5-20-2019 KWTV Tornado Coverage

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blowing afternoon of continuous severe weather coverage right here on news 9 and again the storms are about ready to take off we have one severe storm in western Oklahoma right now that we're looking at and a trackers were out in full force today it's gonna be a big weather day folks so you got to stay plugged in today you can't just go about your business I know a lot of folks work at night they sleep during the day people are traveling through school is being let out or schools for some of us not even in session today but colleges are out universities are out we have people in town they don't normally here this time of year there's a lot going on so again if you're gonna be in Oklahoma today if you're going to be in from central into Western in Southwestern Oklahoma you have to stay plugged in today ok this is one of those days that we don't have every year this is one of those days that we might have every two three four or five years okay as far as the potential to get strong to very severe storms and I'm talking about large hail damaging winds and here's a kicker out of this whole thing the atmosphere is set up it is conducive today to see not only several tornadoes not only to have an outbreak of tornadoes but also strong to violent tornadoes the weak tornadoes those are the ones that we do worry about but not as much it's the killer tornadoes the EF fours in the EF fives those are the ones that really give us the biggest problems and caused the most harm and the highest loss of life okay those are the ones that we have to worry about we all know that we've been through this so many times but we still have to be weather aware you've got to be plugged in all afternoon this will go on into this evening and this is gonna go on even into tonight all right and we're gonna be right here all right we've got our trackers out Val everybody out today Marty Logan largest team of trackers in the nations out today we brought in our resources from Tulsa they're out with their chopper we've doubled down on everything we've doubled the storm tracker numbers we've doubled our chopper numbers again we have two in place today Jim Gardner's up and the bottom line is we're gonna have severe weather and we're gonna have some tornadoes today and we're gonna hunt these things down and show you exactly where they are what they're doing and where they're going okay so keep it right here on news 9 and again we'll get through this together all right okay let's get to it here let's go to links one their tornado watch that is in effect until 10 o'clock tonight okay now that is a PDS watch now what does that mean it's a particularly dangerous situation all right PDS watch it just means that we're in store for high-end storms producing high-end severe weather okay the National Weather Service and the Storm Prediction Center have put this watch out and they're looking at the same things that we're looking at strong dynamics in the mid levels in the low levels high instability the atmosphere is very unstable and we don't have much of a cap or a lid in place that's why storms are not only going to fire on the dry line out the Panhandle but they're gonna fire to the east kind of in the open air away from the dry line and south of the warm front so it's it's gonna be kind of one of those deals where it's not just one area it's going to be areas in the West also in the southwest also in a Central Oklahoma that have the highest threat for seeing tornadic super cells and rotating thunderstorms okay all right so what we have going on right now are severe storms in the West coming out into Roger Mills County but this is behind the boundary all right so that's going to produce large hail and damaging winds it's in the 50s right here where that storm is okay it's in the 50s right there it would be extremely rare if that were to produce a tornado now northern Oklahoma this is all rain scattered showers and thunderstorms there everything lifting off to the northeast here's another deal of today that has me a little concern any tornado whatever size it is whatever size tornado develops today the speed in the atmosphere is gonna be such that these storms are gonna move to the northeast at 40 to nearly 50 miles per hour today separates when you're talking about storm trackers and what they do and that the jobs that they do this will separate the people that are really really good at their jobs tracking storms and the ones that are the amateurs that don't need to be out there today okay this is one of those days where the storms are going to be moving so quickly that amateur storm chasers need to stay home this is for the again veterans only right and that's what we have right here at News 9 these guys are weathered right over 350 years experience over 350 years chasing experience chasing tornadoes all right so storm coming in a Canton I'm not worried about it right now a little bit of wind and hail with that that one severe storm out near shy end we'll take a closer look at that coming up here in the metro want to point out we've got some showers here and these are almost thunderstorms and these are gonna ride up 81 and this is what's gonna happen see how just in the last hour or so these continue to grow that's what is going to eventually begin to really grow and begin to turn and turn into super cells and we get the rotating thunderstorms this is how it's going to begin that's how it's going to begin right there we're gonna have these individual storms that continue to get stronger and again causes problems here in the city right now we've got a couple showers going on Jim Gardner is right there and I tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna go to Jim coming up here in just a second we're gonna check in with Jim and he's looking down at this southern storm here it's almost a thunderstorm or close to it and then we're gonna have more thunderstorms developing back into southwestern and western Oklahoma and those again are gonna be severe as well with the threat being large hail damaging winds and tornadoes and then later this eve again tonight we're gonna have a flooding threat okay so the way it is right now the threat level it is high all right that's as high as we have here at News 9 that's our highest threat level and that just means that anywhere in the red okay especially from Central Western and southwestern Oklahoma we're gonna have severe weather and it's gonna be high in severe weather with large hail damaging winds and that high tornado threat so our tornado zone for the hatched area is very high today we're gonna put it at a priority-one and that's gonna be for a violent outbreak of tornadoes but many tornadoes possible and a few of those tornadoes could be on the ground for several miles maybe as high as a couple of counties maybe as long as going through maybe a county or two long track tornadoes are possible today all right worst case scenario long track tornadoes doing a lot of damage that are strong and violent moving at 40 to 50 miles per hour that's a big problem okay that's a big problem so if you're if you're at home if you're watching us right now just lead the TV on go about your day if you're working go about your day but leave the TV on leave your phone on make sure if you're home right now that your phone is charged you have a backup charger and you're just ready to stay plugged in whether it's through the TV or whether it's through your cell phone for the afternoon clear into this evening all right download the news 9 app all right download the news 9 app in case you kind of unplug from us for a while and just stay plugged in it's not a day to just go about your business and go goofing off somewhere doing whatever for 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 hours you've got to stay plugged in today and pay attention to where these storms are is everyone gonna have a tornado today absolutely not are we gonna have tornadoes today yes it sure looks like it right but the problem is that when people unplug we get we get problems right you have to stay plugged in okay so that's the my tornado zone and then the outbreak area it's gonna be south of the boundary it's gonna be up to Oklahoma City up to Stillwater up again as far northeast as Tulsa and then from there back down towards altas okay that's where the most likely area would be for that tornado outbreak as we get into the afternoon all right so yeah let's go to links three by the way the hail as high as large as tennis ball to baseball and there might even be some softball sized hail lacy just brought this up and there's the warm front now north of this boundary all right this is key north of this boundary dew points are in the 40s and 50s it's much more unstable here but look look South here look at Oklahoma City at 71 dew point 71 dew point in El Reno look at the 74 dew points down here and Ardmore here's a problem this moisture down here these low to mid 70 do points they're moving north at about 60 miles per hour in the atmosphere that's they'll be here in two hours okay give or take so this higher content moisture is fuel for super sails that's going to come into Oklahoma City and do Western in Southwestern Oklahoma this boundary is key anything along the boundary and south of it that's where the tornadoes will be this afternoon and into this evening all right that's where they're gonna be okay let's go and let's do a storm track let's go to links four and a Cassie has that up let's go to links four into a storm track the storms out west I want to point out temperatures out here in the 50s right now okay it's cool out here so this storm is going to be what we call elevate it it's not down into the the dewpoints and the 60s or the 70s it's in cool air so it's still rotating yes it has mid-level rotation absolutely but this is going to be a wind hail threat quarter golf ball there might even be some tennis ball-sized hail right now going through ratin and that's gonna head up towards roll all right so there's your timeline this is a leading edge coming in to roll here shortly but it'll be a little bit behind it when the main part of the most severe weather arrives roll you have a few minutes before the big for the big wave comes in but give or take strong city at about 222 vici 311 Woodward at about 335 and Moreland at about 340 as long as this storm stays along and north of the boundary that will only produce damaging wind inhale all right same with the storm to the east other severe storm now near Butler that's gonna be lifting up into cooler air that's a good thing we want that storm to go into cooler air and that's gonna go up now west of more wood to loga at about 255 give or take sealing it might lift a little further north and west than talaga Chester 315 bounce Junction 337 Tacoma at about four all right so these are the only severe storms we have in western Oklahoma let's go back to link three here's our other problem we have going on let me show you links 3 multiple super cells developing in the Texas Panhandle these are all capable of producing tornadoes here shortly ok all these storms are gonna be severe this is one area that we're gonna watch ok this is gonna get filled in with the storms that develop out ahead of the main line but also these storms coming out of the Texas Panhandle the threats are gonna be large hail damaging winds and again tornadoes in that ok and then we have to watch an area between Oklahoma City and Weatherford down the Snyder in Lawton which won't be impacted by these early in the day but we have a chance for super cells just to develop in open air in this area alright and those storms in that same environment high instability lots of spin in the atmosphere strong jet stream mid-level jet low level jet stream it's all there to give us again strong tornadoes in a lot of tornadoes in a lot of severe weather alright that so that's the deal that's the deal let's go up top let's check in with Jim Gardner he's out in Canadian County he's tracking these showers here and you're thinking really what are we doing there well here's the deal they're showers now but those will quickly turn into thunderstorms and it won't take long there's so much spinning in the atmosphere every minute that goes by every hour that goes by the storms again will have a chance to produce tornadoes as they get stronger because the conditions become more favorable for the afternoon and for the evening Jim Gardner you and I have been doing this a long time together let's go to Jim Gardner and Jim's been doing this for over 20 years here in Oklahoma actually going on 30 years and Jim has seen the worst of the worst he's tracked all the big severe weather days going back to May 3rd of 1999 there's nobody that has more experience in the air than Jim Gardner simply put hands down no room no need for discussion let's go to Jim we get an update on these storms Jim go ahead give us an update on what you're tracking out in Canadian County not severe but they're beginning to increase go ahead Jim that's exactly right David we're out here just past El Reno look watching these storms as they develop now we've got one to the southwest of us David that is developed like you said that as it moves up its gonna get this is really traveling fast so it's gonna be here pretty quick and again David it's one of those days like all the rest of our trackers been talking about you walk outside you just kind of know and you kind of feel what's in the air and the humidity that this could be a really severe day but anyway we're in really good position here David to start picking these storms up as they come into the metro we'll keep you updated Jim Carr reporting live for Bob Mayo Scott who's 9 back to you ok all right great job there Jim and again Jim's gonna be up the entire time we have all of our resources in place to keep you and your family informed to keep you your family safe throughout the day giving you the latest information on where the severe weather is and what these storms are doing and when they're doing it again gonna be an afternoon or we're gonna have again many many storms now is every storm gonna produce a tornado probably not but the question is and it's it's the question we've had forever is why does the storm 10 miles away produced a tornado while the storm to the east in the same environment does not produce the tornado so we have to cover all of them right it's not that easy if you've got one or two storms it's no big deal but we're gonna have a multi we're gonna have four or five six seven storms trying to do things like again produce tornadoes okay so Southwestern Oklahoma here Allen Brasi coming in from the southwest supercell their new tornado warning now that's gonna be south of Turkey Texas with that storm probably if not a tornado on the ground there will be shortly out of that so let's bring it on in Hollis at about four o'clock Duke at about 4:30 now this at about 420 - all right and our trackers will be easily in place by the time that rolls around so Allen Rosie's coming in there we've got Tom coming in from the southwest but once again this is headed for Southwestern Oklahoma you folks in Hollis Vinson sare again back down towards Mangum my concern today looking at some of the dynamics look at some of the parameters we have that we get possibly the longest track tornado today the one that does the most damage which is on the ground for the longest time out in western is Southwestern Oklahoma alright so I'll just put it like this if I live in Clinton Cordell Hobart Roosevelt altas Frederick down to Hollis I'm in that triple red alert mode if you will and I'm gonna stay there for the afternoon into this evening because the atmosphere is very very volatile down here to get that severe weather to ramp up and this is the beginning of it right now you're watching it right now unfold with these storms increasing these are gonna be super cells we're gonna have to pay attention to tornado warned it's right on the boundary okay it's right on the boundary as long as it stays on the boundary it's it's gonna produce wind and hail and we'll see how much longer it can actually hug the boundary it's gonna be south west of southwest of shy in between there and Dipsy Justin we got him making the turn okay all right let's get him let's get him going so this is gonna be a tornado warning now here's Ellis here's Roger Mills County this is gonna be for you folks and Cheyenne and again it's very close again the temperatures up here we like in the mid 50s I mean it's like right at Cheyenne or just north of Cheyenne Cheyenne has a north wind and it's 53 degrees I mean this is just right the actual boundaries so again now you can get you can get tornados in 55 degree air you get tornados in 40 degree and parts of the high plains but it with this setup today 55 degrees north of Cheyenne is is not gonna do it it's got to be down here and where the hook is this is where the this doesn't matter this doesn't matter this is the updraft right here this is where it's all going in this is where it's breathing right it's breathing in here that is where once again it's still able to pull in the warm moist air that's why that tornado warning continues but if this goes any farther north it's gonna lose that that threat of a tornado but right now it's it's obviously still there but I mean we are hugging the line we literally are just a few miles away from it being more of a wind hail threat versus a tornado threat but here's the deal Cheyenne strong city you need to go to your safe spots gonna be the lowest level okay Cheyenne you're in that line of fire right now even though you're in the 50s it's gonna be from shy in down to the south down to 83 all right that's gonna be our concern this storm is looking a little suspicious but it's kind of stretched out and it's gonna lift north into the cooler air all right and that's good let it let it lift north into the cooler air it'll take the instability out of it and becomes mainly a wind and a hail threat okay David while that's going on Kathie was just pointing out in northern Grady County we have another supercell near Mingo it's the one gems on does have some rotation with it it's nothing too extreme I'll kind of zoom in on it here on Lynx 3 yeah you can see it go ahead go ahead okay looking at this Jim's looking at this storm so it does have some rotation with it it's basically approaching coger now heading up towards Union City and Minko but you can see just a little bit I'm gonna zoom all the way in here Tom and Rob's close to that area as well a little bit of shear to it a little bit of rotation as it's listening to the north towards highway 37 if we look at reflectivity and then velocity see the green showing up there you go there's your thunderstorm warning for that cell okay that's also lifting to the north and Asti monitoring closely and unfortunately this is all developing in just the last what 10 to 15 minutes that's what's going to happen we have to monitor every single one of these cells the tornado is not imminent with that one but it is severe headed up towards El Reno casseon crack on that on links for Cassie want to give us those times yeah I went ahead and I put the track it's basically going almost due north North Shore on lease or YES on links for control room if we can go to links for there we go I've got it moving north northeast and about 40 miles an hour these storms are moving very quickly it would be an El Reno and about 246 it's 228 right now the lucky star casino at 254 Okarche at 308 Kingfisher 323 eventually coming to knit for a Lebanon Garber 424 Breckenridge at 425 and keeping in mind I've got these storms moving at 40 miles an hour they are gonna be fast movers yeah and guys that's what we've been saying that's a problem right having tornadoes moving at 40 miles per hour maybe as high as 50 but 40-plus that's a big deal much harder to chase they can do more damage because they're moving over an area faster right it's just not good there's nothing good about a fast-moving tornado okay but to see the hook here developing on that Jim Gardner is right there and he's looking right at it he's right here on the north side we've got Hank in from the south and Jim gonna be on that as we attract that to the north and again here's the deal for today we're gonna have several of these we're gonna have quite a few storms developing with this line it's not only gonna be here in Central Oklahoma but we're gonna have we're gonna have storms going on out west there's Val and a vowel is gonna come in from the east on that let's go out to Val caster he is west of it that's good about caster shear rates beginning to increase just a bit and a vowel that storm to your east is getting stronger it is beginning to spin slowly and it's gonna ramp up give me an update what you think do we have Val Justin okay all right let's come back I'd say well let's go back to radar let's go back to Lynx three and I want to point out the rotation in western Oklahoma Southwest is shy and there it is pretty strong rotation now this is right on the front north of here you get wind and hail south of this they're gonna get a tornado and it's going to Cheyenne it takes that Cheyenne have got to beat you up go just a good time on that that's moving about a mile a minute okay yeah we're 60 it's about sixty miles an hour yeah okay we said forty to fifty right now everything might slow down a little bit 60 miles per hour 50 to 60 miles per hour folks I mean it is hauling it's gonna go from west of Sheyenne let's go ahead and zoom on in here okay they are sounding the sirens in Cheyenne okay sirens are now being sounded in Cheyenne and then from there back to the southwest and then from there up to strong city okay here's cheer rate again exclusively to News 9 this is live you're seeing that right there there's the area of spin crossing highway 47 tornado warning now Marty Logan coming in from the south and the southeast let's go to Marty Logan and get an update let's go to Marty Logan get an update from him as he comes in from the southeast and this is the kind of atmosphere you're gonna get what you get up near that front that's what you're gonna see up closer to the warm front is kind of a gun g mass let's go to Marty and Marty tornado warning continues to your west northwest not that far you're closing in on it hard and fast give me an update on what you see in now looking off to your West and Northwest go ahead yeah to the northwest the rain free bases are up in there nothing on the ground you can see from here just coming by the rodeo carpenter area but my temperature went from 73 down to 62 just north of Elk City so Matthew that's going to starve start what we got up there but when I head on that way anyway fine okay Marty there you go stay with it stay with it and Marty's coming in hard and fast from the east southeast Marty and Deb they're doing a great job and again they're gonna come in from the east on that storm okay let's go back to leaks one and excuse me link sorry my bad links three and I'll show you what's going on with the storms out west once again tornado warning now this is gonna be for our Mills County you folks in Cheyenne the sirens are blowing you got to go to your safe spot right now there's a hook this is right on the boundary up here it's too cool for tornadoes but right there it is not but again shy in is temperatures are in the 50s and 60s so it's very cool here that's gonna head towards Cheyenne and then from there towards strong city possible tornado with that all right Marty's right there he does not see the tornado on the ground this storm not too scary right now but we need to watch it Bobby pain is close to that coming in from the southeast that storm is going up and it's headed towards to logo okay so we're tracking that and again we're tracking the storm down here near Cheyenne let's go back to Oklahoma City let's talk about the Metro again once again the tornado watch is in effect until 10 o'clock tonight I'll show you that it concludes just about everybody and we'll switch radars here this is where Jim is and we need to get Jim Gardner's shot up let's see yeah we need to make sure ok I see it I see a shot ok thank you okay so here's Jim and this right here see the hook developing on that not very big not a very big storm but nonetheless this is a rotating thunderstorm it is now severe east of Co gar it's gonna be south and west of Union City it's going to El Reno it's going to El Reno and hey Greg yeah he's got about five six minutes okay okay in five minutes and he's he's got to get out of there okay no more than that they're moving north at 50 to 60 it's gonna be on his door he's got to get out of there sooner than later okay so Jim's here and this is a super sale it's a rotating thunderstorm and guys I tell you what we have our El Reno cam let's turn in and get it positioned to the south here too if we can let's take our El Reno cam and push it to the south and we'll get that going here in just a little bit but this is what I'm worried about right now shear rate getting stronger here's El Reno this is the El Reno Airport there's Union City area of circulation now is going to be just east of CO gar and it's gonna be right down highway 37 crossing highway 37 and lifting to the north same speed on that is it 50 50 to 60 I mean it's close it sure looks like it every bit of 45 yeah maybe not quite as fast but it's still moving okay so looking at velocity data right here little air expand little air if shear you can see it it's not exceptionally strong right now but you can clearly see what we call cyclonic shear in that thunderstorm you can see the that the spin there the spin there if you will right you can see that the hook beginning to develop now just on top and east of CO gar so that that's where it is right there it's on the eastern sides of COAG are not by much okay all right so we have that going on that's that's the beer that's gonna go to El Reno let's do a storm track on that and let's go to links for control room go to links for we got to watch every one of these showers because these showers are gonna turn into thunderstorms okay and they're gonna turn into some of them we're gonna be big and bad thunderstorms okay but right now super sale El Reno at rail Reno Airport at 239 that's about four minutes banner is about 240 to El Reno downtown 243 Okarche at 303 Kingfisher 315 and Dover at about 326 bison at about 347 and Vance at about four o'clock so still a ways away from there but once again this atmosphere here is very unstable all the way up to about highway 33 right now and then once you get north of that it becomes more stable because that's north of the warm front but this is clearly in the zone of we could have problems out of that storm right now it's severe it does have a mesocyclone in it it is turning and it's ramping up moving north-northeast at nearly 50 miles per hour okay now we're gonna have some hail and a little bit of wind going into El Reno but the bottom line is the hook is still back here and again it's it's moving north-northeast and this is the area that we have to watch for something developing right here okay there's highway 37 there's Union City there's Minko there's Mustang there's the old Xerox plant there's Reno and widely post let's back out of this just for a second see what's going on further south again these are just showers right now these are just showers from Chickasha down to nin a call down to rush Springs but obviously I'm worried about these possibly possibly doing something right I'm worried about these turning into super cells because that's what we think is going to happen we think that we will get several clusters of super cells and rotating thunderstorm in random in chaos just kind of here and there there might be one over here there might be one down in Wayne there might be one over Shawnee Von Kessler's and Shawnee right now but this is a storm now of concern for the Western sides of Oklahoma City all right let's go to the barring button here let's see what our Hill sizes are yeah there's nothing too crazy out of this yet I mean - that's good this is gonna be nickel and dime sized hail right the hill sizes are not that large in that they're not that large Hill sizes are larger back out here with our western storms Western storms for sure okay Marty Logan's coming in from the east on that let's go back out to Marty and let's check in with Marty he's not here on this tornado warning we have an effect again that's gonna be for Roger Mills County and of Marty Logan you're closing in fast looking off to your west-northwest at the circulation and Marty I tell you what give me an update give me an update on that Marty Logan as you close in on the area of circulation on that tornado warning now for Roger Mills County we're just coming into Hammond and once we get our picture right now actually the storm that is up to the north east of Hammond were underneath the back edge of it and we can't see rain three days straight west but our kicker here which is a good one for 57 degrees so we keep getting cooler the farther north we go that's not conducive to this tornado so hopefully this thing is just going to die out on we're gonna stay with yeah absolutely Marty and that's what it looks like folks is kind of grungy and again this has the tornado warning on it you're looking at live right here on news 9 this is the one that has the tornado warning on it LO basis that's another thing we have going for us or against us today is that the temperatures are not crazy warm so the closer your temperature and your dew point temperatures are the closer those numbers are together the lower the base of the clouds are going to be and it's easier for tornadoes to develop in that type of environment it's just one of the other pieces of the puzzle okay but we have low bases which will just favor tornado development today all right so let's leave Marty's shot let's go back to Lynx three anything new from either one of you I've got this out of TLX metrics going some weird modes right now so out of TLX you can see the elevated circulation but I don't see anything too tight at the surface yeah no right it's it's hit the boundary and this is what we were talking about if you were joining us 20 minutes ago we're talking about it's cold up here it's in the 50s still in the 50s yeah yeah yeah Butler's 57 Cheyenne's 53 ok Butler is 57 Butler is 57 degrees I mean that is chilly but messy Bessy 8080 that's just to the south okay Bessie obviously is in the game right Bessie's in the south Bessie's down here but Butler over to strong City they're in the 50s and what's that gonna give you again it's what's talking about that that storm but have a hard time producing a tornado because it's it's north of the boundary but the hook part the inflow part is right on the boundary but once it lifts north of the boundary it's gonna it's gonna really really lose that tornado threat it's gonna be a wind and hail threat but we need to get these storms to go north of the boundary that doesn't fix the other problems that we're all gonna have for the rest of us but it's good we need these to stay in that cooler air now their problem is that later today if we see some sunshine and we start to warm things up and the winds become more easterly that boundary can be a player for severe weather including tornadoes but right now it's not it's helping us the boundary is helping us right now it's south of the boundary where we're gonna have problems ok let's go to Allen rosy shot and I'll tell you what let's in with Allen here and Allen I'm looking at a developing thunderstorm inner shot down near Hobart tell me what direction you're looking right there tell me what direction we're looking and again you are at Hobart currently go ahead Allen rosy give me an update that's correct we're on highway 9 here in Hobart and we're looking to our East David and this storm is going up very very rapidly it's very crisp has no intent of going anywhere you know slowly it's at all in the mail looks like it's moving northeast and Lex it growing inside so we're gonna keep an eye on for you David back to you ok all right great job there Allen Allen's gonna have a long day already he's already had a long day all of our trackers we're gonna be here all day into the night and so it's a long haul okay look at this go though folks that is explosive development of a thunderstorm okay he's going through Hobart right now and that is going up hard and fast you can see the cauliflower look to it it's clean it's very crisp that's the top of the updraft right there this is nearly a thunderstorm it's close big strong updraft going vertically in the atmosphere atmosphere is very unstable and this will become a supercell that is what a supercell looks like when it is developing okay so that's what we're talking about and let's go back to link Street let me show you how many storms we have these are all tiny not all of them some of them but they're all little super cells and then we have the bigger super cells up north look what's going on in the Texas Panhandle look at these storms in here there's one there there's one there there's one there's one and see how they're kind of stretched out they look kind of weird they don't look like a big blob they're kind of elongated that's because they have what we call cyclonic shear or they're spinning okay they're going up spinning it's not like some storms that go out and start to spin slow and then they'll gradually get faster and faster in fact these are going up torqued these are going up spinning okay and that's a problem they go up spinning and tornado Genesis can often happen quickly sometimes we got to watch out for that for what we call short fuse tornadoes they go up hard and fast and in a day like today a storm that looks like that could produce a tornado it's it might not be this big big mondo storm on radar where we're going on look at the size of that it's got to be on the ground no no no today can be one of those days where storms can produce tornadoes that are smaller okay because we have so much spin going on in the atmosphere let's go back up top let's go to Jim Gardner and let's zoom in here and we'll go back to Jim and let me see what it looks like there's Jim shot okay Jim your storm now bear with me Jim look to your West the hook now is just west of you about four miles four miles west of you that's what we're looking at let's go to the one and only Jim Gardner Jim there's a rain free base that storm continues to get stronger on next-gen live all of our tools that storm is getting slowly strong give us an update of what it looks like from the air go ahead well that's right David we're just west of Union City shooting back to the West and Northwest we're in a really good spot on this storm David is really going up rapidly man and I mean it is hauling so again we gonna have a lot of fast-moving thunderstorms that can really spin up a tornado really fast here like you said to earlier what you're talking about the bases are very low to the ground so if there is a spin up it's gonna be really fast touch down really quick but we're in a really good spot here the storm produced bill we're starting to get cloud to ground lightning out of this David so we'll keep you updated Jimbo front live for Bob male Scotties nine back to you okay Jim that is the beginning of it right there this is a rain free base this is Canadian County and Jim Gardner it looks like there might be a little bit of a tag or I can't tell you maybe something a little bit of a lowering back here in the southern side of that but the Jim is right there folks there's a lightning okay listen that's what that storm looks like from a few thousand feet up from Jim let's now go to links three and then we're gonna back out here let's go to link Street control room here's that supercell Jim's right there vows coming in from the north Justin his Val caster ready okay let's go to Val caster he's on the north side he's coming in from the north he's on i-40 and Val we found you there it is storm to go south the hook is getting more pronounced it's not a very big storm bowcaster but it is getting stronger and it is severe and the hook is going to go right over the El Reno Airport and the hook is going to go on or just west of El Reno actually it's gonna go right over your hood in about ten minutes and vow the storms are moving north at 50 miles per hour give me an update Oh fifty miles an hour okay David we are on the west side the shot that you're seeing right there is the base where the base is just now become visible to us and it looks like to me it's starting I can't tell if the see if there's a lowering yet on it the one thing I can see is the base looks like it's becoming more solid looking if you know what I mean back down to the south so another thing to David we're noticing is that the southeast winds the ambient southeast winds out here are really picking up and really increasing it's getting warmer and more humid by the minute so and that's not really a good sign at all David that too you know you know it's not and we all know what's happening here the warm moist very unstable air is coming into Oklahoma from the south and that is exactly what we what we don't want happening right and but it is it's already here the instability is already over Oklahoma City it's already in place now is it is there a chance you know that Oklahoma City has a tornado today yes absolutely there might be one or two storms that give us problems here this afternoon but again it's chaos in its chaotic where these storms are developing there's no real boundary right now in Oklahoma City or western or Southwestern Oklahoma that is screaming where the tornadoes are the dry line is in the Panhandle it's way out there and we have the warm front to deal with but everything along and north of that is up into cool air so it's going to be this random just kind of a chaos of thunderstorms developing in the warm air and again that would include Oklahoma City okay let's go back the links three then we're gonna kind of give you the big view here storm is severe now coming into El Reno El Reno downtown is right here Val is right there Jim Gardner is there looking off to the north we've got Bobby paying out west so this thing is again lifting from the south almost due north now pardon me at about 50 miles per hour it is really really moving currently as it moves from the south to the north hail coming in to El Reno right now this is going to be a nickel and dime sized hail anything larger than that haven't seen any report of anything larger than that no and then our hail detector is pretty much saying the same thing quarters would be the largest yeah right okay all right quarters right now right now would be the largest hail and that's good you know some days it's weird on days that you have crazy instability you think you would get tennis balls and softball sized Hill some days you don't May 3rd 1999 for instance go back to look at some of the big day some of those days we did have some big hail but some of those days we did we just had big tornadoes and the hill sizes were not off the charts so it every event is different every severe weather outbreak event is a thumb print it has its own they all have similar characteristics we can compare them from one event to the past event to that past event but they all look a little bit different and they all just kind of evolve a little bit differently into the afternoon or into the evening or whatever okay so again Marty's out here checking out this that tornado threat continues to drop in that cell rotation though is still there it's still there just north of Marty let's go back to Marty Logan and get an update from him and nobody's thinking about here let's go back to Marty and check him Marty that rotation is still there it's still pretty strong now just west of more wood just to your north what are you looking at what are you seeing with that area of spin but again but as getting into that cooler air give me an update okay we're just look at more of this storm 56 degrees but there is still some busy clouds just up to our West we're going to turn and while we're on air right now you may be see what we're looking at that's just going to be to the west of us right now well here we got somebody with emergency lights probably been out watching the storms yeah fire department so where are we're still looking up that way still haven't seen anything on the ground back to you David all right great job Marty and dev stay with it here and this is what we're dealing with and there's the bottom of the line and again but temperatures here where Marty is again there in the 50s so the chance of a tornado is is low with this I know one has a tornado warning on it but it's moved in the cooler air it's moved into it's it's it's supply to its source it's in the 50 if Marty is in Thomas and Fay what what are the temperatures right there what's closest by Cheyenne was it 53 shine at 53 okay what about what about Clinton 80 80 yeah 80 in Clinton yep so okay so we're right on the line let's go back to Lynx three and let me show what I'm talking about it's 80 degrees right now in Clinton okay and you get up here a little farther north you get up into Dewey County and temperatures up here in the 50s so when see storms move north into this boundary they're gonna drop temperatures we're gonna are gonna obviously stay cool but the threat of that tornado is going to drop just because they're gonna have trouble producing a tornado in 50 degree airs just too cool and that's a great problem yeah that's 57 where marty is 57 that's what he was his temperature on his truck okay I meant to ask him okay thank you Justin yeah I mean that's yeah it's on a day like today this isn't like a true like an Iowa warm front okay it's a little bit different deal here today but either way it's still spinning and we still need to watch it okay Marty's right there Justin let's just make sure we're good on that okay well it's just hang on a second hang on just second here okay that's gonna go up towards Webb and Lady and more wood let's do a storm track on that once again the tornado warning continues still rotating and we're going to come back to the metro um well do a storm track and we get back to that guys we get back to it alright I hear battle it's good about caster let's get about caster he has Scud develop good luck doc he's coming to it let's go to Val and bow your shot at least at this point is locked up on you there it is okay what do you think can you see the updraft from there can you see the updraft and tell me what you think on the underneath it do we have Scud developing is it turning is it spinning is getting faster or we just kind of hold of our holding our own right now give me an update okay David what we're looking at right here we cannot see the updraft we can see the up dressed base pretty well to our south and we are going through El Reno right now so you're going to get blocked out by some houses and trees and stuff like that but there is Scud developing now we just noticed that it's just starting to happen I don't know if it's really in the shot or not but there is Scud starting to develop beneath the base of that storm and so that's oh oh oh the 2007 czar sounding in El Reno right now we just were in town I don't you hear that or not the tornado sirens are going off in El Reno ya hear that yeah yeah no I believe that yeah they are they're sounding the sirens in El Reno there is developing beneath the base of this storm we're gonna turn north in about three minutes we're gonna give you a wide open shot yeah that's what we want get get open get out of El Reno and let's see what this thing looks like let's go to let's go to Jim Gardner that's a problem let's go to Jim Gardner folks let's take Jim shot let's go up top and this is what Val is talking about we have Scud now developing on the southern end of that and Jim garner the hook is going to be just to your Northwest just to your northwest Val excuse me Jim Gardner I'm looking at Val and I'm talking to Jim that circulation is going to be Jim it's going to be northwest of the airport almost I 40 it's almost on i-40 where the circulation is and there it is Jim you can clearly see the big rain-free base broad base right now that is the mesocyclone you're right over the airport he's just northwest of the airport about three miles give me an update go ahead Jim Gardner that's right that's right maybe you can see the airport and a foreground there we were just on the east side shooting back and just like Val said it's starting to get a lot of Scud hanging here as we pan back now we're going to pan to the right just a little bit and you'll see i-40 there if we pop up street scope to take it out really quick you can see i-40 right there you can see all that line right there and then rain free base back here David and keeps trying to do something just on the west side of the airport here but again we're watching it very closely we have a you know we have a heavy rain in front of this but again you're looking at a classic set up here that could at any time drop a drop a small tornado so we're in a good position David will keep tracking it Jim now reporting live from Bob Mills Kennedy's nine back to you all right great job there Jim and this is a rain free base right here this is where the mesocyclone is that's the left side this is Canadian County right here we just went over the airport it says right behind Jim and this is gonna be looking up towards Lake El Reno which I think's right there that's Lake El Reno if I'm not mistaken could be but I think I'm right and this is a rain free base we have to watch this very very carefully let's go to link three what does this look like on radar it looks like this there's our problem sheer right now up into the moderate category it continues to get higher the spin continues to get stronger it is now one two three miles northwest of Jim Gardner okay get your bearings straight this is El Reno this is Canadian County all right Val Castro is there this is downtown El Reno the sirens are blowing in El Reno and they should be it's Airport Road in i-40 Airport Road in i-40 that's where it is okay it's not on the ground it's not on the ground I'm looking at Jim shot Val castro's there oh yeah okay you know it's it's yeah we got problems okay yep yep yep yep yep problems okay what is Val half what does Val have I hear about talking cassie is a storm track for you because this thing it's the only thing to the north yeah let's do it let's do a storm track let's go to links for go to links for then we talked about the other storms here we're about what it is euro tornado warning for this this would be a news 9 tornado warning news 9 tornado warning for Canadian County news 9 tornado warning for Canadian County you folks in El Reno you got to go now you got to go to your safe spot go now I know they're blowing the sirens in El Reno and I really really love the fact that they were blowing them well before we have the tornado warning out good job El Reno that's how you do it that's how you protect your people and let's say you save lives below the sirens early it's many ways to get information out to people and to get people to wake up and pay attention ok tornado warning now for Canadian County news 9 tornado warning for Canadian County there's the hook let's go back to Val caster let's go back to Val caster and get an update from Val and Val tornado warning now for Canadian County for your storm there's a rain free base what's the Scuttler clike to you what's the base look like to you looking back to your Southwest I know you're headed northbound give me an update in balance moving north at 50 don't slow down I got you go ahead ok so David it's getting better organized all the time here I know it's got rotation up above I know the whole updraft is rotating it's trying to get organized closer to the surface it hasn't done so yet but I think this is the type of storm David it could spin a tornado down very very quickly without notice especially as fast as this things trying to get organized it's like it's the whole thing is rotating we'll just say that and it also is trying to develop I mean you can't really see it the shot but they're Scud between us and a far base that you see in there developing so every now and then we see a Scud tag hanging down from the base all that just goes to show that it's get stronger we've got pretty strong southeast winds where we're at and we're gonna have to stay up with it David back to you absolutely Val don't slow down I'm looking at your shot I'm looking at Jim Gardner shot and no doubt about it Val it looks like like you said I see that Scud developing and I might actually rotation and Jim shot val is on the north side of El Reno he's up near lucky star casino he's at the lucky star casino looking back to the southwest ok let's go to Lynx 3 let's look at the supercell let's look at the rotating thunderstorm and look at the Scud here ok Wow yeah here we go things are really beginning to tighten up let's go to Lynx 3 control room here's the hook the hail sized ones are getting bit bigger this is going to be quarter this is gonna be golf ball size hail okay lucky star casino if you're at the lucky star casino you need to ask them where you need to go if I'm at the lucky star casino I'm not gonna get my car and flee right I'm not gonna drive south I'm not gonna drive north what am I gonna do you've got to find a safe spot if you're at the lucky star casino and you got to go there right now you can't leave you don't have time it's moving at 50-plus miles per hour this will overrun you if it begins to produce a tornado okay so here's the hook okay it's it's it's a small kind of a stretched out storm these storms look a little different right now but this is what's going on there's El Reno let's go to Jim Gardner let's take his shot there's a hook tornado warning now we'll continue for Canadian County from El Reno west and north tornado warning and Jim garner there it is that area just continues to drop in the middle Jim it's getting lower and lower velocity data is getting stronger and stronger Jim Gardner give us an update that's right David you can see the rail yard right there that's just a North El Reno there we have seen lucky star where you're talking about this is definitely trying to get its act together David and it is hauling like you said it's moving at 50 miles an hour we're just trying to cruise across your band stay up with this thing but it is really starting to organize right here David it's getting lower to the ground like I said I can see lucky star it looks like it's gonna pass just almost right over luck you start from our position but again you can see this and it is rotating but it's just starting to tighten up David it's trying to get its act together here and we're in a really good spot but like you good advice because this thing is really moving across the ground so you can't outrun it you need to go find a safe space and get in it because you're not going to outrun this with you live about meals got yz9 back to you no Jim we're not and this is not a day folks where you can you know wait till the tornado warning is coming down your street and think you're gonna get in your car and get out of the way of this thing you don't ever do that you don't ever leave your home when this thing is bearing down on you right you just got to go to your safe spot lowest level center part of the house lowest level we say all the time you got to get in you got to get down all right that means go to that center part of the house lowest level interior bathroom interior closet if you have a two-story house you got to get off the second floor the second floor is first to go all right the third floor that's first to go okay so again lowest level Sinope art of the house okay if your home by yourself if you're a child home by yourself you got you turn the tv up and go to the go to the bathroom go to that safe spot that you and your parents have hopefully talked about or your guardians you got to know where to go you got to get to that center part of the house if you're someone that's underage a young person a young child go to the center part of the house lowest level interior closet interior bathroom okay that's where you have to go and you've got to go now this is for Canadian County this is just the county just west of Oklahoma City this is not Oklahoma City okay this is Canadian County there's a shot from Jim okay and wow this would not take much let's go back to link sorry look at shear rate and this is lucky Star Casino it's right coming in behind Val all right Britton and Arlington Road Britton and Darlington row and a half miles west of 81 yeah yep yeah would you say mile and a half yep yep yeah there's one we got mile and a half west and 181 or excuse me highway t1 folks it's going to the casino it's gonna go on or just west of the casino if I'm in the lucky star casino I'm doing whatever it is that they're telling you to do to get in a safe spot this has been a concern of ours in Oklahoma again talking about it being in a casino and having a safe spot you make sure you have to have a safe spot in those casinos okay it's all good but you got to find out where that is okay now just west of the casino I'm looking at Val shot tornado warning it's going right up highway 81 and I want to back out of this just a bit it is now cleared obviously El Reno you folks in El Reno you're under clear from this this is north of you it's going to Okarche it's going to Okarche it might go on or just east of Okarche but it won't miss you by much a lot of folks live out here now 15 years ago this is a lot of farmland not anymore a lot of homes out here a lot of neighborhoods out here this whole area is just exploded with people and for good reason it's a beautiful place to live but days like this we got to pay attention ok here comes the hook there's the hook right there and tornado warning continues for this is gonna be for northern Canadian County folks it's going to Kingfisher County it's gonna go on that tornado is gonna go pretty close to Kingfisher allright Kingfisher is still warm Kingfisher is still in the warm air still plenty of fuel for that ok let's back out just a second here let's talk about the other parts of the state well back out now there's nothing right now headed for Oklahoma City ok we have the one severe storm out here that tornado warning has expired right I think they're letting it go until it expires yes but it's nothing like a correlation has yeah yeah it's this is all wind and hail in here right now if this comes down south of the boundary and begins to kind of poke a turtle head out here you know I'm saying we might have some problems right in here but as long as this to stay north of the boundary we're gonna keep this mainly a wind and hail threat that's a problem all right but it's a bigger problem if this gets south of the boundary yeah miss Lynette back up not yet maybe when you do let's look at it maybe draw just for fun draw the boundary on here okay over here you might be able to see it really quickly okay our data will still be coming in okay there we go this is this is that boundary I'm talking about Kingfisher you're at 70 that's your dew point 70 degrees that is fuel and that's more than a fuel for tornado once you get up into Dewey County see how we do points drop in the 40s and 50s that's low that's not that's not good for tornadoes right that's a good problem to have then with the boundary is trying to lift back north but if storms continue to develop the boundary will hang where it is and it'll keep you folks in northern Oklahoma mainly into wind and hail threat okay but anything along this red line in south we are under the gun this afternoon through this evening and tonight look at all the moisture here folks 75 dew point in Hilton that's absurd right you're high severe weather days you have dew points in the mid seventies that's that's the problem that's a problem and all this is affecting to the northwest all this is being ripped and pulled in to the northwest it's just more fuel it's just more fuel okay let's go back to Lynx three and here we go here's our problem we've got super sales in Southwestern Oklahoma and we've got Allen rosy coming in hard and fast from the east and Allen Allen is on that who's coming in from the Northeast here Cheston is that Marty okay how is he he's moving right okay look at all these super sails out here okay lots of super sails going on we've got the one storm let's take a quick shot of this going into western Oklahoma now this is shy in and this is in the warm air this is why this is a problem this is a hook and that storm is severe and it's got a mesocyclone in it okay it's spinning it's right over Sweetwater ping-pong balls yeah ping-pong ball sized hail in Sweetwater and west of town all right that's going to that's going to Dempsey that's going to Grimes that's going to Cheyenne you folks a Cheyenne are gonna have a long day you're gonna have a long day okay that's coming in from the southwest see the mesocyclone it's right over Sweetwater it's turn in it's churning it's spinnin and it's in the warm air the front is to the north if the cool airs here this is in the warm air that's why this thing is still doing what it's doing when he hits a cold air which is about shy in it we'll begin to weaken some but the problem is between now and then but the good thing they're moving so fast that it will be in the cooler air a lot sooner than later but that could produce a tornado at any time as a matter of fact that hook is that hook is getting stronger okay small storm your Altis not doing too much right now a couple of smaller showers here near Carnegie we have to watch these honestly minute by minute if you can see the team of people we have in here right now honestly it looks like a rock concert if you're watching what's going on with all these individual showers and storms and how they're developing because each one of these has to be watched closely because they can't change so fast couple showers down here more Norman Vaughan is over here in Shawnee and Ivana coming into the east Metro okay a couple showers there so right now there's nothing threatening nothing threatening heading for Oklahoma City okay let's come back to the metro and take a look at it here and we'll go back to vow there's the hook let me see Jim shot it's going through the windmill farm the wind turbine farm David when you're ready I have a try I'm like okay let's take a look now let's do a strong track before we do that let's stay with leaks through here look at the shear rate it might have weakened slightly but it still it's still intense right it's right now north of the Lucky Star Casino tornado warning it's gonna go like we said just east of Okarche it's going up eighty-one it's gonna go north and east of Okarche and then from there it's gonna go up it's gonna go east of kingfishers it will go east of Kingfisher okay let's take a look at what this looks like from the air let's go back to Jim Gardner and get an update from Jim he's right there it's right out his front shield Bob Mills Sky News nine and Jim know tornado on the ground it continues to rotate rotation again strong but nothing out of control give us an update Jen and watch what you've seen here in the last 10 to 15 minutes go ahead little pegs hanging down for a couple of minutes here we had something happen in it but it's still trying to get us act together it's kind of lying down a little more than what it was earlier David but again it's very low to the ground it's still very active and like I said it is still moving across the ground at a really good clip here David but again right now we're starting get a lot of heavy rain and lightning in front of this and we're starting to get some heavy rain right behind this would go pan to our left just a little bit so no less rich and so that was the right side so as you go left here David where we were worse at now you see the heavy rain right behind it there it's kind of undercutting it right now but again we're in a very good spot keep you updated Jim PowerPoint life at Bob Mills got his nine back to you all right great job there Jim no one better in the air than Jim Gardner folks he has done this so many times you got to go back to May 3rd of 1999 and whatever happens today Jim is the man in the air I'm telling it he knows what he's doing he's calm cool and collected look at these things he describes them and we have our street scope technology we can track the tornado with that on the ground as it's moving along and that's exactly what we'll do if that does occur right and we're not hoping for any tornadoes today we don't want any we will take the storms but again today the tornado watches out the conditions are favorable to get tornadoes and our concern is that we get a couple of strong and/or violent tornadoes right so if you're home this afternoon and you're watching us just relax sit back and just you know make sure you know your family is and your friends are and just just don't unplug okay this is not a day to just unplug for the afternoon and into this evening okay that's cuz things can catch you off-guard okay let's go back to the ground here let's go to bowcaster get an update from Val and again Jim is scanning the line there and Val is still rotating and it's the mesocyclone is gonna be just to your southeast Val just to your east southeast is the mesocyclone and that's the area of spin give me an update of what you think what you see right now as you look back at it I know it's messy to see it's messy to see through go ahead yeah that's right David fortunately it's not a very wide core but we could still see the base somewhat from where we're at just a few seconds ago it looked like the base to me was getting stronger and more organized just about two or three minutes ago before we went into the core the base was the most organized I'd seen it all day so it looks like to me that the storm is still in the organizing stage is David looks like to me it's trying to get organized just to our southeast so we're gonna go over here to Okarche and we're gonna we've got an East Road we're gonna take an East Road and get right under it again and they keep going north with it back to you okay alright regs job there Vallon Amy castor what was that go ahead Matt what were you saying okay let's go to Lynx three look at sheer right it kind of has the S shape on it that's what we look for it starts out like this it does like that that is turning and then we have the maximum at this point right here okay and that's going to be southeast of Okarche one two three four five miles and it's going to be three miles northwest of Jim Gardner there's his GPS area of spin now crossing Northwest Highway and radio routes and radio Road right now that's where it is crossing Northwest Expressway and radio Road okay so tornado warning continues for northern Canadian County coming into Kingfisher County let's go back to reflectivity well back out again nothing right now headed towards Oklahoma City nothing right now headed towards Oklahoma City let's back out a little bit more kind of give you the big overview just to make everybody kind of calm down here more Norman okay I want to point out there's nothing coming your way right now all right now the data that we look at we look at many many pieces of data that we look at to forecast what's going to happen and such okay where here's the deal the data breaks out other individuals supercells this afternoon Lacey's looking at it right now and what it does is the latest data continues to break out these individual storms in random places to the south of the Metro is that what it does yeah the very latest run tries to have them start out discrete or isolated like that but then they actually kind of congeal into a big line more and more like other datasets we were seeing earlier and that rolls in here about seven o'clock so it starts out west everything out west kind of forms into a big powerful line so it's not as not as discrete at all okay okay excellent that would be amazing so some of the new data that's what lacy now we're just talking about here is is at least for now listen the tornado threat is is still high in any storm but some of the new data is basically saying that we have some super cells by themselves individual storms and then we start to line things out if we can line things out that will lower that tornado threat but nobody knows how this is going to end right but that's a good thing that would be a better thing okay maybe not you know that would be a better thing and we don't want storms that are alone or by themselves okay let's go back into western Oklahoma here and let's check in with Bobby Payne then get an update from Bobby and let's take Bobby shot what's he looking at right now let's go to Bobby Payne here get an update and Bobby you've got some sky developing give me that bed on that storm now that you're looking at there Bobby's north of Clinton looking off to his west and off to his northwest Bobby go ahead David we're have seen something really odd here because we're likely pointing back to the east looking to the southeast and what we're looking at is where the boundary of the code and warm air meet and we're seeing some Scud clouds very low to the ground and I acted like it was actually like a debris cloud there's no storm there but there can definitely see some very strong rotation right there in our shot yeah no doubt about it that's what I was wondering I just saw a shot up and it and it looked like it was at least slowly spinning so yeah Bobby it sure is on the left side you see that right I know you see it on the left side that whole area it looks like it's trying to come around in front of you from left to right absolutely I mean it's a very localized area it's not broad it's very tight and it really looked like it was a debris cloud for a while okay well I believe it was just climbed and this cloud deck is very very low here along the boundary yeah I mean it Thomas like you can I actually just reach up and almost touch the cloud yeah no doubt about it and Bobby just when I look at little tags hanging down out of your shot I mean you can clearly see a little tag just went from left to right there above those trees and then back to the left here you can track a little pieces of what we call Scud is just condensate that's trying to make its way back to the west so yeah Bobby up yeah no doubt about it he has rotation with that okay let's go to links three and let me show you the storm that Bobby's on and it's this storm right here and it's not very big it's not very big but it is still in the warm air not by much but it's still in the warm air and folks will say it again we really need these things to line out if they were to line out and produce more of a line of thunderstorms we're still gonna have a tornado threat but it sure beats the alternative and that would be to have a bunch of super cells out ahead of this we if this turns into one main line and then we not much happens out ahead of the main line that would really really be a good thing for us today alright but that is certainly not not locked in no it's not locked in that's what we're hoping for okay all right let's go back to you Ned storm severe all right yeah let's go back to Enid and talk about it now it's well into the cool air so this is gonna be a wind and hail threat this is going to be some quarter might have a little golf ball-sized hail flooding is going to be a problem developing in northern Oklahoma you've had too much rain up here as of late lakes rivers streams it's all full of water the ground is saturated it won't take much to give us some problems up north but this is well behind the boundary where the temperature is and Enid right now close by look taking me to the second mezzanine sites completely down okay all the storm trackers everybody's checking that yeah okay so again this is gonna be a wind and hail threat for enos you folks in Enid severe storm look at that presentation right there do you see that which worth of Enid yeah and also down to the south - yeah look at that and look at that amazing their hooks on that yeah in 58 degree air yeah these are all there's rotation in ya several of these and that's okay but it's in the 50s up here it would really have to do something really nutty to get a tornado but you know you got to watch it alright let's go to shear right you need this crazy yeah well it was a little bit stronger when they first went up and now they're kind of turning into a little mess which is a good thing we like we like it when it gets messy all right he'll sizes nickel and dime quarter quarter size hail now northwest of Enid right here with that near carrier okay that's going to Pond Creek let's back out and check out northern Oklahoma one more time and then we'll come back south Renfro Medford lots of rain too much rain you're gonna get some flooding out of this and this will cause major flooding this afternoon and into this evening okay shear rate in the metro is coming up quite a bit from that Canadian County swarm let's do it let's go back let's go back to it and let's go back to Val why don't we see in Val shot here it is right here tornado warning now it does continue going into Kingfisher County let's go back to Val let's take his shot Val how's the rotation on radar looks like it's getting a little bit stronger it is increasing David rotation is decreasing the base looks a whole lot stronger than it did before I'm just telling you yeah about let me ask a question here in the last few minutes it looks like it's tightened up on our end shear rate has increased it's right on the Kingfisher Canadian County line that's where you are it's right well it's right over his head do you see anything on the Grand Am is saying there it is we don't be nothing okay okay about we might have it trying to form let's good about let's go to Jim Gardner it's go to Jim Gardner and Jim there's a condensate is it on the ground who have a tornado on the ground what do you think it's pretty close to the the wind the wind turbines there go ahead well that's right David it it's spun up really fast rich picked it up he said it was on the ground I didn't see it but man it was quick it's spun up really fast came down and it came back up and it all set it spun up again and came down the ground again David so again let's see you can see uh if we have street scope you'd see we're at alfalfa Road at 230 force Northeast there in Evans Road you see Radio Road so right in there but this thing was really fast when it's fun updating that's what we've been talking about all afternoon is that this storm the way it is and as fast as this boot if this happens it's going to happen very quick now the good thing is that it didn't last very long but it looks like there's another one that's getting ready to whip up here just any minute David just right out my door so again this stuff is happening very fast he's spent in a very tight and I agree with bow I think this thing is starting to really get its act together here and so anyway like set up street scopes up we're in West to 48th Street at North 2870 Road is right now was where they sent in right in the middle of this windmill farm David so again we're in a really good spot but this stuff is really popping off really fast and touching down like I said Rick said that one did touch down but you can see right there he's in prime for you start to see the rotation right now David starting to tighten up so again this not something to play with at any moment this you know luckily it's just really small ones but at any moment this could really dawn for big tornado David Jim power point live for Bob Mills got his night back to you okay Jim we're going to stay with your shot here this looks like this might be a developing tornado this is going to be now in southern Kingfisher County this is going to be Southern Kingfisher County this is going to be the developing tornado the tornado warning continues the developing tornado continues for southern Kingfisher County this is going to be north and east of Okarche and man it looks like it's it's really really trying this is east 880 Road and North to 880 Road or the county roads yeah East 880 Road is right here I presume right is that 870 that should be 880 okay 880 farm road 880 and then what's the north-south or to 880 okay all right so I'd how far east of 81 is this just this three or four miles right four and a half miles one okay so this is the area of spin you can see the condensate look at the motion here look how fast see that that's how things happen see how fast this is moving Jim's not moving he's stationary see the motion of that see that I'm looking on the ground like you are folks at home you're watching this live right here on news 9 I'm watching it on the ground I'm looking for it on the ground that the funnel that's good about what's good about castor that's good about castor take take bow go ahead bow tornado go ahead all right we got a photo right behind us it's really lowered fast we had a quick funnel form right directly behind us okay I'm turning around here okay you see okay you see the dark area right there that's the rotation right there the tunnel quickly formed I see Jim in the background by the way it's right moving through the wind farms it's just south of the wind farms basically we went right under the rotation David we're looking straight southeast a quick funnel the funnel lifted quick but you see the road the the lowering is still there right where the phone was and David that's right where it's rotating right exactly in that one spot now yeah I'm gonna yeah there's a car coming yeah sorry yeah there it is it's right behind the windshield there right behind the big one out front right behind the wind turbine we're gonna watch it for a second and we got to keep moving here yeah that's works rotating it this is the lowest of the ground we've seen it it said it was getting organized David it's forming a funnel again the rotation is increasing okay watching it I would say that that's very possible this could put down a tornado at any time absolutely Val there banner road I'm gonna say it's very close to banner Road possibly just a slight bit west banner road west road is gonna be 880 yeah banner road at 8 a.m. yep yep yep okay all right about yes yeah no it's definitely turning if ballot that goes to the ground hauler let's go back to Lynx three let's go back to radar I want to point out this is not in Oklahoma City proper this is a Canadian County now going into Kingfisher County there's that area again yeah right here right here so there it is there's the area of spin and again right here here's the hook right he's right here looking right at it and Jim Gardner has it Wow let's go to Jim shot let's go to Jim shot take Jim shot control room let's take it go - Jim Jim Gardner is it on the ground give me an update what do you think it's closed it's closed it's a tree hugger Lowe's David it's really really close if it's not on the ground and uh you know I'm pretty low level here I'm almost just right at the top of the you know Rich's telling me that he thinks it's he said he can see the trees starting to twist at the bottom there but again right now it looks like a banner road I'm just on the east side a banner road shooting back to the west side a banner road there you see the small lake there I don't which one that is it looks like a suckle John Creek site just what I'm seeing on street scope right but you know I couldn't tell David just with the naked eye there if it was on the ground but it I mean it if it's not on the ground then I don't know yeah it is on it I think I see some condensation now hitting the ground there and now and then but okay yeah yeah I think it's just gonna reorganize here again yeah keep moving it's on the ground but again I'm looking at the banner road and the 860 is what I'm looking at okay right now on street scope but again I'm right in the middle of this antenna farm as it moves through but you see it this thing is reforming really quick it gets ragged and in managers really reforming really fast and getting tight here David so again you know we may had a couple of touchdowns here I just can't I just can't tell you for sure but it is definitely on the ground you've got probably live from Bob bill Scotty's night back to you Jim Jim have him zoom in there have him zoom in what am I seeing here looks like I see condensate or spray or something on the ground we think it might have touched down once or twice we think it might have touched down and once or twice briefly all right this is in Kingfisher County this is going to be east of Okarche this is north of El Reno it's the south and east of Kingfisher Jim I don't see it on the ground right now but it is really close I mean it is just Jim you know more about this how tall are those wind turbines they're how tall are those it is it is just above those few hundred feet David okay 200 feet so yeah it's down below it's down below the wind turbines okay right now it's really starting to form that classic dome right there now there's there is heavy rain right behind it so it may get wrapped up at rain here right shortly we got heavy heavy rain in front of us David and this is kind of right in between and you can see on the right and on the left there you see the heavy rain on the left you see on the right you see the clear base right there but again if it's not on the ground David I know I just don't know I don't know if we get bough to get a better look at it Yeah right from where he is but right now it is definitely below the windmills is blow the windmills I'm right at the top twin Bill's I'm just high enough where I can miss the blade as it rotates around but so we're free free low Rich's telling me that he that he can see multiple vortices out of the back of this thing I can't see with my naked eye but again we're having to kind of slow up here we're starting to get some rain coming off what's in front of this thing and this make it rain Ralph David here shortly but which is the worst thing that we could have happen because you saw it live from here that it was definitely Foreman trying to form a large tornado David well yeah it was definitely trying it might have touched down once or twice hey Jim do me a favor just scoot a little further north and you'll get ahead of that rain only thing you have to worry about is the backside the hook coming in with rain in that outside of that there's your good so just just go a mile or two to your to your north and then it's gonna be back to and you see the area exist if you go north you'll get out of that rain another mile and a half and the rain will end over you okay if you if you I'm looking at radar live if you go a little farther Northwest excuse me if you go a little further north Jim you'll be out of the rain okay I think you have a better shot looking you'll have a better shot looking back to the west and to the southwest of it okay let's go back to the ground and I'll tell you what before we do that let's go to link straight look at the hook look at the hook folks I don't have to tell you what that is we all know what that is in Oklahoma right there it is okay this is going to be Kingfisher there's area of circulation Valcke Astra's right there Jim is right here we're looking back to the northwest okay shear rate it's maxed out nearly for this event for right now that's pretty high our area of spin now is between Val and Jim Gardner Jim's looking off to his Northwest Val Castro is looking off to the southeast this thing is hauling moving north-northeast at 50 miles per hour okay let's back out we'll do a storm track and Ed let's back out here just a bit and let's go to links for control room and take a look at that okay there's that there's a supercell want to point out there's nothing headed for Oklahoma City right now that could change and that will change later this afternoon all right the big story right now is this tornado warning this is gonna be for southern Kingfisher County you can clearly see the hook there's Kingfisher there's Dover this is gonna go east of Dover it's gonna go east of Kingfisher alright it's gonna go north-northeast okay so doing a storm track on the hook part back here we're looking at Marshall at about 355 Douglas four o'clock Fairmont 410 Breckinridge 416 Billings 428 Pond Creek 435 and Tonkawa Tonkawa let's see what happened to the tonk wide about 443 it's a long ways away from Tonkawa but in short short term here Garber yes Fairmont 410 keep an eye on it it's coming in from the south right it's coming in from the south but it will go east of Kingfisher for sure there's the hook okay okay let's take a look at the video here this is when it might have touchdowns briefly we're gonna roll that for you here and show you what it looked like and we'll get that video playing there and that's what we were talking about right there I think it wasn't too strong but you can see the condensate lifting and it is turning into it okay lifting and turning and then after this it got a little bit stronger as well so it might have been a brief touchdown and let's go to the next piece of video here and this is when I think it was a little bit stronger possibly rich Kregel that is Jim's photographer photojournalist that's is with Jim that's running the camera then we have Jim Gardner at the helm flying it obviously and this is when it when Rich was thinking he was seeing little pieces of little areas of condensate on the ground that would make it an official tornado but right there right there okay that was just a few minutes ago okay let's go back to links three look at the moisture in the atmosphere and again there's the boundary thunderstorms continue these are all severe north and west of Oklahoma City and we have the ones tornadic supercell here going up into Kingfisher County once again there's nothing in Oklahoma City there's nothing headed our way at this moment now these storms out west will eventually make their way in okay all right but tornado warning continues for Central and Eastern the eastern half let's just say of Kingfisher County east of Kingfisher you folks in Kingfisher you've got no threat of a tornado out of this storm you're out of it no Karcher you're out of it Dover you're out of it it's gonna go to your East Tennessee you're probably out of it as well this is gonna be to your East but there's the hook and what Lakes it does look like it will likely go to the west of kashin yes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah totally west of cash it's gonna go west of Crescent it's kind of its kind of splitting the uprights here right it's kind of going in between everybody there's Kingfisher right and there's Crescent and the dangerous part of the storm is right here there's a hook and oh that's rival's okay let's check back in to Southwestern Oklahoma here again we've got a lot of storms to cover we're moving around the state storms in the north are severe right now these are not tornadic they're in the cold air behind the boundary so there's severe Bobby's on near Putnam it's very close to the boundary and it does have some rotation with it we were just looking at that one yeah let's go let's zoom into that then we'll talk about the storms out west okay so Bobby pains right here you can see the hook on that that's to the east of Bobby and this thing has had a rotation in it big hail by the way north of Putnam that's going to be a golf ball sized hail there in Putnam if not larger and there is rotation down here down to the south to see some Bobby right there about five six miles northeast of Bobby's location or just southeast of Putnam right and Bobby's right there let's go back to Bobby let's get an update from Bobby Payne and Bobby your storm copy that you're all in the boundary you're close to the boundary Bobby Payne let's get an update from you and again it is still rotating but your your storm is about ready to move into cool air and that's a good problem behave give me an update David I was right on the very tip of that echo what we call reflectivity hook on radar and I was getting northwest winds about 30 35 mile-per-hour winds I didn't really see any rotation but I tell you what the low deck of clouds we're streaming from the Northwest to the southeast now I did not see any organized rotation back to you David all right stay with it here and we'll see what it does a little bit longer as we track multiple storms today so far we might have had maybe a brief spin up or two in Kingfisher County with a possible tornado there about 15 minutes ago Jim Gardner is on top of it Bao Castro is on the ground looking right at it I'm looking at it right now as well and we'll go back to that storm let's go into Southwestern Oklahoma links three links three and that storm over Cheyenne is severe the storm into Dewey County is severe up near Tolaga and then again the storm at Cheyenne it is it is in the warm air it's a concern Marty Logan's right there and we'll go to marty here coming up and then we have the other big super cells out west Justin Allen rosy is he westbound and down yeah he is westbound okay yeah he needs to get he needs to get way west in a big hurry way west in a big hurry okay let's go back before do that yeah this storm track and this Wellington storm you folks in you folks an Eric we really got to watch this Eric ser Elk City you folks really need to keep an eye on these storms out here today we're there we're watching it and what is Jim looking at I'm looking at his shot just wanna make sure that's not anything crazy oh it's really trying it is really trying okay so a storm track Wellington Texas at 3:30 4:00 ser for 37 quarter at about 4:40 Elk City High School five o'clock and Elk City downtown at about five o'clock let's go to Jim let's go to Jim Gardner is a tornado on the ground let's see what it's doing here it is turn in control room take Jim there it is right there there's a cone there's a funnel let's look on the ground guys let's look on the ground Jim what do you think is the tornado on the ground give me an update not yet David but it's it's trying awful hard it is trying awful hard it does exactly what you're seeing right now it spins and then it kind of falls apart and then it'll spin right up oh man go back back to the right go to the right go to the right go to the right we just had another one spin up just two in the front now I don't know if that's on the ground or not David but that is big and it is it is up front of one the one that we were shooting just moments ago that's why this whole thing along here I'm gonna roll around here roll around Jim Jim zoom in on that zooming on that one right there zoom in below the ground to that zoom in on the ground for me zoom zoom zoom in yeah go yeah go on in going in is that as far as we go in rich that's fine that's fine that's all I need on the ground it's on the ground David there it is there it is tornado on the ground ground tornado on the ground there it is tornado on the ground right here there's the tornado it's on the ground there's the cone it's condensate free in between with the pressures lower when it strengthens it'll condensate in if it gets that close but right now the tornado was on the ground it's going through a little river bottom there a little creek bottom that was just on the ground okay all right probably still on the ground Jim let's zoom back in there one more time there is a tornado we've got a couple still on the ground David you it is still whipping around in there but yeah that that was forming up front of the one that we were shooting at when I looked back and saw that one yeah and that one was definitely on the ground David yeah as it was moving across here and it is still that whole thing is rotating oh yeah David that whole thing is rotating and it you know we can still be you know touching the ground I believe it is on the ground it looks like I can see it with the naked eye I see a couple of orders he's dancing around in there David so it is forming back up and it is trying to trying to get down on the ground here it looks like it's a it's really starting to for me I can see it I can see with my naked eye now rich be pushy and I thank you okay it's okay which highway we cross it 30 33 Jim you're crossing highway 33 from the South your cross on highway 30 there's highway 33 right now that goes into across it so it on streets go by I can see highway 33 north 29 30 Road oh there's debris there's gonna stuff lying on the ground is there debris just hit something it just hit something there it is we have debris in the air now there's a tornado it's not very strong but they just right here as we pull back a little bit they just solder burry I really can't see anything on the on the ground right now but that is very low so again like it looks like it may be cycling again it's right over 33 and it looks like north 29 30 Road is the closest road I see on street scope on my street scope to where it's cross David okay again yeah it's definitely not something to fool with right here this and this yeah it's just trying to drop a big tornado eventually David well it looks like it's kind of pulled everything up into it right the one that we were shooting that was on the backside that got drawn into this and now we're starting to see if you look on the left-hand side there you can see that kind of kind of vertical vortices right there David it's windy it's got one of those a I'm not vertical but up skews lateral Fortis easier for him now this is this starter really crank up now it is look at look at the ground look at the ground okay I don't I don't see what you're talking about it's right now it's a weak tornado it's it's Jim it's it's a weak tornado right now okay if you're joining us now we've had the tornado on the ground for the last four or five minutes it's been weak you can see the wall clot here this is north of Highway 33 and this is going to be basically it's going to be into a Kingfisher County east of Kingfisher ok Kingfisher is to the west the highway 33 is back to the south and this is gonna go into northwestern in the far western Logan County ok let's check back in with Val hey Justin where's Val going Justin where's Val going okay yeah we need to get him back into place it's just touch base with Val is this GPS not working okay alright let's go back to Val caster and get an update from Val and Val go ahead go ahead go ahead yeah we're seeing the walk cloud to our northeast David the funnel a tornado looks like lifted we don't see anything on the ground at the moment but there's still a big time lowering right there and that's gonna be to our northeast looks like about three miles or so David back to you all right listen he needs the a Justin here's the deal he's got to get up to the highway he's got to get off the dirt roads he's got to get to the highway he's got to get to the highway okay it's moving at 50 it's nearly 60 miles per hour he cannot get on the dirt roads no mud roads no dirt roads you got to get on the highway it's getting close to the Cimarron River right now it's gonna cross the river here just in the next few minutes okay let's go back Jim Gardner has a shot there's a wall cloud let's go to shear right links three and let's go to links three control room and look at that look at that now yeah that's not really a city there's nothing there right yeah that is was an old Township back in the day and trust me that's that's not there anymore so I here's Crescent okay here's Creston Springs and downtown crescents right here north of town you have the band let's kind of back out of this just a second want to point out there's nothing right now headed for Oklahoma City we have storms in the West I'll show you it we'll get to those we've had this tornado on the ground here for the last Oh 20 minutes or so at least off and on intermittently I've got Jim shot up and there's the hook let's lapse that let's see what the movement here make sure it's moving at 50 to nearly 60 miles per hour folks it's moving now more northeasterly remember earlier it was moving almost due north now it's moving more northeasterly and David I do have a track on links for when you're ready okay let's go back to Jim shot go back to Jim shot take Jim shot Jim gardeners and on the ground there's a tube there's a funnel looks like it's on the ground I saw that form in about two seconds is it on the ground Jim gardener that's right went to the ground really quick that's what I'm being David with this this is drawn for a lot of separate little vortices out of this huge wall cloud here that was you saw right there that spun up went to the ground now it is back up but as we look on the right hand part of your screen that wall cloud I get some of these vortices in the front and I got that one in back but the Baynton the main concentration is right here is richard zooming in on there's another one trying to spin up David so this is I mean I don't know what's keeping this from just being a huge massive tornado right now but you can see it's spinning up again right there and that may I mean there that could be on the ground there's a turn to get there brain right here after any labora sees right there yeah he around together David here so again at any moment this is a significant tornado here it is hauling across the ground yeah we're already coming up to the Cimarron River here boom so it is flatly move David and you can see that I mean it is very low to the ground and if it's not on the ground I don't know what is yeah this is all very active through here David on this huge wall cloud here yeah and you see these little vortices just start dropping there's one all around and you know there are a couple of times we had three or four little borders so you just dance around one another they're so you know this is not something to be playing with the good thing is it's a very remote area right now but again we're coming up to the Cimarron River here David really spend and man really sluta I mean it's well I was keeping it from just dropping her large tornado I don't know David but no I know we're a really good spot track man we'll keep you updated no do you you're all over Jim go ahead and zoom on in there Jim Gardner right in the center part of that have rich zoom in too right underneath that yeah right there let's look for Khan and say let's look for Khan and say let's look for something in the air I mean this literally is a few hundred feet above the ground right now and it is I don't see any debris in the air but I'm telling you hang on condensate Khanna say kind of say we have wrapping rotating rain curtains coming in from the South okay that's gonna fold over what's this that's gonna fold over and that might tighten it up that might tighten it up if it folds seeing that happen a million times let's see what happens here okay okay Kylie that thing is so close it's been on the ground off and on as of this second as of right now it's not on the ground but I mean literally it's changing like that okay let's go back to Lynx 3 and Lynx 3 Crescent if you live in or west of Crescent you've got to go to your safe spot you got to go there right now tornado warning now continues for Western and northwestern Logan County and there's there's the tornado there's the shear rate it's maxed out max rot looks like anything to get on okay hey control room and they take Jim it's true it's trying control room you take Jim out of my ear please okay thank you okay there's Jim shot okay let's go back to Lynx three let's go back to Lynx three and again there's the hook okay okay it's going to Louisville Midway but loved a level level level it's a small little community yeah I know you're tiny but you still matter and you're there okay southeast of Marshall if you live in northwestern and Western Logan County you got to go to your safe spot you got to go there now this lowest level if you live in a mobile home you've got to get out if it's coming at you if this is coming towards you if you live in between that and Louisville you've got to go to your safe spot right now tornado has been on the ground intermittently right now it appears that it has lifted there it is right there looking at Jim shot looking at the tornado if it develops we're gonna have it look at the motion look how fast that's changing that's not sped up folks that's live look at the motion on that look how fast that is okay so there's Jim there's the hook that piece right there that is that that's the back edge of that that let's see the Reds and the greens together tight couplet tight couplet could tornado at any time could produce a tornado at any time let's go to shear right okay what do you say okay all right Jim's right there it's still strong circulation this is gonna be a new tornado warning once again coming into western Logan County West of Crescent from Crescent up to Louisville tornado warning for you and there it is right there we're looking at it but it's not on the ground but it takes about two seconds for that to happen it's very very close Jim's going to back out shot there and you can see the lowering there's a wall cloud and that's what it looks like there it is let's go to Jim Gardner take Jim Gardner shot full tornado on the ground tilt down go to Jim go to David you can see it right there there it is tornado on the ground go ahead Jim that's right David oh we just said it just that's in the trees right now like I said the good thing is around a very remote area but there are some farm homes up to the northeast of this I see some lights up right directly north of it it is definitely on the ground David you can see it right there playing his day that's what we've been trying to find is a to get some indication that it's been on the ground like I said this man been on the ground for just off and on for a while here we just never could really see it till it really hit right there at the the river there and went over the river then I spotted it really good you can see it right here so it is still moving and I mean it is hooking fast David across here but again there for a moment it was on the ground I can't see now that it still may be on the ground but I'm not quite sure but man we're just right on the east side of this and kind of getting picking up some haze here but it is traveling fast it's moving fast and it's dropping ICEA let's see what road do we have on street scope there rich it looks like County Road 76 County Road 76 North County Road 29 70 going up to East County Road 750 Road so again yeah just off and on David this thing is dropping a tornado to the ground here yeah we're gonna have to drop down we're starting to get into some Scud here so I'm gonna pitch it back to you real quick and get out of this Scud that is being drawn in by this storm here yeah Jim yeah get it if Richard it's on the ground again yeah it's on the ground caught up there you see all that condensation yeah yeah here's what's happening right I'm dropping down pretty low here so to get a better shot of this yes yes okay folks Jim give me two seconds tornado on the ground this is leaving Kingfisher County there's the tornado there's a cone it's strong and if we're getting condensate this is all condensate this isn't rain this is condensate it's still moisture it's liquid that's being formed by the tornado and the low-pressure around the tornado everything here spinning counterclockwise flowing in and this is the tornado you can see the little vapor see the little vapor you see little looks like cloud on the ground right there there it is that's the tornado and that is what it's doing is it's moving across the ground winds are gonna be in excess of 100 miles per hour in here as this continues to move from the southwest to the Northeast this is the tornado now going through a grove of trees we've got condensate and again that it's continued to happen live right here on news 9 there's a cone there's a cone ok let's go back to Lynx 3 and let's look at again where the tornado is it's right here Jim's right here looking off to his north this is gonna be 5 miles roughly 5 miles west of Crescent that donut hole right there looking back at you that's let's go back to GM there's a tornado again on the ground go ahead Jim yep yep yep I see that I see the vortices I see the vortices there's a border to see right there this continues to be on the ground and this has been on the ground now for well about 25 30 minutes now intermittently but now it's getting stronger rotation getting stronger the tornado getting stronger from time to time it's gonna get far enough north and hit that boundary it's gonna get far enough north and eventually hit the boundary and that'll be a good thing northern ok so we still have we still have about 20 miles to go don't we yep ok so to the north is a boundary where the air is much cooler and much more stable if it gets into that area and it's going to it will weaken but it's we got to get it there first and the problem is what's it gonna do between now and then it's doing this right now there's a tornado on the ground you can see the condensate from time to time there's a cone and it's not a classic tornado it's not hanging back out with no rain or any precip around it it's an ugly tornado they're all ugly this one especially though right but look at the spin here look at the vortices look at the vortices here's another one Jim Gardner let's bring Jim back in it and welcome back to Lynx 3 Jim clearly on the ground how many vortices do you have on the ground right now how many how many tornadoes are on the ground how many individual vortices do you see on the ground right now about for David is what we counted just a minute ago there were four a definite small vortices dancing around one another and you know it's what brings that back to mining you know this to David is that's the way May 3rd 1999 started was with four vortices dancing around one another then all of a sudden they just formed upped into one huge massive tornado so again you know you'd see the tornado there if we pop up street scope for a real quick keep a medium shot there you pop up street scope you can see the county roads down David where that tornado is right there all the county roads 2126 Street County Line Road so another thing we can do with street scope and you start seeing names of where sites are like the winter Creek site here Dam and you can see the Zion community cemetery right there so again yeah this is uh this is one of those David that drops those small vortices that I'll get danced around and also they all come together just to form one massive tornado here so again we're in a great spot we're tracking it David I believe it's you know if it's not on the ground now it's still still a lot of wind packing around the outside wall well they're saying it is a move because it is moving almost 50 or 60 miles an hour here David Jim power growing live for Bob Hale Scott who's nine back to you okay all right great job Jim there's a wall cloud once again street scope tracking it mile by mile street by street and this has produced a fairly substantial lengthwise tornado now it's been on the ground for 20-25 minutes off and on we're getting a little bit better visibility now from Jim Gardner and rich Kregel you can see the tight circulation this is where the tornado is and look how fast the motion is and folks it really continues it's on the ground it's off and on on the ground there comes another little piece of war to see this whole thing is on the ground this is now coming in into our way in into Logan County yes we are but only by about what a mile son okay control room do me a favor do me a favor keep this up just push it over keep it in a box I don't want to lose it I want to be able to see it and let's go let's go back two links three links three this is a rotation track the shear track if you will this is where it's been so far again starting west of El Reno that's the track that's exactly where the mesocyclone has been and now it is west of Crescent it's going to Louisville okay a little tiny community of midway there's the tornado on the ground you're seeing it live right here on news 9 that's the tornado on the ground there's where it is see the whole looking back at yet looking back at you there it is there's a tornado right there that hole is that that hole is that all right it's like the eye of a hurricane looking right back boom there it is okay so the tornado continues on the ground again we're talking about west of Crescent and the tornado was on the ground it's going up it's gonna go south and east of Louisville or on Louisville it's gonna be close look at the wall cloud and strong strong rotation now let's go to reflectivity and see what's going on again there's a hook classic classic hook lifting north northeast you folks in Marshall it's probably going to go just east of you and look at the tornado there folks there it is I'm on the ground live from Jim Gardner look at look at the vortices it's a multiple vortex tornado it's a multiple highway 74 yes it's how close are we did it's gonna cross 74 about four miles right okay okay look at the tornado folks it's a multiple vortex it's one area it's one updraft right but inside of that we've got multiple vortices like a merry-go-round rotating around each other right it's like a merry-go-round and it's just rotating around each other and we're getting these ups and downs and ups and downs vortices inside that area of circulation that is a problem so we've had some damage here we've seen a little bit of damage so far with that but there's the eye and we don't like to see the eye looking back at you right there it is right there let's go to love it let's do it storm track Logan County links for and okay we've done a storm track back here with the area of circulation okay Marshall at 402 you folks in Marshall 402 it's 3:52 you've got ten minutes that's how fast it's moving there's a tornado on the ground you can see the spray on the ground right see the spray see the spray it's it's continuously on the ground it's on the ground okay so Marshall 402 go to your safe spot lowest level if you live in a mobile home you're gonna have to get out of that Covington 414 Billings 432 and then from there we'll worry about it a little bit later only because it's gonna get into some cold air and I think it will eventually weaken I think it will weaken but look at the tornado on the ground let's go back to Jim Gardner there's the tornado northwest of Crescent 5 miles let's go back to Jim Jim it's on the ground there it is right there there's a tornado there's one board a seat moving across water in the field there's a tornado it's right there Jim go ahead give me an update that's right David it it's like you said this is a fluctuating it drops and picks them up drops and picks them up but it's been consistent for like 20 minutes for 25 minutes of these dropping uh just small borders he's going back up sometimes multiple more of these vortices going back up but it's definitely on the ground David even though now you can't see the connection between the the wall cloud and at the and the ground it is definitely spinning because we can see the spray kicking up every now and then on the ground and like I said this thing is moving and it is moving fast I'm telling you man it is really hooking here I'm just sitting on the northwest side of Crescent right now which I'll be moving to the north side of Crescent here pretty quick here as we track this shooting off back to the to the west-northwest but again a move up move up to your right move up to your right move up pan right pan right there's another one just drop down David we were watching that one it quit now we got this one in front of us now so okay this is what's happening all along the line here is this as a drop it in one spot and it moves up to another spot yeah so now Pam back to your loop right good shot right there look at there David there's two of them right there yeah there's this shot right and so that's that's the problem with this storm here man it is just a you know we definitely don't want these two things coming together because it could get really bad yeah but you're looking at the one on the left Jim the one on the left on the ground and it's Conan it's on the ground yep there it is there's a tornado right there just a little ground that's all I can say we have street scope up you can see County Line Road Road you can see kind of where it is right there like said I'm about two to three miles northwest of Crescent right now okay yes you're about five what are we about five miles I think northwest of Crescent give or take Jim you're right you're right okay so much of that that'd be about what there it is the one row one cone down the front one cone down or there it is now again there it is tomato around who tornadoes David two tornadoes man and the same storm that we're tracking here right here we go okay so there's the code back there left it back to the left look at the tornado filling in hang on hang on hang on okay here we go okay here we go so we have two tornadoes we've splitting the uprights here tornado to my left on the ground tornado on my backside on the ground and this is going to be northwest of Crescent about five miles but car thermal of are crossing MacArthur Boulevard tornado on the ground there and tornado on the ground here two tornadoes right now on the ground this is gonna be northwest of Crescent and these tornadoes continue to get stronger at least at this point we'll see what they do but that is beginning to weaken some and here comes the next one watch the condensate what's the kind of st. fill-in right look at the snake watch the snake watch the snake when the pressures get low enough this is gonna stank back and it's gonna drop in watch it watch it right here he's sneaking back the tornadoes on the ground you just can't see the condensate when it gets strong enough there it is see that the pressures aren't low enough to get condensate to fill up the - when the pressure gets low enough you'll that's what you'll see it condensate all the way in but sometimes it doesn't all right but you still get damage and you still get debris and you still get problems we've got problems all right look at the board of seat now it's trying to pull back to the left look at that okay just go back to Jim Gardner let's go back to Jim and Jim I tell you what it is it is really doing a thing right now and we had two tornadoes on the ground Jim Gardner I know you can hear me what do you think it looks like it's still on the ground to me rotation continues to be strong just to your north west northwest of Crescent northwest of Crescent right now go ahead Jim well that's right David it it looks like the one to the left of this one has died this one has basically kind of roped out but it's still trying to is still trying to reform there David it has been on the ground but now it's kind of dissipate but look what's up front David now we're going to pan to the right again we got a new one on the ground because that's the third one in this line David this just now happened this is down to the north of those two those two dissipated and this one started up David so it's just moving up the line here as we keep tracking it here so again County Road 69 that we see in MacArthur Road is right there on street scope that it's on right now David but this is crazy we had a shot of two tornadoes a moment ago for Bob bill Scott who's 9 they dissipated and then this wood dropped to the north of those so again it is still on the ground David and that's the biggest problem with this storm here is you don't know where a tornado is going to drop out of this storm here David and this thing is putting on quite a spectacle all right there's the tornado it's right here I see the condensate there's a gym have rich zoom in on that for me have him zoom in on I'm going to see it I want to see it I'm gonna see the condensate on the field see everything rotating around it's right there David it's the trees there it is now it's going through the trees there's a back side of the tornado it's just remember it's just fluid it's just water now it's starting to sit and spin like so I'll go over maybe some water just went over some power lines and now it's getting stronger okay getting stronger right here okay so there it is tornado again continues on the ground alright it's going over another little pond alright okay that's now lifted David yeah lifted okay okay let's again that doesn't mean it's done no no I'm keep looking back we keep kind of pan it back because you just don't know we're along this line is one may drop out here on us David but again that was the northern most tornado there that just now dissipated but again everybody just be aware it looks like it may be trying to move further up along the line here and form another spot here where it's going to drop another tornado David so this is just a very very active storm here rich come back pull back a little bit and tilt down tell me what road let's see what Street scope says till down you'll kill ya don't kill down til down til down till down right there Portland Avenue okay Portland Avenue and County Road 69 okay all right right now I'm on track in Portland yep northbound yeah so on the east side of port it looks like we're gonna have an element start up here just to the left screen there David yeah I agree derailment okay it's on the ground Rich's telling me that the condensates on the ground you can see it on the ground again oh yeah that's right it is right out the door again it started another one okay and we'll get a storm track on this just very active along this line here David no it's just dropping tornadoes one after another it is but now you know okay you have just an amazing shot for Bob Mills Scott who's nine there oh it's incredible we showed two tornadoes both up on the ground they both dissipated and they've got the third one just to the north of it right so yeah anyway a rich said this one Poston may be heading toward some home yeah okay hey Jim we're gonna I'm gonna put you in the box over here on the side and we're gonna go back to radar here we're quick so control room let's put Jim over here let's go back two links one and let's do a storm track on this let's go back to the links three links four links for excuse me links for and take a look at it then I'll go to Val and okay again this whole area marshal up to Lucien up to Hayward at Covington gear in the line of fire right Marshall Covington 414 Marshall 403 still Billings 432 Lamont Tonkawa 445 it's a long ways away from there and the air is much cooler up here it's going to move into a more favorable hour more unfavorable environment once it gets a little bit farther north but right now it is game on let's get about castor let's get a bow shot on the ground and Ponca City at about five o'clock if it makes it there let's go to bow and Val you've been watching it putting down multiple tornadoes in the last two half-hour so and look at the rotation from bow shot valid Amy give me an update Val what you think it looks like it's just it's up its down it's up and down give me an update on the ground right there David you can see in our shot right there tremendously strong rotation this is you would not believe you would not believe how many chasers are out here and people driving around just about having wrecks out here but there's a there's at least one tornado on the ground over down then we see the Bree getting kicked up and also there's another funnel straight north of us so there's two areas of circulation right right right right I asked these people if we can get by roll the window down reeling it in can we can we go on can we thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you can go on all right they waved us on yeah yeah I keep keep going there it is there's one of the comes it's wrong rotation every now and then we see the breed being kicked up on the ground with with the South rotation but there's another funnel straight to the north there's another funnel straight to the north that looks like to me it's been trying to come down also right anyway we're about to catch up we'll have to go under it here in a minute it's going to be southeast of LaBelle sappy for LaBelle David almost approaching highway 74 okay yeah great job great job Val stayed with it Val's on the ground Val's on the ground obviously and he is seeing what Jim has been seeing from the air we've been live with this tornado for well over half an hour now live with this one tornado it's produced multiple tornadoes let's go to let's go back to links three and I want to talk about Southwestern Oklahoma here and then we'll get back to that right it's lifted for now it's lifted for now into Logan County God your level yeah yeah near level okay all right so there we go strong circulation tour more than likely on the ground in Northwest Texas that's going to Hollis that's going to Hollis folks you folks at Hollis you got to stay weather aware who's coming in from the East Allanson Duke okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get him hey Justin okay hang on hey zoom in here for me real quick I just I want to tell ya Suman here real quick okay okay let's okay I'm trying to listen what Allan's doing Justin are you taking okay yeah okay let's go back to uh yep yep yep let's go back to Jim Gardner shot let's come back to the Metro my bad let's stay out here real quick we'll go ahead do that here just a second there it is Jim Gardner is a tornado still on the ground again from your shot go ahead Jim Gardner give us an update now going into gleich Oklahoma 51 at North Bay Avenue on street scope here I can't really tell David but I I mean just the way things been going this afternoon I would say that's on the ground I would say that there's something on the ground I can't really see it with my eye right now but I mean it's just been popping up all along here David just you know one area goes with a tornado it dissipates and enough further north of that it drops another tornado this is north this is the far northern part this storm before it hits the back of the rain here and I believe something was on the ground but this would Davey if it's not still on the ground here I don't know if you can see back there if you can see any condensate or not but it looks like there's a whole lot of dust and stuff down below this and it is it is spinning David so anyway this is the this is north of there like said let's pull back wide let's go back now go pan back to the left just make sure nothing else drops out we got those right there - David possibly could drop another tornado out of those because they're rotating and starting to come together here so again there's two areas again here David that to anything could drop out at any time and wow what an afternoon yeah great job Jim you and rich we're doing a phenomenal job up there warning the folks of Canadian County Kingfisher County Logan County Jim Gardner shots are absolutely spectacular because he knows what he's doing he can get down and low and he's comfortable at flying at close range all right that's what he does and anyway let me show you what this thing did about ten minutes ago right in case you missed it on news 9 take a look at some of the video here we have the two tornadoes on the ground at the same time tornado one right there you can see the condensate nearly all the way to the ground that was with one of the tornadoes and then we had the other tornado here we had that on the ground that's on the ground and that was on the ground there so two tornadoes on the ground at the same time and you were seeing it live from Val caster and Jim Gardner look at that tornado there that was about 15 minutes ago ten to fifteen minutes ago that just happened that just happened okay let's go to look at that Wow that's impressive okay let's go to Lynx 3 and talk about the tornadic supercell we have here it is you can see the big big storm here there's the hook here comes Val coming in from the south we've got Jim Gardner coming in from the southeast on this thing and looking right at it it's lifting north now once you get up into Garfield County and Noble County it's in the low 60s up here it's much cooler that atmosphere is not as conducive for tornadoes as it is farther south right so as it moves farther north the tornado threat if it gets up here far enough will diminish the problem is the boundary is trying to Lacy's lukasi it looked like it's it looked like it's moving farther north boundary at all this should keep the boundary firm with that much convection but it is such a dynamic system that it could take the warm front and shove it farther north east of i-35 it's lifting we have more of an east wind now on the north side of it east of i-35 okay but I mean what we just came right out of North pretty strong now in Breckenridge and in Enid okay that could be totally tied to this though - yeah but yeah I mean yeah that could be the beginning of of the front trying to hold its own so either way once it's a little farther north once it gets into the cool air it's gonna it's gonna weaken Center right now we have a problem we've had that tornado on the ground for quite a while okay so let's do a storm track and let's go to Southwestern Oklahoma and talking about a big big big big storm coming in now I'll tell you what let's do the big view I'm gonna give everybody the overview here nothing headed for Oklahoma City right now right and some of the data we were looking at today had multiple storms around the Metro developing between 3 & 4 & 5 o'clock so the door is still open for that to happen but right now we've had the tornadoes have been with that storm and we've got problems going on with this storm in that storm which will probably okay and yes in that storm right here so we we have problems along the boundary because it's warming up behind the boundary and the winds are more out of the east and northeast so we again this whole line is capable of producing tornadoes now far northern Oklahoma it's too cool air is too cool and too stable here ok let's take a look at real quick here's Blaine County Oh Keene again severe storms now west of Oh Keene could ramp up and produce a tornado near Roman nose right now these are wind and hail producers and flash flooding producers for a while as well and then back down towards Thomas and Putnam and down to more where these storms are all severe they're all severe there and then we have again the one tornadic storm up north I marching it I'm looking at Val's video is it on the ground again if it is we'll go back if it is we'll go back ok let's go back into western Oklahoma there's the tornado warning where's any warning coming right here for Watonga for this is right into the boundary I mean this is tournament ok yeah it is it's right on the boundary ok this is a problem it's right here it's north of Hitchcock circulation is north of Watonga actually southwest of the Hitchcock excuse me North watonga ok so this is gonna be another tornado warning this is gonna be north of Watonga and from there it's gonna hit it towards Hitchcock and then Kaito eventually but again this is on the cool front or the warfront if he can get north of that and if you get north of that it will begin to weaken some but we've got to get these storms north of that boundary they don't want to get north of it that's where it's cool and stable they want to stay where it's unstable and warm that's their fuel warm air and stable air that's that's just that's like desert for us right that's what they want that's why they want to eat that's what they want to breathe in and that's why they will try to stay south of that boundary they're trying so hard is it on the ground again is it on the ground again okay so new tornado warning from Blaine County that's gonna go to Hitchcock that's gonna go to Kato your folks in Hitchcock again the tornado is going to be right northwest of Watonga right northwest of watonga ok let's quickly go back into western Oklahoma and let's talk about Southwestern Oklahoma here we can switch radars big hook in the eastern Texas Panhandle north of Wellington tornado warning on that that's going to go to Eric Marty Logan's right there hey Justin hey Cory Marty's not up and again hook here developing tornado possibly with that southwest of Marty and then also a possible tornado with that storm there tornado down here coming out of children's going to Hollis so multiple storms with multiple tornado warnings on it as the atmosphere is truly beginning to unfold right now ok so there's there's Allen coming in from the east I see Allen shot Allen's coming in from the east we'll get Marty Logan back in it we'll check in with him on the storms out west and let's jump in here guys let's jump into Eric in Elk City all of our friends and friends and family out here like you know the boundary is now north or has come south some eric has a north wind and 58 degrees eric has a north wind that's so key and 58 degrees so it's it's again it's too cool it's it's cool now if the boundary lifts north that'll change things the boundary is running right in here everything up here it's too cool but on the boundary you can still get a tornado but look at the hook on that so you folks at Eric and Tex Ola you're still south of the boundary you need to go to your safe spot you need to go to your safe spot right now this is going to be four LS Roger Mills we have Beckham Western southwestern Beckham County if you live in Eric Tex Ola down Highway 30 you got to get your safe spot we'll get Marty Logan back in here and let's go to Marty Logan and get an update I know it's I know his shots not up control room I'm aware but I want to hear him talk let's go to Marty Logan will stay on the radar let's go to Marty Logan out west Marty give me an update what you see back to your Southwest give me an update we're trying to get your stream back up go ahead yeah that we're in a very bad seller I'll drop like three times we have a rain free base all smart west right on the Oklahoma Texas line we got South at the boundary we've warmed up to 67 from 55 so it's gonna be right here I mean we're real close to this is very hilly country we're gonna keep maneuver and see if I can get some cells turned off okay all right great job there Marty stay with it we'll get you a stream back up here and Marty Logan is here look at the hook coming across the line let's get a right on this and see what it's doing here guys let's go to shear right anything crazy yeah that's pretty ramped up but again Eric you said Eric Lacey has a north wind and that's gonna be too cool it's gonna be south of Eric where Marty is okay let's go - Marty Logan shot let's look at the hook here it is let's go - Marty Logan shot control room let's go back to Marty Marty there it is your shots up I don't see a tornado but what do you think what do you see when you look back in there give us a quick update well we've been sitting here now we're getting a north wind so we're gonna have to drop south some more we're still let's see we're still 67 degrees so we're right on the boundary we're right in the right place we haven't found it yeah just a few more minutes okay all right Marty stay with it here again this is that leading edge coming out of Texas coming into Oklahoma in this whole area is spinnin this is a mesocyclone and you can see the motion in that right now but as you can see that's from Marty Logan no tornado on the ground the official tornado warning just came out for Marty's storm yeah yeah 22 warning now this could be from Beckham County ah true Marty is okay let's go back to Logan County let's go back to Logan County get an update on our Logan County storm and let's go back to Lynx 3 and check in with the storms up north with Val and Jim this is the one that's produced some multiple tornadoes let's go into Jim Gardner get an update then we'll go to vow let's go to Jim and Jim is a little farther south of it here it's too is a supercell is still a dangerous storm low huggin tree-huggin nearly a ground-hugging wall cloud right now and Jim is a tornado on the ground right now it looks to me like it has lifted and L so that storm might be encountering some of that cooler air now as it might be trying to pull in some cooler air from the north it's almost it's almost gonna get itself in trouble if it keeps moving north but we're still tracking it here give me an update on what you think over here so it is basically just kind of turning into scope but that wall plots been sitting on the ground man I mean you can't even see any daylight in between the horizon you know the ground and the and the cloud but it's not spinning like it was David it is totally a kind of collapsing now we can pan around to the right here we're starting to move in and just kind of see this whole line here is kind of getting ragged a lot of good hanging around but nothing like the rotation we had minutes ago David so again streets scope showing me on Kelly and County Road 262 so again we'll keep tracking it David but it looks like we may may have finally reached the end here Jim PowerPro in line for Bob bail Scotty's nine back to you well we hope so Jim but I tell you what we're gonna track it here a little bit longer the tornado warning discontinued and that's for a good reason because it's produced multiple tornadoes I'm looking at Jim shot here he's just like you are gonna the big bunch of screens over here I'm looking at just to make sure I see condensate it's it's tree-huggin condensate but it's not tornado condensate there's a big difference okay let's go to bow caster bow is on the ground get an update from Val and he's just to the south and west of it Val it's been putting on quite a show with multiple tornadoes - tornadoes on the ground at the same time but right now bow castor looks like it might have lifted but I'll tell you this is the rotation no Val is it's still pretty strong it still has some some pretty strong rotation with it now now moving out of Logan County into southeastern garvin in southwestern noble County go ahead bow give us an update yeah that's right David you know just a little bit earlier we had two rotations at the same time we had the breathing lifted with a south and we had a growing funnel on the north side we think that the north also touched down but I'm telling you I think the further north it goes we're noticing it's getting cooler up here and so I really think this thing is starting to interact with the colder air so I'm almost detecting that the the basis might be rising just a little bit from what they were earlier it's kind of what we're noticing here so we're not seeing is crazy of emotion as we see there still is rotation them up above but we're just not seeing it concentrated near the surface anymore David yeah and that's great news we need those bases to get higher value know that and I know that the bases get higher that tornado threat lessens we need the bases to get higher and higher and higher and just produce some rain a little hail that's what we need but right now it does not look as impressive as it did I just came down big time on shear right - yeah yeah it's definitely weakened it's it's hitting the boundary it's what we've been talking about all day long have you been watching us we've been saying it's hitting the boundary and it's it's it's weakening it's weakening right now as far as the rotation okay it's still gonna brew some flood flooding heavy rain but the rotation is weakening right now let me show you what it was doing let me show you what it did for about 45 minutes off and on with multiple tornadoes on the ground we had two on the ground at the same time there was one of those this whole thing began with the cone hanging down and we were jumping up and down about this this thing came out of showers it developed out of showers when it was a back in Canadian County went right over just west and basically right over El Reno and then went to the north and again it just continued to get stronger and stronger there's the tornado on the ground going through the trees you can see what looks like fog to you that is water vapor the pressure inside the tornado cone itself is to the ground it's invisible and as it gets stronger it starts to fill in with condensate from the strength of the tornado getting stronger and from debris whether it's leaves or homes or or dust right now this is a at that time was a fairly weak tornado that was that would go down as a low in an ef-1 tornado right now this is a weak tornado but there's a cone then we had that tornado on the ground and we had that tornado on the ground live when it was just five miles northwest of Crescent that look at that boom that's what was going on northwest of Crescent it was putting on quite a severe weather show but again that is not a violent tornado we like if we're gonna have tornadoes these are the ones we want right we want these we want the small and weak tornadoes we don't want the big bad and the ugly ones there it is again it was on the ground there okay look at that little board to see they're moving across the field or the horizontal tube yeah it's classic classic classic classic okay let's go back to our trackers here look at that look at the motion in that that was about half an hour ago okay let's go to links we give it a big view and Greg I know what you're gonna ask me and let's go ahead and do that make the call do it yep go ahead yep yep yep yep yep yep yep there are four tornado warnings right now David okay so this is the big view now Oklahoma City now we were talking about this earlier when we start over coverage several hours ago that it looked like we were going to get super cells developing in the metro what we did we had one right and that's the one that produced some multiple tornadoes from Canadian in to Kingfisher and Logan County all right but we've not had any other storms developing and none are developing right now to the south or south west of Oklahoma City that's great that's great there's nothing coming towards the Metro right now okay so if you live in Oklahoma City and you're wigging out and stressed out you've had enough it's okay it's okay there's nothing coming towards Oklahoma City it's all out to the west and the north and the southwest it's a mess in here we've got 22 warnings flying so right now we've got a tornado warning now for Harmon County we've got our tornado warning from Beckham County Marty's on that Alan's on that Bobby Payne's on the severe storm there we've got to get yeah we on that and we'll see what that does and then hey Justin plans on the watonga ok okay all right yeah he's not that he's not that far okay yeah get him West get him West okay so our tornadic storm is now moving to the north Darrin Stephens is on that now did we have Darrin's shot brought in - he's down at the moment okay control room and engineers and okay I don't see it back here and we had it it's his shot it's down his shot is down at the moment Darrin shot is down I'm being told okay I'm being told something different so we need to figure here I know we have we have we've got all of our trackers out today coming in on multiple sources right channel channel 9 trackers channels 6 trackers and Tulsa our sister station we brought in everybody and we've we've got grandma on this whole thing too we've thrown in everything on this so okay so the flashing counties tornado warning now and we'll find Darrin Stephens he's in on that that's the one that Val and Jim have been on okay we're still watching it and we're not we're not leaving you were gonna get back to that just a second but it has weakened it's weakened quite a bit in the last in the last 10 minutes it's weakened a lot coming in a noble County because it's getting up on the boundary and it's too cool you get too far north into this line and it's too cool in here it's too cool for tornadoes if they hug the line if they hug the line alright but here's the deal if the line gets farther south and east through the afternoon and evening is still gonna be capable of producing tornadoes and then we also have to worry it's kind of a double-edged sword for storms to develop away from this line like over Central and South Central Oklahoma that might come into the metro that might develop and come back into Oklahoma City from the southwest any new data have you seen anything new on that it still looks like we hit several super cells in Southwestern Oklahoma and then the line comes through like this evening okay so it it's now no data is painting for us it's more of a line coming through okay yeah big cores within it still okay so right now folks here's here's what's good some of the data and again this is not locked in because it can certainly change is saying some of the model data that we use that that we try to stay storm free for the next several hours until eventually the line out west gets here this evening we're still gonna have a tornado threat with the line as it comes in Oklahoma City okay that's still gonna be there but we're still again talking about Oklahoma City at least for the time being nothing developing overhead and nothing headed our way out of Chickasha or grady you know cattle counties okay so that's good news for us for now but we still have to get through this okay let's go to Southwestern Oklahoma and let's check in with Allen Barozzi and get an update from Allen and this is a tornado warned storm coming out of Texas and let's see what we have here Allen and Allen is moving along here he's closing in hard and fast this tornado by the way is it confirmed in Texas do we know that do we know if that tornadoes confirmed let's go to Allen Rosie there's Allen there's the hook okay that's going into Oklahoma let's go to Allen get a quick update and yeah Allen Rosie what do you thinks you know again the the tornado is still gonna be in Texas but it's coming into Oklahoma give me an update as you look off to your West and your Southwest go ahead Allen okay David we're westbound now we drive south from Gould Oklahoma because we could see the storm we had to punch through a little bit of the rancor no no hell with it yet the hell's back to our West now we'll probably experience a little bit of it have not seen the lowering yet but it's just you're miles ahead as soon as we break out of the rain I suspect it'll be here yeah it's coming into Oklahoma for sure thank you David yeah no doubt about it Allen and we need to pay you know close attention to this the atmosphere down there is certainly prime in Southwestern Oklahoma where Allen Rosia so that's Allen shot it's kind of locked up here but he is he is on his way to that storm he's almost there let's go back to link Street let me show you what it looks like and by the way for our partners in radio we are live right now on Newstalk 15 20 K okay see that's a.m. okay 15 20 K okay C a.m. we're on there right now and if we get into the other stations and they start to pick us up I'll let you know about them but okay so there's a big super sale in the southwest Allen's right there there's the hook Justin Allen's going west still moving okay his shots locked up but he's going west and he's gonna catch the tornado right here let's go to shear right let's see what it looks like anything stands out on this there it is oh we've had two areas how about that we had the original now we've got the second yeah it was originally two big supercells that kind of they're trying to merge yeah okay all right take it back just a little bit longer so you can see kind of what was going on yeah it did it did that storms kind of is it trying to shrink a little bit maybe I don't know we'll say it's definitely going through something it's we gotta watch it I mean it's still torn in a ward it's all good but we need it we need to keep an eye on it but it might it might be having some struggling issues right now what's Mac's rot look like anything stand out that you're just that same area where it's trying to reorganize to the southwest okay all right I see Ellen shot okay let's go back up the line now and let's talk about the storms here where Marty Logan is let's check in with Marty look at the hook now right over Marty hey Justin Marty stop he's gonna have to get okay so he's not worried I think he is okay let's go to him already Logan get an update though control room keep that up look at the hook on that now you folks at Eric let's go ahead Marty Logan give me an update big hook now developing pretty close to you right out your back door there what do you think give me an update yeah what we're doing we keep chasing this boundary to the south Jake seeing something right now we're backing up turned on do you have our shot these are shot it up well it is but wait appears to be frozen right now no we don't have your shot just go ahead and describe it to those radars up go ahead okay so just off to our West probably near the Oklahoma Texas line we're seeing some rising motion a little bit of Scud we keep chasing the boundary to the south south of the county line probably on highway 30 just north of highway 9 is where we are right now nothing on the ground nothing's men's gonna running move oh wait right here right here yep right right in front of us we do have a little bit of broad rotation just to our west nothing on the ground right now we're watching it okay hey Marty start at 10:00 yeah yeah okay here's the deal you're gonna have to okay your shots coming back in you're gonna have to get back north though and get back up to I 40 I'll see your shot now I see Scud now here's the deal the is Justin Justin Rudisill strongest rotation is north of Marty do you see that okay heat we got to get him northbound and down right now Marty I want you to go north I want you to get north back up on i-40 this thing is Eric it's gonna try to go to Sayer it's gonna try to go to Sayer yeah let's keep going let's keep moving okay so let's go back to Lynx three I'd say about Lynx one Lacey was talking about she's got the radar up and then the the warm front on that the boundary let's go to Lynx one control room and I show you what I'm talking about here and this is the warm front right so anything south of that the atmosphere is very unstable and it's unstable along the front but once you get north of the front literally five ten miles the atmosphere is more stable here so that's why we're getting you're thinking why aren't we're getting all these tornado warnings well up into northern and western Oklahoma well we are but it's a long in south of the boundary the down drafts of the thunderstorms are riding down the boundary right and then the hooks like my little finger here are hugging the boundary and that that's why for one thing interesting earlier I'll point this out remember the storm that came out of Canadian County went into Kingfisher County was moving due north and then suddenly started to turn hard right well you know why because they didn't want to go up in here it wants to hug the boundary and stay along and and stay as strong as it can so it will follow that boundary right then always happened like that but I've said it forever these storms they are alive they are breathing they want warm moist air that's their food supply that's what they need if they don't have that they will weaken and they will die they don't want to do that right so they'll hug the boundary weren't though they'll keep their hooks where the updrafts are running right through that boundary as long as they can and then finally they just can't anymore and they go north that's what's happened with the storm up north with Darren storm which did produce multiple tornadoes so lots of rain going on we're gonna have lots of flooding in northern Oklahoma are many of these counties under flash flood warnings there are several yeah yeah again folks another big story I know we're talking about the tornado threat today but there's gonna be a ton of water and there's gonna be a lot of flooding and there's gonna be people who want to drive into water don't do it turn around don't drown don't do it simply go the other way if your home you think you got to get out fine I do whatever but if there's water over the road that bridge or that tinhorn or that low water bridge or whatever could be gone it could be wiped out and you drive over water thinking your road is still there and it's not you pop into a hole and it's good night Katrina right so don't drive into water and this is going to be another problem we have this evening and into tonight okay so tornado warning now for noble County tornado warning from Blaine County tornado warning for Beckum County and tornado warning for Harmon County for tornado warnings right now to the north of Oklahoma City to the west of Oklahoma City and to the southwest of Oklahoma City I'm looking at Allen shot he's almost into view of the mesocyclone and we'll get a good picture of that we'll get a good picture of that okay let's go up north now do we have Darrin Stephens shot we do don't we have Darrin in the get nur let's go to Darrin Stephens he's on the noble County storm which was the Canadian Kingfisher Logan County tornado let's go to Darrin let's bring his shot in control room they're telling me they don't have it what 123 I'm being told yeah we're looking at it we have it okay well she's telling me we don't we have 124 let's take it let's take it let's take 124 Darrin that's Darrin let's take let's take it there it is Darrin we have your shot up and that storm has produced multiple tornadoes go ahead give me an update and works you're seeing right there coming in from the Northwest okay well we've lost him okay let's come back to what's going on right now link Street Jason will you take care of that okay all right let's see what's going on let's go to links three and again this is that storm that Darrin's on right here this is the one that's produced multiple tornadoes okay that's moving up through it's now left Logan County it's coming into Perry there's the hook in Perry tornado warning for Perry and then from you from up north here and Dara's right there we have to get Darrin is he in the line okay I want to talk to Darren bring up Darrin don't worry about a shot I don't care about a shot just bring up his voice let's go to Darren Darren give me an update on what you're seeing with that rotating wall cloud it looks like about a week and some go ahead Darren there's no there's no audio okay we'll figure that out Cori once you handle that please okay we cannot hear Darren I can hear him but I can't hear him one of those kind of deals all right well Darren is there the circulation notice how we ramped back up to that red it was pretty intense right there and now it's not as strong as what it was so I will do a storm track on that too that's going from dis west of Perry it's going to Red Rock here's the good news about this it's it's below and behind the front it's behind the front so that tornado threats gonna be it's gonna be lower do we have Darren back in the system pardon me do we have Darren I know we have a shot but can I talk to him okay let's go to Darren we're gonna take his shot he's in Perry Darren Stevens give me any day go ahead dare and take it go ahead what do you see hey David the area of circulation is passing just to the west side of Perry right now but the good news is this thing is racing towards the north side of that boundary we're sitting here in 58 degree dew points according to our anemometer here and so it's moving into a environment that's less favorable for tornadoes now this thing there's got a a really good circulation to it but no Donnell's no tornadoes or anything like that right now we've got a good eye on this and we changes we're boarding immediately to get back to you all right there we go great job there Darren Stevens now remember Darren he's chased for us many many times he's from our he's one of us but he's from our sister station in Tulsa and he's chased countless tornadoes over the years a veteran chaser so we've got Darren Stevens in the mix like I said we doubled our resources on trackers and our choppers today two choppers and the largest by far team of trackers in the entire nation out doing what they do today so we have doubled everything up to let you see every one of these storms and exactly what they're doing that's exactly what's what's happened so far today David each track is ready on links for for that okay okay let's do that let's go to Lakes for and there it is there's a rotation now it's gonna be just northwest of Perry okay it's going to Red Rock at 4:43 and every year we have to bring it back in the mix I know a little bit of paradise casino I know I got to get there someday seven clans paradise casino there's another one and then I'm talking about soon or late all right so it's just northwest of Perry area of circulation and again it's headed to the Northeast Marlon I tell you what we probably need to put Marlon in the in the box just to be safe Marlon at 450 - yeah let's go - Allen okay but no tornado on the ground north of Perry strong rotation Darin is there let's go - Allen Barozzi and Allen what do you think is it on the ground you see a funnel give me an update in Southwestern Oklahoma down in Harvey we've got a funnel about halfway to the ground this is south of Hollis Oklahoma probably three or four or five miles let me let me double-check that it may be six six miles and we've got got rising motion in okay the funnel the funnel is still still there but it's trying to it's trying to lift I had a fun one that's off and on for the last six or seven minutes and this moves north into the Hollis area they look back to you yeah there it is okay so that's a Southwestern Oklahoma storm that's the Hollis storm down here Allen is south of Hollis this is Harmon County these are what we call tags now and these will sometimes this is this is the wall cloud these are the tags hanging down remember the mesocyclone nothing I mean from from the base of the cloud upwards okay the mesocyclone is from the base of the clouds all the way up and it's spinning its spinning above your their heads right now this whole area is spinning thousands of feet that miles up miles up it's spinning and as it gets tighter and tighter and faster and faster things will begin to happen the base of the cloud or the thunderstorm will try to reach down towards the ground that's the form of the tags and if those get tighter and the circulation gets stronger then we get a funnel and then if it touches the ground we get a tornado but you can see these tags here hanging out no tornado on the ground let's go to links three and let's talk about the areas of circulation that we have again we've got the tornado warning going on for Beckham County Justin is what small ready doing right now yeah heading north right now okay why is he so far south because he's in middle 50 degree air with a north wind right there yeah so we were we were going down to the boundary so those storms are well north of the boundary so yeah yeah yeah okay I'm showing him down in Harmon County it's GPS because of just a bad cellphone connection okay he's farther north yes he is okay thanks for the heart attack I'm good now yeah I'm good yeah it's in North in the battery and then the hook quickly starts to yeah rode away yeah and that's a great thing because the hook it right over Eric let's go to let's go let me well look right here see the hook see how impressive it is and then it gets up here and it just kind of gets mushed into it and that's because it's it's writing it that cold fronts right here that warm front it's so cool behind it that if the front weren't there today we would have all kinds of problems with these storms to our West and Northwest we've already had enough problems but this thing is hitting this cool stable air it's still going to be severe it's still going to produce large hail damaging winds absolutely but again it's it's running into the cooler air the more stable air and when it does that it weakens so bring it on well hope hopefully this will just continue throughout the afternoon won't have to worry about it but we have a lot a lot of unstable air still left south of this boundary i-40 south the air is very unstable very unstable howl or if anybody has anything okay what I'm looking at Allen shot let's go back into set by the way there's some big hail in here possible funnel cloud Allen's trying to look at real closely ok all right holler fee gets anything with that we might go back to him just a second so big hail near Mayfield southwest of Berlin southeast of Sweetwater what does he have he has a possible tornado on the car let's go let's go back to Allen go back to Allen go back to Allen rosy take your shot Allen Allen you're all is is a tornado on the ground yes it was on the ground close to the Hollis area maybe just slightly to the southeast there it is okay it's wrapping rain right now I've got Earl hold the camera looking out the window to the side here we're trying to get out of the bus and back to the pavement get up straight north of us right now probably yeah straight north my GPS location David okay Allen how close is a tornado to use to your southwest about two miles north of you okay so you're driving north you're looking back to you know less now we are driving to the east concrete road coming up here we're gonna get back on it and hit north okay okay okay so can you see the tornado on the ground right now okay it's rain wrapped right now David pretty positive it's on the ground it's 3/4 of the way down okay who has power flashes okay all right Alan get back to your road stay in place but keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving okay Alan's gonna get back to a better road and he'll get back in position here so there it is and he's looking off to his north will look back to his Southwest guys you guys see this down here we have two areas of circulation Darren I was talking to Darren power flashes north of Perry okay all right we'll go back to Darren here okay so tornado warning for Harmon County area of circulation there Allen thought this produced a tornado just a few minutes ago Allen face and this produced a tornado just a few minutes ago south and east of Hollis and that's what that area of circulation and then we have been warning the new hook back to his Southwest guys the Justin the new mezzo scum is getting stronger behind him yeah includes portions of Jackson almost a Duke yeah it's yeah we'll see it's gonna have to really work hard to get in it yeah if it turns right just saw his next another power flight okay let's go back to Darren Stevens control room let's take Darren shot possible tornado on the ground let's go back to Darren Stevens and Darren give me an update rotation continues to be strong with that storm it's going up and down but give me an update on what you've seen here if you've got power flashes then we've got a tornado we've got problems give us an update yeah David that's right I believe we're in a tick cycle with this storm right now we're on 77 north of Perry right now we just crossed Bear Creek the locals here that's our general reference but we've seen two power flashes in the past I don't highway 77 so that tells us that this relation is near the ground we have not seen any power poles reasoning like that down yet but the local police Highway Patrol and fire are all out here who see any damage will report it back to you David all right great job there Darren so once again Darren is gonna be north of Perry about six miles power flashes possible tornado and you can see what's going on there there there got the road blocked here but you're gonna get through that but this is where that circulation is and he said a northbound it's right in front of him a man this is what the problem is when you get north of that boundary it looks like this Red Rock has a southeast wind David and it's 63 degrees 63 that that's that's a little warmer okay my tribe is it trying to lift to the north just a little bit yeah maybe if it gets warmer than that we'll have to really start paying attention you know farther up into northern Oklahoma okay so let's go back to reflectivity let's come back to Lynx three and take a look at it here this is the tornado warning it continues for Red Rock we'll do a strong track on that it's gonna head up towards like we said Marlon seven clans casino remember this storm is the one that produced multiple tornadoes multiple tornadoes about an hour ago and they were it was on the ground for 45 minutes we had two tornadoes on the ground the same time we brought those to you live and area of circulation now is right here right here growing right up 177 right up 177 you can see the storm that wouldn't call hey listen II track for the shear tracks where the spin is and you can see that there's where it is there's where the circulation has been and this was all tornado in here this was all tornado on the ground in here for sure okay so there it is Darren's on it we'll do a storm track let's go to links for Red Rock at 447 Red Rock 447 a little bit of paradise casino 454 455 so if you live in around these areas same old story folks center part of the house lowest level right we got to get to that safe spot okay and we've got power flashes being reported by Darren Stevens on highway 77 now north north of Perry here a pretty good distance south of Sears south of Sears and south well southeast of Billings see the inflow notch right here that's the inflow nice that's what Darren Stevens is looking at okay so tornado warning continues for you folks in Noble County let's back out here just a bit got a bearing straight you know where it's going from there it's going to southeastern K County so Marlon maybe maybe Ponca City you folks in Ponca City you need to watch this it's gonna go right up and over you it's really gonna try to come right overhead in Ponca City even though you're not as unstable and your temperatures are a lot cooler it's gonna go up and over and on top of Ponca City there's the hook it's a little dirty it's a little muddy Darrin Stephens is right there and he's gonna keep tracking it north okay let's go back down the line talking about our blank County situation what's that storm looks like now is that what's well north of the boundary okay no longer tornadic no it's no longer tornadic yeah what's that sirens and Sarah blowing right a warning so continuous down there yeah and we'll go back to that okay so the the tornado warning we had earlier for Blaine County is now gone that storm has weakened you know why they got north of the boundary it got in the cool air so that that's good news we need to stay there just stay there and die there right but we got to watch these storms that are either on or just south of the boundary okay let's get into Southwestern Oklahoma you know again Elk City sare Elk City sare sirens are blowing looking at Allen shot and we'll go to Allen here in just a second marty is getting back in position Bobby pain coming in from the east and I'm looking at Marty Logan shot but right now you folks in the sare tornado warning for you is it's still in the 50s is there it is it is 56 degrees yeah 34 in Elk City oh cool what's too cool on a day like today that's too cool it's not cool enough that you won't have large hail and damaging winds golf-ball-sized hail and maybe larger win 70 miles an hour but it's just too cool the updrafts cannot they can't live on that they can't live on that okay so tornado warning though facially does continue for again ser up towards Elk City but the circulation it's north of the boundary as long as it stays there it's gonna be a wind and hail threat with a very very low tornado threat but if I live in Elk City you folks in Elk City I know you're watching and we appreciate that but you need to be watching this thing to the southwest right we all need to be watching this coming in now what Lacey give me an update on the wind right now in like Bessie or Cordell Bessie has a north wind 25 it's 55 degrees right well that's changed Weatherford has a north wind 20 miles per hour it's 57 okay Hinton has a south wind hidden has a south wind yes well Weatherford has a north wind at 25 that's the boundary right there yeah so from about hitting back down to Vinson you ever take is where the boundary is Eric's wind just now came around out of the south maybe some type of been influenced by that storm right lights out that still 56 degrees okay so yeah the boundary is is the front which is the difference between tornadic storms and no tornadic storms is running now pretty close to Sayre pretty close to sarah it Matt was just telling me the tornado warning in Noble County has been allowed to expire so the only tornado warning is we have or the well is the one the one to write a warning in Harvin County okay all right let's go back to Allen and get an update from Ellen Barozzi Allen rosy is making his way back around here and we'll get an update from Allen Allen your storm continues to be strong big isolated supercell down there all by itself what do you think give me an update on the rotation right now we have a lowering loss to my left here which is north we're headed east to get back on pavement and and get north back ahead of it and we can do that right now that storm does have a lowering it's had a couple of tornadoes and you'll have to bear with me on the noise here this this road is pretty full of rocks and holes but yeah the law is still there David it looks like it's about oh four miles north of us now at least it's getting rain wrapped so we're gonna have to get north back under it thank you also Jim excuse me also Allen we have the other area of showers coming in from the south we'll see what that does when it gets there but there's another pocket if some showers coming in from your south and that sometimes can ramp things up or it can bring things down it kind of goes either way but often it will kind of energize a storm system let's go back to Lynx 3 and to take a look and go to shear rate if we can there it is and there's the eerie spin its talons north let's keep him going north yeah and let's go back to reflectivity and there's the hook right there keep some ahead of it will be coming in from the north and there's the area there's the hook right here clearly see it right and it's it's it's headed up towards Gould it's headed up right now it's gonna go on and west of Gould okay what's Allen saying okay what's deer and shot look like I'm looking at it oh I see okay yeah does he have a funnel okay welcome back in a second okay so Southwestern Oklahoma this is the only tornado warning had an effect right now big supercell big hook Allen bro Z's looking right at it it's right out his window rotation yes and that's his shot right there that's his shot he's so close to it it's it's really so close to the car it's kind of okay and Jan is telling me that Fayette that on Facebook sirens are going off in Tennessee now okay so let's go I want to point out this storm little shower here over Lewis is coming in from the south we'll see what that does when it comes into the hook but there's the hook southwest of gold okay okay let's uh let's do a storm track on that kasi you've got one up let's go to links for and links for control room and there's the storm track on the hook this is still capable of some large hail quarter golf ball might be some tennis ball sized hail in that but for sure quarters or maybe some golf balls moving northeast Mangum at 518 willow 532 lone-wolf 543 and Hobart at about 557 okay Hobart at about 6 o'clock Sentinel six o'clock rocky 606 and Knut 6:15 Faust at about 6:23 and the waters new parking clinton at about 6:30 six on the long ways away from there but two nonetheless you can see the the shape here we call that the screaming eagle there are the wings of the eagle and there's the beak right let me say this often you don't want to be where the beak is that's never good that's the hook but it looks like a screaming eagle slamming into the southwest right but swings back and it's never a never a good sign to see that's for sure but that is a that's a big storm down there that things in excess of 50,000 feet up that is a big storm and there's your time lines again Mangum 518 sent no 559 retry 549 Rocky we've been talking about rocky too much lately the last couple of weeks rocky at 606 where you had the tornado a lot the week before last in Rocky just north of Hobart so okay that's what's going on we got that storm covered Allen Rosie is right there let's come back north and let's go back to Lynx three and show you some of the good idea they're showing the rainfall totals here and these are just today these are this afternoon was this three inches two to three a couple of four inch totals in there yeah you guys yeah we're still looking at the flooding because these storms a lot of them have kind of been training over the same area so these are flash flood warnings basically all up and down this area from Fairview to Enid to Billings back up to Newkirk including Medford back down to Leedy and Cheyenne anywhere from one to two to three to locally four inches of rain and it's still kind of training over that same zone somewhere up in here it is very very possible that we end up getting totals closer to six seven even eight inches by the time this whole thing is said and done no one wants to see that that is way too much water but that's definitely possible so that's what we've seen so far over just the last few hours this has been going on in reflectivity back ongoing Cassie Lacy talking about the flooding we did have that report of the flash flood a flood waters over highway 11 that's four miles east of Medford up there in Grant County make sense and also on links for we've got a picture he's been getting pictures being sent in from viewers of some flooding going on and so obviously the flooding is starting to pick up a little bit more that's up there in Fairview so the water stuff is gonna be a problem we still have a lot more to go yeah this is just getting started because really we've had this go through they were all kind of isolated storms now she this cluster of storms north of the boundary the rainfall rates are very very high and we still have that second round of a line of thunderstorms that will develop southwest and that's gonna be a big Rainmaker tonight yeah and some of the totals on the models or they've given us just let me check tremendous okay Wow look at the hook down there on that thing in southwest Oklahoma so once again right now these are all let's point out here these are all flash flood warnings to the north and west of Oklahoma City all right and then we have the one tornado warning in Harmon County that's the only tornado warning we have right now am i right on that there's a lot going on yes that's the only warning that we have that's for Harmon County and for a good reason it's a big storm okay let's go back down here again then we're gonna work this line and we'll check in with our trackers coming up let's go back down to Southwestern Oklahoma and zoom on in let's go to Lynx three and let me show you what I'm talking about on Lynx three this is the storm supercell isolated by itself big hook Allen's right there looking right at it and Allen is yeah he's right there Tom and Rob are coming in from the north that's a good thing and there's a circulation okay yeah it's getting much more of an easterly shove than the storms have so far today yeah it did it's hit a clip is it gonna go into Jackson County I'll be close yeah it's gonna be close it's gonna have to work at it but it's gonna be closed circulation again just north of highway 62 let's go ahead and go a little bit closer on the zoom here look at the hook on that folks now this is gonna do something to it here this is either gonna ramp it up or ramp it down if you will let's see the showers here coming in from the south they've weakened some but that's gonna be some rain cooled air that's gonna try to come in from the south and sometimes that can I can change things just a bit but that's gonna come in from the south there's the hook now Allen's gonna get back up to highway 62 and that's gonna go to Russell it's gonna go to Mangum it's gonna go to Hester okay so we need to watch it down here if you folks are in Southwestern Oklahoma northwestern far northwestern Jackson County in southwestern Greer County tornado warning for you this is gonna go into Greer County no doubt about it okay so Justin Allen's on the move right and we have Tom coming in from the north yeah he just that he stopped right now yeah he needs to be southbound and down don't let it overrun him but getting closer okay another tornado warning out I want to point this out near Memphis Texas possible tornado with that you know where that's going that's going in Oklahoma so Hollis this one barely missed you as far as the tornado threat the one out to your west it's it's it definitely we have to watch it it's a big storm okay let's come back up the line here it's go to Elk City and ser talk about our friends out here and here's i-40 that's a big storm there wow that's a that's a that's a good sized storm now coming into Elk City right now okay that's well north of the boundary though right let me double check out city again yeah okay so the north wind is 54 degrees okay 54 degrees in oak City yes okay that's not gonna produce the tornado that's gonna produce some wind and hail for sure and it is rotating I want to point out it is spinning but it's all mid levels the the ground temperatures the surface temperatures are again there in the 50s it would have to go so hard and fast and tighten up so fast to be able to do that and uh it would be rare okay so it's behind the boundary there's a strong area of rotation now moving through Elk City we're watching it but once again it's behind the front it's on the north side of the warm front which is cold right that's why this storm is not producing a tornado if it hadn't done that we'd have a tornado on the ground right now we'd have a tornado on the ground so that's what's going on okay so supercell here strong rotation but I want to point out it's mid-level rotation nuts surface that's a good thing to have middle of rotation just means damaging wind and hail right low-level rotation strong yeah we've got problems okay so we've had that one storm that really put down kind of a swarm of tornadoes a couple of hours ago from Canadian County into Kingfisher in Logan County that's gone that storm it's not gone gone but it's weakened now no longer tornadic but put on quite a quite a show okay let's zoom into the line here guys let's let's stay with links three let's go ahead and take a look at these other storms here vows right here in Kingfisher let's go to Val caster and these storms are really lining out along this line and we talked about this earlier if they line out that does limit that tornado threat as well it can that's a good thing Val caster you've seen quite a lot here the last couple of hours now back down the line and temperatures again behind the boundary are fairly chilly and that's a good thing right now it's keeping that tornado tornado threat on the low side at least on and behind the boundary give me an update as you go through Kingfisher yeah David that's right I mean the the front or the outflow boundary whatever you want to call it that's basically it's a line of cooler much cooler air we just passed through it just about six miles east of Kingfisher there I have a feeling it's moving a little bit to the southeast but that any of these storms that go north of that boundary the basis rise on them and they start to lose their low-level rotation pretty quickly so that that is a good thing and it is a limiting factor for tornadoes it's really saving a lot of these areas in the far north we just passed under an area of rotation David about three miles east of the boundary and and you could tell it was a weakening area basically was a leftover area with this storm but that's pretty much gone now we're gonna go south and we're gonna try to get back south of the boundary and set ourselves up again David yeah and well that's gonna be the deal as you know we when they ride the boundary with the hook still hanging south of the boundary we're gonna have problems when they get well north we're okay but flooding is gonna be a tremendous problem obviously up north and obviously that tornado threat will continue so Val's gonna ride the boundary because any storm that develops on or near the boundary he'll be right there looking right at it we'll check back in with Jim coming up here in just a sigh okay let's go to links three and talk about the storms up north no tornado warnings in effect lots of rain folks we're gonna have a lot of flooding up here I can't say it enough possibly historic flooding maybe right big-time flooding this is not gonna end anytime soon any any information on what the latest totals and maybe a little off on them on some of the data but I mean the totals still through overnight tonight through early tomorrow morning five to six to ten inches of rain this is a very basically where the bout along that boundary so from the northern sides of the Metro all the way up yeah into Enid and Kate County which I mean called Lake still what 20 25 feet above normal yeah I mean we don't need any more rain and we're gonna have some major major historic flooding when this is all said and done and with this now David right here where you were just talking close to the boundary just north of Val that little area of circulation is now tornado warned to south okay east of Enid okay a Bering Strait here Carol zoom out for you okay that's what that right there yes okay hey Greg Greg let's he's in clear let's pull him northeast yeah pull him up northeast up towards Perry I yeah let's let's tell everybody Justin what's that are you good okay Justin yeah Darren going back on that enos door Darren tornado Warren storm in Garfield County okay let's just take a look at it here this is a new tornado warning again this is look where it is it's south of the boundary the hook is barely I mean we are splitting hairs here literally it's on the north side of the boundary you get wind and hail and flooding you get south of the boundary by a few miles and you get a tornado threat it's right here it's gonna be just south of Marshall okay yeah there you go so there's a rotation there pretty strong and what about velocity on that does it look like anything at all it's kind of messy yeah at the moment all the data is kind of messy right now lots of moisture in the atmosphere Blotz dew points are very very very high so it just makes it a little more challenging when you're when you're looking at radar and looking at different different thanks for going on okay so yeah okay so the tornado warning is gonna be for you folks in Marshall from there up to Lucien up to Perry okay it is moving 4550 miles an hour yeah Peri Peri Peri Peri okay let's tell Darren Stevens justin is Darrin aware okay ok Darren's coming back to the west we're gonna check in with Jim Gardner he has refueled he is ready to go and again this is the new tornado warning which is right on the cold front or warm front I keep saying that it's truly it is it is lifting back north but it's it's really stationary right now and it is chilly behind it but see this thing hanging out here tornado warning now for the storm in northern Logan County in southeastern Garfield County tornado warning for that okay Cassie we have a storm track let's go to links for we'll take a look at it here and there it is Lucien at 510 Lake Perry 517 downtown Perry 522 with the tornado back to your Southwest possibly developing it's gonna go right over Perry or pretty close to it it's gonna be very very close Sears 530 to Red Rock 536 a little bit of paradise Casino 544 Marlin at about 544 as well and sooner lake and at 5:45 a lot of folks fish on sooner Lake and it'll be there close to 5:45 all right West Lake Ponca at 602 still the ways away from that but it's on the boundary it's it's right here let's go to velocity data anything that sticks out and are you yeah okay yeah okay anything we're here right and see what it looks like yeah that's right here isn't it it's still there okay what's velocity data look like okay what about shear rate anything we're just we're going through all of our tools here - yeah okay well there it is so tornado warning again northern Logan County southeastern Garfield County and then from there it's going to where Darrin Stephens is and Darrin has this thing coming in on him it's gonna be on him pretty fast pretty fast okay let's go back down the line here and let's check in with Jim Gardner let's bring in Jim shot Jim is right here looking up with that area of circulation to his north Jim Gardner we have your shot up now we're gonna take your shot and there's that area of span Jim and it is rotating it's just south of the front which it is still open to breathe the storm is that is still alive and well as the Muslim side clone is now South give me an update of what you think Jim looking off to your north there we're just cross the Cimarron River kind of northeast looking back at that you can see the gust front in front we just flew around that there's a packing a pretty good wind out in front of this but right now we don't see too much happening in there day we saw we saw a couple little tags in there but again we're in a very good spot here to give you a good picture right now nothing but maybe a heavy winds out in front of this and heavy rain and we'll keep you updated Jim Thorpe went live for Bob Mills got his 9 back to you okay all right great job there Jim Jim has seen a lot today we'll get that video back up here in just a second and I'll show you what we had going on earlier today when we had two tornadoes on the ground at the same time they were not violent tornadoes but they were tornadoes and Jen when we get that video ready just holler and we'll take that so this is Jim Gardner making his way on that northern storm this is going to be for far northern Logan County into Noble County going to Perry it's going to Perry it's going to Perry right now okay let's take a look at the compilation video this is of everything as far as tornadic today and this is earlier that storm is now well up in a noble County and this is when the whole thing began to take off we had the lowerings there and this thing was really really spinning and we'll get this video going here and it really began to begin to ramp up and there it is there's your tornado that was one of the many of the day several hours ago and it was on the ground here you can see there you go now it's on the ground you can see the condensate and there is some debris in the air right here there's the left and right side of the cone coming in right there and this was earlier 343 near Crescent okay and there's the cone hanging down it's kind of a ragged weak tornado but nonetheless that was that was the tornado there and then this area continues to spin and then we got that there's the tornado on the ground there right there's clearly the cone the condensate was a cyclone above it and we had that on the ground when we had that on the ground live at the same time two tornadoes and again they were they were fairly weak there were not violent tornadoes but look at their 22 on the ground okay that was at 354 again near Crescent look at there a little wisp just water and there's the other one that was on the ground the same time so that is a little nutty it you don't get that every every storm and there it is right there snaking down kind of say there you go a little spin up there got some wind out ahead of it but that's the tornado back there little vortices right there so anyway yeah it's been an exciting afternoon so far and we still have more severe brother to go in Southwestern Oklahoma has really started to come up some yeah let's do it let's go back here let's go to common Rob too by the way and we're going to take their shot okay look at that the hail core is just on top of South the Reed there's the hook over Russell Allen Rosie's eastbound he'll make the turn tom is right there and I want to get an update from Tom looking off to the southwest tornado warning continues again from Mangum back down towards Russell Tom Pastrano you're coming in from the Northeast we have your shot up give me an update I want to see right now go ahead yeah right now I can see a lowering to our Southwest the lightning is definitely increasing with the storm I don't see any photos or any tornado on the ground but there are quite a few hills down here and trees imagine ab down here in southwest Oklahoma but we are getting past that have a visual here shortly oh yeah so I can see there's there's a couple of tags but there's nothing on the ground right now back to you David okay all right great job there Tom get a little closer to it I'll get back with you you're closing it hard and fast let's go to Alan Rosie he is right there looking right at it and uh let's go to Alan bro Z shot same storm different perspective south brush in Oklahoma there it is we're watching this Alan you know it looks like it possibly is up rotating I know the missile site clone is is that just hanging down and lifting or is that actually lifting and turning no it's lifting and turning David is starting to pick up let's go we didn't have anything there and now it's a it's definitely lifting and turning and a half north between we'll just west of Duke and he's cool looking looking towards the river occasionally it will be going to mangle area we're gonna have to try to I try to get back out here Joe we've got a hundred cars out here 200 cars out here Chester's making travel really tough so these folks need to be really careful especially to get on the road thank you David all right now let's stay with it there it is folks his shots it's locked up he's in Southwestern Oklahoma sometimes a still coverage is not as good well not to mention today by the way our state has nearly doubled I'm joking but nearly double this population is size because of all the storm trackers that are here we have a high risk of severe weather a high risk of tornadoes and people fly in from all over the world and all over the country to come to Oklahoma to track this weather right so the roads are jam-packed full of enthusiasts people from around the globe they're here universities are here tracking the severe weather there are numerous chase crews here today and again our roads or pack Jam full of storm trackers right so that that's a problem it can be a problem big hook developing once again a track for you yeah near Russell and just southwest of Mangum it's gonna go just about over Mangum yeah yeah well I only thing is yeah I believe you I got you Jen but Alan shot you don't I mean it's we're looking right at it so it's it's not on the ground we're looking at it that's it right there that if it's on the ground good see it you'd see it when I'd see it so that that's it right there from Alan all right well if those guys get anything there's Tom and Rob shot okay let's go back to Tom and Rob Chuck real quick then we're gonna get back north let's go back to Tommy Rob looking at the hook let's go back to this this is live there's a wall cloud oh yeah that's a little different looking Tom give me an update rotation what do you think give me kind of describe what's going on there go ahead yeah right now I do see a lowering there's actually a small funnel you can see the funnel right there in my shot there is a wall cloud in there occurs rapid rotation actually this this funnel is getting better organized as we speak it could be getting ready to do something so people in Mangum really need to pay attention and take shelter this this is looking really really ominous right now there's a lot of motion in this wall cloud there is a funnel funnel yeah it we see it I'm just looking at Cassie's track 5:17 in Mangum 531 in Granite okay it's definitely getting stronger okay folks it's gonna try to produce a tornado look at the motion here this is not sped up this is live tom is that is that the funnel right there in the center Tom it it looks like a funnel to me on the left side of the wall cloud what do you think that's that's the funnel it's really trying really hard to do something I'd be really surprised it doesn't do something here in the next couple of minutes okay all right okay control room just let's go back to the three box left let's keep Tom shot up here let me see what's going on yeah everything here is going from right to left so that the center of it you got to figure out what the center of it is that's right here this is where it is right now oh yeah look at the motion there hey Tom Tom zoom zoom in on that for me zoom in on that circulation here folks at home watch this okay yep yep look at the motion Tom look at the motion in there tom yeah it's pinwheeling there's another funnel right there in the middle yep and that's that funnels halfway to the ground and it's about to touch down we got a tornado tornadoes on the ground tornadoes on the ground there it is tornado live on news 9 Wow that happened fast tornado on the ground okay okay tornado on the ground now in southwest Oklahoma it'll move behind this pole clearly condensate all the way to the ground tornado now on the ground is getting larger yes it is yes it is yes it is okay so substantial tornado now on the ground Tom's right they're looking right at it this is going to be you know the tornado is moving at 50 miles per hour it's a dangerous it's a it's a dangerous tornado Tom be looking to your right be looking to your right for another one I see debris I'm not sure if that's a tornado or inflow but you might have another tornado that's correct it looks like there was another tornado trying to form yes yes it looked like I saw something to the right okay so this is a Southwestern Oklahoma right now folks this is going to Mangum Wow it's 7.2 miles to the southwest of Mayim and it's movin gotta be every bit of 50 to 55 miles an hour okay moving at 50-plus miles per hour seven miles southwest of Mangum okay we've got problems tornado on the ground Wow look at the board he sees around this thing Oh makes me sick okay we don't want to see this okay okay multiple vortex multiple vortices on the ground Tom zoom into that for me Tom zoom into the vortices for me zoom all the way in yeah sue me I'm gonna see these things here I wanna see what we're doing look at the vortices on the ground here look at that okay so multiple vortex tornado on the ground this is in Southwestern Oklahoma this is going to Mangum it's going to make them Tom what do you think give me an update here it looks like it's gonna go to Mangum let's see is it gonna miss me on it I don't know it's not gonna miss it much if it is you folks in Mangum you got to go to your safe spots you've got about five minutes you've got five minutes in Mangum to go to your safe spot Tom go ahead go the circulation is actually getting wider there's a multi-port a tornado on the ground from the original funnel but if you look on the backside the whole circulation is getting wider and it's violent motion in there we could be looking at a big tornado in the making here yeah and that's exactly what we don't want bidding go ahead - go ahead talk more heading bigger now yep yep definitely getting bigger and wider yeah and that circulation like I said it's really really if this could be this looks like a violent tornado to get out no doubt about it okay this is this is becoming now a strong tornado it's not quite reached violent tornado strength yet but it's it's trying to go that way this is a strong tornado live on the ground on News nine in southwest Oklahoma this is live on the ground this is well into moving into Greer County you folks in Mangum Mangum Mangum and if you live west of Mangum you've got to you got to go to your safe spot you've got to go now okay let's keep Tom moving here let's keep you moving I'm worried about Mangum it's turning into a violent tornado look at the motion here it's it's it's going from the strong tornado mode possibly into a violent tornado okay let's keep him moving it okay alright yeah yeah just keep going north and try to get into Mangum here Tom okay so you saw the tornado live on the air it just happened tornado on the ground that is a strong tornado for sure that is a strong tornado southwest of Mangum okay look at the hook on this look at the hook if you're new to Oklahoma this is what it looks like let's go back two links three control room tom is gonna make his turnaround let's go back two links three control room look at the hook manga manga manga manga 5:17 in Mangum you've got like literally you've got like two minutes you folks in Mangum have you've got to get to your safe spot and if you live in Mangum or just west of town because we could make a turn go to Perry now as well okay all right let's go okay yeah let's go to leaks let's go to leaks one let's go to links one we've got a tornado again up north Jim Gardner has it Jim Gardner has it and and Darrin has it as well let's go to Darrin Stephens this is going to be able to and oh this is right on the boundary let's go to Darrin Stephens shot take Darrin Stephens shot control room another tornado on the ground control room take Darrin Stephens shot let's go to him Darrin go ahead Darrin give me an update tornado on the ground yeah this is just west of Perry David it is racing to the east due east it is just about two miles to the west of the ball fields out here west of Perry and another point was for if we get tornados now David right there you see the roof right there is one just form to the south of it yeah right here right here right here yeah Bri right there in the air power flashes and debris power with the 35th Street here on Perry it's west of i-35 okay okay okay let's guys give me up okay Darren are you in are you are you west of Perry he's west of Perry yeah you listen Terry okay so it's gonna go on or just north and west of Perry but we can't count on that you folks in Perry have got to get to your safe spot because this storm is producing multiple tornadoes at least two in the last five minutes you folks in Perry have got to go to your safe spot okay you lifted down okay it whipped it down okay all right it's lifted all right Darrin stay with it stay with it this thing is right on the boundary that's why it's able to produce the tornadoes that it's producing and we had that live on the air again another live tornado golly okay let's go into Southwestern Oklahoma here I'd say well let's go to Jim Gardner my bad let's take Jim Gardner shot and get an update from Jim he's on the same storm that Darren Stevens is on and Jim it looks like that still it looks like the tornado might have lifted it was on the ground for just a few seconds there it looked like but maybe a minute or so give me an update what's what's that right there Jim is that on the ground there it is it's on the ground again there it is yes Jim we're Origins right out - it's right up my left side of the ground again David we first arrived there we had multiple power flashes in the town of Orlando here but you can see it right there on the ground David yeah no that's the tornado it is it is on the ground or at least it's intermittently on the ground live from Jim Gardner live from Darren Stevens we've got this storm covered and Jim's looking right at it a lot of lots of light brights in here okay I don't see it on the ground boy I sure did there for a second it was condensate all the way to the ground okay there we still on the ground David you can see it right there yes still on the ground okay Jim Jim tell me your exact location you're here oh you're crossing I 35 and you're looking off to your north is that right no I'm looking off to the west I'm on i-35 and actually I'm kind of looking off I'm kind of yes yes yes okay if we look at the street scope you can see Lakeview Road right there okay rotors right there okay and east of 16 rotors down further but the tornado is right there Wow we're just keep tracking right now I'm right over i-35 coming on the east side of I 35 right okay Jim I'll keep this in mind Darrin Stephens is six miles north of you and had another tornado like five minutes ago so different tornadoes on the line okay yeah I got well let's roll around okay we're going to come off this one because I think there's no come around to my right off my nose I hang on to my right off my nose all right hey Jim would you have Rick right there right there David that's where the other tornado is yeah it's to the north hey Jim would you have rich maybe slightly adjust the the lighting a little bit it's very very dark if you can just have Ridge just that okay yeah I know I know you got a million things going on at that here just a minute let me get out get out of here I know you got a million things going on I understand there we go we'll move over right here so right up north is where Darren is yes yes yes one Darren had yeah it's up here it up there when I looked I got emergency I got a mercy lights to the north on that road I don't know if you can see him fresh or not yeah I can't okay maybe your Ridge is the road right in there right right hey Jim Jim Jim real quick what's going on back to your Southwest one tornado on here one down here that I had David was just on the east side of Orlando we arrived at Orlando we saw several power flashes in the town of Orlando and went to roll around here read Jim Gardner Jim Gardner look back to your west southwest tell me what you see right now what do you see behind you what do you see back to our where we original where our tornado was okay look at the lights going off over towards Orlando right now yeah look at the motion tornado was yeah so the confusion was Darrin actually had one yes north and we had one sound yes yes yes you folks in Perry Lake McMurtry Lake McMurtry in southeastern noble County and Morrison and Perry you need to go to your safe spot two tornadoes that are not together there along the same yes it is there it is it's on the ground that's the tornado it's right here and look how early in the day it is it's just so dark it's right here I've got a message from Cindy in Perry said that she works at the ditch which factory you know it's right there right now the highway says the many of them were told to go home but there's probably still some workers that are still there they went home early in the day there okay yeah and still several that are still there she came home early she was a message to let us know I would assume that ditch which has a you know yes a ram rain-wrapped possible wedge west of Mangum right now so we're going back down that's our next stop okay so Jim Gardner's on that let's go to links three it's tabled links three lacy stay where you are I want to talk about this form up here real quick links three control room this is Perry there's one hook here south of Perry there's another inflow notch here so we're getting two areas of spin at least two areas of spin running from Perry back down to where Jim is right this whole area is trying to produce multiple multiple tornadoes if you live let's go to Tom let's go to Tom Tom Pastrano let's take his shot go to Tom go to Tom control Ramona water no control room large violent tornado okay there it is he okay he's in Mangum he's in Southwestern Oklahoma these people I don't know if these are storm trackers or what they're doing but tom is a hit Mangum is it gonna hit Mangum there's a tornado it it looks like it's gonna go just north of Mannion but anybody's on the west side of mango in Mangum you need to just take shelter this little large tornado yeah earlier it was the wedge 22 is actually it looks like it's getting smaller so that is a that is good news yeah I feel really really violent on the bottom there yeah it's moving very very bad yes it's it's moving at 50 miles per hour there's the right side of the tornado there's the left side of the tornado it's kind of hard to see that is a strong and has been a violent tornado this is in the town of Mangum Tom what direction are we looking we're looking off to the southwest right now you're looking to the north west northwest okay all right that's good for Mangum that's good for Mangum that's bad if you live north and northwest of Mangum this is coming at you you've got to get below ground you've got to go to your safe spot look at the cone here this is still I know it's a thinner tornado than what we had it is still a strong tornado possibly a violent tornado even though it's it's maybe not as wide and we think only the big ones are violent no no small thin tornadoes can be can be violent but there's the tornado Tom it looks like it's almost stationary right now yes absolutely he said he's getting strong RFD winds that's strong rear flank downdraft winds that's the Jetstream winds coming on the back side of the wrap he's looking off to his northwest these winds are gonna come in and slam him you still you're gonna miss a tornado a mango but you could have wind damage from that that is a problem okay keep that shot up control room let's put it over there that's what what what we're miles southeast of Marshall on the mezzanine in Logan County we just had a wind gust to 94 miles per hour in Marshall and Logan County yes yep that's that's tornadic what do they have anything from anything from a gym right I'm seeing anything from from Darren Justin no power flashes okay folks this is live from southwest Oklahoma it looks like a shot might've froze up here that is a tornado on the ground it has been a violent tornado at least a strong tornado going through Harmon County it barely missed it barely missed Mangum let's go to links three control room and take a look at it here okay this is Mangum this is Mangum Community College the tornado there's the hook right and it's going north west of town it's right here it's tucked back in here go to shear right it looks like it's right here it's right here yeah it's just right on the north west side of town okay engineers we need to get to his shot back up please talking about Tom it is up no okay okay because I don't see it here I see it but I don't see it okay yeah we need to get Tom Tom shot back in here okay big hook Southwestern Oklahoma okay next in line next in line what is a storm track it's gonna go to Granite you folks in Granite a lot of people live and around Granite we have the prison and Granite a lot of folks work there and again you folks in Granite this has been a big tornado and it's still on the ground it's still on the ground northwest of Mangum tom is right there looking right at it Alan Rosie coming in from the south and again this is moving off to the east hey Justin is Tom moving yeah he's got it he's got to move yeah he's moving it's just there might be some cell towers that might have been hit with those high winds okay that's fine just help he'll get another shout out what's Allen doing he's moving as well okay but there's a lot of traffic right now I know I know everybody will be coming in from the north side from Sentinel he's getting gas and then drops out okay hey let me back out let me see where that is okay yeah yeah yeah the path David it's it's moving more northerly than the track and the warning has and I think we need to start looking a little further up to the north as far as how this is moving it's moving to the Northeast yes it's not moving easterly bye-bye no no it's it's it's almost on really on a narrow line here right yeah yeah it's really close to willow yeah yeah let's let's go ahead and zoom on in there's a tornado right there north of town now it's north of town and hey Justin is he going south this is approaching highway 9 and highway 283 that intersection right he's going to eat ok back out of the seats go back out of this just a second lace to Mangum and then he'll go north the granite yeah he should've gone to 9 I'm thinking way too much traffic and it looks like it's occluding so ok the circulation might be to the east ah ok yeah yeah ok we have a lot of storm chasers here today folks a lot of storm chasers okay so tornado on the ground it's been a strong tornado possibly a violent tornado and it went right northwest of Mangum we were jumping up and down about Mangum and this Mangum by maybe a mile two miles okay and now from there it's going to the Northeast let's go to links for will do a storm track on that and a Cassie do me a favor on links for put on shear rate let me get my bearings straight here ok thank you and let's laughs that look at lapse just a second yeah ok Brickman Brinkman at 531 willow 534 retry 546 REE trop watch it this has been a strong to a violent tornado ok ticker Southwest we've had it live on the air in case you missed it Dyl city 603 Elk City 605 burns flat 606 and we're talking about Clinton the water zoo park at 623 and Custer City at 639 strong rotation now north Dabangg up north of Mangum crossing 283 and it's going into it looks like it's gonna go west of granite now definitely gonna go west of granite but from there it's gonna go up towards Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel Sentinel ok let's back out here just a bit on that let me see where everybody is look at that look at the classic classic dangerous potentially deadly supercell dangerous storm there that's pretty much what we were afraid of for today yeah that this is what we were jumping up and down about since last week like for ten days and we've we've had that happen we've had a strong tornado out of that possibly a violent tornado okay and then from there it's going to retry I can't say it enough if you folks in retry poor home if you're paying attention if you know somebody who lives in retrial they have to be thinking about what to do where to go and get ready who's coming in for the Northeast who's up here who's this Marty no no Bobby there yeah Bobby's there okay yep yep yep yep I like that we got to get we got to get Alan back in the game here what's going on the Texas Panhandle anything of any concern wind and hail right now these are not too scary not yet but the low level winds are just gonna get more conducive for tornadoes here this evening okay all right so big nasty supercell producing a strong to violent tornado it's in Greer County it's going to retry it's going to possibly Clinton and look at the hook on that look at the hook on that okay Justin what's Tom see Justin what's Tom see what is Tom see I know he's driving in the rain go ahead the last was no yeah David last I saw was an elephant trunk tornado it looked like it was getting weaker but I think it's probably reorganizing because I I'm looking back in that direction and I see a dark area I cannot confirm that on the ground right now back to you David okay good job there tom and once again the tornado it could be rain wrap like he said with strong rotation for sure like an this is in Southwestern Oklahoma this is where our trackers are there whether they're everywhere they're in northern central and western Oklahoma out ahead of this line okay so tom is going eastbound he's going to get back in a position this is that one storm that we talked about today that we said would probably be into western Oklahoma over the long track tornado that's what we have going on well right now Marty Logan is east of it coming in from the Northeast and if we can we can rewrite some of that video coming up okay so big supercell do we have the Hollis tornado the last one okay yeah Mangum okay so there's that big supercell and we're gonna do a storm track on that we'll get that ready that folks if you live in if you live anywhere in the Western or southwestern Washita County Sentinel burns flat Cordell you have to be paying attention to this this is a large storm this is a violent storm that has produced a strong to violent tornado okay down here just about 15-20 minutes ago we had it live on the air and it was wrapped in rain look look at the circulation couplet here look at that check it out boom let's go to shear rate and see what it looks like that cleans it up any yeah circulations right here still crossing west of granite you folks in granite I'd be in my safe spot right now I would do it story that's probably gonna go just to your West but I would I'd go ahead and do it classy classic supercell moving off to the Northeast okay let's come back north here and let's do a storm track on that let's go to links for when will did a storm track once again re trop 548 Sentinel 555 excuse me dill City 604 burns flat 607 Cordell 612 Foss 615 Bessie 618 this storm is not weakening it is still alive and well it has plenty of air to breathe and this thing is not gonna die until it is gone and this is what we've worried about today our long track tornadoes and again we've got trackers down here tom is right there tom is still looking east let's go back in and check in with Tom by the way Clinton at about 6:30 Clinton at about 6:30 and corn at about 628 Tom when you look back to your left there what do you see do you see the tornado on the ground tom no not right now I don't see the tornado I do believe if there is one it is rain rap what I'm trying to do is get ahead of the storm and get away from all the crowds literally hundreds of people on the road which is making it impossible to get any closer so I'm going to try to get away from them try to get ahead of it so I can get a better view of the executive it okay alright great job there Tom good job stay with it here Tom's gonna get east and then get back to the north let's come back into
Channel: StormSpotterMike
Views: 83,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OKdx59Q8w_E
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Length: 204min 31sec (12271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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