3 Top methods of cleaning pennies

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[Music] hi everybody this is kyle with coin collecting and this video is for people that want to know about how to clean their coin finds specifically the cone coins that may end up being crusty or rusty or anything like that well there are some several different types of coin cleaning procedures that i'm going to go over with you and demonstrating each step the first one is vinegar salt hydrogen peroxide and good old-fashioned virgin olive oil and right here are some of the coins that we will be using for this experiment let's take a look up close to see exactly what condition these coins are all right first off so you can see here this coin this coin is a 1943 steel wheat penny with the denver mint and this coin is in pretty bad shape it's not corroded but it is coated in a nasty layer of dirt and grime this will be used in the experiment with one of these products that i mentioned previously and we also have a 1944 this one is an excellent shape for the experiment it's actually very terrible but it's perfect for the experiment then we have some other ones we have 1982 we have this one here this is 1952d same idea very nasty looking this one's probably the worst looking one 1950 d so that'd be great then we have some uh two other ones here that will also be used in the experiment but these aren't quite as in bed of shape so let's get started with this awesome experiment all right so first what we will need is when we need a small glass dish following that is what we need one of the coins to choose for this so i am choosing this first coin which is the 1982 penny which is kind of dark and a little grimy so we'll go ahead and set that in the dish then what we will need next is a tablespoon and the vinegar that we mentioned previously so what we will do first is take and make two tablespoons of vinegar and once your two tablespoons of vinegar have been added and go ahead just completely cover that coin if the two tablespoons don't do it you can either use a smaller container or add a little bit more vinegar just so it'll cover the coin but you don't need a whole lot for this then following that step what you'll need next is salt and all you need to do is basically sprinkle as much as you want you can sprinkle this or you can sprinkle a whole lot so all you do is just drop it in and watch the show give it a little swirl if you like and watch the coin turn from grimy and dark too bright and dull so this is what will happen with the vinegar and the salt reaction of an acid with a sodium is stripping off the surface a patina of the copper but at the same time it's also i guess it's kind of acting as an acidic substance and it's removing any traces of luster that may have once been on the coin so we are the salt and the vinegar so here is the coin a lot brighter but completely dull with no trace of luster next all right everyone for the next step for cleaning these coins we will need two other coins so let's go ahead and select the 1960s these two 1960 coins we'll be using these next you can get yourself a new dish or you can just rinse out the one you just used and make sure it's rinsed out really well all right what you'll need to do first is take and put your two coins into the dish just like that then what you'll need to do next is take the vinegar and pour over the coins just as much as you need to cover the coins but no more than that because it's not necessary there we are they are now covered the next is the most amazing part go ahead and take your hydrogen peroxide and add an equal part equal amount same as you did the vinegar yep that's all you need now watch as the transformation begins all right after the coins have been in there for about 30 seconds or so you can actually see how they have so much already increased in their brightness and luster and you do not want to let them go beyond this point because if they do they will begin to look a lot like that vinegar penny that we use with vinegar and salt so go ahead and take these coins and you can take them out and rinse them off and dry them and you can see what they look like next all right everyone here is the results this is the coin right here that was cleaned with salt and vinegar and then these two are the ones that were cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar you can definitely see a difference there's a lot much nicer reflectivity and the luster is a little bit more present than in this one now we're going to continue to experiment with the next substance alrighty then next is my most possibly my most favorite coin restoring solution in the entire world because it is extra virgin olive oil and i'm not kidding this stuff is amazing on coins so let's demonstrate right now here we go all right the very first coins that we're going to be using we're actually going to use four coins for this experiment because i just can't well i can't i can't believe how well this thing works and i want to have a lot of coins to show you so we have this i'll go ahead and show you all of these how they are now and then how they will be afterward so here are the coins first one is this coin is 1950 d 1944 1952 d and 1943 d gonna turn them over so you can see the backs yep pretty nasty coins well let's get started and i'll show you how they come out and really to do this all you need to do is just put your finger over the opening of the bottle and dab just enough to get the coin a little bit of oil on it so just like that see a little coating of oil on the coin right now all you need to do next this is the actual easiest part in the world is you can take your thumb or you can take any finger and very lightly do this very lightly do not rub hard just very lightly and quickly all right as you can see coin's already starting to look pretty nice continue to rub and i'll be back in a few minutes once you get all your items oiled and rubbed all that you want what you'll do next is you'll turn on just a trickle just a trickle of hot water and let the hot water fall onto the coin like so you can gently rub it across rotate and just let the power of the water and the gentle rubbing of the thumb remove all the oil once it has been all removed what you can do next is bring it over here and lay it down on the towel tap it flip it dry my finger and tap it again the coin should be reasonably dry all right everyone here are the final results of those coins so we'll start off with the very first coin that we started off with remember this this was the 1950 it is a lot more visible now you can really see all the detail a lot better 1950 penny here's the reverse and the reverse looks so much nicer and the original pantina really didn't get disturbed not much at all so that really turned out nice and then we have a 1944 the one that was before and now we have this one it came out pretty nice too maybe could have used a little bit more oil a little bit more time but reasonably nice following that is this 1952 denver mint this one came out very very nice as you can see really cleaned up very nice and then we have this 1943 steel wheat penny which really has to say a lot i mean just look at that coin it came out so much nicer the back look at that very nice condition now all that nastiness removed so let's go ahead and compare these coins with the ones that i did with the other cleaning items okay first i'll go ahead and just set this right there for you okay there we are the first time that was cleaned was the one with salt and vinegar that's what this coin looks like this one was with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar and then we have these coins which really were not um these really were not damaged at all with this cleaning procedure with the olive oil and they all came out very nice so everyone that's it these are my choices for cleaning methods if you're using salt vinegar i would not recommend using it at all on wheat pennies if you want to use it for regular coinage like this 1982 or just common coins like this it's fine i don't care if it's used on that i chose these coins in particular because of their lack of numismatic value so thanks for watching everyone and thanks for um taking a look at this video about options for cleaning coins have a nice day everyone happy coin hunting i will see you later bye for now
Channel: MYGOLDCOIN101
Views: 1,335,432
Rating: 4.2775946 out of 5
Keywords: copper, metal, coins, stell, wheat, cents, cleaning, money, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Repair, Free, Help, restoration, repair, restore, techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2013
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