75 (Every) Spiderman 2 Suits - Backstories Explored, The Game Universe Spiderman Suits - Mega Video!

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[Music] [Applause] hey there Webheads today we're diving deep into the spiderverse to unravel the Epic unique and downright spectacular history of every Spider-Man suit my name is JJ and welcome back to another marvelous video from the classic blue and red to the most Hightech and downright bizarre costumes we've got them all covered we're going to swing back to the very beginning to that OG homemade suit Peter Parker whipped up and his Aunt May so room then we'll fast forward to some of the wildest and weirdest designs like the bombastic bagman and the iron spider will also explore the evolution of Spidey suits and different comic book storylines TV shows and of course the Blockbuster movies you won't believe the stories behind some of these iconic suits so if you've ever wondered how Peter Parker's fashion sense evolved alongside his superhero career or if you're just a fan of cool costume trivia stick around we're going to have a blast spinning this web of Spidey fashion history before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you and let's begin traditional blue and red suit let's talk about the OG Spider-Man suit you know the iconic one classic blue and red the real deal so after Peter Parker got chomped on by that radio R active spider he didn't run to the nearest costume shop nope he went full DIY the suit was all homemade sewn by Pete himself now this Spidey suit isn't made from any fancy materials it's all about that classic skin tight spandex but what really sets it apart is the Slick design blue and red iconic but straightforward the red parts are decked out with a wet pattern starting from the mask and there's a striking black spider on the chest plus a bigger red one on the back and let's talk about those eyes they're primarily White with a black outline and have this Nifty Chrome covering that Shields Peter's peepers from dust and that harsh Sun oh and it hides his identity to because a mask muffles his voice making him sound like a total stranger of course he's got those trusty web shooters and a web cartridge belt with a spidey signal in the Buckle there's also a special earpiece to keep him safe from those pesky Sonic attacks hey guys I guess bombs are part of Willy's getaway plan Advanced suit the advanced suit aka the white spider suit has got a real standout feature that white spider logo front and center it's got long legs that end at the Sleek blue piping now what's really cool is that each color on his suit has a purpose the red part it's thicker and more rigid like armor for Spidey the blue that's all about flexibility and those white Parts they're here to soak up impacts and keep our friendly neighborhood hero safe no more old school knee high boots either the advanced sud rocks a modern sneaker style design inspired by athletic wear and compression clothing but here is where it gets really high-tech this suits packing a punch in the Gizmo Department it's got its own built-in camera radio and communication system plus when spidey's wearing it he's sent free good for sneaking around bad guys isn't it the lenses they've got an AR heads-up display which means Spider-Man can analyze everything around him in super detail he can check his web fluid his health and even his GPS coordinates and for some extra oomph he later added four mechanical spider legs and some Nifty web Wings Spide is all about that high-tech [Applause] upgrade symbiote suit the wild black suit aka the Venom symbiote isn't your regular Spidey suit it's got a seriously Twisted backstory so picture this spidey's in a fierce battle his costume gets all torn up and he goes into what he thinks is a machine but guess what it's a prison and it's holding an alien symbiote This creepy thing latches on to Peter and starts copying his thoughts next thing you know spidey's got a new costume that's black as night with a massive white spider logo on the chest the white eyepieces are more obvious too and there are some slick organic web shooters on the back of his hands now this Venom symbiote isn't your friendly neighborhood parasite it's all about making its host Peter stronger it supercharges spidey's Powers making him even more of a weap slinging wall crawling superhero but here's a catch the suit is like a bad influence it messes with its host's mind making him aggressive and corrupting them over time Spidey started feeling tired and ran down after a while see the suit is like a vampire it needs to feed constantly and it takes a toll on whoever's wearing it it's a LoveHate relationship for sure I got this i got this iron spider armor we've got to talk about Tony St Stark's Masterpiece the iron spider costume it's not your typical Spidey suit that's for sure so Stark being the genius that he is whipped up a brand new suit for Peter and it's not just any suit it's like Iron Man meets Spider-Man the whole thing is made with all these Hightech materials and nanotech Magic making it super cool it's also got this meshlike quality it's as high-tech as it gets the suit packs a punch with features we're talking radio transmission scanners all sorts of sensors for Peter and even folks around him different Vision settings and the ability to shrug off small caliber bullets plus Peter gets a nice upgrade in strength and even gets to Glide around the real showstopper those three extra mechanical arms that are called Waldos they're like Swiss Army knives for Spidey handy in all sorts of situations now here's a Twist Peter was a bit weary of this fancy suit he was worried that Stark might have some hidden tricks up a sleeve or in this case the suit Peter thought Stark might try to control him with it but Tony claimed that all he was trying to do was examine Peter's Spider Sense Spider-Man's 2099 suit Peter really outdid himself with this one a super cool color changing spider suit for Miguel O'Hara the suit's a real game changer it's made of unstable molecules bonded to Kevlar which means it's tough as nails and can handle some serious beatdowns it's got spidey's defense game on point and it can even take Talons without a scratch and you won't believe this it's got web like cloth that's made of some fancy sounding light bite material this helps Miguel Glide around like a pro plus it's got thrusters in the boots that let him launch off the ground and zip through the air but that's not all folks the suit's packing some serious Firepower it's got these spider saucers that look like tiny arachnids and they're basically little explosives that can be launched from the suit's gloves so Miguel's got some serious distance attacks up his sleeve and let's not forget all those fancy sensors optic sensors for checking out the area infrared scanning for seeing heat signatures and even an internal GPS for keeping Miguel from getting lost the suits like the Swiss army knife of Spider-Man gear and it's God Miguel covered from all angles into the spiderverse suit let's chat about miles morales's cool second costume which takes inspiration from his own design and Peter Parker's Style into the spiderverse classic suit picture this a slick black suit with red highlights but these aren't just any red highlights they're popping with vibrant color it's like miles turn up the volume in a style now here's where it gets even more interesting this suit has quite a few Nifty mods the bam pow Wham visor mode is like a blast from the comic book past it swaps out those realistic hitting effects for classic comic style ones talk about a cool throwback and then there is the vibe the verse suit mod this one's a game changer it actually adjusts miles's movements according to the frame rate it's like stepping right into the spiderverse movie so miles is rocking a suit that's not only super stylish but also gives him some awesome Gadget mods it's all about adding that extra flare to his web slinging Adventures super cool hi is this the flight to Newark spider armor MK1 let's dive into the spider armor MK1 suit this one's a blast from the past taking its inspiration from web of Spider-Man issue 100 now don't expect the typical Spidey look here the suits all about the armor it's made of some fancy pseudo metallic stuff that Peter whipped up during his college days at Empire State University the colors mostly silver and black it's like Spidey went full-on sci-fi the chest Parts got a dazzling armored chest plate with a little spider logo in the front and a big bold one on the back the arms armored gauntlets in shiny silver and the mask is armored too so this suit's got Peter covered from head to toe but here's a trade-off the suit might make you feel a bit like a tank it's not as elegant as a regular Spidey suit and can slow you down on the plus side it's like wearing a bulletproof vest bullets bounce right off but and there's always a catch with these things it's got even more weaknesses especially when it comes to toxins so it's a bit of a mix bag spider armor MK2 the spider armor MK2 suit is black and gold and it's got some serious swag this bad boy made its debut during the no one dies story AR white Peter created well to tackle Massacre and to dodge those pesky bullets now what really sets the suit apart is the ey slits they're narrow and Sleek the spider logo on the chest is like a polygonal work of art taking up most of the Torso and stretching down the arms and legs it's like a gold Masterpiece on black but this suit isn't just for looks it comes with built-in web shooters that fire webs from the forearm not the wrist and it's got magnetic webbing that messes with radio frequencies the bulletproof power in this is the real kicker it lets Spidey go head-to-head with enemies without dodging bullets left and right grenade launchers no biggie for this suit it can take a hit and keep on swinging though Peter is not exactly thrilled about being a human bulletproof vest but hey that's the life of a superhero SP spider armor MK4 we've got the spider armor Mark 4 in the house and let us tell you it's like Peter Parker's ultimate Tech Showdown now unlike the earlier spider armor versions this one's got a bit of a throwback Vibe it's like a modern Twist on the classic suit but with a shiny metallic touch it's all thanks to some snazzy lightweight liquid nanotech that's super responsive it won't slow Spidey down that's for sure the chest logo is a bit different too setting it apart from the usual classic look and the shutter lenses they've got a cool green glow matching the logo but here's the real kicker the defense Shield suit power Spidey basically threw up a force field that sucks up all damage it's like a superhero bubble wrap giving him time to plan his next move or patch himself up before diving back into the action it's like having a safety net while being a webs slinging crime fighting machine superior Spider-Man suit in this suit it's not Peter Parker behind the wheel it's Oto Octavius Otto decided to give Peter classic Spidey suit a significant makeover first off he added some snazzy retractable talents to the hands and feet of the suit but the kicker is these Talons can inject Nano spiders into bad guys complete with GPS and listening devices that way if they manage to slip away he can trag them down he also gave the suit a dark makeover switching out the blue for black and jazzing up the spider logo on the back the spider on the chest that's like a remote control switch for all the suits gadgets plus the mask has a more goggle like look for those lenses and speaking of the Mask Auto also added a heads up display with all sorts of nifty tracking and HUD features if the mask takes a hit the lens is darkened to show it's gone into shutdown mode Auto even lined the inside of the mask with carbonadium to prevent any potential mind swaps talk about being prepared so in a nutshell OT wanted to look a lot more Fierce and intimidating than the baddies he was up against Spider-Man Carnage doppelganger at first when Carnage had his way with Miles his suit was like a twisted version of his regular one it had this long jaw thing going on and a splash of red over his eye with a black spiral the spider logo was all skinny but the legs reached out and wrapped around his shoulders and thighs it was pretty messed up to be honest the arms and legs had these red stripes and the gloves and boots looked all ripped it was like the suit had seen better days to say the least but here's the thing once miles got a grip on it things started to change the m began to look a bit like Peter's symbiote one with some red streaks under the eyes the gloves also went back to the original appearance and during battles the suit would turn red and the crazy spiral thing would go yellow it's like the suit had a mind of its own and it all added up to some pretty intense fights miles and a symbiote suit are a combo that's not to be messed with that's for sure stealth suit let's talk about the Spidey stealth suit this baby was designed by Peter Parker himself and it's a bit of a head turner when compared to the rest of the suits so this suit was made to tackle the hobgoblins Sonic screams it rocked a red and black look which is pretty cool but the real deal here is the Omni harmonic mesh with wave bending properties fancy words but what it means is that the suit could basically turn invisible and cancel out sound in a bunch of remarkable ways the suit had three color settings green which bent light and sound making it invisible to everyone except those with special lenses then there's red which dampened all Sonic frequencies from super low to super high and finally white that turned off all the stealth and sound features but here's the thing this suit needed a charge to use those stealth and anti- sound Powers it wasn't like an unlimited superpow Buffet plus it could mend itself with just a thought and it was even fireproof how because it's made of unstable molecules so Peter was basically wearing the superhero version of an anti-noise suit and it's pretty darn awesome antio suit Peter wanted to give Doc O a run for his money so he cooked up the antio suit and it's a game changer Peter used materials and gear from 's old lab mainly the stuff they used for prosthetic limbs the result a sleek black suit with bold yellow highlights featuring a massive yellow spider logo and glowing yellow ey lenses it's like a nod to Doc O tentacles makes it clear this suit means business when it comes to battling him and his robot arms the antiox Su is like a beefed up version of the advanced suit so it's got that high-tech feel and those yellow highlights they light up at night or in the dark giving it that extra cool Factor but the real kicker is the resupply power it comes with this bad boy can constantly refill the webbing for any Gadget Peter's got in hand it's like having an endless supply of spider tech at his disposal with this suit Peter's got a serious upper hand in the battle against dook talk about a high-tech show down here comes the P Chasm suit here's a scoop on Ben Riley and his Chasm suit after some crazy explosion he decided to give his original suit a makeover he went for purple and green which is a bold choice will give him that and the coolest part he added visible web shooters none of that hidden stuff you can see him plain as day now Ben wasn't satisfied with just the color change he tweaked the web shooters making them work with twisting wrist motions not the double tap thing that Peter used it's like a whole new way to sling webs Ben Riley always keeping us on our toes with the style and this suit of his is no exception unbelievable black cloth suit so Peter's girlfriend the black cat thought she'd Jazz up his style a bit and gave him a duplicate of the symbiote suit she figured it was way sex ier than his old blue and red outfit now here's where it gets interesting Peter didn't rock that black suit until he had a little laundry map and accidentally shrank his trusty blue and red one talk about a wardrobe malfunction at first he was switching between the two suits like he was at a superhero fashion show but eventually the black suit became his go-to it had the added bonus of being stealthy at night thanks to its dark color plus it had an unintentional effect of seriously intimidating his enemy it was like wearing a suit of fear and it worked like a charm so the black cats fashion scents gave us one of the most iconic Spidey looks and it's all thanks to a little laundry accident who knew right fear itself suit during the crazy Showdown against Cole Boron and his worthy Spider-Man got a significant upgrade Tony Stark and the dwarves of NAD davier teamed up to give Spidey a serious upgrade this stuff was no joke it was made from uru the same metal that Thor's hammers crafted from it's like wearing a supercharged suit of armor the appearance well say goodbye to the classic blue and red look the suit turned Spidey into a light blue superhero way more lightweight than his usual blue suits and instead of black webs it had these neon blue lines that were like something out of a sci-fi movie but here's a kicker the suit had these s gauntlets on both wrists equipped with some seriously sharp blades Spidey could go all melee on his enemies with those bad boys it was a total GameChanger and a star contrast to his usual friendly neighborhood crime fighting style the suit meant business and it was all about saving the day no matter what the cost an unforgettable moment in spidey's Journey for sure future foundation suit let's chat about the future foundation suit that Spidey rocked when he joined the gang the suit's got a whole new look and it's pretty slick so picture this it's all white and black and it's made from some fancy third generation unstable molecules spidey's face is primarily white except for those cool reflective ey lenses which can even detach from the mask the black Parts split up the sides while the white takes over from the feet to the Torso and wraps around the arms there are these torso lines at each rip cage section and the black Li logo on the chest spreads its eight legs throughout the suit now when it comes to the wrists and hands the inside's all black while the outside's Pure White it's all made from these unstable molecules so it's like the superhero suit of the future it can fix itself up never gets dirty and can change its looks on the Fly and here's a bonus the suit can go all stealth mode turning black when Spide wants to stay hidden it's like a superhero chameleon suit so joining the Future Foundation was a St upgrade for Spidey no doubt about it Ultimate Spider-Man suit let's talk about Miles Morales and his DIY spider suit so Miles decided to give his trusty suit a little makeover he changed up the Torso design and spiced things up a bit and check this out he added some cool highlights on the soles of this brand new shoes kind of like spider Gwen it's like a personal touch to a spidey style making it even more unique miles is all about keeping it fresh and this new suit definitely shows it Spider-Man and Beyond suit let's talk about Ben Riley's Swanky new Spider-Man suit courtesy of the Beyond Corporation this brand new suit is all about that sleek and modern Vibe it's like a fresh take on the classic blue and red Spidey look now visually it's got those traditional colors but it's also got some cool twists you've got these triangular bars in the shoulder area a neat blue frame on the back side of the gloves and no belt the boots even have those sharp triangular ends it's all about those sharp angles in this one the logo on the chest has been shifted a little to the left so it's got a bit of a rebellious feel you could say and what's really remarkable about the suit are the upgrades from the Beyond Corporation better web shooters and Stingers talk about spicing up spidey's tool Kate the suit itself is made from Impact thickening foam based polymers making Ben more durable and able to take on more brutal hits It's like a Superman suit in armor allinone got to love a good suit upgrade that's just threats and Menace a suit Parker got himself a spiffy new suit in exchange for letting the world watch the heroics in almost real time the suit is all about the Shades of Gray blue and white The Mask Rock slightly slanted eye lenses and it's got these yellow lines that glow and extend from the logo to the web shooters and even the eyes it's made of unstable molecules which is like superhero fabric on steroids now not only does this suit boost spidey's strength and speed but it's like a surve dream come true New York can not only watch their favorite hero in action but also send in personal messages create audience polls for Spidey moves and even leave reviews it's pretty much like social media for the superhero but here is the real kicker the suit takes spidey's classic Spider Sense to a whole new level and his web shooters they've got an upgrade too instead of simple strands they shoot out a thick muddied material plus they've got two extra ports of exit oh and did we mention the holographic capabilities they can even be remotely controlled it's keeping the streets of New York safe and entertaining the masses all at the same time post clone saga suit check this out Miles Morales went and got himself a slick new suit made by Kenneth Kingson the suits got Style no doubt about it so the mask is all Scarlet Spider inspired giving miles a bit of that cool Spidey Vibe the sweater is primarily black but it's got some fabulous red accents all throughout the shoulders the pants have been flipped with red stripes featuring some snazzy webbing the shoes are a classic red and even have the logo and webbing all over the souls it's all about that Superhero fashion statement now the suits made with vany design studio fibers which means it's extra tough stretchy and can even handle quite a bit of severe heat Kenneth really hooked Spidey up with a top tier suit and miles can feel the difference it's like a whole new level of spider power in that costume so Miles Morales is not just your friendly neighborhood spider man now he's the most stylish one too gold Goblin armor let's dive into the gold Goblin armor this thing is a game changer it was cooked up as another outfit for Spider-Man originally named spiders suit V3 Norman Osborne the guy with a not so Rosy history designed this powerful new costume to help Spidey take down the Hob Goblin now when you think of goblin you might imagine something all green and scary but nope this gold Goblin is all about Sleek AR armor and a golden glider it's like a superhero's dream right and it's not just about looking fancy the suit packs some explosive energy bombs talk about leveling the playing field so the gold Goblin armor isn't just a nod to its villainous Roots it's a whole new spin on things when spidey's got this baby on he's ready to take on whatever comes his way in style Prowler suit Hobie Brown the prowler got his inspiration from the stilt man's battle suit and he decided to craft his own secret identity with it the prowler suit is all about protection it's like a military flag suit armored to the max we're talking about high explosive Weaponry no problem for this baby it's like wearing a superhero tank but here's a cool part it's not just about defense the suits loaded with high-tech pneumatic weapons that pneumatic glider Cape it can expand with air getting all rigid and letting him Glide short distances think of it like a superhero glider the pneumatic boots they're packed with compressed air that lets Hobie leap like nobody's business and let's not forget those gauntlets they can shoot all kinds of stuff and the suit's got spare cartridges so he's always locked and loaded oh and those steel claws on the gauntlets not just for climbing they're like sharp metal Talons when engaging in close quarters combat so Hobie Brown's Prowler suit isn't just a fancy outfit it's got the tech and the style to make him a real superhero in in the Marvel world he certainly has all the right tools for the job electr prooof suit let's talk about spidey's rubber suit no not the kind you'd wear to a costume party but the one he made to take on Electro's shocking Powers so Spider-Man whipped up this insulated suit to protect himself from electro crazy electricity to be fair we're talking about a guy who can juice up and become a human lightning bolt so Spidey needed some serious protection after their Showdown Spidey thought of making the suit even better so he added some extra padding and gave it a bit more style you know just in case he had to go up against someone like Electro ever again for him it's all about being prepared and looking good while doing it spider armor MK3 let's dive into this super high-tech Spidey suit the one they also call the ends of the Earth spider armor Peter Parker had this one in his back pocket just in case you have to go toe-to-toe with the Sinister 6 this suits got all the bells and whistles to counter each Sinister 6's member's Powers we are talking about a customized helmet that's got an echolocator Comm link and even the infamous and badass octo helmet and the lenses in this bad boy they're Next Level they've got a holographic visor and even the Pink Hippo app which can be used to control and morph grains of sand but that's not all the suit's got a trick for pretty much everything it can handle electricity like a champ it's got built-in web shooters and Jet boots for those superhero flights and it's as durable as a tank plus there's a utility belt thrown in for good measure so the ends of the Earth spider armor is basically spidey's insurance policy against the Sinister 6 it's like a one suit fits all solution for superhero problems uncanny Spider-Man suit Nightcrawler AKA Kurt Wagner had a little chat with Peter Parker and he needed a fresh start start in the superhero game Spidey decided to help him out by passing down an old suit now Kurt's costume was all about fitting his Unique Look you've got pointed ears three-fingered gloves two toed boots and of course the classic tail it's like the ultimate acrobats outfit the suit itself was mostly black and had some pops of red you've got the logo and even the sols all rocking that bold red color the logo was a real standout it had these four top arms stretching up to the shoulders in between the bottom four was that I ionic red tail Nightcrawler definitely got himself a suit that stands out in a crowd bombastic bman suit twice Spider-Man found himself in a bit of a wardrobe jab you know those days when you can't find your superhero suit and all you've got is a paper bag yep that happened so the first time he had to roll with a spare Fantastic Four costume complete with that oh so fashionable paperbag mask and guess what the suit was made of some fancy unstable molecules which means it could handle all kinds of superhero action but yeah Spidey then had to go by the name the amazing bagman talk about a mouthful the second time he had to make do with even less no fancy suit just a pair of red pants some black knee high boots and absolutely no shirt and of course the trusty paper bag over his head this time he was known as the bombastic bagman who even comes up with these names right but hey even when he's in a pinch Spidey still manages to save the day it just goes to show that a true superhero can rock any look even a paper bag on the head some assembly require iron spider Hulkbuster armor it's time to check out the big guns literally so Kurt Connor cooked up this monster of an experiment and they call it the iron spider Hulkbuster armor it's like the Hulk's worst nightmare this thing is like the iron spider armor on steroids and it's enormous standing at about the same height as the Iron Man Hulkbuster it's all decked out in Gold titanium alloy and has a mix of magnets and hydraulics to make it move talk about high-tech now this bad boy is all about power and durability but it's not exactly doing any graceful ballet moves it's kind of like the Hulk himself not big on fancy footwork but it can be paired up with the regular iron spider armor to bring some extra moves to the party plus it's got those iconic Waldos which are basically super strong arms made from some fancy iron alloy Crystal it can hover and fly with jet thrusters in its boots and its God repulsors that can make even Iron Man jealous in a showdown with the Hulk you definitely want this baby on your side it's like the ultimate heavyweight champ in the superhero Fashion World Noir suit back in the day our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man decided to create a super secret suit to take on the local street thugs all anonymously at first the suit was a mix of few pieces of Peter's winter clothes and homemade mask he cobbled the rest of it together using bits and pieces from his Uncle Ben's World War I uniform think leather trench coat goggles over his mask and even some snazzy gun holsters to keep his revolvers the works as far as fetus Spiderman was concerned and sometimes he throw on a fedora for that extra cool detective Vibe but Peter being the fashion forward hero is didn't stop there he later spiced up his mask with a webike pattern under the goggles plus he he added a vest and sometimes he'd even slap a spider logo upon the back for that extra Touch of style oh and let's not forget the belt buckle yep that one had a spider design too it's like Spidey went full detective mode with this one solving crimes and looking sharp while doing it Captain universe's suit here's a cosmic wardrobe change you won't believe so Spidey had this lab mishap that got him cozy with the uni power and suddenly he's rocking the Captain Universe outfit talk about a cosmic makeup over when the uni power chooses a partner it basically wraps them up in the Captain Universe get up and this suit is no joke it's like wearing a suit of armor against crazy temperatures keeping you cool when it's hot and warm when it's not but that's not all the uni power dials everything up to 11 Spidey who's already pretty darn powerful gets a serious power boost think Super senses that could put a hawk to shame super strength super speed and heck he can even fly oh and let's not forget the cherry on the top some telekinesis to move things with his might so Captain Universe Spidey isn't just your friendly neighborhood hero he's the cosmic Champion who's here to save the day in style it's like getting an upgrade from the universe itself Omniverse Spider-Man armor when it was time to take on the big baddies from the imagined order Peter got himself a slick new suit and guess who the designer was none other than the scientist from the seven you know that big Superhero Squad so the suit had some serious style going on it's like Peter raided the closets of his fellow team members but decided to keep the classic blue and red Vibe can go wrong with the basics right we're talking about some serious armor here folks it was all decked out to keep Spidey safe while he went toe-to-toe with the bad guys because when the scientist gets to work you know you're in for some top-notch design so picture this Spidey rocking a brand new suit ready to take on the imagined order in style classic colors Cutting Edge Tech and a whole lot of heroics now that's about that'll ready look if we ever saw one new Fantastic forit here's a little something from the Empire event for all of you Spidey fans so our friendly neighborhood hero got this Nifty suit thanks to some fantastic folks the Fantastic Four to be exact the suit was like a remix of the Fantastic Fords uniforms you know the blue and white outfit but of course Spidey had to add his own touch a spiffy spider logo instead of that four Insignia it's all made with these fancy unstable molecules so it's not just stylish it's also high-tech now here's where it gets really cool these suits aren't your run-of-the-mill costumes they're like a superheroes all-in-one they've got data processing and Telemetry systems woven right into the fabric like on a molecular level you can check out data and control stuff with touchpad gloves and they're pretty much like walking sensors they can even tell you how many people are lurking in the Next Room or what dimension you've stumbled into it's like wearing a superpowered gadget so when Spidey stepped into this fantastic for inspired suit he was also set to take on whatever was thrown at him in style and with some serious Tech to back him up Sensational Spider-Man suit now when Ben Riley that clone of our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man decided to step into the Spidey shoes he wanted to make his Mark so he whipped up his very own version of the classic blue and red costume now the core of the suit was still the traditional blue and red deal but he wasn't satisfied with just that nope he had to put his own spin on it Ben extended those spider legs on the suit with whole different design for the boots and gloves you know just to add that extra Touch of uniqueness so there you have it folks Ben Riley's take on the classic Spidey suit a bit of the old a bit of the new and a whole lot of web slinging action programmable matter suit Miles Morales our Spider-Man stumbled upon a super secret project the tinkerer had cooking up it involved something fancy called programmable matter basically the stuff of a superhero dreams miles got his hands on this Tech and used it to whip up a slick new suit picture this black and red all the way it's got red webbing red spider logos the works now the kicker is that it looks kind of metallic with this cool web leg design and a shiny finish plus the hands feet web pattern and those Spidey logos glow a brilliant red but here's where it gets really Nifty this programmable matter Gizmo in the suit lets miles create all sorts of equipment even those iconic Waldos however there are few conditions to meet if he wants to make those it's like Spidey Meats high-tech Wizardry time to save the day in style velocity suit check this out let's talk all about the velocity suit this Spidey outfit is a real head turner picture a slick red and gray armored suit with snazzy silver visors for the eyes it's got the superb more defined plating and a Nifty blue spider symbol that lights up in a blinding red color in the dark talk about a fashion forward superhero but what really sets the suit apart is its toughness it's built to take on superhuman punches and energy blasts like a champ and here's a kicker it comes with an extraordinary power called Blitz when Spidey activates it he goes into overdrive supercharging his speed and turning his momentum into a weapon to plow through enemies Fast and Furious that's the velocity suit for you got thank you you're welcome don't scare baby Uptown Pride suit so Miles Morales got this super special suit in a pretty unique way think of it as a surprise gift waiting for him right in front of a graffiti mural it's a tangible symbol of the love he has for the city and you know what the city loves him right back and here's where it gets even more extraordinary this suit is a tribute to the legendary Chadwick Boseman the original black panther actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe it's like a nod to a real superhero in the movie world now picture this suit it's primarily black just like miles's classic one but with a Twist instead of red it's got these golden yellow web patterns spider logos and fingers plus there are two extra downward arrows on each upper arm it's like a fresh take on a classic and it's all about love respect and style blood spider suit so the blood spider suit is almost like a spitting image of spider Spider-Man's outfit you know the one with the fancy web shooters and all and guess what this suit didn't end up with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but got handed over to one of taskmasters top students a guy named Michael Bingham now this Michael guy he's been trained to be like a spidey doppelganger what we mean by that is he fights just like Spider-Man has his strength and reflexes down pat it's like he's trying to be the ultimate copycat the suit even comes with its own set of web shooters they work kind of like SP IES but with tubing going from the wrists to a backpack thing the suit gives a wearer all these incredible tech-based Spidey Powers you know wall crawling and all that jazz it's like a wannabe Spider-Man starit bro back the [Music] hell purple rains suit check this out this is an amped up version of miles morales's Spider-Man suit and his uncle Aaron Davis is the genius behind it uncle Aaron went all out creating this fabulous gift for Miles the suit takes some serious inspiration from the prowler's own outfit rocking a similar color scheme cool gadgets and gear but with that fantastic Spider-Man twist one thing you'll notice right away is the suits eye lenses they're a bit smaller than the usual ones and shine with this Vivid green glow-in-the-dark no fancy emote features in those lenses the gloves in this suit even come with some sharp claws if you look closely you'll spot the claws on the fingertips and a Nifty utility belt too now here's a deal the claws and the belt might look snazzy but they're just for show they won't really give you an edge in a fight but hey it's still looks really cool right cosplayer suit so here's a fun one Ben Riley the Spider-Man clone swiped the suit from a Spider-Man cosplayer right out in Las Vegas unexpected move right the suit Rock a primarily red color with a slick black design starting at the hood and running down to the Belt then splitting off to cover those gloves we guess sometimes you just can't resist the temptation of a good cosplay especially when you're a spidey clone a scorp suit Norman Osborne always up to something new and exciting decided to give Spidey a makeover in a bit to boost his Public Image he dubbed his creation the spider suit v2.3 sounds fancy right the new look is still pretty much spidey's classic red blue but with a goblin twist thank yellow spider logos and eyes plus some Beady bits running down the arms we guess even superheroes need a fashion upgrade once in a while and in spidey's case Osborne was The Stylist Canadian Spider-Man suit in some funky alternate timeline Ben Riley sported a red and black outfit the suit had minimal to no red on the sleeves and some extra dark lines that kind of looked like play or flannel you know for that cozy winter Vibe and it even had a cute little pinkish white Maple Leaf around the logo which was like a mini version of The Sensational logo to complete the Ensemble he rocked Brown gloves and boots with a snazzy spider logo right on the bottom of the shoes it's like he was ready to stomp through a spider themed forest or something you have a metal arm Stark suit oh yeah there is the Stark suit also known as the upgraded classic suit and it's quite the D so back in 2016 during the Civil War Tony Stark decided to toss the suit over to Peter it was all part of recruiting him to help him in that whole Captain America government oversight thing Peter kept the suit and used it for his Patrols in New York even when he was out there investigating the vulture's crimes now when we look at the Stark suit you'll notice it's got that classic red and blue color combo but there's a Twist they threw in some snazzy black highlights and let's not forget those fancy ey lenses with expressive shutters and high-tech heads up display this bad boy comes with some high-tech perks too like an AI buddy a Nifty reconnaissance drone and even some retractable Wings suit components it's like Peter got his very own superhero Swiss army knife Spirit spider let's talk about the spirit spider suit a little number worn by Peter Parker from Earth 11638 also known as ghost spider in this wild alternate reality Peter had a rough go of it he got himself killed but luckily Dr Banner stepped in and did some resurrecting magic our boy Peter came back from the dead as ghost spider with a suit that'll make your jaw drop picture this a white suit with no cloth just a smooth white body right on the chest there's a slick spider symbol and instead of your regular old head you've got a skull with blue flames for here spooky right but here's a kicker this suit comes with Spirit fire suit power when you fire that baby up Spider-Man's skull gets all fiery and his attacks light up like a bonfire he can basically spread the fires of Hell to to his enemies and they not only take a beating but also get stunned by those blue flames it's like he's got a whole fireworks show going on while he's saving the day homemade suit ah the homemade suit now we're talking about some authentic DIY superhero fashion so this outfit is all about the homemade charm Peter Parker The Crafty guy he is put it together himself with whatever odds and ends he had lying around imagine this a red sleeveless hoodie with a cute little black spider emblem right in the middle under that he's got a blue sweatsuit practical and comfy Peter doesn't forget the gloves though they're fingerless black and red oh so stylish and let's not Overlook those red boots for some extra flare to top it all off he's got a red ski mask with goggles over the eyes now don't expect fancy Tech and all the bells and whistles with this one but there's something about that homemade down toe vibe that makes it an absolute cult classic Peter might not have had Stark level resources for the suit but it's got heart and sometimes that's all you need to be a hero mama bird is about to be very angry AR Iraq nights suit let's dive into the wild world of Iraq nightsuit so in the version of the story where it first originated Peter Parker had a runin with a supercharged spider while he was already in pretty bad shape courtesy of goblin by night this mystical spider bite gave him some spider totem Powers but it also scrambled his head leaving him with different personalities to deal with all in a day's work for a superhero now when you look at the rack Knight suit you'll see a mix of Spider-Man and moonight Vibes the classic red is still there on the mask arms and legs but there are no wet patterns there keeping things sleek and clean the rest of the suit white as snow featuring a hood web shooters and some handy utility pouches and don't forget the giant white spider right on the chest got to give a nod to the iconic Spider-Man look but here's where the moonight twist comes in he's rocking a cool cloak so you've got that per Perfect Blend of Spidey style and moon Knight's mysterious flare arach Knight certainly brought something fresh and new to the hero scene 25th Century suit let's talk about this future inspired suit looks like something right out of a Sci-Fi flake it's called the 25th Century suit and it's all about the Visionary style picture this you've got your classic red vipes mixed in with some snazzy blue neon lights right on the chest those eyes well they've got a Sci-Fi makeover too just to add a touch of the futuristic to the whole package now here's the cool part the materials used for the suit are all about the future it's got that stretchy elastic feel and you better believe it's built to last and if you're wearing this bad boy you're going to turn heads for sure it's like stepping out of a time machine from the future you won't go unnoticed that's for sure Stone monkey suit so let's talk about this fantastic suit called The Stone monkey it's not your typical superhero ghetto this one takes its inspiration from some ancient Chinese Legends and more specific specifically from a character named Sun Wukong in a classic tale called Journey to the West now where does the name come from well it's pretty simple Sun Wukong the character that suits based on was born from a rock like a stone monkey so the suit is all about that legendary Vibe and embracing those ancient Tales from Chinese folklore this is definitely a suit that stands out considering the cultural meaning that it's associated with Ora suit let's talk about the ortia suit sounds fancy doesn't it the suit rocks a color combo of red black and gold the spider logo that iconic symbol it's all shiny gold now here's a cool part it's got iron spider gauntlets you know those high-tech gadgets on the arms plus you've got red lines running all over the suit even on the knee pads and here's a fun fact in specific lighting those black Parts might just look like they've got a touch of navy blue pretty snazzy right right the suit has been one of the few exclusive designs included with the digital Deluxe bundle of the Spider-Man 2 video game tactical suit so let's chat about the Tactical suit do you know what it reminds us of those slick pimp Tech suits that Avengers sported in that 2019 flick Avengers endgame it's got that very same high-tech Vibe it's a pretty technologically advanced looking white black and red suit with blue sectioned off eyes but here's a catch right now you can only get your hands on it through the digital Deluxe bundle like a special treat for the hardcore fans pretty neat huh apocalyptic suit let's talk about the apocalyptic suit this bad boy is all new and exclusively cooked up for the Spider-Man 2 video game so if you're a dieh hard Spidey fan you're in for a treat it's like they took the spider Punk style and gave it a gritty post-apocalyptic twist it's the kind of thing that makes you gasp at just how cool it is but here's a deal you'll again only find it in the digital Deluxe bundle of the game Brooklyn 2099 suit the Brooklyn 2099 suit it's got a cool futuristic Vibe suppose you've been swinging around as Miles Morales in the very first game in that case you might already be familiar with it from the spin-off title released in 2021 this new spin on miles's look gives him a shiny metallic suit complete with a glowing spider emblem it's like he's going for that futuristic Warrior Vibe with his utility belt pants and some slick wrist accessories it's all about adding a bit of that 2099 flare to milesa style the best part you'll get to flaunt this suit in the sequel so Miles Morales is gearing up for some fantastic fashion moments in the new game Kumo suit you've got to check out the Kumo suit it's a brand new addition that our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Peter Parker will be sporting in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 the name Kumo comes from the Japanese word for spider and this suit is all about embracing Japanese culture as a reflection of its name the suit is all white and has a Japanese ninja style design so picture Spidey swinging around in a suit that's not just stylish but also pays homage to the web Slinger arachnid roots with a touch of Japanese flare it's like a fusion of super hero awesomeness and cultural [Music] coolness spider Punk suit you've got to see this suit based on spider Punk an alternate version of Hobie Brown and it's a real rocker so it sticks to the classic Spidey red and blue theme but it's got some punk rock vibes going on the first thing you'll notice is those sneakers instead of the regular Spider boots on the head there are spikes kind of like a mohawk giving at that punk Edge and guess what there's no spider logo on the front but you'll find one on the back of the top and it spells out fnsm that's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man but here's the real kicker the suit has a rockout power when you activate it it's like a mosh pit at a rock concert it blasts enemies into the air and then sends them flying with some super sweet guitar waves so it's not just an incredible look it packs a punch and battles Spider-Man 2099 black suit the suit takes Spider-Man into the future and it's a reimagined version of the classic Spider-Man 2099 suit first seen in the comics in Amazing Spider-Man's issue 365 but hold on there's a Twist in the game although they call it the Spider-Man 2099 black suit it is actually more blue than black now this spiffy number features a blue base with lots of red highlights the giant red spider on the chest it kind of looks like a skull totally red The Mask has some red highlights too just to make sure you know where spidey's peepers are and check out those incredible red spikes on the arms along with clawed fingers giving a nod to Miguel O'Hara's Talons and here's the deal the suits got a unique trick up its sleeve called Low Gravity when Spidey activates it he can hang in the air for way longer pulling off all sorts of cool aerial moves and planning his next move before he even hits the ground it's like he's dancing through the skies tokatsu suit here's a real treat for the fans in the Spider-Man 2 game the tokatsu suit it's a brand new creation for the game and it draws inspiration from those incredible Japanese Tok satu movies and TV shows that are famous for their practical effects and epic superhero action when you take a look at miles in the suit you'll probably think it's straight out of those classic Saturday morning TV shows it's got some seriously bold Vibes with those giant pointy shoulder pads that scream superhero the suit's got Sleek tinted goggles and a stylish raised red rim to go along with its Slick Black design but and here's a downer you can only snag this fantastic suit if you grab the deluxe edition of The Game on the bright side that deluxe version also throws in some extra starting skill points so you'll be off to a fantastic start enjoy slinging those webs hybrid suit here is the scoop on the hybrid suit it's a snazzy outfit designed by none other than Peter Parker in the 2021 flick Spider-Man no way home so here's how it all goes down Peter gets his hands on some high-tech nanites and they become the primary elements of the suit the suit is kind of a mashup combining elements from the mcu's upgraded suit and tossing in some nanites swiped from the iron spider suit the result a golden spider emblem that shines on both the front and back of the suit Plus the once black highlights now sport a cool dark blue hue and a few red lines add that extra Touch of flare Peter rocks this hybrid suit when he teams up with his older counterparts from other Marvel universes to gear up for an epic showdown against villains from different dimensions while it looks incredible this suit doesn't come with any fancy suit power but hey at least it makes Peter look fresh and snazzy right final swing suit so the deal with this this suit is that Peter Parker himself our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe put it together you can catch a glimpse of it in the finale of the 2021 Blockbuster Spider-Man no way home now what's really cool about the suit is that it takes inspiration from both the web suit and the second amazing suit it's like a fresh Twist on the classics and it ditches all that fancy Stark Tech it's a nod back to Peter's very first suit giving us some serious nostalgic vibes this snazzy outfit is the eighth MCU suit to make an appearance in the franchise and it's got a special place in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 they even call it the new red and blue suit instead of the final swing suit and boy does it look the part it's got that classic shiny blue pattern bringing the comic book fi to life upgraded suit so let's let's talk about miles morales's upgraded suit he whipped this one up between the events of Miles Morales and the comic Marvel's Spiderman 2 it's like his pet project now here's the deal the suit is all about that classic Vibe it's heavily inspired by his original classic suit the one that's near and dear to Spider-Man's fans Arts insomnia games work their magic to create the suit exclusively for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 it's what miles rocks as his go-to Spider-Man outfit for most of the game in his default look and he wears it while dealing with all the heroics until something big happens in the climax and he thinks it's time for a change this isn't letting them workn tracksuit let's talk about the track suit you might be wondering what's with the fancy name right well it stands for time response activated circuit kinetic suit but don't break a sweat you can just call it the track suit now picture this it's a Sleek white and black suit with some fantastic red highlights the iconic spider symbol and web patterns are rocking that bold red style this cool suit comes as part of the Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales launch edition pre-order pack fancy stuff right what's even more incredible is the untrackable suit mod it brings to the table this little mod helps you take less damage from those pesky ranged attacks like bullets and stuff reducing the hurt by 25% safy first even for superheroes Shadow spider suit let's dive into this fantastic new suit worn by Miles Morales it's all about the shadowed spider look which was born in the pages of Champions Volume 2 in Champions issue 25 our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and his superhero Pals got a makeover like no other when they found themselves in weird world miles totally owned this Rogue style that reinvented him as a fantasy hero so picture this the the suit gives you major Fantasy character Vibes the suit is all about embracing that otherworldly look and feeling like a true superhero it's definitely a musthave for all the Miles Morales fans out there agimat check out this rad agimat made just for miles and Spider-Man 2 it's an absolute stunner with a design that pays homage to the indigenous tribes of the Philippines imagine rocking a purple and gold color scheme that screams royalty you'll feel like a true superhero King now here's a scoop the akimat suit is one of the fabulous 10 exclusive suits you'll get your hands on if you grab the deluxe edition of the Spider-Man 2 it's the perfect way to make your in-game adventures even more legendary red Spectre suit Miles Morales is bringing some serious style to the superhero game with this red Spectre suit this baby is all about combining fashion with crime fighting and it's got that original touch made just for the game you're in for a treat with the red Spectre suit a unique design that sets miles apart and keeps him looking fresh while he's swinging through the city so get ready to show off your super fashioned sense as you save the day encoded suit the encoded suit in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is like a cyber Punk dream come true it's got Miles Morales looking fresh and futuristic while he swings through the city and you can thank a fan favorite artist for this unique design made just for the game with bright LEDs that light up miles's eyes chest and arms and vibrant yellow it's all about showcasing his bioelectric Venom Powers the rest of the suit has the Sleek metallic look but those red accents on his wrists and shoes add that extra pop now if you want to rock the encoded suit you'll need to grab the digital deluxe edition of the game it's almost $80 but it comes with some other cool stuff to sweeten the deal so get ready to show off your cyberpunk superhero style in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 biomechanical suit the biomechanical suit in Marvel Spider-Man 2 is a real eye-catcher it's got this black and red color scheme with a touch of anime inspired Vibes making it stand out in the superhero fashion game what's super cool about it is how it Blends technology and biology the designs on the suit are like something out of an alien sci-fi movie and it's it's clear that a lot of thought and creativity went into crafting this Unique Look just for the game so if you're into futuristic biotech style the biomechanical suit is where it's at Miles Morales 2099 suit the Miles Morales 2099 suit is like an incredible blend of different Spidey Styles it takes the iconic spider emblem from Miguel Lara's Spider-Man 2099 and gives it a Twist that's perfect for Miles Morales picture this a suit that's rocking shades of blue black red and white it's got some Wicked arm spikes that make it stand out plus there's a stylish Hood with a mix of navy red and touch of white the visor even lights up adding a nice futuristic touch but it's not all about the looks the suit comes with some handy perks too you get the Venom suppression resistance mod which shortens the time rocks on Venom suppression affects you plus when you activate camouflage it instantly gets rid of those pesky rocks on Bolas now that's a suit with style and sub family business suit the family business suit takes a page from the iron spiders book and it's got quite the backstory the suits roots go back to a legacy comic storyline in which Aaron Davis Miles morales's Uncle suits up as a new sort of iron spider armor he even becomes the head honcho of the Sinister 6 you know your typical family business now when you look at insomniacs version of the suit it's like a mashup of a few other fan favorite designs there's a touch of Peters and antio suit and you can't miss the purple and green flare which is a shout out to Aaron's Prowler Persona the result is a suit that's not too flashy but oozes coolness simple practical and all around awesome you ain't going to bring me down sports wear suit miles's very first suit in Spider-Man Miles Morales is a really cozy number picture this he's rocking a hoodie not just any hoodie but a hoodie and a puffy jacket talk about keeping warm in those chilly Brooklyn Winters so here's the deal this sports wear suit isn't miles's official superhero outfit not really it's more like a makeshift costume thrown together when he's just starting out he even borrows Peter's mask to complete the look but hey we all start somewhere right advanced techit miles's advanced techit is like something straight out of a high-tech sci-fi movie insomnia games came up with this original design for Marvel's Spider-Man Miles morales's video game and it's pretty darn cool picture this it's got a sleek and armored look kind of like Peter's iron spider suit but with its own unique spin the suit comes with metal plating it even lights up in certain places so miles is basically rolling in a high-tech version of its classic costume ready to take on whatever comes his way it's like the superhero upgrade he deserves oh and the good news is you can even snag this fantastic suit in Marvel Spider-Man 2 now with a choice of three different colors how cool is that Miles Morales 2020 suit guess who's back back again it's this cool and futuristic miles morala suit and it's here to rock the Spidey scene this Innovative suit first made waves on a variant cover from Miles Morales Spider-Man Volume 1 issue 13 but you might remember it best from Spider-Man Miles Morales it's a bit like miles decided to join a rave party with that eye-catching light up helmet that screams Daft Punk Vibes it's all about the Cyber Punk style complete with neon lights and a retr futuristic look that's so on point for the 2020s and now this suit's coming back with a bang plus you've got three color options to choose from including a killer white and black combo that matches the suit's futuristic feel but let's be honest what's more 2020s than string around town with massive Walkman style headphones and your jacket sleeves rolled up miles Mor knows how to bring the cool factor into the new decade Vega cats suit this suit's all about some classic Spidey Style mixed with a touch of Ultimate Spider-Man Vibes so Miles drops by Tio Alvarez's Bodega right and what does he get there well none other than the spider cat now miles's trusty sidekick for all things crime fighting this suit has miles rocking AED look with a slick metallic suit underneath he's also got a red sweatshirt with a spidey symbol but it's it's upside down there's a white shirt peeking out plusy sporting some snazzy red black sneakers but the real star of the show spider cat of course this adorable feline Dawns a tiny Spider-Man mask and when miles takes down the baddies spider cat leaps into action joining the take down fun and just when you thought he couldn't get any cuter spider cat is even there to cheer miles on during fights but here's a kicker you can swap out spider cat for another Dapper cat named Vector if you're the mood for a bit of change oh and there's even a fun selfie trick that lets you snap pics with both spider cat and Vector so this suit isn't just about style it's about adding a furry little four-legged twist to miles's crime fighting Adventures the end suit the end suit is pretty deep it's inspired by a One-Shot comic where miles is shown at the end of his life alongside other characters facing their final moments so the suit has quite a story behind it and this particular possible future storyline miles has grown older and is now the mayor of Brooklyn no more secret identity everyone knows who he is Brooklyn is one of the few safe spots in the world hit hard by super germs mile meets his end while defending his home against Captain last and they both go out in a massive bioelectric blast the suit itself has this fabulous combo of nostalgia and Grim future Vibes you've got the youthful hoodie from his past paired up with some black cam pants which let's face it are usually linked to bad stuff going down the suits a returning favorite from Spider-Man Miles Morales but insomniac's given it a fresh twist with new color options there's a classic red and blue style a striking inverted red and black look and a black red and white combo that all add a touch of flare to the whole and Saga strik suit miles's Strike Suit is back for another round this time in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 this snazzy outfit gives you a glimpse of what miles might look like if he were part of the special tactical reserve for international key emergencies in the UK sounds pretty fancy right the suits got this action figure Vibe going for it you know the kind of suit that would make all the cool kids want to be like miles the inspiration behind this design came from gundam and the double Riders from a Cayman Rider alternate universe movie so it's all about that futuristic robotic Larger than Life Look picture this miles with this collar popped up and those over sized gauntlets you have to agree that it's got an intense bold Vibe with all that heavy duty armor and those chunky gauntlets miles is definitely prepped and ready to take on the bad guys Crimson cowl suit here's a scoop on the suit it's got a cool backstory it's like a nod to the Crimson cowl costume worn by Justine Hammer who's the daughter of that old rival of Stark Justin Hammer Justine was the leader of the Masters of evil and she sported that snazzy Crimson cow suit now we've got a version that's got that Spider-Man flare going on with a touch of Scarlet Witch Vibes the suit itself is pretty stylish it's got that leather jacket look which makes it feel more like a traditional superhero outfit the whole design gives off that MCU kind of vibe and of course the primary color here is red very superheroes don't you think 10th anniversary suit check this out the 10th anniversary suit is a really special one it's a way to celebrate miles moral is hitting a Whole Decade in Marvel Comics the story behind it is kind of funny so one of miles's clones decided to cause some chaos while wearing his usual suit miles really really didn't want that and whipped up this fabulous outfit the suit is primarily black and it's got these big red eyes that really pop the sweatshirt part covers his mouth and has these cool pinkish red stripes running down the arms and you've got web designs going down the sides of the legs the red color takes up most of the front and he's also rocking some snazzy Red Sneakers to complete the Look Marvelous verdict all right folks that's a wrap on our Deep dive into the incredible world of Spider-Man suits from the classic red and blue to the wildest most futuristic designs each one has its own unique story we've swung through the pages of comics the big screen and video games to uncover the origins of these iconic suits it's impressive to see how they've evolved over the years each one bringing something fresh and exciting to spidey's wardrobe so whether you're a fan of the Timeless Classics or The Cutting Edge Tech infused designs or just a casual viewer there's a Spider-Man suit for everyone it's a testament to the creativity and love fans and creators have poured into this beloved character if you enjoyed this video don't forget to stay tuned for more nerdy deep dives into your favorite superhero un unes thanks for swinging by and until next time stay fabulous Webheads
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 11,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f5uPn6yJ0L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 17sec (4037 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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