48 Year Old Gets Her Sexy Back - A MAKEOVERGUY Power of Pretty Transformation

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- Never really had a good role models on how a relationship should be or how a woman should take care of herself or dress at this age or you know, do my makeup. I wanna feel pretty and confident but I also really wanna take from this that I, you know can have those qualities and that I'm enough as it is to get a relationship and keep a relationship that'll be successful and I can get married and have the things I wanted. (soft music) - Women around the world understand that aging can be difficult and often how they've aged does not reflect who they really are. - I'm Angie Wilkerson, I live in San Antonio, Texas and I'm 48. And on the inside, unfortunately I kind of feel 48. - Beauty is far more than skin deep and often the desire for a makeover comes from the soul of the child within. - Some of my first memories are really about my life with my grandmother. I mean, coming home to see what maybe treat she baked after school or riding my tricycle around her yard and just really enjoying her company. One of the most challenging memories from that time period was really not understanding why my mom always left so much. Why she was always getting so dulled up to go out, why she'd come back so often, you know, drunk. I had a hard time, I really wanted to be close to her. I wanted to feel like she wanted to be there but she always had a date and that memory of feeling like there's gonna be this other guy and this other guy and this other guy and she doesn't have time was hard for me. I didn't feel like a priority to her. And often, you know, when my mom would go out, she later after a couple of dates would, then like kind of get me dressed up and dulled up and the guy would come to pick her up and have a little gift for me and I'd begin to feel like I was on display that I had to please this guy so he would stay in my mom's life. But I often, you know got the message from her, you know, don't get married, don't fall in love, be independent, don't trust men. And I saw my mom and I saw my grandmother struggle but yet I also saw them dress me up to put me on parade to impress men. And I knew how poor we were and I thought maybe we're relying on somebody to support us but yet they're telling me not to. So it was difficult and it was hard and I got a conflict of messages. I always felt such a giant weight of responsibility for these three main characters that were my caretakers in my life, my grandmother, my mother and her then whoever was the boyfriend at the time. It was exhausting, so that's probably one of the main reasons I kind of feel the age I did. I've always taken on all this weight of the responsibility of the situation. One of the things I'm most looking forward to is really feeling pretty. This is a power pretty makeover and I'm ready to feel pretty. When I first took the style quiz in Christopher's book it came out dramatic and alluring, which kind of caught me off guard because the way I currently look, I don't, I feel a little intimidated to be dramatic and alluring 'cause I feel a little self-conscious. But how I really wanna be perceived is chic and stylish and even maybe a little sexy. - [Announcer] Did you know that makeover guy is the first and only company in the world that offers this type of free content? That we love what we do, we do need you to continue. Just one video like this takes weeks to create. We rely partially on advertising, but our value to the advertisers is based on your engagement, interaction in the comments section and how long you watch the video. The cost of the makeover does not begin to cover expenses but these women know that and are willing to bear body and soul to help us uplift, inspire and inform millions like you around the world. So please interact, engage with each other help us by answering questions you read. If you'd like to say thank you or buy us a cup of coffee, lunch, or whatever you'd like to give, you can do that by clicking the contributions link in the description. And please write a note to let us know your thoughts. We appreciate and honestly we rely on your contributions to continue. - I feel nervous but excited and at the end of this I hope to feel sexy, classy but comfortable and chic. - [Announcer] And now, let's see the big reveal. (audience applauding) (woman laughing) - Okay, I feel 20 years younger. - How does that feel? - Amazing. - Right? - Yeah, totally amazing. - [Man] Yeah, that's what I feel like I. (woman laughs) - She's hot. - Now she's having a hot flash. - No, it's not a hot flash, it's like a don't get emotional. Like, don't know what to say. Okay, don't make me cry. Okay, yeah, yeah, no, just, (laughs) no, just amazing and shocking and overwhelming. Like in like, it's like a super positive way because everything I wanted to feel and didn't know it because I've never felt this way before. So when you get something that you didn't even know you wanted, how do you describe that? Before I felt like tired and old and exhausted and defeated. - Yeah. - And now I'm giggly nervous. - Yeah. - These are all the things I can't remember feeling before and I'm seeing myself and I don't recognize it, but it feels amazing so it's kinda hard to describe. How I thought I was supposed to feel in shorts and how I actually feel in shorts. - Yeah. - Now. - Yeah. - When you show me how to do it, right, it's like night and day. (woman laughs) I look like 30. - Yeah. - Maybe 30. - Yeah. - [Woman] In the beginning of this I felt exactly my age 'cause I've been like having to adult for so long and so I look at myself now and it's like, oh yeah I remember all those things when you go out someplace you just feel- - Invisible. - Invisible. No matter if you tip super well, you go out and you learn their names. - Yep. - Thanks so and so does it matter you feel invisible? I had a wonderful experience. I definitely feel a lot more confident. I'm wearing clothes that I didn't think at my age I could wear and I feel confident doing it. This was far more than just a haircut and new makeup. I've learned so many different things that really help me with how to style clothes for my body how my body's really shaped. So when I do buy something, I know how it fits better. Everybody doesn't have the same figure as a catalog model. I'm short wasted. So I need to look for things that will fit that. I didn't realize that before. Having a wardrobe full of expensive clothes is great but if they don't fit right it doesn't do you any good. Invest time in yourself and learn how to do makeup a little differently. What are your colors? So you know what looks good on you. You don't have to stand in Alta and be sold something or you know try on 30 different colors and that changes everything. (gentle music)
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Keywords: makeoverguy makeovers, makeover transformation, look younger, makeover guy, hair makeover, fashion over 40, women over 50, makeoverguy 2022, styles for women, makeover guy 2022, makeover guy makeovers, how to, dont want to look old, women over 60, women over 70, makeover guy makeover, angelina makeover, makeover, makeovers, women over 40
Id: 0FusIduPf0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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