#798 Sweet mercy - we've got too much stuff to fix, from ailing HP laptops to Macbooks

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do looks like everybody's slack tonight hey andre seems like you're about the first person and only person here at this point seems like youtube's really putting down the thumb screws on me okay so the battery this frame goes down first it has been several weeks since i have actually done this disassembly and all it needed was a replacement charge port but by golly very few people actually stock the charge port and then it took about four weeks to get here hey d good evening no notifications at all hmm i'm not sure what's going on there but yeah apr all right hopefully i'll get everything done right here this is a case where you have a billion too many screws holding down a chassis it's a little bit of an overkill makes me thankful at least that the job fingers crossed is only just a bad jack i even ordered it from the united states but it seems that ordering things from the united states is in itself almost a guaranteed way to have dreadfully poor delivery times all right now the fun part which is of course trying to work out which of these many many screws goes where i think we can take a good estimate that the longest ones go into the hinges it's a fairly um reasonable starting point this is a 34 37 from the other night they can get a hell we'll get this out of the way so i can get on with other jobs hey richard travis andrew hey jim good evening jim christian all right this is the fun thing when you're working on macbooks is that you end up with a whole lot of drivers on your workbench and not too many of them a plain boring old phillips head all right so you're gonna be but that makes me wonder where's the bottom bottom case for this oh where is the bottom bottom case for this ah sweet blimey heck was it even supplied with one i can't see anything in this slot where it was resting just seems a little unusual for it to turn up with nothing but that but that like i said i don't see it anywhere so me no c bottom shield therefore wait what's this no no you're a lenovo you're definitely not compatible yeah i'm suspecting it arrived like this happen all right so here we go this is the great guessing game of how many hinges can i budge up that feels a little bit too shallow okay i'm thinking this one over here yep okay so you want to get about 80 of the screw into a hole and then give it a good twist and it should tighten up theory there are markings on this magnesium chassis that would should tell me but since when do you trust the markings especially when you can't read such small writing as is my case yeah you go look i really didn't know myself i believe it's when i messed up momentarily with an smc and lewis decided it was funny for some reason it was a very serious matter but lewis decided he was going to laugh at it as a typical cruel heartless person that he is hey ratmul all right so far not too destructive i'm going to have to go into the microscope to read these i'm pretty sure though it says 2x3 then to be honest almost all of them look like 2 by threes except for a couple around here and these are more two by five or two by six so two by six and there's one odd screw here that's about a 2 by four i think i'm gonna second guess it was that one there which pretty much leaves everything else to be the two by threes the joys of eliminating things this is going to be a long slow process not as bad as doing a macbook keyboard but we'll just keep persisting we'll get through it you don't really see these magnesium casts very often in machines anymore okay that one there feels a bit funny so i'll come back and have a look at that later it could just be a case of sometimes you get a screw that's got a slightly damaged thread and just decides it doesn't want to dance with what you're trying to put into it okay you're something else used to do support for hp and they're all a pain in the butt yep that's pretty much what i found i very quickly became weary of hp they would certainly produce a machine that had a nice sort of compactness you know for the features you're getting but the downside was of course that they were exceptionally annoying to work on all right we have the first of our problems here we've got multiple screws left over let's see what about you okay that one goes in there that's good that was lucky let's see what about these guys in the back here all right it doesn't feel like those two there are correct and go one lift which could be that one i don't know why but you feel like you've had a bad day let's have a look at why this screw feels like it's had a bad day and it's a metric 2x3 but for some reason it seems a bit chewed out but yeah it's definitely marked two by three same as them the mall two by three two by three so it's definitely a 2x3 but for some reason the screw doesn't want to go into it properly so say someone's probably jammed the wrong screw in there over tightened it and caused the thread to get mangled amc rams do you prefer mc rams or mc hammer or mook rams okay a bit of extra prejudice and it's screwed in and that's everything so i definitely did not have the bottom case in this case because if i did i would have spare screws all right let's see if there's even charges oh you know what helps before i do that plug the battery in it's one of those slightly important items on the list okay no flash bang that's a good start hey fix it bro the hinges are a bit sloppy okay so come up for an instant all right that's charging intermittently i'm kind of worried this connector here might have been damaged keyboard backlight is on nothing on screen see if the chipmunk says anything chipmunk says someone has mangled their usb port beyond repair there idiots all right cmos checksum is invalid fair enough i really don't know what it's up to at the moment maybe i need to press f9 or something like that where the heck's the on off button anyway oh it's booting windows 10 right now well where is the on off button on this thing oh it's on the back of the screen okay so it appear this is probably a case of everything is inside the screen assembly no that makes no sense does it i don't know i'm talking trash i don't know what it's doing i'm going to put this to the side while it decides what it's going to do today it is getting power at least which it wasn't getting before so i consider that a bit of a win but i suspect that power connector is actually damaged which is not going to be much chop okay that job's out of the way oh yeah painle but always i used to if i was given a choice between toshiba and hp i would take the toshiba every time for a repair 90 of the time the toshibas would have mostly just empty space in them and i was happy for that it was good to have empty space in them all right this one i'm going to have to switch to my here's my face view because there's data on the underside of it so what's this one so no boot logic board repair issue previous repair reports faulty cpu but who knows okay that means the person sending this to me is probably they're kind of hoping i'll be able to tell them no it's actually something else but i have a suspicion that's probably use the cpu earlier too but we'll see we will see just getting that bottom panel off hey promo hey diphthong didn't see you sneak in there yeah come on oh this is one of the ones that very difficult to there we go i remember the very first was this in 19 239 i think yeah overhead i don't know how many people remember opening up the first of these new generation type cases where you have to pop the top off incrementally and then give a bit of strength and pull out away from the interlock but yeah some of them are dead easy you just slip them off no drama but the very first one i had it was genuinely tied in there very tight and it was a real struggle because when you don't know what you're dealing with in the sense of when you haven't had the muscle memory experience of knowing how much force you can put in it can be a little bit terrifying look really if we're really lucky this is going to be a pp bus short if we're really lucky i don't know if we're going to be that lucky but i'm kind of hoping we will be but who knows usually the o104t1 has this problem but sometimes the 239 i think can have it probably wrong in this instance just looking for my current meter energy okay let's see 20 volts 230 300 400 500 this thing's going to beat isn't it 700 this thing's beating well something's going on 1.5 amps mind you could be charged in the battery to be honest all right we'll disconnect the battery and see what it's doing then realistically it should have done that anyway straight up yeah take the battery off it's weird it doesn't feel like someone has actually taken this board out or anything it feels like this has never been opened before to be honest okay here we go again so we've got about 20 volts and 40 50 yeah 40 to 50 milliamps on 20 volts i'm going to assume we've got a short on our pp bus somewhere pretty sure it's a 928 but cancel yeah 90 what yep 928. you'd think i'd know these things off my heart but i do not the part of the brain that remembers medium medium duration type items i think that shriveled up and died along with a few other things in my head schematics all right this board does not have the facility that i'm thinking might be at fault so we'll just find pipibus see where our main fuse is so we've got these two big caps up here we'll have a look at those damn i'm wrong no short all right okay the games are foot then i was kind of hoping it was going to be that but it's not so we are now in the position where we have to engage the brain tough luck brain thought you could take a rest today but not happening uh miles df is usually a bit above 50 more close to 70. actually you know what i should measure is the resistances of these here come to think of it this is the one with the mux on it i'm kind of wondering if it is booting it could be no it's not booting no no paul getting excited about prospects that aren't there kind of like when someone you've got the hots for accidentally emails you and you go oh boy it's finally happening and then you realize i sent it to the wrong address i'm going to get the board out just to check it visually for everything there are some fingerprints on it but i don't know if the factory fingerprints or genuine apple fingerprints that is it's just going to be easier for me to check it over okay so we don't have any blown up contacts there so that's always nice it is a bit of a slow process disassembling these which is why you generally get charged a little extra when you bring these in for service and you compare the amount of time it takes to disassemble this machine versus say an a1466 you know it's quite a difference oh by the way miles i saw that you posted about where to get those tweezers from in australia um and indicating that i was getting them from the united states but i actually get mine from i was getting mine from union repair so not the united states but then i think you might have retracted that statement hey greg hey mountain viking kid and i take back my remark that no one's been in here because i'm just starting to see chip marks on the screws which means they have been touched uh union repair well at least for me maybe you guys yeah maybe there is a reseller in the united states but for me it's china or hong kong or something like that it never comes from the united states for me hey michael bulman oh nick you finally moved to the new apple stuff 16 mac pro 13 m1 oh i do need to get myself an m1 to see what they're like i also have it around for spare parts if i have to okay we need a t8 to get these heatsink screws out and we're almost there i'm sure i've missed something i guess we'll just try yank it out and see what happens okay there's a little smidge of liquid there hmm this is actually quite dust free but i don't know if someone else has maybe blown the dust out there's a bit of dust building up over here the sort of dust that often results in a few specks of corrosion building up i'm just seeing if i can yeah i'm just seeing if i can see anything popping up hmm all right microscope time nine bucks per pair is pretty good hey mike sims evening okay we're going through that thing again where i cannot for the life of me pick the focus i think it's my right eye that's giving me help or my left i can't be sure yeah i shouldn't laugh i'm the one that's suffering so i'm not too worried about that sort of dust around the cd3250s because we're already getting 20 volts so we know that that side of things is working it could end up being that it is indeed dfu'd or it could be a dead cpu but we're gonna have a look around first before we completely rule out anything okay so you can see you're starting to get that greenish corrosion developing here but whatever's under here should be okay is that a corrosion on that there's a itty bitty bit of corrosion there question is is that enough to kill the machine i don't even know what that part does that's you 6360 mouse is playing silly buggers with me now let me pv1 v8 so audio that's audio that really should not be causing new dramas i mean i've marked it but it's not something that should be inhibiting it from booting we do know that we are getting charging oh mike nice nice big chunky pineapple pizza fantastic they'll probably give um travis stamper a bit of an aneurysm but it's going to be worth it so we may have to chase rails on this but i will check the cpu resistances first off likes it's dusty but it's not what i would consider to be fatally dusty and someone has been probing on that you can see the little probe mark on there oh shite sorry you can see someone's been proven on the fuse use his phone and that does not mean there's a short on that rail it just means that the caps there's a lot of capacitance on that rail and it will draw power from the meter which makes the meter think that it's in a short condition until those caps are charged up sufficiently which is why it's good to watch the resistance value as you look at the as you listen to the beeping because it will tell you you'll see it increasing and then eventually it'll cut out as it goes above the threshold i'm not even seeing any liquid damage around the cpu v-reg system this one's this one's interesting a couple of now they've got scratch marks on the inductors there and we've been down here before i wonder what if it's something else like the keyboard or something holding it down let's plug in a power connector and see what happens outside of the chassis so 20 volts 40 50. um stuck on 50. well what do we vote bring out the gym cam because we're lazy sobs i think so laziness is not a fantastic virtue but it can be useful you know you're not going to get the oe test activating anything in this particular one because we are only dealing with 50 milliamp so it's at the very best it's going to be marginal what i'm probably more looking for is a pulsator or a heartbeat fault so just disconnect that take that around yeah so heartbeat fault's about our only real prospect and that's not easy to get because everything's so damn reflective ah you must have yeah i can't say that paul you can't say that just put two little screws into there if it's a bad cap or some part shorted we may get a heartbeat fault it's not guaranteed basically this is a step i take before i bother to start going through the rails and checking for shorts shift that down a bit move that stuff out of the way so basically just looking around to see if there's any pixels popping up periodically it doesn't have to get the crosshairs attention but sometimes you can see just a small couple of pixels pulsating somewhere and they'll be like in the low purple it's sad my the heat from my hand resting on the board on the bench has created enough no i'm not seeing anything there i'll try the other side now there's a little crystal there that is trying to fake it no not seeing anything there and i just accidentally disconnected no i got nothing john all right we're gonna have to go for the rails oh that actually hurt whatever the heck it was that just something just hurt inside of me ah wrong orientation so um so okay i'm just gonna go through now start checking so that one's fine actually i suppose yeah check the cpus check the cpu phases and see if anything goes b in which case we'll cry 1.6 that's not very happy let's try an actual resistance mode yeah that's going to be close to zero and i can see someone's been poking around as well so yeah 1.7 this one's a toast this is da toaster 2.6 so that's vaguely plausible but that's the graphics chip but the cpu phases oh 2.6 for this out 1.6 all a little bit low just a weird handler damn oh great i don't have nine too looks like i've got my work cut out to me uh richard i fixed that up about i think about a month ago now i replaced the on circuit board the pcb mount buzzer with a fly leaded one and i was able to relocate it into a different part of the chassis so that it probably helps as well with the echoing effect but distinct it's very distinctly much louder yes i can actually hear it now whereas before i was wondering whether i'd imagine that i'm hearing it we'll have a look at the cpu not sure if this one will actually show a crack or anything i don't really too often see them with cracks about any time i generally see cracks in the dies of things like the pch are on things like the 165 main boards on a lot of these ones it just seems to be more it just it's just dead yeah nothing more now on these ones there's not a lot under the that's kind of weird so someone picked it up and slid it that way but now unfortunately the chances of being some other fancy cap are pretty low we can try to put like 0.5 volt in and see what happens but i suspect we're not going to have any happy outcomes on this one see miles had a nice scare this week 3437 procrastinating would not give you dc in wiggled the mag safe got sparks and smoke oh yeah yeah yeah i have had that happen even with genuines sometimes yeah even though it's not supposed to do that sometimes they can get activated start producing power and then you wiggle them again and then they go you can't do that and they yeah they spark up on you all right so what do you say we put 0.5 volts in see what gets warm and that's about it not much else we can do didn't lewis just do a board that had pretty much the same issue i think he did the only difference is that his was on g3 hot rail whereas mine is not mine is just on the phase cpu phase lines you know these things here i'll just put it on you can pretty much pick any of them i'll put it on this one here [Music] yep that's that's like um that's not that guy that did the gpu thing okay now that's soldered fortunately miles there's plenty of perfectly decent yeah power supplies out there now it depends what you want out of them the only reason i get anything that's programmable is simply because i want to be able to read the data off of more than and set the data the cheaper programmable ones though can be a bit of a nightmare they don't really allow access to the data and using the front panel this one that i've got which is the multi-comp 7186 it does so i'm quite happy with that one the multi-comp is just a generic branding for some other brand i think it's a i think i think it's an oh one i can't remember what brand it is anyway needs to say it's multi-comp itself there's not really a manufacturer scope came frozen eh let's power it off for a little bit while we're off i've seen it doesn't happen too often okay let's see if it's picking up properly now it's not well okay there we go that's better let's see so we've got 0.5 volts 5 amp max and we're not drawing that all right so that means it's not likely shorted or maybe it is one um damn it let's bring up the other board the 239 and see if i've got data for those pads well the 239 the gpu uh not the gpu the cpu core is running around about four i don't know the gpu is four ohms the cpu is eight ohms so the fact that we're doing one ohm is still rather concerning well we'll see what heats up if it's the dye that heats up then we basically call it a night for that if we're lucky it might be something else somehow i don't think that's going to be a blessing for the evening do could be the vrm yes i'm just thinking that the likelihood of it is comparatively small anyway here we go power on and there goes the die i can see it heating up see if we tilt this up a little bit no actually i thought it was the dev no we've got something in the corner going on instead something over here to be fair we're only drawing 200 milliwatts it's not really a good comparison i would consider this inconclusive i'm not cranking it up it's already at 0.5 volt i don't want to take it any further just in case the cpu is in fact alive and we toast it i don't think i'll be very pleased with myself if that happened info squad describe to me how you would use an oscilloscope to determine if the power was working power supply were you talking about having a look at see if the switch mode was doing its job or something else yes i believe a rabbit hole is what i have been sent checking activations pmw pulses of instead have any milliseconds yeah okay that that's great in theory and you are correct yes you can do things like that where it's a major pain in the ass though is actually setting up the board in order to be able to diagnose that most cases it's faster to simply do other sort of empirical testing than it is to try and rig up all those sort of uh yeah get your dear so like an eight eight channeled ear so to see if everything happens in sequence and stuff like that so it like said that's the theory is great the practicality is terrible i don't mean it's a i don't mean to take that as a personal thing it's just that's why a lot of people you buy oscilloscope because you think you're gonna save the world of computers or whatever your electronics and fix everything easier and 90 of the time the oscilloscope just sits in the shelf and rots because after the first couple of times you realize that it's a colossal pain to get things rigged up for it it's different if you're doing things like diagnostics work um research and development and you're trying to debug an i2c line or something like that but in these scenarios it generally is quicker to just go along and test rail resistances and things like that yeah info squad i've had oscilloscopes for uh 2500 years now and like i said you are technically correct yes and you know maybe it comes down to the person but i find setting up oscilloscopes particularly on this sort of stuff it tends to be more of a game of disaster and well you may save a couple of machines faster than this other method in the long game i find it i don't know just fine it doesn't win for me but yeah other people may find it's their preference i think that's the other important thing with the repair industry is people have to also understand that yeah there's multiple ways of going about things and try them all and then you end up picking one based on your personal choices and experience too so back to checking the rails i think go through the rails see what's not behaving and you know maybe this is fixable maybe there's a fault that i miss and i would dare say i have declared certain machines as non-fixable which have been actually fixable but that comes down more to business sensibilities than technical capabilities and of course i'm also equivalently stupid right now so therefore we maybe have a point i unscrewed this when i actually need it to do my rail testing i think if you had a nice board with all your uh pro points on i've got a couple of those pc bike things if you had a deck and you had like five or six of them available eight up to eight and then you can put your board down and you can bring them all down and then you record the sequence then yeah i mean if you're all rigged up for that that's great but 90 of the time because you're chopping and changing between jobs so much you don't really get a chance to set that rig up all the time hey wearing stamps well that's just it you know in first squad it is easy to you as you say to you i'm just saying to me it's not my personal attack method that's all all right let's go for the rails and certainly like if i've got prototype awards that i'm developing or anything like that you know some sort of things and i'm having trouble with communications and yeah break out the scope and find out what's going on particularly because i already know what i'm going to be chasing i already you know sort of eliminated other areas and things like that and your development board generally it doesn't change three times a day or four times a day at least i don't have that sort of resources available that i can get a new circuit would spun up in a half a day and so for those scenarios yeah you've got your board set up it's a fairly fixed thing then using the scope yeah that's where i use it but for this sort of work it's after a while i just find it easier to sort of go well let's just do a process of elimination through just the meter and stuff like that and with the i2c lines it's more of a symptomatic approach anyway i'm wasting time to be honest come on come on quite display probably hopes you have a much bigger workbench around here too that always helps when you're space constrained there are certain things that go out the door now i'm bringing up the quad it's going to check that the i2c lines do have balanced values yeah damn why do i feel blind right now yeah that's right i'm up here alright so these two should be the same uh would help if i actually did it the easier way which is positive to ground seven three and seven three okay so that's balanced seven two okay a little screwy there seven two that's fine um two it's fine for one [Music] you gotta be kidding me wow that's that's real nice of them they actually split these two resistors on opposite sides of the board you don't normally see that normally when it comes to the i2c lines you typically have your pull-up pairs right next to each other but these little mongrels they've gone and split them across two sides of the board i suppose physically they're just on opposite sides but like i said normally they put them next to each other four one four that's a four one so like if i do this yeah see they're on just they're just directly on opposite side of the board of each other but it's it's still it's a it's a nuisance because i've got to flip the board okay there it is for one that's fine all right we know the cd3215s are talking five three yeah same thing there there's a smidge of a difference there that's five four versus five three but i think that's within acceptable margin um okay let's put that on for a bit longer so for one that's fine that was hs cpu i need a wider screen hs gpu it's fine so so i could have actually did isl come to think of it that has often happened i get a dead isl and i get 50 i get 20 volts but i can only get 50 odd milliamps out of the chip out of the drawer so i may actually consider just cheating taking the gamble cheating you shouldn't cheat don't cheat cheating's bad oh i can't get to that one these two i can um isis i'm not running voltage on this this is all diode mode and by the way these are 3v3 lines uh okay so yeah we can't trust those ones they're all going to be [Music] crazy off the line yeah i'll probably i think i might just go with okay we're up to the 1v2 s3s they might go with an iso replacement because yes i have in the past on several occasions had it where 50 million 20 volts ends up being an isl it could well be wrong but it could be right and if it's wrong well then that's fine that's i'm wrong probably used a bit too much flux there what i hate is that because you sort of jump around to different models throughout the day you know you can go anything from a a12 86 to a you know modern machine with a you know 9240 on it and you start to forget now and then about the symptoms that you experience and the solutions and even when you note them down you can still forget at times that you have experienced that which is why i want to put as much as i can into the [Music] diagnostic guides in flexboardview because at least then i can just sort of go through and i don't have to do the memory thing i just have to be the dumb janitor so to speak and like i said that's very much for my own purposes more than anything else two are you mean these two small ones i can imagine that could happen yeah need more flux yep nice and clean and no need to scrape and ruin the life of some pads [Music] hmm it's interesting i've got no reclaim isles that's disappointing i was kind of hoping i'd have a reclaim one and then i can just reball it and go from there at least these ones have been reballed because they're definitely not truly genuine new and let's see gordon schematic pin one is to the corner notch you don't want a lot of flux for the 1939s and 1940s if you put too much down it just makes them float away [Music] [Music] these ones for considering they're not really genuinely brand new they're actually in surprisingly good condition so pretty sure that's already gone down [Music] yep they're looking pretty good i saw 100 milliamps pop up there for a second but yeah we're still back to square one so that's going to become a reclaim that one 55 kilometer are we actually in dfu mode by some bizarro chance do we have a dead cpu it'd be nice if you had a genuinely definitive way of knowing you had a dead cpu well i might put it back in the chassis and [Music] plug it into the imac behind me see if it shows any sorts of behavior like so it did show 100 milliamp which really does make me think there might still be a short on the one of the rails further down because even though it only showed 100 milliamps because of the limited speed of the usbc meters they don't really always show the true peak value of what went through it only just happens to be wherever on the slope it happened to land we know we're charging fine so we've only got that one part on the audio chip that's a little bit dubious so maybe we should go over there fix that up i would be genuinely surprised if that was holding the whole system down but then again stranger things have happened it's that chip in the middle there with a red mark on it it's frustrating that i don't have the diode mode values for this board so i am still genuinely concerned about those cpu resistance values they are quite low there's a little bit of corrosion on there it looks like a we'll brush this off now the cpu and gpu resistance values down at the 1.6 barely 2 that just seems a little bit too low which like i said be nice if someone else had one of these boards and had contributed those values daniel wanted to say thank you for flexible if you finally got it the other day if i'm going to open with oh right okay all right well i hope you make some good money off it because like i said that's the whole point of it if you're going to go commercial then yeah it should cut down the amount of time you spend going back and forth there's a little bit of corrosion on that looks really hot okay now we're talking yeah we've got full-on edge corrosion there see those chances are it's not actually what's at fault but yeah and a lot of those parts actually have it that's a pretty big chunk of corrosion there i don't know it's i can replace those parts but i have a feeling that's not going to be them but i could be wrong i was wrong about the iso wasn't her okay so what parts are we looking at here now info squad we've got the open board data project and what we do is we take the values from the various boards now typically they will vary from around about 2 ohms up to about 16 ohms it depends on the board the gpu the cpu and things like that but at least it gives us a baseline point and most of the machines that we have do have you know reasonable values it's not that close to zero on every board so for instance say i bring up um what's a board i've done i think the 1598 maybe yeah i've got data on this one do i damn it why do i not have data on that one no damn it it's making me look quite the fool here already but okay well let's take 165 i know it's not a good example because it is an older machine so therefore the data is going to be you know pretty hard day but you can see the yeah you got the different boards and the different resistance that you'll read on that particular section there and we're just going to go along and add it to as many boards as we find and then over time that will become a useful more useful resource it's just a case of getting in there and people contributing the data if people don't contribute then you know we're not going to get the information but i actually have a we have funding to now send out capture kits for people so that they will be able to add in the data i do love seeing that we've got the 2020 board that's some fine piece of boardwork there back to being distracted of course back to the 928 i could have sworn i had a reference board but yeah chances are i haven't put it in because i'm slacking lazy the hairstyle oh my god yeah okay looking at it that's called i had a shower i slipped it back and didn't didn't [Music] comb it out afterwards okay sbi rom you know that's that's um but that's for the camera section well in fact squad again it's not really meant to be absolutely definitive reference it's a case of you know most of these boards are two ohms plus sort of thing and you're right you know there's going to be some scenarios where it's like going to be a half arm difference between a shorter cpu versus a knot but then you look at things like the 165 that we showed and you've got 15 ohms and 10 ohms and most the new ones are around about the 8 ohm mark and so a half reasonable meter and you'd expect a person who's doing this sort of work to have a half reasonable meter we'll be able to differentiate between a 2 ohm and an 8 ohm situation so that's why we have it there because it is a quick way of at least eliminating some of the possibilities and that's what it comes down to is most of this sort of work you can't really anyway i've just found there's a junk on the mosfet you keep distracting me damn it man i guess i'm just trying to explain that again technically yes practically a day in day out it's still useful okay that's temperature airflow that's probably not going to be a problem oh scope cam sorry folks now that's something i need to fix up more as now tony uh invest squad yeah i mean that's exactly the point though isn't it so i mean yeah heat will change things on a lot of things like particularly the silicon type jobs you're going to have heat affecting the resistance and yeah we're only using the resistance on the low resistance rails like cpu gpu that sort of thing things that the diode mode would give hell on and then we use the diode mode for the other signal loans and power lines just simply to be able to sort of go you know what most of them are going to lean between 0.3 and up and if you get something that drops out fairly notably then you go digging in more and you look around for what could possibly cause it it's not meant to be um i can explain it seems to me you're a person who [Music] you've got a very good bench set up you're used to dealing with precision works and you know you've been doing it for a long time and you've developed this technique and you understand the technical you understand the math behind you understand the physics behind you understand the technical details and how that things can be broken but still show same values and all that so yeah you've got that method and this is more of a what you might call a backyard shed style um more of the let's try and eliminate as much as we can let's just find the quick possible causes it's not meant to be a lab type scenario that you seem to be working with in your work there and like i said you know it's great if you've got that set up and it's great that um you do it that way i think it's just not always practical to do it that way for many people and like i said it's not like this is going to be an absolutely definitive resource it's more a case of a whole bunch of guidelines and work your way through it actually you seem to be very good at what you're doing and i think you probably clash perhaps with a lot of people doing this sort of work because of it being much like what i'm doing now which is like just really sort of slopping around looking for a hopeful looking for some blatantly obvious thing yeah try a few dire values that doesn't work try something else yeah i imagine that's actually probably going to drive you mad probably give you a bit of an aneurysm in fact uh apologize for that but yeah this is pretty much the way a lot of it is done particularly yeah it's just the way a lot of it's done it would be nice to have a high-end setup for diagnostics and everything like that but unfortunately don't always get that option hey tomorrow's good evening ah damn you making me say your name wrong again god i hate that yeah i'm gonna go back to checking some more rails because like i said that seeing that 100 milliamp pop up as a transient it gives me some small amount of hope other what's happening is it's trying to get started and there's a sensor issue with the current sense things like that and all of this sort of corrosion sitting around the side half of me wants to rip the parts off half of me says you know it's not great but it's also not what i would consider to be a board killer either but then sometimes it can be and every now and then you sort of chase the wrong end of the rabbit hole and you spend three hours on something that really could have been solved in 10 seconds but then there are other times where you solve something in 10 seconds that can take other people an hour or two so luck of the draw scrape the rails and check for pulsing now i'm just going to keep for the moment checking the values get back to where i was before i decided it might have been an asl situation maybe when i get a bigger book bench i'll bring out the scope as a more frequent thing from argentina okay there's a country that's been through hell uh what am i doing quad display yeah the trouble with chasing the pulsing rail is that i didn't see anything on the infrared camera and i'm pretty good at picking out the heartbeat faults on the camera these days and it needs to be a smidge of a voltage shift and you can see it in the um infrared it does come up fairly clearly and we're talking down at 50 milliamp hundred milliamp type scenarios where you're barely pushing 100 milliwatts of heat out okay so where was i i was on the one twos at the moment okay because it doesn't help that the workbench is not to my liking at the moment i feel quite constricted here still the other problem is you have to find that damn rail that's pulsing i could stick the meter the multimeter on a rail like g3 hop and see if it's doing any sort of subtle dropping like if you hold it on there for long enough and you can just sort of see if it's ever so slightly dipping down that's what i would do rather than pulling out a scope because then at least i can chase down many different rails fairly quickly and depending on how subtle that drop is the scope depending on your scope may not necessarily actually show that so clearly although i suppose if you go scope the enable lines you'll probably pick that up quicker yeah if you're dave jones and you've got a dozen very nice high end scopes that you pulled out of the dumpster then it's hard to beat that hey jim hooks you see you got two 10 54 z's and agilent 2004 so that's a pretty decent collection yeah def tom you've your workshop is just full of equipment one of these days you'll actually have something to fix in there too that's not a piece of equipment by the way it looks like red pro but it's not really red probe switching over to ames 87 that's fine like so the big problem here is that i don't have i don't have a reference board it would have been nice if i had one of those are you going to get a microsoft hood like jason um probably not no i have seen it and i i talked to people like rob brown who did a bit of coding for it as well there was a little bit of a actually no i'm just going to shut my face right now i don't want to cause trouble hmm hey does tech yeah good thanks kind of a bit tired i've been shifting rubbish and like as in garbage out of the yard throughout a whole bunch of old cupboards and stuff like that i want to again it's a bit hard for me to i'm just assuming if these aren't shorter then they must be okay that's basically what i'm relying on right now because like so i don't have a reference to go by but if i that's what another reason i want to get this fixed okay so we've got this damn surface corrosion it looks like it's atmospherical uh what's the same yeah be nice to get this fixed so that then i can use this as a reference ah damn the earpiece is starting a pain okay time to change the hairstyle to someone else who am i gonna be today i don't know um i might actually switch over to continuity mode they'll give me a whopping great big beep if it gets a hit what's this gas is bad um what's the chip number on that one you're talking about the one that lewis has got a video on about being the chip's turning g-a-y is that the one you're talking about oh gear acquisition syndrome damn it i thought you're actually talking about a chip that was useful thanks for misleading me there thank you so much much appreciated unbelievable they see i do not have the room currently for most of my work i will say it's very frustrating hey these fuses any good really fun yeah there is a one of these boards and i think paul s did a video just recently about them and they have a chip on them which goes a bit dud and it's a g-a-y chip or something like that i can't remember the exact name of it are you son of a gun why would you stick the damn so basically for me i have one storeroom which is almost packed to the rafters and then i have this room which is definitely packed to the rafters oh that's the 1598 okay so it's not really yeah the only reason mine are packed to the rafters is not because i'm hoarding quite far from it i actually have to throw out a lot of things periodically simply in order to be able to have enough space left for new jobs coming in and as it's well known when you throw things out you need him the very next day and that happens far too often around here so i really do need a proper workshop like a proper shed that's like 10 by 10 meters or something like that and def home that reminds me i've got to get myself another hot air station and i'm probably going to get yourself another microscope at some point too but things like getting tiles for the house take precedence at this point and believe me i want to get those tiles we've been in this house for almost 20 years well 18 years and it's we've just been waiting the whole time to have the opportunity to start working on it and now that we own it we can do that but we have such a massive [Music] let's say 2.3 that's fine we have such a massive backlog of things that need to be done things that need to be fixed it's it's going to take me a while generally i try to get the same brand on things at least i can then sort of mix and match or test for uh issues yeah yeah that's it miles i still got to get my cnc i haven't got that and what's the other thing i haven't even fired i have taken out of the box but i have not fired up that preheater yet so i've got it just have them fired it up just 26. we're really running out of rails at this rate wait where's this rail damn it mouse the mouse is being a bit of a pain all right what's going on here oh you're really starting to tick me off mouse see how it stutters i need a mouse pad tony w which device are you referring to for me to check because i mean certain oh you mean the preheater yeah i'll have a look inside that thing especially after i nearly had okay 5v5s5 especially after i nearly had a board maimed by the other you know ipad iphone preheater that was not something i was happy about oh dude i just did 3v3s now i didn't i didn't get a cnc yet i wanted to because i wanted to make some reballing tools okay we've got a deviation up here i think we've got a design deviation up here on the board compared to the board view so we see we've got a vertical orientation for these parts here but it's actually rotated 90 here it's not a bad problem we're just going to instead use these to see daniel working on 165 board no light on charger no no my drag 3v smc will drag it down take the smc off see if it comes up it's moderately common for that to happen no it's not a mirrored view it's they've actually just rotated because remember these board views are not actually but the 928 and the 239 they've sort of shared which is why i want to this for that it's why i want to make flexboardview actually have a better edit mode because then we can actually do the individual boards such as 239 versus 928 versus say you have the 426 the 163 and the 138 there's a lot of similarities but there's also a lot of discrepancies and i want to be able to make it that we can edit the boards and produce genuinely matching board views for those particular boards rather than just sort of like hacking our way through it oh is it 281 928 no i'm looking for anyway the point is that yeah there's board views that we use which aren't quite perfect matches and we still use them because they provide at least a reasonable level of of help i'm gonna get to the end of this and there's gonna be nothing changed yeah that's actually open circuit oh no it's not it's called the tip in my probe getting a little bit dirty that's it we've done them all nothing's come up it's a pain i might just um [Music] put this aside until tomorrow then you drag yourself down with a sort of fatigue and your brain starts to get fuzzy sometimes it's better to have it look at it you have new light the next day i'll do something different instead for the moment all right what do we got um all right i've got a machine here um i actually don't know what's quite going on with it maybe someone can guide me on this but it's been genuinely clustered and some serious liquid damage but i do get an apple logo but it never comes out of the apple logo it just stays on the apple logo and believe me this has been seriously water damaged so i mean look at all that i've cleaned it's actually gone through a quick ultrasonic just to knock the worst off and so i get an apple logo when i connect it up to a good screen and keyboard a good deck assembly but that's as far as it goes so i guess i'm looking for something that would cause it to stall out like that i mean there's just so much damage on this thing i don't know how long it was running with the power applied but it was certainly a while amazingly a lot of the connectors are all good there's like things like that little itty bitty resistor there that's disconnected see what that's for hey daniel thank you much appreciated i thought you already gave your contribution with the flex board view okay let's go to microscope and then of course we've got to find out yeah what is this a 1598 or 1950 1958 no it's not in 1958 damn it oh there's lots of dodgy caps uh what what is this damn board again look at that that fuse yeah barely anything left of it it's amazing the backlight even works oh where do they hide the number on this one again boards without infill are pretty too what i miss that have i i've missed a joke there have i oh yeah right yes no you're right i understand what you're saying there yeah they do look pretty but then you sort of want them filled in i don't know why that second board you sent me made my system go crazy basically what it is is it comes down to the fact that the board outlines in the gen cat are segmented board outlines and are not sequential so it can describe segments of the outline like a random jigsaw puzzle whereas typically the board outlines we have i'm just a you know a sequence of points and it is actually not always easy to convert a segmented board outline into a sequence point outline on first glance you think it'll be trivial but then you find it's not various reasons and you can't just use algorithms like find the nearest point nearest neighbor sort of thing you can do it but it isn't always guaranteed to work 928 loose wiki says check resistance emcee far through fake sl doesn't say what it should be though i did check both of those the scl and the sda and they were the same so i sort of assumed that should be okay i um well i hate it when my voice just does that bust out it's like i'm going through puberty again or something and funnily enough i didn't have that drama that a lot of people you know you go on your voice just goes oh no it's not yeah i didn't encounter that sort of situation thank goodness yeah look at that look at that that's just this whole area is a butcher fest but anyway it's still not helping me find out what this board number is why don't i know and that resistor is it's i don't want to knock it off just in case i don't know what the value is which often happens damn it what board is this 18 14 no definitely 1814 1521 maybe 15 21 right we'll check under the heatsink to be sure i think i've only got two screws in this because they're almost completely dead i did have this heatsink off before because obviously i didn't put it through the ultrasonic with the heatsink i even put my own glob on it oh yeah it is 1958 except i've got the wrong damn 1958 board in my do we even have a 1958 at this point or do we only have the 1521 as a rough reference wrong ray i think you've gone the wrong way no yeah nah mate where we got three caps and then [Music] yeah that resistor this section here is the same but this section is not so i have no clue what that is all right okay so the 1598 all right in that case i've got an email to send someone and get them working on this board because i want this board view maybe they can have done by tomorrow so what we'll do is we'll cautiously see if we can rehabilitate that section [Music] i don't want to touch this too much let's see how it starts to rotate off [Music] now the only thing i can deduce potentially is that this diode is present on the 1521 and we have a common line here so this resistor belongs to that pin on the diode so we can use that information to try and deduce what it could be and looks like save that g [Music] so 70-71 so if i had to guess it might be this 200k resistor [Music] i can't really i can try and rework it i'm just a little worried it's not going to have an end cap on it which i'll be doomed anyway because in that case i can't measure it i do want to see if i can find out if it's 200k or not oh yeah i like cats far more than people i like dogs farm more than people too i like many things far more than people i think most people like things more than people most people know that people are mostly a bunch of and my deduction is correct and that is a 200k resistor yeah one way some people find that to their preference other people prefer or find me not ranty enough so they tend not to follow for very long if you want excitable rants jerry springer style life then definitely lewis is a fantastic person for that but for me it's not really um as in you're not going to get that out of me [Music] unless i knock an smc off but then even then i'm fairly sedate yeah that 200k resistor it's not sticking so we'll go find ourselves a replacement check email for 1958 files i do have the schematic one with the poorly populated partial board view in the actual pdf yeah you've got this okay we've both got the same files unfortunately that's unfortunate i will talk to the person who has done i'll talk to the person who has done the 2020 board for us and i'll see if they can put this one next on their list it's um it's going to cost me a pretty penny at the moment but i'm more than happy to pay for it because it helps us all out okay so i need a 200k what is this it's gonna be a 201 [Music] 200k 201 see if i've got that if i don't then i will just steal it from another board [Music] i am not going to put two 100 100k resistors in sequence or series i've got 20k 2k7 6k8 12 27 10 [Music] 22 you but you you bet you watch here i will not have the two hundreds 220 ohm of course i've got 220mm 2k2 3k3 now it's going to be using it at this point just to find 200 on the motherboard so search finder part 200k 201 they really need to put the 121 there just helps sort of like constrict things a bit more iphones probably will have it yep they do okay stop iphone 6. what are we looking at 1316 on the iphone 6. [Music] where are you okay you buy the pm you are the p mick rather that's pretty easy to pick off i was right on the smc hey i actually got something right for a change all right well good luck with replacing it uh i pull out the one board that actually is sort of viable out of my one iphone 6 collection i have a terrifying number of iphone 6 boards and the reason why it's terrifying is because i have no recollection of taking these boards from people okay so we want this little itty-bitty one so we've got the crystal two caps okay so it's that little one there [Music] hopefully jason velma won't turn up here because if he does he'll charge me a toll for actually having iphones on the screen is explicitly forbidden me from doing this but i figure he's not watching so i can get away with it [Music] i mean what's he gonna do huh he's in florida he's not going to leave florida he's not going to hunt me down besides he's got to live he's got to endure the australian wildlife where he even gets to me [Music] oh you gotta be seriously jason how did you time that i mean like last night you know i'm talking about jason levels of flux and you turn up tonight for the first time in the last how long this stream has been going i say your name and you appear you're not even beetlejuice you just turn up straight away that's that's a crazy coincidence that is really crazy coincidence i guess i'm going to have to pay the toll oh well worst things in life now some people may wonder is was that resistor potentially the cause of the issue now given that that i believe was a thermal related item i'm just going to go back and look again now hey pedro okay it's more something to do with the battery all right so i may not really have influenced it but then again if the bat yeah who knows maybe these things i don't know i'm too stupid yeah that from that's probably a more likely explanation i can't imagine he's made of warlock material i mean he goes swimming in the ocean so that on the other hand is probably bad news that does not look good at all [Music] jason's going to start trying gaslighting me it's going to become his new thing just gaslighting people okay so that's the p nick and we've got literal rust underneath it i can't imagine that's a good thing [Music] and if you're wondering i did wash and dry this board that rust was present prior to me doing anything with it so all we're doing here is we're just i'm only doing 40 air 380 390 temperature just try and get that flux to break down anything that might be causing trouble or at least provide some sort of insulative capabilities mind you air itself is pretty good at insulating so i may actually be reducing the effective insulation here [Music] [Music] you gotta admit that was pretty funny though jason turning up i'm gonna say pragmatically that he's just been lurking he's probably the one that thumbs downs everything as well [Music] i can't find my mob this has got to change uh gavin it actually boots to an apple logo but it won't come off the apple logo that's the problem so i'm just trying to find things that could be causing it to stall like that this side of the board is actually right this side i mean that fuse just amazes me i cannot believe that fuse still passes power look at it [Music] what's this andrew what do i miss it's probably screaming too much flux yes if i use too much flux jason appears if i don't use enough flux lewis appears [Music] i don't know how this is still acting as a functional fuse [Music] is genuinely amazing it essentially other than these two pads down here it really has absolutely no metal contact [Music] i'm not going to be able to get ideal contact there just have to deal with that just trying to think what fuse i can put in its place by the looks of it they've rather changed the structure here okay f7000 what are they using 12 amp views yeah that's um that's pretty hefty 12 amps i don't think i've got anything that would be a 12 amp fuse equivalent then we've got 8 amp i'm pretty sure i don't have 12 amp 12 amp seems a little over the top [Music] yeah copper wire that would do it [Music] yeah i think we'll have to definitely put that one aside [Music] uh let's see possible fuses i can use i could look i can try and put an eight amp on there they'll be very surprised if it's drawing 12 amps out of the battery that's a yeah it's a good 100 and sort of yeah that's a lot of power that's you know 120 watts so i'm just going to find my even 6am should be more than ample i'm kind of curious why they've used such a high fuse yeah maybe there's an impulse that they're trying to cover yeah 8 amp 1206 fast is what i'm going to put in there enameled wire approximately 13 oh what gauge though it's not 1.2 is it no um almost absolutely the fact that it's point well it's only 4.5 milliohms i mean maybe it's a typo i don't know i'll flip an egg okay these fuses are far too large by a major factor i can't even put that fuse down and just rely on a bit of edge to edge love so we will what we're going to do is we'll get something like a 4924 [Music] with the dual 603 fuse gangs on them and i'll just take one of those in the back of my head i was thinking given that it's a 12 amp fuse it's going to be a 1206 size but that was completely wrong 6 amp 1206 now all of my stuff is 1206s because that's typically what you know your board fuses are but no again 603 alrighty zero ohm resistor that should do it yep [Music] 850 i don't have an 850 board i don't think i may have a middle actually maybe i do have a middle portion on the 850 it's not sure what's the bet someone's actually chomped through the fuses on these i'm just loading up the 850 at the moment that's a 1206 fuse piano that's too big physically so let me go back to this option there we go we'll take this one here [Music] and finally enough it's only a six amp but honestly if this board only requires a 6 amp fuse then that 1598 really should only require 3 amps but like i said i don't know why they've gone 12 maybe there's some sort of impulse situation that they're dealing with or i just don't know maybe they're thinking about the power drain from usbc i just don't know i'm sure they have their reasons but their reasons are not yet apparent to me [Music] [Music] at least the upside is that oops you're not going to worry about the board burning up because the fuse was too high oh look at all this flux i'm wasting [Music] uh exactly pedro so where's the [Music] where's the justification of it i'm gonna put this in the chassis the good test chassis that i have and see if we get any further than the logo now [Music] by the way this heatsink and cpu did indeed have that weird toothpaste crumble um yeah crumbly sort of toothpaste style paste in it but i replaced it with the fabric uh fiberglass transfer mat or whatever it is so um so i do have this one but it also doesn't work so i don't have unfortunately i have a reference board at least if i want to actually get things are the resistor values i could do that off that one [Music] this one has had a little bit of liquid damage but nothing compared to this one nothing compared at all where's my display cable [Music] hey micromage morning i knew i was being done so i don't force these things i'm intentionally not putting that in there [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't think i need anything off that doorboard do i the fan assembly i will put in [Music] god help me if i destroy this screen i'll be very very upset okay that's good um i need some privacy protection in case it does actually miraculously step up today okay we've got okay so over 20 volts booting oh just reset there we go stuck at 900 970 almost an amp 1.1 amps and that's pretty much where oh shoot all right it's booted okay i'm going to disconnect that that's going to go straight into data recovery now keyboard doesn't seem to work yes it does all right so maybe that little resistor with the battery thing was that what was causing it to not come up in the first place so wow that's a bit of an unusual one i have to um make sure that i know what the [Music] damn do i even know what their passcode is i bet you i don't just going to send a message through to the person see if i can get them to give me the passcode um to give you an idea what i was dealing with that's what the battery assembly and everything looked like when it came in so it's uh that's cop quite a lot of damage okay 21.79 yeah so it's um yeah a bit of a train wreck about we got it back hopefully it will stay up long enough for me to get the data off it is not entirely unusual for these machines to get halfway through and then decide i've had it i'm not staying around i'm out of here and collapsing on you leaving you with not enough data to keep the customer happy we'll see we'll see fingers crossed stick that together all right i've got one more job i really need to get sorted out tonight i still haven't had a chance to get around to doing my open board data stuff okay okay this is a [Music] great fantastic i just bloody well what do you call it gave away the number damn it i'm trying to take the sticker off that was very bad of me oh okay not a big fan of these phones no very bad habit of cracking very easily when you try to get them apart and this one has antenna issues now often the case is that the antenna gets broken off here it's intermittent and what will often happen is people stick something into that hole and it makes the internal contacts sort of not rejoin if you stick something in that hole that's a little bit too wide then the two contacts will not come back together and you'll get intermittent service on the internal antenna in all honesty that looks actually pretty good so it makes me disinclined to want to actually tear this thing apart because i'm very strong suspicion that i'm going to end up with a no conclusive result scenario okay now i'm going to need my 0.9 millimeter hex driver on this one look at that pum where am i what are you one mil now you guys upgraded from 0.9 to 1 mil oh that just really grates my bits with the previous models they used a 0.9 mil hex and it seems like they went you know that's a bit of a stupid number let's change it to one mil that's okay i have my solutions which is to use a t4 it's not perfect t3 is probably a better match but t4 lets me bite onto the outside so i don't really risk damaging the internal splines on it it's marketed as a tough max now previously the tough max with the zed um zt is at 84's and 83 was the dave phone i think uh and i've forgotten now what the damn secret is to getting this one i know there's there's a trick to this one i'm pretty sure there's screws underneath this back panel cats are good annoying but good hey jim you're still up might apply a little bit of heat not a lot let's see i'm not a fan when phones start having or any devices start having screws behind glued down like this at least i seem to remember being that way with this particular phone try and sneak it lookie lou miles are you trying to get me to say which bank yep i was right there are screws under here i don't remember the last one being this difficult to get apart flip me that's warm it's not even worth it's already taken longer than what this machine is worth the previous one i've worked on with this must have been already disassembled at some point or this one just happens to decide it's got superman strength glue i'm not sure what to think just trying to be careful i don't i'm worried i might upset a flex or that button i don't know if it's yeah there is a flex on it yep sneaky dirty tricks like that that was stupidly hard to get off for what it is their micro mage do that it would be well advised fortunately you shouldn't see them much i said maybe i just got lucky with the first one it wasn't so bad to get it separated and surely what the nature of what i'm dealing with under this sticker is i've got to be careful because i don't want to damage that flex this is not a phone for happy people what's the bit the screen's going to crack on me more than it already is i'm very much thinking i should just walk away from this one uh what do you guys think i'm thinking i'm just gonna walk away from this one i have a feeling that what's going to happen i'll get in there i'm going to find nothing wrong with that and then i'm going to have all this ancillary damage and i mean as it is this isn't going to go back on properly i'm thinking this is a something that should just be quietly put back together and walked away from ah great the damn plastic is already deformed too yeah yeah this is a walk away job and as it is i'm already going to spend the next 15 minutes just trying to get this thing to sit back down properly i put in the heat press and that's about it some tessa tape some beef b7000 go crazy um oh yeah i left out the screws huh thank you this thing's probably now so it's probably now stuck down real good again i'm certainly trying i was trying quite hard to stay stuck together hey sunny days um i'm reheating the plastic in that area to try and get it to soften up that i can get it to reform it's probably never going to be the same it's kind of like i have to sacrifice my own fingertips yeah i think some b7000 will be the answer for what we need here i do love these little clamps i mean they're expensive as thick but they're great but you pay for quality and it would help up with that the right way up yeah i'll do so that was like what i'm going to use up half an hour of my life dealing with a phone that i don't even fix that makes me a little bit aggro all right i'm going to be back in a second i'm just going to go check on the status of everything outside okay you all right oh sorry about that i had to perform a lockdown procedure unfortunately a leader had gone to sleep but she hadn't the fair kids in hadn't locked the enclosure area and then i couldn't find loki for a bit there and it's a it's a bit of a challenge to when you walk out of having spent let's see what is this three hours on a video and you walk out and you don't really know what the situation is outside so you're sort of entering into an unknown scenario and when you can't find everyone that you're looking for you can very quickly go into panic mode particularly at this time of night all right i'm just going to build one of these to calm down slightly fortunately all the wrap bags are asleep so that's a good thing and my tube of 25 80 tiny 45s clearly someone element 14. farnell cannot count i suspect what they did is they just grabbed the tube and sent me the tube rather than individually counting out 25 units i am yet to contact them and say you made a boo-boo it's kind of hard to do that you really do want to just keep them all for yourself but i don't think i could do that i don't have a stopper for the end of that tube oh well we'll stick some more tape over it not jim hope those meds start working i think that's everything so [Music] and the damn thing i think [Music] [Music] honestly i should just brush flux over [Music] you guys yeah that's my tube of 45s and so i ordered 25 and they sent me 62. they said it's hard to want to send those back especially considering that it's a bit of a pain in the backside trying to get a hold of them lately all right [Music] so [Music] my little carrier things are probably a little bit old and the plastic's not really springing back at all so i think i'm gonna have to buy some more [Music] oh that's terrible [Music] uh shane russell these are the open board data capture keypads they allow us to [Music] easily capture values from the multimeter into flexboard view or anything basically they're just a usb keyboard that's a three button usb keyboard that's the simplest way of saying what they are which is exactly what they are anyway [Music] dry joint that's a terrible joint [Music] that's a much better drawing go along and do the other half of these legs steve they charged me for 25 of them so you can see my issue even the packet that it came in says 25 [Music] so i'm kind of like okay everything says that i've got 25 except the fact that the 62 in the packet [Music] that's way too much solder on those parts but what you're gonna do [Music] hey shane russell [Music] yeah i'm wondering whether they would take him back what they may do at the most is simply ask me you know they'll um bring up a separate invoice just for in the past though i found they often the stuff under 100 bucks or something they will often if they feel like it's genuine they'll just write it off and say look down door about it just our mistake you'll win [Music] [Music] but since when there's finale been using or element14 been using child labour [Music] the reason why i pre-hit these with flux is because the amount of heating time required it's not the flux of the solder is not going to stick around long enough [Music] what fab did i use seed studio that's um tripoli s triple e d studio [Music] for my large production runs i used to use gold phoenix but i haven't needed do a large run in a very long time so unfortunately i don't get to use them anymore [Music] these switches turned out to be quite nice nicer than i was expecting [Music] oh great killed a bug already there's a bug on my board [Music] [Music] oh that one cavitated through uh rodrigo i have done some four hour streams in the past [Music] now the part that i hate [Music] all right now i need to find my programming setup it's around it's around here somewhere there we go and how we're going to change this so that it goes back to now using the tiny 45 because we actually did everything with a tiny 85. okay everything's recompiled to 45. okay that's ready to go i'm not sure if i have to pseudo on this one but we'll see so okay it's done and now we can see and plug this in we should get a response we do not okay paul what's your butch up flashed phone what have i got that's reverse polarized oh i know what i've done wrong okay anyone want to tell me what i've done wrong i'm sure one of you will get it one of you will get it i hope come on someone get it don't leave me in disappointment yeah but why have i got no power now i've got the diodes the diodes are there bingo philippe's gets it philippe is the winner i didn't solder the usb pins and no flyback transfer tomorrow i'm sure i did i'm sure damn you i really am trying to train myself to say your name properly and i never do tony tony turner you don't get to have that late call back on that [Music] i'm just going to give it a little bit of hot air assist and hit that again [Music] yeah i had me stumped for a second too okay let's try this again we actually get that well we're still not having success though error error yeah it's not that's interesting it's okay it does have problems there let's check this one no problems with this one it is programmed interesting it's not responding properly it goes to show even on simple even on simple boards you can end up doing weird things now these are the same boards as the working one okay diodes are right they did send me 20 series didn't they uh but the 20 megahertz ones hmm okay so i can't see anything try to reprogram the chip again yeah might do that still i mean it didn't need the usb in the first place to be programmable i'm gonna pseudo it i wonder if i'll um i think i've got to make fuses first that's interesting i would have actually thought i had that set up so it would set the fuse's ends set the flash at the same time but clearly not okay fuse i think i've got the wrong file too yeah i think i got the wrong file there oh it's doing its thing now yeah that's better there was the fuses that were wrong that's why it wasn't working so i had actually flashed the um program into about because the fuses were set wrong it was running at the wrong frequency okay so we should be able to and let's see we're not going to store this data anyway so okay enter works back works forward works yep it's all working all right that's fixed we'll get rid of that entry what i do need to do is remove that make file that's no good i think i'll rename it okay that should be good we don't so that works someone's going to get this one i don't know who but someone's going to get it and this is my 85 unit so i might actually just write on that that's the tiny 85. and then that way i know that one's mine and this can go on the stack with a whole bunch of others that i've got to make like all of those and then i can start sending it out with all the other stuff that's got to go with the open board data package and that includes the multimeter and what have i got oh yeah i've got one here yeah one of these multimeters the cables that you see that i'm using the ones with the you know these beautiful alligator clips and detachable probe tips they're very nice quality cables and connectors certainly much better than what by default comes with this so but you know when it comes to multimeters i don't know too many brands that supply you with half decent probes in the first place so do you have any volunteers yes i do have quite a few volunteers spread across the world but if you feel like you have some boards and you would like to contribute some data then send me an email and we'll see what we can do well the code fitness 25 not quite the problem is that the usb code itself will fit into 2k but the trouble is because i don't have a crystal on this we use a little bit of extra i think it's about another 160 bytes of code to program and adjust the clock pll so that it can synchronize with the pulses on the usb so it's a way of getting away with not using a crystal for this chip even though it's only got an rcs uh oscillator inside so do i have enough people for the project no we're looking for always more i think i've got about 15 people at the moment so you know we're getting up there but i'm always looking for more and if it's successful this time around then it's likely that the person who is funding lewis to fund me will contribute more money as it is i'm already forking out a fair bit of money to people to develop the um board views for things like the 820 2020 and i'm gonna send a message before i go to bed tonight and see if they can do the 1598 as well so yeah they they might be able to i don't know but i suspect they should be able to even if i've got to send them some stuff but if you're interested send me an email and we'll see what we can do for you and that includes non-australian people in fact most of the people i'm sending it to are not australians so there's going to be a fair lack of postage costs involved but that at this point is covered by me yeah email me and we'll get together a kit the nice thing about having the kit is that it means we've got a consistent point of reference so the diode mode should all generally come out roughly the same all that sort of stuff and the behavior and the software should be the same it's nice to have a consistent kit that works at least hopefully it works until i give it to louis rossman in which case then he'll find a way to break it so all right well that's the end of tonight i've been up a bit too long i am going to go and get myself some food send that email off and um probably finish watching an episode of criminal minds just to make sure i keep up with all the stuff hey yes yes can you describe your two-layer design did you need um uh all right well quickly basically there's nothing much to it really i didn't have to put these little areas on the back that was only so some people wanted to have a prototyping area and given that it was just a flood plain of ground copper i broke it up and so you can solder onto it put parts onto it i don't know i personally don't use it but i figured since the area was there why not give someone a chance to play around with it if they want uh what was the other question you had there do you need ultrasonic cleaning after well it would be nice to ultrasonic clean it but the switches will not appreciate that so i can't put them in there they will get upset by the ultrasonic cleaner what i could do is just dip them into the ultrasonic i do well i do have this 20 liter tank i do also have a cute little one liter tank which i used to use for iphones so i can always actually stick them in that and ultrasonic just this portion however personally i found just scrubbing of a toothbrush is more than enough in this particular case the flux is very light and because the soldering is so quick and fairly low temperature it doesn't carbonize too much so it's very easy to get it off without having to ultrasonic okay i think we're done here i gotta go thank you all for watching i appreciate it and i'll see you next time until then you'll take care catch you later
Channel: Paul Daniels
Views: 3,038
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Id: e7zVgIuzcpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 37sec (12637 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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