7 AI Tools To Run Your Business From A to Z

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in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to grow your business make more sales and increase your profitability without working harder without hiring anyone and without needing to spend a small fortune on expensive software just by leveraging a few powerful AI tools and Technologies now I appreciate all of that sounds way too good to be true and I admit if you asked me if this was possible 10 years ago I probably would have said no no it's not possible no no it's not possible but today the dream of having robots do all or at least some of your most boring and repetitive business related tasks isn't just possible it's already happening for businesses all around you and a good place to start getting a little AI help is by offloading one of the most time consuming tasks when it comes to marketing content creation content marketing is one of the most important parts of marketing and growing a business today and pretty much every single social media channel and platform and network out there is hungry and looking for more high quality content the problem is that most businesses out there aren't creating anywhere near the amount of content that they should be creating that is if their goal is to grow make more sales increase their revenue but I get it after all creating content takes time A lot of it but lucky for us this is where AI can step in to help for starters I'd suggest looking into descript which will help make creating content faster and easier than ever before because if you can talk then you can create as it's got a pretty powerful little audio to text generator that's going to take whatever you say and then transcribe it you can also use it to edit your audio for a podcast or upload and edit a video and easily remove filler words like um and like and you know just by highlighting and deleting them yes you heard that right with descript you're not just dealing with waveforms and time codes instead you're handling transcripts which makes it easier than ever to perfect your project or in the wise words of tech entrepreneur Andrew Mason the founder of descript it's Photoshop for audio descript or descript anyway it's great if you already have an idea of what you want to create but if you're stumped for ideas and not sure where to even begin then here's a few chat gbt prompts to use in order to get things rolling hey Chachi PT could you please give me X ideas for blog posts about topic obviously replace the X with the number of blog posts you're looking for and replace the topic with the actual topic that you want it to be about what's funny is that even if you forget to replace the X with the number that you're looking for in the topic with the actual topic cat GPT will remind you hey chat GPT could you please list X common challenges faced by ideal customer Avatar you'll notice that I always say please to chat GPT and this is just in case robots one day take over the world and I like to imagine that they remember me as one of the good guys hey Chachi BT could you please write an outline for a video script that talks about topic that follows the Pas problem agitate solve copywriting framework I used an example here on the topic of how to knit your own socks and I gotta say chat GPT did not disappoint what's most impressive though is that it was able to do this in just a matter of seconds and this is because chatgpt4 is somewhere around 100 times stronger than its previous versions and it's only getting better every single day which just so happens to Lead Me perfectly to this next tool which has also got an infinitely better over the past few months mid-journey mid-journey is a text to image generator that acts like a weird little chef that takes in the ingredients of words and Cooks up a delicious dish of pictures you give it text it gives you images it's that simple now in the past some of the images It produced were nothing short of terrifying I'm talking about nightmare fuel that was capable of Haunting your dreams for weeks on end especially when you asked it to create images of human hands for some reason it just couldn't get that right fortunately like pretty much every other piece of AI out there right now it's improving in a shockingly fast rate and you're now able to get images of basically anything you can think of for example let's say that you're writing a blog post on say I don't know how about a pink elephant balancing on a disco ball juggling pineapples just uh just another normal Tuesday night around here well all you need to do is type in this odd wildly specific example into mid-journey and just like that out pops an image that at least somewhat captures the essence of our disco dancing pineapple juggling Pink Elephant but if you're looking for something even spicier than this next one's for you it's called Runway AI and it's similar to mid-journey or Dolly except it takes it one step further by not just taking text to image but text to video this is one of those things that I think is just starting to get the recognition that it truly deserves though it's still relatively undiscovered I mean let's look at this stuff it's crazy I think we're most excited though about this and about where the technology is heading is as a video editing tool and not just as a gimmick or a cool party trick I mean it already allows you to work with green screens and remove objects and do all kinds of other Fancy Pants editing stuff without needing complicated or expensive software for example let's say that I wanted to replace this YouTube plaque back here with a picture that I like well now it's done or let's say that I decide I want to remove the skateboard over here or maybe get rid of the dartboard and replace it with a plant well all of that is possible with the snap of a finger snap of two fingers I guess there here's the deal though as great as images and obviously video are for growing your business there's one tool that I pretty much always use regardless of what business or Market or industry that I'm working in that's email and once again thanks to AI there's now a way to make writing and sending emails faster easier and more effective than ever before so on that note I'm excited to get to introduce you to this video sponsor get response get response is the only platform with a full-scale AI email generator powered by chat GPT technology this means it can whip up content for your email including the copy and optimize subject line for better open rates and even Design Elements like layouts and photos and colors all in less than three minutes whether you're new to marketing or a seasoned Pro get response has you covered with its intuitive interface and the ability to build pre-built or completely custom automation scenarios where you can send automated emails to new subscribers you can reach out to card abandoners and you can recommend products your customers will adore getresponse also offers sign up forms and pop-ups and even an AI website builder so you could create a website in just 30 seconds plus its customer Journey Builder and automated lead scoring make delivering hyper personalized messages a complete Breeze and the best part the get response free plan is well free and perfect for beginners as it offers 2 500 newsletters per month all landing page signup forms pop-ups and a landing page builder and all you need to do is just click the link in the descriptions below this video to start using get response for free today next up it's time to talk about how to keep all this organized structured and set up in a way that allows you to become a hyper efficient money making machine so let me introduce you to mem next mem calls itself a self-organizing workspace but what does that even mean good question what mem does is help you stay organized by acting as kind of a AI assistant that's personalized to your needs if you're anything like me then the odds are good that your work and life are scattered across a million different places I'm talking email and apps and random notes and scrap pieces of paper with all kinds of stuff written down just things everywhere all over the place it's a mess I'll have a good idea I'll write it down I'll forget where I wrote it down and it's gone forever I'll have an appointment I'll put it in my calendar but it's the wrong calendar so I'll miss it I'll send an email forget which email account I sent it from forget who I sent it to and then spend hours searching through old messages trying to find the password or whatever it was that I was trying to build up well mem uses AI to connect and sort through all of this data and connect your email and your calendar helps you save links and websites from anywhere and just gives you a helpful centralized place to jot down notes so you always know where you're going to be able to retrieve them later okay next up is a fun one that I've been waiting to share with you so buckle up because things are about to get pretty yeah just just pretty looka is a tool that helps you quickly and easily come up with some pretty professional looking designs and logos for your brand not only can It help you design a logo in a matter of seconds but it can also help you with brand colors and with fonts and with putting together what's known as a brand Bible a centralized placed with all of your brand rules and guidelines and fonts and colors in one centralized place which helps make sure that you're maintaining an even and consistent and professional look across all of your different platforms now here's the deal a logo isn't even close to the most important thing when it comes to Growing your business that said designing one that you're proud of and that you don't mind showcasing and that helps you to create more content put out more marketing obviously that is good and seeing as this is a relatively quick process might as well get into it so let me walk you through an example now to show you just how cool this really is alright first we're going to enter our company name now we already did sock knitting back when we talked about chat GPT prompt so let's use something equally strange and OBC about um Kitten Mittens a company dedicated to protecting your furry friend's Paws and your furniture because cat's Got Claws it's actually a pretty good slogan also one of the reasons I've always been more of a dog person anyway we'll type in Kitten Mittens then choose pets as the industry now it's time to scroll through things here to find a few different logos that we like the look of seeing as Kitten Mittens is no ordinary pet brand I'm gonna pick a few of the more fancy looking logos to base our design off of that done then it's on to Colors now color psychology is a whole big thing but the best advice that I can offer you and especially keep in mind when we're talking about premium branding is that we want to steer clear of primary color palettes like bright Reds bright Blues bright yellows things like that and instead kind of tone things down so soften our blacks warm up our whites making them a little less harsh and going from there so for now let's start with teal for our color then we're going to add a slogan just for fun I liked uh because cat's Got Claws but I think we're gonna go with perfect but with three R's obviously then symbols let's go with the cat obviously uh then I'm just gonna let it do its thing from there scroll down and see if there's any that stand out and then all we have to do is click Start customizing in order to come up with and craft our perfect customized design that's it okay next up we've got a Bonus one for you called the AI Warehouse while the AI Warehouse is not actually a warehouse it is an online compilation of some of the best consumer and business level AI tools and software to help you find a perfect solution for whatever you're looking for like say I want a website well I can just type in website and I get a list of options to choose from or maybe I wanted help coming up with a new business or offer name so I type in name and just like that a bunch of AI options show up but if you really want to automate all of your marketing so that it brings in New Leads new customers and new sales even while you sleep then you're definitely going to want to check out the video that I've got linked up right here where I'm going to show you step by step exactly how I got chat gbt to build my entire marketing campaign for me so make sure to tap or click that now and I'll see you in there in just a second
Channel: Adam Erhart
Views: 16,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam erhart, marketing show, digital marketing, what is digital marketing, marketing 101, marketing, how to advertise your business, instagram ads, marketing strategies for small business, marketing strategies, social media marketing, marketing funnel, marketing analytics, sms marketing, linkedin marketing, email marketing platforms, b2b lead generation, lead generation, email marketing, online advertising, content marketing strategy
Id: ped5euEcaLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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