Skull and Bones - Tips and Tricks YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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[Music] ructions what is up Pirates of Skull and Bones it is I your Wheelman Alex Corn Nut today I'm going to go over tips tricks quality of life features all throughout skull and bones to try to help you get a leg up on some of the other Pirates you're going to be going up against explain some mechanics that'll help you out just getting around the map and make overall quality of your gameplay better to make it maybe a little more enjoyable for you let's just dig right into it there's no specific order here there's a lot I need to unpack I'll try to condense some stuff but at the end of the day good things take time but the first thing I want to go into is uh in your inventory now I play on PC so to bring up my inventory I just press I and that brings it right up so if you're on Console press whatever button you go there the thing I want to touch on is cooked versus uncooked items that you consume uh stamina big deal out when you're in the ship if you want to go top speed you consume a lot of stamina at first I really wasn't using a lot of the food items and then I had lots and lots of items in my inventory so what I want to show you is these bananas they're really easy to get or the Coconuts also really easy to get and you get lots of them when you go and harvest them so those two things are very good and they don't take a lot of weight in the cargo so when you're in those lower tier ships you're not going to just fill it out my recommend is to get one food type whatever you have the most of 50 or 100 of them is great and just run with just that because you want to have as many items freed up in your inventory cargo space as possible I've had times when I didn't fill it up on weight but I wanted to pick up another different type of item that would not fit in my cargo because I didn't have enough open slots and so you want to condense as much stuff into as few slots as possible to give you the most opportunity to pick up rare materials or extra materials that you would need to craft later so for that reason I was running at first with like almost three um like lines of food items so I'd have you know bananas and coconuts and different meats and all kinds of just cooked and uncooked stuff just lots of it if I ran out you can go to Port pretty often so I would say just pick one and then cook it and the reason you want to cook it is pretty huge so these bananas right here for example they restore 20% of stamina but if you take and you go over to to the cooking pot and you cook them they double that now not all things are going to give a double but in the case of these bananas if we go and we turn them into grilled bananas we go from 20 to 40 40% stamina is great you can just sit there and use that over and over and over again and you'll pretty much never run out no matter what boat you're in so I'll just do that I'll do the Max and then just cook them all it's instant you don't have to wait and you're good nothing expires that I have found so if you have like any kind of fish or whatever if you put it in your Warehouse it never goes bad so just stack up stuff when you have a big stack of whatever item that's a food grab that stack put your other food back and just rotate through them so we'll do all those durian fruits and then I'm going to cook all these fish as well so now that we've got all those done I would say run with one stack you're good to go now the other side of things is there's these other meals you can cook here in later game this is definitely going to be worth it especially when we start to get into PVP things because of the foods like this one for example when you consume that you get um better stamina or reduces the stamina consumption so you get less use or more use out of your bar you use less with this uh while trimming the sails by 30 so you 30% deduction in that restores repair kit efficiency by 10% that's pretty good makes you know just your repair kits do more for you and then stamina regen is up by 30% as well that buff duration lasts 30 minutes and so if you carry a couple of those or eat one right before you go out and you're boating around or have one eat it and then eat have another one in your inventory to eat later that's an hour of gameplay off of two items and all that does is take coconut and flour so that's really easy to come about and the other ones give bigger Boon and different Boons depend on what it is but don't don't sleep on the meals here this is all really really good stuff so I would definitely encourage you to do that next thing we're going to touch on is the job board and missions in general missions is how you get silver and how you level up and get XP and sometimes you get some really good items from them as well there is no disadvantage to taking as many missions there you can't have too many uh you can only track one at a time I'll go into the tracking here in a little bit cuz that's really really neat take them all go to the job board grab every single one that you see I've already taken them all off the board there's no jobs at the moment but grab everything from them if you see that the blacksmith or the carpenter or anybody's got a job that you can take take it cuz you'll be out on the Open Seas and you might uh blast another ship that that contributes towards one Mission they might have an item that another person needs so that contributes towards that one and in doing so you're doubling down and in some cases you can kind of like almost do three tiers like doing a item for this getting kills for this and it's a certain type of ship and you're getting kills for that and so it's like you can really power level and get lots of stuff going and if you don't have that mission picked up it won't contribute to it now there's item specific missions that sometimes you'll pick it up and you've already got the items in your inventory and you just turn it right in immediately which really feels good but a lot of the other ones are cumulative and you need to have the mission in your uh bank to get that going so I would recommend just picking up everything that you can from anyone that has it and if you end up not doing it no big deal you can just get rid of it later and the re the way to do that is you just go to your missions here if I'm on the map I press G for journal they're right here and let's just say I didn't want to do this level two smuggling bribes all right cool so I just would track it um and then I can just abandon it and so I would recommend just abandoning the lowle ones that are way beneath you cuz a couple hundred silver is not a big deal if you want to get it out of the stack but that's a really good way to go about it and accumulating silver is a big thing we'll touch on that here in a moment right now I've only got 9k but I've spent let me pull up my Ubisoft here um I've spent 43,800 silver so I've made a lot and I've spent a lot and uh I'll show you a really great way to do that coming up here soon a lot of items that you're going to need to craft or you're going to want to create for your ship whatever it might be is going to require very specific resources the refinery is a really good place for that and I think that some people are going to gloss over this or not even go talk to them the refiner is where you go and you take raw materials that you've got and then you craft the higher tier of that so in this case I've got a bunch of this fine uh Ramy and I'm just going to go Max there and just craft it now it does take a little silver and it does take a little time but this if you only need maybe a couple more bars of something or you need a couple more certain planks go here and see if you've got enough to craft what you need and kind of top you up so that way you don't have to leave port to go get that last one single plank it's a pretty good way to go about it it's really comeing pretty clutch for me and this comes in with just taking lots of items and grabbing lots of things so and and when you're doing this you can do two things at a time so select your materials for the first thing and then once it starts you can select your materials for the second thing and start it so that way you're kind of maximizing your time we're over here at the carpenter I want to touch on really important things that a couple of my friends glossed over go to the carpenter craft new items make sure you are tiering these up to the highest tier that you possibly can it makes the mining of the materials faster and you get more of them per swing that you do and that helps maximize time in the game so I've I've got everything leveled up to pickaxe 4 uh saw four you know all that stuff but honestly the two best things you can get is get your spy glass leveled up as fast as you can and then get your crowbar maxed out as fast as you can for beta right now the highest we can go is crowbar 4 um crowbar 5 will be good when we get actually two Corsair rank but this is what you use to open up the ships and they're everywhere they're all over the map there's more crash ship in this game than I think anything and when you roll up on it you play the little mini game where you U hit the bar in the middle and once you get a higher TI your crowbar that goes a little faster and there's always lots of really good materials in there so making sure you are hitting those pirate ships while you're out and about and making sure that you have a crowbar to actually get into some of the higher tier ships is Omega important so make sure you don't gloss over that make sure you get your crowbar and then also the spy glass spy glass allows you to zoom in and look at other ships which I'll show you here in a moment and you can see exactly what cargo they have on board so if you're searching for some materials you can just peep all the ships around you and find out if they've got what you need and then you know who to go blow up instead of blowing up just everybody but there are advantages to blowing up just everybody and I'll talk about those in a moment blueprints blueprints blueprints I would say you always want to keep about a th000 silver on your person so that way you've got enough money to fast travel to a couple locations if you need to and I'll touch on that here in a moment but blueprints is the name of the game it's where I've spent majority of my money and when I see a blueprint I just buy it regardless cuz I might need it later where you're going to get your Blueprints and every vendor everywhere has potential to have blueprints for you guys so I go to buy and sell make sure you buy all of them you'll see I've got everything here and they're kind of expensive I mean they range anywhere from 45 silver all the way up to 800 some of them are thousands 2,000 5,000 for the ships just buy them if you've got excess silver buy the blueprints and if you're kind of a lower level don't buy Cosmetics go buy blueprints I would much rather have a better haul to reduce damage than to have a really fancy hat but everybody's going to play it different I would really really recommend that you guys look into that for sure it's important and then like I said you guys pick up missions from whoever in this case these are pretty easy missions and only give me a couple hundred silver um I'll show you a way to get a couple hundred silver a lot easier than that so uh I won't grab those but yes and everybody's got blueprints for everything the ship right right here he's also got blueprints just make sure you're going to the buy and sell Tab and then even if you don't see them right here scroll down they will appear right here here's the Bender I already bought that ship but like you want to make sure that you are searching through anybody who sells stuff for any blueprints because they're everywhere and and you can save yourself a lot of time traveling to a specific spot for a blueprint if you already hit it when you were already there so save up your silver buy Blueprints and get all of that going your Warehouse is shared between all locations where you can get out of your boat and walk around so make sure that you are putting items in the warehouse as fast as you get them any time you get out of your ship so that way you've always got free inventory space it's a really really great thing it goes everywhere let me grab that really fast you'll see that I have all of my food items in here I just stack them up I just take the food items slam them in there and then keep a single stack of whatever so I'm going to transfer all those to the warehouse um actually we'll mark those I guess I need those for a mission so um you know still moveing to the warehouse cuz they'll be there later but the move is just keeping minimum items on your person the cannonballs that you need the repair kits that you need and then like water is amazing cuz it makes you go faster so I'll keep those in my person but everything else guys you have 170 slots I dump everything in here I have yet to fill that up I mean I've still got 45 slots left so I would really recommend just or 35 slots left I would just dump everything that you get in here uh don't break anything down until you're out of space and then probably start breaking down your lower tier guns now something else if you're hurting for money and you're just slamming everything in your Warehouse you can kind of use it like a bank there's these like military relics these sell to vendors for a lot of silver I've got two of those these sell for silver these sell and these sell so keep an eye out for these types of uh items here when you get them put them in your warehouse and then if you're ever at a spot and you want a blueprint but you don't really have the money and you've got a couple of those sitting you've kind of basically gave yourself a little bit of savings so that way you can do it and buy Whatever item it is you're needing cuz that's really going to help you out a lot and make sure that when you're going around guys just stack and grab everything cuz you will use all of these materials in one way or another later I would say that the probably the only thing you don't need to spend a ton of money on is cannonballs everything has cannonballs everything you pick up at C has cannonballs I've got 2,000 cannonballs that I can't do anything with cuz I'm not even using those as my weapon right now so I would say probably don't spend any money or crafting mats on cannonballs except for maybe the first time when you go out because once you start pillaging those things stack really fast so you don't have to worry about that all right let's go out and actually get in the boat and do some stuff I'm not a short walk away from where the boat is but instead of doing that I'll go down look at the bottom whatever hot key is for whatever controller type you're using for me it's Z you can just press that and go right into the boat and warp right there so that'll save you a little bit of time walking especially if you're up on one of the islands hitting the fire or something like that to get more XP we get that boost you're good to go so once you're here you can manage your car will go do everything with your ship you guys all have seen this screen now I want to fast travel because I want to go do this Mission that's over here I don't have to go to the boat to do that if you are just not in the boat and you're at this screen and you bring up your map as long as you're on an island where you can walk around you can fast travel to any other Island that you have unlocked and so I've already gone out here before so I'll just click this hold the button and fast travel out there now it cost cost me 485 silver to do that but time is money in this type of game and so I'm going to cut down on the time used spend a little money and we'll go to this delivery crate and deliver whatever Goods it's asking me for I may or may not have them I'm pretty sure I do we we'll give a look real fast all right yeah so I wants me to get Brandy I've already got 11 out of four I'll submit that really fast so I spent $475 to instantly get there but we made ,650 so we subtracted that we made over $1,100 or ,100 silver in this case uh just by quickly going out there so I'd really recommend everybody that you just go everywhere that you can always make sure you go and dock up and go to the island and unlock it as a fast travel point because you're going to want to warp around the map later it'll save you a lot of time the other thing is this cash I talked about when we were doing the warehouse thing this cash is linked directly to your warehouse and so on any Island you go to that you can fast travel to you have access to that warehouse and so you're not going to leave something behind if you put it there it'll always have access to you when you get to your main island or go to anywhere you're exploring and this is a really great way when you're out doing stuff adventuring around when your items are full just go hit one of these places dump your cash in there or dump your inventory into the cash and then you're good to go when you're at these places make sure you always talk to these Smugglers and see what they've got for sale cuz they might have a blueprint that you are needing in this case I need to be cut throat one to get that otherwise I would have got it same here with this blueprint but I would be buying those right now if I if I needed them the other thing is if you're running low on certain resources like flow to maybe make something a lot of these guys have them and when you have these spots open for fast travel you can get there pretty quickly and it'll save you a lot of time so instead of walking over there I'll just press the hot key and we'll just get right into the boat we're going to talk ships ships are great as you tear up you'll notice big differences but not always is that next tier ship super worth it for what your type of gameplay is I've got right now the highest level ship that we can get in the beta it's the pad King wacking padwa Kang anyway uh I've got it tiered up to level seven nothing wrong with it the whole health is full the speed is full and the cargo is full so it can go the fastest with the most life and I can pack the most in it that's cool but honestly my favorite ship is the Sloop right here because it actually does more DPS based on the type of combat that I do and so the second chip that you get is actually a pretty damn good way to go don't get me wrong that's got more health and whatnot but this one's really really sturdy once you get into it I'm also going to walk you through the best gun load out that I personally use everybody's got different opinions here but I'm going to show you why I like this one and you guys let me know what you think in the comments truthfully so we're going to go into manage ship for the weapons on the front firebombs on the side firebombs on the other side oh yeah firebombs because firebombs Rock dude and then for your armor whatever the highest tier of armor is you've got I think in this case uh these layered scales are where it's at they were on one of my other boats so I'll put those in there uh they're really good and then the furniture items I can get two out of three here uh what do I already have I've got this bomber Works which makes the firebombs that I've got do a damage multiplier of 19% that's really good and then the other one I've got is front powder kegs increase front weapon damage by 10% so the front ones are doing like Bonkers damage and then for my special Furniture slot I can choose from different ones I really like uh increased damage 50% after crew attack for 30 seconds so when you do a crew attack you have like after that when you get the rifles out or do whatever you're doing there then you have um a basically increased damage for 30 seconds after that I really think that's pretty good this is the other one if you're using a lot of cannons and you're good with your shots it decreases your reload time so you can just get way more DPS out but honestly scoping station is the move if you are good with these cannons I can shoot pretty far away if I hit somebody that's 320 M away it they become marked and I do 100% more damage to their weak points because these are AOE type weapons it's not hard for me to hit the weak points and I can kill a lot of ships very quickly and so with that equipped you guys we can take just the second tier ship that you get and basically tiar it all the way up to to a level six and I'll go toe-to-toe DPS with level 9 level 10 ships and do just fine don't get me wrong you got to sail around not die but uh it definitely gets it done and so you'll see that my level six ship now has almost full Whole Health but the speed and the cargo is maxed out uh for what it is and so it it does really well it's not quite as good as this one but it is really pretty good so um I I would recommend this loop I think it's a pretty good ship let's talk about item Tracking not Quest tracking but item tracking this is a really cool thing you can do guys so if I bring up my journal this is where all your missions and everything are at and you can sort through those uh there's different things that's cool but if you actually bring up the menu and you go over to knowledge and then you go into your codex this shows all the different weapons and all the different materials and stuff of that nature you can track anything in this list so let's just say Okay I want to go and track all the stuff for the Sloop you can just click it start tracking and now when you're at this screen it shows you everything you need so hypothetically speaking let's just say I need to go get some Cobalt ingots now when you bring up your map it shows you the location of all of the stuff that you need to build your boat or build the Crowbar or build that next cannon that you're looking for and so in this case let's just say I want to go get some Cobalt I can mine it there or I can go up here and pillage this area so I'm going to go pillage show you guys a little bit of combat with this ship and then we'll call it a video but I think that's a really cool thing that they've implemented for you guys or for all of us and I would encourage everybody to utilize that to be tracking all of those things that you're needing all those things that you're trying to level up and get because it there's there's a lot you need to do in this game and it's really easy to get distracted and so when you've got something you can just pull up your map and be like oh yeah okay yeah I just need four more ingots or I need a little more casting sand and it tells you everywhere on the map that that's located that you've discovered and you can just warp there or boat there really quickly that's going to save you a lot of time keep you on task and allow you to really maximize to level up quickly and uh it makes the game feel a lot less grindy let's talk saling quality of life this is something that changed the game for me I want all of you guys to do this whether you're playing on Console or PC the scroll wheel is something you guys need to work on so for me that's X brings up this menu and then you have to go and select whatever you want to do when you're in the heat of battle somebody's about to murder you there's 10 chips coming down on you this is not a menu I ever want to see in front of me so when you're here you click y for edit or if you're on uh mouse and keyboard you'll click C to edit this when you're in here you can change what this wheel does now you've got up down left and right or right and left obviously did those in the wrong order you can map specific things to these and then all you have to do is press the d-pad this is huge so I have my health um item to the right so that way I use a repair kit if I take damage I've got my stamina items which I use all the time the most of ma to d-pad up and then I've got like my water mapped to d-pad down um or on the keyboard it's just one two and three you'll see there's one a two and a three right there there this is huge so when you're at this screen once you've mapped those you don't need to do anything if you want to hit a stamina thing you just press up on the d-pad boom it's there oh I want to heal myself I just press right on the d-pad boom it's done and that's going to give you a so much better quality of life for just boating around you don't have to worry about anything you can just be sailing and just press one two or three if you're on keyboard or press the d-pad and get those mapped and so make sure that you map all of your health items and stamina items to that so that way you can get the most out of it you guys this is a big deal pick whatever thing fits in there the best I always just pick whatever I've got the most of in this case is the Coconuts cuz it's the only thing I'm running with and it's it's going to make things better for you when you're traversing the ships and everything now let's talk combat so when you combine that with the use of a telescope you become very dangerous let me show you what this telescope does so I'm coming up on that ship in front of us if you're on a controller you click in the right thumb stick for me I do this and then I can zoom in he is carrying some cannonballs and some grilled bread that's it that that dude doesn't have hardly anything I don't want to mess with him what about this guy right here what's he got he's got some linen some cannonballs some bread and some money so that sounds good I'm G to have to fight him anyway if I want to pillage this spot so we're just going to go ahead and start uh murdering him first and then I'll plunder here in a second another technique you guys is what I just did you'll see that I rotate between the left and the front so this line here is the divider that's front cannons that's side cannons and so if I keep the target I'm shooting for between those two spots I can do a lot more DPS by shooting all three of my side cannons cuz this Loop's got three and then rotating back to the front and then rotating back to the side and so while the front ones are charging up I'm blowing up stuff with the side and then going back and while it's reloading the the sides I'm using the front I got to get out of the way here they're going to blow us up and you guys see what kind of damage we're knocking off these boats here it's kind of insane uh these cannons do a lot of damage and it's very very easy to learn how to Arc the shots like that one shot right there did 16k and this is the level three Sloop with the bomb um bombarder bombardiers or whatever um level two ones of those that I showed you earlier on um on the stream or in the video excuse me and so right now we've already blown up the towers we're chilling we're going to press number two to hit a repair so now our boat repaired I didn't have to bring up that menu that's really nice both the Cannons are or the turrets are gone so we're just chilling we're just chilling waiting for our other guys to come there he is he's way off in the distance there so we're gonna pull forward sco and get him in our sights lead our Target a little bit oh yeah and then a single volley from the side of the boat killed that level five ship who is we are in a level five ship but we've got it up to level six with our uh our weapons and then these guys are coming from the side we can't allow that so the side still loading we'll swing over here to the front get back on the side here try to pop a shot between the two to get them both didn't quite work and even though these aren't like direct cannons they have a little bit of an arc to it if you just shoot kind of underneath where your Target's at you're going to very easily get it all right thanks dude oh shoot he's re refilling Health there he goes we got him and you'll see I'm not driving around we're just planted pivoting in circles not doing too much using a little Health when we need it it's very easy to go and pillage these areas and or plunder them and not really have to get all sweaty and crazy about it so we see that level five's coming in from a ways off let's just see if we can shoot these over the uh the side there yes we can try to lead our Target a little bit we're a little behind on that one second one might get him no and we'll shoot in [Music] front oh that's up on the rocks oh there we go we're kind of hitting the sails we're overshooting a little bit but this is what normal cannons do not do you guys being able to Arc those shots and put shots on target before he can even see us is tremendous now mind you we didn't get the loot that came off of him it's still a ways out we'll have to go and uh like boat up to him to get it that guy he's way off in distance he's already at half Health we're crushing him pillaging and plundering gets a lot simpler when you've got a load out you can utilize not everybody's going to like this gameplay style but it's very low pressure it's really easy for me to get resources and and I really like the way it works and the Damage output I can get with these cannons so guys that is a bunch of tips tricks knowledge quality of life features that I would recommend uh there's a lot more to this game but this will sum up some of it and if it gets some decent traction I'll probably do a second video for you guys but at least it'll give you an idea of what a level three Sloop can do cuz that's what we're in against higher tier stuff and honestly this boat will carry you all the way through the end of beta and definitely very early game stuff um easily the first 20 30 hours of gameplay you can probably do in this boat I really like it because of the three cannons on the side guys thank you so much for watching give the video a like if you haven't yet and we'll see you next time enjoy the high seas [Music] bye
Channel: AlexCornnut
Views: 65,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, PVP, BEST, Build, Racing, Militia Gaming, TopSpeed, Top Speed, Foxbody, Porsche, 911, Mercedes, TOP 10, Best Cars, Copium, Copium Series, COPIUM, Cornnut Crew, Top 5, Top 10, BEST CARS, TOP CARS, Rising, Mercury Cougar, Ferrari Evo, Akor, Crew Motorfest, Motorfest, The Crew, The Crew Motorfest, Lamborghini, Pro Settings, Touring Car, Street 2, Grand Race, Pro Setting, GTR, Fitted, BlackPantha, Settings, Summit, TUNE, Skull and Bones, Pirates, Skull & Bones, Skull, Bones
Id: BaSA0v3yqRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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