8-26-2019 KWTV Severe Weather Coverage

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and tighter on the circulation we have swarmed this thing like bees on honey and here's the deal it's moving south southeast it's actually headed down towards parts of the Metro that's gonna come in from the north at the same time we've got other severe storms now coming into the West Metro coming in from the south so it's a one-two punch one from the north one from the west and it's all gonna merge right on top of Oklahoma City with damaging wind large hail all right at least some potential to get quarter to golf ball-sized they'll win 60 to 70 miles per hour and that tornado threat it will be there but it's not gonna be in every storm in right now it's only in the storm north but also rotation developing to the west of Oklahoma City we've got to watch these storms carefully okay before we get going here let's go to Jim Gardner he's up top and Jim tornado warning now for your storm the circulation you're looking right at it I don't see anything on the ground but give me an update of what you're looking at right there go ahead David as you can tell this has really really ramped up in the past 30 minutes right now Rose the Cimarron River just north of Guthrie here shooting back to the north as it drops to the south David there's a tremendous amount of cloud to ground lightning as you can see from these shots from Bob mill Scott who is 9 you see the wall cloud right there we also ended leap and back to the left David here come back to left we got another lowering here trying to form right here and this is all kind of grump it to the south David but here's another pretty good wall cloud trying to form up but just a tremendous amount of cloud to ground lightning a lot of rain lot of hail this is a wicked storm David we'll keep trying to keep you updated Jim gore pouring live for Bob mill Scott who's 9 back to you ok all right great job there Jim's stay with it here is it moves off to the south I say exactly where it is coming up before we go to our next tracker I'll tell you what let's go to links 1 let's get into this now you've got it links links three control room let's go to links free my bad let's go to links free and this is this big sale up here it was several sales they've now become one and Cassie Cohan let's turn off the lightning here we know we've got tons of lightning right this is a lightning storm as well but the hook is right back in here right you can see kind of a spin even with the reflectivity here this is our next you live this is our a million watt radar you can see the spin back in here Jim's right here Tom and Rob we're looking right back at the updraft and the wall cloud and a valves right here they're going to have golf ball-sized hail running from north of Guthrie it's gonna pound you folks in Guthrie down to Meridian to Coyle to Perkins it's moving still south southeast it's not moving quite straight south but south southeast now roughly at about 15 to 20 miles per hour so the tornado warning is going to be for the areas and again just southwest of Orlando I'll show you exactly where coming up let's go to shear rate on this Cassie take a closer look at that and it's right here area of circulation is right here at southwest of Mulhall just north of Jim and that's that shot right there okay that's that shot from Tom and Rob that picture in the lower left is right here that's the area of spin let's go to max rot let's see what max wrought looks like and there it is it's right here there's Tom and Rob circulation is dropping south south these gems right here looking off to the north okay let's go back out in the field let's go to Tom here real quick we'll get an update from Tom and there's that supercell Tom tornado warning now for your storm there's the wall cloud do you see anything on the ground go ahead that's right David right now I don't see anything on the ground it's actually been trying to do something for the last 15 20 minutes earlier we had a really well-defined walk left and it really really tightened up and we thought of something there for a moment but it didn't right now as you can see in our shop the rain is really wrapping into that walk cloud that we had visible here about two minutes ago so we're gonna go south and start to get a better vantage point back to David okay all right great job there Tom and Rob stay with this it's dropping south southeast now let's go back to Lynx 3 and this is the hook right here this is where Jim is Tom's right here Val's right here looking right at it well good about here coming up and the hook is right here you can see the reflectivity wrapping around Jim is right there okay this is where the tornado is gonna be let's put max rot back on we'll do max rot okay and then we'll do a strong track cast they get a strong track ready on this and we're gonna drop it almost straight south but we'll go south south east and include guts Rick you folks in Guthrie this is to your north okay this is now passing Mulhall circulation is it's passing molho molehills in the wind and hail and rain the area of circulation with the tornado is going to be is going to be just north of the river north of Guthrie here up near the flats okay that's where the area of circulation is it's dropping south southeast it's good about caster val is right there where tom is looking at it let's go to Val and get an update and Val I know you see the circulation there we're gonna take you to stream live and get an update from Val what do you think bout doesn't look like it's on the ground but circulation now pretty strong just south-southwest about two miles okay David I'm just going to tell you this right now it's it's wrapped in rain from our vantage point about eight minutes ago seven or eight minutes ago we saw a funnel that was partially wrapped in rain a brief bottle right where that happened at but yeah yeah go ahead you go ahead go ahead go ahead what do you see when you look down to your South yeah we're going south we stopped to do the report here we saw a funnel wrapped in rain about 10 minutes ago and that was just a little west southwest of Orlando now that area is kind of moved over us and and it continues to rotate so it's still rough David we're going to stay with it back to you yeah incredible there yeah go ahead and get some more the lightning in this thing is just really crazy lots of lightning lots of lightning okay let's go back to the ground here let's go to there we go links free there's Jim there's Jim shot and let's get the audio figured out back there again this is where the hook is right here this is where the inflow is okay this is gonna be just north of Guthrie it's dropping straight almost due south it's more south southeast okay we're gonna leave this storm for just a second okay hang with me here we've got another severe storm at the wall cloud out in Canadian County and look at these storms here folks these are the storms that are going to sweep across the Metro from the West these will sweep across the northern and eastern sides of Oklahoma City at least the North Metro Edmond to Luther you're gonna try to get in on these storms if these don't clip you these certainly will from the West Bobby pains right they're out with Alan Rosie these storms are all severe once again moving east southeast now at about 20 miles per hour let's go on the ground let's go to Bobby Payne and get an update from Bobby and Bobby your storm has circulation in it it does have a wall cloud you've been talking about it here for the last 10 minutes or so give me a in the trees give me an update on that updraft and what you're looking at right now with that storm now coming into Canadian County just north the Calumet it's headed to El Reno go ahead Bobby okay David it did have a well-defined wall cloud about five to seven minutes ago and strong outflow winds undercut it right now the wall cloud is still disorganized but it's just now just getting ready to come out where the top of us we're about that we are about three to four miles north of Calumet the wall cloud does or did have a little bit of rotation espavo rotation but we're continuing to track it to the south back to you David okay all right great job there Bobby great job stay with this it don't sweep across the Metro let's go to links for control room and we'll do a storm track and this is gay beyond the Western storm here and then we'll do the storm track on the tornado warning to our north that is the tornado warning what you're seeing right yes it is okay there we go so tornado warning again once again this is for for northern Logan County if you live north of Guthrie if you live south of Mulhall okay it's kind of in a rural area right now you need to go to your safe spot lowest level center part of the house you can live in a mobile home you've got to get out of there right I'll show you with exactly where the tornado is coming up but once again we're looking at Cedar Valley 838 Meridian 8:45 Guthrie 846 okay get through you are just about dead center line of fire with this thing right now Arcadia Arcadia 921 that's over here and Luther at about nine 23 I think it's gonna keep moving more like this so I think Edmond Guthrie Luther you're in the line of fire with this storm and with that potential again possible tornado right now that's just just pretty much right on i-35 okay now let's do a storm track on the other severe storms back to the west here and again this next line is gonna move east southeast across the Metro we're looking at Calumet at 8:25 Cherokee Trading Post 829 El Reno at about 855 Piedmont 901 Yukon 923 edmond 932 okay that's gonna be this line out here to the west Edmond 930 to the village 938 outlet Shoppes 944 Arcadia at about 950 so the bottom line is we're looking at El Reno at nine o'clock that's the West Metro alright and then the eastern sides of Oklahoma City Midwest City tikka Air Force Base at about 10:20 so it'll take about an hour and a half maybe a little longer to run from El Reno all the way across the city and this will produce unless it weakens it will produce damaging winds 60 to 70 miles per hour quarter and possibly golf ball-sized hail the hill sizes in this are not quite as big as what they have been up to the north okay they have been larger up here at least looking at radar okay let's go back to Lynx 3 we'll go back and do the radar thing again and there it is right there and see that right there look how tight that was right there folks circulation really ramped up Cassie go ahead and zoom on in on Lynx 3 here and look at that folks yeah that was really really tight okay so that area has weakened it's gone away okay that area has gone away it's still right here but we might be developing a new area just south of Val or near Val but that main area that came out of Orlando right there you can see that couplet showing up very clearly that was again what could have been tornado Genesis it doesn't look like it does not look like it touched down but I tell you what it was close our trackers were jumping up and down and this thing it only took about ten minutes to go from it's serious to Wow with the wall cloud spinning we had winds blowing in and all the right directions into the center part of this thing and it was spinning like a top there we're only really hard now we had like I said we have a new area of spin beginning to develop now it's going to be north of Guthrie Guthrie's right here this is Crescent okay see your Valley Golf Course is right here so this is going to be one two three four five six seven miles basically due north of this is gonna go right into Guthrie from the north let's go back to Val castor let's take his shot control room and Val the original area of circulation that you were jumping up and down about near Orlando that's now gone but now the new area is trying to develop it looks like nearly on top of you go ahead give me an update as you continue to push to the south 100% agree David it has it's developing right on top of us and actually I'm gonna say this is just maybe a half a mile to our northeast and we're right here next to the river over here north of Guthrie a little ways but you see it right there that's it I mean it's to me it's increasing fast this pretty much came out of nowhere and we got so many trees here but you can see our shot there's a big pronounceable right there David yeah no doubt about it and you can see the right side of that Val and your shot night shot there looks great and then you can see the other side of this thing so it is still spinning okay valid Amy are there toms there Jeff Gardner's still there let's go back to reflectivity here let's go back to Lynx three and again this is where the hook is it's right here it's right here now what what's going on here is that we have another area of rain developing more convection developing right out ahead of this thing that's being pulled into it so we'll see sometimes that will interact with it and it'll cause it to weaken some it'll cause it to weaken some water bills look like Cassie just on four they're pretty high hold on they still pretty high just kind of maybe if we can click on that real quick this kind of tells us we kind of look at this to see we start to look at the end this isn't one of our products here we don't show it very often but this will really show you intensity and we have maxed it out as far as this storm folks it's moving almost due south yeah it's good this is gonna come into the city from the north for sure okay so Guthrie you're next you're gonna be the next city in line it's gonna come in to Guthrie and then from there it's gonna come in to Edmond golf-ball-sized hail winds 60 miles per hour maybe 70 quarters and golf balls here quarters and golf balls northwest of Calumet okay northwest of Calumet okay let's go back to reflectivity on this and let's go ahead now the whole lines fill this is what we said what happened during our earlier newscast looked like it was you're gonna try and that's exactly what it's doing by the way cast this back out of this just for a second so once again we've got a few storms trying to develop down here in Kiowa County into Caddo County we'll see if these can get going so far they're having trouble the main game is running from Canadian County all the way into Missouri but for our viewing area it's from Payne County back down here okay we're gonna do a storm track on this whole line and we'll get that going and okay okay I have not let's go and take a look at our Guthrie cam control room let's see what it looks like on our Guthrie cam and we need to get that camera turned to the north if we have it already it's let's go and take a look at our guts where cam there it is coming in from the west and from the north boom Wow look at that lots of lightning in Guthrie I mean it is are just north of town it's coming in to Guthrie here shortly so if you live in Guthrie you want to protect whatever you've left outside your car move it in the car park carport garage cover it up whatever you want to do okay but the hill sizes nickel and dime quarter and there might even be some golf balls I see em okay let's go back to Lynx three talk about where the tornado is it is not touched down the first area has weakened on the circulation what do you got Cass I was getting the track ready it is now ready on links for okay all right let's go to links for and what we're doing is the whole storm track on the whole line across the Oklahoma City area okay so let's just go through this together a perkins 830 guthrie 840 Meridian 841 El Reno 844 Piedmont 846 the whole line is coming across the Metro everybody here in Oklahoma City will get rain will get storms and some of us will get severe weather and some of us will lose power okay that's gonna be a problem moving forward power outages you're gonna have some of those at the same time yes we're gonna have power outages and it looks like possibly some wind damage and/or some hail damage with some of these storms okay so once again El Reno 844 you caught nine o'clock Edmond at about nine o'clock that's downtown Edmond it will be there earlier up near Waterloo Road Arcadia 910 the village 911 Chandler 9:20 downtown Oklahoma City 927 and tiger safari at about 9:30 for mid with City at about 9:30 8 which is gonna be over in here okay David the tornado warning has been canceled okay the tornado warnings been canceled and we talked about that area of circulation it has weakened it has weakened a lot but we still have a new area that we're still watching here carefully okay so let's go ahead and zoom on and let's lose 10 links three go to links three and look at the line here filling in no longer that tornado warning for that storm but this thing is still spinning okay it is still spinning the whole line is filling in it will come across the city coming in from the northwest okay let's go to Helen Barozzi now let's go to Allen Barozzi we'll take his shot and Allen great shot there looking back at that storm now which is Allen is basically no Carty looking off to his West go ahead Allen what do you think they have one just like that to our West it looks just like that we're looking north from concho over Okarche that's a separate lowering from a storm that merged into this just a few minutes ago the one over just over west of Reno has a big good bomb rising up and to it this one is very low to the ground we can't tell if it's spinning or not we just saw it we're gonna stop and take a look at it for you Becky alright great job there Allen I tell you what Allen you're right that storm bigger north and you're west like you said those have merged now we're gonna end up with just one big solid line I know you know that as you look out that's gonna sweep across the Metro so stay ahead of this thing let's bring it east let's bring it into the Metro we're talking about winds you know 60 to 70 miles per hour with some nickel-and-dime a quarter-sized hail with that let's go back to links three control room and go back two links three and talk about the line I want to point out there's not much going on now in Pawnee County okay there's not much going on in Caddo County a little storm down here near Anadarko but the main bang is right here running from now south of Stillwater we'll go ahead and zoom on in the tornado warning is is no longer there that tight area of circulation that ramped up for about 10 minutes that is gone but it is still spinning so we just need to keep an eye on it because it wouldn't take much to ramp up but I'll say this so as this line becomes one continuous line these storms begin to compete for updrafts space if you will an instability so what happens is these storms are mainly more dangerous when they're by themselves they're isolated and they're able to tap into all that instability and those other updrafts are not interfering with that one updraft that is spinning but right now what's good here is that this is turning into one solid line that will take your tornado threat and lower it okay while increasing your damaging wind threat also your hail threat will decrease as well with this line but no doubt about it this thing is going to come right through the city everybody in Oklahoma City will see rain thunder lightning some folks will see hail others will not and some will see damaging winds others will not as well but this is again coming in from the north okay I tell you what Cassie let's go to shear rate just make sure there's nothing scary showing up by the way it's just north of Guthrie now go ahead and zoom on in to this let's go ahead and zoom on in here cast see what's going on okay so it's still there this is what we've been tracking the whole time Vale's right there looking right at it bow still has a fairly decent lowering here which is gonna be just north of Tom and Rob which is gonna be just north of Guthrie Guthrie still down here okay here's Guthrie right here and okay back out just a bit here gasps here's Guthrie okay so again this thing is Guthrie's right here okay this thing continues to come in it's just north of Guthrie now area of spin area of spin right there coming into Guthrie you see now it's beginning to ramp up let's go back the bow caster and get an update from Val and Val I tell you what circulation still there it's actually increased some it's increased some just a bit go ahead Val okay David and were the camera right now our camera is looking is to the north-northwest and we've been watching that area very very closely David right now we're just to the south west of that location and we're still get a little bit of outflow picking up here but we're watching that and you know there is still rotation right in that area David it kind of comes and goes it comes to go so it's kind of fighting its outflow right now but that's been a persistent area the whole time and so it's gonna have to be watched all the way down in the Metro I think yeah no doubt about it hey bout real quick look at it winds where you are I'm looking at 50 to 60 though it's a north wind what are your winds right there where you currently are do you have a north wind there you should alright 50 miles an hour David we've got when the highest wind gust about 50 ok the highest you've has been about 50 ok yeah right here ok all right hey control room ok ok there we go all right now let's keep bringing it in it's gonna come in to get read let's go back the links to control room let's go to links to here and let's go ahead and zoom on in here Matt go ahead and zoom on in and here we go right here we've got 52 mile-per-hour winds this is where the area of circulation is I want to point out it is broad we don't see a real tight area of green up against a tight area of red ok that's a good sign but what we have here are winds now Val just south of Val are gonna be close to 60 miles per hour folks that's going to Guthrie and that's going to Edmond ok 61 mile-per-hour wind ok 61 mile-per-hour wind with that there we go 52 61 here's Guthrie High School this is downtown Guthrie right here ok downtown Guthrie is right here and we still got to adjust that but it's it's right there let's go to links 3 let's go to links 3 and here we go this is shear rate still have the area of spin go ahead and zoom on in kasi I want to keep an eye on this tom is in Guthrie and he's looking back to this Northwest let's go to Tom Pastrano and get a nut baked from Tom Tom it's coming right down the highway that area of spin is increasing now some just to your north west just a few miles that's just south of the river now looking off to your Northwest Tom and winds are gonna be 60 Plus miles per hour coming in to Guthrie Guthrie prepare for damaging winds of in excess of 60 miles per hour go ahead Tom Tom's and wall claps in my Northwest I don't see any rotation or anything but I can tell you the Lightning is just absolutely incredible I mean it's almost striking every second and it's loud and it's bright I mean it is incredible out here thank you David yeah the Lightning is just it's one of the other big stories folks I mean you cannot be outside there may be kids playing outside remember light leak an arc 10 to 15 miles away from these storms Edmond is about 10 to 11 miles from Guthrie the Edmond right now could get lightning from these storms look at the lightning storm that's coming into the Metro it's it even there's so much lightning it's interfering with our streaming video from our trackers okay so let's go back to Lynx 3 and look at all the Lightning here hundreds of lightning strikes thousands of lightning strikes over the last several hours with this line of storms and it is increasing lightning strikes are just going up okay so the whole line now will sweep across the Metro the whole line will sweep across all of Oklahoma City I the only place that might miss out is gonna be maybe maybe Mustang and Moore and Norman but I wouldn't take much for this to go ahead and turn south and come into there okay so once again we have severe storms nothing tornadic we had a tornado warning about half an hour ago it was spinning it was spinning but it's no longer spinning as fast as it was but we still have one area of spin now that's coming in to Guthrie that we're watching we have a lightning storm now in guts reet Logan County coming south into the Metro we're gonna have power outages here at Oklahoma City that will happen and we're gonna get some nickel-and-dime sized hail for sure alright and maybe even some quarter and maybe even some golf ball sized hail okay with this line as it comes in from the north okay let's go back to shear rate on links three no we're gonna get a velocity here let's go ahead and zoom on in it's right over Guthrie the shear right there ramped up again and now it's weakening it's still there though it's his storms west of downtown Guthrie about two miles the it's on top of the high school area of spin okay so we have a weak area of spin here that's good a velocity data cast it's go to will try base out first okay there it is let's stop it stop the laps will query the data here okay what do we have it's got 43 ok let's go to let's go yes term relative ok backdoor mellitus yeah okay let's go back to base again one more time here see what base is doing it's a it's a little more impressive here 52 ok alright so again this is gonna go the worst part of the wind now it's gonna go right over and just west of downtown Guthrie downtown Guthrie's right here it's gonna go on and just west of downtown Guthrie is gonna go right over well Cedar Valley is back out to the west so this is gonna go on the western sides of gutter II up and down again downtown yes downtown Guthrie and then on the western sides of town ok moving from north to south the area that you see in the blue we're looking at winds and they're gonna be 50 to nearly 60 miles per hour dropping south with a weak area of spin right here okay weak area of spin it's right over again 3 ok let's go back to Val and then we're gonna go back out to the Canadian County storm just get an update from bow on the wind and what's going on Val area of circulation according to radar is right above you right above you give us an update and once you've had on the wind ok David um you're right the area of circulation there's still a mezzo up there and it's just on the north side of Guthrie right now moving directly south it's going to come right over Guthrie now the thing that we've noticed David is that there's enough outflow here or so north winds ahead of it you could say that the mezzo or the rotation is kind of fighting with its outflow right now so it's not as organized as it was earlier we saw the funnel but nonetheless I think we're going to see some strong winds move through Guthrie we've seen winds of the low 50s coming from the north and it very easily could get up to 60 or above as this smooth as this thing moves through David especially right near with a mezzo is and one other thing I want to point out and this is probably the worst thing of all is lightning there is a ton of lightning here everybody in Guthrie really needs to be in their houses right now when it comes David yeah no doubt about it it is a lightning storm just as much as it is a wind and hail storm and a heavy rain event yeah the lightning is just ferocious thousands of lightning strikes with this line coming on in okay Val Val go ahead and he's coming up on the football field here he said a southbound the football stadium here the rock is right in front of him and he'll get back south it's south on division he'll get back on i-35 he's on Oklahoma right now okay so he's going through Guthrie's coming to the corner he'll make a left and he'll keep heading south let's go to Tom and get an update from Tom Pastrano here in just a second let's say but okay let's go to Tom that's fine Tom I want you to keep heading south though this thing's moving just keep going south with it stay out ahead of it go ahead and give me that bet on your win right there okay our wind shifted it is now east northeast it appears and how persistent walk cloudy isn't it doesn't look as good as it did about five to ten minutes ago but the Lightning still is increasing and is intensive as ever and destruct me all around big thunder boom back to David yeah great job tom I tell you what there is a ton of lightning I mean it's like right in front of these guys you can snow boom there's wow there's another right there so lots of lightning you know some storms that are severe well for it is low in lightning yeah they're produced maybe over a couple of hours maybe 30 40 50 strikes it just all depends on the atmosphere every day every storm event it's a thumbprint they're all different right they always give you a little bit something different here this thing is producing a ton and I mean a ton of lightning okay let's go back to Lynx 3 and take a look at some of the winds here going on and once again severe storms in Canadian County we're gonna go back out to Bobby Payne let's jump in here Cassie let's go ahead and zoom on and double do a storm track I see you've got on links for severe storms now let's go ahead and zoom in here a little closer El Reno get ready Bobby Payne is right here right over the Cherokee Trading Post running from there up to west and north of El Reno up to Chesters party barn we've got to get there someday again north west of there here comes that line sliding southeast get ready Deer Creek get ready Piedmont will do a storm track here in just a second the line kasi is beginning to accelerate here to me it looks like it's probably 25 I've got moving at 25 okay all right great job as always it looks like it's beginning to sell right now as we're gonna get a what we call a cold pool developing lots of rain lots of wind trying to push out ahead of it okay so this is gonna sweep across the Metro alright let's go back into Logan County here just slide up the line get ready Edmond everybody everybody in Oklahoma County storms coming in winds will be as high as 52 maybe as high as 60 miles per hour right now it is not a 90 mile per hour wind event okay that's a good thing but we're still looking at winds you know 50 60 miles per hour and we could jump up and get a quick 70 Guthrie it's coming into town right now Tom and Val are headed southbound and down let's get these guides into the metro and let's and again as these come in from the north and we want to get to Allen and Bobby back here as well hey Matt Matt go ahead and get Allen eastbound and down okay get him East yep get him East okay so here come the storms now into North Oklahoma County by the way cast we may want to switch to velocity at some point okay and switch over so we can start looking at some of these winds let's just be thinking about it here because we're getting close let's go back to velocity of what we're using right now let's go back to TLX did you see what we have and just a big ball of wind right here just a big ball a win now on the western sides of Guthrie right here down to Seward down to Guthrie Lake but right now the winds are not out of control the winds are 40 to 50 that's good we could handle 40 to 50 all day right 40 to 50 you'll have some power bumps a few folks will lose power the lightning will probably lose more power for people than the wind if the winds stay at this velocity right now okay this is 40 to 50 now coming into it's about ready to cross into Oklahoma County from the north Cassie let's back out of this just a bit just roll out a couple of clicks and here's the Oak Cliff Fire Department big ball of wind and the green dropping south big ball of wind just think it's moving almost due south and it'll go ahead come on in oak tree prepare for winds 52 maybe 60 going right down i-35 so the strongest winds are going to be from Edmond into northwestern sides of Oklahoma City and I'm talking about Edmond over to Mitch Park and then eventually out towards Deer Creek Portland Avenue you folks in the northwest prepare for winds 50 miles per hour may be as high as as 60 this is the green you see on the radar that's a south wind that's a north wind blowing to the south if you will coming in from the north okay let's go back out into Canadian County here in Oklahoma City let's go back out west let's check in with Allen Barozzi Allen's right here let's put reflectivity on and there we go Allen what do you think now this thing is right behind you I know you're coming at Northwest Highway great job and Allen your storm is beginning to pick up a little bit of speed now it's beginning to more line itself out it's turning it's developing a cold pool that's doing so go ahead give me that better what you're seeing right now behind or it's racing right down Northwest highway behind me we're at it there's party-pooper there okay for the moment but they're gonna have some wind in one minute this is turning to a cure lowerings with it we cannot confirm if they're rotating but I would not be surprised we have a couple of isolated low okay all right out all right Allen's in a Allen's in a bad area okay let's go back to links for we'll check back in with Allen we'll check back in with that okay here's a storm track here's your timeline Oklahoma City here's your timeline Guthrie now El Reno 848 Piedmont 849 Yukon 907 Union City 908 Edmond 910 the village 915 Arcadia 918 Mustang 926 Chandler 926 Luther at about 9:27 okay so here we are at 8:46 if they pick up speed they'll be there a little bit sooner all right they're not gonna slow down any if anything they're gonna gain a little bit of speed okay but to everything here sliding off to the southeast now downtown Oklahoma City at about 9:30 - Cassie go ahead and laughs that let's see what it looks like here go ahead laughs that just okay yeah still moving off east-southeast I'm trying to get my bearings straight here on what we're doing out here to the west okay all right Ella's back and we'll check back in with him coming up okay so yeah moving still moving east southeast okay so Edmund at about 9:10 the village 9 18 Chandler 926 downtown Oklahoma City 932 Midwest City 943 and more more right now at about 940 now you focusing more I think you're gonna get some of the action as well as it comes in from the Northwest has velocity as it updated it yet on the new radars here check it it just did it's broke again so okay once again a line of severe storms we had that one tornado warning earlier southwest of Orlando and that has now gone away we've had some weaker areas of spin right along this leading edge right up in here as a matter of fact there's a Larry spin right here but nothing too crazy with that okay let's go to links three and take a closer look at links three and this is our live correct no okay let's go to live is just now coming in okay just everybody that's on links one okay it looks pretty intense okay let's go back to yeah there it is okay and this is gonna be this wind this ball a wind up here and I say that because wind is it you know it's fluid right I mean we have we have rain we have just a big ball here that's trying to shove to the south and the strongest winds now we're gonna be south of highway 33 west side of Guthrie down to and just sort the VOC tree it's right here Cassie let's go ahead and zoom into some of this this is gonna be a little hot it's gonna be a little hot here but winds are still gonna be we think 50 to 60 miles per hour that's got 79 that's gonna be that's gonna be hot too hot but we still really we're thinking winds 50 to 60 63 on TLX okay is that on base or refurb base okay so 50 to 60 is is is where we think we are right now maybe 6065 and that's gonna be this ball of wind now west sides of Guthrie down the Seward it is dropping south okay it's dropping south let's go to links three and okay this is links three here let's go ahead and see the ball here this ball right in here of the green pressing South it's gonna come into oak tree oh you folks an oak tree North Edmond wins 52 maybe 60 miles per hour again as it comes in from the north okay let's go back out into Canadian County here talk about the wind out here and we'll go to Bobby Payne and Bobby's right here I don't see crazy wind out here it lists for reflectivity on and see what's going on with the wind these have weakened these have weakened some out west it's good to Bobby paying get an update he's on i-40 and a Bobby don't storms out there have come down just a little bit the Ville the Vil's have come down some kind of from the west of El Reno they've weakened some for sure what's the strongest winds you've had here in the last few minutes now coming into El Reno a day but I've had about 25 to 30 mile-per-hour winds not too bad out west of El Reno but I'm looking north of El Reno now it's probably about 4 to 5 miles and it looks like it's a very large shell cloud or a very large roaring we're trying to monitor that area right now but it looks like it's a very significant lowering to me now it may be associated with the shale Club it is it almost do some completely vertical on the leading edge that got back to you David yeah no doubt about it and you're right Bobby here's the deal we got to watch out for little spin ups on this front lip that's exactly what Bobby's talking about is that he can see these little lower rings here let's go to Alan Barozzi let's take Allen shot control room Allen is in Piedmont just southwest of Piedmont here and Allen looking off your Northwest and I tell you what that lot there it is well look at the plates look at the plates lined up and the lightning there Allen that storm is still severe right there no doubt about it go ahead give me an update that is correct David the plates you see are the front edge but oh just right there you can see the lowering just west of Piedmont we cannot confirm rotation but it would not surprise me to see some qlc s types on the front edge of this day but very very low to the ground coming straight into people on area we're on North excuse me Expressway looking to the north west and at Frisco Road and you can see over the lights of the house they're lowering is very very low to the ground and this thing is approaching you can see it right there it's approaching the Piedmont area and coming down the northwest expressway area David we haven't had we're out of the winds at the moment but it's coming probably 30 35 miles an hour down northwest expressway so it's just a matter of minutes where it comes in Piedmont back to you David yeah okay there we go so winds are gonna be you know 40 to 50 out where Allen is there might be a guest in there 60 wouldn't take much to ramp up and to easily produce a wind gusts of 60 miles per hour so a tremendous amount of lightning yes for sure a lot of a lot of lightning coming with this whole line nickel dime quarter sized hail and with that we're talking about winds 50 to maybe 60 miles per hour coming in Oklahoma City okay let's go to links for we're gonna do a storm track and let's see what we're doing here on that okay Cassie go ahead lemme I'm just I'm trying to do this might be this might be a little far south but let's go ahead and laughs at let's just see here yeah it's still amber down this far southwest in the box you might not be in it I think more is in it for sure South Oklahoma City maybe as far south as Norman yeah bring it I tell you what bring it yeah just go and bring it a little further this way a little more up here now yeah it could develop it could develop a little further west that's still good that's still good let's top the lapse here just a second okay Piedmont 9 o'clock or eight 54 really moving into Piedmont right now Union City nine o'clock you caught 904 Edmund 913 the village 920 Arcadia 922 Tunnel 925 Luther 929 Jones at about 940 downtown Oklahoma City right now downtown about 936 Chandler at about 947 okay we'll get back to Val here coming up more 949 Midwest City at about 948 okay Choctaw 951 so the whole line will move across the entire Oklahoma City area okay let's go back to Val and Val is right back into Logan County here and I know what he's looking at there is a about there here's a deal right where you are Val there's an inflow notch on top of you pulling into that storm no doubt about it it's just to your south-southwest it looks like from what I'm looking at and it's moving due south so go ahead give me that better what you're seeing right there okay David straight west of us just not far but straight west of us we have a low ring that's starting to solidify a little bit again I don't know if you can see that we got our night-vision camera on right there and that's looking due west that's looking west right look at straight West and we're looking here and we're we are at the South Guthrie exit so we're kind of looking towards the town of Seward right now and it we've got inflow by the way we've got southeast winds at our location so that's kind of what makes me think this is even more significant David yeah hey bow this thing is really tightening up now and bow I'll tell you it's still fairly broad but it looks almost like it a little small MCV but it's tight between you and Seward and it's getting tighter here Val every time the radar every time the radar beam comes around again with the next you live or a million watt radar that area of circulation is beginning to spin up now just north of Oak Cliff fire department and that's going to oak tree here it is right here okay that's shear rate this is oak tree and once again this is dropping almost straight south let's go to max rot cascade let's see what we have on that you can see right here okay now let's go back to shear rate one more time okay there it is area of spin all right and go ahead and lapse that cast maybe give us like 30 minutes in here went 30 yeah there is fine there we go there we go it's south of Stuart okay Val and Tom are both headed south let's go to top a straw know he's looking off to his west and - Tom go ahead give me an update looks like that area of circulation is beginning to tighten and it looks like that's now coming into again near Seward and just north of Oak Cliff Fire Department it's going to oak tree and west of oak tree as well go ahead tom that's right damage we've continued on South because the rain caught up to us but as we were looking West just like Val said it was a significant lowering in there was a lot of motion and it just like all the other ones that you take really quick so if anything there's probably some very strong winds in there didn't see any power flashes but we're continuing south towards Edmond to get a bit better vantage point back to you David okay and once again Tom here's the deal that area of circulation is tightening up now due west of you one two three four five miles due west of your location right now Tom it's tightening up for miles exactly due west of where you are on i-35 and Tom's about six miles south of downtown Guthrie and he's three miles north of Waterloo Road okay lip okay let's go back to Val cast her vows got winds 250 and by the way Val is not in the strongest wind let's go to Val caster bow the strongest winds or just to your west area circulation ballast to your West as well go ahead all right 54 we just had a wind gusts of 5 4 and it's getting stronger as I speak right now and the wind is from the east David the wind is from the east northeast and we just had a gusts of 54 and it's averaging 40 to 45 as I speak and I mean it it's blowing sideways from the east of the West I think it's all going right into that circulation just to our west southwest David hey Val here's the deal we're gonna go ahead and issue a news 9 tornado warning let's go to velocity data folks this is gonna be a tornado warning now for southern Logan County let's go to links 3 there it is tornado warning now okay look how fast that took place folks have you been watching this for any time at all remember how we were talking about this swirl dropping South tighter tighter tighter tornado warning right here let's stop the lapse let's stop the laughs that's a zoom in here Cassie you folks at oak tree you folks at oak tree west and east of Kelly I don't care which side oak tree here it is this is Charter Oak ok this is going to be Charter Oak this is going to be eastern this is going to be wet westerns right here here's Santa Fe this is gonna be Kelly this is Kelly Avenue right here if the tornado is gonna be at Charter Oak and Kelly Avenue tornado is going to be at Charter Oak and Kelly Avenue Tom its to your West four miles Hank's coming in from the West tornadoes gonna be right here let's go to shear rate I'm gonna hold my finger here watch out this looks boom tells the whole story let's go to max rot boom okay there's where the tornado is going to be if it's on the ground right now let's go to CC Cassie let's check out CC see if we have any debris lofted in the air on that we'll take a look no we don't but it is becoming more negative but it's not picking up any debris in the air we're looking for a blue hole right here I'm looking for a blue area to develop I don't see one let's go back to velocity here tornado warning now this is gonna be for center Logan County gets where you're out of it Edmond Northwest Edmond you are in it if you live west of Eastern in Edmond West at Eastern you're gonna be in it from you from Eastern to the West Kelly up and down Kelly if you live between Eastern and Kelly and Santa Fe you need to go to your safe spot right now the tornado is gonna be right here okay it's now south of Charter Oak okay it's south of Charter Oak and it's dropping south now at about 20 miles per hour dropping south at about 20 miles per hour as it comes into Oklahoma County okay this is gonna be a tornado warning now there it is it's going right down Santa Fe this is western it's not over western it's damaging winds are at Western 60 mile an hour winds the circulation is gonna be right here it's on Santa Fe and it's at Waterloo Road one mile north okay there's a circulation let's go to max rot once again tornado warning now crossing coming up to Waterloo Road if you live at Waterloo Road and Kelley or Santa Fe need to go to your safe spot oak tree oak tree oak tree safe spot safe spot now you have to go if you live in a mobile home you can't stay in the mobile home folks damaging winds and or the tornado will flip you Center part of the house lowest level this is going to be north Oklahoma County this is oak tree Country Club Cross Timbers elementary school this is gonna be again Kelly Avenue right here this is Kelly this is Santa Fe this is Eastern okay and oak trees right here circulation now let's go back to velocity data let's go okay we'll take bow shot here coming up there's where the tornado is gonna be let's go back to Val caster and Val it could be on the ground the circulation is pretty tight it's not crazy tight but it's tight enough go ahead Val okay David so you look at our shot right there we are right now coming up on Charter Oak and we're almost looking to do with we're kind of west southwest that right there is the big lowering that's it that's the lowering whenever we get out of the trees you can see it a lot there it is right there there it is right there it's real close to the ground David we've been looking really really hard for power flashes haven't really seen much no fire flashes yet that we've seen okay there's your lowering right there yeah David yeah there it is this is the right side of the lowering the tornado sirens are now blowing in Edmond that's a good idea that's a good idea especially in West Edmond here West Edmond it's going to be west of i-35 it's west of the Broadway extension it's gonna be West Broadway extension in Edmond it's gonna be out in the air Santa Fe and Kelly and it's gonna go right over it's going right over oak tree let's go into right over oak tree okay so let's go back to it here here's the tornado right here it's now coming in to oak tree we said this 15 20 minutes ago if you live an oak tree lowest level center part of the house if you have a two-story house you got to get to the lowest level center part of the house if you live in oak tree on Kelly or west of oak tree or east of oak tree a mile you got to go to your safe spot once again tornado now would be crossing will be crossing I excuse me Waterloo Road let's go to shear rate on this to take a closer look on shear rate there it is right over oak tree it's right over oak tree and it's going to sound after that it's going to Mitch Park if you live north or south of Mitch Park you have to go to your safe spot right now you've got about 10 minutes okay you've got about 10 minutes okay right here so I'm talking about let's get a velocity data take a look see what our numbers are here once again go ahead and zoom on in here cast as get the street backstreet's back on here go ahead and zoom on in okay you might have weakened slightly might have might have weakened a little bit okay okay here's Mitch Park okay back out just a click and getting good to the north circulation is gonna be right here okay so it's right over Western sides of oak tree it's on the western sides of Kelley it looks like to me here's Kelly right here it's in between Kelley West oak tree though the west side of the golf course in Santa Fe put cheer right on here please real quick okay all right and go TLX shear right that is hillocks okay that is TLX yes okay and then go to max rot and see what it's doing times it here 903 okay so it has weakened some it has weakened some Tom's coming in from the east let's get our toughest Toronto and Hakes coming in from the south let's go to Tom and Tom it's still spinning I tell you what it's not as tight Tom power slam okay go ahead Tom power flash down Tom you on are you on watery Road I am I'm on the water the road in you know right in front of me I just had a power flash the power did go out okay I can't tell it oh there's another one there's another one tornado tornado on the ground this is a tornado now crossing crossing water lear road crossing water erode tornado on the ground now folks it looks like it's trying to come into oak tree it looks like the tornado is gonna be Tom where are you right now what's your street where are you you're you're killing you're at Kelly right Tom Pastrano Cassy zoom on in let's go back two links three control room go back two links three links three back up back up back up go to the north go to the north here's Tom Tom's coming up on Kelly okay so the circulation is to his west so it's it's missed it's miss Kelly's right here he had to power flash so that's the tornado it's gonna be right here as to his with it's dropping south could have been could have been the power flash from wind damage but it also easily could have been a small weak brief spit up again Western sides of oak tree between Kelly and Santa Fe if you live again Santa Fe between Kelly and Santa Fe to the South and if you live in between over as far west as Western from Waterloo to sorghum mill down to coffee Creek down to Mitch Park you need to be to your safe spot right now let's go to max rot let's go to max rot on this there it is circulation okay let's get a shear rate see what we have going on all right there it is still there still there let's go back to reflectivity here real quick let's go back to reflectivity and here it is everything's wrapping in this is where the circulations gonna be it's right here it's right here Tom's looking back to his west-southwest here it is see the reflectivity how it curls around okay so it's in between now let's get our bearing straight here here's oak tree Golf and Country Club this is Mitch park this is Koval this is gonna be right here this is the hook tornadoes gonna be right here where my hand is it's gonna be actually right here it's gonna be off to Tom's west southwest possible tornado on the ground about three minutes ago with power flashes crossing Waterloo Road we had a few let's go back to Tom and get an update where's Val caster let's get an update from Tom here and Tom any more power flash let's go ahead what do you see to your west southwest no more power flashes Oh yep there's another one there the right in Facebook just had another power flash another one right there big power flashes right in front of me a very strong winds right now at least 15 to 16 just had a tree down right there so we are getting closer to what probably could be morning likely as the tornado in front of us it is rain right there's another one right in front of us Hado right yeah yeah yeah Tom I agree I agree so okay it's gonna be Wes now it's sliding West Southwest this thing is really trying to build Southwest well kid let's go back reflectivity oak tree you're in the clear forget about oak tree it's right here it did this it was coming south folks now it's done this it's done one of these it's actually built to the west southwest okay this is where the tornado is right here Tom's right here he's going down Waterloo Road or Northwest 248 you saw the power flashes from Tom and control room let's make sure we keep yeah keep Tom shot lower-left looking for power flashes okay so let's go to shear rate I tell you what let's go to reflectivity here it's good of loseth you my bad let's go to velocity here ok so again either damaging winds or the possible tornado it's not as tight as what it was it's not as tight it's not as tight they see they're gonna be damaging winds the circulation is not that tight right now but it was tight there for about 10 minutes okay so there's their storm relative ok let's go to base ok this is and this is all ok this is all to war ok it's all good ok now let's go to shear right is that the latest on that yes ok nothing there ok got the same yeah and let's go back to base velocity here it's gonna be to a southwest and okay Cassie back yeah back out of this just a second here a couple areas going on what you got okay I'm gonna go to Hank here just a second increasing a Waterloo Road coming in from the north yeah damaging winds now coming out of Logan County see the Blues lazy e over to Oh cliff Fire Department winds gonna be 50 to 60 miles per hour Edmund you're in the line of fire this is gonna come in from the north coming in hard and fast that area of circulation again has weakened some that we're again where tom was we haven't seen any power flashes here and velocity data now is beginning to lose that stronger area of circulation okay but we can't confirm here's the deal if it if it were a tornado the circulation was definitely there but it wasn't extremely tight and it wasn't like it an ef-2 we have three or four if anything it was a it would have been a weak tornado as it was crossing I scuse me as it was crossing water Lee Road and it was going just on in just west of oak trees okay so let's talk about where it is now circulation now coming into Rose Creek damaging winds from the north 50 to 60 miles per hour yes damaging winds now at Piedmont that's where Allen Barozzi is let's go to Allen and get an update from Allen on the wind and Allen keep headed east bringing into the Metro keep moving east south east I love rosy on the wind there they never get winds 50 to 60 at least that vilaça go ahead go ahead Allen brushing David can you hear me David yes I can go ahead you're hot okay yeah we're at the Kilpatrick Turnpike and Northwest Highway and we just saw power flash straight north of us so that winds that's coming through the Piedmont area is is very strong right now we're getting intense lightning a lot of wind we were in about 50 mile-per-hour winds we just busted out of that we're gonna go ahead and continue down northwest expressway and give you updates but we have seen a power flash to our north so the wind is here back to you okay all right great job there Allen once again Allen coming in from the West we have two storms that are severe like we said an hour two hours ago we'd get slammed from the north and we were gonna get slammed from the West that's exactly what's happening these storms are gonna merge together right over Oklahoma City right over the heart of the city it's gonna be amazing to watch over the next half hour so as we get okay as we get two storms together what you say Jen 3400 and gets read that number we have 3400 customers without power that's mainly in Guthrie that's about ready to double if not triple if not go sky high as this thing comes in from the north so we have to technically we have three areas of wind so the Logan County headed to Arcadia headed to east Edmond we have downtown Edmond over to Rose Creek winds in here 50 to 60 and then we have damaging winds coming out of Piedmont wrote over Sundance Airport back down to Northridge elementary school that's headed to Bethany that's headed to war acres and that's headed to downtown Oklahoma City this whole line is accelerating southeast at about 25 to 30 miles per hour let's go to Tom shot get an update from Tom Pastrano on the wind it looks ferocious Tom give us an update on your win right there it looks like the wind was hammering you there for a second but maybe it backed off go ahead Tom yeah that's right damn it we had winds over 70 I rolled down the window and you can hear it screaming through the powerlines we had branches tree branches falling all around us we can finally see again but that was intense there for a few minutes the powers back on in this area it's been off where we were on Waterloo Road for quite a while thank you David okay alright great job there Tom yeah and I'd say you what let's go to Hank Brown Hank is right at the front lip of the winds now coming in from the north and there we go Hank I see where you are you're just it looks like you're going to be south west sides of Edmund yeah go ahead Hank yeah I'm at 33rd in Santa Fe and this is looking due north and this is just the leading edge of those heavy winds that bright green on the velocity that's what's starting to come to us we still have wind from the east at the moment so we're gonna get hit with North wind's here in a minute but with those winds and perpendicular directions it's not out of the question that we might be a little spin up so this is looking north on the southwest part of it back to you okay all right great job there Hank stay with it here Hank's gonna keep staying with this win what he'll do is he'll go up into it he'll tap it and then he'll come south he'll get up into it and tap it see what the winds are and we'll confirm on the ground what we're seeing from our trackers versus what we're seeing from our live radar so here comes the wind machine coming across the Metro winds 50 to 60 miles per hour there will be people in the dark remember your phone your news night app news 9 comm you can watch the streaming we're live on your phone right now so if your power goes out and your phone is charged you're good all right you're all good just keep the phone handy and we'll be right here with this storm ok let's go back to reflectivity and talk about the heavy rain coming in I want to get into that here quick here track actually I think boys girls let's do it let's go to links for let's go to links for control room and once again doing a storm track and and next time what kick casting will take this out a little farther to include Shawnee but right now we're looking at honey's in there yeah my bad I need to apologize to you into the city of Shawnee you're there ok Luther 914 the village 920 Jones 927 downtown Oklahoma City 9 thirty-six okay that's downtown a lot of folks maybe out the restaurants whatever on the lake or downtown Oklahoma City Midtown out on the patio watching all the lightning lightning from this storm can now reach downtown if you're on a patio in downtown Oklahoma City bring everybody in this thing is a lightning storm producing a lot of lightning can lightning can arc upwards of 15 miles away from the storm so what I mean is lightning can here be now right here and it can be in downtown Oklahoma City just like that okay so anyway here we go the downtown Oklahoma City 936 Choctaw 939 but it was City 941 more 953 Norman 1012 Shawnee 10:13 pink 1022 come so 10:23 but it will swing across all of Oklahoma City just a large massive storm we just have one big storm and I want to point out we have another severe storm down here west southwest of Carnegie it is not tornadic it's it's just severe winds are gonna be 60 miles per hour nickel and dime sized hail with that okay nothing crazy but it's now coming into Carnegie and it's gonna go on he's just south of Carnegie okay we're keeping an eye on that quarter sized hail with that well let's come back to the Metro here and let's see what's going on big one large big storm coming into Oklahoma County move the southeast at about 25 miles per hour everybody's gonna get in on the action the Calumet storm is weakening okay there's some good news the Calumet storm is weakening the severe storm now is running from the West Oklahoma City area across the Metro okay let's get a velocity data let's go ahead and go back to links three because okay links three take a look at it here and what's going on right here Cass I know I was looking at that earlier yeah Alan Allen's right in the thick of that okay okay put on shear rate we have another couplet trying to develop it's right here though it's right here it's good at velocity data it's go to max rot yeah there it is there's something going on right here a little bit of a little bit of an inflow notch developing right over Allen rosy let's go to Allen and Allen you are right in the middle of an inflow notch now there's a hook developing right over you you're in the inflow notch when you look at it there give me an update your winds right now you should have either a northwest wind or a southeast wind where you are but that thing is trying to tighten up Allen right over you go ahead ok David we're at Northwest Expressway and just past Council Road wreck Glade right now and we've got North wind's probably 20 miles per hour this is the same inflow notch we were watching just a few minutes ago and saw power flashes from Northwest Expressway and the Kilpatrick Turnpike it's moving to the southeast it's moving towards downtown we're trying to maintain with it we don't see any features right now because it's right over us Earl's just Earl's telling me the winds are coming up right now oh yeah yeah we just just got slammed with probably 45 50 mile-per-hour winds now okay out of the north okay North Rockwell and northwest expressway correct that's correct and we're headed southeast on the expressway just got slammed up about a 45 50 mile-per-hour wind okay and got debris flowing across the street you know but we don't we don't see damaging debris at the moment just trashed but it's definitely definitely blown David trees blowing the flags blowing that anyway it's a it's a north wind it's a straight north wind hit at fact back to you okay there we go big-time win coming in from the north every now and then this single tighten up let's go back to reflectivity here here's what I'm talking about right here what's this right here now this is really cool watch right there right west of Wiley Post go ahead cast let's go ahead and zoom on into this right here it's right over it's right over at Lake Overholser to watch this right here let's top the lapse right here it's just north of Lake Overholser this little thing you're thinking really what yeah that right there is a little bit of a spin going on but this thing's trying to tighten up okay Allen it's right in behind Allen Allen's talking about he's got a north wind as he should he's got a north wind on the wrap of this this is what the air is flowing into this counterclockwise right here's News 9 this is the village Northpark Mall back to ski island Kilpatrick Edmund Deer Creek getting hammered right now both wind and some hail and uh let's go ahead with this Cassie let's go to shear rate on this okay there's where that's beginning to increase a little bit let's go to max ROTC what we have out of that a little bit of spin going on now okay that's not too impressive so far okay let's go to velocity data and let's back out just a bit talk about the wind and all right let's so we got a hank here coming up all right so damaging winds now or not right now we're not looking at winds 8090 miles per hour that is not the case we're looking at winds 50 to 60 that's gonna give us power bumps that's gonna give you power outages and that's gonna bring down some tree limbs and things like that okay heavy rain a tremendous amount of lightning the green that you see on this map this is Oklahoma County that's the north wind okay notice how the north wind is gobbling up the red that's because the north wind is pressing south so this is a north wind pressing south winds or 50 to 60 miles per hour let's go to bow castor let's bring up bow shot and go to bow and get an update from him and Val we've had power outages we've had power flashes we're looking at that area of spin now it has weakened what you saw early what about what your honor that's long gone but now we're transitioning to more of a damaging wind threat tell us what's going on with you I see you are now in South Edmond here just far north Oklahoma City go ahead bow yeah that's right David the original circulation that we've been watching just to the west of 35 there looks like it occluded and pretty quickly it all happened really really fast so we've noticed that there is some strong winds back over here to the east side pretty much over on i-35 and we're gonna try and stay and probably the strongest winds this weekend as this thing moves through the city and watched just to see if there's anything else that happens as far as circulations David yeah no doubt about it and Val I tell you what just just keep just just keep you know really bad just kind of hang where you are let that come in to the north on top of you here and and and don't go any further west cuz oh wait I need you a little bit farther east and by the way Val castor the strongest winds there's two areas are we're near Thom and also where Hank are but also Arcadia and Bobby has power flashes as well let's go to Hank get an update from Hank now and let's go - hey hey what are your wins there tell me exactly where you are what's your location David I'm at 33rd and Santa Fe and I'm looking east and right now the winds have been as high as 50 they're about a sustained 40 I'll zoom in here real quick where you just kind of see how the trees are blowing here and like what you were saying about the power bumps that's gonna happen you can see those power lines in the top of my shot there that are dancing around so this is 33rd Street coming into the southwest side of Edmond right now from 33rd and Santa Fe's what you're looking at right now David okay so once again what are your wins at 33rd in Santa Fe and Edmond what are your wind speeds right there they're they're 15 + 50 55 okay you can tell Bennett it almost looks like a hurricane yeah here we go so yeah it's right now we're rolling on Hank correct yeah hey great job Hank keep bringing it in and look at the wind there we'll keep that shot going here okay that's gonna be a north wind ripping to the south now winds gonna be 50 to 60 miles per hour this is a thirty third in Santa Fe in Edmond okay all of Edmond will experience some winds some worse than others as it comes in from the north let's go to links three here and another something watch watch this folks let's go to link Street look at this right here look at this little hook develop right there see that that's why Hank has that north wind he's on the backside of the hook this is another area of spin developing and not saying that's gonna produce a tornado but it is a mesocyclone that develops they develop quickly you get damaging winds sometimes you might get a tornado but you get damaging winds right there now let's go to velocity data let's see what we have out of this it's right there little air spin and notice how there is a weakness in the greens the bright greens are not so much in the center that's because they're weaker that's because that's where the area of spin is it's broad but the winds are weaker inside the donut hole which is right there okay Cassie let's go to a shear rate on that and there it is it's right there okay let's go to max rot and see what maximum right there okay so we do have an area of spin let's good about castor and Valles looking right back at it here get a pic shot from Val and a Val I can see your shot up there a little bit of a lowering now developing off to your west and give me an update on that go ahead David we've got a little bit of is flow right here where I'm at I have a feeling that the outflow is not far to my north though right here but we're watching that a little bit of a lowering and she said nothing real serious at the moment but you know how fast that other one popped up okay David okay the North wind's is just now hitting us Wow I like to pull off and get a wind measurement here we're getting north winds now I'm seeing debris blow across the road you know a small trash and stuff like that I'm gonna pull off the road here we're gonna check the anemometer and see what we got here David okay all right and again it might be on in east of more okay great job Val let's go to Hank hey guys power flashes now damaging wind event now unfolding coming at Oklahoma City we've been tracking it here the last couple of hours damaging wind event now winds 50 to 60 go ahead Hank tell me what your winds aren't and I'm headed I'm headed south on Santa Fe here coming up to Memorial my winds turned and started coming out of the Northwest we saw a power flash to our southeast so somewhere probably near Kelli 33rd and Kelly or even a little bit further south and that memorial and Kelly we saw a power flash and you can see right now I'm point induced out and my winds are coming out of the Northwest and we might be having one of these little spin ups just off to my southeast at the moment David back to you yeah Hank and when you were talking that area of circulation spun up on top of you and went barreling past you on to the south you're exactly right and Hanks is doing all this from the field by watching the wind right that's how good he is okay that's what I'm talking about here that's what we do okay let's get back to it here go to links for we're gonna do a storm track you folks down the line links for quickly here Jones 929 that's downtown Oklahoma City 933 tikka Air Force Base 946 more 950 what you got Matt Moeller okay all right Norman 1010 Shawnee 1018 Shawnee to come sir 10:27 Seminole 10:43 let's go talon bros ii now again damaging winds coming into the metro winds 50 to 60 miles per hour I hear across the city go ahead Alan Rosie you're hot go okay David worried just hospital now on Northwest Expressway and Kilpatrick Turnpike Expressway we're headed towards the mall area down here Penn Square we've got 50-plus mile-per-hour winds at times blankets and sheep the rain just completely covering our visibility at times there's a lot of traffic out here and it's Norrell so you know if people are listening on the radios that just need to pull off and let this thing pass because the winds are intense out here we haven't seen any power flashes in the last few minutes but they were in the core of right now okay we just just lost some power on some lighting actor now something something got hit though we are headed to the Penn Square Mall we're going to set up there for just a minute and monitor this the strongest part of the core comes right over respect you David okay great job Alan Rosie let's go back to Lynx 3 and look at this thing sweeping across the Metro this is our next year live or a million watt radar Jim Gardner is not up his chopper is now in the barn so he's good there but this thing is ripping now south at about 25 to 30 miles per hour don't you have on the speed cast this thing is moving it's real over on the storm track it's I've got it at 30 ok yeah good good good great job cuz it's moving and every now and then we'll get a little bit of a spin Val's got this area to the north now coming in through Edmond back across the heart of the city that's good a velocity data here this whole thing is going to again everybody in Oklahoma County is going to get it now the Green once again the greens going to the blues those are winds accelerating to the south okay so we're talking about damaging winds in here are gonna be 50 to 60 miles per hour Cassie let's stop the laps let's stop the laps this move this shot a little bit further north and zoom in slightly and I want to query some of this data here you just updated okay let's go ahead and query some of this right in here this gonna be River Oaks Golf Course just west of you we got a 49 we got a 44 so again that's not 70 or 80 or 90 miles per hour win or we have widespread wind damage that is not what's happening but we are getting winds 50 to 60 so we're getting sporadic win win reports we're getting sporadic wind damage here and there as far as power lines either being bumped or losing power Surry Hills is without power now we know that we we've got more power just coming down the northwest expressway that our trackers have experienced in northwest Oklahoma City right and these sirens are now blowing in war acres which remember that is a city by city thing city managers civil defense managers will blow the sirens endure for a wind event or a severe storm and/or tornado warning it's up to them right but there is no tornado warning there's no tornado warning I'm just looking at Mays versus our SRV yeah a lot really high yeah it's too hot let's go back to and I think we're getting winds in here stronger than 45 to 50 yeah okay we're getting yeah what do we have here yeah yeah we got at least 50 coming through and we're gonna have some 60 in here okay it's right here at News 9 we're getting hammered here at News 9 it's going southbound it'll be coming into Lake Illuma here in about 10 minutes let's go back to Hank and get an update from Hank and then we'll go back to Val let's go ahead get an update from hate brown as he's bringing this thing in from the north that's go ahead and take his shot control room and get an update from Hank into Hank what's your wind and Hank now yeah go ahead tell me exactly where you are your location here so I'm on the Broadway extension I just got on at 120 seconds it's pretty tough sledding out here if you're driving these winds were blowing 50 or 60 miles an hour from the West from west to east so you know when it first hit me I had north wind and then all of a sudden it raced across the northwest and as I go south towards where we've seen power flashes earlier it's kind of a mess the winds are still blowing from the west to the east right now so if there is a circulation it's going to be just to my southeast a bit probably oh just maybe right on i-35 or maybe just a little bit east of i-35 so we're gonna keep going south and try to punch out of this core to get back and see if we can see any features of the base David back to you okay all right great job Hank stay with it and let's go back to base here Cassie let's go back to Lynx three will do base velocity will switch radars here now the radar is going to be a little bit hot but this is still a damaging wind event where you see the greens the Blues now coming at a Chesapeake Oklahoma City University downtown Oklahoma City moving in right now it's a north wind we're talking about Choctaw your necks coming into Jones and where you see the blue going to the brighter blue this is a little scary here right at the station just east of News 9 we're gonna have at least 60 if not 70 go ahead Cassie let's zoom on into this front lip here go ahead and zoom on into this and let's query some of this that's good all right let's go who was that let's go to Tom there we go let's go to Tom Thomas Toronto is right in the middle of the blue which is gonna be winds 60 to 70 go ahead Tom fast raw I don't give me that bid on your win right now yeah we have wins at least 60 miles per hour I did have two power flashes and the power actually there's another power flag the power went on and off here at Britain and Penn there's another power fly I think the winds are definitely increasing we have winds at least 60 miles per hour probably 60 Plus right here Becky David yeah okay there we go so anyway who knew right okay so all right here we go we're watching news 9 at 10 o'clock we hope you've been watching this here all evening long track and these into the Metro damaging winds now sweeping across Oklahoma City let's go back two links three Thomas and damaging winds and big area of damaging winds this thing is really really expanded running from Edmond South Edmond down i-35 all the way back to downtown Oklahoma City all the way back to the village of Nichols Hills big area of light to dark blue winds are gonna be 60 to 70 miles per hour damaging wind event it's going to downtown Oklahoma City if you live in a high-rise building in downtown Oklahoma City maybe having dinner up top somewhere you've got to get away from those North windows if you're in downtown Oklahoma City two high-rise building a hotel or whatever get away from the North windows this is gonna be a north wind coming in and the winds will be higher than what I'm showing here okay they'll be a little bit higher as you get higher in the sky okay all right let's go back to Hank right now and let's check in with Hank with the wind again blowing in from the north Hank go ahead go ahead hate Brown damage winds down sweeping across the Metro go ahead Hank multiple power flashes we are at Wilshire and Broadway extension we've been seeing them since Britain I have really strong winds hitting me in the back straight out of the North right now I had them they were just from the West to eat I don't know that this is a straight-line wind event I think that we may have some little small qfps type circulation spinning up we saw power flashes off and on for about two miles that last one I am right on the bridge at Wilshire it blew up right next to me so I the winds are swirling around you can see now that my winds were coming back out of the Northwest so I'm not so sure that we don't have little small circulations that are spinning around here David back to you yeah no doubt about it Hank you nailed that we could easily get quick little spin ups with the velocities that we have surging south the low-level jet is still with us it wouldn't take much to get a quick spin up or a brief weak tornado on the front lip of this okay let's go to Val caster he's on the eastern sides at the wind field and get a quick cut bait from Ballad Amy and Val you're headed southbound your wind will get dramatically higher as you get a little further south go ahead right now Val or David we're getting buffeted the minutes from the north-northwest right now you can be looking at our shot right now we're getting between 45 and 50 when I talk to you a little bit earlier we pulled off the road and we got gusts at that point to 45 so right now between 45 and 50 but you know what it seems to be getting a little bit stronger the further south we go David hey yeah great job there Val keep going south winds are increasing okay let's go back to Lynx three get everybody south get everybody south here we go get ready more get ready Norman it's right over Chesapeake let's stop the laps we're gonna go ahead and query some of this and again the radar might be a little bit hot but this is going to be over the zoo that we're talking about winds of 80 miles per hour we talked about this during our earlier newscast we could see winds as high as 80 well we might have that going on right now power flashes whoo shots that oh let's go to Hank let's go to hank power flashes and hank shot damaging winds down midwest city downtown Oklahoma City move away from the north windows okay even if you're on the ground especially if you're up high even if you're in a second to third floor building get to the lowest level these were gonna be wins 70 to 80 miles per hour they will blow out those North windows if you get winds 280 Plus that begins to change things 60 mile an hour winds will again windows will be fine you get to 80 you start to have problems let's go back to Hank and get an update from him go ahead Hank on the wind we'll use the water flashes go ahead hey so hey man let me try to get through here people have got a block or the highway block I am at 63rd and where am I probably sitting I'm coming up I'm just west of the station actually coming up at 44 and 235 time sorry hit a construction barrel pull out in front of me our winds whipped around in front of us as right as we were coming up to 63rd and we saw multiple power flashes right on top of 63rd yeah I see it all right we're trying to dodge construction barrels here on the highway but so if you know where I'm coming out with where the construction is and the winds were blowing out of the north and all of a sudden they whipped around out of the West and we had multiple power flashes they were on my left and I thought wait maybe we're in the little spin up and then right in front of us right on top of the highway there was multiple power flashes but it looked like something was blowing into the lines and arcing there it didn't look like you know I couldn't see a swirl with it I could just see the lines kind of up and down the line barking so yeah it's a high wind event I think we have small circulations in this and you can tell from the camera that it's not exactly the best day to be out for a Sunday Drive but so this is all headed south as we keep heading south coming right into the city downtown Oklahoma City the fact you okay all right great job there Hank stay with it powernow is out at i-35 in the Kilpatrick that's going to be basically South Edmond or far north Oklahoma City up north of the okay where's that okay northwest Oklahoma City getting reports of some downed trees easily can be done with winds like this let's go back two links three and we've got a win field of 70 to 80 miles per hour running from Chesapeake to downtown Oklahoma City to Forest Park okay this is plunging South Midwest City you've got just a few minutes Tinker Air Force Base tie it down Valley Brook it's coming into you it's gonna go right down i-35 let's go ahead and lapses Cassie let's lapses high wind event moving across the Oklahoma City area okay there's i-35 strongest winds we have two areas to maximum winds zones in the dark blue one is right over let's go ahead and zoom on in cast one is right over I 35 go ahead zoom in tighter here I want to get this streets all lined up here for everybody all the phones are going off okay go ahead a little stronger here zoom on in okay right over like a luma all right this is gonna be the National Cowboy museums right here right this is gonna be 63rd northeast 36 okay big Winfield here damaging winds right over again Tran Boulevard winds in excess of 80 70 to 80 miles per hour going right down i-35 okay all right maybe a little hot but 70 plus you can count on it let's back out of this just a bit here let's go to the west another wind field right over Delaney Park here this is going to be on top pins of pins Penn Square Mall up to Deaconess Hospital wind filled in here 60 to 70 to 80 miles per hour and this little area right here should wince at 93 miles per hour at Northwest 50th and may Avenue okay hey he's got power flashes tom is right here let's go to Tom Pastrano and Tom is right here tom radar indicating winds 80 to 90 miles per hour just to your west about two or three miles actually about a mile tom up a strong now go ahead you're hot you're live what do you think you made update on the wind okay right here at least 60 I have had a lot of trees down as you can see in my shot there's a light that just fell off there's there's a lot of damage luckily the power is still on probably not for long here but it is at least 60 it was probably stronger just a few minutes to go here at Penn Square Mall I am seeing power flashes to the west dude Becky David okay great job Tom Wow good job there again we've got a light down this is pretty close to Penn Square Mall tom is at basically Penn Square Mall right here that's where he is right now with some wind damage there okay crazy tree limbs down okay Crown Heights again wind damage there okay let's go to Allen bro Zee this happened live we weren't with Allen but this was being live when it did happen in his shop we think go ahead Allen snapped off as power line snapped off go ahead give me a location that's right David where is Sheridan and Western at the McDonald's downtown this went this this Co blue were right in front of us caused an arc there's still some smaller arcs up here this is a very dangerous situation as the electricity is still alive there it goes you can see it flashing again this is all over the city but this one right now happens to be at Sheridan and and Clasen know we're Western we're on Western after McDonald's and let's say this pole is down it's live so you know everybody just stay out of the area so you can see it flashing right now and we're seeing other flashes David so we know we've got when an exception of 50 to 65 plus miles per hour and it's just it's hammer in the downtown area right now David back to you okay that's not yeah there's something wrong with OG&E and their website right now because we I know we have a lot more than that okay let's come back to links three and a look at the wind field here push it across look at the power oh wow there you go all right yeah there we go so now we're getting arcing going on we got a lot lot lay out it's a mess out here okay let's go back two links three talk about the damaging wind event again sweeping across the city taker Air Force Base Midwest City get ready Norman get ready East Norman and more get ready East more Norman you might not get the brunt of the winds here it's gonna be close let's back out of this just a second Cass let's back out of this and here are the damaging winds right across Oklahoma County right right across Oklahoma County damaging winds with this big glob of where you see the green in the blue sweeping across the city more over to Stella over to Lake Stanley Draper over to her over to Choctaw you are going to get hammered South Oklahoma City let's go back to links I'll tell you what stay with this casket let's zoom on in a zoom on in here and let's bring up some of these blues keep going in keep going in tighter tighter tighter and look at these winds down here Forest Park you're getting hammered let's go back to Val thousand i-35 and i-44 let's get about castor get an update on the wind where he is Val damaging winds power pole snapped off trees down lots of folks in the dark give me an update okay David we are on i-35 you can see our location here we have consistently had winds between 50 and 60 I mean it's been very consistent for about the past four miles or so and I can tell you this from frontier City northward about three miles solid no power on both sides of i-35 and that was from south of just at the frontier city northward to north of the Kilpatrick there was the powers completely off up there power we see we've noticed the powers on down here but up there in that area it's off David okay there we go so right now we have thousands in the dark right now remember if you're watching this on your phone in this charge or your computer that's charged your laptop or whatever your handheld you're good you can watch this we're not gonna go anywhere okay power pulls down now Northwest 50th okay so the wind event continues let's go back to Lynx 3 and folks this is this is pretty intense right now damaging damaging winds now running from Del City back up to Forest Park back up to where val is and that there's Spencer but the most intense wind is along and east of i-35 David I'm gonna look at our live radar real quick because it is showing the wall stays about the same it's looking pretty good yeah let's go ahead 74.6 this is off our Nick she live or a million what radar this is wind moving away from the radar okay Cassie let's go ahead and zoom on in lots of 60 to 70 mile-per-hour winds so we've switched radars now we've gone to our live we're going back and forth everything is that's red is moving away from the radar 77 78 we're gonna have some 80s in here okay go ahead and zoom on in here cast to take a closer look just a a closer look and I'm gonna look at some of these streets as we do once again damaging winds now central south eastern part of Oklahoma County okay yeah here we go hey yeah here here's the here's trois per Park Golf Course okay that's gonna be Easter this is gonna be Bryant um this is gonna be southeast 15th Street okay wheeler Elementary School's right here this is a 35 southbound this is Eastern okay Cassie let's back out just a second their shields and Walker damaging wind still ongoing here okay yeah go ahead all right strongest winds and then also Tom had a another power line pulled down okay and Allen's getting 60 closer to downtown still behind that initial big push of 70 to 75 yeah he's up here Cassie let's switch radars one more time this is all great let's go back to tail like so I'm gonna see this coming in from the northwest and I'll go back to base on this okay let's go to Hank and Hank is right in the middle of the wind here it's from here to his east and this gonna be along southeast 15 all the way down to gosh dill City and then from there it's gonna go all the way down to Oak Ridge Elementary School Eastern's right here this is gonna be south Bryant yeah I mean this is gonna be Reno okay to the north south east 29th between Reno in southeast 29th the winds are at their strongest this go to hate brown is gonna be east of i-35 and Hank the strongest one step to your East go ahead hey give me an update on the wind yeah David you can see I'm at 29 tonight 35 and look at the wind good not try to zoom through the brain we've had power flashes on i-35 from i-40 all the way down south of 29th Street and you can see the wind is blowing so hard it almost looks like blowing snow it's almost like a whiteout condition you can see in front of us that that's what it looks like out of the windshield the camera's not fogged over that's what it looks like we've done a lot of high winds here that are headed south towards those the 240 area in theses Griffin across me now that's probably 50 to 60 mile an hour winds it's coming out of the Northwest right now and is just ripping across i-35 David move it Valley Brook area back to you wow that is a land hurricane that is a hurricane visibilities are nearly zero do not leave your home okay elicits absolute emergency do not get out in this you can hydroplane this kind of wind will blow a smaller vehicle off the road you can have all kinds of problem in a big hurry Hanks truck weighs about as much as a house I'm not worried about him right so don't do it okay let's go to Bobby Payne and bring Bobby back into this he's a little farther north and west but Bobby what are your winds doing right there and now you're a little bit farther west but you still have some gusty winds go ahead give me a quick update yeah Bobby okay David I'm here I am on come on okay I'm starting to get really strong winds now 55 60 mile-per-hour winds with power flashes now just my north and I'm just east of Eastern on I 240 head of these back to you David great job so there you go he's a little further west now and Northwest okay let's go back to Lynx three let's go back to link story and show you where the damaging winds are anything you see that it's blue and going to the dark blue are damaging winds running all the way back to where Tom is over at near Penn Square Mall and then the strongest winds are running from the zoo to Forest Park slamming now in a Midwest City T cur Air Force Base everything's sliding southeast had to get 30 miles per hour and the damaging winds it just continues it just it just continues to pound along and west and east of i-35 and folks it's going to East more going to more going to East more now slamming Tinker Air Force Palin has 70 down by the boathouse all right let's go to Ellen remember Ellen's back here at the boathouse and he's got wind 60 to 70 going on there Alan Rosie go ahead give me an update six under set okay right now we had a major transformer blow parks downtown at that we got 70 mile-per-hour winds right now David our visibility is down to just feet we can't see we've got hit by debris we're still getting hit by a bit hit by debris and launched into retires so I'm going to have to check this for damage in just a minute but yeah it's really rocking downtown David the power flashes in the wind the rain at the there we go with love lost more power downtown seventy seventy flush right now David seventy plus mile per hour thank you okay alright great job there Alan and also Alan Rosie I know you know this this storm is beginning to slow down some we might start to get into a flash flooding mode if this thing does not keep accelerating and to me it looks like it's slowing down we've got new convection redeveloping up in the Kingfisher County that's gonna be a problem and again here we go alright a tremendous amount of heat and instability today across the state and that includes obviously right here in Oklahoma City so these storms gonna use up every ounce of that that's why this is not gonna go away anytime soon let's go to links for and then we'll do rainfall totals look at the blob of rain right over the city unless it starts to end and starts to move we're gonna have flooding developing again here in Oklahoma County ok we're gonna have some flooding developing here in Oklahoma County doing a storm track we're looking at more 951 Norman 10:14 listen up Norman pink 10:23 Shawnee 1029 one in 1110 Pauls Valley 11:49 a de midnight and when he would at about 12 o 7 this is a big glob only game in town is right across Central Oklahoma eastern Canadian County Oklahoma County damaging winds 60 70 80 miles per hour we have wind gusts - officially at sundance airport 287 miles per hour that'll blow off part of your roof that'll bring down all your trees and that'll blow out your windows ok not a whole lot of hail which is a good thing not a whole lot of hail but a ton of wind all right the hill sizes have come way down compared to what there were several hours ago there's not a tornado threat with this right now that's not showing up we had that earlier that's gone this is primarily a damaging wind and a flooding event if the rain does not move out the flooding will begin to ramp up okay what about rainfall totals we've got that on links one links one control room and once again we've already had 2 to 3 inches of rain in Kingfisher and Logan County and here in Oklahoma City we're now up to one to two inches of rain all right that's across all nearly all of Oklahoma City and we're gonna it's gonna get a lot higher okay so we're talking three - four - five - six inches of rain Kellie one two three quarter at your house okay there Turnpike in Memorial yeah yeah so you're and we right here and so you're appear so yeah you yeah I've already got nearly two inches at Kelly's house so two to three we've already had that we're gonna pick up another two to three two maybe four after that so flooding yes will be a problem okay let's go back to velocity data here this wind will not let up let's go to links three control room links three and I'll tell you what this wind will not let up as it's plunging south coming into Midwest City Dell city Spencer over to T Corps Air Force Base Lake Stanley Draper it's knocking on your door it continues to push to the south this is the gust front Cassie let's back out of this just a bit kind of give you the big view there is still damaging winds going on over north and east Oklahoma County over near Jones Kassie back out just to tick more here Luther and this is going to be damaging winds here sliding down towards Fowler and McLeod but the heart of the damaging winds it's been a long time since we've seen an event just nearly sit stationary these winds are not moving much let's go back to Val caster in the heart of the city here get an update from bow and bow wow wow wow look at the wind there Val visibility it's a hurricane what are your winds right now 58 David 58 we're getting 58 gusts on the anemometer right now and it's from the north and we are on i-40 right where I 40 goes south and I 35 and visibility is so poor out here cars are swerving all over the road and David another thing too that I don't think I've heard anybody mentioned yet we've ran into a couple spots with about 8 inches of water on i-35 so that might be a concern David okay all right great job Val stay with it hear that hey Val listen up here I'll tell you what this is it's been a while now that your wind event is still sliding south and east but it's still so intense even behind the main line which is which is it doesn't happen all the time like that usually you get a big gust to win and it kind of it and as the storm moves away from you but the storm is not moving away from us so much that it's just sitting on top of us and we're getting this relentless pounding of winds 60 to 70 miles per hour so what are the rain rates right now between about 6 and 1/2 to as much seven and a half inches an hour ok so there we go so if this sits on top of us for more than an hour rain rates are anywhere from five to seven inches of rain per hour so that's what I'm talking that's why I'm saying some areas could see five to six or seven inches of rain that will give us flooding if it does not start to subside go ahead Jen she's in my ear go ahead okay I'm being told there's a concert at Chesapeake arena everybody needs to stay inside for now let this thing figure out what its gonna do and right now it's not moving it's it's sliding southeast but it keeps raining over the same area so we're getting reports of now power outages in the downtown area okay let's go back two links three and look at the wind field here yeah go ahead Hank is getting strong winds that he's actually seen some sign damage and the north side of Moore okay he's easing more so it's moving to the south there yeah it's going to more it's going to heyday it's gonna make its way down towards Norman all right it's gonna make its way eventually down towards Norman the strongest winds are still a little bit farther north in the more area and up in towards Tinker Air Force Base and Choctaw but the whole wind area here is producing damaging winds let's go - Hank down in Moore and get an update from him and Hank what do you think winds down there guesstimate right now looking at 6070 what do you think yeah David these are the strongest winds I've been in tonight we jumped out of the rancor and got a little bit south next to that McDonald's sign was it was a KFC sign and the wind blew it out right in front of us and you know Sparks and all that good stuff but there we are seeing power flashes all back to the north so we saw them it right there right there see it there's lines arcing right here at 12:00 Street not 35 see the sparks flying that's 12 Street and i-35 looking north so that's the that's the wind blowing the lines are touchy it's not I don't see any debris hitting those I just it looks like those lines are actually touching we saw powerful lashes from crossroads mall we saw him it like 27th and shields and now I'm sitting at 12th and i-35 and we keep seeing power flashes sign damage the power lines obviously more it's taken a bunch of power bumps with all these lines that are touching each other so yeah and just like what you said this is headed straight south to heyday and and and Norman eventually but these are the strongest winds we've seen on that leading edge in that 60 to 70 range negative the most part yeah thank you okay great job Hank and also notice Hank there's not a whole lot of rain in your shot yet the wind is accelerated to rain so you're gonna get the win first and you're gonna get damaging winds first and then you get hammered with the rain right it's not like the rain and the wind are together they're separate the wind yeah of the rain go ahead when we were up in Edmond the wind was in the rain and as we made our way south through the Metro we came across i-40 on the Broadway extension and the wind and rain were blowing so hard hitting the bridge that it was curling over it almost looked like waves crashing on a seawall and it was only you couldn't hardly see and that was about the same time that Allen was getting debris hitting him as we jumped out in front of it you can see I'm out of the rain I'm kind of on the back side of that rain core and that's where I've got the biggest win so yeah it's kind of a dynamic situation out here for sure great job no doubt about it and look at the look at there a boom there you go the lines are just banging together and when they do you get yeah you get sparse okay that's going on down in the north sides of Moore okay they've not had the rain yet they're getting a little bit of rain and more of this is the wind out ahead of the rain damaging winds Moore Norman Cleveland County talking about over to new Walla Harold let's go we might have a downburst okay we might have a downburst going on I've got a feature to my north in front of me turn that camera that way over that windy sign there's a big bowl that might be a rain foot we might be getting a downburst hey it's coming off of that core that's just to my east because we just got hit with a couple of gusts that are probably upwards of 70 miles an hour as you see it's still making fireworks with these powerlines David yeah no doubt about it okay all right well let's keep headed south and east great job Hank and Hank also flash flood warning now for Oklahoma County so we're gonna have some flooding to deal with for sure this storm will not let up okay let's go back two links three here's reflectivity here's where the rain is this is where the heavy rain is raining at nearly five to seven inches per hour running from El Reno to Piedmont and my problem our problem your problem is that it this thing is do not only shoving south but it keeps redeveloping here on the northwest run Quadrant let's back out of this just a little bit Cassie here talk about the rain that keeps developing in Kingfisher and Logan County that's exactly what we don't want to see the cold fronts coming in this rain train continues and it's got to go through the city before it ends so flooding will be a problem flash flood warning now for Oklahoma County for Oklahoma City do not get out and listen it's emergency and you have to go somewhere stay home be smart don't lose your life over it it's not worth it and if you have to get out and you come across water on the road don't be that guy we don't want to see you on TV okay turn around don't drown all right let's not do this tonight okay stay home be smart okay there it is big lava storms Canadian County they are severe damaging winds hail sizes not a problem some small hail the threats are like we said two threats damaging wind and flooding Hill sighs there was gonna be some nickel-and-dime sites though there might be a quarter in there every now and then but the hail is not the problem the problem is gonna be flooding and damaging winds moving across the Metro now coming in two more I want to point out the guest front is right here see this little green line right there that green line that's the leading edge of winds going to 50 to 60 miles per hour and look at the rain over Oklahoma County I mean it is coming down it is coming down boy slide here at News 9 we're getting rocked we're getting rocked ok let's go back to velocity data and then we'll check back here with our trackers once again damaging winds spilling to the southeast casket let's go ahead and zoom on in and I want to point out this red parking lying down here that's the leading edge of the damaging winds coming into Norman blowing through Norman Lake Thunderbird if you're camping at the lake you got it you gotta find a place to take shelter okay winds gonna be 60 to 70 miles per hour we still have a wind field of higher winds there let's go to Bobby Payne and get an update from Bobby he is on I 240 now let's go ahead and Bobby what do you think what are your winds right there southeast Oklahoma City down there Tinker Air Force Base go ahead Bobby ok David I'm getting right now consistent sustained winds 50 to 55 mile per hour miles per hour with higher gusts of 60 flies right now the Hort I got horizontal blown rain and visibility is about eighth of a mile just am i down the road here so very strong wind event here happening just on the east side of the Metro and the thicker air force base area back to you David alright great job Bobby stay with it here again big big wind moving through the city winds 60 70 80 miles per hour let's go back to Val caster and mouths a little further north let me see where val is he is at i-40 and i-35 it looks like and Val strongest winds are gonna be on in south and east of you right now go ahead get better your win there David we have consistently been getting 70 mile-per-hour wind gust and that was in the downtown area it was at the I 40 I 35 interchange right there and now we're going east on i-40 about two or three minutes ago we saw two or three pretty large power flashes and that was in the interchange area right there at the junction and traffic has stopped there it's a major mess on the interstate with all the traffic and the trucks it pushed all over the place and you know if this win is just not quitting it just keeps coming we're seeing power flashes with Steve gusts to 70 and T the power just now went off here you see my shot go dark the power just now went off yeah Val and yeah wow they just went dark wow it sure did yeah we have a lot of people in the dark right now Oh Jeannie's websites not updating it's been stuck at 3000 without power for we know we have a lot more than that was even before the storm got here and you've been watching it live on this nine power going off mile after mile power poles down let's go to Allen Barozzi get an update on Allen tie it down it's moving in from the north there you go Allen ranches know some trees probably down we've been repairing and dealing with reports of that go ahead Alan tell us exactly where you are okay David we're southeast 44th and Erland we came down 44th from shields to notice that or at least a couple of square miles 44th Street is dark neighborhoods on north and south side of 44th Street are completely powerless we've got downed trees we've got trash cans blown everywhere we've got we've been hit by debris we had 70 mile-per-hour winds coming from downtown to here so it's a sweep and through we're gonna go ahead and search for more damage David if this as this wind sweeps through the city back to you alright great job Allen Rosie you're watching a really a citywide nearly a metro wide high wind event moving through the city we've had winds 60 70 80 to just under 90 miles per hour out in Canadian County with this line of storms so it means business and the winds it's not letting up it's just like it blows through the rain and then we the winds begin to taper off they taper off Senate but they're still blowing 50 to 60 in behind the line well behind the line out into Canadian County alright let's go back to links for control room and we're gonna do a storm track bringing it southeast now this is on the leading edge of the rain and all the flooding right going to more going to Norman slowly it is slowed down at speed at least a little bit now the core you've already got the win in Norman from the north but coming into Norman the rain the leading edge of the heavy heavy rain the lightning and thunder it all that about 10-14 Shawnee 1029 to come at 10:38 Purcell at about 10 54 so again everybody in Oklahoma County right we're getting rain we're getting severe wind and we're getting flash flooding now getting reports in 36th Street and i-35 flooding they're beginning to develop it looks like so some of the usual areas at flood during high rain events those are beginning to flood first as always do and then we'll start to see some of the air other areas that don't normally flood begin to flood here if the rain continues and right now it is continuing for sure okay let's go back to Lynx three and once again strongest winds now are gonna be east of i-35 but I want to point out the winds down here the velocity data is under estimating some of the wind's coming in from the north this is a north wind barreling south where you see this red line that's a north wind rushing south and we're talking about winds 50 to 60 miles per hour along this leading edge coming into noble right now slaughter ville you're next okay Blanchard coming in on you right now barreling through Blanchard we've got reports still looking at velocity data of more wind let's go back out here to Canadian County wins out here still 52 as high as 60 miles per hour out in Canadian County all right in behind the line well behind the line okay so a lot of wind this whole system is just a big big win machine where we've had winds 50 to 60 to 70 to again just under ninety mile that was a measured wind gust to 87 miles per hour sundance airport that my friends is a blowing okay let's go back to bow and get an update from him flown down go ahead bowcaster go ahead all right David I'm trying to get backward you get a shot of this thing we've got a billboard blown down an entire large billboard look at my shot right there this is uh this is a in Midwest City and that thing must've just now happen to in Midwest City this is on the south side of i-40 I'm trying to give you a cross three let me find a cross three right here this is just north of 29th Street and it's on the east side of the road look at that that's a billboard those are big steel girders right there just crumpled that's that's the kind of winds we got going I'm sitting right here David and one since I've been sitting here we've had 56 miles an hour so I mean it's still huffing and puffing a matter of fact there's I'm looking around and there's some areas with power outages even here already David okay bout what are your winds right there what are your winds all right 50 okay and he is he's coming in on midwest city ok so you can see these steel right the steel frame of this sign is completely bent over and twisted when it bends right they're gonna they're gonna give so they twist as they come to the ground but these can usually withstand winds 70 80 miles per hour but this sign is topple over and it's that's a total loss right there so that that's crazy crazy wind through the Metro okay you guys at the news desk Kelly Anne Amanda again getting reports of are all kinds of stuff going on here at Oklahoma City we're gonna pitch to them and they'll pitch back to me coming up guys go ahead and take it a lot going on let's talk about yeah we just want to get our viewers up to speed on what we know Oklahoma City Fire Department they are confirming to us that they are sending out rescuers right now to Lake Overholser they have gotten reports that someone may be trapped near the dam area there as soon as we get more word on that we'll pass that along the concert going on tonight at the Chesapeake Energy Arena Chris Brown and concert down there and hearing from some of the fans who were there and Friends of some of those people that the Power has gone out twice they have backup generators down there but Chris Brown has left the stage twice it's trying to get the concert going again but it could be a late night for those folks and they say they could hear the sirens outside the arena that's scary yeah they're staying put there lots of power outages OG&E system watch is not up and running right now so we can't give you those numbers Edmund Electric though just looking at their numbers 2633 current customer outages and that's just in the Edmond homes and businesses you multiply that by basically two and a half and so you're looking at 5,000 people who are affected by that right now that's how Gini figures that I want to pass along to we have our reporters out we have gotten word of damage our Clayton Cummins is up in the admin area near Waterloo and Coltrane he says that an awning has collapsed they're at a tire shop so some damage they're also getting word of flooding near the Oxford Oaks apartment inside the apartments two to three inches of water in some people's apartments right there in the admin area David we have just seen so much rain yeah that's second and Brian David I can tell you by around where live the Kilpatrick Turnpike and Eastern in that area we've had more than two inches of rain already in less than an hour yeah yeah and rain rates guys are five to six inches of rain per hour it comes and goes it fluctuates but yeah crazy crazy wind crazy rain the flooding is gonna get worse flash flood warning for Oklahoma County rainfall amounts so far have been one to two inches I think the radar is under estimating the rain amounts that we've had so far because we have rain gauges that are showing a little more than this and again radar saying 1 to 2 to locally 3 up into Logan County but we think we've had one to two to locally three across the city okay let's go back to links three talked about the wind we're getting winds now in the Norman and Noble area where you see the red accelerating winds in this green going to this red see the red pushing south winds are gonna be 60 to 70 miles per hour that includes that's going to include Shawnee you folks in Shawnee get ready it's knocking on your door just blowing through Dale it's gonna hammer to come say it's gonna hammer Shawnee Macomb you're next at a wall it's knocking on your door right now slaughter ville it's moving into town right now and then from there it's coming in on Dibble and Kriner and it's gonna eventually make its way down towards Chickasha so the red everything you see in red that is accelerating to the south or damaging winds the leading edge of the guest front it is well ahead of the rain okay so you're thinking well the rains north of is paint yeah it is you're right but the guest front has accelerated to the south of the rain it's out ahead of the rain by a good distance here so let's do this let's let me show you where the red is now let's go back to reflectivity here so the rain is still up in Moore so we have damaging winds running from Chickasha over to slaughter Ville okay up to two cups up right you can see the gust front right here that blue line that's the guest front look what the rain is its way north is you're gonna get damaging winds out ahead of it like in Norman like right now a noble solder bill Percell Macomb to come to Shawnee just prepare prepare for damaging winds well I'd ahead of the line okay well I'd ahead of the line okay let's go back to the Oklahoma City area here and talk about all the heavy rain why the flooding will continue let's go back in Logan County and to talk about rain still falling it's not as heavy but still raining not good running along and south of highway 33 from Kingfisher to Cashion down to Deer Creek over to Edmond Arcadia it's sagging South but it keeps redeveloping over the same area so the the wind event will continue along with the rain go ahead met at a 70 mile an hour gusts just then three minutes ago just had wind gusts to 70 miles per hour at Tinker Air Force Base okay that will get your attention let's go back to doc caster he's right nearly at Tinker Air Force Base and get an update from Val three minutes to go bow had a wind gust at Tinker Air Force Base that's exactly where you are go ahead doc Casper all right David look at this shot right here look at the shot okay she's gonna zoom up we got our roof cam on look at that shot the underpass has a foot of water under it the spray so bad we didn't see it so we went through it but when I went through it it felt like we're on a rollercoaster ride getting stopped really suddenly there's about a foot of water underneath that those cars don't know what's going on right there is any way you can zoom up just a little bit more there goes and semi through it right there I stopped him look at that somebody coming in behind it yeah that could be dangerous I mean we hit it before we even knew it David this is um this is the I want to tell you which which road this is this looks like it's the Midwest Boulevard actually it's the whatever that route is the Turnbull Drive Road that's the underpass right there that goes into Tinker on one of those gates will Turnbull gate I think but there's a I would say there's probably close to a foot of water right there you can't see it until you're right on it because it's raining and blowing so hard so we're just hoping that no one gets hurt in that okay all right Val so he's at two basically right in front of ticker ticker Air Force Base he's looking back to his West he's got a north wind howling to the south and the problem is that we have this water that's accumulating down here and people are doing 60 to 70 miles an hour and a watch they hit this water and what's gonna happen is they begin to hydroplane or at least slow down and this guy is trying to come in on this guy too fast so we'll see what happens with that we hope nothing bad happens but again this is just part of the problem with being out at night during a severe storm and it looks like they might have had problems here and they washed out over they take a look at that and a flooding going on at Penn and Memorial and I'll tell you what let's see what tracker do we have close by Justin thank they're all south oh what's that okay well get Tom back up on that I'm gonna see what that looks like cuz that's gonna keep flooding the rain might have might have dropped off a little bit but still heavy rain here okay heavy heavy rain across the city torrential rain so damaging winds okay still win moving across the Metro 40 to 50 to 60 damaging winds we're trying to ship a little farther south let's go back out to Allen bro Zee let's get an update from Allen and I've lost where Allen's GPS is I'm looking at it right now Brian okay southeast 29th and Brian go ahead Allen what are your winds right there give me the update okay David we still got 30 35 mile-per-hour wind sustained sometimes higher gusts we're having a lot of ponding and they're in the roadways of water some areas might have four or five inches we've got lots of debris in the roadways a lot of leaf litter and trash that's blown around from these high wind parts of 29th and parts of 44th southeast side of Oklahoma City have no power no snug stop lights are out so people are running through the stop lights it's become a very dangerous situation we almost witnessed a pretty good wreck and thank goodness one of the drivers realized that the other guy was running it he pulled over and hit the curb to avoid the other traffic so it's just be careful to get to be out about half the lights out here are completely out as far as signal lights go you know law enforcement got their hands full Oh genies got their hands full for just just slow down if you have to be at here David just slow down water is rising back to you okay great job Alan bro Z he's been all over the place the day north-south-east-west doing what he does and they can see the debris there in the road lots of heavy rain winds are still gusting 40 to 50 to 60 to 70 the farther south you go here in Oklahoma City okay so here's the deal the rain continues flash flood warning now let's go to Lynx 3 and show you time talking about heavy rain where Allen is obviously the speck out of this and look at the warnings we have going on we have a severe thunderstorm warning running from Jones to Oklahoma City downtown all the way down to slaughter ville 4 winds 60 to 72 at times approaching 80 miles per hour now the winds up in northern Oklahoma County have come way down but the rain has not led up so flash flood warning now for Eastern Canadian County southeastern cast let's jump up here just a bit southeastern Kingfisher County from Kingfisher over to cash in over to Seward over to oak tree Edmond again over to Luther these are gonna be a big at the big box here that's again we're looking at the big box here that is flashing green that's gonna be a flash flood warning in effect for the next several hours all right least the next three or four hours but our problem is that we keep getting this convection we have a low level jet kicked in that happens and it's feeding these storms okay running from west of Dover to east of hennessey so this line just keeps redeveloping from the Northwest to the southeast so that's why we have the flooding going on there okay let's go back to flooded roadways let's go back to Val caster and get an update from him and talk about what's going on let's get an update and Val the water continues to rise you're all right across the street you take your Air Force Base and the wind continues to blow give me that better your wind speed right there about at Tinker Air Force Base on i-40 okay David when we first pulled up we were getting winds gusting over 50 right here and it was even stronger than that it was 70 a little bit further to the west but now the wind has calmed down some we're probably in the 30 mile an hour range at the moment 30 to 35 maybe 40 here so I mean it's still blowing hard the rain still coming down but nothing like it was before the problem that we have right here you're seeing it right there under that bridge and this is on i-40 right near Tinker Air Force Base and I believe that's the Turnbull Drive overpass on i-40 right there there's about I want to say close to 12 inches of water that is accumulated on the roadway right there and the problem is is when it's raining the blowing like this you can't really see it until you're on it and see that happened to us it was raining harder while ago we came through we hit it you know and I'm in a pretty good-sized truck and so it didn't affect us too much but I'll tell you what it felt like we were on a roller coaster it hit a sudden stop that's how quickly we slowed down now just just a second ago before you came on there was a semi and it went through this and slid sideways and almost hit the bridge abutment and there was a car right next to him when it did so there's a potential problem right there we've tried to call 911 though about this also but it probably needs to be closed at this point David yeah it's just gonna get higher and the rains not gonna let up Val especially in that part of the county this is way down south this is a Tinker Air Force Base and this is what's going on on i-40 look at the wind there Winston bloom yeah 40 to 50 in you call yeah I was just about to confirm that also in Mustang at my house nickel sized hail and 50 mile-per-hour winds so okay and outlet shops down towards Mustang storm has intensified right there with extremely heavy rains yeah let's just go sized hail yeah yeah your house is gonna get hammered thanks yeah yeah you might get trashed okay let's talk about it let's come back to Lynx 3 and take a look at it here reg shop there and once again here's Mustang he's talking about the core beginning to ramp up this is gonna be on and west of Lillard Park back to we just want the Mustang the core is getting stronger rain rates are getting higher and this is going to be some nickel-and-dime sized hail with that severe storm now southwest metro running from the old xerox plant down to will rogers hail here increasing let's go ahead and take a look now at let's do the bear and button here I want to see okay yeah there it is it's ramping up okay that's gonna be nickel and dime sized hail there might even be a little bit larger than dime size or just under quarter size hail out of Canadian County into Oklahoma County just west of Will Rogers okay might have some pretty good hail right here and this is gonna be again moving down towards Newcastle headed down towards Newcastle from the Northwest okay another little hail core going on over in Choctaw down to two and just to the east of Tinker Air Force Base north of Lake Stanley Draper there so a lot going on a lot going on okay let's go back to reflectivity on this and I will check in with the trackers again find out what's going on with the winds and you can see the storm folks it's it's nearly stationary it's moving south at about 10 to 15 miles per hour honestly it's moving very very slow and that's why we continue with that flooding threat across the Metro down into more now down into heyday if you live in a flood prone area in your house can flood or has flooded in the past and you live in Oklahoma County or down into Cleveland County or McClain County or eastern Canadian County and you live in a flood prone area you need to be thinking about hang on a second what am I gonna do if the waters begin to rise and I cannot get out of my home okay that's the kind of rain we have right now look at it taking you back here the last half hour so it's barely moving at all it's calling to the south and that video Hank has right now that is damaging more okay let's go back to Hank Hanks down in Moore it's just it just started raining in Moore just a little bit ago let's go back to Hank and Hank give me that bait what do you think what do you have yeah David it's kind of hard to see what's happened is a tree broke this is a South Dallas Avenue it's about fourth Street just west as a telephone Road and there's a power line in the tree there that tree broken and it was sparking looks like they kind of got that taken care of though the fire department's pulling away now so it's still sparking some you can see it in there and that trailer a little light I'll back that out a little bit that's crunchy dark you can see but anyway it's the power line in the tree it tree fell on it with these winds that came ripping through here we fell over just south of the skating rink and more there was a power pole that broke and the power line was across the road the fire department had blocked that off till the utility crews can get out here so yeah it's pretty tough night for first responders and utility people for sure David Beckham okay all right great job lots of wind we all know that and gosh we've had winds nearly just under 90 miles per hour that was a little bit earlier I haven't had that in a while but we're still talking about winds 50 to 60 across the Metro at times with gusts to 70 and a little bit stronger in the South Metro down into south of Oklahoma City okay those winds are cranking up guys the winds still blowing we're still getting reports of power outages I know you guys have a lot more than his desk guys go ahead even though oh geez system watch is down they have alerted us that they have more than seven thousand customers in the Ong a system that are without power right now most of those being in the Guthrie area also north and west Oklahoma City area and unfortunately they don't have a time when they say everything will be up and back running because of all the lightning out there they want to make sure their their crews stay safe looking at the fire department response page they are on fires caused by lightning and power lines down all over the Metro I mean mainly though this stripped down through the central part of Oklahoma City from north to south I've got power lines down also want to let you know there's a wreck on i-35 is an accident with injury here in about the last 15 minutes and it could be I'm sure it's because the weather it was raining so hard that's at i-35 in North East 10th Street in the southbound lanes and had one of our viewers co-leader Roush try to get this picture up here in just a few minutes of a tree on a house at Southwest 23rd in Hudson there's a lot that it's not a huge tree but it's a tree and there's gonna be a lot of damage that people are surprised by in the morning light we are hearing a lot of damage a lot of tree damage talking about where Hank and patty brown was Mary Salazar another one of our News 9 viewers telling us in the Moore area 104th and Santa Fe trees down in that area as well and Kelly you were talking about the fires and how the firefighters are going out on these calls one area that there sponding - is around Northwest 150th and Council they have a report of lightning causing a fire in that area as well I want to tell you - because we told everybody earlier on that the fire department's going out to Lake Overholser because of a report of somebody possibly trapped we have not gotten any new word we do have the our crew on the way as well Clayton Cummins is on his way out there I just wanted to let you know that as soon as we hear anything about that good or not good we'll pass that along okay we'll toss them back over to Cassie now Cassie the reports keep coming in and as the storm kind of passes through areas I think we're going to hear more and more probably the good news is these storms are slowly d tense' fiying so they were pretty strong earlier lots of wind a lots of damaging wind gusts even over 70 miles an hour at times the good news is this is becoming less of a wind threat and more of a flash flooding event now so we've got flash flood warnings all across the Metro here we are on Lynx 3 you can see we've just got a wall of rain and it's just continuing to go over some of the same places so that's gonna be the concern now mainly is just all the rain that we're just gonna continue to get lightning strikes they've actually come down a little bit still loud we still have a lot of lightning in fact just here in the past 15 minutes we've had over 200 but we noticed that that is coming down a little bit we were also talking about the potential for any hail earlier a lot of people obviously concerned about their cars and stuff that's outside well earlier we were getting reports of a hail around the Yukon area and I was looking at a report that just came in at 1018 so less than 10 minutes ago and that was 6 miles southeast of Yukon and we were getting half dollar sized hail there so I'm gonna look at the Barren button and see what we're doing as far as hail is concerned right now and it was saying maybe up to quarter sized hail may be a little bit larger at times just south and east of yukon exactly where we got that report obviously and we still have that still just south and east of yukon just north of mustang and it looks like it should be staying south of Oklahoma City metro area but it's just gonna continue to track off to the south and east like David was mentioning earlier these storms are slowing down that's not necessarily a good thing because we're still talking about all the flooding rains and we're just gonna continue to see a lot of flooding especially around the Metro right over the part of Oklahoma County you can see that flash flood warning has been extended into now Cleveland McClain County and into Grady County as well David it just keeps using South now the wind like Cassie was saying has outrun the rain okay we you got you get a wall of wind at 60 to 70 all right that's down here and then you get a wall of water and behind it that's just gonna move in like a bad relative and hang out for about four or five hours so that's not good again the rain continues to fall at 4 to 5 inches per hour okay so that's why we have flooding developing in and around the Metro and this whole thing see how it's starting to like it it's starting to kind of come cave in the middle it's a little ball of energy here and it's just sagging and sinking south go ahead Shawnee just had a wind gusts of 60 out of the Northwest so the rain isn't even in Shawnee yet how about that like we were saying the wind is down here see that Green Line this blue green line that's the leading edge of the damaging winds now 50 in Norman thank you Matt Mahler going into Purcell Wayne Payne Dipple Kriner Chickasha over to Amber that's the leading edge of winds 50 to 60 gusts to 70 let's go to velocity data and look at the rain across the Metro just won't let up and what is that 50 and Minko okay that's right back in here so let's go ahead and query some of this cast and see what we have on some of the data the radar is again having to shoot through a lot a lot of rain right so we got to keep that in mind it the radar beam is strong but when you've got water running you know three counties wide you're gonna have problems for sure okay so um heavy heavy rain continues winds are gonna be 50 to 60 miles per hour in the red and listen I tell you what let's just drop a little farther south here talk about our friends down in southern Oklahoma and then we'll do a storm track on it just drop just a little okay see this this red line okay damaging winds along this red line alright st. Louis your next one in get ready Paola that's coming Wayne Payne here it comes over to ellic over to Nanak aw now blasting through Chickasha winds gonna be 50 to 60 along this red line but remember the rain is still back to the so fifty to sixty you might have a couple of gusts close to 70 with this line as it marches on to the south okay so it marches on to the South okay let's go to reflectivity turn that on now look what the rain is look how far the rain is right the wind is way down here look where the rain is this back to the north it's only now made it to Norman over to pink over to to cumson not coming into Shawnee okay let's go back to the Metro severe thunderstorm warning continues for the southern half of Oklahoma County Cleveland McClain County winds 60 to 70 miles an hour Pottawattamie County Shawnee get ready it's gonna get loud and it's gonna rain and it's gonna rain a lot and you're gonna have flooding in Shawnee count on it Bank on it you're gonna have flooding in Shawnee so get ready all you civil defense managers that live and work in these cities down to the south you're gonna have flooding going on down here it's gonna happen for you okay all right so let's go back to the northwest look how this rain is just relentless and this one is what happens when you have a large complex such as this you start to get these bands that begin to develop a lot of times this will happen in the morning okay you'll get these bands that develop out of the Northwest but this thing is just not letting out so this is why we're gonna have continued flooding tonight and into tomorrow morning if it does not let up more than it's doing right now but right now it is game on heavy heavy heavy rain for sure okay let's go to Tom Pastrano tom is back in on some damage here and get an update from Tom and we'll take his shot and let's go to Tom you guys got Tom punch let's go to Tom Pastrana I'll go ahead Tom tell me where you are what's going on there yeah I'm in front of Penn Square Mall and there are quite a few trees medium to large trees that are down there's some in the middle of the road they're all over the place it's coarse out here just turn it maneuver it here when the winds were blowing and they were blowing at ly 70 maybe 80 miles per hour back to you David nothing less social mean powerlines flashing in to come so okay so that win we're just I just showed you that on radar that wind now hammering to come so okay we'll go back to weather trackers here and check in with them coming up alright let's go back on radar here and once again heavy rain across the Metro pockets of moderate to heavy rain this one severe storm down right over Will Rogers back down to Mustang a Newcastle dropping south coming into Norman Blanchard you're next this whole thing is dropping off to the south southeast and Norman Lake Thunderbird it's coming in from the south just had a wind gust with power flashes winds going over 60 now into cuffs ax which is right here let's go ahead and shift this a little farther east talk about OB you Shawnee to come so and look at the spin going on see this right here at this last couple of frames a little bit of a spin here this thing is what we called an MCB it's turning into a mesoscale convective system and it's become so large it's become so big that the pressures in the center of it become low and we start to get an area of low pressure okay we start to get an area of low pressure developing somewhere inside this and usually it's kind of at the center and up to the top two big trees down okay okay lots of trees down on the east side of Norman Oh to southeast the downtown Norma that's gonna be down here down near highway 9 basically right in here so again the rain is just now coming in to the Norman area down it not even raining in noble yeah but you've gotten strong winds down there okay so the rain is just relentless back in here behind it moderate to heavy rain for sure across the Metro okay let's go to Val caster get an update from Val he's still at the valley isn't that the southeast 29th bridge over I 40 right there look go ahead give me that matter what you're looking at well David I'm thinking it's the out the Turnbull the Turnbull Drive bridge at the Turnbull gate I believe at Tinker Air Force Base that's what it is it's kind of on the east side of Midwest City and we've been watching we've seen a couple of near wrecks right there with people coming really really fast through that water but in about the past 10 minutes or so the water has gone down somewhat the rain has slacked off and the wind is also slacked off here a little bit also so that's good news but still there is still some water there but it is going down David okay all right great job Val stay with it here it looks like the waters gone down some but the wind there is still blowing okay let's go back to links for and do an update on links for and a fight again a couple things going on with this storm pushing south not that fast right the guest front is down here actually we could end up doing to to storm tracks running from to come sir down to Purcell see the Green Line that's the leading edge of the damaging winds 50 to 60 miles per hour it's now to Prague it's west of Tecumseh down to south of Purcell now coming in on Lindsay the Green Line is the gust front now the storm itself is coming in to Tuttle at about 10:30 9:00 we're almost there Purcell I'll close to midnight Lindsay 1:30 in the morning Pauls Valley about 145 and ADA at about two o'clock in the morning what do you go to 16 and once again this thing will keep pushing south not that fast it has slowed down it has slowed down for sure okay let's go back into the metro here check in with Hank and get an update from Hank and what he has and hey give me that bed on the wind that you have there right now Damon it's not too bad I'm in more about 12 Street 935 and they're probably only about 25 or so we've been all over more though from for the people who live here around Santa Fe Elementary quite a few power lines down a lot of it's kind of light to moderate tree damage over by North Moore Elementary there was quite a few of power lines that are down or they're in tree limbs that are arching man the fire department they are busy they are running calls right and left the scanner is just nuts with just so much wind damage it's kind of wide spread across more but we haven't seen anything that's you know real severe damage at the moment so that's the good thing it's just mainly a lot of tree limbs and power lines that are arcing david back to you okay all right great job there great job Hank patty again they've been in wins well excess of 70 miles an hour and tree limbs down power poles down they've been in a mess tonight okay let's go back to reflectivity here on Lynx three and take a look at what's going on with that and heavy heavy rain now again Tuttle - Norman down through Macomb Shawnee again this is a heaviest core and then back to the north it's not as heavy but still heavy pockets of rain all the way back into Blaine County so again everything's sliding to the southeast so the flooding will continue with this across the Metro flash flood warnings here for the next several hours the whole storm basically has been lit up inside the yellow box as severe winds gonna be 60 to 70 miles per hour okay guys let's go to links three links three control room and to take a look at there we go look at that heavy heavy rain again just crawling south now coming into more we're gonna have flooding in more Norman we already have some we're gonna have flooding we already do in the South Metro let's go to Tom and get an update from Tom Pastrana oh and that looks like he's found another tree down at least a branch or something and let's find out where tom is tom is back into the center part of the city and at all is that a branch or a whole tree go ahead yeah it's a whole tree they got seeded at the base the bubble King 12-inch diameter tree all throughout these neighborhoods right on her own James Cornwall I think they took the brunt of the wind we're seeing a lot of tree damage there was a power pole that was leaning over lots of street lights are just dangling or just completely off so there's a lot of damage here but the pallet is still on in this neighborhood so it's a good point here go back to you David all right great job and just keep driving around here and we'll find some more damage and more flooding here for you Tom but it's a great shot there good job okay Tom right there another tree down and look out the trash cans of course those are down those were easy in this kind of wind that we had earlier but the wind's have subsided that's a good thing about it here in Oklahoma City we're still getting gusts 40 to 50 but a far cry from what we had when this whole thing was pushing through with winds to 60 to 70 miles per hour with gusts to 87 miles per hour at ya Sundance Airport so that's out in Canadian County that's out near Piedmont or just west of Bethany crazy wind earlier with the mainline the winds are not as strong not near as strong as what they were but the rain the rain continues to fall it has led up here's some good news the rain has led up and at least the North Metro ok it has led up some okay let's go back to Lynx 3 and give you kind of the big view another severe storm now let's go ahead and zoom in on this cast this is gonna be northwest of Okarche severe storm here now northwest of Okarche back to in south and east of omega and again that's gonna be sliding southeast still at about 15 or 20 miles per hour it's coming in Okarche all right this storm is severe and so is this one both of these storms are severe torrential rain flooding rains out of that Matt Moeller what do you okay alright let's get one of our trackers on that okay let's get one of our trackers on that okay Matt say that again to me between i-40 and Rideau on cancel yeah cars in the water cars are stalled out underwater Palin is right down the road so he'll he'll be checking that out okay good Alan we'll be there shortly he's on his way he'll be there shortly okay let's go back out to Val and vows making his way back through again the Metro here and bow the wind has come down give me an update on what you're thinking right now lots of flooding going on okay David we're in Midwest City on i-40 and you're right the wind has come down we're starting to see you know what's the rain is going we can see what's going on we're seeing more damage than I thought there was this is a there's a power line down right here and this is a large billboard right there is a me will turn the shot and you keep going back up okay the light okay a large billboard over here I'm going to back up so you can see it that's down right over there there it is right there now there was a lot of wind that came through here and this is over by I think Rose State College Area and we're starting to see superficial damage all over the place and even bigger damage David just about a half a mile down the road there's one of those big green highway sign just laying in the middle of i-40 and you could tell that people have been running over it I mean I have to kind of swerve to miss it so we're gonna look around to see what else we can find over here David okay alright there we go and again we have sporadic wind damage across the Metro about everybody here in Oklahoma City has a branch or two down or a limb down or leaves down for sure power pole there like you said that snapped off so I mean we've just you know this thing came barreling through and it had teeth on we had the tornado we think we had a tornado earlier by the way just north of Oak Tree we had power flashes velocity data supported that that is now long gone we don't have a tornado threat right now with any of these storms that was earlier but we think we at least had a weak brief tornado on the ground as it was coming out of Logan County into North Oklahoma County several hours ago but that threat has gone away but they're powerful there you go so we yeah we wind damage we've got power outages a lot going on okay let's go back two links three and again the rain is getting here's the good news a little bit lighter in north edmond here that's great heaviest rain south southwest metro back to Union City back down towards Minko heavy rain southwest Oklahoma City West more east of Mustang this storm is severe right here that's gonna be Wes Moore okay that's gonna be dropping south and then we have pockets of heavy rain right over pops up to oak tree and then we have the other severe storm running from Okarche this storm is severe and Okarche it's gonna go right over town okay winds gonna be 50 to 60 maybe gusts to 70 and then another severe storm just south and east of omega and that's gonna be sliding south these kind of over the same area okay let's jump back in a cattle on Grady County here Cass and talk about the one storm we have down here I'm sorry let's come back to the north here near Koga right here this storm producing the winds 60 to 70 miles per hour in Koga okay that's gonna be west amiko you folks in Minko Imaging wins coming in from the West okay that's gonna this is gonna be a West more of a West win to an east wind barreling through Minko that's going to Tuttle that's gonna make its way down towards Bridge Creek remember the gust front is well south of this line okay the guest front is well south of this line let's go to Allen Barozzi and it looks like Allen is some deep deep water and Allen rosy looks like you found it go ahead give me a exact location that car stalled out drove into the water not going anywhere go ahead give me an update that's correct David we just went through Reno and Meridian and we're westbound that area is flooded six to ten inches of rain and now we're at Ann Arbor and Reno it's also under six to ten inches he saw the flooded out car here we're just we can see the road through the clear rainwater so we're proceeding if you can't get to where you can see the road then you need to turn around six to ten inches though is not unusual on Reno on these heavy heavy rains we're trying to make our way to Council and ascertain the damage there's apparently some cars flooded out there too but Reno from Meridian through Ann Arbor to MacArthur has a lot of deep water at the the drainage ditch between the Avenue here on Reno is completely full it's just right now just it's less than six inches from being over the roadway here so to stay out of the area if you don't have to get out just stay completely out of the area David back to you okay all right great job there Allen so once again a little bit of flooding going on here and there we have pockets of flooding we've had some people that have been stranded or call or cars that have stalled out that has been a given right like what Allen's doing right here but you go through slow a lot of folks will go through just simply too fast and the water gets up in the engine and then your stall and then your day has suddenly changed that's gone from uh not so bad to really bad right cuz you're stuck in water and you're scared and it's not good so don't drive into water Allen is an experienced storm tracker and this water is not that deep right here but let's that's if you're gonna be out and about tonight let's not do that at all okay so the winds have come down in Oklahoma City good news there what about rain rates on links one control room or rain amounts sorry rain amounts there you go four inches running from Kingfisher down to four corners and remember all the streams and rivers up here drain into Canadian in Oklahoma County and Logan County right all this water flows east and southeast okay the Cimarron River makes a turn right and goes up north of Guthrie but a lot of this water and those streams and tributaries come down into Torch Deer Creek and Piedmont all right so we're gonna have flooding developing it's already happening and it will continue it looks like 37,000 that's more like it 37,000 a GE customers without power Wow I knew it was a lot higher than what was being reported her and David also Hank was down in the south central more area and there was more likely a malfunction with one of the sirens that was going off just a couple minutes ago so nothing tornadic down there but yeah so scary probably a malfunction yeah a little bit of lightning and thunder and people start to panic and worry so okay let's say and these are rain rates okay this is radar estimating how much rain is falling per hour and these rain rates are 5 to 6 to 7 inches per hour where you see the purple that's that's pretty amazing stuff ok let's go to links for and I want to point out or the guest friend is where the winds are behind this Green Line this Green Line is where the winds are gusting from the north at 50 to 60 to nearly 70 miles per hour okay damaging winds along this line and then you jump back north about 30 miles and you get back to where the rain is and the flooding is but here's the good thing about this Oklahoma City rain is beginning to subside but we're still gonna have pockets we're gonna have pockets of heavy rain overnight tonight but the heaviest rain now from Union City South West Metro more Norman Stella over to Shawnee ok this is our main storm here's the good news it is beginning to move finally but we had these little bands in here that we're gonna have to watch now these aren't too big and bad right now these will still give us some flooding but could be a lot worse right west of kingfishers west of Okarche right so we got to keep an eye on those because these bands will produce damaging winds what you got Justin I'm just gonna say go to Hank he hasn't our big powerline pole leaning over that police have blocked off all right there we go and hey tell us your exact location is the power out in that area you think it would be and well that's a that's a big pole too yeah David we were sitting in the Walmart Neighborhood Market at 4th in Santa Fe and more and this is just west of that the old-timers out here will know this is where it used to be the old Southwestern Bell AT&T substation and the police actually have four streets blocked off just west of Santa Fe and then they and they are just about halfway to West earth they have it all blocked off so that yeah that's a big pole that blew down it's not one of the little powerlines that's a big one I don't know if it's broken or leaning or what but yeah there's a sporadic power outages all over more we still see lights on around this particular area so I think them lines are still up but yeah that could be a bad situation if that thing fell across the road all right great job Hank and I'll tell you what power pull there yeah snapped off and that'll get your attention winds winds were you know us when it was coming through 70 to 80 miles per hour so that's big-time that's big-time wind okay so 37,000 OGE customers in the metro without power it's been a long time since we've had that many folks at the same time in the dark it's been a long time ok so that's that's that's impressive for sure but not surprising considering how widespread the wind event was when it came to the city 60 70 80 we had wind gusts 287 miles per hour 87 mile per hour wind gust at Sundance Airport that was a couple of hours ago when the line was coming through so just under 90 miles per hour so that will easily topple power poles and power lines and tree limbs and trees with that kind of wind okay so our storm again is sliding south slowly not that fast but at least it's moving heavy rain South Oklahoma City this whole line of storms is severe the guests front producing damaging winds is still well south of the line but the Southwest metro heavy heavy rain and the damaging winds continue there let's go back to Ellen Barozzi then we'll check in with Val let's go to Ellen Barozzi and get an update from Allen looking at his GPS location he's back in the West Metro still over there and Allen now that looks like all water to me it looks like all David we're on Reno now at Council Road wouldn't seek stranded cars all over the place where we've got about eight to ten inches of water here thank goodness we can see the guard rails and the curbing on one side and on the other we can see that the curbing so we know we're not in any danger but there's enough water here that low okay between Reno and i40 and I'm not sure what they're doing there and everyone get down there second I've got to get through here though without becoming a hazard must fall low we've got cars in ditches David we're going to get your shot just a second but we've got lots of high water here Reno and Council in some areas are impassable though please stay out of the area got law enforcement down here trying to handle this and like I said we're trying to stay out of the ditches ourselves so we'll get back with you in just second give you a shot we have vehicles in the ditch back to you Alan let me ask you a question by looking at the water marks that are up on the grass has the water as a water drop has it come down by checking the the debris watermark in the grass has it come down the last half hour the rain rates and the rain is not as heavy as what it was even though we still have David it may have but look at this vehicle here it is completely in the ditch we're going to get out and check and see if there's anybody in there that vehicle is completely in the ditch back it up there you go I mean it's nose down in probably four four feet of water and it's raging water right now so let me get back to you I'm gonna get out if we can see anybody in there David yeah Alan that makes me a little bit worried if that car went off like that obviously they drove off into that and didn't realize you wonder how they were able to especially open that door or roll down that window I mean obviously you can but that's that's pretty scary okay check on them see what's going on with this car hopefully they're not in there we'll find out here shortly and there's Alan there goes Earl and both Alan and Earl are both retired Oklahoma City police officers yeah they know what they're doing so they're gonna make their way around front or a wall give us an update and to find out what's going on here and we'll get an update from our oh he'll get back in the car we'll find out what's going on they're probably out right Allen's talking David I'm sorry Alan start over go ahead we missed that go ahead yeah there is nobody in the vehicle or okay there's somebody over here about 30 yards from the roadway apparently they're waiting on a ride okay so they may have been in that vehicle wasn't rolling that Earl for a second okay and we're rolling on you here so we got you okay we're good we're going to make our way back to the intersection where there's two or three other vehicles off in the ditch Wow and again you could you can see in my shot there's there's there's six to eight inches of water here and it gets deeper as you get closer to the intersection right you know thing thank goodness we're not wearing a high truck so I know what I can get away with and what we need to steer away from and we haven't we haven't been anything we couldn't steer into and right out of yet but it's it it's pretty dangerous here well let me oh gosh we'll get a lot of there's a high water rescue going on over here because okay all right we'll get up on it look at this truck here there's another there's another truck this guy's point and look they're in it they're in standing in the back of it there Allen yeah yeah I'm gonna have a pan real slowly to the right Earl and you can see five six seven vehicles in the ditch in the water both clothes and across on the northbound lanes of Council water there is two to four feet deep depending on where you're at this this truck that's in front of us point back to the truck real slowly there Earl this truck that's in front of us as driven off into the ditch his nose is in four to five feet of water right there and we've got we've got guys in the back of the truck now apparently they're getting their goods out of there and they realize that the trucks there for the long haul until then get a wrecker out here because he's not getting out of that no he is not getting out of that okay Allen now one more time tell the folks at home exactly you're at Reno and what's your north-south street right there okay we're Reno and Council okay Reno cancel okay all right just see right here that the vehicle in front of the water Berger water is two to three feet deep there and there is not a ditch that's just high water in the roads Wow yeah there's not a drainage ditch there is a there is a drainage ditch right in front of us here yeah and that's where these guys are at that's where that guy is that right yeah Greg Julian yeah David look at the watermark when you were driving when you made that u-turn back there the water has dropped in this area maybe six eight ten inches I don't know I couldn't tell but I can see the water mark up on the grass so it has dropped some which is a good thing Alan is that a high water rescue going on to your right I mean look at always everywhere there's a high water rescue going on right there where you see the emergency light and then probably that's about a hundred and fifty yards north of i-40 and as I pan back over here towards i-40 right you can see another high water rescue because we've got two or three other vehicles in the ditch and very very hot water there david ige man they've got people checking vehicles got law enforcement out here it's it's a mess it's a total mess out here back to you Alan here's the deal probably stay there and here's here's why you've got another big wave of rain gonna come right over you as a matter of fact it is now crossing county line another heavy heavy heavy wave of rain which is gonna be coming in so these waters are gonna go back up they're gonna increase where Alan is all right Alan stay at that stay in this area don't go anywhere I think it'll get worse before it gets better cuz the waters gonna rise again with this way let's go to Kaster I'm looking at his shot and what look at that mess there you go that's not good and Val tell us exactly where you are and wow that's you know winds 7080 miles per hour at the blew through there earlier look at that right on top of that truck go ahead all right David we're this is Happy's fifteenth Street right now and this is probably a quarter of a mile or so west of Douglas and we've got several power poles down here and this is on the north side of 15th Street here now I'm talking to the police officer over here and he tells me this looks a lot worse than it is the power poles didn't actually fall on this pick up the pickup ran off the road and pretty much got stuck and ran into the power pole right there but his his airbags went off and they got out okay everybody's fine nobody was hurt here but he's telling me the police officer here is telling me that there's power poles down all over Midwest City David Brower so no doubt about it no doubt it I'm thinking maybe more than 80 at some spot yeah no I agree we yeah we were looking at some radar we're showing up to you know 85 maybe as high as 90 in a few areas for sure I had an 87 Val at Sundance Airport earlier official measurement there so yeah 70 80 90 mile per hour winds yeah no doubt about it wow that that is not good so there's a lot there's a lot going on in Midwest City around TT Air Force Base for sure okay let's go back to Lynx three and give you the big view on Lynx three if we can and let me show you what the rain looks like and where this severe weather is Lynx three control room all right so we have the storms I know right they just keep redeveloping over Blaine County down through Okarche and these are sliding into the metro this is why we're still gonna have flooding overnight tonight this is why we're gonna have flooding into the morning is because the rain is going to continue we're gonna call it the rain train especially in the west and south western sides of Oklahoma City heavy rain down in north Norman and more back to tunnel these storms are all severe down here when are gonna be still 60 to 70 miles per hour and even the storms back here coming in Okarche are still severe coming in to Okarche again with another storm their winds gonna be again 60 to 70 so lotsa heavy rain still falling I want to point out more a few more showers and storms now developing over nin a call which are not severe the leading edge of the guest front let's go to velocity data here cast take a look at that just give everybody at home right here see this red that's expanding to the south that's the leading edge of winds of 60 that may be as high as 70 miles per hour if you want to take a land shot again that heavy bands coming back in okay all right so with hail the leading edge are we got little bit of hail and that let's go back to Allen and Allen where we have lots of flooding going on that heavier rain we talked about it is there go ahead give me an update that storm is severe we're close to it yeah we've got some small hail falling probably penny-size tail but it's following the midst of this already unfolding calamity of high water we've got lastly to two feet of water right now two feet of water on Council Road here between Reno and i-40 and again as I Pam we've got about a hundred yards so you're seeing different vehicles at different vantage points here and you can see more vehicles in the ditch David can you see that and these guys are checking going car to car make sure but he's out but right anyway we've got one back here they're just it's just littered we've I know there's at least probably ten cars in this to square block area that just completely submerged in water you know one one two three four feet of water depending on where they're at in the roadway here Wow we're going to make our way after where the law enforcement is about a hundred yards to our South closer to i-40 right and and see what they're doing they apparently were doing some high water rescues over there and we'll keep you posted on what we're fine but yeah we've got a little small help on here in the midst of all this already going on back to you yeah it just kind of makes it worse I mean the hail is not damaging hail but nonetheless look at the rain there folks it is just it is coming down not a whole lot of wind with that look like now it's windy but it's a far cry from what it was earlier it's a far cry so Allen's gonna stay in this area and there's more flooding to be found for sure more cars to pay could take you to take a peek at okay let's go back to Lynx 3 and we're gonna back out of this now Allen's right here he's near the outlet Shoppes this is where this flooding is here's that next little wave over him look at the storm down here over Mustang back south the Mustang and have nickel and dime sized hail with that anywhere on this line especially as you get further south winds are gonna be gusting to 50 to 60 miles per hour right okay so we're still gonna have wind in here all right down to Moore Norman any other gust guys reported here as of late well let me know if there have been and then from there down to Macomb st. Louis this whole area is now beginning to fill in now the guest front is beginning to light up down to our south but thunderstorms here developing from cement Alec Payne thunderstorms here increasing as this line comes in from the north this whole area is gonna line out and continue to make its way to the south so there we go yeah big big storm again and it's it's moving it's it's making its way south but at the same time it just keeps regenerating on the north and western side and that's because we have low-level dynamics in place think about how hot and how muggy we were today at one point today in Oklahoma City it felt like a hundred and twelve or give or take degrees 110 hundred twelve because of all that humidity dangerous heat today with all that humidity is just fuel for these storms okay let's go back to Val ain't gonna bake take that shot and get an update from about 40,000 OGE customers without power across the Metro an incredible number it's been several years the big wind event that was the last couple of days of April I think two or three years ago that went across the fairgrounds we lost the arts that night that was the last time we had this many people in the dark at one time in Oklahoma City about 40,000 OGE customers right now without power go ahead give me an update we have Val all right David get that shot that's in front of us right there he's coming to us we've got David we've got a tree another three and we're in we're in Midwest City right now and I mentioned while ago that I spoke with the police and he said that they've got power lines down and they've got trees down scattered all over Midwest City and I can tell you that probably about half of the areas we've driven through here are black and without power over here in Midwest City talk about forty thousand people without power we're seeing why Midwest City really got hit hard some areas David I'm seeing and we talked about this while ago but I'm seeing 80 miles an hour plus I mean we had that large billboard knocked down and there's a lot of other signs there's street signs blow down all that kind of stuff there's just a lot of damage around here David and at least the good news Val you're getting a break in the wind you're getting a break in the rain right now pretty much little bit of rain coming back through you're gonna have a little more rain but at least you're getting a break but there is a lot of this going on across the Metro this is Midwest City bow has just gone when he goes from block to block he finds another tree power line we've had signs down I mean lots of tree limbs down there'll be a lot of cleanup going on here the next couple of days but this this is a typical summertime event Jetstream winds we're not extremely strong but a lot of heat a lot of instability okay let's go to Hank and let's find out where Hank is looking at his GPS Hank is in a they're gonna be South Oklahoma City or North Moore pretty close to i-35 and Hank it looks like possibly a Bradford pear split down the middle go ahead give me an update yeah that's what it is it's the Bradford pear power flux right there oh there's power classes right behind us all right anyway this this here is pretty large tree we're near Southwest 89th and Santa Fe and what kind of distracted me is I saw a bunch of orange glows right behind that house so we'll go check that out but one of our viewers actually called in and told the news desk she lives across the street from one of my family members so we appreciate miss Betty Cummings for calling and telling me that this kids tree has split and landed on her porch so it's a Bradford pear and that's kind of what they do when they get them you know real strong mile an hour what like we had so Southwest 89th and maybe Southwest 89th in Santa Fe I'm sorry Becky okay great job Hank and again I know a lot of builders want to put in Bradford pears and that's fine because they grow fast they are pretty in the fall and have a nice white bloom in the spring but they are not indigenous to Oklahoma and they get trashed so you have a tree for five or ten years and you get one event and it's over with you're you're better to go find a tree that is indigenous to our state some form of maple or an oak we have beautiful trees we have trees that are frankly a lot prettier than Bradford pears and you can plant they don't grow as fast Bradford pears are not from here they're not from here they don't originate from here they don't anyway and they get hammered they get hammered all the time alright Kelly on that I'm gonna prep your peers I'm just saying I wouldn't plant one I know they are pretty the Bradford pear Society is on the phone for you okay again there's just one society that I've offended tonight so I'm doing okay all right here we go no shot here valve on more branches down let's go back to reflectivity and get a lynx three control room get kind of give you the big view the rain is letting up in Oklahoma City you know this will give us a chance for the waters to begin to drop they already are some right southwest metro into Moore Norman flooding will continue here the severe thunderstorm warning continues from Norman down to Purcell back to Tuttle over to Shawnee let's go ahead and zoom in to Shawnee here take a closer look at what's going on right over Shawnee I mean it is coming down in buckets four to five to six inches of rain per hour look at this little spin right here see that looks like a little Eddy remember the atmosphere it's fluid its water it's a river just like you walk out look at a stream or a river you see little things spinning that's exactly what you have going on especially when you have a lot of big difference in pressures that we've had going on this evening in the atmosphere lots of rain off and on lots of wind so you get this little spin going on here and that's gonna be kind of dropping south but out ahead of that lots of heavy rain from just on and west of Shawnee down to to come so gotta have a little bit of flooding going on there and also winds 60 miles per hour possible maybe as high as 70 let's go to velocity data here real quick we're getting a clear slot in the radar here let's see what it looks like and yeah it doesn't look like a whole lot but I still think we can see winds 50 to 60 with that okay let's go back to reflectivity we're gonna walk this line and okay so heavy rain in Pottawattamie County let's come back to the West here gave you an update more noble down a slaughter Ville back to the West bridge Creek Mustang these storms are all severe coming into Norman there will be flooding in Norman and back to Moore back to Newcastle Casino Bridge Creek Mustang let's come back to the northwest and the Canadian County this storm has really ramped up now over Piedmont and this is gonna go right over Allen more heavy rain could have some hail in that that storm severe another storm is severe overall Karki sliding southeast and another storm check this out over Hitchcock it will not end so the severe storms guys they continue to come in from the northwest more flooding it will continue for sure and more dangerous flooding guys back to you okay we'll get back over to you in just a moment David but we do want to update you in that very serious situation going on near Lake Overholser yeah near the dam let's go to our Clayton Cummins he's worked his way over there and rapportive perhaps someone a man near the dam in danger Clayton Kelly no mana this is what we know right now police and rescue crews fire crews as well responded to the south side of Lake Overholser this is right near the dam on the south side you might be able to see behind me here there is still a police presence but not as big as there was earlier I did speak to a witness here who tells me that apparently there was a man down near the concrete slabs on the lowest part of this dam apparently that man was down there at the wrong point in time right wind this evening storms went through all of that water somehow got him trapped near the bottom of that dam the good news here is that apparently rescue crews were able to successfully rescue that person we are not familiar we're not sure on what the age is but we are working to confirm those details here again still a police presence out here at the south side of Lake Overholser as crews respond a possible drowning here but it sounds like according to a witness that that person was able to be safely brought back up to the shore that is the latest here on the south side of Lake Overholser Clayton Cummins Oklahoma's own news 9 all right Clayton seen a lot of folks fishing down below that dam it's pretty common not a good idea to be down there in a storm we've had people trapped down there before we're so glad to hear that update cuz when we heard that the dive team from the fire departments going out there you just never know so we appreciate that update from Clayton David getting the latest numbers from oh gee any 43,000 736 customers just with OG&E that are without power right now 20,000 more than 20,000 just in the Oklahoma City area and the next largest area without power looks like war acres with 11,000 268 customers that's homes and there's a lot of more acres that's basically the whole town and we'll have more acres you thought about 11,000 homes and businesses so they'll be working to get power restored but of course they're concerned about the lightning out there David yeah I mean remember the crews right they got to be out in the middle of this and they're trying to get the lines back up and repaired and all that and it's gonna be a while because these storms just keep coming in over the same area if this had moved out would be okay but the West Metro one severe storm doubt going through Piedmont down to Yukon another severe storm at Okarche another potentially severe storm at Hitchcock sliding southeast now at roughly about 20 miles per hour the big wall of water that's been sitting on top of Oklahoma City is now beginning to push to the south and then we have new storms developing near nin a call those are not severe but they are producing heavy rain right over tent ecologist south of Chickasha and that's gonna head over towards Purcell so flooding in Norman flooding in Moore Tuttle gonna have some flooding on in just west of Shawnee but a good chunk of Oklahoma City proper to the north of an Edmond airy and Luther the rain is beginning to subside in this heavy band of rain and this is gonna continue for a while from the Northwest okay let's go to Hank and to Hank shot a lot of things going on in this shot Hank looks like you've got damage there and maybe down to your left or to your right I don't know if we're looking at your shot earlier power-pole there snapped off midway up in southeast Oklahoma City give me your exact location there Hank go ahead David this is it Southwest 89th and shields right across from the Crossroads Church so yeah there are three power poles down here you can see that of course the the top of its dangling but didn't the pole right there in front of that little boat on the building there is actually snapped off to the ground and as patty pans there's three lines down total and you can see that that's a big old line that's a big old pole that's been snapped off the base so this is the Southwest 89th and shields area and it kind of coincides to earlier when we were coming through and getting all that wind that we were seeing all these power flashes of west of i-35 just a little bit running right down shields and then down into more so yeah there was some pretty strong winds this is about a half a mile south of the shot where we showed you that treat it was broke off on the last bit so Southwest 89th and shields back to you David great job there Hank and Wow again South you know southwest Oklahoma City 89th and shields several power poles down folks in the dark without power down there let's go to Lynx three the severe storms just continue to roll in on this western flank so this is MIT this is where all the flooding is going to continue Canadian County Kingfisher County and this is going to be Western and southwestern Oklahoma County down towards the airport down towards more this line at least has three to four more hours of rain in it off and on all right now it's not as let's just say continuous is what the big blob was earlier but it's still enough unless it weakens which eventually this stuff will begin to weaken but no signs of it right now at least not with this northwestern and western flank okay let's go ahead and zoom on in gas it let's take a closer look this is next July Okarche storm yeah Okarche storm and Piedmont storm this one is still pretty intense now coming out of Piedmont going right down Northwest highway now coming into Yukon let's go ahead and zoom on in here let's take a closer look there's Piedmont there's Sundance going right into the airport heavy heavy rain out of this right got to have nickel and dime maybe even some quarter sized hail just barely north to Piedmont nickel an eye for sure winds in here 50 to 60 miles per hour it's gonna go right over war acres it's gonna go right over West Oklahoma City and Bethany as it slides to the southeast notice Edmond getting a break and that's the trend that we're seeing at least for Edmond north and east but this band is gonna continue okay let's go a little farther Northwest let's lead Piedmont and look at this Okarche back down to Angel Ridge race Park okay northwest of that just northwest of the lucky star casinos severe storm here gonna have nickel and dime maybe some quarter sized hail in that let's go a little farther Northwest and they just doesn't in now over Hitchcock pretty good hail in this okay just south the Hitchcock just went right over Roma knows Roma know State Park that's sliding to the southeast so let's kind of back out of this kind of gave everybody other overview here of the rain train the storm train that continues in the West Metro which is not good okay let's go back to Val and get an update from bowcaster find out where he is he's got lots of debris everytime bowcaster every time you turn a corner or a new block or something you come up with more damage and tree limbs and power lines down and there's another tree down over here and I tell you what if just about I can't go half a mile down the road without finding something either a sign down or trees down or debris in the middle of the road earlier David we had a an entire large highway sign that was laying in the middle of i-40 and you could tell there was dense that it were people have been running over at trucks and cars and everything else I swerved to miss it I saw it coming up but it was a large highway sign took up about two lanes so a lot of stuff going on we spoke with the local police over here and they we heard sirens all over the place they're very very busy he said that there's power lines down all over town David Beck you okay all right great job there bow stay with it here and eval we're gonna have something here for you what's the address of that city Dell City Fire Chief was telling us two separate things here he says there is damage to the Dollar Tree during the 4300 block of South East 15th Street also they are checking on a partial roof collapsed to a church at 3900 Southie 27th Street in Dale City okay so two different things chief for sale with Chelsea Fire Department's telling us about that Dollar Tree stores near where Val was earlier on that wreck yeah right he was right there okay your team Justin Rudisill did you get those those two things okay all right we'll get those about Val's right there anyway we'll get him over there okay let's go back to Ellen Barozzi here and Allen in the same area but not quite but more flooding look at that carnage and Allen the ring you got a little bit of a break there's more heavy rain coming Ellen Rosie right where you are at I mean it is headed right for you look at that folks Wow is it balanced that still that Reno and canceled where are you yeah David we're still at Reno and Council and you can see I mean we've got firemen know we're here trying to keep people from driving through this we saw a guy just about get his soul ripped out of his body because he was thrown into four feet of water and firemen finally got it stopped but gosh these people are driving around the roadblocks that fire blocking now all the all the people have been rescued out of these vehicles so that's clear but the water is still high we can't get traffic through there so they've got it blocked off we've just we've got seven eight ten cars still left over here in the roadway that's gonna be here for a while cuz we just looked at the radar and confirmed what you were saying we've got another storm coming in from Piedmont the water is probably dropped six inches from this location but it's still two and a half to three and a half feet deep depending on where you're at so rain on council reno meridian read on macarthur we don't Rock well we encountered high water all through there some just stay off of Reno stay off of Reno if you can stay on high ground back to you David all right Greg job Allen look at that folks I mean that is a lake at Reno and council right now look at the cars these are yeah total that cars totaled that cars totaled the engines underwater forget about it this car the water was about six to ten inches higher that's gonna be nearly a total loss and again I'm not saying all these people you know but when you when you're driving anywhere and I know the rain was coming down real heavy it's hard to see especially at night but you just cannot drive into water you have no idea how deep it is even if it's the road that you drive in and drive on every day of your life you don't drive it with water up high or one to two three feet deep so you don't know you don't know how to judge that so you're thinking oh it's six inches deep no it's not it's three feet deep you drive into it and then you can't see the road you panic you drive off in a ditch and then yeah you're world's turned upside down so say it again if there's water over the road turn around don't drown don't lose your life don't lose your car I mean these people are gonna have to mess with the insurance and yeah it's just a mess it's a mess so anyway okay let's go back to Lynx 3 and then see what's going on here here comes the next heavy wave of rain folks coming out of Piedmont this is gonna go right over west Oklahoma City Bethany war acres widely posed down to Lillard Park we're gonna have more flooding with this and this storm is severe at the same time nickel and dime sized Hill winds could be as high as 50 miles per hour and this may be as high as 60 from Piedmont back down to Yukon this will be another wave of storms coming in to the west and south western sides of Oklahoma City I mean just crazy okay let's go a little farther Northwest at the other severe storm and then we're gonna check in with Tom severe storm right over Okarche that's sliding southeast down towards Richland that storm is severe okay we got to keep an eye on that let's go a little farther Northwest here and another potentially almost severe storm now pretty close to it just south of Hitchcock that's headed to Omega that's gonna head down to the southeast and pass just east of Watonga at least that part of the storm will and that another storm coming up here near Eagle City that's getting stronger that's gonna go right over with Tonga so this flanking line to the west-northwest does happen low level dynamics kicking in the jet overhead and cool making its way through the bottom line is this is gonna go on this is starting to push south hopefully this will continue to continue to move on out ok so let's back out of this cast were you looking at rainfall amounts I do I have design stickers online troll room I gotta get back ok ok so we've got some totals now on links one and we've had quite a bit of rain obviously rain rates are pretty high they've been coming down just in buckets and so right around the Metro we've had anywhere between about one to two and a half to really nearly three inches of rain and especially well to the north you can see I'm towards cash-in and up towards reading we've got three and a half between three and a half to four and a half almost four corners about three and a half and we're we're seeing the higher totals in and around Oklahoma City metro itself really Bethany between Bethany and war acres seeing a lot of close to three inches I'm gonna kind of query some more of this and just kind of see what all is calm in it yeah anywhere between about two and a half to three inches of rain looking at Bobby's shot I'm not seeing a lot of flooding where he's at right now but you can see where Bobby is he's probably on the northwest expressway headed up to the north and west but right now he's more or less seeing a lot of leftover wind damage or wind debris we've got a lot of leaves kind of everywhere on the roads I'm gonna zoom out a little bit and kind of see what else we've got going on across the Metro we haven't picked up a whole lot officially yet in downtown Oklahoma City just hasn't calculated it yet but it's definitely gonna be anywhere at least between one and a half to as much as around three inches and some people are gonna get a lot more than others but of course most of the rain so far has fallen in parts of Kingfisher County and southwest Logan County let's go ahead and go to over to links three and I'm gonna show you where the storms are right now what they're kind of doing what the big view is and I'm also gonna turn on our Lightning count because that's been a big issue here it's been earlier it was the wind and now we've got the flooding issue and we've also got still a lot of lightning strikes so we're talking about lightning and wind it's really putting out all the power but right now still it's pretty loud we do have quite a bit of lightning as far as any hail is concerned looking at our barron button it's gonna be very sporadic very isolated but it looks like we could have a pretty good hail core there just south and west a total break coming just well south of sooner there look care reflectivity yeah give that again you you were all over that do that again Wow look at that no this may be a little bit hot yeah buddy but this storm is kind of out here by itself it hasn't been contaminated somewhat by all the rain cold air it still has it's in that same environment but it's down here by itself that's gonna be at least quarters if not golf-ball-sized hail South Otago go ahead and laughs his cast I see what it's doing there and moving yeah moving more the same east southeast towards Blanchard and right now that's gonna be at least quarters maybe some golf ball-sized hail in there some small hail Norman where's Tom that hurt what Tom shot he's Oklahoma City okay his shot is frozen okay and then we have the other hill Coors now let's go back in here to Canadian County and this has a pretty good low hail Coronet south of Okarche it has weakened slightly but still severe the hill core is gonna go on and just south of a car see just a couple of miles gonna have nickel and dime maybe quarters in that let's go to the northwest up near where Tonga and Hitchcock and these are producing some small hail there nothing too crazy but wow they stole the storm just keep they just keep coming okay let's go back two links three it's stay with this is turn on reflectivity here and again we're beginning to dry out you can see things from beginning to line out kind of not look like they did an hour ago or a couple of hours ago they're beginning to kind of they're still strong don't get me wrong it's severe but we're giving this one line in here of storms running from Hitchcock to Omega and this is gonna continue for several more hours so we're gonna have flooding in here Canadian County back to El Reno doke Archie to Piedmont flash flood warning for you down to Mustang we're gonna have flooding in here now Edmund to Luther the rain has ended now we still might see a little more rain overnight but the main show is gonna be in this band in here okay more norman noble getting reports of more flooding going on down there at least in some areas and Tom shot okay Tom shot is back up now let's go back to Tom and get an update on Tom and where he is what have you found here in the last half-hour so go ahead and give me an update yeah I drove from north of downtown through downtown and Mary Gardens that area by the Botanical Center does a lot of tree damage so they don't have a lot to clean up tomorrow I did see a lot of signs down the concert was letting out as I was driving through just about ten minutes ago and it's cleared locked down there because a lot of the lights are out so that's going to be a mess over there for a while but right now I'm heading south of downtown where I could see some big billboards earlier they were damaged so how about you over there actually David okay and Tom have you have you been by the new park could you see any damage by there all the trees are new which kind of concerns us a little bit obviously but they planted Kelly Hemme trees were planted close to a thousand trees so I'm sure look staked and I'm sure that's good but did you see any damage I know it's dark but around the park the new park system no just just by seeing all of the established trees or damage I'd be really concerned about the park because it was just right across the street from there where all of us there's a whole bunch of trees that were down so with with nice trees expect it'd be pretty concerning I didn't see anything because it was too dark okay but but you did say that you see did see damage to the trees in and around the Botanical Gardens right there on the corner right you saw some damage the other one there was a lot of damage a lot of tree limbs that's not good those trees have been there a long time and again tom was just saying lots of tree damage lots of trees down in and around the Botanical Garden so there's gonna be tree damage for sure not only there but also scattered through the Oklahoma City area we'll know a lot more overnight tonight as crews get out and evaluate also come sign up early tomorrow morning we'll know a lot more as well but there's a lot there's a lot of damage okay here comes the next wave if it just won't end we're talking about the next wave of rain heavy rain now not severe but heavy rain running for Mercy Hospital to Bethany Will Rogers down to Newcastle Norman we're gonna have more localized flooding going on there and then cascade let's jump to the northwest here severe storm over orc our Chi now south of Okarche sliding down towards El Reno if you live in El Reno or north and east of town get ready for winds 50 to 60 miles per hour with that all right so everything's sliding from the Northwest to the southeast now at about 15 to 20 miles per hour these storms are all still severe folks we're gonna take a quick break we're gonna get a commercial in we'll be back right after that Sabin is 9 we'll keep you advised every day activities cause wrinkles and there's nothing
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 22,641
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Id: M3QVd2vd0a0
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Length: 191min 52sec (11512 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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