gave the ore in the location of its discovery to a doctor Randall and payment for his friends treatment during this time period the red hideous rock was known as cement and miners parlance has the name of the lost mine dr. Randall and his assistant guid Whitman spent years looking for the ore in the pumice Hills to the south and west of Deadman Summit these are the search leaked to the mining communities near Mono Lake causing quite the commotion hordes of people searched for the spot and even Mark Twain recalls the incident in his book roughing it James Wright wrote a series of newspaper articles about the search as well in 1879 speculating that the lost mint was actually found across the Sierra crest near Devil's Postpile Wright claimed that the loss amount was mine for a number of years in secret and then the mining cabin was destroyed to prevent others from finding the ore verse six Lassiter's reef Harold Bell Lasseter announced in both 1929 and 1930 that he had found a fabulously rich gold deposit in a remote desolate corner of Central Australia although in each year he gave different accounts the first account was that in either 1911 or 1879 no big deal only 32 year difference he discovered a rich gold deposit on October 14 1929 he wrote a letter Calgary federal Member Albert Greene claiming to a discovered quote a vast gold bearing reef in Central Australia 18 years earlier and then it was located at the western edge of the Macdonald ranges he made a similar claim to other officials and was interviewed by commissioner and a geologist the government took no action to investigate the claim according to Lasseter he spent the next three decades trying to raise sufficient interest to fund an expedition to the interior but at the time the fortunes being made from the cold grassy Calgary and West Australia deterred investors and although the mine is still searched for today it has yet to be discovered number five the Lost Blue Book at mine this one is reputed to be somewhere along the meat wagon train trail between the present-day cities of Vale and the Dales in Oregon its existence traces back to 1845 several years before the California Gold Rush there are a few points which everybody agrees on that lost Oregon bound immigrants discovered it in 1845 and that the deposit is course placer gold in a dry stream bed or Canyon and that the canyons bottom has numerous cavities and potholes created by long ago lava flow a wagon train got lost off the meet cut off of the Oregon Trail near the Mahler River three young men went to fetch water and while doing so put some shiny rocks into a blue bucket hence the title blue bucket mine when they returned and the older members of the party said it was copper asked was there much of it one of the boys replied we could have filled one of the blue buckets as this was before the California Gold Rush many did not recognize gold on the god to where they were going they discovered the shiny rocks were not copper but gold this legend sparked a gold rush to the area of modern-day Baker City Oregon to this day its exact location is unknown but we do know it comprises an area of approximately forty thousand square miles it is believed to be on a tributary of the John Day River another version on a Bear Creek tributary of the Crooked River if you want to learn more about this one read the book the search for Oregon's lost blue bucket lines number four Swift silver mine swiss silver mine and fabled to have been discovered in 1760 an Englishman named Jonathan Swift somewhere between Pennsylvania and North Carolina it is most commonly rumored to be located in Eastern Kentucky Southwest Virginia or Tennessee and Jonathan Swift's journals he records coming to Kentucky somewhere around 1760 in a series of mining expeditions the journal recounts how a wounded bear led Swift to a vein of silver ore and a cave-in how we made annual treks back to the side of the mind carrying out silver bars and minted coins an article in an 1886 harper's magazine tells how swiss supposedly buried a good deal of the treasure at various locations the article says quote John Swift made silver and large quantities bearing some thirty thousand dollars in crowns on a large creek fifteen thousand dollars a little way off near some trees which were duly marked and a prize of six thousand dollars close by the fork of a white and three thousand dollars in the rocks of a rock house it is said that later Swift ran into numerous obstacles including Indian tacks and mutiny by his crew so a walled off the cave and discontinued his mining operation before he could return to the mine for himself he was stricken blind settlers in Virginia believed that they know the location of the mine and according to them an Indian chief once said if the pale-faced knew what we knew they could chew their horses cheaper with silver than with eye every year there is a swift silver pine festival in the county seat of camped in Kentucky where locals believe the mine to be located near Swift number three pit lake the legendary lost mine said to be near Pitt Lake British Columbia contains as apposed wealth so grand it has helped the imaginations of people worldwide for more than a century ever since the years of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush prospectors and adventures have been looking for the mine and gold rush rumors have evolved into legends repeated and enraged over time mysterious riches are known as lummox lost mine or Lost Creek mine in 1858 a number of maps were published in San Francisco promoting the gold fields in British Columbia two of these maps show the word gold and quote Indian Diggins and the country above Pitt Lake another map from that time shows the words much gold-bearing quartz rock on the north side of Pitt lake where a decade later in 1869 an Indian rock quote a good prospect of gold which he states he found in a little stream on the north side of Pitt lake to New Westminster the report created great excitement in the city and parties set out to find the Dickens in 1903 a newspaper in New Westminster BC reported that a man called George Moody had claimed to have found a rich placer deposit at Pitt Lake and had returned to town with $1200 in coarse gold proven in 1905 it was told that in nineteen and to an Indian had exchanged gold dust for sixteen hundred in bills in Westminster several months later he came back with eighteen hundred in gold dust and then a few days later with fourteen hundred in gold he did not tell where he got it and attempts to follow him failed then the Indian took sick and after seeing a doctor was told he would soon die so he told a relative the secret source of his gold and described its location giving landmarks and traced a crude map with locality after the Indian died his relative who had no money sought the assistance of a white man they were both unable to trace the spot where the Indian said he had found gold but the secret now out there have been expeditions every year an attempt to locate the mysterious place as of yet it has gone undiscovered number two lost out of Diggins atoms for whom the legend became known and whose first name has been forever lost history was journeying in his wagon from the state of New York to Tucson his wagon was set afire by Apaches but he managed to escape drove a dozen horses towards sacked in Arizona with the hope of selling them at the same time a party of 21 miners led by John brewer were travelling together with the guide who promised to lead them to the valley of gold he said quote I know a place where canyon walls cry tears of gold every day and those tears are larger than your coins the miners bargained with the guide giving him a saddle weapon promised share of the gold unfortunately they were in desperate need of horses as if by faith the Lost Adams with his new twelve head of horses arrived just in time the leader of the miners struck a deal and trade for the horses they would give him Coe leadership of the group and a share of the gold they followed the white river into the White Mountains and entered Western New Mexico the guide paused and pointed to two mountains that were shaped like sugar Lowe's quote Gold Canyon lies at the foot of those Peaks he said miners entered a canyon with fantastic coal deposit through what was called the little door which was so narrow required the men to enter single-file within a few days the group collected a fortunate gold nuggets that they hid in a corn grinding basin left by ancient Native Americans the young guide left the miners on the second night after the discovery and after he was paid but before leaving the guide issued a warning he told the group not to stay long in the canyon that it was a campsite for the Apache the miners ignored the warning and continued to mine until they ran out of supplies Part II decided to send Brewer and five others to buy more supplies at Old Fort Wingate west of modern grants nine days after the provisions party did not return Adams climbed out of the canyon to discover five bodies on the trail Brewer was not among them he raced back to camp but it was too late a large party of Indians had reached the camp and killed the remaining miners days later Adam was found out of his mind and watering the wilderness by military Patrol bond recovery Adam settled in California when the Apache Wars ended he led several expeditions to find the canyon in Basin filled with gold but after many years of searching his quest proved fruitless many books have been based on this legend including Apache gold and what angio Kwai Silver now in its ninth printing number one the three skeletons there once was a mining town known as bear town and although obscure nearly lost a time the legend remains today who was in La Plata County Colorado and the San Juan Mountains and situated 10 miles southeast of Silverton this little-known mining district was at the head of Bear Creek a small tributary of the Rio Grande River the mines were clustered around kite Lake small glacial pool located just below the Continental Divide mining camp that sprang up 2 miles downstream from the Dickens was known variously as gold run Bear Creek and silver tip eventually it came to be known as bear town it was one of the most remote mining camps in the San Juans so Ramon fact that prospectors didn't even enter the area until 1893 and I finally got there they discovered incredibly rich lore weighing in at over $4,000 a ton a number of mines were developed in the area including Sylvan time Gold Bug silver bug and good hope bear town was eventually established but it was Blake by bandits and although the veins were incredibly rich they were small and tended to pinch out at depth that combined with the high transportation costs and the fact that timber Hill just downstream from the camp was a favorite ambush site probably women soon shuddered the budding town it was completely abandoned by 1938 however it was rediscovered in the early 1900s by prospector who was wandering the area he stumbled on to a mine portal by accident and discovered burlap sacks overflowing with or he also found three skeletons showed up in Durango and 1905 carrying quote a heavy bag filled with highly concentrated cold or he sold or and disappeared into the mountains and he was never seen again 13 years later a Mexican prospector showed up in Durango carrying a satchel full of rich boar as well he claimed to have found it in the band of mineshaft in the heart of the San Juans near the headwaters at Bear Creek fortunately before he could return to the mine he died of pneumonia then 1938 is sheepherder appeared in durango with yet another highly concentrated bag of gold where he reported the same story of the three skeletons when he tried to return to the mine he was named unable to find it the infamous three skeleton mine or bear town remains hidden to this day which mine are you going to track down comment down below thanks for watching guys for more videos like this one feel free to subscribe I'll be uploading new countdowns every Monday to update studios is on Facebook and Google+ Twitter is coming soon thanks again
Channel: Top 8 Studios
Views: 134,215
Rating: 4.6631579 out of 5
Keywords: buried treasure, lost treasure, goldmine, lost goldmine, lost dutch oven mine, lassiters reef, blue bucket, blue bucket mine, lost adams diggins, three skeletons, gold, silver, treasure, buried, lost, treasure hunter, gold mine, pitt lake, swit silver mine, swift silver
Id: vzOg3xTs5vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2015
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