$799,000 FORBES COOPER 80' 1997 Classic Mini SuperYacht WALKTHROUGH & SPECS / LIVEABOARD Motor Yacht

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Hey guys, welcome to my channel! We are still  in the coronavirus lockdown here in Southern   California. Normally, would like to show you a lot of new boats. We do a lot of boat shows   premieres, but I was thinking would be kind of  fun to reach out to local brokers and to see   what kind of brokerage boats, used boats, pre-owned  boats, however you want to call it, what cool and   interesting boats we could show you guys. We are  on board of Forbes Cooper 80, which is gonna be a   pretty rare boat for a lot of you guys, that's  why I thought it would be very interesting. It   is Canadian-made. This boat has a pretty cool name,  it's called "Risk and Reward". We've been talking a   lot about liveaboards and different possibilities.  And this is a very interesting boat because it's a   pretty massive yacht. A lot of space, it's an older  boat, but it would make a pretty cool liveaboard. And here's the kicker. It was actually built in  1997. Alright, let's check it out - come with me! So here is the aft cockpit, it's got a really  nice sitting area here, a beautiful table -  beautifully done. A lot of room. The staircase  is going up to the flybridge. And should we   start inside. Yeah. Let's start with the salon. So  long, nice big sliding door. All right - come on in! It's got a really nice bar area. Actually super  cool bar area. It's got a big wine cooler fridge.   Nice set up here for glassware. The little working  bench, I mean that just that's really nice. It's   great for entertaining. Somebody likes wine.  Yep. Nice little wet bar that closes   with a sink. Let's see. It's got two different  sitting areas, which is kind of interesting   and unusual. I'm guessing this one is more of  a game room type of bar entertainment space   and the other one is more of a TV watching spot.  It's got a big 55 inch TV. Storage-wise in the   salon, you can see there's a couple of little  storage areas here on the bottom, also behind   Rico there. It's a really nice spacious  bright salon, great living room for someone if   wants to use it as a liveaboard boat. Totally.  Alright, let's come forward! All updated and   upgraded lighting - it's all LED lights now all around. So let's come to the galley. It's a separate galley on the port side. A really good amount of space. There's a lot of new   appliances and everything this is definitely not  1997 here. A lot of KitchenAid. It's got big oven.   Yeah it's got a great size oven. Oh yeah - wow nice. I am  jealous of this oven! Pizza night! Yeah, the amount of storage,    you know, it's really great is that a lot of older  boats, have a lot of nice built-in little stoppers.   Yeah it's really nice, because a lot of the newer  boats, I feel like are kind of missing the details.   When you're underway and it's nice. Nice large  side-by-side fridge/freezer combination. There's   a lot of room here. Lots of storage. Yeah lots of  storage you guys. Good countertop space. Really   nice galley. Good galley. Yeah good kitchen. And  then on the opposite side, on starboard we do have   your favorite! Go ahead. Love, love, love day heads.  If you guys don't know that - already, big, big pet   peeve of mine. Just put a day head, if the boat is  bigger than 7 feet, 7, 7, 70, 70 feet, put a day head on it.   Even on a 60 footer. Put a day head on it. I know  sometimes it's hard on the 60-foot. But 70 foot   oh for sure, like put a day head on it - it's really  nice to have. All right walking forward. Is that a dishwasher? I didn't even look. Oh yeah,  full-size dishwasher. Fantastic. Oh that is a great  galley - really nice! What are these? Tons of space a lot of storage in the galley. All   right coming more forward. We've got a big dining  room area. Really really big - Rico actually said   like, why would need such a big area. Seating for 8. But it's really nice you could have a nice   proper dinner. It's right next to the galley, but  it still feels kind of separate. It's nice really   nice. The windows are actually really  great, for the age of this boat. Its really cute. Look there is this little cute light up here. So  you've got the doors to go forwards. Port and Starboard,  on both sides. Also really nice if you want to  create a cross breeze and just open both doors   up. Don't even need to run the a/c. Totally agree. Lots of storage space here. Being nosy. Yep, even   like some kind of drawers right here. Okay, I know  it was updated with a sound system, and it's got its   got a lot electric electronic. It basically had  an electronic update, not necessarily a facelift,  but more of all the insides of the boats been  updated so. Yeah, they definitely started   a refit on the boat. Yeah, it's really good. All  right, should we go forward? Yep okay, so forward   we got a VIP. This is a really nice room.  It's a really cool cabin, it's got a little   TV, for all of you always asking me, if there is a TV in  the cabin. There is a TV in this cabin. That's   all upgraded recently. So closet on this side,  hanging closet on the port side. Also there   is a closet on the starboard side. Both of the  sides have nice little storage areas here. And a head. This is nice. Look at this. Nice little ensuite. Super cute, really cute. This is good space. Actually a really nice shower. And a good size shower too. It really feels like a house, you know for  you guys, that are not like real boaters. Just to   relate like this, it really feels like a nice-size  condo. Like a nice size apartment. The   shower. Yeah this will make a great little boat for sure. That's a good-size boat.   Alright, let's look at the other cabins. Okay,  I saw another door here. I'm gonna see what   that is. That's like a linen closet. That's big,  it's almost a walk-in. Yeah I would make it   a walk-in. Although this is not a master so  this is just a big VIP cabin. Alright keep going down   here. So kind of a midship here, we're going  to the starboard side first. Double cabin, I   guess there are two double cabins on each site. Closets. Good size hanging closets. Got all of this storage. Head here. So we got two single beds and an ensuite. Nice for guests for  sure. With a shower yeah. Really nice yep. That's great yep. Okay, so it's probably equal, I would assume  it's equal on the other side. Storage here, as well linen closet. Tons of storage everywhere. I  love that. Closet here as well. Yeah, so this one   is identical you guys. They look like, just mirror  image, image to each other. There's a TV as well.   A TV. Same head. Yep same thing. Yep. Which one  would you choose? Left or right, port or starboard?   Right - I like to be right! Yes. You're rarely right  though. You like to be right, you're mostly left. All right. Hey. Since we already up here you  wanna check out the foredeck? Yeah, let's do that. Really nice safe walk. Feels really solid  this boat. I mean the railings are, like you   know, waist height. All feels really  nice and solid. I mean you can definitely see   the design, you can see the the late 90s style of  the windows and hatches, but when you're inside   and actually some of the couches and  things could be even more updated, it feels,   it's hard to tell actually, that it is a 1997. Yeah it's good good size foredeck. Yeah   you can actually make this even more, sort of  enjoyable, in terms of cushions and kind of you   know, do a little cushion area here too to be  able to have more people sitting up here. Yeah.   Yeah really cool. All right, let's go up to the  fly or the pilothouse. Let's check out the master. That's right the master.  The master and the engine room. I forgot about the master. Okay. All right. So it's really  nice because you've got VIP and the two   staterooms forward. And then the Masters has its  own separate entry, separate staircase. Going aft. Come on down. And in the closet space  here, is great a lot of space everywhere.   Here's a master, full beam. Lots and lots of  storage. You see there's, looks like a big closet   here. See here hanging closet. It's  really, really good size. I am okay with this. It's really cute to have that little sitting  area and also be have like a little getting   ready area. Lots of storage on that side, on  this side, all the lower drawers, I'm pretty   sure. Yeah. There are big drawers here, like I have  on our boat yep, really good. What's behind this   door? Oh. Secret. Access to the crew quarters. Ah, check it out - Laundry room. Washer and dryer. It's like a standard house. There is the aft-facing door, that's the regular crew entrance door.  Yeah, crew entrance. And I mean if you really,   really like your crew, they can come to your cabin. This is a little cabin, crew cabin. Not that little   actually, feels pretty roomy. It's got a good  sized shower and full head shower sink   everything. Oh yeah, check out the shower good,  really nice. I bet on some of the newer boats that   we have seen. Nice walk-in. Totally. Okay, so we got that  door. Alright - let's check out the engine room! Yep. Storage. Yep. Fire Extinguishers. It's actually nice to have tall skinny storage for   like brooms and you know stuff you can never  find where to put that. So that's actually   great to have a little place like that. Yeah.  Got all your tank monitoring here - all the 24 volt switches not at all, but   a lot of them. Yeah. Generator controls. Some new  Cummins Onan generators were just replaced   as I heard! Two right? Two yeah. Okay, so the engine  room it's actually nice for an owner/operator,   it's a little big, but it's definitely doable.  You'll have maybe one, you know help, because   everything is there. The engine rooms right  here. Kind of great. All right. Turn it! All right. Here we are. Here we are! Two nice  big man engines, 1050 horsepower each yeah.   V12 man engines, 3400 hours on them yeah.  3,500 mmhmm yeah so barely broken in. Good   access though right! Yeah, good access for  the engine service. Got a water heater here   and some of the chiller systems right there.  Big diesel tanks on the outboard side. Yeah pretty good access, and really get a hand room - yep for working here. Got another water   heater right there, more chillers on the starboard  side. Let's get them. Good engine room. Yeah. I mean   it's definitely got plenty of headroom and  plenty of room to move around. It's not like   our engine room, which if you guys haven't seen  it yet check out the video right here to see.   Rico doing engine room yoga - a lot of fun. Okay  pilothouse, flybridge. Yep. Got a fire boy here.   We have one on our boat - right? We do yeah. How does  it work Rico, tell people! Some people don't know   what fire boy is. It's automated fire station.  Basically, if there's something happens, there's   a fire onboard, it automatically discharges.  And there's also a manual discharge, which is   kind of like behind the wall that, yeah you can  just pull in in discharges it. If it reaches a certain   temperature, in that specific area, in that room,  wherever it's mounted, at some point it will   just discharge automatically. What are we doing  next? We are going to the flybridge, pilothouse.   You know, all upgraded Garmin electronics,  new top loaders, three big screens. Three big screens. So yeah, it looks  like all electronics were upgraded recently.   It's definitely good for a cold climate,  because you can be nice and warm   here if you doing...comfortable... if do some good crossings. Okay, it's got a good...   it's air-conditioned, so even if it's warm you  just turn the air conditioner on. Yep. Nice look   out here, you can chill, hang out with the captain.  And tons of storage as well. There's is all of   your, you know, panel right there. Got all the  breakers here. There's a panel here as well. It's kind of a small, little flybridge here,  but it's got a huge barbecue. Big barbecue.   Ohh. That's a good size barbecue. Yeah. Let  the tender up on the top deck. Yep. So obviously if   you put the tender down, there's a lot more  room here, but..Yeah. It nice little seating area.   Yeah, What is this here? Wet bar? Staircase  down to the half cockpit, storage area. Okay, so what do we got here? So what do  we got? Somewhere here must be the generators. Yeah, the generators underneath. Brand   new. Two brand new generators underneath and  then we have a little bait tank here in the   center. We got a wet bar. You want to open it?  Yep, nice little wet bar, with a cutting board, so   you can fillet a fish. Which you caught freshly. It's big space, it's really roomy. This whole thing is a cutting board.  Yup. Oh, thats cool. I don't know, if I have ever seen it that big before. Okay. Comes in handy. For sure. It's a really big swim  step slash cockpit. The entrance to the crew quarters, that was on the inside is right here. Yeah. Yeah it's a big   space it's a really big space. Chair. Little  fighting chair. I think that's fine. I like   what they did with the, with the staples  here. If you I don't know if you guys can   see this, but they actually left it open. it's  exactly cut out and you can't really see the   bottom there, it's exactly cut out for rod, so a  function as rod holders as well. It's pretty cool. No these ones here. Oh that. So if you look inside there, yeah and  I can't get it in the camera, but you   do have the crossbar in there to place  your rod in there, and it doesn't turn. Interesting. Definitely a good size. Good size swim  step slash cockpit...I can definitely see myself living on this size of boat - I wouldn't need a bigger boat - it's a good size..and if you don't   like fishing you just put two  three lounge chairs back here,   and enjoy some time at the island.  Yeah well, here, "Risk and Reward". This concludes the tour of Forbes Cooper  80. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I hope we   gave you some ideas of what kind of  a big massive boat, little older boat   you can get for under a million dollars. It's  just maybe another option someone has not   ever considered. It's a rare boat to see  on the market. If you guys are interested,   all the details are in the description below.  Thank you so much for watching and as always,   please, please, please like, comment, subscribe,  share...really, really makes a difference! Ciao! Here we go. Do one more just in case. It' was pretty good, but do one more. We should have started there. It's fine. Let's just do that at the  end. We have 93 percent. So let's...should we    do it at the end, but let's not forget! All  right. Here we got a nice big glass sliding   door and oops. Bong .But really good...just banging into a wall. and as far as I remember the boat was recently updated with all   electric and electronics. Surprise you remember?  Did you do it? It's an automatic, automated engine,   non-automated fire spread, suppression system...I don't know how to say it. It sounds great.... suppression, suppression   system automatic.. it's an automate  it's an auto man automated fire extinguisher sure
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 643,345
Rating: 4.8346338 out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, super yacht tour, power yacht, yacht tour, yacht walkthrough, nautistyles, luxury yacht, ocean alexander, yacht, yachting, millionaire yacht, yacht charter, aft cabin motor yacht, liveaboard, boat life, sailing, house boat, nautical, liveaboard couple, liveaboard lifestyle, yachtworld, types of boats, forbes cooper yacht, 80 foot yacht, classic yacht, motor yacht, risk and reward, Aquaholic, the wynns, la vagabonde, zatara, yachts for sale, supercar blondie, Denison
Id: WYmINf_gmiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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