7@7 | September 17, 2021

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hey good morning and welcome to seven at seven so glad to have you guys with us this morning we got a special guest we got mike signorelli with us today hey everyone i'm so excited to be here all right he's got an awesome word on interpreting dreams for us today i am really excited about this word but in the meantime hop in the chat say hi let us know that you're there watching with us if we can be praying for you post that in the chat whether you're watching live or for a replay as well as testimonies love celebrating what god is doing well i don't want to take up too much of his time so um i'm going to pass it to mike and this awesome word yeah thanks so much for having me on hey everybody i'm so excited to share for just a few moments but i want to make every second count so the first thing you need to do is hit the share button right now if you haven't already and let somebody know that god has an answer concerning dreams yeah you know we don't have to go to google we don't have to go to psychic mediums like actually god uh designed us to dream not all of them are from him some are the sandwich that you ate the night before yes it might be pizza i mean not every dream is prophetic but some aren't i want to give you some biblical tools to interpret dreams matter of fact you might even want to tag two or three friends in the comments below just because they may have asked you like does the bible say anything about dream interpretation so i want to start with job chapter 33 verses 14 through 16 and it says for god speaks in one way and in two though man does not perceive it then verse 15 says in a dream in a vision of the night when deep uh when deep sleep falls on men while they slumber on their beds and then it says this in verse 16 it's so interesting then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings so here's the thing the average person has about four dreams a night which we don't always remember all four but we have but you have to pay attention to your dreams because they're telling you something whether they're from god or from that pizza like we mentioned so they all are significant and give you access to information so um here let me give you a couple of tidbits biblically solomon was the wisest in the entire kingdom and the encounter that he had with god actually happened through a dream yeah joseph knew that that he was uh not the father of this baby jesus but it was confirmed through a dream and an angel visit him and then we have joseph the son of jacob that receives you know this preparation for this global famine in his ministry and his calling through a dream so we see it throughout scripture old and new testament and here's some important things okay we have we all have common dreams across all cultures so here are a few dreams you probably had a dream of falling a dream of being chased we've all had that you're running in slow motion a dream of maybe dying in your dream here's one your teeth falling out you know like that bizarre that bizarre feeling where you're like is this you know and then you wake up and you're so glad um being naked in public these are just common dreams um and then flying of course but i want to give you a revelation now to move past the the natural into the supernatural so in luke chapter 1 verse 19 the angel answered him i am gabriel i stand in the presence of god and i was sent to speak to you and to bring this good news so gabriel has this this revelation um but also you may not know that daniel when he was struggling with interpretation gabriel also shows up and then with zechariah seeking for a son gabriel shows up again and says your prayers have been answered and so gabriel shows up multiple times with revelation but gabriel gives us a secret as to how he gets his revelation he says in luke chapter 1 verse 19 i am gabriel i stand in the presence of god and so here's the thing don't seek the interpretation of your dream from a friend from a website be like gabriel who stands in the presence of god and receives your relationship or receives your revelation through relationship that's good come on if that's good drop a comment let me know if that's helping you and then from there you can break it down and say is this literal or symbolic right now for me and i noticed that we're getting into the weirder side of social media right now but i've actually had many literal dreams that happen and their future telling dreams and they've been significant signs to me that i'm in the will of god one of them is that we're going to look at a building and i had a dream that about six months prior that when i walked into the auditorium there were drums on this side of the stage risers and it was all laid out well before i actually had the real estate guy open up the doors to the actual auditorium i said wait a second if if it's laid out like this i just know with certainty we should have this building sure enough he opened the doors and it was identical to my dream that's awesome so some dreams are literal but also some dreams are symbolic and you know the holy spirit will help you interpret symbolic dreams but it's also very important to become a student of the word because the more of the bible you read as you go through scripture it helps you understand the character of god and and how symbols repeat themselves across the scriptures and so by knowing the bible you can actually unlock and know your own dreams better so um you know i'm just going to like wrap it off like this don't seek revelation outside of the holy spirit god has given people the ability to interpret dreams but be aware of those who would even manipulate you with their interpretation you know there's a lot of christians that don't know the scriptures and they don't know the character of god and it's dangerous to go to them for interpretation here's a good rule of thumb if you wouldn't want their life if you wouldn't want to exchange this you don't want their interpretation did i just help somebody right now that's good like if you don't want their life you don't want their interpretation that's number one and then number two like study the scriptures and then from that you know i believe oftentimes the holy spirit speaks to us in dreams simply because we're not listening while we're awake so don't let a dream take you farther away from the holy spirit farther away from scripture but rather going deeper in so hopefully this helped you i can't wait to read some of the comments and the testimonies that came out of this brief teaching and i cannot thank you for enough for having me on it's so good and if you don't know mike mike pastors v1 church in new york city and god is using him in such powerful ways so excited that we got to have him with us because we have dreams and sometimes we just discount them and go it's just all pizza and sometimes it is but sometimes those dreams um i i have dream stories but it goes goes fast um it gets long but um god does use that to confirm things god does use that to speak to you god does as you said to warn um those are all different things that god can do through dreams and sometimes it's a matter of going writing it down and i loved that going not just who will give me an interpretation but god what are you speaking i mean i love that one of the the kings in the bible had a dream and then he knew that they would make up stuff and so he says i won't tell you the dream you have to tell me what i dreamed then i can trust that you can interpret it that's good um because he knew that it's too easy to just to make up something so i just want to encourage you that was a powerful word yeah but taking those to god and it's time for us to do our confessions this morning so go ahead and join me as we confess who we are in christ i am a child of god come on i am a child of god i don't have a spirit of fear i do not have a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind but of power love and a sound mind the same power that raised christ from the dead the same power that raised christ from the dead lives in me lives in me i am more than a conqueror i am more than a conqueror through him god is my healer and redeemer god is my healer and redeemer no open formed against me shall prosper no weapon formed against me shall prosper i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus i am the righteousness of god in christ jesus i resist the devil i resist the devil and he flees from me my prayers are powerful and effective my prayers are powerful and effective god i thank you for each person who's joining us live or for a replay that you want to connect with them that you want to speak to them but i thank you that you give us ears to hear whether awake or asleep god that you give us the interpretation as we have dreams god that we could see you at work god we can receive your warnings that we could receive your confirmation that we could receive your direction god i ask you have your way in our homes in our families schools and workplaces that we could be a light and god that you would shine brightly and that you would bring healing restoration and transformation in jesus name amen amen well be blessed have a great weekend we hope to see you guys on sunday for church
Channel: ResLife Church
Views: 130
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 7@7, Reslife church, Mike Signorelli, MikeSignorelli, Pastor Mike Signorelli, V1, V1 Church, interpreting dreams, dreams, can I interpret dreams, what do my dreams mean, dream meaning, interpreting my dreams, I just dreamed, I had a dream about, devotional, confession, prayer
Id: 6Qra1xnCfm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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