Escape to the Mountains - Bonaventure River Canoe Poling & Fly Fishing Adventure (Full Documentary)

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[Music] [Music] it's about six in the morning here on the gaspe peninsula and we have a bit of a road trip in store before we begin our canoe polling and fly fishing adventure down the bonaventure river so we're just rolling up to uh zach bonaventure here in the beautiful town of bonaventure quebec hello and um we are getting our salmon fishing license before we take a shuttle up to start pulling the bottle into the river now the zek hooked us up with a shuttle driver joel who's sitting right here and uh joel knows the way in apple roll there are some logging trucks on it and you got to be careful around the blind corners a little bumpy going through here the road has gotten a little bit narrower we're here at the end of the road we made it here it was a long drive but it is accessible by by road in a fairly direct way um anywhere up river from here and you got to get more creative and how you get there because there's no direct roads this is kind of like the end of the road um but uh yeah we used our uh our mitsubishi uh pagero that we got from right drive uh right drive is a dealership that imports awesome right-hand drive off-roading vehicles and i worked with them on this trip and they lent me that vehicle for the trip turned out to be a great uh vehicle because we did run into some pretty interesting road conditions coming through the mountains to get to the put in and uh fit two canoes on it no problem so our shuttle driver is gonna drive the pajero back down to the takeout on the mouth of the river where we're finishing our trip and tori are going to put in here and we're going to start pulling that's it we're all alone now let me see the polls this is yours wow that's a long phone oh that's what she said i know i know that's what she said but needed to be long especially for gym it's height so you can kayak but the bonaventure is really shallow right now so through the rapids we'll be pulling because it's really bumpy and shallow but there are some deeper pool areas that we can probably just sit down and paddle through um because my pole [Applause] is a little bit shorter have you ever done much polling before i did a maybe a half hour hour long intro workshop polling thing just jumping right into it i've got the basics but i've definitely never done anything in moving water so we're going to learn quick words comes to us i dump lose all our stuff and die so like tori says we're going to be using poles standing in the canoe and each one of us is going to be soloing our own 17-foot canoe using a pool to navigate the rapids and we're going to be fly casting for salmon along the way so next step is we got to get our canoes get our gear in the water and start making some distance down river we have three days to make it almost 70 kilometers this is the big west river and it meets the bonaventure which is like literally right there so we're gonna put in here and we're probably gonna have to drag down till we get the bonaventure hey look man [Applause] [Applause] okay here goes nothing i'm poland [Applause] so far not so good oh boy no idea what i'm doing i can't turn get out son of a [ __ ] that was fun that was actually pretty technical for my first ever time i'd say jump in from there you're doing it i fell already you okay yeah you did good yeah i made it to get through it was pretty tricky though eh so i mean we probably should have practiced practice nonsense lean on the shins remember you can go like this and slow down except if i blow it then don't copy me tori did really good actually she went a little bit of a slower way and bumped over some rocks and uh i had to do a little maneuvering through some boulders which was pretty action-packed if you ask me so not bad for our first time ever polling rapids and um i was actually excited because i saw my first salmon i saw five or six including a couple that were probably a 12 to 15 pound range which is big so that was pretty exciting you see them tori's just looking at the salmon right now we duct taped this uh water noodle slid it and duct taped it on the back of the thwart and that way we don't bang our shins on it while we're pulling [Applause] yeah that was so fun all right now tori's gonna pull [Applause] we're getting the hang of it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] wow oh shows me up hey holy [ __ ] like huge things and lots of them can't uh get out of there yo tory well i got uh i got short shafted and uh i gave tori the long pole even though i'm taller i i kind of have more reach so i'm actually able to uh maneuver in the wrap it's better with a short pull because i can reach further forward than she can but uh in these deep holes i got to break out the paddle even with the even with a really long pull it would be hard to get through here you know you don't always need top of the line gear to do these things sometimes it's all about just getting out there and making the best of what you can as long as you're being safe i mean who cares now we got a bunch of rapids [Applause] [Applause] whoa is that a salmon what was that that was a salmon it jumped like two feet in the air all right just follow me huh that's the boulders you gotta go to the middle just get out get out i tory hear you i chickened out we had to take us pit stop because you know we were starting to get a little weak little cranky tory tried to punch me in the face for example because she was hangry i'm just kidding trying to uh get a substantial amount of fly casting in and travel nearly 70 kilometers um feels like there's a lot on our plate and we haven't made it very far yet but what we're thinking about doing is uh jumping in the boats pushing to where we can fish into where the fishing's supposed to be better spending the evening and pretty much all day tomorrow making very little distance and doing more fishing and then the last day just paddling beast mode all the way to the coast so that's kind of what we're going to do it's a little after three in the afternoon and we still have a ways to make it we're really being slowed by this headwind and um it really wants to just jackknife us and turn us 180 and so it's definitely slowing our progress but uh you know we just like to make it to camp where we can actually do some fishing and set up and and be on track too um so how you feeling about that tori yeah good good i think it'll be okay we might just have like one really beast mode day yeah but hopefully like the closer we get to the ocean the like maybe we can just paddle yeah you know yeah the river volume should build up as we get further down so there's not gonna be so many shallow spots all right anyways back in the boat and we got this little swift here to start off with which looks shallow [Applause] you blew it looks so quick i can just see your shadow i'm having a lot of fun what a beautiful day i know we have been polling on the bonaventure river no dumps yet um jim bombed a pretty big rapid class two with some pretty big standing waves i uh chickened out and i took a little squirrely way around to avoid the big waves but no dumps um i've fallen into the canoe only once so far but i think we're doing pretty well we're starting to get the hang of it so far like i said we've done about five kilometers and now we are in the open access section of the bonaventure so there are two sections that we're allowed to fly fish in so really at this point i guess if we find a good fishing hole we can pull over and take a few casts we've seen some salmon in the pools so far uh they're looking pretty big saw one jumping right out of the water um which was really cool saw two actually doing that which was really cool quite the sight to see um but yes so much fun it's such a beautiful day it's such a beautiful river we've got some you know mountains here behind us it's it's incredible so i'm super happy we're here so fun so far i can't wait to start fly fishing that's another thing we i haven't done yet so we'll see how that is a lot of firsts for us say honey foreign [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] gonna wrangle some salmon so we want something with a relatively big hook that might help it sink a bit and uh something black for this time of year so i have a few different flies here yeah i'm gonna go with that one oh there's salmon jumping all around us be really stealth [Applause] from here [Applause] what right [Applause] so i think i got too close to them you know is it shallow no it seems like it's getting shallower and just doesn't well [Applause] first fly fishing attempt really fun really fun got some fish jumping in front of us that got us super amped but unfortunately we just couldn't cast out far enough to get to the fish even though we waited in quite a ways um i think we might have spooked them a bit but after we cast a bit they started jumping but uh they're just not coming in close enough to the shallows they're out of casting range at least for our casting range so we're going to jump in the boats we're going to keep our rods out and we're going to try to make some time and maybe take a few casts at uh any spot that looks promising along the way but uh that was a lot of fun would have been a lot more fun to catch what any thoughts on your first time fly fishing a little frustrating much harder than it looks especially when these huge fish are going bonkers right in front of you look yeah literally just jumping right so it's like they're like taunting us but yeah um i think i'm starting to get the hang of it but uh we'll we'll see i basically just have my fly rod there tied with just a quick release knot and i run it out the back and i just slip it through that [ __ ] there i think maybe we've set up because the sun is apparently starting to set it is getting late in the evening we spent probably way more time than we should have uh trying to catch salmon i did have some come in and almost take my fly right in front of me and just veer away at the last second like oh man you know really promising um even though we don't have a ton of time in this river it makes us think we're gonna catch a salmon now it's looking like that time may not be tonight because um uh we're kind of pushing here we actually cruised over some some nice holes that we would have liked to have fished but uh just didn't get the chance because uh we got to make it to our campsite uh because we got a lot of clicks to paddle on this river we are losing light it's 27. it gets dark at like 7 38. yikes [Applause] we're gonna be battling darkness here we gotta find somewhere to camp [Music] wow [Music] it's dark at like 7 30 so this is the site that we came to but there's not really a flat spot for a tent just a fireplace so [Music] tory wants to go for it which means the next site is what like three kilometers like two maybe two kilometers okay we just beast mode it okay yeah let's just be smote it means that we're passing a couple nice holes though that are holding fish i don't know what to do though all right let's confuse it okay [Music] i think it's one and then a two so that was a one up before the bend and then a two after okay yeah you can't hear then look oh yeah yeah let's do that [Music] [Music] we have found a spot to set up camp [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah that that last pool just you couldn't get to you know how could you cast from the other side right yeah so it's like pretty much boat only unless you can cast really far yeah or unless finally they just kind of swim into the shallows a bit after like you know once every like several hours what a nice fire already i know right i can't believe how dark it's getting so early eh it's only like seven robbie pulled over well when i turned around i saw this i'm like this is the campsite it wouldn't even be a camp yet yeah oh really i don't think so there we go got the fire lit right here congratulations on a congratulatory day honey congratulations on a congratulatory day is that what you just said yeah okay very congratulatory congratulations on a congratulatory day that sounds could be a bit colder but man is it ever good you getting into one there tar yeah tory's getting into one oh oh here's duck mac and cheese it is honey yeah so fill up these too if you don't mind i'm sure one thing i love about scythe close to the water is just this exactly oh i know i was like oh you don't have to walk away you go and fill up your darn pot today honey holy [ __ ] really jetboil has already boiled hot chocolate all right okay stir okay okay i'm gonna be pouring the ramen now okay yum so half of all we can have the other half tomorrow night we can probably pour the macaroni into that pot how far do you think we made it today not far enough really i think we made it like 15 15 kilometers okay yep we're pretty oh we got some boiling water here [Music] oh [Applause] uh characters spatula would be the bad guy spatula sounds like dracula doesn't it [Applause] spatula irons virtually [Applause] and like they were like used tampon applicators apparently algonquin is just too though like the interior is just a disaster yeah because people can't go vacationing where they normally would and like so all these noobs are coming in yeah it's pretty sad garbage out of sight and then other people like oh there's the garbage pile you know yeah like what do they think like obviously they should know that that's not good they just don't care it's not throwing garbage out of your car window is not okay yeah or if they've carried too much they just don't care um it tries to grow they carry too much because they're inexperienced and they're like oh i can't carry that cup wow that's done or are you just eating it out of the pond i think they're done um i don't know how al dante you like it i don't know i feel like you by the end of it you're doing as good as i was no didn't you feel like you're above it by the time you left that you were doing as well we'll add the cheese and then we'll just slowly add okay you got that way more it's probably good little powdered milk in there we need some more cheese in there and you need some pepper should i pour some more of this in or no like this like this swimming out like this like literally glance like touching their nose about to take it i was just like freaking out some of them are huge someone was like oh i don't catch that one because i'm going to land that thing it's a tank you know yep oh man this is so fun it's so relaxed right now so recap on today met the shuttle driver joelle had what was pretty interesting ride in here on some logging roads and then on a road that went into the mountains and just followed that road all the way till it ended and uh then jumped into the big east river and we had to do some tricky maneuvering got into the bottom venture started running rapids with the pole got a little worried we were kind of getting behind and sort of started pushing a little harder than we would have wanted to go out to a good fishing area i didn't catch a fish but almost did saw a ton of salmon super exciting and fun uh didn't get to do any real fishing after that it's getting dark and uh you know turns out we ran a rapid a pretty challenging rapid the next thing you know just beyond that there is this beautiful sight we jumped on it incredible and tomorrow we have to make some distance we're going to put a lot of effort into catching salmon oh yeah that's where i can almost smell the ocean from here eh no uh all i can tell is your your body odor this point sorry no offense honey i wasn't gonna say anything but you asked me if i could smell the ocean fair enough sure it's a bar adventure born of a show [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hungry [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh what's his name said you always got to believe you're going to catch this what's his name alex whenever i say what's his name i mean i can't recall anybody's names [Music] [Music] i don't know is it it looks a little light i micromanage you a lot oh it's okay i'm used to it yes this morning of day two on the bonaventure a bit of a chillier morning this morning um but at least it's not raining so it's pretty good we have pretty much packed up camp we just have to load the boats at this point and then once the boats are loaded we might take a few more casts here where we are on um a salmon hole here so uh so it might be good fishing today's gonna be a bit of a slower day for us we're not gonna make too much distance because we plan to get some more fishing in because we'll be passing a lot of good salmon pools so we might only make it about 12 kilometers if we do catch our limit um early in the day then maybe we can make some distance but we want to get in as much fishing as possible so the last day will be um a pretty long travel day so anyways yeah today we're going to try to take our time and enjoy fishing while we have the opportunity um we want to make use of that for sure but yeah it's a beautiful beautiful river and uh we're just going to enjoy it as much as possible [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] all right nice [Applause] almost done [Music] [Applause] i must say and i'm glad we didn't do that last night we are noticing that the rapids are more challenging today just probably because of the rain and also we're just further down river and they got more volume so the first one i had a bit of a mishap and i went right into a rock and i had to go down on one knee and kind of stabilize myself before popping back up and pulling again and me having a short pole is becoming a bit of an issue with these deeper rapids but we're going to make it work i'm just going to try going slower and just pushing the pole out front and kind of stopping me and slowing me down pushing myself side to side i've been kind of just bombing them you look like you're right in the middle and it just looks scary so i was like oh if i stay along the left i can jump out and be on shore there's just rocks everywhere it wasn't even scary yeah but like the left side it was like there was a deep also it was like this stuff on the left side like the smaller rocks right versus the big huge boulders in the middle so i was like oh i'll just stick there and then i was just like scraping slowly scraping it pushing do you notice all the main boulders that you get stuck on just as other canoe marks on them yeah i have to take my uh raindrop what do we got there uh it's a catadyne filter so we can just drink it's a water purification system so instead of like tabs we usually use tabs but you have to wait half an hour for it to be treated so this way it has a filter just in the nozzle and you can just squeeze it dory's keeping me watered there you go no waiting it works you don't get that chloriney flavor like you do with water tabs and it's faster too i like it believe you're going to catch a fish there she goes so the game plan is we're run down to the next good pool and fish bye honey we're not the prettiest but we got the job done you know [Music] hi honey [Music] all right well we'll definitely try some fishing this is sick though eh this is so i love it i just love drifting down the swifts you know oh yeah [Music] here's that rapid going for it oh it's kind of tough right [Music] was a good one eh that was terrifying wow i thought for sure i was dumping right at that last boulder and it's so deep eh is this the pool here i see salmon [Applause] caught a gopro i can see all of them i'm not casting right into them [Music] hey tory i had like a bunch of them come up to it and then just turn away oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have no time left here but that was crazy i was going right up onto schools of atlantic some big ones and uh i was probably just spooking them because the water's so clear but a whole bunch of the one right into my fly and turned away at the last second and i think i might actually move my fly to real in when one was about to hit that didn't see they don't like you to to move your fly so i might have blown my chance but oh my god that was crazy man i can't believe not one of them hit uh anyway spent way too much time here now we're definitely behind schedule torrey's down river yelling at me to get going so i really better get going [Applause] so fun hard to leave a spot like that eh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey boom that was a good one so clear i'm [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tops here see anything huh do you see anything uh well i mean it's pretty good here [Applause] just take a couple a lot [Applause] couple more casts there's a dry fly with uh fall colors good recommendation for this time of year but i'm gonna go with something that sinks a little more the regulations here you can't use weighted flies so with the little brass weight so that's out of the question but i'm going to try to go with something that sinks a bit more um i was getting it in front of salmon and interesting them but they weren't hitting so hopefully the ones here [Applause] are a little more uh enticed how deep do you think it is here pretty deep like eight feet eight feet yeah i don't know about there but at its deepest point remember it's so clear right one do you want to get going yeah there's no fish here [Music] so [Music] i don't know [Music] see right oh yeah yeah there's guard rails more attention [Music] you just go right over those eh i'm always terrified [Applause] i'm going to be practicing my french careful we're reading into boulders the rapid don't say that [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] shoot problem hello what oh man what did you change to a wet fly or dry fly gotta get one we gonna get one i brought the net it's over by the tripod what are you kidding [Music] dory dory one jumped right in front of me a cast right on it i saw a cast on top of it we're so close we're just thinking this close to it how's it going tori oh it's going all right but all right it's not exhilarating it is but it would be more exhilarating if we caught it they're just teasing us ed the fish are teasing us just freaking unbelievable craziness huge fish leaping in the air giant salmon as big as 15 pounds 10 feet in front of my face right beside my fly casting letting our our flies float with naturally downstream trying heavier flies lighter flies everything and just so much action in front of us so so exciting i don't think that i've ever even had close to as much fun as this and not catch a fish but you know when atlantic salmon are in the rivers they aren't feeding and nobody really knows why they'll take a fly sometimes maybe just because they're annoyed or as a predatory reaction so they're tricky to catch even when there's a ton of them in front of you and we are out of time we gotta push on it's getting dark we got a ways to make it to our campsite and then tomorrow we're leaving the area of the river where we are allowed to fish plus there's not really any fish down river at this time of year so this might have been our last chance to get on an atlantic salmon and let me tell you wow so so exciting such an exciting fish to fish for even when you don't catch one and just to watch them fly in the air in front of you like that uh so you know i'm not even bummed out it was a super awesome time just fishing side by side with torrey both of us got a heck of a lot better at fly casting and just an amazing experience to witness these fish in this crystal clear water in these mountains so so cool so really put some good time in today trying to catch one but unfortunately now it's time to move on and push down river and hopefully find a site before dark so here we go we did it oh yes yes before dark once again we like to push the limits around here 40 clicks we have to do tomorrow [Music] so we can sleep i guess this way okay pretty good [Music] [Music] this side has a kicker table [Music] one thing we didn't bring is a tarp because we forgot it and uh seems like it's gonna rain and maybe it'll hold off oh what an incredible last experience though eh oh yeah i'm like i'm really not that bummed that we can catch on you know like i am and i'm not you know like that was pretty cool you know um we i have this nice dry seeder so i could have just split the middle of this nice dry cedar up into small little toothpick size pieces to use as tinder but a single granola bar wrapper was all that was needed in the end dinner tonight will be a delicious morsel or in other languages such as english mediterranean pork happy yak is product of quebec quebec business very appropriate and also very delicious freeze-dried meal i must say you can just dump boiled water in it and mix it up so this is the easy way which i am currently in the process of and what are you having for dinner tori i am having uh lipton side kicks pasta butter and herb seal that up very gourmet high-end chefing i know i may have put too much water who you yeah i put way too much water yeah way too much well it's not atlantic salmon but it'll get the job done too much water yeah too much water never killed anybody well actually i think it technically can't i think you can actually sorry not to be that guy but that is a stiff hot chocolate oh my god well it is time to eat we are having uh tori's famous hot chocolate and spiced rum i'm getting into my mediterranean beef and pork oh good right it smells good is it how is oh that's soup yeah i um i added a little too much water to it it is what it is it's more hydrating this way um hot hot i love a good lipton sidekick it's like a comfort food isn't it really not much nutritional value to it comfort in knowing that there's no nutritional value pretty sweet day today babe yes what was your favorite part of the day i just think all the um the class ones that were pretty dude just like big standing waves not big anyways but just like a nice shoot that we could just go down the middle and didn't have to really think about it or got some speed got some yeah we just thought that was fun there were a ton of those today that was really fun my favorite part of the day was when we were um at the last rapid where we were trying to catch a fish and they're just jumping in front of us and we're so excited and there's huge salmon leaping in the freaking air five feet away from 10 feet away from that is a very that's that's a very close second there was definitely a level of disappointment to that though crazy that we couldn't catch one eh they're literally right there shooting past our flies you know now for my real favorite part of the day looking at the maps well we got a long way to paddle tomorrow honey do you think we're gonna be able to do it i don't think we have a choice [Applause] i don't want to get up ah 5 30 a.m it rained pretty much all night last night it's not fun to have to crawl out of the tent the rain first thing of the morning we need to make it far today and we're not even gonna bother eating a full breakfast and coffee we're just gonna take a cliff bar as a suppository and hit the river [Music] oh [Music] yeah thank and she's picking up the rain that is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quick breakfast [Music] so we can get on the river [Music] it'll be better if it was nutella but i ate it all before we left just planting on my cliff bar we managed to find the time to not take it as a suppository probably not getting clif bars as a sponsor anytime soon eh so we're up at 5 30 to the hammering rain getting on the river probably about quarter after seven and we're just gonna start pulling and paddling like crazy we got between 35 and 40 kilometers to make it today we're not going to be really able to do any fishing there's one area of the river near the bottom where we can fish and if we're like surprisingly ahead of schedule we might break out the rods and try there but i don't think there's really any fish down river anyways uh most of them at this time of year are a little higher up guess what what 706. [Applause] what so it is 7.06 so we are getting on the river early which makes me feel a lot better and basically it's just like a beast mode day we got to make time and paddle and pull it's supposed to rain all day long so not a nice day but the issue of wet and rain is that you get cold and we're probably going to be working so hard we're not going to feel it so you ready honey let's do this all right my pole is only eight feet long and it's like embarrassingly short in the rapids torrey's got a 12-footer but uh it's getting the job done it's what i had in a pinch and um and it's working out fine i could have just cut a tree and whittled it but that takes a long time so i just end up buying a dowel and just uh putting these end caps on and sinking a bolt in the end last day on the river last day on the river and we're gonna have to make it further than the first two prior days in totality [Music] foreign so here's an interesting uh boat cedar strip old school cedar strip reinforced with uh fiberglass probably weighs quite a bit square back probably 20 22 feet long and the anchor is just a huge chunk of lead kind of a little bit of a sort of traditional historic boat i'm sure for the rivers of gaspe and probably uh the maritimes as well so kind of cool to just take a second and check it out okay so we have done four kilometers four point four point three four point three kilometers we left at ten after seven and we're checking the time as a gauge on whether we're going to make it to the end before dark so i was just checking uh the time on the inreach yeah we left at 706. it's 803 and we did 4.3 kilometers so so if that's our if that's our gauge then 10 hours 5 p.m 5 p.m so two hours before dark anyways should we just paddle up there yeah sure it's too deep this canoe's not that big i feel like you see how there's a uh there's the weight right so it's like they uh there's a weight in the front and then they can raise and lower the anchor just by pulling it from the back from the stirrer oh i say pull it right till it's hanging off the bow and then it puts weight in the valve too which is good this is a 1-2 this is the 1-2 eh that's probably super long it goes right around this island are you nervous this is our first two of the day so it is see if i'm warmed up i have been elected to go first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] well terrifying where are you tour we're about here on this little bend and we're coming up to kilometer 25. so we're making pretty good time eh i think so we'll check the time when we're at 20 kilometers we're looking at our time and the distance we're making and we're thinking if we keep up this pace we should be done before dark by a good bit but uh yeah we got to keep it up so we're going pretty hard actually but there's a few stretches where the water the current was good and the river is shallow and you can't sink a paddle blade but you can really get some speed with the pole and we're just kind of flying through those areas and then where it's deep enough or where it's it's too deep for me to use my pole i just switch to the paddle and it seems to be working pretty well so coming up we have a switch a one two a one two swift two a one two swift and then another one too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mandatory beef jerky break we're getting hungry passed a couple salmon fishing room and we didn't just plow right through the hole they were fishing we kind of went behind them and were really quiet just to not disturb the fish the next five kilometers there's rapids after that there's nothing so you know we might be done by like it's one o'clock so two o'clock we would just be down by like four back at the car yeah but what if we run into a blasting headwind or something i just keep getting gusts of like a headwind everywhere [Music] okay i need to bail my boat and then we'll get going this water is just from from the rain but also just from my boots getting in and out my boots filled with water and then draining in the boat [Applause] wow beautiful this is crazy that's so cool okay hurry up it's deep in here so i can't really just plant my pole oh [Applause] oh boy boy i'm spinning backwards [Applause] ugh oh my god my pole is stuck well that's interesting what is happening around here right well here we have a very long and boulder strewn rapid and the reason this is challenging is because there's huge boulders and in between them are very deep holes which are too deep to sink a pole which means it's very hard to control the boat because you don't have a hard surface to push against well i don't know i'm trying to decide if i want to just try paddling it because it's d thing i just don't know how good i am at steering uh in rapid yet yeah with a paddle but do you want me to just do the whole thing and then you can see how i do and then you can decide after are you gonna paddle or pull i'm gonna pull i can wait for you here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh she already made it down the tricky part that was crazy eh yeah but that was never ending [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh i'm so sore and so tired oh goodness gracious oh this is a fun one at least super easy relaxing so that was a fun one eh looks pretty hard yeah it's a two and that's our last two this is our last tour our last rapid number two and then we have a swift after that okay last class two of the trip see how it goes sharp right turn [Music] okay he did it [Music] oh boy dory is opting to use the paddle because the rapid is deep enough will she dump coming in hot oh she's missing it doing good she nails it oh my goodness nice one well the rain has not let up but we're pretty much past all the rapids tori ended in a bang and soloed a class two with the paddle uh we're just paddling by some beautiful red cliffs here and finishing off about the last 10k of this river uh the water's deep we got the paddles out we pretty much pulled the entire thing previously to this so we're gonna have uh you know we're gonna have to paddle pretty hard but uh we should be getting there in decent enough time so it's been pretty awesome a little more to go though still [Music] [Music] even the french love wu tang [Music] well we've just cruised back into town uh we're going under the pedestrian bridge which we're just two three hundred meters from our vehicle i can almost see the ocean at just around the next point very cool um yeah we've just been paddling for this last 10 kilometers the river's been deep enough decent current and uh beautiful beautiful last stretch we thought it would be more built up as we got closer to town but it still looked pretty wild few different cabins and cottages and whatnot along the banks but really glad that we decided to finish it and paddle it right to the end to complete a 40 kilometer day we're not done yet almost there the last bridge and there is the ocean we did it completed a 40 kilometer day today and there is the marina [Music] where our vehicle is waiting [Music] [Music] final stretches of our trip here [Music] we're there we did it 40k day 40 kilometers [Music] strong that's for sure my arms feel definitely like they gotta work out is there a car there there it is pajero [Music] you're looking for a ride honey so we just finished our trip on the bonaventure river in gaspe peninsula quebec and awesome awesome river our last day was a big push we did 40k beautiful beautiful river crystal clear water uh mountains endless rapids and we're a little nervous coming into this because of the polling but me and tori figured out pretty fast and we really enjoyed the new skill we got to learn in polling tons of salmon saw tons of salmon and unfortunately we weren't able to land one but man we sure had fun trying and just saw so many salmon leaping in front of us in these deep pools camping was great weather wasn't the most perfect but you know what that's okay it just made the adventure more amazing and it was tough to to do this final 40k push but uh feels good to be finished it and ready to head off on another adventure here in gaspe now we're heading to fourrion national park to backpack across the entire park on an intense three-day trek so we got to be up at 6 a.m to do that so man we're not even gonna have enough time to get drunk tonight for christ six [Music] you
Channel: Jim Baird - Adventurer
Views: 221,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaspe, alone season 4, jim baird, jim baird adventurer, gaspésie, wilderness techniques, survivalism, bushcrafter, quebec adventures, primitive travel, off grid, escape, mountains, quebec fishing, gaspe adventures, fly casting, fly fishing, bipoc, backcountry camping, canada, bonaventure, canoe poling, canadian escape, drybag, solo rapids, forest access road, wild camp, food barrel, escape to the mountains, wild water, portage, bushcraft survival, jet boil, camping, atlantic salmon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 32sec (6152 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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