Macbook A1502 battery replacement; OBData Capture board Microcontrollers finally arrive!

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all righty getting close to midnight so it means i better start working i've had my little one-hour nap at about 8 30 tonight on my new bed frame which is a bit of a mismatch i have a single mattress and then i put it on a double bed frame but yeah i'll get a double mattress soon and people are probably thinking wait wait what's going on and the reason why i have that is because um my anxiety and nerves and things like that make me a terrible companion to sleep next to so and i mean for myself as well it's like i feel like if there's any proximity around me then i um i just can't sleep properly i just twitch turn toss and feel claustrophobic and i just have to run off and sleep on the couch or something like that but that's unfortunate it's only a recent thing but it's um probably stemming from my long-term anxiety issues so yeah yeah you have to adapt with what you can and thankfully i've got the room to be able to do that sort of thing all right so first up we have what's most likely going to be a 1502 battery replacement we will take the board out just in case maybe there's an issue with the isl but i suspect it's most likely going to be a battery strictly from the age alone it's enough to sort of start making it look guilty mind you you know it's hard to say um there's an error on battery indicator as well which again tends to implicate the battery a little bit we'll see we'll see we'll pull it out and have a look uh let's put my glasses on that way i can um actually see what i'm doing oh it's a very long term sort of thing that i'm dealing with that's you know most of my life i've had to manage anxiety issues even before i even knew what they were like when i used to go to university i would spend the first half of the day throwing up from the exit yeah and i didn't know why i was just you know what it was like 18 19 and each morning i would get up if i tried to do anything i'd just be up chucking the only thing i could really eat was um dry crackers until about midday then from midday i was fine yeah so anyway it turns out it's um yeah all anxiety related in that particular case i did go to the doctor a couple of times had various tests done but in the end he just said well there's not much you can really do you just gotta try and relax and it's about that was about the some of it for back in the early 90s when it came to that sort of thing no i'm actually the youngest child i do have a sibling an older sibling but in fairness i sort of behaved as if i was an only child and i behaved in a very solitary manner i suspect my hearing has a lot to do with it it's a lot easier for me to just get on with doing things myself rather than you know trying to listen for everything i mean at school i applied myself very intensely and i wore hearing aids sat at the front of the class they did all the diligent student type things and i think you know by the time high school was finished i was pretty much worn out from all that and i sort of wanted a break from it yeah steve k if only that was the case but um i was not really a drinker at all about the only time i would say that i sort of pushed my luck when it came to drinking was when i was living in south africa but outside of that it's a bit too expensive to drink like that in australia i mean i know some people managed to do it but they certainly make sacrifices in their budget for it i see josh i'm the only one and have not and have not as severe anxiety is a lot of sounds but yeah i think it just comes a lot comes down to person there's certainly you're going to be some sort of crossover in factors that's always what makes these sort of issues complicated is that you can't just sort of say oh yeah we know why this is happening to you it can sometimes it can just be a single moment in life that affected you in a way that you um it was a life-changing event even if it was only for a few moments are they already thumbs down already they looks like our dedicated i dare say it's probably a bot i can't imagine anyone truly being that dedicated to their cause but they would make sure they arrive here on time to thumbs down maybe it's lewis yeah it could be lewis i can see the amusement factor in that one okay we don't take the screw out of this here until we take the board out i think that's everything uh dj craze if you've not done any work on or replaced batteries on these sort of machines where they're glued down it's not too bad it can be a little bit daunting when you first approach it and that's understandable because you hear the stories of people trying to get the batteries out and everything goes up in flames and so on and so forth but it doesn't really have to be that way i think the main thing is to get the right sort of tools for the job and for these sort of batteries the right sort of tool for the job is one of these very handy to have them you buy them in about buy a box of 25 or something like that from aliexpress and just toss them out whenever they get a bit used up and by used up i mean what will happen is the the fine edge here starts getting pitted easier to do this if we just take the speakers out as well we don't have to take the speakers out but it definitely makes it easier did you see lewis look yes i did i was actually on the stream for the chat for a little bit making snarky comments to lewis because yeah that's what he pays me to do i'll be very happy when we legitimately do get the board views and schematics i know they have said they will release the schematics and as with promises of money however i'll only believe it when i see it actually in my bank account or in this case on the internet it's not that i don't trust their intent it's rather i don't trust the reality of the world to not deliver on these things particularly the boardview side of it okay by the way uh with the 1502 batteries just lift up this central section so it disconnects from the um two side of the tape that's under here this sticky tape if you don't do that you'll find it very hard to get the spudger in and around morning greg okay now some times you can just do it dry you know you don't need to add anything on to this i don't mind putting a little bit of 100 ipa just on the edge there i should if you just cut right through that like that see each battery is going to vary slightly in terms of how difficult it's going to be to get out it really depends on the day of the manufacturer the what the dust levels were like when the person actually pressed down on the pack well enough it's very variable sometimes the packs almost just fall out without you having to do anything other times it's a freaking nightmare to get them out this one's about middle of a range getting snared up on that uh plastic that tape there we go just remember there are a couple of flexes floating around and nearby there so don't get too overzealous there we go it's all out and actually we didn't really do any damage to the pack it's all just the adhesive that we're cutting through and you shouldn't get too much separation of the pack out of wrap and the actual cells so if i find out that this is actually not a battery problem then i can easily [Music] just remove all that adhesive and put it back down and it'll be all okay i haven't damaged the pack in any way do you like the frameworks features um yeah now i'm gonna get into trouble for saying things look it's i think it's a great idea having all the modules and things like that i think practically or realistically it's more of a [Music] feature for the sake of being a feature if i was designing a laptop i would probably instead rather just outright populate those ports by default i think in terms of your port density it's you know obviously going to be fairly low and although it's not so much of an issue anymore the fact that it's all having to go through usbc ports and so basically every external port is going to be a usbc hosted connection so it's probably not so much of a problem anymore because the fact that you know usbc pretty much covers it all you don't really have performance or power restriction issues anymore with that i suppose for me i would have probably taken the middle ground and gone with the ports being on a you know on a flex or a doorboard or something like that i feel like you can pretty much guaranteed to cover your customer requirements for 99 of your customers if you have essentially what these macbooks have you know you got hdmi output usb sd reader and you know have a micro sd reader if you want as well there another couple of usbs headphones i don't know if you'd want displayport because basically you just put usbc there and you're done particularly in this day and age so i feel like it's a it's an interesting kit but i think what a lot of people will find is that the fit and form of having those modules will become irritating after a while uh hdmi output do they have an hdmi input module do they i haven't looked at what modules i could have available but yeah i feel like the fit end form will become an irritating factor as the machine wears on just gets used you start getting slot building up and you know it won't affect things electrically but it will affect the feel of it the 3-2 screen which i accidentally thought was a 3-4 screen or a 4-3 screen i think the 3-2 with the knight i think it's what is it 1980 and 1280 that's a brilliant screen definitely i'm happy to see that because we do need more vertical real estate quick question before going to place an iphone 6 screen ah sure the waterproof adhesive you can get for this any tips on applying it um well for the six they don't really have it the 6s does i don't have any tips unfortunately because i'll confess i tell my customers that i don't bother with it i know i know it's very wrong but i haven't really found it to stop enough ingress to be worth it it probably means a success if it's a success i mean sure you can add it but it really doesn't stop a lot because you've still got your headphone jack and everything else down the bottom it's and the charge port are not the charge but the sim card slot doesn't have an o-ring around or anything like that so you're still going to get a lot of ingress on that yes i know josh it's it's terrifying i don't do everything quite right it was very nice that you did that in french too last i'm just taking this tape off because if you don't take that tape off or at least make half an effort to do it when you put your new battery down it's just gonna sit on top of that tape and then everything around it isn't gonna bond then your battery is gonna start flapping around i used to have a sony xperia oh dear god yeah i used to have one of those too the most common fault i fixed on the sony xperia zed was people butchering that charge port that was a good example of someone having a technically nice idea of using the usba um usb mini a standard versus what really happens because the trouble is with that particular standard is it's very easy to put a micro b connector in there upside down so it will take a micro bit but it's very easy to also jam it in upside down so so many times i would get those phones in and the charge port would be butchered by people putting in the charger which was always going to be a micro b connector in upside down and it just shears off the connector all right so that's done there's a little bit of residue but that's not too bad and at this point i probably really should have checked the main board but given the edge and everything i'm 99 suspecting it's the battery i kind of did things a bit backwards here let's have a look at the main board anyway you watch i'll find out it's got a bad smc so this is a 2.68 gig machine okay that's good just remove some of the fluffy fluffs some of the dust bunnies now see the matrix 4 trailer came out today and i gotta say i'm cautiously optimistic that they won't completely fire truck this one kind of looks like they ditched all the going stupidness and just went back to a core story so i guess we will see come christmas time i don't think i will spend the money to go see it in theater or anything like that but yeah i'm cautiously optimistic based on the trailer just hopefully they hopefully they just wrap it up with this one effectively like the original matrix was it was a complete story in itself rather than finishing on some sort of obscure cliffhanger or unknown i think okay yeah get your fourth installment let's just wrap it up nicely and make everybody happy for the complete and utter tracking that you did on two and three now this board is pretty much immaculate if there was a if there was the ability to have selectively have yourself selectively forget things so you could watch stuff again then certainly one of the movies i would love to watch again for that initial thrill would be the original matrix in terms of series i would love to be able to watch firefly and futurama again from scratch with no memory that would be kind of nice but you can bet your boots that selective memory thing will probably go wrong and i'll forget everything else but those things expect a new trilogy yeah that's what i'm worried about civil up i'm worried that they will do what they did with the first make it so it is a self-contained story and then if it sells really well they go let's go and make another two kind of like star wars my god what disaster star wars ended up as i mean it was already cheesy franchise right from the start i think a lot of people forget that when they saw that as kids it seemed very impressive but when you see it as an adult it was certainly full of cheese but it was entertaining for sure and it was novel but then yeah the subsequent subsequent six what was it six more movies for star wars ah what a disaster okay what is going on here okay they're going to make 100 oh dear um michael with the tiles we um the deposit has been made 50 down for 150 square meters let's set us back about seven about seven thousand five seven thousand eight hundred dollars australian that's for the full price you know we paid 50 deposit of that and hopefully come christmas time we will have tiles they've got to come in from overseas um not much we can do about that and they'll be coming on the slow boat there's no way they're going to be flying those things in last episode we call the neverending story what i found interesting was that they were using the same music in the trailer which is the white rabbit as what they did for sucker punch it's the same song they've remixed it slightly with a different sort of tempo and such or whatever but it's the same singer as far as i can tell is the one they used in sucker punch which is actually a pretty good rendition of the door mouse not what did i say the white mouse i meant the dual mouse yeah alice in wonderland stuff even though as someone len doesn't really say too much about that yeah what i'm doing at the moment is i'm just putting stuff back together so that we can drop the new battery in and test it and make sure this actually works and that we haven't wasted all our time yeah greg that was the frustrating thing is that they're in stock in canada the uk as well and of course the us but here in silly old australia they didn't have any it's particularly frustrating because yeah except we checked we said okay look we're going to need 150 actually it was just a timing thing they probably did have enough for 150 at the time and then two weeks later they sold out it happens i can't say i was happy about it but it does happen but at least they did manage to source us more noob question what setting do you use dc power supply um i use 18 volts and 5 amps max it doesn't really matter too much because it goes through the isl and just gets pumped up or down to whatever we need what the heck that's a 1466 battery that's not the battery i want geez all right that was a bit of a weird fit gonna get our macos boot stick i was gonna say there's no speaker connector and i realized why because i took the speakers out which is correct uh let's see yeah i think we can go with this admin media indeed i got jedide ah kind of helps if i turn on the power supply doesn't it i'll see we don't even have the power supply on screen okay how about that that's better 1.5 okay so we're definitely charging greg m you're the honorary member in malwarebytes forum what do you do over there it's the highest cycle count you've seen on a battery i think somewhere in around about 2000 or so though i'm not sure if they differentiate between a full cycle versus just like little top ups because maybe a just a top up from 85 percent to 95 is considered a cycle i suspect that's why you get absurdly high numbers on batteries that probably [Music] wouldn't normally be specked at such figures you hold their feet so we're at 98 we've got a proper reading on the battery so that's good now the reason why i'm running valley is i want to see if the performance is good and it feels like the performance is good so i think we're right but if you have a bung battery it can mess with the i2c lines going to the smc which subsequently can then make the machine run like complete crap so this machine should get 30-yard yeah okay 27-28 30 40 yeah so this is running good all right so basically it was just bad battery we've replaced it it's good shut down charge rate's good thank you greg one what would cause the trap pattern keyboard to be either totally functional buddha or not function bad flex that's a very common cause certainly one of the first things you check is about flex and depending on the model it can either be um like on these ones pretty sure the signals get channeled through the trackpad so your keyboard can be fine but if the trackpad is not it'll also mess with your keyboard uh data so yeah that's it model dependent okay they've changed the way they do this cabling i've noticed they're actually using yeah i'm not sure if i approve or disapprove i guess i don't get a choice hey the hardest part i find with installing these batteries is to not botch it up installing it and what doesn't help is that they're connected together with this top layer of plastic now it's supposed to help you but well quite frankly i find 90 of the time it's actually quite the opposite of being helpful it ends up doing things up misaligning such as we're seeing here this end battery and then by the time you pull off the that top layer you've applied pressure onto the two-sided adhesive and it jams it into the position you really don't want it to be in so not so helpful it should actually just come off like it was just a statically attached cling wrap type thing not freaking double-sided tape like and i say don't remove the top layer until you've fully assembled the battery and it's like i can't assemble the battery into the machine unless i remove this annoying layer of there we go it's back yeah it is uh it makes you feel that way doesn't it it's like okay now if i bonded this tightly to the chassis we should be right but you know it's probably not going to yeah this is just way way too [Music] difficult to remove it is actually difficult to the point where it's causing the cell packaging to lift slightly you don't want that it's not super critical that you don't want that you shouldn't have to have that hey toastek all right now where's that pesky little screw there is one screw here in this for the battery that sits in this corner and it is not like any other screw in your macbook so do not lose it you will not find a suitable replacement anywhere other than another macbook as in another one of these ones it's sort of like it's a coarse thread plastic type thread screw and like i said just you don't find it anywhere else so if you lose it it's gone hey gct how's it going over there fortunately at least thus far seems like it's been a rudimentary battery replacement i say thus far because it's not fully assembled and i haven't put it through all the testing i want to we all know how these things can turn around and bite you in the backside nice and hot in pretoria you can't say pretoria anymore can you i just say swanee i wouldn't even know how to ask for my way around in you know over there anymore because all the names have changed i mean that's not a problem per se but it's just an example of the fact that you go away for a little while and everything gets upended on you okay it's a little phillips head this is this is another quirky screw in the 1502 on this particular model is you've got a phillips head screw that ties down the heatsink okay so only the city center is called schwanner oh okay well things you learn every day so the great area is still considered as pretoria that's nice the company that i worked for when i was over in south africa probably built about a good 50 60 percent of victoria those are stocks and stocks they're a nice company to work for and unfortunately i got there just as they were doing exceedingly well in terms of their budgets their jobs and stuff like that and then they absolutely butchered everything they expanded out into whole new different areas they did things like buying up golfing shop chains you know chain shop like chain stores scuba diving they went out all over the place and then 12 months later everything's wrong and it just collapses so that's pretty sad that you have this company that been around for many decades and they uh achieve great financial success and then it goes to their head and they collapse that was fun sitting in those meetings just sort of listening to the various board members and stuff try to placate the understandably very uncertain staff members and just listening to them give out the ever so normal reassurances oh we're just restructuring it's going to be okay no no big problem and you know really that it's a case of grab everything you can and run because this thing this ship's going down and sure enough it did they did at least manage to spin off the hotel game park division to become um oh geez what did they call themselves after that legacy legacy hotels that's it tech hobby five pound thank you any recommendation on decent tweezers that won't break the bank since brexit hackers almost whoa okay um for me my tweezers i gotta be honest the last batch that i've been pretty happy with came from um union repair but they are branded ones are they okay i'll be right back i'll go get them oh taylor what are you doing in here what are you doing talia you shouldn't be in this yard you okay you look a bit spaced out oh what is it you want to get out all right all right we'll have to we've got a kitty cat that we need to let back out into the greater yard and i cannot for the flipping life of me fine god damn it how can i have lost him i had like five or six boxes of them now i can't find a single one because that's just to be expected because well yeah that's normal oh wait maybe i've got him in here in the wrong box yep in the wrong box all right i'll just show these quickly and then i'm going to go and deal with talia who's in here inappropriately okay so these are the ones that i use their bit now i don't know if they're still available at union repair or whatever but they do have the nice aspect where the tips are double ground down so it gives you that extra fine control which is great for the iphones and things like that now the only thing is they don't have the strength to be able to move things up the camera connector and a couple other things so if you really want some durability then these ones here i have not been able to find replacements for but the closest things i can come up with are the vetus um superfines i'm pretty sure i've got but even the vita superfines don't quite have that strength in them what's sad is these were these were just cheap generic ones that i got way before i even cared about what i was using for tweezers yeah this is them yeah so yeah these are the vita superfines oh wait no these are the lindstrom okay um word out with the lindstrom tweezers i don't recommend them they are very nicely manufactured but they're very soft and you'll damage the living daylights out of them every time you use them yeah i bought a bunch of the lindstroms and i regret that there was a fair bit of money that really i didn't shouldn't have spent hey guys yeah these are the vita superfines which is the ssjp that's the marking so they're very similar in length and very similar in taper but they don't quite have the strength the thickness on the side when it comes down to the taper but look around try some ebay ones are these also complete junk these titanium tweezers they if you've got a feather touch and you know you can hold things extremely lightly if you're a person who doesn't clutch your pencil when writing and you're trying to break it at the same time then maybe these will work for you but i found them to be actually very frustrating to use because as soon as you start to try and clamp down on something to hold that wire or whatever the tips just bend away the thing with titanium is that while it's a very durable tough material it is not a material that has a lot of actual um how can i not tensile strength it flexes a lot put it that way it's got a lot of flexibility in it so yeah i bought those thinking they were going to be great but they turned out to be junk and yeah these cheap ebay super phones ended up being the big winners and the lindstroms again expensive junk for our particular purpose i think that needs to be made clear is that for the work we do it's quite hard on the tips of tweezers you need something that's got a bit more hardness in the metal and the lindstroms just do not have that they're mostly quite soft there may be some hardened versions of them but yeah i look i've got about three or four of them here i tried thinking it was just maybe a bit of bad luck and no it's all waste of money i see i've got a tool one here the grind on this tool one is all whacked it's uneven so i don't know i'm not sure how it compares to the vitus i'm going to stick that one in there but yeah these in easy ones with the double ground tips they're really good i'm gonna have to sort out taylor in a second but i'll just have a compare of these tips now where's my other good tweezers did i just throw them back in there in the end though you know you're going to spend like 20 30 on various types of tweezers that you can get and out of them you might find something that you can use in regards to the various shapes of tweezers some people do prefer the offset position ones but i find i keep now that i've got these ones here this you can see what i mean by that double grind now that i've got these i don't tend to go for the offsets quite so much the only other pair of tweezers i use are the self-clamping ones and use them for just holding pieces of wick when i'm doing hot air these things what is the goo tier 16s or whatever these ones here and i just use those for holding pieces of wick having the serrated tips on it probably kind of helps the heat transfer not get too aggressive all right so these are my big butchering brutal ones which i probably should re-align again these are the ones i have no idea what the brain they are or anything but they're the rough equivalent to the vetus but you can see what i mean by how sturdy these ones seem compared to these ones i guess to be fair i've kind of ground those tips back about to probably about equivalent of here now but yeah it's like i said it's all a matter of trying out these i like because i can put pressure on when i'm holding a wire and they don't flex out whereas these ones okay admittingly there's a bit of a bit of a defect there let's see everything i've got has that defect because i abuse my tools it's very hard to actually straighten tweezers because what you straighten them with tends to make them bend back out you kind of have to okay so we've got that and what's the other one are these are the okay we'll have a look these are the tool ones yeah see what i mean by there's a fair amount of difference in the grind on them so you've got a very thick right hand side here in this particular orientation versus a thin left hand side that's very annoying because you then start to have to make sure you've got things orientated correctly so anyway so yeah personally i find these however the heck you pronounce whatever i find them to be a pretty damn good compromise overall good for good strength doesn't flex out good precision on picking up little tiny parts even 0-105s will be fine with this well worth the money yeah okay i've got to go and deal talia because she's going to start fretting out and i shouldn't be too long so give me a minute or two all right turns out just as i'm going to go let them out elite happens to be woken up and she let them out okay i'm just going to i'm just going to go take a photo of something all righty so upload this hmm now let's go to check steve k your tweezers made out of hacksaw blades or something like that i presume they are hacksaw blades would make very good tweezers they've got that spring but they're also extremely durable i'll show you what i had to stop and take a photo of this is um this is micro coming up let's see where it is i don't know how people can do this so quickly in live streams yeah so i walk past the laundry and i see micro here take note that he's got his mouse with him he takes this mouse with him pretty much wherever he goes and just happens to have some christmas baubles flying around we must empty out a box for something probably to save a snake or something like that yeah do a little micro with his mouse kind of really nice being able to see things like that around the house apparently it's something that uh what is something that uh tuxedo cats seem to have a predisposition for as in being possessive with a particular object yo he hasn't we've really got to do something about preparing for the day that mousey either falls apart or gets lost genuinely lost and it's very hard i have constantly been on the lookout but i still have yet to find an actual replacement for that mouse it's sad to think at some point there was probably tens of thousands of them simply because you know they're was manufactured as a cat toy with a stick and a piece of elastic and the mouse was on the end of that elastic yeah so we just took it off from the elastic and that was his toy and he has had that since he was probably six weeks old and he is now well he's over eight years old now so yeah he has had that a long time so as you can imagine we really don't want to lose it hey lewis hey lewis did you see micro hmm now well if anyone does see your mouth i do have proper pictures of the mouse but if you ever do see it let me know so let's see there you go lewis is micro micro the cat that actually managed to get you to pay attention to what i was trying to say at least a bit kind of like you know when you get distracted by the mid-range area on people that you're talking to if they're of the opposite gender but yeah so that mouse if anyone sees something that looks comparatively similar then let me know by the way after this we are going to be start building the open board data boards because my supply of 80 tiny 45s arrived and it's actually a bit of a funny story i'll just bring this up now i ordered 25 of these 80 45s and of course as you know we botched up the previous order and we got the tt sops instead of the soics now 25 is that many for some reason they sent me 62 so there's quite a few extras there i'm going to have to work out i'm probably going to have to call them up and say look you know what you've sent me too many i don't think my personal morales ethical standards can actually tolerate me not sending them back to them okay and yeah we've got plenty of circuit boards and by the way on i don't know if i'll show you the last time we're on the back of it we do have a test area or prototyping area i don't know if anyone's going to actually use any of that but someone asked of it for me from me and since it was just a ground plane flood fill it was no drama to break it up into little squares i don't know what pictures i've used there but yeah it works so anyway so yeah we'll be building a few of those tonight since we finally got the microcontrollers hallelujah even if they sent me too many of them but yeah now i've got a ethical pickle to deal with do i let them know that they sent me too many or do i keep them how much what how much the way the micro kitty um he's probably around about five and a half six kg i think yeah if we do as admin said if we do get a replacement one we'll have to just like do a migration transfer it may not work but it's worth a shot we have tried many other different types of stuffed toys of similar size and whatnot but he always keeps going back to that mouse and it is starting to get to the point where it's fraying um and i'm not going to be able to stitch it back together so well anymore because it's the actual material now that it's becoming too thin all right let's get this lid on this 1502 and get it out of here and as luck would have it it's up there i don't think of oh i've got a um i've got a 165 i need repairing it's the second board that i bought from one of the local places that i'm not allowed to normally buy boards from you yeah backdoor type stuff unfortunately it's a bit liquid damage so i sort of didn't bother with trying to fix it the other night but as it was we still ended up a dud that other night with the okay why is that not sitting down properly i have to examine that can't just go forcing these things if it doesn't fit please don't try and force it back it out have a look see what's going on okay what's going on here is this plastic isn't quite sitting there we go if you force it you may cause irreparable damage to things that well you're just gonna have to fork out a lot of money for to replace hey promo how's it going i have a kind of a rude question alrighty well it is the internet after all it can be interesting though some people what some people consider rude other people consider to be entirely normal hey nuts and proud we don't use blood strips we we have the lance and the glucose meter or is that where you're meaning as opposed to like a ketone strips and stuff like that then at flexible people ask does obd have diet readings for t1u400 t1 what's t1 which board openboard data will be available to everybody even beyond flexboardview once i have finished doing the website and everything like that you'll be able to simply query your board and it'll bring up all the available all the available data for each board okay uh what glucose metering uh it's a quick test i forget what a which one it is again all right this is working fine came up straight away no dramas that's fixed and we already know it charges so very happy with that that can go in the out cue which is nice free up another slot around here getting frustrating not having enough slots lewis if you're still around about how many of your slots in the store are filled up with jobs that have been there greater than three months kind of curious that's probably not a statistic you actually know anymore because i imagine you're too busy with everything else but it's quite a problem here where i just yeah i clear out slots and before i know they fill up again with dud jobs and i've even gotten to the point where i buy out dud jobs just to get them out of my slots 00923 okay so they could also be the two [Music] 239 on that one i think let's have a look let's have a look for promo flexboardview schematics file now the feeling is probably going to be on the 239 so u3900 all right there is there there's quite a lot of data points in there open board data it's not everything but there are a good number of them i mean to be fair a lot of these pads aren't even connected so yeah you can see these values here you know one six one six whatever it looks like a busier chip than what it really is uh yeah but you've got to realize that you know you've got all these ground pins and then you've got all these unconnected pins i just realized i should actually make it that it doesn't bother displaying the nc pads the network names that clear up some space yeah things to do in the future u4200 i'd imagine you 4200 would have similar let's get to show all right actually u4200 doesn't have a lot it's only got this bottom corner all these other ones uh have not been done so the trouble is i don't have a 239 board that's functioning so i can't add any data to it but yeah there's data there it's just not 100 complete yet yeah joseph king confusing louis is sort of like what i wake up each day to try and achieve so if i can do that then that makes me a happy man you can be sure he's going to turn around and do something equally as vile to me uh right okay so we've got an apple fru board here field replacement unit for those who aren't sure what that meant which means it's a board that has died in the past gone back to someone who is blessed by apple to fix the boards and then being given another life only to then get liquid damaged again by the looks of it and die yet again so what is this a lazarus board let's go to the overhead so people can actually see what i'm doing let's put the chipmunk in i can be fairly sure nothing useful is going to happen here oh wow it actually boot current's okay too oh i'm shocked i'm shocked the cpu were getting a little bit warm we'll see if we get a green blink if we do then all we probably got to worry about is the backlight i think the board is alive take that people rostman who say that only takes one drop and destroys all macbooks to be fair he's correct if you put a drop of liquid in the right place you can destroy a macbook or any computer for that matter but there's a difference between the ability to do so and it actually happening and this board as you will see shortly has got a lot of liquid damage on it and it's still kicking and doing work okay so there we go completely corroded away backlight output very messy very messy geez even the smc section is a bit dodgy 342 is a bit dodgy jtag has got corrosion in it man it's got an apple sticker on it i mean come on it's just getting worse and worse if fru stamp how's this board even alive usb power switches botched up yeah green blinky is nice because it shows you the cpu is doing some talking and also oh look even that there what is that that's um thunderbolt something who knows backlight chip is botched smc is botched come on this this board is basically a great big fat middle finger to people like lewis or people saying that they get destroyed so easily this is a great big fat middle finger saying we will not go quietly into the night but instead we'll go into your wallets and take your money oh look even that cap has been manufactured in a bad year it's when they did the reflow of that they got that wrong and it's i think all the electrons that are trying to get on that and they miss the step trip over and they spill out into the ram there yeah yeah it's still going still trucking even with tripped over electrons yeah all right i think this board actually deserves to be cleaned up and made to good work good again ah bug p yeah okay bug p is the real problem will the cpu overheat without the heatsink not usually if you leave it there for too long it's going to get upset and it'll throttle back but it shouldn't destroy it it's not like it's one of the um amd one gigahertz chips from yeah 1999 2000 would it make sense to open a macbook it wouldn't actually because i mean it might help i won't deny that it will help but the trouble is a lot of the coating thing is you're still going to be able to get connectivity through your connectors and there's still going to be voids and floors in the covering so it's basically better to not bother with it and you know just live with the risk but this whole backlight section needs to be redone oh man yeah i'm going to struggle saying your name properly d damaris can i just keep calling you damaris by the way um how are you going with the um it was the athlon ones are the first ones that really love to die on leaving the heatsink off how you going with the board outline for gencad by the way i mean back then the intel's even those p4s yeah that gets super hot but they wouldn't die but the amd athlon they leave that heatsink off they're puffed into the set i can't say that anymore um for a smidge of a second yeah it's dead bang it's gone you've just wasted a thousand dollar cpu hey asamoth i blame my father for such terrible statements all right so we're going to i'm just going to slowly get this off i don't want to cook it up too much [Music] we're just gonna go along and strip off everything that we don't need that's damaged [Music] actually yeah sorry you're right i'm pretty sure it was the juror on your right for some reason i was thinking the athlon came first [Music] okay so we didn't have to melt everything we didn't have to destroy it like a madman just a bit of gentle swaying heat [Music] and pick off the parts and touch the circuit board that's really hot [Music] oh now this is pretty much a full wipe on this backlight section [Music] because everything's up to temperature it's very easy to pick off bits and we're going to take away the usb power switch as well struggling a little more with that one all right yeah we'll take the display port switch as well there we go [Music] yeah joseph king it was it was fun to watch if it was someone else suffering for it it was definitely not fun to watch if it was your own that was that was just a cry yeah you'd cry if it was your own i think lewis has left the chat because he was offended by the fact that this board even exists and i wasn't willing to play into his universal apple hatred [Music] by the way anyone who's only just joining lewis and i get along just fine because we've never actually met in person [Music] [Music] so when i when i was saying earlier on i should have specified as rather referring to their one initial or their flagship one gigahertz processor when it came out which really took the punch from intel intel was a little bit pissed off about that but yeah and then they fumbled with that name p4 that p4 was so terrible in theory it was great but in theory the titanium was also great and it was a complete disaster that was by the bad example of saying we don't need engineers as much as we used to we can just use software people instead to write better compilers and as expected the better compiler never eventuated for that at least not reasonably soon it's just too hard to make that sort of prediction to keep the pipelines full um yeah i'd be uh not two five eight one ipc three five three six five i do but not two five eight one have you got a spec for two five eight one because if you can send it to me i can write up an reader for it [Music] because certainly the ipc 356 or 365 i never remember which one it is um yeah i've done that one in flexboardview but i have a spec for it but i don't have a spec for the one you're talking about [Music] oh yeah this board's definitely getting ultrasonic there's no question about that lewis will never update his software the only way that software is going to get updated is when i get paul to commandeer his machine and install it that way and lewis will just simply one day go back and go hey it's working better now i don't know if i'm gonna have to put the extra effort into producing a compatibility visual mode that makes it look like the old version just to trick him but yeah i think we'll be right he'll get used to it and if he doesn't he'll just yell at me on live stream so it's it's cool it's all good there's no way it goes bad for me all right so these pads have definitely completely been eaten out there's no resurrecting them so what we'll do is we'll just simply run a wire from over here onto the pins for the connector i don't really need to [Music] i'm not going to need to fill in this with any uv or anything like that it should be safe famous last words oh joe don't forget hp hp really just shot themselves in the foot something bad when they signed on for intel and they dropped their own architecture the hp ux architecture was it had a much better uh chance to succeed in the titanium now by the time the titanium 2 came out it was certainly a much better implementation of their idea to be fair they kind of shortened the pipeline a bit i think or at least allowed you to um a bit like the hyper threading yeah they could have a shorter version but the damage was done the boat had sank just like the titanium titanium titanic [Music] oh yeah for sure joseph i mean in a realistic pragmatic business sense lewis yelling at my software is definitely one of the best things he can do for me and he knows that and that's why he does it and you know it's good it works out well for us yeah he has someone to yell at who he knows usually doesn't take offense and i have someone with lots of followers and he's an influencer so you know when he talks about my products it's one of the rare cases where the exposure is actually worth the price of the product format many times when people say they'll give you exposure or you know spread your name around it's completely worthless but when it came to lewis using open board view after using landrex and then ultimately switching over to flexboardview that that's marketing i couldn't buy i just can't buy that sort of authentic marketing because when he's yelling at it you can tell he's not being contrived he's genuinely yelling at it oh i hate these connectors without the dimples on them damn it why do they keep sending me stupid screen side ones [Music] hey ruler why not implement auto update i did have an auto update but in all honesty i think if i had an auto update so if i left that on there that would probably cause more hatred and actual legitimate hatred than not having it yeah house moth exactly you can go on the long list of people who have tried to get me to give them free copies i know i know you're only joking um if you do try to ask me for a free copy and things like that please understand that i am going to tell you to use open board view because open board view particularly if you are not doing it as a business open board view is perfectly good for doing this sort of work it's a little slower because you have to do the manual searches between the pdf and the board view but it works it does the job pionov does a great job keeping update there's a few other people now off adding bits and pieces to it so it's great and if you are a commercial entity then you should already be making enough money to be able to afford flexboardview so i can sleep at night perfectly well charging what i do for the software [Music] you've had your science since 2017. has it been what no it hasn't been running that long has it i think i haven't bored you i thought it was around it no i don't know okay now people are sitting here thinking my god this guy is terrible doing soldering look at those horrible pigeon crap welds that he's doing on there and you're absolutely right they are horrible but that's because i'm going to use hot air assistance to make them much better have you tried using the pre-cut software uh copper stickers i have seen them and i kind of have a slight interesting more for iphones not for macbooks for macbooks [Music] i don't really see a need for them macbooks are already such large connect uh pads and things like that but you don't really need those assistive pre-cut ones but certainly for iphones i can see them being very useful i haven't bought any but they do look interesting [Music] and this is what we call assistive heat solid ring see that see that's pretty much a factory perfect type connection [Music] all you're doing is just adding heat to the board so that the board doesn't steal it away so much from the tip of the soldering iron and that's using a micro pencil and you don't need a lot of assistive heat that's only 250 centigrade so it's not enough to melt things but it is enough to stop the board becoming a great big nuisance [Music] uh travis i didn't want to get too [Music] too ahead of myself though because i've still got to do all these pins so you never know this may end up being less than factory shortly [Music] i'm running out of flux [Music] joseph i am going to ignore that [Music] that's my third child you're talking about [Music] okay i've inadvertently bent a pin there unfortunately it's not too bad [Music] okay i kind of want to bend this pin back but i also kind of don't want to stuff everything up i'm kind of thinking that must have been bent as it was originally because that took way too much force to push it back anyway that's it's an nc brother looks good anyway so now we've got to focus on our backlight output i might see if i can capitalize on that little smidge of copper that's sitting at the underside of the pad [Music] probably pushing my luck to blob it well have a look see if i can just reach it or not who is responsible coding up in blue view the um open board view group is responsible for it so if you go to the github page you'll see all the members of the open board group open boardview group predominantly it well it used to be me and pionoff and uh before that it was people like pathmath matt and pionov and then i told you the story yesterday i basically came in like a bull in a china shop and commandeered everything but now it's predominantly peeled off but there are more people contributing which is nice to see yeah this is not going to take see if i try to bring the solder up there it momentarily wants to form a blob but then the blob very quickly retreats away so i can't depend on it what i might do is i can put a mesh in there and that might work [Music] hey sabatino [Music] one thing i do find useful is to have take a pair of tweezers cut the fold you have the joined end off and then you'll have two very nice little probes and it makes it easier to do this sort of work that we're about to do but you can just grab one end and naturally of course i'm making an absolute butchery of it now i've got a kink in that wire there i'm gonna have to break that but yeah having these sort of single ended probes it's very handy i think what i'll do is i'll solder that up in there and then fold it down because right now i'm just simply making a complete [Music] stuff up of it [Music] i'll peel off you still do it quite a bit on it and you sort of manage it overall in terms of you know committing updates and things like that and paul is really butchering this no i'm gonna have to start that again i'm completely lost my mojo on that piece of wire the wire and i did not agree i'll try the other end to be fair you know pionov has been emotionally damaged by my software coding and yeah that's it that's a price that's damage that would take him many years to get over [Music] i forced him to have to deal with my horrendous code [Music] fire truck i need to change the angle on this why am i such a useless soldier right now yeah i should go and apply for a job in new york [Music] i don't think i need to stay down greg i think i just need a brain [Music] all right that's what i was trying to get to not that not that [Music] the stupid thing is i actually took the wrong path i really should have come up this side but it's going to have the required effect anyway so we'll just go with it [Music] and what i might do is i'll see if i can reflow that let's see if it settles down into a better position it's definitely not my best work by any measure [Music] obviously we don't want to heat this up too much because we don't want the plastic to melt but given that we've got leaded solder here in this particular instance we should be able to get it to reflow before the plastic melts without trying too hard trying hard paul there it goes [Music] come on you can do it that's what i wanted [Music] and naturally it's all out of focus damn it [Music] uh one planet one people [Music] yeah uh [Music] i can curse a little bit and that's about it all right time to put on the other parts that we need [Music] doesn't matter if it's hidden by the cable i'll know it's dodgy and one day i'll be offended by my own work and i'll probably blame it on someone else yeah well that that's about right i speak enough to get into trouble oh you gotta be kidding me the one part of one and i've taken away what is this conspiracy that's what it is yeah i just got right speak a little bit of afrikaans bitter are you from you're not allowed to say that you cannot say that anymore we've got some hostiles in the group [Music] wherever else is from zimbabwe i haven't spent a lot of time in zimbabwe but i did get to entirely and um yeah um as far as i got then took a look down at mozambique the border are you from harare [Music] it is sad what happened to rhodesia mozambique not mozambique um well mozambique's own drama zimbabwe it was the amount of damage that has been done to that country which should have been the bread basket of the whole south african southern africa continent it's just sad to see what happened to it it certainly had a lot of really good prospects but then i suppose that often is the case and then humans get involved and it just goes all pear-shaped left zimbabwe kariba i don't know that place i'm sorry i apologize for not knowing it it can get hard you travel around a fair bit for work and stuff but ultimately unless you're directed there for a job you tend to miss a lot of places [Music] i was very happy to get posted out to namibia a few times up to uh socketmund and vintok swakopmund is one of those very strange places on the planet you got this town that's by the atlantic freezing cold in the atlantic by the way don't ever do stupid things like take a jump in there even if it doesn't matter how much your friends are telling you it's going to be okay don't do it yeah so you got this town and it essentially has to be constantly swept because the desert is coming up and trying to consume it the whole time [Music] motherboard for ian smith oh wow okay that um that is quite a bit of a bit of a connection there [Music] they said it could have gone so very nicely and unfortunately it didn't i guess that's a sadly common theme [Music] there we go someone's going to claim the birthrights but yeah you're right joseph power corrupts almost all the time [Music] [Music] i think one of the nicest little restaurants i guess it's probably not that little anymore how wasn't that little when i was driving into zimbabwe there was a um there was this beautiful restaurant it was a trout farm as well i think or had trout farms uh what was it called i think it was called rhodes hotel and i got there in the morning i had breakfast and then before i knew it it was sort of uh morning tea time so i had morning tea and then it was lunch and i had lunch and then i didn't leave that place until nightfall and for some reason i was eating constantly or felt like it but i wasn't really getting full like you know i wasn't thinking oh man i can't eat another thing it was just like bring me more food bring me more food this is the greatest thing ever i did also go to the hush truth my memory is really giving up on me here what's the famous hotel in zimbabwe by around about the victoria falls area cheetah hotel or something like that i think it's cheetah oh damn it the royalties being there and everything and it was okay but i'd sooner go back to the rhodes hotel [Music] check the updates button not doing that not doing that for lewis lewis would only abuse such a feature like that and quite frankly i hate to say it but it's true that his behavior with flexboardview tends to dictate how i roll out things to everybody else i take lewis's use of flexboardview as being sort of the standard i have to attain [Music] 1.1 people work the gold mines south africa after living in zimbabwe okay what in johannesburg or some other area [Music] all right we're still going to put that cap back there and well on the fuse got a fuse back there apparently who would have thought i'd need a fuse oh welcome okay is that um it's not near poach is it i know the name but i don't exactly recall where it was it's not near poach is it well when i say poached i mean patchwisson [Music] oh orange okay i'm way off way off okay now i never got into that area explains why i have no real recollection of it because i was mostly working with stocks and stocks with their wherever they are constructing things and then where they had their various hotels and game parks office [Music] and i don't think we i think we might have had a little resort in the orange day i don't recall so though [Music] damn it i didn't get down to durban much either there was a resort down there uh lakota but i didn't get to do much down oh you're kidding me this one's got none of those parts most of the time i spent far too much time at uh the polanesburg which some of you watching will know indirectly that's where sun city is or of course as we used to very let's call it sin city but yeah it's sun city although the resorts that i were at were not actually in the sun city complex they were outside of it along the other side of the mountain it's all in the same area and we used to always go to sun city if we had time that said when you work in the hotel industry you really don't get a lot of time to yourself you essentially you just run flat out until you burn out that's pretty much it so i'm sure other people who've worked the hotel industry can know what i'm talking about it's fine to do it when you're young but unless you're in unless you're the general manager or something like that and you can offload your workload to others the young ones it just burns you right out because you've got to be up before the guests and you can't go to sleep before the guess so you're running on a very short sort of sleep pattern and the stress is crazy that cap is not encroaching the solar panel another cap is it by the screen connector by the seashore uh these are actually that's common rail there this whole this whole section here is common rail but you are right it's getting very close it actually isn't touching but it is blooming close so uh thanks for pointing that out [Music] i think the worst nights i had with the game parks were when we found out that their tape backups weren't working for their uh fidelio netware servers and we had to drive into we had to race out at the middle of the night back towards the main town that was in the polandsburg area where they were holding the tapes in a vault and we had to go back i think it was seven days to pick up new type uh tapes that actually had valid data on almost them we had to do that all through the night because we need to have the guests ready to check out in the morning [Music] and of course when the guests wake up they're like oh hello and you're like oh hi everything's okay even though we just spent all night without sleep fixing up a computer stuff up the entire entertainment industry has been out today pretty much is isn't it yes my most memorable stuff up probably was bringing down the michelangelo in santan which is a five-star hotel on a saturday morning when people were checking out that was fun that was fun the michelangelo was a very prestigious well still as i imagine a prestigious hotel in the middle of the prestigious suburb and i bought it down to its knees it was like oops sorry it wasn't even my fault really it was fault of the electrician but i got the blame for it anyway surprised that let me still work there yeah jcd polanesburg with um i worked at the buckabung and kuamatani i never got out to they also had a five-star just sort of like very specialized resort i always forget the name of it is the name for um rhinoceros damn it can't remember anyway yeah but all i was doing at the michelangelo was just i've got to get a fuse i just need to plug in a new machine that would query the network database this is novel network by the way we're talking about not not windows or anything like that anyway i needed to query the network database to see what rooms were available on a periodic basis and i hadn't even turned on the machine all i did was literally plugged in the cable the power cable and their whole system just shut down and they had a fail-safe dual network setup server set up and it all just came crashing down and it would not come back i blame them for that or whoever set it up they should have had it on redundant um power supply run having it all on the same ups [Music] yeah that that's my oh man where are my fuses oh here we go [Music] uh it was three twelve i think three twelve or i think three fifteen we had tcp on it at that time [Music] next closest thing i had was an almost stuff up and that was i was entertaining a person whom i had an interest in so i was distracted it was late at night we'd already had dinner at the nearby restaurant a restaurant called game betters very good restaurant italian genuinely italian and dangerous at times anyway um yeah i was distracted and over in countries like south africa you'll get all your equipment shipped with iec cables that typically would have uk ends on it so we can't use the uk end you have to put the south african big chunky power connector on it and believe me those south african connectors they can take a lot of power so what you'd do is you'd cut off the uk end and you just wire in the south african end somehow or another i didn't realize which end i was cutting on and i cut in with my pocket knife the a live cable and all of a sudden just sparks just went everywhere and that was in the server room and we had a ibm as400 system in there and i got to say at least ibm did their job properly and that system did not go crashing down other things did but that one didn't i was just running through the hallways desperately trying to check that i wasn't going to get caught for this [Music] i don't remember much of the rest of the night but yeah i do remember running around like a crazy madman not really worried whether i was suffering any sort of burns or anything like that from nearly killing myself what mattered to me is i didn't need a repeat of the michelangelo i still have that pocket knife and it's got a nice chunk missing out of the main blade michelangelo is still posh today is it oh okay cool hey christian [Music] i shut down the whole store when i was 19 that was bad enough head tech first actual build done they just left the cable to the 80 power supply sitting in front of the case oh oh yeah okay nothing like a good short to bring get the old um breakers to kick in [Music] good job rider passenger right right a passage yeah you want to see the knife i don't even know where it is it's not anywhere here at the it's in the shed but it's a swiss army pocket knife finally enough given to me by my ex-fiance whom i was supposed to marry and then i sort of got cold feet and went for a run six weeks before the wedding date when everything had already been booked oh god i was such a jerk as a young man anyway i don't like the look of that cap it's got damage on it i think it's gonna end up being a short cap now well i'll try and remember to bring the knife for the next talk session hey jim what are you doing up this slope jim have you got your new med shirt you mentioned that you might be getting them today or something like that actually it looks like it was just a bad end on the soldier apartheid was a bad thing in south africa yes it was and it was good that it had been resolved but unfortunately what has subsequently formed in south africa in many ways isn't great either it's certainly not the rainbow nation dream that people have hoped for some of it was because of unrealistic expectations some a lot of it is because of pure greed nothing more [Music] yeah joseph uh a little bit like that at least i had the decency to cancel things prior to the actual date yeah it wasn't i was a jerk but not a complete jerk uh we got many more things to still fix on this which means you're gonna have to put up with me waffling on still okay i was um i was 22 22 when i was going to get married and i sort of realized soon enough at least quickly enough or early enough to take it as you will that it wasn't really the right decision path to be taking at that time and i think what made it hurt the most was the fact that [Music] it was more of a time thing um [Music] yeah it's yeah then that one left at scars that one really left scars for a very very long time in fact right up until pretty much only six months ago [Music] when you sorry for getting philosophical and deep and emotional here but sometimes when you make choices like that even though you're the bad guy it really does you don't need to be punished by the other people because you carry that guilt and punishment for a very long time even if the other person's life turns out great because of what you did which in this case is the situation the she ended up getting married exactly a year after the day that we were planning on getting married and she had a fantastic life she's very happy with how things worked out but that doesn't that doesn't alleviate the guilt in many cases [Music] [Music] so even when you do make the right choice you can pay for it live stream is taking a dark turn yeah joseph i agree that and that's exactly what happened and then it was only a few months later i went off to africa and that was for me the uh one of the best things i ever did in terms of unlike letting go of that cap which was not a good thing to do letting go of that cat was a bad choice in life [Music] oh and it doesn't matter anyway because that cap's still there [Music] well i guess it wasn't such a bad choice [Music] certainly jc jct the um equality has just shifted to new masters i mean in many ways yeah the power still rests with a lot of international type people but i don't think you're trying to get power redistribution and all that that is a very hard thing to do [Music] particularly like i said if expectations are a little bit skewed okay there's a lot of [Music] yeah you can't just throw new people into the job and expect everything to go right and stuff like that it's it's a great big mess and i don't know how long it's going to take to resolve or if it ever will get resolved [Music] got the outline but it's somewhat broken can you test it you're in um i won't be able to this machine but can you i presume you've emailed that to me [Music] and then i will have to do that for those wondering damaris whom i'm incorrectly pronouncing i do apologize but i'm gonna have to train myself to say your new your name properly he is working on a allegro binary brd format conversion process and we've had some pretty good success well i should say he's had some pretty good success and we found a couple of bugs on my side [Music] but it's going well which is great because there's a lot of i should say a lot there's a few boards that you buy out there and they're listed as brd files but they don't work on flexboardview openworldview because they are this allegro cadence binary database type form and anyway demaris is [Music] helping us out by finding a way to convert them to gen cad and once it's in gen cad then a lot of us can use that just call him dida i might just call him dida how's that dealer he's probably like oh god give me back tomorrow's i was in the army rhodesia and never get going to africa it's a beautiful place it is really a beautiful place and i think that's the funny thing you know when they say you once you go to africa once you live in africa for a while it's sort of it's stuck in you you can never really leave truly and there's a great deal of truth to that and i don't know exactly what it is but it's definitely there now i'll send excellent mr ass i don't think mr ass is going to go down so well because that really is a little bit too close to one slur away from being misinterpreted and demonetizing myself [Music] i mean i was only there for four and a half years from 96 so yeah that just finally cleared the yeah was it mandela was you know president finally and all that sort of stuff and everybody was happy and hopeful great prospects ahead you know we've gotten rid of this you know apartheid and stuff like that but unfortunately by the time we got to around about 2000 it was getting pretty clear that things were not going quite as as intended [Music] this should work as a now this is my donor board that are sourced from the same place that has the dead cpu [Music] try pronouncing denver da da yeah i think i'm gonna need a lot more training [Music] andrew hughes was that for the war was he up in the north [Music] [Music] all right north africa right there i was running about that there was a good number of very unsuccessful campaigns up there unfortunately a lot of people not making it back home this place is relative from the german side it was successful for quite a while [Music] [Music] all right what parts am i missing here is this one [Music] yes [Music] [Music] not just you irish why is it you poor bastards get so maligned in history [Music] oh rhodesian light infantry right [Music] okay will say this much though the irish certainly set up a good number of pubs in south africa that's for sure or at least certainly a lot of influence there it's been way way too much money and time at those places well at least i can now blame someone [Music] i mean there are plenty of english pubs there as well but yeah certainly i probably spent more time with the irish ones uh what else do i need to i suppose i better i better do this someone might want to actually capture me doing this i am going to remove that jtag it's not badly damaged but i'm removing it just simply out of abundance of portion [Music] let's uh see what the dropbox tragic looks uh that's actually pretty good that's pretty good outline i know what's going wrong there i know what's wrong there it's trying to draw uh it's trying to draw the outline as segments rather than as a sequence it's not something you can fix it's something i have to sort out but that's that's looking pretty good and i think oh either that all the curves are missing it's not doing arcs that's probably what it is not doing arcs yes i know forgive me for i have removed a j tag once i said it is not something i typically do i don't believe in the unnecessary removal of jtags i mean if this board was born with that j tag there why should i needlessly cut it off actually i don't know why i'm thinking a request i might just resolder that [Music] and i suppose people come back and say well see the jtag gets really dirty and it kills the board but if you didn't get the board all filthy then it wouldn't be a problem [Music] all right we're still gonna do the backlight chip just realized this whole area is a oh my god this board is really not worth the time i'm putting into it it's more of a placeholder for me being here [Music] that it's just going to be a complete wipe [Music] now i've always been very anti jtag removal if not truly required [Music] lewis just went crazy with the power and just started taking jtags out even when they didn't need to be but i had to that that one did have corrosion in it that's the thing it wasn't a lot but it did have it and one of the pads when i removed didn't have some eating away so get rid of that cap that one too they look a bit dodgy but they should be okay there's some solid junk under that [Music] [Music] hopefully all the pads will be retained [Music] i think we've lost one pad there i think we lost that one [Music] [Music] yep that is actually a nuisance to say the least it would have been better if that pad had died because at least if that was the case it doesn't it's not ideal but it's not a deal breaker this one i have to fix it up because this one needs the power it needs the power so it looks like we're gonna have to do some actual work ah this is not what i do this job for i don't do it for the work i do it for the fame and that backlight feedback pad almost got chewed out fortunately there's enough there we don't really need to fix it it'll be okay yeah this one we're gonna have to fix what a pain i'll just run a wire straight across but it's still a pain [Music] [Music] [Music] ah i think it got stuck on that [Music] so just having to adjust the um eyepieces because because it's night and it's a bit later my eyes are the focus isn't the same as it is during the daylight when i have slightly more capacity to focus all right [Music] jim i'm sorry i should have been checking before but um how did you go with your meds i'm sorry i know i asked and i probably missed you responding and i apologize [Music] by the way anybody watching this video worth their salt as a technician there's no need to tell me that this is not worth doing because i'm well aware of it in terms of time invested this board is never going to give me back what i put into it now [Music] but it's sometimes you just like to do these things for a skill builder yeah what is the time it's nearly two o'clock in the morning [Music] [Music] come to think that maybe this double fold is a bit too excessive for what i'm doing tonight one of the new meds gradually increasing dose in the meantime more i think morphine to drop the thing a little bit of bone pain oh okay well hopefully tomorrow things will start looking up for you i know it's always a bit of a nightmare trying out the new stuff [Music] ah crikey someone but flux down [Music] they're nuts and proud i have to go for a walk the old incontinent rescue dog oh okay well enjoy the walk sorry about the dog as in health-wise hopefully hopefully it's managed [Music] now the real problem here is that um when we put the new chip down it's really gonna have fun squeezing the balls in hey boss what i'm hoping is that the excess solder that this wire is taken up will flood into where the pad is and so we shouldn't see too much protrusion out [Music] okay we'll get ourselves an lp 8550 i'm gonna go lazy here and i'm gonna use a standard one as opposed to a genuine macbook one the difference being is that the standard ones when you do a change in the brightness they would do it as a step whereas the macbook ones would do it as a transition fortunately to date i have never encountered a person who actually notices that as a user [Music] fiona what are you linking in there what youtube video is that gotta keep an eye on what piano posts up oh great you know what was that that you tried to link because it doesn't come up on this site copy link address paste that's weird it doesn't come up here oh well i'll solve it later hey our crafts good day to you too sir actually that's a bit presumptuous of me i've never asked if you're actually male or female i guess that didn't really matter to me [Music] ah the video piano is linked is how to make it go to be using the um what you call it the transition mode rather than the step right i'm guessing that's what it is [Music] [Music] now my eyes are getting to the point where i'm having trouble i'm actually having a look at the screen in order to work out if i'm in focus properly that's not a good thing [Music] i mean how am i supposed to watch criminal minds and know what's going on [Music] uh [Music] all right that's on [Music] yeah i agree joseph it is time to fo [Music] oh you got sonia in here don't forget [Music] all right those balls look pretty good now the real trick is going to be what does it look like on the other side where we had that wire come through okay so as long as the substrate isn't conductive we should be okay yeah we'll see how it goes [Music] what else ah now the smc seriously on the clock chip [Music] this just doesn't happen does it okay we'll fix up the clock chip and then we'll go back and clean up the resistors and stuff around the smc [Music] it actually came off cleaner than i thought i was genuinely expecting some sort of corrosion based on what i could see on the right-hand side there but it seems was not the case afternoon keith some people are learning more about languages in channel than board repair which is good [Music] i got no problem with that by the way [Music] now when it comes to time in south africa i think the hardest thing for most people when they get there is to understand the terminology is used for just how quickly things are going to get done things like now versus now now for versus just now versus yeah there's so many subtle variants and they're usually longer than what you're expecting [Music] once again i'm out of clock chips come on give me a clock chip that's not a clock chip that's a that's a disaster and that's a beautiful clutch if you'll use this one it is actually very beautiful [Music] [Music] yes now now i'll be done just now [Music] uh shady hacker yes i am a business i trade as a sole trader which makes tax matters very simple i mean legitimately simple you essentially as long as you keep all your receipts keep track of your expenses all that sort of stuff don't try any funky funky but yeah hiding cash and things like that then when it comes end of year well every three months i have to report my [Music] income versus my expenses sort of to report gst and then yeah after 12 months i all i've simply got to do is say i end this much i paid this much and that's essentially that i don't have to do any complicated accounting i do have to pay what we call pay as you go income tax which means every three months the tax payment will ask for income tax based on your earnings and how much tax you paid the year before it's a bit of an estimate it is i've got a cough sorry it can seem like a rather great inconvenience to be having to pay pays a g pay as you go income tax but realistically it's the tax department trying their best to not let you become your own worst enemy because if you don't pay your income tax [Music] in quarterly lots then come end of year if you've had a decent year you've probably already spent that income tax and then you've got to pay it back and that's quite painful [Music] i wouldn't say australia is a tough place to do business the tax department's a lot less brutal than say i think what the irs is in america it depends on what business you're going to go as you know like i said sole trade is very easy the downside of sole trader is that you take on a lot of personal liability and you can't minimize your tax quite as well as you can perhaps as a company structure the biggest problem i'd say with australia is that if you do things like payroll the cost of hiring people and your responsibilities as an employer are quite extensive and that does tend to sour the mood so far as wanting to get involved in business often what will happen to bypass a lot of that sort of stuff many small medium places or partnerships will instead of hiring people as employees they will try to get those people to form up as their own sole trader and then they will subcontract them rather than employing them it's a bit naughty and certainly a lot of people have been caught out doing that when they should be employing people but it is more of an illustration that there is a problem with the system of employment and there's a little bit too much [Music] there's a little bit too much burden on the employer these days so far as their responsibilities towards the employee now i know i'm not going to be very popular here but even though i'm generally not a right leaning voter i will say that i actually was disappointed to see the termination of work choices by the gillard government or not gillard um what was his name right when they ripped that up at the you know i know you did that because you that was one of your main focus pieces for winning the election but i think it actually harms the ability for businesses to be able to more rapidly or more openly employ people because now they're going to be apprehensive about taking on staff because there's an incredible amount of liabilities and you can't just offload people if they're boat anchors is that because of 10.99 okay [Music] yeah barry it's like i said it's in my opinion it's more of reflection on the pain the what we consider excess pain involved in having employees i mean the fact that you can't just i understand also that your employers have to be protected but we do have already systems in place for that there already was or were legal avenues in order to get your recourse as it were if you're unfairly dismissed but now it's incredibly hard to be able to drop someone who is dragging your business down you have to go through a whole lot of stuff to get rid of them and they can always just yeah it's just difficult and it makes you sort of go you know what i'm not going to employ stuff i'm just going to find my way of getting around that and stay as a partnership will stay as the sole trader [Music] well you see joseph i guess as a matter of perspective [Music] i mean you're going to have bad employers doing bad things doing stuff there's that one view but then there's also the view that you've got bad stuff dragging down good businesses so and i always thought that there already were legal protections for the employers are the employees in the existing system needs to say it it has resulted at least in my limited view it has resulted in businesses being disinclined to employee staff especially full-time it's all like well if we we're going to do our best to just keep you as a subcontractor or as part-time it's ludicrously expensive to have employees and like i said legally it's quite terrifying what you have to deal with but yeah yeah on the upside it has however somewhat created a very fast growing small business sector in australia [Music] because you know people weren't able to now get jobs perhaps as easy as they could before and so now we have a lot more people going well you know what i'm going to give it a shot myself and go at it my own way and i suppose that's a positive outcome really and it's the sort of outcome you want you want people to sort of go i'm going to give it a shot myself [Music] so [Music] joseph i guess the case of the pendulum swings forever seemingly too far none it's uncool to be take a moderate approach anymore it's like we've got to be either extreme one way or the other now because people think it's sitting on the fence but yeah it's not always sitting on the fence sometimes it's actually genuine this is the middle ground where all things are acceptably fair [Music] oh those are coming way back with regards to the fact that the company in south africa that i was employed by went belly up a year after they hit their highest year sort of thing regarding you know that would have turned me off being employed then just you know better off doing things myself yeah i'm bringing that up because really from the age of about 15 i essentially was always working as a sole trader doing jobs myself under my own name and it was only the last whoops it was only about the last 12 months of my time in south africa that i actually took on my took on as a employee the rest of the time i was a contractor over there so for me most of the time i've always been a yes self-employed contract type person i've always found it just easier to do it like that it's something that i found to be very natural [Music] joseph one thing i'm finding or hearing that a lot of people are hurting from local businesses anyway is with the apprenticeship systems where but i suppose this has always been the case where they will be obligated to train up their staff which is understandable but then the staff have no obligation back to the business for that investment and so you end up with these businesses that spend quite a lot of money training up staff or you know getting them up to spec and then the staff just simply get poached by other companies and there's there's no loyalty it's like with futurama with the 80s guy yeah loyalty means for two dollars i'll beat you in the back of the head with a pool cue until you get detached detached retinas that essentially sums up what loyalty means [Music] because i know it costs these companies a lot of money and particularly the things that mechanical uh apprenticeships and things like that it's a lot of money invested because obviously the staff yeah they'll make mistakes naturally and they have to be corrected because i'm just sort of trying which resistors i need to put and yeah that's par for the course but it would be nice if there was a little bit of mutual um respect and loyalty back towards the company [Music] i'm not going to float the smc my gut man actually i might have to because it did get junk under it [Music] now remember this board was actually working i am fixing a board that already works [Music] and i might actually take the edge bonding off this and give it a bit of a push which is probably going to ruin it now tiny let's not get ahead of ourselves too much even if it might well happen i'm kind of being a bit vigorous here with i'm using 460 on the temperature and really i'd normally do these at about 200 250. now the only problem i have with doing this sort of thing is that almost always when you chip off or away the edge bonding there's stuff left underneath and when you go to reflow the chip it doesn't go anywhere and all you end up doing is shearing some of the lettuce non-lettuce spheres and subsequently you then have to reball [Music] it yeah there's some gecko laughing apprenticeship should be government funded i think well maybe maybe upfront funded a bit like university um but i think yeah there should be a cost associated with it that the apprentice needs to pay back not so much to the business because i think yeah the business should just simply no wonder i was having trouble i was not using the reaper i think the business should be paid by the government to do the apprenticeship but the apprentice has to pay the government in turn for the opportunity to learn their apprenticeship like i said much the same as with the university i'm sure it probably is that way and i'm just not aware of it things change in 20 years [Music] the only thing i worry about with universal income is the effect it will have of basically raising the prices of everything the futurama had a good episode on that where everybody got 300 and all of a sudden everything goes up three hundred dollars obviously that's a very crass and simple simplified demonstration but yeah i mean as you as people flush with higher numerical values of money things tend to float up to match that [Music] i did scrape check you weren't watching [Music] okay that's reflowed [Music] sadly as with all things in life it's not always know there's imperfect solutions it's very hard to find a true perfect solution because in order for you to give someone five dollars more you've got to take 4.90 from someone else [Music] [Music] see if i got myself oh i do yay i doubt it's a crack in the oscillator i would say it's probably just a itty bitty bit of junk i don't think i've ever seen an oscillator with a legitimate physical crack through it like that uh let's see i need my 1466 chassis and i need a 1466 well one or two screws i like this one here [Music] i would like to see more if it's put towards simplifying the tax code at this point it's sort of at this point it's more like my software where you've got so many duplicate functions and stuff like that and wasteful portions that are outdated need updating i mean it's not easy to update tax code but i think an effort needs to be made to simplify it because it is getting rather convoluted at this point i mean the fact that the tax code book is like yeah this thick it's ridiculous ah where is my uh what are you i got a 1466 here that i don't recognize it's one of mine but i don't recognize it ah okay come on give me a 1466 screen plus where is my test chassis nope not you is that you over there i've got too many computers on the floor around here any more shelf space seriously i think i've got about seven different macbooks on the floor they're mine i don't put customer ones on the floor they're mine but um i need to sort them out i'm not too sure how well that screen connector is going to go because it is basically trying to fight through a bunch of flux there so may not actually come up properly we've got the essentials let's see here we go i do wish the australian dollar would actually stop being so strong right now considering we're a country that likes to export things because we're too freaking lazy and got egos that says we can't be blue collar workers anymore so we just you know send all our manufacturing offshore and then complain that we're not having jobs in australia but anyway um damn it i lost my i lost my train of thought damn it oh yeah but the australian dollar is just way too strong at the moment i think it should really sit at around about 65 at the most but you know we floated the dollar and that's the game we play so all the choices you make have um implication yeah have consequences good and bad oh we've got a bong and a screen energize did we get a backlight i didn't even bother check to see the backlight um yeah i think we're doing it ah we don't have a backlight all right five internet points for telling me why i don't have a backlight no actually i've got it wrong too i thought i was being smart but i'm not okay i don't know why we do have a backlight it could be that the feedback trace is dead i did have image on screen so the screen is being detected data has been sent but we just have no backlight now i'm just wondering was there something obvious that i overlooked apart from a god awful flux infestation there right so if it is the feedback trace even though it's on the opposing side of the board we can still test it so someone wants to say the fuse now fuse was my first thought but then i realized i actually did put a new fuse in there and it is the correct type it is the p-fuse and yeah so that fuse is fine no trouble set okay so what we're going to do is we'll check the backlight value well basically here we'll do fine give it a bit of a squeeze so 0.57 we're reading and then we'll see if we get similar values on this side ah yeah okay now it's blatantly obvious see there that that's what's going on we don't have those are feedback test pad traces and they don't exist so stick our little probe under the lp5 e55 8550 and touch its little ball and it's open circuit so we need to run a wire to bring that trace through and that is why it went wrong yeah there's supposed to be gold contacts there and there are not all right this is going to be fun and by fun i mean it's not going to be fun it's going to be annoying fortunately because it is just a sense wire it's not a current carrying wire i can just use some of my preferred lids type wire so some of this ultra fine stuff it's not going to matter if it was a current carrying wire then i would have to beef it up but not this stuff the nubs aren't going to matter in this case because it's actually disconnected internally so the corrosion has gone through well that um that was actually amazingly normally i have no trouble whatsoever you've seen me use this wire plenty of times before and it never gives me that sort of difficulty in shedding its insulation [Music] now the reason why this is going to be fun is because basically i have to scratch away that slight knob because i'm too lazy to take the chip off which means i'm going to have to get a new blade which means i'm gonna have to find the box that contains the blades oh why am i so disorganized it doesn't matter how much pain i endure i just persist with being a disorganized little mark oh come on i had it like right behind me here where i wasn't looking found it and as at this point i realize that the blades aren't even in the box they're over here right next to me try not to bifurcate my fingertips [Music] okay at least if you have an extremely sharp tip like this you have a chance if you try to do this with a blunt blade or even a blade that's a day or two old it probably will not work [Music] [Music] and that's all the solder i need on there because i am going to separately tin this wire at a different location and then bring it across [Music] first i've got to just gauge my distances [Music] so i'm going to say around about there [Music] [Music] and that's about but it know i've got to touch it again don't you no i can't help myself you know i want to touch that again i feel like maybe it's not quite soldered properly [Music] touch it touch it touch it [Music] yeah still doesn't feel perfect shut up barry barry ocd helps sometimes you never know i could be right here ah made it worse [Music] it doesn't look as pretty now in fact it looks terrible can't help but travis you're the one that gets pedantic about so many things don't you start lecturing me on being pedantic or not that resistor on the other hand looks awful that one on the top right yeah that that resistor needs intervention [Music] oh look it's missing half of its end cap there [Music] oh wow the whole pad was created underneath uh [Music] great where does this pad go to [Music] all right time to bring out the board view oh you lousy son of a oh boy i hope i can find the um yeah that's not one that i wanted let us hope that there is a stalk there [Music] and there is [Music] to be careful that i don't destroy it trying to clean things up [Music] that was quite fortunate [Music] i think i think i have chased those test point nubs before okay i'm gonna have to just be happy with that little blob of solder there it's not the best but it's certainly it's tolerable [Music] those resistors look complete that one looks much prettier [Music] i'm gonna have to title this stream a way to waste your life for a 200 board now don't don't get all upset and shocked if that beautiful ocd wire free [Music] i actually think a reef load into a slightly better position [Music] yeah i'm happy with it now that it's reflowed [Music] oh crikey i forgot the input caps on that oh wow yep and this folks is why you shouldn't work late or at least not too much anyway [Music] okay we've got that triple stack there we need two of them [Music] focus is definitely getting hard for me to find at the moment [Music] i didn't really push that down quickly didn't give it a chance to reflow it's suffering a bit of pillow in head syndrome but that's easy to fix with the soldering iron tip [Music] this the bottom pad here of the large cap that's got pillow in head syndrome it's not fully pillow in head but it's close [Music] sort of like slightly smothered and now it's fixed usually you get pillow in the head more with when you're doing solder paste stenciling and you pick and place the parts and the flux takes a runner before the board gets up to temperature for the part and then when actually reflow temperature arrives there's no flux to allow things to come together hopefully that my wreath line didn't make the enamel come off that [Music] check l5001 um why would we need to check that it should be okay if it doesn't work then i'll go and check it but at the moment i think it should be okay we didn't have our continuity it was looking good on the top side but it was no good on the bottom side maybe it was a mistake using wire as thin as what i did use for that uh feedback line it's exceptionally delicate you sort of need a protector with a good chunk of hot glue sometimes i think it's missing we'll find out yeah maybe you're right no something's burning i smelt something burning oh you mean around the smc yeah i just realized that's what you meant i thought i did move that across but you're probably right i probably didn't yeah i definitely smelt something burning then i'm kind of curious that it would even boot with that l5001 missing i said i'm almost certain i smelt that something burning yeah back to yeah too right good call there good call that was smart i blame the person who told me to reflow the smc for distracting me from the purpose that i had and the associated cap of course is not there either that was less of an issue yeah without l 5001 we're not going to go very far i'm actually impressed at booted steve k where's the fun in that i've only got customers in the morning what do i care [Music] [Music] by the way if this was a customer's machine i would not be working on it at this point but because it's one of my own boards that i picked up for 15 bucks that's why i'm at it [Music] if you work on customer machines at this sort of state of incompetence at this time of the night then yeah probably is not a good idea [Music] as i was fairly sure i could smell something burning but maybe it was my imagination [Music] [Music] still there's a lot of other things that are probably wrong with this board that could be burning as well [Music] it's three o'clock so three and a half hours before sunrise here i'm just going to test the diode mode at that point it should be around about point five seven point six something like that [Music] that's way too low yeah 0.19 that's disturbingly low [Music] that's not good so something definitely got toasty [Music] yeah chip died kind of curious as to why i did that though [Music] so what we'll do now is we'll test the pad and then we'll test the end of the feedback line and you know what it could be no it makes no sense because i measured i go i'm i'm going around the circles here i'm just going to measure and then we'll make an assessment okay the chips 0.18 [Music] and the wire that's like it reef connected or something what all right clearly i'm losing my marbles at this point 0.19 so apparently i um don't need a feedback trace wire maybe i had junk on my tip maybe i had junk on my tip and i never had to run that trace at all it's kind of crazy but if i'm 0.19 at on this side although no it'll be the driver [Music] time to take the chip off maybe the wire got damaged and made contact with something i'm not sure but what is curious here is that we now actually have a diode mode reading on the backlight driver whereas before we were only seeing what we were seeing open circuit [Music] maybe we just short killed our problem by the way i do not support or endorse short killers at all until they kill more boards than what i ever will let's get curious now okay so we are back to open circuit that's very interesting and what about over on this side though we're back to 0.7 or whatever it is point no now we're open on the oh jesus should be 0.57 okay let's go to schematics hmm hey you tomorrow what are you doing up [Music] just better not turn to a damn rabbit hole [Music] did i have that chip on the right orientation in the first place yeah i did yeah well we don't have a short to ground in fact it's quite the opposite it's open circuit now yes i mean that's open 0.12 from the fuse hmm wait that's the fuse bloom fuse is blown well that's bad news uh fuse is blown which means that's the universe's way of telling me i need to wrap it up for the night this is turning an interesting one so we'll try and tackle this tomorrow as well just for fun okay i'm out of here thank you all for sticking around enjoy the torture i'll see you next time cheers
Channel: Paul Daniels
Views: 2,894
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Id: vXsdfTq84Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 1sec (11761 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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