The Rise of Doc Ock: Part 4 | Marvel's Spider-Man | S1 E19

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SPIDER-MAN: New York Penitentiary, home to some of the city's most dangerous criminals, and an almost impossible place to break out of. Lucky for us, we're trying to break in. Let's save the word lucky for after we're finished, OK? Tell me again why we're doing this. Norman Osborn claims he destroyed the Jackal, but you and I know the Jackal is really Professor Raymond Warren. So if the Jackal is gone, Raymond should be too. Unless, of course, Norman is lying. Norman Osborn, lie? Never. You joke, but I haven't been able to convince Harry otherwise. So if we find Warren here tonight, it'll go a long way to proving my point. Norman Osborn has people everywhere who are willing to lie for him, so I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Professor Warren? PROFESSOR WARREN: Spider-Man. I knew it. Osborn claimed he took the Jackal out. PROFESSOR WARREN: The Jackal gone? That explains why my beastly counterpart hasn't checked in. I'm sorry to hear that, Spider-Man, because we're made in pairs, you see. And if one goes, so must the other. Bye, Spider-Man. Help, guards! I'm being attacked! - What? Keep it down! GUARD: Hey, who's this guy? Who are you? [EVIL LAUGHTER] Spidey, we've got to get out of here. He's having some kind of, I don't know, meltdown. [EVIL LAUGHTER] Yeah, and if we don't leave soon, I'm going to have a meltdown, too. Let's go! GUARD: Break in at sector 1. Secure perimeter, full lockdown. [SIRENS] Shh. [SIRENS] Stay clear of the spot light. Freeze, Spider-Man. SPIDER-MAN: Looks like they got us, Miles. Speak for yourself. I'm in camo mode. Really? Because it looks a lot like leaving me flat mode. [MUSIC PLAYING] I said, don't move, Spider-Man. Are you kidding me? Disappearing is the best thing I can do for you, because I can do stuff like this. GUARD: Hey! [GUNSHOTS] Come on, Miles. I think visiting hours are over. [GRUNTING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Grab on. See? You can still learn a thing or two from me. Yeah, I just never thought breaking out of jail would be on the list, but it paid off. Now, we know that the Raymond Warren in prison and the Jackal at Oz Academy were both fakes, meaning the real Jackal is still out there somewhere. And that isn't good for any of us, because if Norman truly thinks the Jackal is gone, then it leaves him and his family open to an attack. I have to warn Harry. I thought he wasn't speaking to you. He's not, but if his life's in danger, he'll have to listen. Want me to slingshot you home? No need. See? Web wings. I am still learning from you. Good luck at Oscorp. Thanks. [MUSIC PLAYING] HARRY OSBORN: I have nothing to say to you, Pete. PETER PARKER: Just listen to me for a second. I think the Jackal your dad claims to have destroyed was a clone. A clone? Yes. Spider-Man said-- Again with Spider-Man. Haven't you learned anything, Pete? The guy's a menace. Did you hear how he broke into prison and possibly eliminated Raymond Warren? It wasn't Raymond Warren. It's all over the news. That's what I'm trying to tell you, Harry. The thing Spider-Man confronted in prison wasn't Raymond Warren. It wasn't even human. So there's a good chance that whatever your dad destroyed wasn't the real Jackal either. Now, how do I know you and Spider-Man aren't just trying to diminish my dad's achievement? Because if we were, we would just go to the press. Look, if the Jackal is still out there, then my best friend's life could be in danger, which is why I'm here. He must be up to something, Harry. Why send a Warren clone to prison and a Jackal clone to Oz Academy unless you're trying to distract someone from something bigger? The only distraction here, Parker, is you. I need to finish this before class, so please go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, dad? Can I talk to you for a minute? GWEN: Peter, did you hear what Spider-Man did to my Uncle Raymond? Gwen. Gwen, listen. I have it on good authority that the man in that prison cell was not your uncle. In fact, it was some sort of clone. What do you mean? It wasn't him? That's what I'd like to find out, and I could use your help. Do you know if your uncle was working on anything unusual? I mean, besides mutating himself into a human-sized Jackal and turning Aleksei into a rhino? Well put, but I don't know. Would it be possible to look around his house? Maybe something there can point us in the right direction. Sure. I was heading home for lunch, but we can swing by my uncle's place instead. Hop on. Oh, OK. HARRY OSBORN: So if Pete's riding on back, can I take the handlebars? Harry. Harry. Hey, Gwen. Pete, I thought a lot about what you said, and I appreciate your concern. I tried to talk to my dad about it, but his ego is too big to accept the fact that he might not have destroyed the real Jackal, which means it's up to me to protect him, to protect us. So until we find proof that the Jackal is really gone, count me in. I'm glad to hear you say that, Harry, because we could really use your help. Good. Let me start by offering a more comfortable mode of transportation. [LAUGHTER] Thanks. [MUSIC PLAYING] That's weird. I thought we'd find more of his research here, but all these papers are from his college days. Ugh. Are you OK? Sorry. Yeah, I just-- it's still weird for me. First to learn that my uncle was the Jackal, and now to hear he might have been a clone? I just-- what's going on? We'll figure it out, Gwen. Of course, we will. Here, there's got to be a tissue or something around here. Hey, guys? Any idea what Professor Warren might have kept at West End Storage? [MUSIC PLAYING] Empty. Didn't see that coming. [MUSIC PLAYING] GWEN: Why would Uncle Raymond rent such a large space for just one computer? And wire it with security cameras? SECURITY CAMERA: Scanning. DNA recognition complete. What was that? JACKAL: Hello, Norman. Norman? The DNA scanner must be confusing me with my dad. I knew you'd come looking for my spider experiment. Spider experiment? JACKAL: And bravo on finding this place. Sadly, it's a dead end. Unless, of course, you came here looking for your demise. [EVIL LAUGHTER] Look out! Head for the door! [MUSIC PLAYING] Peter! Pete! Uh-oh. Can't change to Spidey in front of these cameras. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, but that might be the very least of my problems. [GUNSHOTS] Gotta keep that secret identity of mine secret. [MUSIC PLAYING] That takes care of one prying eye. [GUNSHOTS] One more. [GUNSHOTS] What would Captain America do at a time like this? [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah, let's try a little of Thor's Mjolnir-- Mjol-- Meow? His hammer! [MUSIC PLAYING] By the power of something or other. I gotta say, being an Avenger is awesome. There's nothing better than being Spider-Man, huh? That does not sound good. Oh. Hey, guys. Peter, are you OK? What happened to this place? Yeah, once the turrets registered that the Osborn DNA was gone, they started to power down, which gave me a chance to disable the computer system. Oh. Yeah? Which then caused the turrets to self-destruct. [MUSIC PLAYING] Huh. Yeah, something tells me there's more to that story. Something tells me there's more to these files, but I'm guessing everything's encrypted. Let me try. None of Uncle Raymond's passwords work, but I might have something that can help. What's that? A little something I've been cooking up at school. It can't necessarily decrypt files, but it can show us where the files were created. Hang on. Wait. I know that IP address. It's Midtown High. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hopefully, this isn't just another wild goose chase. It feels like old times, huh? Because we just did this at Professor Warren's house? No, I mean, you and I. We find a problem, present a hypothesis, and work together to prove it. I'm really glad you showed up today, Harry. It means a lot to me. Sure. Any idea what we're looking for here? A decryption key or a password list. Anything that might unlock Uncle Raymond's files. Where would you hide a decryption key? [MUSIC PLAYING] Huh. What are you doing? Look at the floor. This desk is bolted down, but there are deep scuff marks all around it. Almost as if it moves. Whoa. Not what I was expecting, but maybe even better. [MUSIC PLAYING] Whoa, a secret underground lair. Where's my treasure map? I'll just be happy if we find those decryption codes. Let's split up and keep searching. You are not the person I thought you were, Uncle Raymond. I wonder how far back this goes? [MUSIC PLAYING] This is it. What'd you find? Warren's spider experiment. His what? Dad, I found it. Lock on to my signal. You're clear to come in. What? What are you doing? I played you, Parker. Just like you kept it from me that you're working with Spider-Man, I kept it from you that I'm working with my dad. There's gotta be a light switch around here somewhere. What are you talking about, Harry? My father told me the whole story. You're right, Pete. Norman does want to destroy Spider-Man because he's a member of the Jackal's Spider-Army. That's not true. Oh no? Because from where I stand, you just led us to the very experiment that created Spider-Man's power. They're not here. Where are the spiders? Oh, here we go. [MUSIC PLAYING] (GASP) Harry, listen to me. I'm your friend. That's not how-- No, you were my friend until you chose to side with Spider-Man. GWEN: Guys? PETER PARKER: Gwen, what's the-- oh no. Clones? My Uncle Raymond seems to be creating dozens of them. And giving them all the powers of-- Spiders! There they are. He is creating a Spider-Army. HARRY OSBORN: I told you. [MUSIC PLAYING] But he hasn't siphoned their powers yet. I can still prevent this. PETER PARKER: Harry, wait. No, Pete. I'm taking these spiders back to Oscorp, and you can't stop me. [MUSIC PLAYING] [ALARM] I won't stop you, Harry, but they might. [SNARLING] Have any other bright ideas, Osborn? NORMAN OSBORN: In fact, I do. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SNARLING] Everybody, get back! The Oz Commandos will take it from here. Step aside, Harry. But Dad, I thought I could be one of the Oz Commandos. You were wrong. Let the boy stay, Norman. I am the general of this battalion, Otto, not you. You are a mere doctor, and take orders from me. Now, get my son to safety. Very well. Hey! Come on! [MUSIC PLAYING] The flame sword? You've enhanced it. Yep. Changed the fuel source for a hotter flame. Can we discuss this later? The three of us need to get to safety! PETER PARKER: But it's why you need the mask, isn't it? Because the fumes are too volatile. Harry, Gwen, watch out! [SNARLING] I'm blocked off, but I can get out through the ceiling. I'll meet you outside, eventually. [MUSIC PLAYING] [GRUNTING] Ew. Sorry. Didn't mean to steal the spotlight from you, but I figured you could use some help. Spider-Man. These clones are not fully formed. If we agitate their cells enough, they'll degenerate back into their basic primordial building blocks. SPIDER-MAN: Yeah. [GRUNT] If the sheer number of them doesn't overwhelm us first. NORMAN OSBORN: So this is how you make a Spider-Army, huh, Raymond? [LASERS SHOOTING] Well, let me show you how you prevent a Spider-Army. DOC OCK: Norman, don't. There's valuable research here that we can co-op. I've made that mistake before, Otto. I won't do it again. The only thing left to do is destroy them. Ew, it's like fighting pudding. But I think that's the last of them. JACKAL: You may have defeated all my clones, Norman, but you'll never defeat the truth! Jackal! Decided to make an appearance, huh, Raymond? Bad move. Commandos, finish him! [MUSIC PLAYING] Did you hear me? I said finish him! [LAUGHTER] So sorry, Norman, but any man who disregards the importance of scientific research, no matter how dangerous, doesn't deserve to be in control. What? Besides, ever since you told me that Oscorp owns all my tech, I've made it my mission to own Oscorp. With the help, I might add, of the very mind control devices that Jackal used to control his Rhino Army. My pleasure. Didn't see that coming. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'll get you for this, you worm. I'm an octopus, Norman. [SCREAMING] Doctor Octopus, and the Sinister 5 are in my control now. Where's the young Osborn? He escaped. Too bad. Sinister 6 has a much nicer ring to it. SPIDER-MAN: Ock's Future Inmates has an even better ring to it. So, doctor, is the enemy of my enemy, my friend? If you hand over the rest of your mind control research. Otherwise-- Done. Excellent. Now, that's what I call a hostile takeover. [ROARING] Sinister 5, destroy the Spider-Freak! [MUSIC PLAYING] NORMAN OSBORN: And now, to destroy this thing once and for all. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SCREAM] [EXPLOSIONS] SPIDER-MAN: Oh boy, that's not good. DOC OCK: Sinister 5, evacuate. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hold on, Norman. Dad? Dad! Harry, don't. It's too dangerous. Spider-Man, save my son. No. Let me go! No! [MUSIC PLAYING] [EXPLOSIONS] I'm so sorry, Harry. And Peter? I got him to safety. I'm sorry, Harry. I-- What did you do? We could have saved him! Harry, it was him or you and he-- he said to save you. You had no right. You never liked him. You never trusted him. Because of that, my dad is gone. I tried. Just leave. [SIRENS] I tried to save you, Norman. Even though you wanted me dead, I tried. But when you build your empire on pillars of hatred, fear, and betrayal, nothing can stop those walls from tumbling down. Still, I have to wrap my mind around what happened today. Jackal, Doc Ock, Harry. No matter how many bad guys I take down, new ones always seem to be lurking just around the corner. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 404,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Id: 2LxEW1L9UcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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