8 BIG Skull and Bones Mistakes You're Probably Still Making - Skull and Bones Tips and Tricks

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welcome back to skull and bones in this video we're going through eight big mistakes that I believe you are currently still making and some of you will not see these as mistakes more like tips and tricks and with that I've got to say a massive massive thank you to Ubisoft for providing me with access to the game they invited me the tech test so I got access to the closed beta then we jumped on the open Beta And now they've given me access to the full game but not only that at some point in this video or should I say some points there are going to be Xbox series X keys for for this game Ubisoft provided me with an extra two keys and I believe both of them are for the Premium Edition so the £95 big edition of the game so keep your eyes open throughout the video I'll put the keys randomly on the screen at different points in the video there are two of them to collect so jumping into the mistakes number one is not grabbing resources as you sail past them if we have a look over here for an example there is ACAA and just simply by harvesting this you're going to get acacia wood and then you can refine it and turn it into planks which which is going to be really helpful over here you have things like coconut as well coconut is going to be really good when you grill it for your stamina regeneration whilst you're sailing but one of the most helpful at the moment for me at least is over here you are going to have something called Ramy and this is going to be used to craft the rank five Bomer which is a much better ship than the badar it has to be fine Ramy so grab this and take it to a Refinery it's a 5 to1 ratio so five of this will will turn into one fine and that's going to be a lot easier than taking down the ships that carry this stuff because if you're in the badar you've got it to like rank four rank five the ships that carry this are anywhere between rank seven and rank 10 so it's actually quite difficult to take them down especially when they're in groups and stuff so make sure you're Gathering all the resources you can as soon as you sail near them then mistake number two is not scouting every ship that you sail past if we leave St an and we have a look at some of these ships some of them can contain treasure maps but by scouting them you're going to see the loot you can get off them so like here I would get lamber cloth fine J grilled bread and silver but if you're not scouting you're not knowing what loots on ships and you're going to miss out because quite a few of them especially over in the East Indies actually have treasure maps on them mistake number three is selling your commodities for a low price to Traders and just selling them all together this is the buy T so you've got cloth and there's clothes here as well but all the Commodities you find as you're playing the game you can sell you will see red and green arrows the best time to buy and to sell is when there are green arrows but ignoring the Traders alog together the best way to deal with your Commodities and actually some of the raw materials is to come to the job board you can find these in the main outposts like St an and if we interact with this you are going to see like if you steal 15 paintings you're going to get 3,400 Silver And Then There are sinking Rogue ships there's getting cloth delivering ale it's going to get you over a thousand and then as as we spoke about in mistake number one about grabbing resources and stuff if you get 50 coconuts you can sell them for 900 so selling commodities for a low price and I'm going to say selling them to Traders alog together is a mistake you're going to get the most amount of silver by coming to the job board and next up is not taking advantage of the angles on your ship if I hold down my left trigger you are going to see there are dotted lines if I'm aiming here is going to use my front weapons if I aim past here it'll use the side if we come around to the back you'll see the dotted line there as well that's going to use the back weapon and then this will use the left side so this dotted line is really important because you might stick your most powerful weapon on the front of your ship but you're going to deal more damage if for an example you have like the ship that you're attacking at this angle you can just spin your ship around and use the side the Cannons then you can go back to the front and maybe even switch round to the right hand side so make sure you're taking advantage of all the angles of your ship next next up is not paying attention to the shipwrecks that can be found on a lot of Island Shores if we force this one open I will show you what you get inside so you'll see that I got Rusty Nails torn sails broken planks Cannonball crates silver and repair kits sometimes you'll get metal salvage and two of those can be used to craft 100 cannonballs so that's going to be really really helpful but not only that if we go over to the East Indies there are areas around here that have multiple ships like just in this area here there are six ships there's two over on this island as well but you need to be careful when you get to the ones like the uh DMC shipwrecks like the large ones as they are going to require crowbar level three so make sure that you're upgrading your tools whenever you can as well but ignoring those shipwrecks is a big big mistake because they contain a lot of resources including silver and next up is not using your food but also not grilling it first if we go into my my cargo and we have a look you'll see that I've got things like grilled shark I've got hippo crocodile there's mutton screw Pine I've got lots and lots of grilled fish you'll see that this is going to restore your stamina so when you start trimming and you're going really fast so if I press a three times on my controller I'm going 14 knots which is the fastest I can go and you'll see my green stamina bar going down if I have grilled food I can eat it like consume the food and is going to bring that green bar back up so you can trim for longer keep in high speeds for as long as you possibly can and the best way to do this is if we bring up the will I press X on the controller and we go to edit if we go to like the slot like the quick use slot that I want to use for my food and we select it then instead of going oh I'm going to use the shark now and then when it runs out I'm going to switch over to the hippo if you come down here you can see you can do cooked food you can do raw and you can do grilled if you select this grilled food every time you run out so for an example now I'm using the Coconuts I've only got three left when they run out it's going to automatically switch to the next bit of grilled food you've got available so it keeps it on a cycle so you're never running out unless you're completely out of everything you can do that with repair kits and stuff as well but when it comes to your food make sure that you're grilling it you can use the like cooking pots you can find places like St an and once it's grilled it's going to restore a good amount of stamina it's going to keep you trimming and going as fast as you can for a much longer time there's nothing but beneficial using your grilled food putting it on your quick use slots next up is not working on your ship bigger ships are going to have a higher base rank so for an example here the Dow has a level one like a rank one start the badar has a rank two and then even though I've leveled it up the Padang or however you say it the Bomer starts a rank five if we go into manage ship you'll see there's Furniture armor and weapons these all contribute to your ship rank as well you can see my ship rank at the bottom right I'm very very close to rank seven but it's a big big mistake especially when you're going for this Bomer to not rank your ship up because in the area where you'll find resources that are used to craft this Bomer you're going to be facing ships that are ranked like s to n so they're very very high ranked it's just going to make your time easier for making progress in the game get to the end game and stuff if you're focusing on your ship and then last but definitely not least is not claiming your infamy rank rewards over here in St an you are going to have a mailbox and every time you increase your infamy rank there's going to be male in here and it's going to give you a bunch of goodies one of the lower infamy ranks is going to give you the blueprint to a higher level spy glass known as spy glass 2 and that spy glass amongst other tools that you are given a higher blueprint for that spy glass when you're looking at ships you're going to get a 1.5 time zoom so you're going to be able to scout ships much further out so every single time you see that infamy rank increase sort of like notification make sure you're coming back to St an and you're collecting your rewards at the bottom right you'll see I've got prompts for B RB and left stick when you have new mail you'll get like an envelope pop up and it will have like a yellow circle to like signal there something new so make sure you're paying attention to that because it's a big mistake if you're not as some of the goodies for increasing your infamy rank are going to be incredibly helpful so that is going to do it for this video that was eight big Skull and Bones mistakes I believe you're probably still making and again a massive massive thank you to Ubisoft for not only providing me with a key to play the game but also for giving me a couple of extra keys to give away to you guys so that you can enjoy the game too what we're going to do is leave that video there let me know your thoughts and stuff about skull and bones in the comments I will see you guys on the next one I hope you enjoyed it I hope it helped you out thank you for watching
Channel: Born 2 Game
Views: 33,120
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Keywords: skull and bones tips, skull and bones tips and tricks, skull and bones mistakes, big skull and bones mistakes, skull and bones big mistakes, skull and bones secrets, skull and bones beginner tips, skull and bones advanced tips, skull and bones mistakes you're probably still making, tips skull and bones, tips and tricks skull and bones, skull and bones guide, skull and bones beginner guide, skull and bones tips for beginners, beginner guide skull and bones, secret skull and bones
Id: 8iAH2HNFAzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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