8 Best reasons to retire early in Guatemala! Right next door!

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hello everyone this is Ronan blew him for those that don't know me this channel is all about how my girlfriend and I just started our financially independent debt free journey since paying off our mortgage with my newfound freedom I talked about how we made happen the forms of passive income we have our thoughts of early retirement overseas personal thoughts and general financial issues today's topic is on 8 best reasons to retire early in guatemala while still the end of the video they see whether this is the retirement destination for you guatemala is a truly unique country and has everything from the ancient maya ruins charming colonial towns a rich culture active volcanoes tropical jungles mountain lakes cloud forests coral reefs and beaches that will entice nature lovers of all kinds those who ventured down to the coast will encounter those lovely beaches for relaxing and fishing villages where travelers can escape busy city streets guatemala is a growing retirement destination that shouldn't be ignored with it's stunning scenic beauty and spring-like climate pretty much all year round it isn't hard to see why and some even come spend only in the winter months there and travel back and forth each year for half a year at a time relatively affordable given the distance from the states here are eight best reasons to retire early in guatemala number one culture in guatemala a mayan civilization developed from a growing population and made rapid development in agriculture science and artistic culture great stone pyramids were built which held their great civilization once the Spanish came most buildings and their towns were converted into colonial style and you can still find horse-drawn carriages traveling along the cobble streets Guatemalan people are full of happiness despite the country's history the whole nation is still recovering after being rocked by a civil war it had brought unity to the people and you now see the streets of being full of energy color and encompasses loud Latin music on every street corner ancient art dating back from the Mayans and brightly colored clothes Guatemala culture is embracing and beautiful with a rich and resilient national heritage they have the ability to smile when times are rough number two places to live in Guatemala Antigua Guatemala is a colourful and colonial small city with cobblestone streets and many cafes with great coffee if you're not careful this city could leave your early retirement budget in ruins it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site in a great example of colonial architectures Guatemala is only an hour away from the mall other amenities you're used to back home there are many art galleries museums cafes bars and nightclubs plus plenty of shopping you can travel by foot to antigua and the weather in antigua is eternal spring with an average temperature of room temperature the issue in a city although beautiful is that it is more expensive compared to other cities to you dad via hot is a town very close to antigua 10 to 15 minutes and everything here is inexpensive for example rental prices range from around $180 to $300 USD per month it is also the very quiet city with little crime Lincoln tideland Guatemala is also a very popular expat destination there is a lake that have several little villages where you can retire Paniccia trail is popular because it has everything you would need in daily living the climate is also perfect never too humid even in the rainy season but there are a bunch of other villages and there is something for everyone exile is another place that have many markets to purchase local foods a movie theater brand name shops great eateries bars and salsa hopping places it is less touristy and unfortunately does not cater to english-speaking tourists it's like living with real Guatemalans there are also mountains that offer 1 days and cool nights the cost of living would depend on your lifestyle you can find rentals as low as 125 dollars a month and live easily between $400 to $500 a month including rent power cable Wi-Fi food and entertainment it is quiet and safe as well to make mention however there are some areas of Guatemala that has a reputation for being an unsafe place to live in some areas are dangerous played by gang warfare and poverty but the majority of the country are very safe number three food and Guatemala there is a variety of food available in Antigua apart from native street food you can also find other major cuisines here the prices for eating day-to-day meals is also very inexpensive imported produce has premium prices here are some of the Guatemalan food chicken Pepe n Guatemala apparently doesn't have a national dish but chicken Pepe n is probably the closest thing to it this spice is still born out of the fusion of Spanish and Mayan cultures is one of the oldest dishes in Guatemala it's made with chicken beef or pork contains both fruit and vegetables usually pear squash carrot potato and corn and it's cooked with a rich mix of spices it's traditionally served with rice and tortillas pupusas pupusas are common and are a great way for travelers who are on a budget to fill up they are thick corn tortillas stuffed with a variety of fillings usually refried beans cheese and pork and then fry it until the surface is crisp and the inside squashy they traditionally come with a helping of salsa and cabbage to keep it fresh empanada x' these are crispy buttery pastries perfect for lunch they usually have a meat filling but in Guatemala most are vegetarian and filled with potato and spinach covered with a variety of toppings such as Guatemala tomatoes onions and cilantro noodle tostadas the starters are a popular street food and most are topped with guacamole tomato salsa radishes onions a large amount of noodles it almost looks like spaghetti but with tacos number 4 entertainment in Guatemala Guatemala is rich with history that can be experienced from the Mayan inhabited Highland to the colonial streets of antigua there is something to explore every corner bringing you back in time antigua today acts as a snapshot perfectly capturing the Spanish colonial architecture of the past lay Catalan is another thing that is attracting expats to Guatemala I see blue lake at land is the deepest lake in Central America and is set against the mountainous backdrop of three volcanoes residents of Lake Ashlin spend their days hiking the winding trails interacting with local Maya and watching a sunset over the water hang in there we are halfway there check out some other great points coming now there is also tikal national park one of the largest Mayan archaeological preserves in Central America these haunting ruins provide visitors with the opportunity in seen what Mayan life and culture was like in ancient times monterrico beach found on the pacific coast is popular for their sea turtle conservation efforts that take place on its shores newly hatched sea turtles are released onto the black sand beach as they begin their fight to the sea there's also a type of beach which is prime for sale fishing there are even accommodations provided by fishing companies on the beach as well surfing is also popular in sepak Kate the telepath for perfect ways that isn't very crowded either playa Blanco has these white sand beaches from the Caribbean in palm trees surrounding a place to just hang out and relax number 5 costal living in Guatemala real estate in Antigua is affordable overseas income is free of local tax and you can live a very good lifestyle for less than $1,400 u.s. a month including regular entertainment eating out in a furnished rental at $800 a month if you're looking to be more frugal you can actually find rentals small and basic apartments for as little as $300 a month some live on less than $1,000 a month making it one of the lowest cost to live in Central America especially compared to its neighbor of Mexico and also has a more relaxed visa policy for double the price of a more average furnished apartment with an extra room you can get one for $500 or get a luxury house for $1,000 a month fully furnished as well this would include all bills electricity and even Wi-Fi having your own car is not really a must if you live in antigua guatemala or around lake and caitlyn where tuk tuks and taxi boats will take you anywhere for two dollars renting a car to travel the country would cost you about twenty dollars a day a full-time maid costs about two hundred dollars per month or part-time twelve dollars a day if you want her to come once a week a couple could live well on a thousand dollars per month in a small house double this amount you'll be able to live in a larger place to travel a more often at restaurants and travel even outside of the country once or twice a year without hurting your budget which could be easily controlled but this would be the rough cost utilities $100 electricity should be around 30 to 40 dollars gas tank for cooking $10 internet is around $30 more if you live in remote areas phone around $10 to $20 no heating buy cheap wood if you have a fireplace a food $100 for one person you can buy street food for $2 a meal local fruits vegetables and meats are delicious expect to pay more for imported products transportation up to 50 dollars but you can get tuk-tuk rides for $2 to $5 you don't need a car entertainment $50 some of the restaurant costs will go under travel and food a nice dinner cost $25 per person and up keep in mind that the varying price is mentioned all depends on where you want to live and how frugal you want to be as well but whatever you choose is pretty affordable compared to North America number 6 renter buying Guatemala for buying property in Guatemala keep in mind that they usually hike up the prices for gringos the assumption is that if you can afford to pay for a home you can afford pain our price you could however negotiate as much as 40 to 50 percent of the asking price most expats pay cash for properties and by doing so you can get a pretty good discount the price if not just negotiate the term directly with the seller and get them to offer financing plans mortgages are very hard to get in Guatemala you need a Guatemalan source of income or can prove that you have a regular foreign income such as a pension some banks require you to put down 50 percent of the price of the property there are also very high maintenance costs if you choose and buying an apartment and some have mentioned that it could be as much as $400 u.s. a month it's also very hard to sell your property as well many people that decide to buy and abstain only a year and are stuck having issues selling the property renting is probably best to do first before buying to figure out where you'd like to live Guatemala is overflowing with Antigua rentals but standards of rental costs vary depending on location amenities furnishings and fittings so shop around to see what's available many rentals in Antigua come furnished and many have rooftop terraces with spectacular volcano views some include internet and cable TV and utilities that are usually included in the rental price you want to also inquire about the safety of the neighborhood as well many of the rentals have secured eight communities but with the cost for rentals in Guatemala tenants pay a legal fee to draw a contract cost vary depending on rental term and price a copy of your passport deposit equal to one month's rent in the first month's rent will be requested up front rentals for 1-bedroom furnished apartments in town start from around 300 dollars a month and this is with parking near international restaurants and other local amenities a beautiful furnished 3-bedroom house five minutes from antigua Central Park is advertised for as low as $700 a month for a one-year contract you can always live outside of the main areas as well to get even more for your dollar but are just a short bus ride away number 7 health care in Guatemala most retirees don't have health insurance although health care is affordable in Guatemala a visit to a u.s. train doctor cost $20 to $50 and he can visit a local doctor for much less but Guatemala does suffer from significant lack of for healthcare making the public system poor most expats use the private sector for this reason keep in mind that the further you get away from the main cities the lower the standard of care becomes for prescriptions it's relatively easy to get by just walking in and asking even with no doctor's note the local prices are also a lot cheaper than the u.s. nothing costs more than the u.s. you can also usually get treatment right away with private health care there is a full range of well trained and experienced doctors covering all different specialities that the majority receive training from the US public hospitals run by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare provide free care to everyone including tourists but they will only treat severe health issues not maintained ailments they tend to be underfunded and frequently run out of drugs and equipment private facilities on the other hand have a reputation for being more comfortable and reliable with better quality of care and English speaking with staff thus many expats turn to the private sector although payment is more often than not required upfront number 8 how to live in Guatemala getting a Guatemala resident permit is easier than you think the requirements are pretty low and almost anyone with a business in Guatemala or abroad retirees and tourists can stay in Guatemala for longer periods a lot of foreigners staying in Guatemala just do visa runs but those would be for those that plan on staying for less than a year ago our Amala getting a resident permit in the country is quite easy and definitely recommended for longer space for longer stays in Guatemala you need to figure out what requirement best suits you there are resident permits for those that are self-employed or work activities if you have income from abroad passive or active you can apply for a visa to be a non economically active citizen rent a star a pensioner a permit for these categories you need to prove of income from abroad a minimum income of at least a thousand USD a month and $200 USD for each dependent for those thinking of retiring in Guatemala the Guatemalan government now offers the pen senado program a permanent residency that will allow anyone to live in Guatemala indefinitely he said doula national identity card will allow the pension Idol expect to open a Guatemalan bank account without having to show the passport the application process will take up to ten days strictly for retired or disabled individuals a monthly income $1,000 per individual and $1,200 per couple is required and this income cannot come from any employer private investments although being self-employed that generates money is acceptable you can apply for Guatemalan citizenship after two years of residency but the standard would be five when you continue to live in the u.s. instead of a more affordable country you sacrifice your comfort you can have so much more experiences living abroad no longer worrying about the costs involved in living day by day by living on that strict monthly budget just to get by to retire you basically need twice the amount of money than living abroad Guatemala is a beautiful country not yet congested with tourists like other Central American countries and it's proven to be a perfect retirement spot for many expats but before you make the decision to make water mala take some time to explore the country and everything it has to offer you well tell me what you think of Guatemala and whether you would like to retire there in the comments below if you liked this video please don't forget to give me a like and subscribe for my further content here thank you for watching my video I hope you have a great day and see you soon
Channel: RoninBlue
Views: 11,723
Rating: 4.80198 out of 5
Keywords: how to retire early in guatemala, guatemala travelling, living in guatemala, how to retire in guatemala, why retire in guatemala, guatemala a great place to travel to, guatemala living, where to retire in guatemala, how to retire early, retire early, early retirement, retire in south america, where to retire in south america, guatemala volcano, volcan de fuego, retiring to guatemala, retire guatemala, cost of living in guatemala vs usa, cost of living in guatemala city
Id: erQYX9eVtfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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