Guatemala's Cost of Living

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good evening guys good to be here with you on another video I just want to give you guys a little demonstration to show you kinda what some of our family space here in Guatemala what a lot of people face here in Guatemala 75% that is three out of every four people in this country live in financial poverty and so I just want to give you a little demonstration to show you some of the real struggles that Guatemalan space and then tell you a little bit about how our sergeant ministry is able to address some of those needs so we're going to just imagine for a minute that we have a family of four I'm sure a lot of you have a family of four a mom a dad and maybe one brother or sister so a lot of the families here actually families of five or six or seven so this would be even more difficult to do but we're going to for this demonstration we're going to go on from a family of four and we're going to say that just the dad has a job because he's been lucky enough to find work cutting coffee in the fields now it's really hard because half of the year is raining all day and sometimes you can't work because the fields are flooded out but when he does have work we're going to say he works five days a week and so doing this cutting copy all day for five days a week is going to pay you about 50 catalysts per day that's about six dollars and fifty cents and so if we do a little math here multiplication fifty times five is 250 Quetzales for the week go ahead and count out that money for you now so here we go 250 Quetzales 100 150 170 190 210 220 230 235 240 and then I have and quetzales in one Quetzal coins there are ten of them so 240 plus 10 is 250 Quetzales now that sounds like a lot of money but you're going to see just how fast that money disappears with this demonstration so the average family when they cook their meals they use Lenya it is a special type of wood that they will cook with if they are you know they don't have a gas grill necessarily all of that is available but most families it's difficult to buy because when you buy that propane tank to begin with it is really expensive so they just use blending it so they can live week by week and so you're going to use about twenty ten dollars with your Linea so 250 - the twenty ten dollars that you use for your week's worth of Lenya you're going to have two hundred thirty dollars remaining okay I'm going to take out twenty six hours here now we've got two hundred thirty two dollars now if I want to run electricity in my house just for basic things it's going to cost me about fifteen ten dollars per week if I live in a small house so two hundred thirty minus fifteen pets all this will leave me with 215 kisailus taking out fifteen from our stash of money for the week now here's where it becomes a little bit pricey if I don't want to send my kid to a school that has 80 kids in the classroom but I school that a little bit better I have to pay for it notice rules here are really free so to get a cheap school that is going to be a little bit better of an education I'm going to pay for a month about two hundred dollars per kid now remember I have two kids so 200 times two kids it's $400 for the month but we're not doing things by month here we're doing things by week so let's divide it out 400 divided by four equals one hundred dollars per week that's what I'm spending per week at my kids school now taking out $110 and 215 when I have now we take away a hundred I've only got 115 Quetzales left for the week well I've got to pay for my house which costs $300 a month divided by four weeks I'm paying $75 per month to live in a house like this I'm just going to clarify one thing and that is that the rent for that house that you just saw would be $75 per week not per month per month it's 300 per week 75 and since we're doing everything for a week we had a $115 left once we take away our $75 we're left with 40 Quetzales for the week that's about five stop the little over $5 I'm going to take out remember we haven't had any media but take out 75 kicks out is 60 75 $45 left for the week so what Guatemalans usually eat is beans and tortillas as they're going to show you the beans here is the beans that's going to run your mouth for $10 per pound and here the tortilla and the tortillas you can get three large tortillas or four small tortillas for one kick top so what a mom will usually try to get two or three kiss dollars per meal so that they're able to have two tortillas with their beans so we are buying for the whole week 5 pounds of beans now 5 times 4 is 20 and we have remember 42,000 meaning once we subtract the 2010 sellers we've got 22 dollars left since lunch is the most important meal here unfortunately if one of moms don't have much money they only lunch and nothing else for the week one meal today and they won't eat tomorrow and unfortunately that is how how it works because you don't have enough money to go around to cover everything and so after we fought we're going to say to $10 per day of tortillas times seven days a week that's $14 20-14 leaves us with 6 quetzales and I'm going to take out 14 forgot to take out my 20 singing out 14 there's ten one two three four fourteen well I've got six petals left for the week well I really like to eat more than just one meal a day so let's try to figure out what we can buy for six dollars one pound of rice is going to cost me about for ten dollars I could buy one pound of rice and still to kick dollars but then going to have remember six kept our eggs we will do eggs eggs cost about one kept all each so we could buy six eggs and maybe we could have extra breakfast for two days out of the week we can't find a pulse because five apples cost ten Cocozza we don't have to have six we have made by three apples we have four ears of corn that's going to cost me about seven or eight cat solid soup that's not going to learn to see how about milk a liter of milk is going to cost me about twelve cats how to sue that belt what one of ours would really like to buy to have what their dinner if they have leftover beans they'll be back for dinner would be plantains now plantains are they look like a banana but really they are quite different they taste different Guatemalans usually fry them in oil or they will boil them in water and they're very good for you but six or seven is going to cost me about 10k college if I get a good price a dozen bananas about seven cats olives and so as you can see it's really hard to live on this and I share with you that beans and two is are the main staple foods here in Guatemala so check out this video on how 40 tortillas are made mi nombre es el estaba en Guatemala hace molas tortillas official cultiva Mo's mise en nuestros sueños y el my is low low open a Mo's a qussair con con car yah cuando digamos soon yeah esta Frio entonces lo la vamos yo llevamos al Mullin yeah Primo's llamas have el molino Jana Posada ponemos en la tierra que es nuestro máxima de Molay lhamo Lemos Atoyac Wando estan yojanas meseta cicadas de la tierra NOS ponemos fatofi avos para que la sociedad nose Olga bien man Aleta's Eston caritas para que no no Jahjaga no fear ta la samos de esta manera la salle me amo y yah semie moseley so un conocido como una serviette o para poner la la happy ahmo's bien bien happy edita para que no se doable yah están listos para vendor Ernest opera consume Otero togas las dos Diaz Braille Guatemala son las mejores tortilla porque las doce Mo's con mucho cariño por que son pal me Erika Yohn esos who knows me Horace tortillas de del mundo mosquito we decided that with our we're gonna buy one Todd rice for for tostada and 2 X so all we have to do week is we have watch am i dead we have we have beans tortillas for lunch that's always done for lunch and then for the rest of the week we can have two eggs and one pound of rice oh no you know my stomach has been bothering me I got a parasite and I've had diarrhea all week well it's going to cost me 250 Quetzales for medicine to take care of this and we don't have any money left oh no well I guess I could just go with diarrhea the rest of the month and hopefully next month we'll have some more money so I can get checked out by a doctor Oh hold on I'll be back I had her under the bathroom Oh switch star stands for serving at-risk families so service will help the family by helping with their medical needs so that KC doesn't have to keep talking diarrhea we would help a family go to the doctor and write medicine and get all their tests that they need done so that he doesn't have to be sickening I was starting to feel a little better yeah that's good also SARS would be would help with the kids schooling and so instead of them having to pay that under cue if service pays for that cute 100q through the sponsorship then they don't have to pay that and they can use that money towards buying movie some plantains some other foods towards other things cost that come up during the month so we help them out in areas like that so that they are able to provide better for their families and for their children another thing that we do is some families who can't don't have enough money for food and like casey was showing you they only eat beans and tortillas and maybe a little rice or eggs we will help them with nutrition baskets each month and we will put in fruits and vegetables maybe some of the apples that they in getting president have enough money or some corn or roughly or other things like that yummy vegetables and we will hear back to them in two months to help them if there's a lot of kids here get anemia which is when you don't have enough of your vitamins and iron and all that you get you get really sick and they're not malnourished and don't have enough food so that's something that we help with as well and then other foundations come down from the u.s. to Guatemala to like vitamin sometimes we gives us chewable vitamins just two kids that come down from the u.s. sometimes we get formula that comes out that we can help with babies who don't have enough to drink and other donations like that like toothpaste and toothbrushes things like that I thankfully our family now has it have been being sponsored and so now I don't have to choose between having food and having diarrhea so thank you so much for not making me make that choice and thank you for loving all the families that that we serve here and that we love here in Guatemala by sponsoring them by doing awesome things like this and raising money today we're able to provide some of these services that we provide so that they aren't left in crisis thank you guys so much god bless you we love you thank you
Channel: Servants
Views: 12,008
Rating: 4.6223178 out of 5
Id: n0ew3Dqss1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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