8 AI Chrome Extensions You Need To Try in 2023!

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they are more and more powerful AI tools coming out these days it's very easy to miss out on good ones because there's so many of them so here are some of the very best AI Chrome extensions I've tried that can save you tons of time and help you get more done the first one is one of my favorites it's Chachi PT sidebar and it's the fastest way to access chat GPT from any web page when you press command P it opens the sidebar where you can ask any questions it can be about something you saw on the web page or just a random question you have but what I like most about it is that there are a bunch of other prompts you can choose from such as grammar rewrite explain and so on these are really helpful for anybody with different needs and purposes I guess the only issue would be that you cannot ask follow-up questions you can only ask one question at a time but it's still great and free the next one is one of the most popular new AI tools it's chatsonic it's a great chat GPT alternative with some improvements just like chat GPT sidebar you can open this small mini window on any web page by pressing command M here you can ask questions like you usually do and this is a big difference chatsonic can include the latest information from the internet in its answer and you can see its references too which is really helpful for you to check where the information came from but again you cannot ask for a lot of questions anyway chatsonic specializes in writing like blog posts emails and ads here you can see some example prompts for different purposes which can be about writing content crafting tweets researching and rewriting so I'm sure it will come in handy whatever your needs are and I love that you can use this on any website which means that you can use it on your favorite writing platform and note taking app I usually use ampere note for writing script and I could use chatsonic with no problems and it was a great experience but since it comes with a lot of features it's not free it costs at least 13 dollars a month but it can be more depending on the plan you choose still it might be a great investment because it will save you a lot of time and energy okay next I love this one it's Rita by read wise you probably know it already and wondering how the heck is it related to AI well let me show you realize does many things but it's a great tool for highlighting the key points of the article you're reading or saving it for read it later so for example when I stumble on an article that I want to read later I can hit this extension button here you can continue reading and make some highlights if you like but if you want to read it later you can just close it and go to your reading list later this is where you can see all the items you've saved it can be articles YouTube videos Twitter threads newsletters and so on and now what's cool is that you can ask Chachi PT to read it for you by hitting on this invoke ghost reader option then you can of course ask it to give you a summary which is pretty useful but also ask it any questions about the article this might save you a lot of time especially when you are reading a super long article and just want to find the information you need but this is not all there are many more things you can do with a ghost breeder for example when you click on highlight you can invoke ghost reader by pressing G on your keyboard and ask it to give you a tldr translate it explain it simplify or even make it into a haiku I'm not sure how useful that would be but it's funny my favorite is the flashcard option you can ask it to make a flash card for you based on the Highlight this is great for studying and remembering what you read in general I think it's super useful for students especially speaking of Saving Time today's sponsor scribe offers a fantastic Chrome extension it can literally save you hours every week it makes it super easy to create a step-by-step guides for almost anything you know try to teach someone how to do certain things can be hard and time consuming especially online but using a detailed how to guide is very effective all I need to do is start recording the process by hitting on the Skype extension button and then simply do the process it's okay if you make some mistakes because you can edit it later and when you are finished stop the recording then scribe will automatically generate a detailed step-by-step guide that's easy to read and I understand it's looking great already but you can edit a few things like the title and the description or even at a tip or something to make it even easier to digest now you can just share the link to your friend or anyone who asks you how to do this thing it only took me a few minutes to create this which could have been an hour if we were in full scribe you can start using it right away for free I'll leave the link in the description so you can download it now okay number four liner might be known as a great way of highlighting tool but recently it transformed itself into a research assistant with the help of chatgpt of course you can still use it to make highlights on websites and even more YouTube videos all of your highlights will be saved in one place and you can export them to your notes app if you like but now it helps you research on the web too for instance when you are doing research on something it will show you the response from Chachi Beauty on the right side of the society result yeah it's not always useful but it can be very helpful from time to time also from its dashboard you can ask any questions just like you do with chatgpt and if it will give you the answer along with relevant articles this is actually really helpful because you can type a deeper into the topic more easily if some articles look interesting you can save them to your reading list so you can read them all later also it's available as a mobile app so you can access your reading list from your phone like highlights as well as discover interesting articles it's actually a great alternative to apps like pocket and insta paper alright if you're looking for a great bookmark manager or just a single place to store all of your favorite things online my mind is a great choice it's an AI power tool that will automatically organize your bookmarks using tags I love it so much that I've talked about it so many times on my channel so how do you use it well you just need to hit the extension button on any webpage you want to save or remember it doesn't have to be an entire page it can be just a picture or even just a sentence if you want to save it highlight the thing and hit save to my mind then when you go to your mind you can see all of them click on one and you will see that it was automatically tagged with a bunch of things this makes it so much easier to find the things where you need them there are other cool things you can do with my mind so I think you should give it a try it's super good the next one is napkin collect the idea is similar to my mind essentially it's like my mind but for notes and ideas I've been using this tool for almost a year and it's been incredible the way it works is that you save your favorite passages from an article or website then just like in my mind it will automatically analyze a passage and give it a bunch of tags and based on the tags it will present you with relevant notes and ideas it's excellent at exploring the connections between ideas and over time it will become your sort of idea Bank you can visit it anytime to get inspiration and review your past thoughts I actually made a video about how I use this tool recently so check it out if you're curious okay we are almost done the next one is called YouTube summary this that's exactly what it says in the name it extracts transcripts from any YouTubers send it to Chachi PT which then summarize it for you so you can read it in less than a minute as someone who learns a lot of things from YouTube videos this is a huge Time Saver because some videos may have a long intro or ads I know I do these things too as a Creator but I know it's not great as an audience anyway I use it fairly often especially when I'm watching a long educational video it's much quicker this way and also easier to paste it into no tap if I want to remember something from the video alright this is the last one and it is mailer this is a great free Chrome extension that specializes in crafting emails in an instant writing emails can be pain in the butt because it's boring and takes time but with this tool you can shorten the whole process to a few minutes or even seconds you just simply give it a prompt and pick a tone and then hit right and it will do the rest for you you just need to add a bit of personalization at the end and that's it if you're someone who writes lots of emails and they're looking for a free AI tool to help you this is the one alright that's it for today if you like this video please leave a like And subscribe and if you think I missed something or if you have any questions please do let me know in the comments below cool thank you and see you next time bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Shu Omi
Views: 23,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shu, Shu Omi, chrome extenison, ai, chatgpt, gpt4, ai apps, ai tools, ai chrome extensions, best ai apps, best chrome extensions, how to use gpt4, ai tools for youtube, chatgpt examples, gpt 4 demo, best productivity apps, productivity, best ai writing apps, chatgpt 4, chatgpt how to use, ai tools for writing, ai tools for content creation, ai tools for business, chatgpt plugins, gpt 4, ai tools 2023, chatgpt tools, chatgpt apps, gpt 4 apps, chatgpt chrome extensions
Id: O5hik0RT2_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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