38 (Every) Unstoppable Juggernaut Variants In Marvel Universe - Explored

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hey there guys this is Richard your host with another marvelous video Juggernaut was the Unstoppable force that stormed into Marvel's comic World in July 1965 curated by the legendary Duo Stan Lee and Jack Kirby during the Silver age of comics this towering Behemoth made his first appearance in X-Men issue number 12 and has captured the hearts of Marvel enthusiasts ever since Juggernaut sheer size and unrivaled power sets him apart from the usual characters in The X-Men universe but what truly makes him fascinating is his origin because this guy is no mutant all of his abilities are directly tied to the mystical Crimson Gem of sitarak which transformed him into an Unstoppable Avatar of chaos leaving Devastation in his wake sucks Beyond his raw mate what fuels juggernaut's rage is his solar version toward his stepbrother professor Charles Xavier and a lust for ending all of X-Men along with him their intense sibling rivalry takes the X-Men's conflict to extraordinary Heights adding layers of depth and Intrigue to his character from a tragic childhood to unresolved rage juggernaut's past fuels his insatiable quest for power making him one of Marvel's most compelling villains I'm the Juggernaut I mean even pairing him to the Hulk is similar to comparing a storm to a gentle breeze so buckle up as we dive into the Marvel Universe to explore every iteration of the Juggernaut this guy is not just any bad tempered villain it's a mind-blowing journey that will leave you gasping for more so without wasting another moment let's jump right into the video before we go into our explanation we have a very small request if you like our content please support us by subscribing to our Channel this is a small click for you but for us it means a lot thank you let's begin from a stoppable force to Unbreakable Legend the evolution of Juggernaut in Marvel Comics Kane Marco's life was more or less a tumultuous roller coaster ride right from his childhood before becoming a villain this was a man shaped by a tragic upbringing and twisted family Dynamics although he was born to a decent family case Perris were divorced and when he was just three his mother Marjorie passed away leading his father Dr Kurt Marco to send him away to boarding schools where he found it difficult to cope and his path was riddled with expulsions leaving him angry and disillusioned now Dr Marco was an atomic researcher who lost a close colleague Dr Brian Xavier to a brutal accident drawn to the wealth Brian Left Behind Dr Marco forged an intimate relationship with his widow Sharon Xavier and eventually married her naturally both Kane and his father moved into Sharon's Grand Mansion in Westchester County where he met his stepbrother the brilliant Charles Xavier however rather than finding support and love from his father kangaroo jealous of his overachieving stepbrother who was favored by his father over his own son now Charles unaware of his telepathic Powers inadversently experienced King's torture as he bullied him and when Dr Marco found out he secretly beat up Kane this cycle of abuse continued until one day tragedy struck again when Sharon passed away leaving the stepfather's son Duo to Grapple with their unresolved issues amidst all this Kane somehow figured out that his mind was being read by Charles who was really way too young to control or even comprehend the depth of his powers a turning point came during a fiery confrontation in Dr Marco's laboratory while Kane accused his father of being involved in Brian Xavier's suspicious death in Alamogordo when Kane was brutally rebuked for his statement and Charles was overhearing the entire Fiasco he started throwing the chemicals of the lab on the floor causing a violent reaction we set the lab in Flames somehow Dr Marco rescued both the boys but unfortunately couldn't make it himself due to inhaling excessive smoke in his deathbed he begged for Charles to forgive him for not doing enough to save his father and asked him to keep his powers hidden from Kane until the right time came unfortunately Kane eavesdropped on the entire conversation leaving him to blame Charles for his father's demise as years passed by within the Xavier Mansion Kane's resentment only intensified as he witnessed Charles excelling in all Fields including mustering his telepathic abilities while attending Oxford University they often got into fights but Charles always won leaving him to grow even more bitter towards his brother now Kane's life took an unforeseen turn when he and Charles found himself serving in the same U.S military unit during the Korean War however when the heat of battle intensified Marco made a fateful decision and deserted the premise prompting Xavier to chase after him and make sure he doesn't get into any form of trouble the pursue LED them to an ancient cave which in reality was the long-lost Temple of sitarak within its depths lay a mystical Ruby we seem to call out to Marco ignoring caution he sees the glowing Gem and started reading out from the inscription inadvertently triggering a powerful transformation in a blaze of radiant energy Marco was reborn as the Colossal Juggernaut a superhuman force of Unstoppable might before Xavier's very eyes the cave collapsed under enemy bombardment burying Marco beneath an avalanche of trillions of rocks but lucky for Kane the Newfound powers granted him incredible millions and gave himself sustaining Powers allowing him to break free from the Earth's clutches even if it did take him a few years to dig through the rubble now fully embracing his Juggernaut Persona Kane faced the previous bearer of the title gin Taiko and mercilessly eliminated him so he could reach the full potential of his powers as Juggernaut further fueled by the dark influence of sitarak he also Unleashed his wrath upon tycho's Village punishing them for refusing to worship Cain with his sights set on Vengeance Marco journeyed to America driven by the desire to eliminate Xavier it should be noted that Kane could retain his human form only after releasing his soul for the deity of sitarak so armed with his invulnerability and a new helmet that protected him from psychic attacks he Unleashed chaos at Xavier's School for gifted youngsters in a desperate attempt to neutralize Juggernaut xavius or aid from the Human Torch who successfully burnt the roots of Kane's helmet but even that was not enough to permanently subdue him but it did allow Xavier to send Marco into a coma now locked away in the mansion's basement Marco's Mystic Powers became a focal point of Xavier's efforts to remove them however the intervention of serious Factor 3 led to his Revival and a temporary sharing of Professor X's telepathic abilities having defeated the X-Men Marco was tempted with an offer to join the factor three yet in a cunning maneuver the X-Men orchestrated a trap that transported the Juggernaut into the dreaded Crimson Cosmos of the Crimson Gem of sitarak later Juggernaut managed to break free from the cosmos and raised hell for the X-Men time and again but after many tumultuous altercations with many characters from the Marvel Universe the Unstoppable Juggernaut found himself granted citizenship on krakowa the island nation of mutants due to a decisive vote by the quiet Council however this newfound status came with a condition he was to become a member of Nightcrawler's legionnaires a team formed to undertake critical missions believing that this Arrangement was orchestrated by Charles Xavier The Mastermind behind krakowa Juggernaut soon discovered the surprising truth that Nightcrawler himself had been The Mastermind behind this unexpected Alliance as part of the legionnaires Juggernaut was paired with forget me not however new to forget me Notch unique power which made others forget his existence Juggernaut initially believed he had no partner at all this intriguing Dynamic added an extra layer of complexity to their missions their first mission together LED them to interrogate poorly the Paul DeCosta at the infamous green Lagoon accused of a gruesome murder Paulie wasn't willing to cooperate and tensions quickly escalated that's when Juggernaut burst in apprehending Paulie to ensure their mission success and take him to the station for further investigation this unexpected team-up of Juggernaut and forget-me-not brought forth a compelling blend of strength and mystery as they embarked on their missions for krakowa they navigated a world full of intrigue deception and moral dilemmas the juggernaut's path and krakowa promised to be nothing short of thrilling filled with unexpected alliances and unforeseen challenges further intensifying his stance as a powerful character in the Marvel Comics what's wrong Charlie no warm welcome for your tears breaking new ground the animated journey of Juggernaut in the Marvel Universe juggernaut's Journey didn't end in the Marvel Comics he also made some really pivotal appearances in many acclaimed animated television series as an iconic Marvel villain this guy's left his imposing mark on various animated shows from battling the X-Men to facing off against the Superhero Squad and Ultimate Spider-Man is imposing presence in superhuman strength of being showcased in several television series these action-packed episodes where the Unstoppable juggernaut clashed with our favorite Heroes and Unleashed chaos with his mighty powers are a true sight to behold from one show to another his quest for vengeance and Relentless pursuit of Professor X have made him a powerful adversary testing the metal of our beloved superheroes let's begin rounding up his powerful arcs in each of these animated series with Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends in this animated TV show Juggernaut first appeared as a primary antagonist in the third episode of season two a fire star is born where he was voiced by William H Marshall the episode began with Iceman reminding Firestar of the X-Men's reunion and then meeting Spider-Man on their way as he was rounding up a bunch of bank robbers in the area when Spider-Man showed interest in attending the reunion with them they shot his request down as it was an X-Men exclusive event not moments later Juggernaut barged in destroying everything on his way and started attacking Spider-Man pelting the web Slinger up and down like he was some sort of pebble he introduced himself as the beholder of the sitarak stone the mighty Juggernaut and was in pursuit of his stepbrother Professor Xavier and the X-Men No Matter What Spider-Man did then Juggernaut couldn't be stopped from trying to entangle him in his web submerging him in fresh cement or even trying to throw him off a height in fact the Juggernaut Broke Free from everything and broke down a tall building that Spider-Man was mounted on causing the web Slinger to fall into the rubble later when Firestar was giving the other X-Men a flashback of a traumatic childhood the Juggernaut made his presence known by breaking into the X-Men's headquarters aka the X-Mansion launching an intense battle with the X-Men cyclops and storm launched their attacks but Juggernaut appeared unfazed continuing to chat forward Xavier realized the only way to stop him was through unified mental commands and coordinated the team's efforts commanding Cyclops and Iceman to form a Strategic Defense line with an ice wall and a large ditch to slow down juggernauts at vast despite their efforts the indomitable villain Broke Free from the ice and continued his Relentless Pursuit amid the chaos Xavier advised Firestar to hold back for a crucial role he had planned for her we saw Wolverine ever the fierce fighter take on Juggernaut head-on but even his tenacity was met with a powerful throw just when it seemed the situation was Dire Spider-Man swung into action rescuing Xavier and buying them precious time this allowed Iceman to seize the opportunity to encase Juggernaut in ice followed by Spider-Man acting swiftly to remove his helmet with the helmet removed Xavier employed his telepathic abilities to paralyze dragon but finally halting the Unstoppable force in his tracks the episode ended with Firestar celebrating the reunion of spider friends and X-Men raising a toast to Lasting friendship going to stop us me juggernaut X-Men Pride of the X-Men in the pride of the X-Men animated TV series juggernaut's character was introduced as Kane The embittered Stepbrother of Professor X who harbored a deep-seated hatred toward Xavier despite always being warmly welcomed into his home so by joining forces with Magneto's Brotherhood of mutant terrorists he adopted the Fearsome moniker of Juggernaut and teamed up with fellow mutants White Queen pyro blob and Toad now Magneto hatched a nefarious plan dispatching blob and Pyro to the deep space Observatory to distract the X-Men meanwhile Juggernaut and Magneto attacked the Xavier machine to seize the coveted mutant power circuit with the X-Men lured away Xavier and kitty Pride were left to fend for themselves during The Siege Kitty's unintended actions allowed the villains to infiltrate cerebro's defenses Xavier with his telepathic abilities learned of magnetos sinister intentions and then trusted Kitty with the circuit and as Kitty fled with magnito in Pursuit Juggernaut confronted his step-brother in a heated Face-Off following this on asteroid M Magnus successfully installed the mutant power circuit and initiated a deadly plan diverting the Scorpio Comet toward Earth he aimed to eradicate much of humanity leaving mutants in full control but Xavier having recovered used his powers to uncover Magneto scheme leading the X-Men to face the Brotherhood as they raced against time to thwart Magneto's destructive plot dazzler bravely took on pyro while Cyclops Nike roller and Colossus confronted Juggernaut and Toad as the comet threatened asteroid M the Brotherhood retreated to Earth leaving the X-Men to face the impending disaster in a high-stakes battle the X-Men fought valiantly to save Humanity from the cataclysmic danger posed by the Scorpio Comet and Magneto's ruthless plans now this Series is truly power packed with a rush of adrenaline as we see Juggernaut voiced by Ron Gans reaching his full potential in the Magneto's wing and making sure he's a colossal pain in the ass for his stepbrother's X-Men crew foreign [Music] X-Men the Animated Series Juggernaut from the X-Men animated series was voiced by Rick Bennett and also shared a similar resentment for his stepbrother because apparently he was the child who was loved more by his parents but instead of going to the Army Kane actually found the sitarak in his Asia tour and that was how he transformed into Juggernaut he first appeared in the Unstoppable Juggernaut episode in season one so upon the return to the X-Men mansion the X-Men team was shocked to discover the once familiar building in Ruins Xavier was nowhere to be found but they stumbled upon a message from him in the War Room explaining his sudden departure on a mysterious Journey eager to unravel the mystery behind the destruction they followed the trail of colossal Footprints as an obvious lead in their investigation Wolverine encountered Colossus a Russian mutant working on a building demolition though an initial suspect Colossus proved his innocence shortly after a bank robbery took place and Colossus was again wrongly apprehended while attempting to stop the attacker when Wolverine reached the location of the robbery he detected the same scent at the Mansion only adding to their confusion as the X-Men continued their search they encountered the gigantic Juggernaut robbing another bank claiming he was looking for Xavier although individually overpowered the team combined their strengths to take down Juggernaut but even that was not enough to stop this Behemoth even Gene gray couldn't get to his mind because of juggernaut's iconic helmet and when Rogue attempted to remove it as she proceeded to absorb his powers she also unwittingly took on his emotions along with his Ardent desire to destroy the X-Men as a fierce battle ensued the X-Men utilized their Collective Strength along with colossus's Aid and finally managed to incapacitate the invulnerable Juggernaut after his helmet was removed Gene employed a hypnotic suggestion to induce Amnesia temporarily defeating the formidable Foe and sending him into a vegetative state with Juggernaut temporarily neutralized the X-Men prepared for whatever challenges the future might bring [Music] I can't stand man now if you thought that was it for him in this series well the Goliath definitely made a comeback time and time again to wreak havoc for the X-Men in the Juggernaut returns episode deep in an ancient temple in Asia Eugene turbot vedaspan Unearthed the tablet detailing the secrets to acquire the powerful Crimson Gem of setarak meanwhile the indomitable Juggernaut who was the current Avatar of cedarak marched across the ocean floor on route to America after a recent encounter with gladiator during the Phoenix Saga upon reaching the shores Juggernaut headed straight for the X-Men's Mansion where Professor X sensed his impending arrival Xavier urgently tried to summon the X-Men to protect him but communication failed in a desperate move Professor Lord Juggernaut Into the Danger Room where a simulated Hulk was set to confront him unsurprisingly Juggernaut triumphed over the Hulk replica and was about to unleash his fury on Xavier when a twist of fate occurred Eugene managed to grasp the gem of sitarak causing juggernaut's power to abandon him and transfer to the newly empowered man now a mortal Kane Marco fell into a coma buried under the rubble of the danger room but despite their contentious past Xavier was determined to help his stepbrother however when attempts to reach Kane's Consciousness proved futile in Awakening him Cyclops and Wolverine were dispatched by Xavier to find the new Juggernaut and potentially revert the power transfer meanwhile Eugene used his Newfound abilities to charm women but his Carefree Reign was cut short when Cyclops and Wolverine engaged him in a battle the two X-Men somehow managed to take possession of the gem of sudarak returning to the mansion in pursuit of a solution back at the Mansion they returned the gem to Kane causing him to transform back into the Juggernaut in a moment of finality Juggernaut held the gem into the vastness of space to prevent anyone from ever wielding its power again true to his nature he departed asserting that his relationship with Xavier remained unchanged despite the recent events all in all it was a pretty distinctive episode from the usual Juggernaut Arc and definitely deserved all its hype X-Men evolution voiced by Paul Dobson in the X-Men evolution TV series Juggernaut was introduced as a violent and intimidating character holding an unyielding grudge against his half-brother Professor Xavier while much of his past remained shrouded in mystery it was known that Kane Marco's life took a dark turn when he tapped Into the Mystic energies of the gem of sitarak activating his dormant x-gene and transforming him into the Unstoppable Force known as Juggernaut in their initial encounter in season one Professor Xavier managed to subdue Kane through a powerful psychic attack leading to his imprisonment in the stoked County maximum security facility where he was kept sedated and confined in a stasis tank despite the high-tech containment the shape-shifting mutant Mystique freed Juggernaut on multiple occasions to further her own agenda years later Mystique manipulated Juggernaut in a plot to gain control of Xavier's mutant tracking system cerebro however the vengeful Juggernaut turned honor and study sights on Xavier this confrontation prompted an unexpected alliance between mystic's Brotherhood of mutants and Xavier's X-Men who were forced to work together to stop the rampaging giant still film using her powers created a dense fog in an attempt to slow juggernaut's approach to the Xavier Institute but despite the X-Men's efforts Juggernaut wreaked havoc on the Mansion leading to a fierce battle with Wolverine and other mutants eventually the giant mutant reached the danger room where Xavier attempted to talk him down but when Juggernaut refused to listen Xavier activated the danger room's defenses to protect himself in a United effort the X-Men and the Brotherhood devised a plan to remove Juggernaut psychic blocking helmet with Nightcrawler The Blob Cyclops Avalanche Quicksilver Storm Shadow care Rogue and Toad each playing a crucial role they managed to weaken Juggernaut as Jean Gray attempted to subdue him psychically but the helmet prevented her from penetrating his mind fully still they managed to remove the helmet allowing Professor Xavier to unleash his telepathic abilities and temporarily immobilize Juggernaut following the intense battle Juggernaut was returned to imprisonment under Professor Xavier's watchful eye ensuring that the dangerous and vengeful mutant would not pose a threat to others you're right Charles this is the beginning for me and the end for for both of you but in season two a critical malfunction occurred at the facility where Juggernaut was held and his containment cell began to show signs of error concerned about the potential danger the facility's leading authority figure Captain Stone decided that they need to make a crucial call meanwhile at the Xavier Mansion professor Charles Xavier gathered his students and informed them of the emergency situation although Juggernaut had not escaped yet his containment unit was at risk of failing taking charge of the situation Xavier revealed that he would handle the matter personally and trusting Cyclops and Marvel girls with the responsibility of safeguarding the mansion in his absence later at the facility Charles Xavier and Captain Stone closely monitored juggernaut's situation contemplating the best course of action despite initial reservations from Captain Stone Xavier stood firm in his belief about their approach and took several armed guards to prepare for the possibility of Juggernaut Awakening during the execution of their plan as they continued their work Juggernaut started to stir and break free from the chains restraining him however before he could cause Havoc the cell systems were reactivated restoring his paralysis and rendering him unconscious once more Xavier astutely observed that someone intentionally tampered with the system to create this perilous situation months after the previous incident it was revealed in season three that Mystique resorted to another devious plan to cause chaos and distract the X-Men she once again sabotaged the stasis tank that contained Juggernaut bossing Charles Xavier to leave their mansion and attend to the repairs seizing this opportunity Mystique assumed the identity of Rusty wild and cunningly manipulated the X-Men into having a wild party effectively diverting their attention during this time Mystique Enlisted the help of a young man named arcade coaxing him into Gathering valuable information about the X-Men including details about their team and the New Mutants her intentions remained shrouded in mystery but the X-Men knew they had to stay vigilant as Mystique games were always dangerous and unpredictable for the sake of Xavier the X-Men and the potential safety of humanity it was imperative that the stasis tank remained fully operational and Juggernaut securely contained as the consequences of his release could be catastrophic however mechanical systems were prone to failures leaving everyone on edge about the potential consequences of any malfunction with mistakes deceptive tactics at play and juggernaut's looming threat the X-Men faced a daunting challenge to safeguarding their secrets protect innocent lives and maintain the stability of the stasis tank Charles Xavier and his team knew they had to stay on guard ready to face any unexpected twist or turn that Mystique might throw their way the battle between good and evil persisted and the X-Men remained determined to uphold their Duty as Protectors of humanity no matter what obstacles they encountered later in the season Juggernaut found himself being chased by a security guard on a train but he won the guard that he didn't want to cause any trouble however the guard did not listen leading Juggernaut to unleash his immense power and wreck the train before walking away as Juggernaut continued his destructive Rampage a newsman followed the play police cars in Pursuit they witnessed the chaos he left behind including a pile of wrecked cars and saw him heading toward a massive Dam the X-Men finally caught up to Juggernaut at the dam engaging in a fierce battle to stop his Relentless destruction Spike took a strategic move toppling a huge generator while Juggernaut was on top of it this caused Juggernaut to slide down the dam where Shadowcat quickly phased him into the stretcher partially trapping him Nightcrawler took advantage of the opportunity and teleported in and out to release the locks on juggernaut's helmet however Juggernaut Broke Free from the dam wall and continued his Relentless Advance even when Cyclops Unleashed his optic blasts on Juggernaut knocking the helmet off his head the Unstoppable giant kept coming Cyclops intensified his attacks without his visor but Juggernaut remained undeterred as Juggernaut closed in on cyclops to deliver a potentially fatal blow the other X-Men intervened to protect their teammate but Juggernaut easily swatted them away as a result Shadowcat and Rogue devised a plan to take on Juggernaut Kitty boosted Rogue up onto his shoulders allowing her to absorb his powers however both Rogue and Juggernaut eventually collapsed from the overwhelming energy transfer Juggernaut regained his footing and went after the unconscious Rogue but she unexpectedly counted his attacks with her absorbed abilities Rogue proved to be invulnerable lifting Juggernaut and throwing him from the top of the dam in mid-air Iceman throws Juggernaut into a massive block of ice the X-Men believed they'd neutralized him but they lost track of Juggernaut afterward unsure of his whereabouts wait a minute Juggernaut as in the Unstoppable Juggernaut the totally invulnerable Wolverine and the X-Men in the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series Juggernaut made his first appearance in the battle lines episode after Magneto's brother had tried to take on Wolverine and his X-Men Crew He was sent to the headquarters of the mrd facility an anti-mutant organization to break tildy's songs out of an incubator which apparently could not be opened this guy literally dug underground and tore through the incubator taking out tilde's unconscious body from it and attaching a detonating switch sort of thing on the back of her neck soon when the X-Men arrived they found a flaming red monster pillaging through the facility as the giant Juggernaut lay unconscious on the ground it wasn't until Emma Frost informed the team that tildu was actually controlling the monster which was a direct manifestation of her Nightmare and could not be stopped until the device that Juggernaut placed on her back was removed when the X-Men were incapable of stopping the monster from rampaging the entire city Rogue absorbed powers from Kitty pride and an unconscious Juggernaut to enter into the creature's body and detach the device from tildi ultimately saving her life here Juggernaut was voiced by Fred tatusciory and honestly did a lot of Handy work for Magneto and his Brotherhood Heroes were hiding inside the Great Wall waiting the Superhero Squad Show in the episode enter dormammu Juggernaut voiced by Tom Kenny made his first appearance while on a mission to acquire a fractal for Dr Doom as he tried to take the fractal he found himself cornered by the heroes determined to escape Juggernaut broke through the Great Wall only to be surprised when the heroes revealed that they'd been hidden inside the wall and ambushed him during the confrontation Dr Strange intervened and used his powerful magic affecting Juggernaut and everyone else present however in the chaos Juggernaut accidentally got exposed to the fractal leading to a bizarre situation where he started spinning around on his head due to the combined effects of the fraxel and Doctor Strange's magic to make Mudders worse for Juggernaut Dr Doom contacted him during this chaotic moment and he too became subject to the strange medical influence as the situation unfolded Juggernaut and the others found themselves under the whims of this unpredictable magic fortunately after some time the effects of the magic eventually wore off leaving Juggernaut and the rest of the characters back to their usual state despite the temporary setback caused by the magic and the unexpected turn of events Juggernaut remained formidable force to be reckoned with in his pursuit of power and allegiance to Dr Doom black panther motion comic in this motion comic series Juggernaut first appeared in the Black Panther vs Juggernaut and Black Knight episode the episode opened with claws invasion of wakanda with t'challa finding out that it was actually claw who assassinated his father now in the X-Men headquarters storm located Juggernaut using cerebro and decided to go to wakanda all by herself to Wade her old flame the Black Panther on the other hand in a very sketchy discussion at the White House the United States decided to send over their troops to wakanda in order to help the Black Panther fight all the supervillains claw had assembled to take hold of wakanda as Juggernaut made his way through the nation destroying everything in his wake the Black Knight accompanied him in air this led the Black Panther to draw out his Panther cycle and rage toward the Black Knight as his uncle took on Juggernaut using his aerial support team nothing could stop this Beast no missiles no bullets bombs made any difference I mean he threw a whole cow at one of the fighter jets until he was bombarded with tranquilizer missiles which incapacitated him for a temporary amount of time luckily t'challa took down the Black Knight taking him captive and then ordered the construction of a vibranium cell strong enough to hold the Juggernaut the episode ended with the Black Panther in the middle of a tense situation has claw infiltrated wakanda took his mother the queen hostage beat his uncle to a pulp and Unleashed his cybernetic zombies to take down the wakandan forces nobody stops IT Ultimate Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man series during a rampage in New York Juggernaut Unleashed his raw power causing chaos wherever he went so naturally Spider-Man took it upon himself to confront the Unstoppable Force attempting to restrain juggernaut with his webbings however juggernauts immense strength allowed him to break free from Spider-Man's webs and Escape leaving a trail of Destruction behind him in an attempt to evade capture Juggernaut went into hiding finding refuge on a train where he encountered Spider-Man again unaware of Spider-Man's presence Juggernaut was caught off guard when the web Slinger showed up again to stop the evil awesome Android without any hesitation Juggernaut ambushed Spider-Man and engaged in a fierce battle with him and the other trainees the clash between the two powerful foes sent shockwaves through the train putting everyone on edge however the tables turned when the awesome Android in the midst of the chaos devoured juggernaut's clothing now vulnerable and exposed Juggernaut found himself at a disadvantage and of course Spider-Man capitalized on this opportunity delivering a powerful blow that Juggernaut unconscious finally putting an end to his reign of Destruction in New York despite his brute strength and overwhelming power Juggernaut was no match with Spider-Man's wit and resourcefulness leading to his eventual defeat and capture the people of New York could finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the city was safe from juggernaut's destructive wrath thanks to the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man I'm the wrong guy to play hide and seek with rising from the dust the live-action evolution of Juggernaut in Marvel Cinematic Universe this Unstoppable force of nature also made his way to the big screen making adrenaline rushing appearances in two iconic films X-Men the Last Stand and Deadpool 2 although he was going to appear in many other Marvel movies somehow the directors always wrote him out of the script anyway let's find out his significance in the ones he featured in starting with what did they call you juggernauts X-Men the Last Stand in this movie Juggernaut betrayed by Vinnie Jones was recruited by Magneto to join his Brotherhood after being freed from a prison transport vehicle by mutant Affairs this vision of Juggernaut was a British mutant with super strength and durability and was he gained forward momentum he became Unstoppable he proved impervious to Wolverine's claws but a lightning blast of the brain from storm and Wolverine's claws in his head finally weakened him unlike the comics he was portrayed as a mutant and appeared to be unrelated to Professor X with very little known about his past Juggernaut became one of Magneto's trusted generals besides mystique and Multiple Man due to his immense strength during the Battle of Alcatraz he was assigned to kill Leach the source of the mutant cure in a showdown with Kitty Pride he unintentionally knocked himself out while attempting to attack leech as the boy's power negated juggernaut's Unstoppable Force but after Phoenix's destruction of Alcatraz Island juggernaut's fate was left uncertain leaving audiences wondering if he survived and whether he ultimately used the Cure or not yeah foreign Deadpool 2 in Deadpool 2 Juggernaut was depicted as a powerful mutant prisoner held in a secure section of the icebox prison this version of Juggernaut was a mostly CG character voiced by Ryan Reynolds and the film alluded to his Origins by mentioning his crippled stepbrother with telepathic Powers after Cable's attack on the prison Russell Collins befriended Juggernaut by sharing food with him when all prisoners were scheduled for transport to another facility Russell freed Juggernaut during the x-force's assault on the prison truck leading him to destroy the truck and escape with Russell later in the film Juggernaut became a powerful adversary for Deadpool cable and Domino when they tried to stop Russell from carrying out a murderous act during the confrontation Juggernaut proved too powerful for them to handle however Colossus arrived in helped distract Juggernaut allowing Deadpool and cable to reach Russell ultimately Colossus negasonic teenage Warhead and Yukio managed to defeat Juggernaut by electrocuting him in a pool and shockingly enough Juggernaut survived the encounter and was seen climbing out of the bath just before the credits roll different versions of Juggernaut this guy has been around decades now and naturally there have to be various versions of him given how Marvel loves the toy with its characters in alternate realities in the multiversal setting while hardcore Marvel enthusiasts are probably not oblivious of these iconic versions of Juggernaut let's do a quick round up for those who are unaware of what they're missing Juggernaut in the Age of Apocalypse Earth 295 Age of Apocalypse is probably the most famous alternate reality Arc in the Marvel Comics there Juggernaut was surprisingly portrayed as a pacifist monk residing on Avalon in the absence of Charles Xavier he sought Solace and redemption in his new life as a protector and guide for those who survived the treacherous Journey to the final stage of the infernal Gallop Juggernaut helped lead people to Avalon where they must reverse a challenging path to reach their destination when Nightcrawler and Mystique arrived on Avalon they were not alone the minions of Apocalypse also descended upon this peaceful Sanctuary launching a vicious attack on its inhabitants in this moment of conflict juggernaut grappled with an internal struggle between his commitment to non-violence and his deep-rooted desire for combat this in a turmoil led to a tragic as he suffered a fatal brain hemorrhage and succumbed to his conflicting emotions during the battle in this version of the Age of Apocalypse Universe Kane Marco was portrayed as a complex character torn between his Newfound principles as a monk and his past as the Fearsome Juggernaut despite his desire to protect and guide others his internal conflict proved to be his downfall and he ultimately met his demise while trying to reconcile his two contrasting selves this could be considered as one of juggernaut's most iconic Redemption acts and is no doubt one of the most distinguished betrayals as compared to his usual character I Juggernaut in Days of Future Past in Days of Future Past Juggernaut was once mentioned by Rachel Summers when she talks about how he was very much alive and active in the timeline she was originally from there he played a significant role as a powerful mutant highlight in the fight against the Sentinels he shared the power of the sitaractual with his close associate black Tom Cassidy together they joined the mutant resistance using their invulnerability to assist in the ongoing battle against the oppressive Sentinels juggernauts immense strength and durability combined with black Tom's unique energy relating Powers proved to be valuable assets to the mutant cause they fought side by side with other mutants lending their might to the resistance's efforts to thwart The Sentinel threat and protect their kind Juggernaut in Marvel Zombies earth-2194 in the Marvel Zombies story arc Juggernaut fell victim to the zombie contagion becoming one of the Mindless flesh-eating zombies he joined the Relentless horde of zombies and participated in preventing Magneto and his small group of survivors from escaping to the safety of the Baxter building during the chaos Juggernaut faced off against Wolverine over the body of Galactus who had also succumbed to the zombie infection in the midst of the gruesome battle Juggernaut was ultimately killed by Wolverine who took advantage of his newly obtained Cosmic powers to shove his fist into juggernaut's mouth and used his enhanced abilities to decapitize him putting an end to the zombified juggernaut's reign of terror in the Marvel Zombies Universe the infection turned many iconic characters including Juggernaut into horrifying zombies their insatiable hunger for human flesh and Relentless pursuit of survivors plunged the world into an apocalyptic nightmare this is another unique Arc in the Marvel Universe which really makes for an exciting read Juggernaut in mc2 Earth 982 in the mc2 Universe the story of J2 revolves around Zane Yama the son of the legendary Juggernaut Kane Marco Zane a young boy who faced bullying from a schoolmate named Miller Hallandale discovered that he had inherited his father's incredible powers granted by the mystical Ruby of ceterak with the ability to transform into a large Behemoth with an enchanted armor just like his father sane adopted the superhero identity of j-2 raised without the guidance of his father who had disappeared during a mission with the X-Men Zayn embarked on a heroic Journey joining the future of Avengers known as a next a team composed of other children of famous heroes from The Avengers crew J2 became a valued member despite offers from other groups like The Uncanny X people under the leadership of an older Jubilee and a new villainous team led by Magneta who claimed herself to be the Mistress of magnetism Zayn remained committed to his role in a next and occasionally assisted his friends from The Uncanny ex-people as his heroics continued Zayn learned the truth about his father's disappearance from Cyclops leader of the X-Men Juggernaut was trapped in an alternate Dimension held captive by a villain named Nemesis with the help of the sorcerer Supreme doc Magus J2 embarked on a daring mission to rescue his father and reunite with him eventually after being rescued Juggernaut decided to retire passing the mantle on to his worthy son J2 sane proved himself as a capable and worthy successor embracing his legacy and carrying on the heroic tradition of his father along the way he developed a mutual affection with Wild Thing creating a dynamic and intriguing subplot to the superhero Saga in the mc2 Universe Juggernaut in the iconic what-if anthological series are Behemoth actually made two iconic appearances in the what-if series in this alternate reality set in Earth 905 a mind-thoughting significant twist occurred as Charles Xavier became the Juggernaut instead of Kane Marco this transformation was a result of Xavier being buried for many years during which Magneto took advantage of the power vacuum and recruited numerous mutants to his cause of eradicating humans and terrorizing Earth to establish mutant superiority as juggernaut here Charles managed to defeat magniso and took control of his mutant Empire with his Newfound power and influence he became a force to be reckoned with in this dark and dystopian World however the story took a surprising turn when Kane Marco the original Juggernaut became involved in the conflict with Kane's help the situation escalated as he and the Juggernaut Xavier face off against each other the iconic battle reached its climax hand in a daring move Kane Marco managed to overpower and throw Juggernaut Xavier into the depths of space effectively removing him from Earth this version portrayed a unique and dramatic role reversal for Charles Xavier as he assumed the mantle of the powerful Juggernaut and reshaped the course of events in this alternate reality meanwhile Kane Marco's involvement brought an unexpected twist to the story leading to a thrilling and action-packed confrontation between two formidable adversaries in another what-if storyline the reality unfolded differently where Kane successfully defeated the X-Men in their first initial battle this Victory led to the release of the Sentinels in Mass numbers without any opposition basically leading to inevitable Doom of the world the Sentinels wreaked havoc and destruction on Earth ultimately resulting in its downfall despite Kane's Relentless efforts he managed to destroy the Sentinels but the aftermath left him wandering alone in a post-apocalyptic Wasteland as all the other humans as well as animals had been killed by the radiation released during the Sentinels assault in his search for a human companionship Juggernaut unintentionally destroyed a hidden Enclave of humans and mutants that were conserved by Magneto their tragic outcome left Kane alone and haunted by the unintended consequences of his actions in a desolate World honestly for a beast that only feels rage and revenge this one is a pretty poignant Arc Juggernaut in the Ultimate Marvel Earth 1610 in the ultimate X-Men story arc a unique version of Juggernaut existed in an alternate universe unlike the mainstream continuity this Juggernaut was originally a part of the weapon x program and had a personal connection to Rogue as they both grew up in the same trailer park at some point he was imprisoned by Weapon X and forced to act as a living weapon under the command of Colonel John wraith eventually Juggernaut became a part of the strike force that took down the X-Men but this also LED them to be captured by Weapon X later on in captivity Kane and Rogue ended up sharing a cell as they were both forced into servitude for Weapon X later when the Brotherhood of mutant Supremacy removed the security implants that kept the mutants confined Juggernaut fought for his freedom after the ordeal he was given the choice to join Xavier's X-Men or the Brotherhood ultimately Kane chose the Brotherhood but eventually departed from the team his whereabouts unknown much later Shield captured Kane while on route to a prison designed to hold the Hulk an accident occurred during transport and Juggernaut managed to break free he retrieved his helmet and sought out Rogue a returned to a life of thievery alongside Gambit the trio ended up stealing the sitarak jam from the Fenris Twins and during an altercation Juggernaut bonded with the gem when Gambit shoved it into his helmet when Juggernaut revealed his feelings for rogue their encounter turned into an unrequited lover's quarrel tragically and Gambit got caught in the middle of the fight and lost his life when a building collapsed on him while attempting to protect Rogue from juggernaut's wrath although Juggernaut managed to escape he left behind a scene of Devastation Juggernaut in the ultimatum in the aftermath math of the automaton wave Juggernaut found Refuge with Sabertooth at a strip club in Canada however their hiding place was discovered by Vindicator and Rogue who managed to capture them when Vindicator interrogated Juggernaut seeking information about Magneto Juggernaut insisted he knew nothing before the interrogation could progress further psylock interrupted with a telepathic message for all mutants in need of help so Juggernaut along with Rogue Sabretooth and Vindicator decided to take a final stand against William Striker and his cyborg Sentinels at the X-Mansion during the intense battle Juggernaut was unfortunately struck by a poison dart that accidentally deflected into his eye mortally wounded he collapsed and reached out to Rogue asking to hold her hand one last time before he passed away in the automaton storyline Juggernaut proved to be a loyal Ally to Rogue in the X-Men sacrificing himself in the fight against the anti-mutant forces led by William Striker his tragic death in rogue's arms marked a poignant moment in the automation series Juggernaut in Marvel Apes Earth 8101 so in the Marvel Apes Universe a primate counterpart of Juggernaut existed now known as jugular monk initially a criminal juggernonk underwent a reformation and joined the ape Avengers a team of heroic primates where he played a supportive role in the group in fact he helped carry doc ook into the eighth venge's Tower when brought in by spider monkey subsequently he participated in dokuk's trial as a witness or supporter as a reformed individual jugamunk used his strength and abilities for good contributing to the effects of the eight ventures in protecting their world Juggernaut in the worst X-Man ever in a daring attempt to steal a fortune Juggernaut found himself confronted by the New Mutants a group of young mutants with extraordinary abilities among them was bayley Hoskins famously known as the worst X-Man ever due to his dangerous mutation bayley possessed the power to explode but he lacked the ability to reassemble his atoms making it a lethal ability to use in a moment of heroism Bailey threw himself at Juggernaut to protect his fellow teammates one of whom he developed a crush on however faced with overwhelming power it seemed that Bailey was about to meet his end fortunately one of his teammates Minerva possessed reality altering power us and she used them to save bayley and the rest of the group with a shocking display of her abilities Minerva sent Juggernaut plummeting into the literal bottom of the earth effectively stopping him in his tracks Juggernaut in X-Men the end in this dramatic encounter Juggernaut stood ironically alongside the X-Men ready to face the formidable foe Strife together with Polaris be engaged in a fierce battle to protect the expansion from the imminent threat as the Behemoth charged forward lunging at Strife the two adversaries clashed causing chaos throughout the Mansion however as the intense fight raged on a shocking twist was revealed Strife was not who he appeared to be but was in fact a war scraw in disguise a shape-shifting alien species to make matters worse the scrolling poster was wearing a bomb strapped to his chest tragically the bomb detonated resulting in a devastating explosion that claimed the lives of Juggernaut and many others coordinates destructive path ultimately the X-Mansion was left in Ruins and the X-Men suffered a great loss in this catastrophic event Kurth the breaker of stone in the fear itself comic series a significant event in the Marvel Comics Universe Juggernaut found himself transformed into an invulnerable villain known as kirth the breaker of stone during this event the serpent a powerful Asgardian God of fear scattered mystical warhammers across the Marvel Universe now Juggernaut already a Powerhouse was chosen to wield one of these hammers elevating his powers to an unprecedented level when Kane marker the Juggernaut picked up the mystical Hammer he transformed into the mighty kirth of being with Incredible strength and destructive capabilities in this new form his powers surged to an unimaginable degree making him even stronger than before he now possessed a weapon that matched his immense physical strength causing Havoc wherever he went this led the heroes to face a daunting task in taking down the Unstoppable curse to combat the threat posed by the hammer wielding worthy Iron Man and Odin collaborator to create powerful weapons and shouted by the all-father and forged with uru the same metal used to craft Thor's Hammer mjolnir with these enhanced weapons Earth mightiest Heros finally stood a chance against the worthy and the Fearsome serpent it's safe to say that the mere concept of Juggernaut wielding his own Enchanted hammer and gaining increased power was absolutely terrifying Colossus Juggernaut so after Kane Marco transformed into kerth breaker of stone after picking up a mystical hammer and shouted by the Asgardian serpent God of fear in this upgraded form kirth became even more powerful wreaking havoc in San Francisco and proving nearly Unstoppable against the X-Men's attempts to stop him to counter this immense threat Cyclops devised a plan involving magic teleporting Kitty pride and Colossus into sitarak's Dark Realm there they informed sitarak of what is transpired with Juggernaut accepting the Serpent's power offended by juggernaut's choice satirak decided to strip him of his powers and intended to bestow them upon magic however during the power transfer Colossus stepped forward to protect his sister and intercepted the power of sitarak as a result Colossus was transformed into the Unstoppable Colossus becoming one of the most potent hosts of the Juggernaut to date with the combined power of cedarak and his mutant abilities he proved to be the only Force capable of pushing Kurth back from the city of San Francisco although the Unstoppable Colossus gained Incredible strength and durability the Newfound power also complications his relationship with Kitty Pride suffered due to his constant self-sacrifice and he struggled to control the destructive urges brought on by the juggernos powers so Colossus remained with cyclops's team on Utopia fearing he might lose control and harm the children at the X-Men School in Westchester County during The Avengers vs X-Men crossover Colossus played a significant role he absorbed a portion of the Phoenix Force along with his Juggernaut Powers making him literally undefeatable Colossus as juggernaut with Phoenix Force took on members of The Avengers like Red Hulk and thing however after a confrontation with his sister magic both siblings exhausted their Phoenix powers and Magic subsequently managed to remove colossus's Juggernaut abilities using her own abilities while Colossus possessed the powers of the Juggernaut for a relatively short period the combination of satarax's mystical Powers the Phoenix forces Cosmic strength and his mutant abilities made him one of the most powerful beings to ever walk the earth in the Marvel Universe ultimately Kane Markle reclaimed his Juggernaut powers and set her ax's favor while Colossus returned to his Baseline mutant abilities but his brief stint as the Unstoppable Colossus left their lasting impact on the X-Men's history Captain Universe Juggernaut so in an unexpected turn of events Juggernaut the Unstoppable villain was gained access to the mighty uni power from the Enigma Force transforming him into Captain Universe this Cosmic ability granted a near immeasurable power making him one of the most potent beings in the Marvel Universe this uni power specifically adapted to the previous owners of its host and in juggernaut's case it augmented his already Immaculate roster of powerful abilities during a battle between a new Captain Universe and Juggernaut the latter was knocked into a coma the current uni power wielder William Nguyen sought revenge on Juggernaut after his life began to fall apart due to the collateral damage caused by their clash with Spider-Man however the Enigma Force was disgusted by Nguyen's actions and abandoned him choosing Juggernaut as the new host as Captain Universe Juggernaut embraced his role as a hero not a villain and responded to the Enigma forces call to repair the Earth which was experiencing severe seismic activity with the uni power he demonstrated immense Cosmic awareness and atomic manipulation abilities not use this newfound power to fix the shifting faults and prevent a catastrophic earthquake from decimating the planet returning from his heroic act Juggernaut he did Spider-Man's advice not to squander the opportunity to be a hero and refrain from harming Nguyen the Enigma Force acknowledged his Noble actions praising him for a job well done and informed him that he was no longer needed as Captain Universe although Juggernaut has been portrayed as an anti-hero in recent years his time as Captain Universe showcased his true potential as a hero the once Unstoppable wrecking ball proved that with great cosmic power comes great responsibility and he saved the Earth exemplifying the qualities of one of Marvel's greatest heroes even if you are aware of his extraordinary feat try on Juggernaut in X-Men issue 88 a cosmic entity known as Tryon possessed Kane Marco transforming him into the colossal and reality smashing Powerhouse called the Tryon Juggernaut as we know the source of juggernos abilities the gem of sitarak had already made him one of the most powerful adversaries of the X-Men however when the Cults of the cheho doe stole and distilled his powers into a different Crystal Tryon took the opportunity to possess him naturally the X-Men an intervene to save Marco retrieve the Crystal and thwart the cull's plans unfortunately during the process of restoring his powers the evil interdimensional spirit Tryon also transferred into Juggernaut so Triumph's possession elevated juggernaut's powers to astonishing levels enabling him to break through dimensional barriers and grow to over 100 feet tall each of his punches had the potential to crack the very fabric of reality following this Wolverine Nightcrawler and Shadow Cat found Juggernaut in this overwhelming state where he no longer recognized them as threats this led Professor X to divisor plan to transfer his and Wolverine's psyches into Juggernaut to reach Marco's personality within where they found him reduced to a weak and helpless State overwhelmed by tryon's dark influence with the support of the X-Men Marco managed to re-establish his connection to the power of the Juggernaut and regain control of himself he overcame the malevolent presence and destroyed it with his bare hands breaking free from trial's grasp this act cost him his reality altering Powers but restored his self-control after defeating Trion Juggernaut was sent back to Earth where he would experience various phases of being under or overpowered despite these fluctuations he never again reached the immense power levels he detained under trial's possession the episode with Trion Juggernaut showcased the incredible potential of Kane Marco's abilities when Amplified by Cosmic forces making him a dangerous Force within the Marvel Universe Jugger duck in the alternate reality of Earth 18138 Howard dougson also known as jugaduck had a history that murdered his mainstream counterpart Juggernaut after being raised by the rider the world fell under the control of Thanos who became a dictator in an attempt to bring about good however those who resisted him were forced into ghettos during this tumultuous period jugaduck was chosen as an avatar for the demon sitarak as sitarax Avatar he possessed immense Powers similar to those of the Juggernaut in the mainstream Universe to prevent the dystopian future brought about by Thanos jugaduck decided to join Cable's Guardians of the Galaxy together they plan to travel back in time and eliminate Thanos before he could establish his tyrannical rule their mission was to change the course of history and divert the Grim fate of their world however their mission took a tragic turn when they faced Galactus in the confrontation the cosmic devara jugaduck and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy except cable were wiped out their Valiant effort to alter their reality's fate came at a great cost and jagaduk met his end in the battle against Galactus chokedok's Journey as a hero came to an end leaving behind a legacy of bravery and determination in the face of overwhelming odds no one defeats Juggernaut evolution of Juggernaut in video games Juggernaut has also made numerous appearances in various Marvel video games showcasing his immense power and role as both a powerful villain and in some cases a playable character let's take a look at some of his famous appearances Captain America and the Avengers in the video game Captain America and the Avengers Juggernaut is featured as a sub boss in the fourth stage which takes place on a space station players encounter him before facing the true main boss of that stage Ultra while the character appears to be Juggernaut there have been rumors suggesting that he may be a random robot or a mandroid due to the ease with which he can be defeated during the encounter with Juggernaut players are presented with two different dialogue lines depending on the console they're using the first line is my function is to destroy you emphasizing his aggressive and destructive nature the second line is obey me or die showcasing his commanding presence and intent to dominate his opponents men mutant Apocalypse in the game X-Men mutant apocalypse Juggernaut makes an appearance as a hologram within the danger room the danger room serves as a training ground for the X-Men and in this particular simulation players must face off against a holographic version of Juggernaut to prepare for a potential encounter with the powerful mutant villain Magneto as players battle the holographic Juggernaut they find that the setting within the danger room is constantly changing adding an extra layer of Challenge and unpredictability to the training session a dynamic environment keeps the players on their toes requiring them to adapt their strategies and combat skills accordingly X-Men Children of the atom in the game X-Men Children of the atom Juggernaut voiced by Rick Bennett serves as the semi boss and players must defeat him in order to progress and face the main boss Magneto Juggernaut possesses enormous power and resistance making him an iconic opponent to overcome many of his attacks cannot be blocked which further adds to the challenge of the battle once players successfully defeat Juggernaut they unlock him as a playable character through a special code allowing them to control the mighty mutant in future fights as a playable character Juggernaut becomes an exciting addition to the roster offering his unique abilities and brute strength of players who choose to control him [Music] Marvel superheroes in the game Marvel Superheroes Juggernaut is a playable character from the beginning offering players the chance to control the formidable mutant right from the start however in this iteration he has slightly less resistance making him a balanced and challenging character to master as players progress through the game and reach the conclusion of Juggernaut storyline they find themselves facing off against the powerful Cosmic entity Thanos in an epic battle Juggernaut emerges Victorious defeating the formidable Foe and proving his Pro S as a powerful mutant to his surprise after defeating Thanos Juggernaut discovers The all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet lying in front of him imbued with the power of the precious infinity gems however his moment of Triumph is interrupted when Adam Warlock the guardian of the gems appears before him warlock acknowledges juggernaut's Victory but cautions him that such immense power does not belong to him in a powerful display of cosmic abilities Adam Warlock sends Juggernaut back to Earth with a mere gesture ensuring that The Infinity Gauntlet and its incredible power remain safe and protected X-Men vs Street Fighter in X-Men vs Street Fighter Juggernaut once again and takes his place as a playable character from the initial roster allowing players to harness his Incredible strength and power as the game progresses players guide Juggernaut through various challenges leading up to an Ultimate Showdown with the powerful mutant villain Apocalypse in an intense battle Juggernaut proves his might by defeating apocalypse showcasing his strength and tenacity is one of the most formidable mutants in the Marvel Universe after the battle a confident and Resolute Juggernaut confronts apocalypse asserting that he's not to be underestimated and he stands equal to the powerful adversary Marvel vs Capcom 2 in this thrilling fighting game Juggernaut takes the stage as a powerful playable character with his immense strength and Powerful punches Juggernaut proves to be a force to be reckoned with capable of dealing massive damage to his opponents one of juggernaut's key advantages as his robust armor which allows him to withstand a significant amount of damage he only takes 85 percent of the usual damage received by other Fighters making him a tough adversary to defeat his size and durability give him a distinct over many of the other fighters in the game however Juggernaut strength comes with a trade-off due to his size and bulk he's somewhat slow horizontally making him vulnerable to Swift and agile opponents who can outmaneuver him players must strategize and capitalize on Juggernaut strength while mitigating his weaknesses to emerge victorious in battle foreign X-Men mutant Academy 2 as a playable character in the action-packed fighting game juggernaut's character ending adds a dramatic sequence to unfold at Magneto's Lair as the Earth shakes and trembles juggernauts overwhelming might becomes evident fueled by his Unstoppable Force he unleashes his strength upon a wall adjacent to a door causing it to crumble under the sheer power of His blows the display of raw strength proves to be highly irritating to Magneto the master of magnetism and one of the most powerful mutants in the X-Men universe foreign [Music] X-Men next Dimension here Juggernaut takes Center Stage as a playable character showcasing his immense power and abilities as the story unfolds Juggernaut joins forces with Wolverine Magneto and Phoenix to infiltrate bastian's Hideout during their daring Mission Juggernaut finds himself face to face with Bastion but before he can confront the powerful foe he suddenly teleported away leaving his allies to continue the battle without him as the credits roll Juggernaut is shown in solitude on a desert Planet expressing his frustration with a simple yet poignant remark this sucks in his bio Professor Xavier sheds light on juggernaut's Origin revealing that Kane Marco is not a mutant but rather an individual who obtained unparalleled power after coming into contact with the Mystic energies of sitarak embracing his Newfound abilities Juggernaut becomes an Unstoppable Force leaving chaos in his wake and challenging anyone who dares to Bear the symbol of the X-Men where's Xavier where's my half brother tell that run Kane Marcos come home to bring the pain X-Men Legends in this action-packed game Juggernaut makes two strong appearances leaving a trail of Destruction in his wake the first encounter takes place back to a flashback where Juggernaut launches a Relentless assault on the X-Mansion in a thrilling battle he faces off against four of the original X-Men determined to reach Professor X however the brave Heroes of the X-Men managed to thwart his mission and prevent him from reaching their leader later in the game Juggernaut is on the loose once again this time causing chaos at the mutant Research Center on Muir Island as players embark on their mission they find themselves facing the overwhelming power of Juggernaut whose brute strength and Unstoppable Force make him a formidable adversary it's up to the players controlling the X-Men to bring Juggernaut to a halt and protect their Mutual Research Center from further Devastation X-Men Legends 2 in the second version of this game Juggernaut takes on a new role as a playable character adding to the excitement and diversity of the Brotherhood of mutant's team as a member of the tanks Juggernaut possesses Incredible strength and the ability to destroy walls and lift heavy objects making him a valuable asset in the team's Endeavors however due to his immense power a slightly slower compared to other characters players have the opportunity to control Juggernaut unleashing his devastating abilities on enemies and obstacles throughout the game with each upgrade Juggernaut becomes even more formidable turning him into an invaluable Ally in the brotherhood's quest furthermore players can customize juggernaut's appearance with two different color outfits red and black as well as an alternate skin based on his appearance in the Age of Apocalypse storyline this feature allows players to personalize their gaming experience and immerse themselves fully in the X-Men Universe Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 in this exciting game players had the opportunity to play as juggernon if they pre-ordered the game from GameStop however to ensure everyone could enjoy the character a patch was later released allowing players who didn't pre-order to play alongside others who had Juggernaut installed subsequently players were presented with another option to acquire Juggernaut Activision announced that both the five character DLC pack in the jugular pre-order character could be purchased for the same cost it was a fantastic chance for fans to experience the power and might of Juggernaut in their gameplay however it's worth noting that the availability of this additional content was limited Activision set a deadline of December 31 2010 for players to access and acquire the Juggernaut character and other DLC Packs why did I say that my way Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions in this game Juggernaut appears as a powerful boss character and is brought to life with the voice Talent of Matt willig as the story unfolds Juggernaut finds himself unintentionally caught up in a Pursuit by silver Sable and the wild pack who were chasing him for a bounty on his head during the intense battle with Spider-Man Juggernaut unknowingly stumbles upon a fragment of the powerful tablet of Order and Chaos a sought after artifacts recognizing the fragment's potential Juggernaut harnesses its power to further enhance his strength however the fragment's interaction with juggernaut's own powers from the gem of sitarak creates a vulnerability allowing Spider-Man to exploit it and ultimately defeat the Unstoppable Force following his defeat Juggernaut is finally apprehended by the wild pack concluding the thrilling encounter in the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 the black order in this last game voiced by Peter Laurie juggernaut's character appears as a boss and a member of Magneto's Brotherhood of mutants who unleash an attack on the Xavier Institute throughout all these video games Juggernaut strength and power are well displayed making him a force to be reckoned with in the Marvel gaming universe in conclusion no matter which iteration version or incarnation of Juggernaut we're talking about this Unstoppable Goliath stands as an iconic figure on all grounds of the Marvel Universe leaving a trail of Destruction in his wake be it as an anti-hero or as an antagonist with this we've covered every version of juggernauts whoever exist in the Marvel Universe leading us to the very end of this video which is your favorite version of the Unstoppable Juggernaut please don't forget to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment box below and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to us if you haven't already have a good one and be safe thanks everyone [Music] thank you
Channel: Marvelous Videos
Views: 14,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cXeDrjHWeOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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