10 True Scary Camping Horror Stories (Vol. 4)

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[Music] I'm the 17-year old guy currently living in Phoenix Arizona this incident took place around six months ago on an overnight trip into the Superstition Mountains which are about an hour drive east of Phoenix I'm not gonna specify the exact trail because I've been doing this stuff long enough to realize what happens when you post stuff on the internet whether it's a good trail abandoned mine ghosts or whatever it may be people come flocking and usually with a lot of trash and loud music anyway this particular trail I was taking was an eight mile loop through a canyon pretty simple in an ounce overnight trip I had plan to go with my friend but a last-minute cancel in his part left me on my own so with the packed bag in a car ready to go I decided to go on my own not leaving the house on time and some trouble navigating rough forest roads I didn't arrive to the trailhead until around 5:45 which for those of you who don't back pack this is a very big no-no I had about a four mile hike until I arrived at my plant a camping spot and it was getting dark fast so I figured if I move quick enough I could get at least two to three miles in before I had to find a spot this strategy left me hiking a very dark trail on my own with about 15 miles of dirt road between me and anyone else hiking in the dark by itself is scary especially for where I was and being on my own eventually it got so dark I could only see where my headlamp was pointing and that's when I figured I needed to stop and get a camp set up with only using the headlamp as my light source and trying to move fast I ended up in a less than ideal spot but there were some burned pieces of woods and the remains of a fire circle so it looked like people had been there before but definitely not recently my first priority was to get a fire going I scanned the area around me and was able to find some dry wood and I got the fire going I got my tarp set up and cracked open a can of chili mac I had brought for myself and was very much looking forward to eating I was feeling good my camp was set up and my food was on the fire the feeling an uneasiness from the hike in had almost gone away but it was still there a side effect of camping alone in remote areas to fully understand what happened I have to explain to you how my camp was set up the site I had picked was the small clearing surrounded by large pine trees with the trail about 30 feet to my left when you're in the woods and have a fire going the fire casts a circle of light around it and everything on the edge of that circle and past it her pitch-black I was sitting on the ground and near my fire eating my dinner when a small rock about the size of a marvel was thrown in my camp I looked at the tiny rock and shocked as I was positive that I was the only person on this trail that night I immediately turned my light on and towards the area where I had seen the rock cone but due to the density of the pines and brush I could only see about 10 feet I spent the next 15 minutes in disbelief as I scan the treeline that surrounded me searching for what or whoever it thrown the rock not daring the stray too far from the fire that in hindsight offered me a false sense of security after sitting back down and spending the rest of my time on high alert and was able to convince myself that I had somehow kicked the rock or had had fallen from a tree I went to sleep that night not expecting the pure terror that was about to unfold I woke to the sound of rustling leaves barely audible if you weren't listening for them but they were there still in a sleepy daze I listened as the rustling of leaves got harder to hear as I assumed they were moving away from me I went to grab my handheld flashlight that I had left next to me when I had fallen asleep but the more I looked the more scared I got as I came to realize that it was no longer there I stood up in my sleeping bag and ducked out of my tarp and looked around I was able to see a light off in the woods it couldn't have been more than 15 feet away it was my flashlight lying on the ground in a pile of leaves this is one of the few moments in my life where I had almost soiled my pants the flashlight that I had left sitting right next to me when I had fallen asleep a few hours ago was now 15 feet away from me past the tree line in the woods I hurriedly slipped my boots on clutching my knife and my other hand and keeping my head on a swivel I weighed my options stay there and wait out the night or attempt a three-mile hike back to the car in the dark I figured that whenever whoever was out here with me was definitely gonna have a better advantage if I was out on the trail without a light so I decided to stay at the camp and wait out the night there eventually it came back I could hear walking through the woods it was far off but I could hear it it sounded like someone leisurely walking by like they were on a stroll without a care in the world sometimes they would walk too far and I would loose the sound of its steps but then an hour later maybe two it would return still faint as ever this went on for three or four hours until I listened to the steps get closer and closer until there are about seven feet from me at this point the fire had gotten very small as I had run out of wood in my pile the footsteps stopped and everything went totally silent i sat there still for two hours clutching my knife in my hand and prayed that I wouldn't hear anything else I stayed like that until the Sun cast enough light that I could see that I was alone in my campsite I packed my things since bed walked the three miles back down the trail that I had taken I arrived at the empty dirt road where my car was parked and nearly sprinted to it as I unlocked my Subaru jumped in and drove and didn't stop until I had put at least 20 miles between me and that place I stopped at the gas station in Apache Junction to buy a Red Bull but mostly just to see or talk to another person as I exited the store I was read what was written in the dust on the back window of my car sleep well a lot of weird things have happened to me on my various adventures through Arizona but this is the weirdest and scariest by far so I thought I'd share there is a seriously deranged person living in the Superstition Mountains and do yourself a favor and stay as far away from those mountains as you can this took place when I was 14 years old camping in a little area of land in western Maryland where lots of my mom's family had little cabins this is in the middle of nowhere on private property and everyone on the mountain was related to us one way or another we grew up spending the summers around the campfire telling scary stories and running around with all my cousins quick explanation of the layout imagine a large capital T for a road above the T by 150 feet ran savage River if he went left on the T it would take you past multiple families houses but also dense forests that cut off the road if he went all the way right to the T was my mom's tiny cabin where we stayed I often went off on my own preferring it that way I was about to just do that when my aunt had asked to tag along she's 14 years older than I am and a big kid she had pink hair at the time was covered in tattoos and was almost 6 feet tall so not an easily intimidated woman so I decided that we'd go all the way to the left into the dense forest and she's fine with that admitting she'd come with me so she could smoke a joint and keep out of eyesight of my disapproving grandmother now I was a good kid and even though she offered me a hit the thought of drugs still scared me so I declined from the end of the road was a super rough dirt path into the woods with the river still running a hundred and fifty feet above the path if you'd or walked towards the river it goes on a downward slope a few miles in you actually come across one of those legendary random staircases that lead to nowhere on this particular day I had taken the dirt path and had walked down the hundred and fifty feet along the river watching the fish and crawdad scurry by as my aunt got high as a kite a little bit behind me that was in my own little world when I suddenly heard a click noise that brought me back to reality I look up and around confused then my eyes land on some man I had never seen before standing across the river from me no more than 15 feet from me he must have just walked out of the woods on the other side of the river it's summer but he's in black jackets and raggedy jeans and is holding one of those old cheap non-digital yellow cameras that he would roll the top and it had clicked to be able to take another picture I was stunned because I had never seen anyone other than my family anywhere around the area and all the years have been going up here he smiled at me than slay Leeloo at his camera he was older probably 40s and very scruffy tall and kind of thin he takes a step forward and I in turn take a step back he Scrolls the top of the camera and points it directly at me again I am literally at a loss of words and could only manage to take another step back almost slipping on a rock as I do this is when my aunt stumbles through the trees and there's a mid-sentence about how much she missed being high when she stopped and stared at the man I was just staring at her at this point frozen like a deer in headlights I slowly turn and he's not looking at my aunt he's staring right at me he clicks the camera again at us and then he does something that makes my blood run cold and turns the situation from weird to terrify he does the tut-tut-tut thing with his finger and points to what looks like a knife sheath and strapped to his hip and then points a finger that he slices across his throat that's the moment I went into autopilot I spun around and began barreling through the trees grabbing on to my aunt my heart pounded as I ran though I could have sworn I heard one more click before I could hear the splashing from behind me I almost collapse because my legs felt like jelly the river is really deep in parts but where I had been and we were at a point where the water would have been only thigh-deep to a grown man I tore upwards and ran blindly like a rabbit from a fox when we saw the stairs my aunt quickly yanked to me to the other side and slid down beside me as we caught her breath I was wheezing so loud I'd to cover my mouth to try to muffle the sound I peer around but the trees are so dense I can't see the river from the stairs but even with my hammering heartbeat I hear the snapping of branches like someone barreling through the forest now I am very very scared it's not an easy straight trail back into my family's property you have to weave around and in spots it dips and gets rocky so you have to do about an s-shape to get through there's random rocks everywhere and it would be easy to twist an ankle or smack into a tree in my panic not to mention we always tried careful and look where we were going because there's so many snakes in that area I'm sobbing and wheezing badly and we had another few miles until we even hit the first part of my family's property my mind is racing but I know we can't stay and neither of us had any type of weapon and staying here was making it harder for me to convince myself to run as paralyzing terror crept in my legs and arms are already cut up and before I can decide what to do my aunt pulls me towards the tea Road desperately just stumbling and running I don't make it more than another mile until I misstep and trip over a branch tripping and smacking headfirst into a tree i crumpled over and taste blood i had bit through my lip in the fall I'm dazed but my adrenaline is still pumping so I scrambled to a tree as my aunt turns and notices I'm not right behind her she scrambles back and drops to her knees in front of me whispering I'm dazed but she keeps repeating that we need to keep going I'm shaking so bad I don't think I can walk much less run high probably another mile and a half and time on my family's property but another two until we're at an occupied cabin my grandmother's my ears are ringing and I'm hardly paying attention to my aunts frantic pleas I completely psyched myself out again and keep looking behind me but I don't see anything she decides that she's not going to waste any more time because if stupid me and half drags me up and forward I hobble forward as quick as I can as she continues to pull me too quickly the rest is a blur until we break through the woods most of my family wasn't there at the time so we only stop when we make it to my grandmother's and I just run in sobbing no one locks their doors around there and my grandma takes one horrified look at me in my aunt who was equally cut up and scared looking and yells for my grandfather who promptly takes over and grabs his rifle I can't put into sentences what just happened to my aunt it's taking over leaving out the part about her being high as a kite he and my grandmother go cabin to cabin gathering the men in their guns as well as warning the women and children about what had just occurred there's no signal up there so calling the sheriff really wasn't an option and to get up to the mountain if they left immediately would take over an hour it's getting dark the roads leading up to the property or so wine D and steep you'd have to be out of your mind to try to drive up them in the dark anyway my mother eventually got word and came over she took one look at my aunt and said that I'd probably just gotten high with her witch and turned made us overly paranoid and when we saw the random fisherman who was trespassing we jumped to conclusions and had probably startled him as much as he had startled us she continued by saying I probably just imagined he was taking my picture or that he began chasing us though my aunt had been the one to repeatedly retell the story my aunt stood up and yelled at my mother saying that I was a good kid and didn't do anything and that we were telling the truth they began screaming at each other and my grandmother made them both stop telling them both to grow up even with the men of my family scouring the woods they never saw any sign of the man that we had encountered there everyone in the mountain locked their doors that night though for the first time in a long time and to this day all I can wonder as if I am part of some creepy picture collection but considering what could have happened maybe if I had been alone like normal I can live with that [Music] this was 1998 when this happened an old friend of mine asked me to go camping with him I hadn't been since I was about 12 so I agreed it sounded fun and I was excited all week leading up to the trip I didn't get much sleep the night before because of it and he picked me up just after 5 a.m. and we drove the hundred miles to the park I managed to get a little bit of sleep so I felt a little better when we arrived then he dropped the bomb on me we still had to walk another two hours to the campsite I tried to talk him into choosing one a little closer but he swore I'd love it when we made it now with a heavy heart I followed him the first half hour wasn't that bad most of it was all downhill however as more time passed I became sluggish halfway there we took a short break but we're back on the trail before I knew it the second leg was a lot more uphill it wasn't long until I was dragging again and not paying attention to where I was going we arrived at a flat section and I was relieved my friend was in front and somehow missed the trap but I didn't all I remember was that one second was clomping along and hitting the ground the next the contact with the bottom of the hole jolted me awake in the rush of adrenaline masked most of the pain as I stood up my right leg buckled and I dropped down into a sharpened stick jutting out below me apparently there were several more stakes in the bottom of the hole but they had been knocked over thankfully when I looked down I saw the bone sticking out of my shin instinctively I pulled the stick from my leg and pain made me even queasy er than I already was I looked up to get an idea of where I was and only saw a blue sky edged by trees I figured the hole was about ten feet deep or more and must have taken the idiots that dug it several days I yelled up for my friend only to see his laughing face greet me over the edge he didn't know the extent of my injuries at that moment but when I told him the laughing stopped and panic replaced it I asked him what happened and he told me it looked like some redneck poachers had dug some type of bear trap and I'd fallen into it I assumed he could simply reach down and pull me out but that didn't work so next he attempted to reach me with a tree limb this worked at first but when I tried to stand up the pain was far too severe I couldn't put any weight on my right leg it was obvious I wasn't getting out of the hole without some outside help it was too early in the day so I wasn't very concerned I could hear my friend pacing around above me and freaking out so I called up to him and a calm voice and told him to go get help the ranger station was only a little over an hour back from where we came he could easily get help and make it back to me with plenty of time before dark once he took off I was left alone with nothing but the pain to occupy me by now it was coming in waves and the accompany nausea wasn't making it any better initially I thought I could make a splint but the moment I tried to tighten it down I almost fainted leaving it alone seemed the wise decision I put my head between my knees and waited for the sick dizzy feeling to pass eventually it did and I tried to focus on other things singing worked for a while that is until I started hearing thunder and notice the sky above me getting darker by the minute getting a little wet wasn't going to kill me right perhaps I should have considered my circumstances before saying that the rain was relatively light at first but within minutes it was coming down in sheets I was okay until I began to notice the hole filling with water my feet were already submerged by the time I realized I was in trouble I clawed my way up the wall until I was standing at least the best I was able and started praying for it to stop as the minutes passed more of my body disappeared after an hour the storm began letting up and I could relax the water level was only about halfway up to my shins and I knew now if it continued at that rate help would be here before it even reached my waist unfortunately it was just a lull in the storm soon enough the rain was sheeting down again the only positive thing about it all was it had taken my mind off the pain in my leg I tried to be upbeat thinking back on funny jokes and movies the next hour was the longest in my life when help finally arrived the rain had almost completely stopped at the time the ropes pulled me out the water was just below my belt thinking about drowning to death in a little hole out in the middle of nowhere still gives me the willies once I was out of the hole the ride of the hospital went by pretty fast after a surgery where I acquired some screws and a few plates I was allowed to go home the next eight weeks on crutches would drag by but I was happy to be alive broken leg or not we never got to make up for the lost trip but I have taken my kids out camping a few times in the years since while it's on my mind I may give my friend a ring we haven't seen one another in a few years and a camping trip may be the best way to catch up I'll just be sure to keep my eyes open this time my life growing up was far from good rather than constant physical abuse although there was that - my parents ignored me most of the time both had drinking problems my mom only worked part-time so she could as she said be there for her kid but she really spent the majority of her free time in a bottle or bed my dad was the main breadwinner working as a over-the-road truck driver he was away most of the time leaving me alone to take care of myself our apartment was on the edge of town surrounded by miles of forest as long as I can remember I was entranced by those woods it wasn't long before I was spending my days exploring them my love of nature only grew from there I soon realized neither of my parents were paying attention to my comings and goings so I began camping out in the woods overnight here and there just to see if I'd be missed but as I figured I wasn't from there I began spending weeks at a time camping throughout the vast forest we all know all good things must end and one morning I was caught walking out of the woods by my father he just arrived back from time on the road it was early and he was livid to see his 12 year old son walk out of the woods at 5:00 a.m. on a school day in addition to tanning my hide I got an earful from them both this didn't stop me from returning though after laying low around town for a week I waited for my dad to leave and my mom to drink when I was sure she was asleep I fled back to my real home I would slip back early every morning prior to school without anyone noticing it didn't take long for things to go back to the way they had been before if I wasn't at school I was out roaming the woods I mentioned before I had a series of camps throughout the forest early on I realized I was sharing my getaway with others among these interlopers were small groups of homeless people probably way before I came along they'd use the woods as a place to camp and drink away from the prying eyes of the police and public I made the mistake of staying in the same place too long on one occasion and almost got assaulted because of it after that run-in I moved my camps to the other side of the river some nights I would lurk in the shadows and watch them destroy themselves with drugs and drink many times violence would break out and this only reinforced my hate for them I already saw enough of that at home anyway as the months passed I moved deeper into the vast forest always looking for a new place to explore summer came and with it more homeless it wasn't long before they had their filthy little camps all over the woods however at that point I was still safe if I stayed on my side I was the only person who knew where to cross river or not my paradise would be taken away from me once and for all by these very same people one hot summer afternoon I was down on the banks getting water I'd heard voices off in the distance so was keeping my eyes peeled I had retrieved my water and was returning back to my camp when I heard a group of people arguing on the opposite side curious I hid and watched there was a raggedy tent set up and next to it three men and one female yelling at one another they were too far away for me to make out much of what was said and they all look like they were drunk swing around while they argued I stayed around for about 10 minutes when one of the men hit another over the head with a beer bottle the man staggered and fell to the ground I waited for the man on the ground to move but he didn't the assailant then picked up a big rock and threw it down on the man while the others just stood by and watched he did this over and over about three times until he looked too exhausted to continue I had to stifle a scream as I watched this horror unfold and by now was too scared to move the female then yelled something at the man and slapped him on the chest he looked unfazed and instead just stared down at the mess he just made after a minute of doing this the others yelled something again at him and they all ran away together I could finally breathe but still dared not move in case they returned I stayed hidden for what seemed like hours before I decided they weren't coming back I expected the man on the ground to get up but now I know how stupid that was I got the crazy idea in my head that I needed to get him help drunk bum or not he was still a human and I ran the entire three miles back to our apartment for some reason I was happy to see my father was home I ran in short of breath and began yelling for my parents I noticed them sitting together on the couch who ran up to them my dad told me to shut up and then asked me what the matter was I repeated the story of what I had just witnessed in the woods rather than getting help my dad began yelling at me about defying him my slurring mom soon joined in and they both commenced to chewing me out to new a-hole the worst part was when my mother accused me of making up stories to get attention I denied this of course but she wasn't listening the rest went the way it always did my dad pulled off his belt and strapped me across until I began crying and he told me to shut up bird give me something to cry about as usual it was clear to me the discussion was over the man wasn't getting helped after all I was just a stupid kid I called off to my bedroom and cried myself to sleep as I had done so many times my retreats the woods attended I couldn't leave the house without one of my folks and going outside was out of the question not long after that I was shipped off to live with my dad because I had become too much for my parents to handle I expected life to be much as a head before maybe even worse after all there had to be a reason why my mother was so messed up I kept my guard up for a long time waiting for the first beating to come instead I would be given a life I could have never dreamed of grandpa Mac turned out to be a loving and patient man the exact opposite of any adult I'd ever met before the first time he asked me what I like to do I was speechless no one ever cared to ask I swallowed the knot in my throat and told him of my love for nature expecting the usual laughing and mockery I braced but instead his face lit up he spent the next hour telling me of all the great memories he had of camping with his father I knew then I had become the luckiest kid in the world as soon as the spring came we spent every waking moment hiking the woods and parks throughout the country the knowledge he passed on to me could fill a library full of books even though he's gotten too old for us to go out together I still visit him on a regular basis and share all the amazing adventures I have been through recently his body may be weak but his mind is still as strong as ever I owe that man more than however be able to repay and he did everything just because he loved me it still took me a good 3 or 4 years until I summed up the courage to tell him the story also I expressed the guilt I felt for keeping it to myself all this time I was unsure of how he'd react at first he sat quietly a moment or two later he sat up in his chair and hugged me tightly this confused me and when he let me go I asked him what I should do his advice to me was to contact the police back home and share the story with him after that the responsibility was out of my hands and I didn't need to be guilty ever again once I contacted them I wash my hands of the guilt now that I've grown up I realized my parents were at fault I did what I should have if they chose to say nothing it was on them I went off to college and upon return at Christmas Mack let me know that the people responsible had been found although all but the woman were dead she shared the location the man's body with detectives they wanted to thank me for coming forward and helping them to solve this case after all these years and with that I moved on leaving that terrible part of my life behind me until recently with the death of my father which seems to have dredged up all these old memories I'd not thought of that part of my life in some time my love for the woods and its creatures has grown into my livelihood now I get to travel all over discovering and preserving the world's wild places before they are gone something I could have only dreamed of as a kid trapped inside a run-down apartment in New Jersey and without max love understanding and teaching none of it would have ever happened [Music] the arguments started the same way every time you'll never catch me dead in the National Park full of nothing but fat tourists in RVs from the old school and I like it that way old school was a kind description of how he can't if it was made from anything other than canvas or leather he considered it newfangled junk my mother tried on multiple occasions to introduce things as common now is nylon tents but he wasn't having it he'd rather carry that big musty wall tent everywhere we camped and don't get me started about the stinking cans of kerosene that always leaked all over everything he was certainly a man born too late the term roughing it had to have been coined with him in mind we continue to suffer through his archaic ways of experiencing the outdoors and till the near death of my younger brother showed him the error of his ways throughout the early eighties my dad would drag us out to the National Forest during Thanksgiving the weather was relatively mild for this time of year in the force was beautiful I can still smell the pine trees these retreats always seem to coincide with the hunting season for some reason I remember hearing dad used to hunt before of meeting our mom I think she forbade him from doing it anymore so this was his way of sticking it to her either way gunshots near camp were a common sound I guess because our parents grew up with very little oversight to me and my brother Mike's childhood was the same no one considered that it may be dangerous with a bunch of trigger-happy guys around to let two young boys play in the woods alone it was normal for the two of us to leave camp at dawn play all morning until lunchtime then go back out until supper we've been doing this as long as I can remember and no one batted an eye on one specific Thanksgiving we had been running and crawling through the underbrush all day this was during the time GI Joe and Rambo movies were at the height of the popularity Mike and I love dressing up in our camouflage clothes and playing war Mike's birthday had been just a few days before and he got a pair of GI Joe walkie-talkies looking back they were junk but we loved them after lunch we returned to the woods I can't remember exactly what I was doing at that moment but I know Mike was trying to sneak up on me I was sitting on a fallen tree and suddenly heard a loud bang quickly followed by a whistling go by my head I dropped flat on my stomach and waited for another shot I wasn't sure what was happening but something told me to stay where I was no more than 30 seconds had passed when I heard faint moaning in the distance since Mike was missing at that second I called him on the walkie-talkie no answer came but I heard a new noise this sounded like my name so I called to Mike again no answer now I was getting scared without any other ideas I yelled out his name I told him the game was over and he needed to answer me I wasn't sure if he was still trying to trick me or wasn't real trouble I listened very intently but nothing but the faint rustle of leaves could be heard I walked in the direction of the rustle and listened again nothing so I called out again the wrestling repeated followed by another moan I ran in that direction about 20 yards and stopped the wrestling came again just to my right and very close I couldn't see anything so I dropped my stomach and scanned the ground about three feet away I spotted the bottom of a Nike I knew it had to be Mike's I ran to the bush he was laying under the sight I came upon still breaks my heart to this day there was Mike staring up at me with a terrified look on his face just under his arm was a hole with blood pouring out of it it shocked me but I did my best to play it cool I didn't want to make him any more scared than he already was had I been older I may have known better how to move him but I just reached down and scooped him up in my arms he was too heavy for me but I was going to do my best to save him I made it about a hundred yards before I had to set him down he must have been in considerable pain he asked me to leave him there and go get help his voice sounded very weak and I almost broke into tears right there somehow I held myself together and ran another mile or so without stopping mom must have known something was wrong she yelled out in a panic voice for my father my dad came out of the tent took one look at me and said how bad is it I was too winded to speak I just pointed him toward where I'd set him down and he took off but the time I caught up dad was already picking him up and headed for camp the entire ride to the hospital mom kept talking to him telling him to hold on I wrote in the back seats holding my shirt against the wound the whole way there what would have normally been at least a 30-minute drive took us just under 20 dad handed him off to the doctors they adamant surgery within the hour and the next three were a long living nightmare more shocked at what had happened to my brother I was an amazement at how calmly my parents were handling everything having become a parent since I realized they were far from calm but they handled it well either way it was after midnight when the doctor gave us the news they had been touch-and-go for a long time I only found out much later that Mike had died more than once during surgery but Mike had a good chance of recovering completely the police having been notified of the shooting arrived soon after dawn to question us now that the urgency of the situation had passed I broke down several times during my recollection that was the first time I came to grips with the possibility that I could have been shot myself Michael was going to be in the hospital for a few weeks so my parents got a hotel room nearby I think my dad considered staying at the camp but after a very short discussion with my mom he decided against it the detectives handling the case kept us up to date but as late as the day Mike was discharged no names have been connected to the case the most widely held theory is that a poacher mistook the movement in the bushes for a deer and fired it accounts for the red flags during the search through hunting licenses it wasn't the first time this happened and sadly won't be the last Mike was one of the fortunate ones 34 years have passed since then and nobody has been decisively connected to the shooting Mike did make a full recovery and went on to start his own business and family just like any other normal person something great did actually come out of this mess we never returned in the National Forest and even better dad decided with all of those fat tourists with their RVs being around it was a safer environment for he and his family between 12 and 17 I got to spend my holidays in awesome places like Yosemite and the Grand Canyon this is the way I had always thought camping should be peaceful and quiet and I'm almost positive Mike would agree with me [Music] I'm not really sure who came up with the idea first but by day's end we planned the destination and date although I've been camping many times before I'm almost positive neither Chuck Nora had they had come into the family late in life and my real dad had already died by then he had been the guy who loved camping my stepfather not so much don't get me wrong he's a great man but the outdoors has never been his deal the list of supplies needed for the trip was compiled and followed to the letter including the four cases of beer perhaps the most important of all the goods we'd loaded up and we're ready to leave at dawn the next morning as we headed out we had no idea what lay ahead of us and how it would affect our connection to one another a connection we once believed to be unbreakable a three-hour drive was uneventful and quiet I was pleased to see how dry the surroundings were fire-starting well not hard for me wasn't my strong suits and I knew neither of my brothers had ever burned more than a cigarette I brought along some lighter fluid just to be safe although I never ended up needing it well I worked on the fire Chuck and Glenn put the knowledge they had learned watching YouTube videos to use setting up the tent I had purposely got the easiest tent I could find yet it still took the better part of an hour before they headed up the fire was already roaring by the time they joined me I had buried the potatoes and the coals prepared the steaks to be cooked and was well into my second beer by then the steaks didn't take long and by dark we were sitting down to a delicious meal after dinner the real camping began I had chosen to camp out in the middle of nowhere on purpose I knew we become obnoxious and loud when we got drunk and more importantly I like to make big bonfires and turn my music up loud you can't do that with others around you that evening turned out to be a blast we blew through two cases and didn't pass out until dawn it was something I needed to do for a long time and despite the hangover I resolved then and there it was something we were going to do much more often when I finally drugged myself for my sleeping bag it was well past noon Chuck and Glenn were already awake sitting next to a cold fire they both had a beer in their hand and looked happy to see me I asked them what was up with the fire and Chuck mumbled something about not being able to get it real ick and this made me chuckle I walked over to the tree line and grabbed an armful of wood when I returned I set it down on the dead coals and blew onto them the coals lit up brightly and the fire was roaring again within a few minutes then I went to the creek to the fetch some water the look on their faces was priceless Chuck's jaw was hanging open and I could tell Glenn was aching to ask me how I did it while I waited for the water to boil I cooked up a large mess of eggs and potatoes and we ate breakfast with a cup of coffee once I had eaten I was feeling much better and suggested that we go fishing we didn't make it back to camp until almost dark unfortunately no one had caught anything that we could keep but I could tell Chuck had already caught a good buzz I cooked what was left of the steak and after we set to finishing what was left of the beer this evening was much tamer than the one before I didn't want to make a big fire it would only be harder for me to put it out completely before we left for home most of the night the three of us talked about unimportant things like girls and work around 2:00 in the morning we decided to turn in the beer long being drunk my last memory was Chuck going out to take a leak he had drunk a lot more than Glenn in her eye he felt several times trying to get out of his bag but eventually made it out of the tent I must have passed out just after that the next thing I remember the Sun was already beginning to shine through the trees I had to pee like crazy so I followed my way to the zipper trying not to wake the other two as I unzipped the tent a weird burning smell similar to burn meat hit me I figured one or both of the guys were already up and burning our breakfast I look behind me and only Glen was still asleep Chuck must have been the one cooking and he was terrible at it I crawled out with a smirk on my face and a smart remark for him I looked up expecting to see my brother burning food but was met with a sight far more serious and horrible than I could have ever imagined the fire was burned out and chuck was nor to be seen the dawn was still too dimmed to make out the large object lay across the dead coals I walked up within a few steps and was hit fully by the burning smell then all of a sudden it hit me what I was seeing chuck was lying face down across one corner of the cold fire and he wasn't moving without a second thought I grabbed his body and rolled it over all I could see was black and smelled the terrible burning I began yelling for Glen and when he didn't answer immediately I ran into the tent and shook him he was reluctant at first but when I yelled the chuck was freakin dead loudly in his face he jolted upright and asked me to repeat it all I could do was point toward the remnants of the fire and the horrible vision that the Sun was making clearer by the minute he flew from the tent in one quick motion and came almost face to face with the charred body of our dead brother I stood behind him and silently with my eyes closed Glen fell to his knees and started wailing at that second I wanted to be anywhere but there the sound of Glen's haunting whales in the horrible smell permeating the air was worse than any nightmare I could have ever imagined a cold breeze was blowing the cross peon that was when I first realized that aya peed myself it didn't matter though with every second the sight became clearer and I was too terrified to open my eyes this was not the way I wanted to remember Chuck I eventually crawled back into the tent and started crying myself this continued for god knows how long until I figured I should call 9-1-1 and let them know what had happened they arrived about an hour and a half later when the coroner left with his body I summed up the courage to come out Glenn was speaking to one of the officers the smell was still so bad I began retching and retreated back to the tent soon after another officer joined me inside the tent we talked about the trips and events of the night before nothing in particular he left about 20 minutes later with the remaining officers I began breaking down camp and Glenn soon joined me as we work nothing was said between us I moved as fast as possible hoping to soon be away from the terrible smell of my brother's burning flesh looking back on it now I'll acknowledge that I may have looked a bit cold and uncaring and my defense I was the oldest and had the responsibility of notifying the rest of the family I knew our mother was going to be crushed and I wanted to tell her before she heard it from the news when it comes to Glenn I can't speak for how he was feeling or what he was thinking no one has the right to dictate to another how to handle their grief especially in a circumstance such as this telling mom was as bad as I imagined she always wanted the large family when Dad died she thought a dream was over however when she met my stepfather and he mentioned adoption she was overjoyed Chuck and Glenn were actual brothers about two years apart and in their early teens when mom found them boys their age are usually hard to adopt out but mom had fell in love with them at first sight I always considered them my blood as did the rest of my family Glenn and I stay close to her for some time knowing how hard Chuck's loss was on her this was the first instance I began to get the feeling Glenn harbored suspicions towards me nothing was said but I caught him watching me with his usual questioning look many times throughout that month as the months passed and more and more questions began to be raised many more than I care to mention here I had always assumed Chuck had passed out or tripped or fell into the fire killing him he had been much drunker than us however when the results came back from the medical examiner certain things were off the bruises for instance Chuck's back was covered in them the thing was Chuck played rugby with some guys from school in hand for many years also his skull was fractured a worrying sign for sure but even the doctors were forced to admit that things like this happened in a fire a skull bursts or cracks from the heat horrible facts to hear I agree but for some reason they have cemented the suspicions and Glenn's mine no matter how hard I try to show him this is the wrong time to be apart he convinced himself I had something to do with our brother's death I've had my own reservations towards Glenn in his relationship with Chuck more than once I saw them argue about something but they stopped whenever I entered the room I do have my own suspicions yes but now is not the time to fracture the family our mother needs us more than ever right now if she became aware of the distrust between us it would not only break her heart it may actually just kill her for the foreseeable future I'm going to do my best to bring us back together if not for our mom's sake perhaps Chuck's on my own I'm going to keep digging into the rift between the two brothers and if it led Chuck's death even if he'll tear Abell truth may not want to be aware of I owe it to him after all Chuck was my brother too I work dads and live near a summer camp in the northeastern United States that runs from late June to early August every summer the main attraction of the camp is that it is an overnight camp staff and campers arrive on Sunday afternoon and leave Friday evening each week during the camp season while living isolated in the camp during the week the camp has many many cabins used for sleeping a huge mess hall for meals and about 10 other buildings ranging from quite large single-story centers to small supply sheds the entire camp property stretches four acres and acres and is incredibly beautiful on that slush cool forest green way that the Northeast has in the summer there's everything from big open fields and forests to a large pond full of fish and a long long stretch of beautiful ravine with lots of exposed shale and wildlife it is set a good distance off any main roads and you have to travel up a long driveway to get into the camp and the entire property feels like its own isolated universe campers are not allowed to have electronics staff can in the evenings and on break no computers no cars and little communication with the outside world apart from what is required for the camp directors when needed staff carry walkie-talkies to keep in touch across the expanse of the camp I went there is a child for ten years and worked there for four years and it's safe to say I have a whole lot of love for that place but to anyone who has worked there you would know that the place has a long and very complex history with the paranormal I could write a full-length book with all the stories I have heard and that personally experienced there over many many summers I'd like to give a good overview of what the place is like as a staff member and share a couple of the more chilling encounters I've had many still give me shivers to this day even though I have been some desensitizes them for a while now most of these encounters I'm going to share with you happen between 2014 to 2018 while I was training and working as a counselor I was between 16 and 20 at the time most of the activity would happen at night during the training week and just generally around staff of the camp rarely did campers ever come in contact with the entities that lurk within the woods there why that is I honestly couldn't tell you my memories there is a young girl contained not even a trace of fright or things I couldn't explain in contrast to that the experience I had there as a young adult had me nearly in tears consistently there were things that would happen each year without fail to start during the training week or after the kids had gone to bed many of us counselors would lay out under the stars outside the mess hall to unwind for the day it had a beautiful clear view of the constellations out over the rec field and onto the hills beyond many nights we would see quick blinking lights moving in erratic patterns odd meteor showers when there was none predicted in the area and often see strange red flickering objects deep out in the night sky and no these were not planets as they would often be in the wrong place in the sky and only stick around one evening out of the week I had a few friends there who had a good understanding of our solar system I spent many many nights looking at their utterly baffled faces as they looked at some oddity that had appeared exclaiming what we were seeing was just simply impossible despite 10 plus witnesses to it happening counselors often cannot go an entire summer without experiencing nightmares many of which include figures standing in the corner of their cabins or at the foot of their bunks I had these nightmares every year except my first year working there I would wake in a cold sweat to a quiet cabin and the kids resting peacefully nearby screams and voices in the night carried into camp off the wind from the pond footsteps pacing around buildings only for there to be no one out of bed and items disappearing and reappearing and illogical places was all incredibly common doors with heavy padlocks would be found open with no one to blame occasionally a counselor would get locked into a building that they were working in despite knowing being around to lock the door people would walk into this job being complete skeptics and leave believers returning staff had to make peace with the things within the camp and just deal with it and give fair warning to newcomers about the mysteries that seemed to live in the very floorboards of that camp my first memory of there being anything paranormal within the camp was in 2014 while I was training for my first year as a camp counselor I remember that all throughout my childhood there had been a singular flat tombstone the lay on the hill leading down to the camp's pool it's at right outside the girls village the term used for all the cabins where the female campers and counselors slept it was incredibly odd so old that the name and dates were unreadable but the way that the text was formatted made it obvious who was someone's grave no one could really give a good explanation as to why I was there everyone I asked about it simply told me it had been there long before them my first year there I remember there being lots of drama concerning the paranormal but I was too young and not close enough with the older counselors for any of them to share what was going on but by the end of the year and the tombstone had been removed and no one was allowed to talk about it or mention it if any of the campers asked I remember thinking to myself that even though the tombstone was gone someone still laid buried on that hill no matter how long ago they had been laid to rest maybe the camp directors thought that by getting rid of it they would bring an end to the paranormal activity however they were wrong alongside the mysterious tombstone many stories rotated throughout my co-counselor friends and I as the newest staff members the first stories I was ever told about camp happened during a training week in June of 2014 my friends had gotten on the topic of scary stories and the older counselors jumped in to have a little fun with us sidenote counselors at this camp were all given counselor names in our first year we strictly used those names during the summer to add a little extra fun and for the campers for the story's purpose I'll refer to all the people in these stories by their camp names an older counselor named gadget was the first to pipe up telling us about the two famous ghosts of the camp he told us about the ghost of a boy who could be seen running through the REC field in the streetlights from the dead end road that ran along the edge of the camp gadget told us that he had been hit by a car after running after a ball and now spent his afterlife running as a shadow through the camp scaring anyone awake to see him the second story was that of a woman in white under the same streetlights that lit the dead-end road that boarded the camp a few small houses sat on some nights a woman wearing a long flowing white dress could be seen standing on one of the deck porches she would spend the night standing and staring up at the camp and be gone by Sunrise my fellow first-year counselors and I were of course quite scared by this point it was far past midnight and we were gathered under the floodlights of a brightly lit pavilion near to the rec field and dead-end road and they had scared us by the end of the storytelling luckily another one of the older counselors someone who had come to be one of my dearest friends during my time there called slag simply shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the older counselors spook us later that evening slag took me up to the top of the hill that overlooked the rec field and the dead-end road he could tell how scared I was at the rumors but from our vantage point he explained and showed me what gadget and his friends have been talking about down on the REC field the streetlights cause long slanting shadows to fall in a sickly yellow onto the grass on one of the light poles there was an electrical box and the way the shadow fell into the grass made the perfect shape of a small child cot mid-step when I saw it it made me jump at how realistic it looked it was no wonder it became popular as it truly could be mistaken for an actual apparition slag also pointed out to me the woman in white again I didn't see her at first but slags description helped the woman in white was simply an oversized American flag that hung on one of the houses porches that evening was clear and breezy and the moon might cause the flag to look milky white and the wind made it dance slowly around the flagpole just as the dress of an actual woman would float in the breeze I started the laughs and relief but slags face stayed serious he went on to explain to me that even though those were merely scary coincidences we were not alone here he explained to me some of what I had shared with you and it made me turn serious as well that night my friend and I huddled into the same small bunk out of his newborn fear we didn't realize it was the beginning of a long road of stories of our own one of the places in the camp that granted me the most unnerving experiences was a building we referred to as day camp we had a program where we would bus in the youngest age group of campers and they would have their own day of camp activities before returning home around 4:00 p.m. the building was the only two-story building on the property and used to be a house before the camp was built in 1925 the main space had big beautiful windows that led in the sunset the kitchen works but was a little rundown the upstairs was a large attic like room that served as a space to use for activities on the day a trained day camp was easily the furthest building from all the others he had to walk through a stretch of woods on small rocky trails to get there and off times you couldn't even hear the sounds of other people from the building and that's saying a lot does there are easily 300 loud hyper kids and preteens their each week day camp never felt right to me the feeling of the building gave me the Blair Witch Project vibes something I didn't feel many other places in the camp I tried never to go there alone though I did need to close the building by myself at occasionally my body would tense up and I felt as if something physically pressed down on my skin any time I would walk through there every time I turned my back to an empty room I felt as if an eerie crowd of silent watchful people stared through me the boys village was the nearest cluster of buildings to day camp unless day camp was being used in the evening by someone and the lights were on it was nearly impossible to see the building with a blind eye the dark brown would blend it into the expanse of woods that hid it from the rest of the camp day camp always gets closed down around 4:00 p.m. after the day campers returned home all the rooms were checked lights turned off padlocked back in place and locked until the next morning my male counselor friends shared with me that every summer once or twice a week once the kids had gone to bed and the boy sat outside talking someone would notice a light on and day camp and this wasn't simply someone leaving the light on from the day sometimes the same counselor who had closed day camp earlier that day would see the lights on in the downstairs glowing in solidarity through the dark woods on these nights the boys would take turns walking down the dark path there and back to get the light returning shivering and swearing that they will never do that again my personal experience with day camp came during the summer of 2016 every summer the camp performs something called a missing camper drill this simply prepares counselors for the event that a scared child would run away staff could react quickly and to locate and calm them the drill on a good day is already something that has taken incredibly seriously by all of the staff the missing camper is a randomly chosen counselor each training week and all of the other counselors have to go through the procedure of tracking the child down to do this campus split into sections and the eldest staff take walkie-talkies divide up the areas and sprint around camp looking for the missing camper shouting their name looking under and around structures and camp and checking any locked buildings the camp director will go around before the drill and do things to throw off the searching counselors too though unlock doors lock others move things around just to get everyone in the mindset of an actual drill of course the area I was given to search alone may I add was day camp as I ran through the woods and towards the looming house I felt a huge sense of dread fall over me and I seriously considered not searching it at all and just telling the other staff that I did with shaking hands i unlock the day camp door and walked around inside calling the name of the girl who is acting as the missing child the floorboards creak tanned I remember how incredibly silent the whole house felt apart from my movements the Sun was setting at the time and creamy orange light fell through the length of the building from the windows it was so unnatural compared to the busier parts of the camp I couldn't hear the other counselors searching not even when I strained my ears every room and corner I checked I braced myself to come face-to-face with the spirits I saw in my nightmares the ones I've heard crunching over gravel in the middle of the night the ones who speak softly in the dark and make even grown men run back into their bunks unnerved the building was clear I sighed and relief as I locked the door firmly behind me and headed back outside and the air had begun to get chilly and I hope the drill would be over soon searching in the dark would be near and possible and I knew that swift my friend acting as the missing kid had no desire to creep around camp in the dark either as I walked past the external cellar doors that led under day camp I gave them a good shake to check the padlock on them locked this was a location I was previously told I did not need to open or check for this drill anyways I went on and searched the woods surrounding the building found nothing and reported it on my walkie I was told to keep double-checking the area until Swift was found and the drill ended I started walking back slower this time as I was fairly positive Swift was over half a mile away on the other side of the camp as day camp came back into sight through the trees i frozen confusion and fear the cellar doors of the day camp cellar were both flung open and the yellowish light shone from inside it was just becoming dark enough that the lights spilled out and illuminated the space around it while the shadows of its surroundings only pushed in darker never in my previous three years working at the camp that I even know those doors even opened never did I know that there was even a key for that padlock nor did I know that there was a working light down there I was completely stunned shivers ran through me certainly not from the evening chill Swift I called out not in the way I would call to a camper but as I would call her normally nothing moved nothing made a noise the fear felt cold and numbing in my veins I crept to the top of the cellar stairs and peered down the space was lit by a single exposed lightbulb showing me six or seven rotten wood steps and cold looking stone walls all broken with age the floor was dirt and there were no objects inside the cellar the sound of my radio going off that Swift had been found nearly made me jump out of my skin I fell backwards onto my butt in the grass and spent another second staring at the bizarre scene in front of me I scrambled up and back towards the rest of the camp as quickly as possible to my surprised as I arrived back my friend Amino also appeared visibly shaken and was talking quickly she was telling us that during the drill she was walking by one of the maintenance sheds on camp another location with a padlocked door that we weren't including in the drill to her surprise the door started shaking violently against his padlock much more than any wind or draft could do Amino fully believed that Swift was trapped that she was trapped in there as part of the scenario and quickly found my other friend handles and got the key to open the shed as they swung it open they found no one in fact the maintenance man Sparrow hadn't even been to the camp that day so there was no way anything or anyone could have gotten trapped back there she was so shaken up she could barely get her story out I also told everyone there would I encountered everyone looked at us jarred by our stories but none were that surprised did anyone open the doors to the day camp cellar as part of the drill I asked to some of the senior staff members and they shook their heads Swift wasn't located near either of those spots anyways she was hiding up past the pond wonder our program director said Swift's hiding spot was nearly as far away as day camp was to the rest of the camp but on the complete opposite side of the property everyone was shocked but there was nothing to be done the camp directors and senior staff could do little to comfort us because they knew it too we simply weren't alone later that night my friend tantor and I returned a day camp to close the cellar and put the padlock back in its place it hasn't been open for any reason since then the camp continued to be my weakness as I went into my fourth year as a program specialist in 2017 that year during one of the programs that I ran my group of campers chose day camp to be our meeting place I was reluctant at first but this time I had my friend we Joe with me as my co-counselor he is someone who I would trust in the Paris catacombs if need ever arose he was and is incredibly in tune with the paranormal world and is very knowledgeable on how to communicate with it properly in a way that they listened he explained to me that my hunch is about day camp were true but that there was most likely no place in camp that didn't attract spirits in some form of another I made sure to always have him nearby inside day camp by the end of the summer I could almost relax in there it was as if whatever dwelled there graciously took its eyes off me and let me rest I realized how long this collection of stories has gone on and truth this isn't even half of what I have seen or heard from people I trust but I'll leave it here for now fortunately for myself and anyone who worked at that camp whatever spirits share that space did not seek to physically harm anyone they like to be seen talked about remembered through stories they enjoy adding their own mystery to camp I truly believe they only wish to remain a part of the camp's identity it is a place with much history my grandfather went to the same camp as a child himself and so much energy and habits that place I think they cannot help but want to join in the deep green woods the aging structures the ruins and secrets and stories of the camp holds are their home and anyone who treads there comes to learn and respect that I'm 21 and a type 1 diabetic when I was around the age of 5 and 6 I would go to this diabetes camp for daytime my mom would drop me off during the day and pick me up around noon or so I remember doing lots of activities such as fishing playing twister but one activity would hoodoo sticks out to me most swimming this sticks out the most because when I was going to camp around 5:00 or 6:00 there was a teen male counselor I don't remember his name so we'll just call him Jay Jay had a split tongue and every time I was in my swimsuit getting ready to swim Jay would look at me with such hunger in his eyes when I would walk past him as he would be sitting in a booth he would always say how good-looking I looked and would wink at me Jay would also try to get me to go places with him where no one was around now when I was young I didn't go off with anyone except for those who I knew I was a shy tiny child one day while me and my group were swimming my counselor told me it was time to head inside I was having a lo episode so I told her no I am still very feisty when I'm low and next thing I knew I woke up in the camp infirmary I had passed out in the pool from being low and the lifeguard for the camp got me out and did CPR when I was walking out I saw Jay he asked me if she did mouth the mouth with me and that it was hot if the lifeguard did when my mom got me that day I told her I didn't want to go back to the camp because I felt homesick yes I did lie but I felt that if I told her the truth she wouldn't have believed a kid over an adult flash forward to 2019 I told her everything and she apologized for those things happening and asked why I didn't tell her and I just told her I was too afraid that no one would believe me I don't know if this man remembers what he did but I hope he hasn't wrapped any other children I'm really close with my best friend and her family I mean we have known each other since we were two and we lived on the same street even till this day since we have known each other for so long and we have a lot of stories to share but today I thought to share this one when we were 8 she invited me to go camping in a local campground for the weekend and I desperately wanted to leave my house so I accepted when we first got there at around 10 p.m. we thought it would be fun to scare some people by hiding in the bushes and jumping out it was fun and we got a few people and some of them just chuckled and thought we were cute and kept walking and then we jumped out of this one man and his reaction startled 8 year-old me because when we jumped out he didn't get scared he just looked at us and smiled this really gross pervy old man smile since it was a couple of years ago and it was dark and I couldn't really see any distinct features other than he seemed to be a white male in his late 40s around 6-foot medium build and had a strong smell of cigarettes and whiskey my friend will call her faith and I were both kind of weirded out because he didn't say anything for a couple of seconds until he said you know you really shouldn't scare people like that it's quite naughty that scared me just because the whole time he was still smiling and staring at us all over I was frozen and faith just grabbed my arm and said sorry to the man and we ran off the next day was normal but when it was sunset we wanted to run around the campsite and be kids when we were running around we heard someone yell Yahoo from up the hill and so we look up and see no one so I without thinking back yeah you though and then we see someone walked towards us on the hill you guessed it it was the man from the night before I wasn't scared this time I was in such a good mood so I let the guy come towards us and he yells down to us where are your parents which faith replies oh they're at the campsite when he hears that the grin comes back in the ass well it's getting dark so why don't I walk you back we started to get creeped out and said now it's okay it's pretty far away which she responds with oh well I have two kids and they have bikes you can borrow up in my campsite why don't you come with me and I'll show you I was scared and all I wanted to do was go back but I didn't want to hurt his feelings being as naive as I was so I accepted and faith and I started to walk up behind the man with him as he looked back every few seconds with that grin to make sure we were still following after about 30 seconds we got to his campsite and we looked around and saw no trace of kids let alone bikes this was a huge red flag he says the wait outside of his trailer well he gets something I look at faith and tell her that we have to hide since there's no way we can run back to our parents fast enough so we booked it to the bushes after about a minutes I see him swing open the trailer door and come outside with not bikes but duct tape this site chilled me to the bone even though I was young my mom and dad have told me about all the scary things that have happened to kids when they wander away I would always watch murder shows with my dad and had seen an episode when someone was tied up with duct tape I started to freak out when I see his face change from that disgusting grin to pure anger he looks around even right past me and faith crouched down in a bush after no luck he charges back inside and I grabbed faith and we both run all the way back we were too scared to tell our parents so we just went straight to bed we went home the next day and didn't talk about it until a couple of days ago when it popped in my head nothing came from this experience other than years of nightmares this is the story of my first and last camping experience I was 16 at the time in my family my mother sister and brother had made plans to go camping with our aunt uncle and two cousins over the weekend this is my family's first real camping trip while my cousin's aunt and uncle had gone camping dozens of times our first afternoon and evening of camping actually went quite well I surprisingly had a lot of fun it was later that nights maybe at around 10:30 or so my cousins my sister and myself were settling into our tent we were lying in our makeshift bed when we heard footsteps circling around our tent slightly alarmed by this we sat up and noticed that whoever was outside circling our tent was holding what we assumed to be a stick and tracing the tent as they circled it at one point my sister sticks her hand out and feels a leg through the tents fabric we knew it wasn't our mom as she had a trach and her breathing is very deep and distinct it wasn't our brother because he was only five at the time and we heard a grown adults footsteps our cousin informed us that it was probably their dad who always liked to play pranks especially at night we decided to look out the small window of the tent which gave us a view that looked towards the road located by our campsite on the road was my uncle and aunt walking back from the restrooms my cousin's sister and I started to connect the dots whoever was outside circling our tent wasn't a member of our family it was some complete stranger and all that separated us from that individual was a thin layer of fabric as her uncle and aunt approached our campsite we called them over to our tent and told them what had happened everything stopped after we talked to her aunt and uncle we assumed that the individual ran away when our aunt and uncle approached our campsite my cousins and sister were still understandably freaked out about what had just happened I on the other hand was so tired I wasn't able to process what had happened and how scary it actually was the rest of the trip when seemingly well and I enjoyed the rest as much as I possibly could the worst part of it all is that nobody really believed us in fact our aunt uncle and mother made fun of us and told us that we were being paranoid as my cousin's sister and I loved everything creepy from conspiracy theories to urban legends it still bothers me all this time later because I never found out who that individual was or what their intentions were I also think about what would have happened if our aunt or uncle didn't come when they did it's not like we'd be able to defend ourselves as we were just four teenage girls ever since then I have been turned off by camping and I don't ever see myself going ever again hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification del to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video and join my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly and if you want to support me even more grab early access on all future narrations for just $1 a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read march on Spreadshirt and check out the let's read podcast where you can hear all these stories in long compilation form and save huge on data located anywhere you listen to podcasts all the links are down below thanks so much friends and remember hey Google Play Justin Bieber
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 354,188
Rating: 4.8398728 out of 5
Keywords: true camping stories, camping stories, scary camping stories, camping horror stories, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: lVVGh-9hlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 8sec (4868 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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