7 Ways to PRANK Your Little Brother's House! - Minecraft

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this video from a year ago has 50 million views of me pranking my little brother's house in minecraft five times so like any original youtuber we are now breaking my little brothers out seven different ways oh i love you guys beautiful people the first way we're gonna be pranking joshua he's asleep right now in his house but we've got deal unspeakable has the good this is like a trade right now look he goes preston over here i got the item you asked for this item okay i gotta stop talking like this before my voice completely dies this right here is the lego lever will legofy any structure if a player steps on a lego block without boots they will also take damage if you have a younger brother you probably know they sleep in when they get to the age of 12 or older joshua is asleep until 3 p.m almost every single day seriously sorry i can't stop laughing i'm sorry i got the giggling all right so we got to take all the boots from the house every single piece of boots we gotta take otherwise he's not gonna take damage look at him look at him sleeping look at him look at this guy look at this dude should i just walk all over him i don't know why i'm laughing so much i'm walking on his head and his his character model is pushing me off okay ah before everybody in the comments thinks i have now gone clinically insane you're gonna vacate the premise also do me a favor if you guys want to see more pranking videos go ahead leave a like down below because i'm about to whip this bad boy over here in three two one lego five initializing the lego vacation scanning the building preparing the legos look at this lego vacation complete also i love this commentary by josh yawn what a beautiful morning that is something joshua would literally never say my house is made of legos where are my boots i love how in the chat he just puts preston why do people have to assume that i'm pulling the prank can't i just be preston is it always me who normally pulls the pranks don't answer that question honestly in the comments ah fast forward a few hours joshua has de-legofied his house and i don't know why but he's apparently he's going to bed again the kid just woke up a few hours ago and is already going back to bed so for this prank i'm gonna need some assistance i can't be pulling these off by myself pranking by yourself is like eating a buttered biscuit alone it's sad and it's downright disrespectful [Music] it's almost as sad as drinking coffee alone while filming a video by yourself okay listen we haven't seen noob on the channel in quite some time so i was like listen it's time to bring him back baby ooh how can i help you preston i need your son baby noob it's always interesting asking a father for his son's assistance listen sometimes in our videos things just get a little weird all right and if this doesn't weird you out i don't know what else it will baby noob i believe is riding one of these dirt golems which i've actually never seen before in minecraft he's also riding it while upside down you gotta love it well for you preston i will help thank you so much baby noob check these bad boys out dirt bombs so if i remember correctly these will turn the entire house into dirt oh my goodness these are actually some of the most fun things in minecraft oh my gosh look at this look at this big shot over here come on for the lakers who just won oh yes would you look at this beautiful house over here i believe we have done enough dirt damage to the little brother's house i'm going to stand by a little bit far away because i got an extra surprise for this prank for josh oh there he is what's with all that noise i don't know why i voiced joshua in that manner he doesn't sound like that but i gotta do it here we go here we go okay we gotta wait patiently patiently there he is check this out hit him with a couple of dirt bombs he turns into dirt why do these not exist in real life like you guys have no idea if these existed in real life i think i would use them for every single prank video every single prank you've seen so far has just been the warm-up this is when things start to get sportier we've got a crafting recipe in our hand this is to make the ultra girly wand i feel like i sound like an infomercial right now but we do need a couple of items before we can make this so i do need pink dye to make pink wool then if you look at the crafting recipe i'm gonna need one of these i need myself a little bit of poppy we do got to be careful though because i think joshua's here somewhere i don't know where but he's in here orange tulip we need that one there's one more we need wait it's a blue orchid come on i need the blue orchid i know there it is blue orchid let's go baby all right now we're going to head on down stairs joe's crab shack put all these bad boys together oh would you look at that sam i am oh sam i am i'm making myself a stan man the girly magic sometimes we do the most ridiculous things in our videos i don't even know how to respond to them so what this does is it creates these very creepy baby female doll things all right yes is it strange i know i can't help it okay i'm placing these dolls everywhere inside of his house basically if these end up touching you it turns your minecraft skin into the female version of what your minecraft skin would look like it's very it's very it's very strange i believe by the power invest oh is this a basement i haven't even seen this basement yet by the power invested in me and these baby dolls they were oh there he is there he is go my babies go my children go oh my gosh this is like dude if i came back to my house and saw a bunch of little baby dolls running around and chasing me i would be actually petrified look at josh he's like what's going on i've got to see what he looks like oh my god dude he looks ridiculous don't tell joshua i said this but loki i think he looks better as a female in minecraft than the male sometimes i can't tell am i the worst brother or am i the best brother only answer honestly in the comments hey listen for all the grief we've caused joshua please do me a favor if you're not subscribed to the channel yet go into that red subscribe button and make it great the next prank we've got going on is a good one we've got our crafting table right everybody needs a good crafting table this may be the first time on the channel we've ever made something like this using the items of our inventory we're gonna make these rc cars super fast rc car can drive as fast as 180 blocks a minute warning backed with tnt not responsible for property or bodily damages we're not going to talk about that one we do need to disguise the other one so i've got a couple of regular rc cars the red one's the dangerous one but all these other ones are just distractions for josh now we've got the rc detonator and then the last thing we've got to make is the rc remote controls i'm not sure if this is going to work i hope it does but you know what listen you miss every single shot you don't try ladies and gentlemen oh dude i almost put the detonator inside of there now we're gonna keep the detonator in our hand and give him the remote control josh i have presents for you and if your little sibling is anything like mine they are just a little bit too gullible ah preston are you here to prank me again no never how dare you insinuate such evil deeds is it bad that i make myself laugh i feel like it's a bad thing but i don't know yes i got you a juicy gift homie don't forget by the way if you make it to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes you do have a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen so get to a new video very quick are these remote control cars yes they are they literally say rc cars on them okay joshua must just be having a great day or something he just goes thank you so much he took the rc cars but will it work will it oh we put down the red one oh we put down the red one the red rc car is planting tnt do you hear the sound of tnt oh so satisfying and three two one explosions ladies and gentlemen just like that we have exploded a giant chunk of joshua's little minecraft house he's got going on preston how dare you do this listen josh it's my job as an older sibling to prank okay i mean i got coffee i got water and i got this i don't even know what drink this is on my desk this looks like spoiled milk but i'm gonna drink it anyway i call this next prank the thousand iq prank cause literally you're not even gonna know what's coming so i'm not even gonna bother explaining it to you guys at least not yet so you place down dispensers right you put a wither spawn egg inside not two we just want one hit it with the countdown timer place another one down another with the egg countdown timer again and now we've got the last one okay we've got all of these dispensers once the timer reaches zero these withers are going to spawn and it is going to be massive chaos but that's not the prank now i've got to get joshua's attention because there's something i didn't show you guys that i built inside of his basement to get him with this next prank i just wanted to see how you were doing i'm trying to not be suspicious but i feel like asking how somebody's doing is probably the most suspicious thing you can ask them you know what i'm pretty great come on in sorry if the house is a little bit messy i had to rebuild it i love you he goes crap withers preston follow me okay captain i'll follow you oh my gosh you're low-key these withers are insane all right so we're in the basement right now right he doesn't know it's about to come but something's about to come he goes i don't have any weapons but maybe they'll go away josh you sound like a damsel in distress right now let me show you how to get out of this mess secret trap door boom unfortunately when joshua jumps in here he will die because that button just changed the top part the glass come on in bro okay i got my diamonds with me i'm dressing here i feel bad about this one legitimately i don't feel okay i do feel a little good about this one that one actually worked i'm telling you that was a 1 000 iq prank and you'll never see something like that again on youtube it was amazing all right so listen up if that last prank was a thousand iq this one may or may not be a 2000 iq prank seriously this one's actually like low-key amazing ender pearls magic dust and a dragon egg and you get the blessing of ender item when thrown it will target a structure and give the user a remote control to teleport their structure at random can you guess what could we possibly be using this for to teleport oh we're just gonna throw this bad boy up over here go mr ivan to fly fly like free willy free willy doesn't fly because he's a dolphin or a whale i can't remember it's been a long time since i saw those movies all right so check this out we've got remote control in hand but wait it's not over ladies and gentlemen i'm in vanish right now behind joshua so he has no idea that i'm trailing him so he thinks his house has just been teleported like a little bit in the distance which is really like not that big of a deal in minecraft obviously but if you continuously teleport the house over and over again then i feel like it becomes a problem dude okay so i think i could legitimately do this all day just seeing joshua chase down his house after house after house but this is unfortunately gonna have to be the final one i want joshua to go inside of his house so when i teleport it it will also make him fall out of the world it's only gonna work if he goes in the house and he went in the house would like to see you remove this careful what you wish for josh the entire house falls out of the world with joshua all right what do you think guys in the comments was it 2000 iq was it 1500 iq i need you to rate this prank down below in the comments sadly beautiful people all good things must come to an end this is the final prank on joshua's house i gotta say he's done a phenomenal job fixing the house every single time he broke it in this episode but this is the one thing that we're going to do to his house where he just can't fix it it's not possible these ladies and gentlemen i have four visibility beacons in my inventory right now so we place these down on each of the four corners of the house just look at what's happening so his house is actually not being deleted it's just being it's like a giant invisibility potion his house still exists it's just completely invisible i'ma tell you something what i would much rather have my house blown up than have it be completely useless and invisible unless joshua is 10 000 iq and has memorized his house front to back and how to maneuver around it i don't know man you know what i gotta say i'm actually impressed somehow he's made it to the second floor of his invisible house i don't know how he's done this thank you so much for watching you guys are amazing hope you stick around for my next video preston out
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,867,907
Rating: 4.9201789 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Kn-sgsV7bzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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