Retire Early $998 Month Antigua Guatemala

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this is dan of vagabond awake from hobo venture welcome back to the channel we just completed 30 days in ontigo guatemala one of my favorite places in the world and we'd like to tell you what our cost of living was for those 30 days for two hours the best the basic cost of living yeah for two people so the rent was five hundred dollars i'll tell you how i got these apartments not by abn b yeah she got a really good deal it includes utilities water electric internet and good internet 20 megabyte internet and including a wall uh washer and dryer and also including the the cleaner to come to clean the house and it was in a gated community right near the center part of town we were extremely happy with it so nice work shanghai 500 bucks the second uh expense was a taxi we took a taxi home from the grocery store twice and we walked the rest of the time we lived there and also the taxi did i go for the spanish school okay yes so that was seven dollars for the month yes uh we spent a lot of money in restaurants this month we eat out almost uh 17 days 17 days we went out to eat and sometimes we eat out like two times a day so yeah it's like 20 to 25 time we was eating outside so we spent 187 dollars in 30 days in restaurants that's true which is more than we usually spend but it was fun um and so we're happy we did it yes next guest is the grocery store we spent 263 because we know how to shop in the local market i mean the local mercado yeah instead of the supermarket yeah and there's a special spot where the locals buy even in the local market there's a spot where the prices are lower and we'll show you that in another video yes and it's because also uh monday thursday and saturday is a big market that's why you have more choices and fresh and cheap so uh if you go beside the other day it's small you know less choices for you and we probably only would have spent maybe 150 in that local market but we also went to the expat grocery store and bought a bunch of foreign foods um that we always tell you not to buy and so that way that's why it added up to 263. because because you need oily foil extra virgin olive oil it can't just be virgin has to be extra and then and some cranberry which is we couldn't find in the local market we like to put cranberries in our salad yeah yeah so those things acting a lot yeah another stuff yeah and and then our sim card for our phone was uh thirteen dollars is seven gigabyte data and it's unlimited call to us and guatemala and that's just for when we were outside the house when at home we had the wi-fi included in the 500 bucks yes and then um we spent 50 28 sorry 28 dollars in tips at restaurants and other services we like to tip people that nice do nice work yes and including donation also also put on the tips yes it's 28 us solid yeah once while you see somebody that looks like they need a meal and they have their hands out and so we like to give them money too um so the total yes these are our recurring expenses for the month uh we're 998 it's amazing and it's a gorgeous city we'll tell you more about it in a minute yes but we didn't want to add certain things to the bill but we'll tell you what those are now we call them our non-recurring expenses um alcohol 141 dollars because we go to happy hour a lot that includes both the grocery store and happy hour yeah and restaurants drinks with meals and stuff yes and so um also personal items added up to 70 us dollars and tours and tips i would like to say the personal item that we bought is like a multivitamins and my condolence solution water is very expensive also in latin america yeah and those thing is the person i think that you will not use so we're not adding you may or may not use but we just wanted to call it out separately yes okay you probably would have other items you spend money on that we wouldn't but so those are our non-recurring expenses they wouldn't be every month but we thought we'd tell you what they are yes and then uh tours and tips if you live there you probably wouldn't go on tours every month so we decided to pull those out into non-recurring expenses and those came to 162 dollars including tips yes and it's uh it's the tool that we go for the volcano tour and also it is some museum that we go in the inside also so it's all these things that you're not you want to stand there if you're living there yeah and the one tour we wanted was the suego mountain which is just amazing i mean it was uh at night you can watch the volcano erupt and though you can watch lava flow down the side of the mountain and but it was a brutal hike it took five hours to get to the top of the mountain and it was almost straight up and so it was really a lot of work and we got a lot of help from the guys walking up so we wanted to tip them so those alcohol personal items that the tours and tips all added to 373 dollars in non-recurring expenses so we spent a total of thirteen hundred and seventy one dollars for thirty days it's amazing it's like wow i didn't know that this would be yeah we thought we spent more because we were going to all these restaurants we were doing whatever we felt like and so really turned out to be a good bargain at 1371. yeah and if we lived there it'd be more like the non-recurring uh or forgive me the recurring costs of about 998 is we'd be closer to that every month yes and that's a nice condo so it's we weren't really uh suffering at all uh at that number so um we also had some things that we noticed about antigua we wanted to share with you now we'll be coming up with videos with more detail about this stuff but we wanted to share some of these things with you and the first thing is how we find this apartment is i go to the facebook uh aspect group and ask that we want to go there and then we're looking for a place for two weeks to a month so they have people recommend us and some the the owner text us say do you want to see the house or asian so and also i go to the marketplace which is looking for the facebook marketplace facebook marketplace in antigua are looking for the rental property for rent this and then i conduct the agent that's arranged for me on this day if the house is still available i would like to come to see the house so we have apartment tour yeah we have an apartment show which i think it's four partners will show you they range from about 250 up to 500 and so there's a large assortment and so you you won't have a hard time probably uh getting down to our numbers so long as you live like we do and department tool will give you an idea what you can get for your money which yeah actually you still have a lot of place but we didn't i we didn't spend that much time yeah we only spent a day on it wasn't it like two hours to see the how and we made because you know yeah if i'm one time we just go for myself so what is it about antigua antigua guatemala that attracted us it's not exactly a place that's undiscovered for travelers it's very well known place yes uh antigua was the capital of central america when when spain when it was a spanish colony when all of central america was a spanish colony antique was a center so that you have some of the oldest most beautiful colonial arab buildings and churches and and because of that gorgeous architecture and the arts that are there you also have a lot of restaurants you have a lot of foreigners coming there from all over the world so it's a very charming city that's why they will have uh inexpensive uh food restaurant yeah the high class or whatever right so you'll see you'll see a range of uh restaurant prices anywhere from like two three bucks in the local market yes all the way up to six eight bucks uh in the uh expat restaurants the local market or local restaurant they are like about uh three dollar is uh uh soup and then uh main course and then and the drink yeah so it's all included so it's a full it's a set meal there you go they also yeah and so antiqua is also on the back it's on the backpackers highway if you will so there's a lot of hippies there it's a very liberal kind of feeling place there's bars and restaurants and coffee shops happy hour yeah cheap happy hours like one dollar drinks yeah one dollar cocktail drink yeah so so along with the charming colonial air and and you've seen you've seen pictures of the or you've been to these colonial mansions that have like huge courtyards in the center they've been converted to little quaint little restaurants around the outside with fountains and all different yeah arts and and coffee shops and bookstores and so it's a very enticing place to live yeah and so and they have a lot of the promotion breakfast that you eat like buy two free ones yeah like two for one two four one is like uh 30 casales which is uh about 4.5 us dollar per person you have a one set meal in a beautiful culture yeah and we were there at the most expensive time here it was high season was easter antigua is famous for their easter celebrations we'll show you pictures and videos of that coming up and so um you know it's not like we were there at low season to get the you know the prices we were getting that is why that we why we didn't find in the airbnb because the price is is very expensive yeah airbnb has become very expensive around the world and so you have to be creative i have a video about how to find perfect apartments and we followed the same procedure that chum did where yeah you're using other uh not just airbnb anymore um and so i'll put a link to that uh below this video also um let's see what else oh we found a great we found a great expat grocery store there that had pretty much anything you would want to get from around the world um i would just say that's just so so it's just normal stuff that you can get like a olive voice yeah i'm not sure about cheese butter is good but it's not much than that and then after that well we also have uh no i take a spanish lesson over there which is 100 us dollar is 20 hour one by one teaching in a beautiful uh gardens you know so is we can i can enjoy and learn my spanish is it's nice to learn spanish and antiqua is also known for these cobblestone streets have become famous and cloning our cities and they've they haven't paved any of the streets in the central part of the city it's really cobblestone streets that's why we don't take taxi we prefer walking it's really beautiful i cannot take taxi i just i prefer walking yeah so instead of paving over the streets they whenever street has trouble they pull up the cobblestones they flatten it out put them back down and so it's been that way for centuries and then um i already already mentioned it was the capital of central america in some ways because of the of the money is you know the spain spent there because it was a seat of the government for a large area it reminded us in some respects of other parts of latin america in terms of its charm and the and the beauty of the colonial era center yes and that would be places like in ecuador maybe our kippah uh look in ecuador which is like kwanka okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah in peru it will be like arequipa yeah kahamaka yeah this area and in mexico it will be like a semi-gear and semicondens yeah so it was very clean and beautiful and um it felt very safe i mean it's very safe because you know what i noticed in some of the street they have cctv over there yeah and and but it's just i don't know i just felt really safe there i didn't see anyone that was even i was worried about no and we weren't just you know we weren't hiding in the house at night we went out and we would eat in restaurants and go to happy hour and stuff and um and so it has a very a very nice feel to it i thought that i thought that i always need like a cinema or big shopping mall but i think i can um i like antigua a lot you know one man to say that it's not enough if i want to go back there i need to stay there for three months actually because i haven't visited all the museum yet you know yeah yeah i still want to go back there yeah and so for guatemala we as you know we went to lake atitlan before antigua and we really enjoyed it there if you've seen our videos if not go back and watch them come to vagabonda where you can see my videos go to hobo ventures youtube channel that and watch chung's videos we really love lake attitlan but i think if i would i think i would prefer to live in antigua and visit lake taylor because there's just so much going on in antigua yes yes but in the coming weeks we'll be showing you more videos of antiqua thanks for watching this we just wanted to share stay tuned stay tuned yeah and remember to don't forget to like like subscribe and comment it will help our youtube channel to be good thank you so much thanks so much thank you so much thanks for watching our video click the link in the notes below this video to get a copy of this content plus grab a free copy of my ebook how i fired my boss and traveled the world for 13 years while you're there check out our catalog of retired cheap reports all over the world and our hobby income course that we just released thanks so much
Channel: Vagabond Awake
Views: 6,226
Rating: 4.9700933 out of 5
Keywords: antigua guatemala, retire early in Guatemala, cost of living in Guatemala, cost of living in Antigua, cost of living in antigua guatemala
Id: w9-ul6-69GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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