78 and Looking Great - A MAKEOVERGUY Power of Pretty Transformation

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hi I'm Suzanne fry from Ashland Oregon I'm 78 years old [Music] [Music] I was getting lots of advice from various people on YouTube but it was generic advice and and I tried out so many different things products Styles hairdressers I couldn't find anybody who really understood [Music] I'm hoping to come out of it feeling more feminine and stylish and radiant [Music] I was really hoping I'd find some good clothes to take home with me and I am tickled I would never have pulled them off the shelf myself yeah [Music] I would think oh no I I don't I don't look good in flared jeans but these jeans I love them I love them they look so good after I got Christopher's book I was reading it with great interest and actually made some improvements from that [Music] I feel very very much my age but engaged with life I didn't expect to look this glamorous I tried different hairdressers and they're all perfectly capable technically but what I noticed Christopher does it's different he's looking in the mirror at how you appear and how your hair fits the overall picture this is not a wig [Music] and the whole team Christopher Joanne's Mom with the Wardrobe lady Robert who coordinates everything and put me at ease right away and Kayla oh my gosh I told her she's the iridescent butterfly Spirit of this whole thing it's been the absolute best adventure I've had in a long time thank you
Views: 379,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zRfbs7XJde8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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