7 True Scary Stalker Stories (Vol. 10)

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[Music] my mom owned a truck diner and when i was little i helped out by waiting tables all the drivers that would come through would always call me a little lady and it made me feel like i was being responsible and mom seemed to appreciate it there was this one driver though that really bothered me i was only 10 or 11 at the time but even at that age this guy gave me a predator vibe my mom had always taught me to be careful with strangers and not overly friendly and i think i usually followed that advice but thinking about this driver i'm honestly not sure i was too friendly or what exactly made him decide to be obsessed with me anytime he came in he would always get really chatty with my mom and with me asking about her life my pets my favorite toys anything really i thought at first he was just really a big talker lonely a lot of truckers were even at that age and i knew it had to be hard constantly traveling when he left though mom warned me that i shouldn't talk to him much if he ever came back in something about him was off and even she could sense that he did come by often to our diner at least two or three times a month i remember he said that he worked long halls in the area and this was the only place that served good pumpkin pie your mama's amazing cook shame your daddy left her huh he told me one day i don't really know if i responded but i distinctly remember him asking don't you sometimes wish you had a new daddy it freaked me out and i went to hide in the kitchen until he left i didn't tell mom honestly don't know why she did ask me but i just said i was sick next time he came in mom actually had to take care of business and i was alone for like maybe an hour i really was actually surprised when i saw him but i couldn't just ignore a customer so i offered him a tray and i remember that he apologized for before i blame myself for second guessing because i accepted it then and then he asked me where my mom was without thinking i told him she wasn't there she left you here alone he asked in surprise you know how sometimes people say things and they sound like pleasant about them that's how this guy sounded he was happy to hear my mom wasn't there he asked when she was coming back i told him i didn't know and then he said something out of the blue do you like dogs i was 10. of course i did i have a puppy on my truck want to go see i think my lucky star is my mom taught me not to be so gullible i was uneased by the offer and told him that i couldn't leave the diner unattended especially since mom wasn't there i even suggested he could show me the dog next time oh it's for my little girl she's about your age next time i come through she won't be with me come on it'd only take a second i regret that i didn't say no i think honestly i was scared he would do something if i did say no he insisted that his truck was right outside and i followed but i really did feel scared out of my mind i saw his big truck and stopped about 10 feet away you gotta get up in the cab he told me i shook my head now ah come on i have a toy in there too he said he liked barbies right i was surprised that he remembered and then he really surprised me when i saw he wasn't lying he reached into his truck and took out this brand new in the box barbie doll and i saw the dog too it was a small boxer wagging its tail for a split second i let my guard down and took a few more steps toward him somehow before i reached his truck my mom appeared out of nowhere i don't know if she had telepathy or what but she chewed the driver out and dragged me back inside what were you thinking she screamed at me later after that incident she refused to let him inside the diner honestly i think that made things worse he would start sending gifts to the diner addressed to me and i don't mean ordinary things i'm talking about like clothes fancy dresses my mom was at her wit's end for about a month when the stuff came in she would toss it in the trash she tried to call her sister to come watch me during the day but the diner was pretty off the road and my aunt always claimed she was too busy put her back in public school tammy said but mom said the schools are too far away and she liked me close especially now that i had a stalker i think someone later contacted a state trooper about the trucker gave the officer a description and let them take all the gifts that she had chosen not to throw away maybe get some fingerprints or something i don't know i don't really know if they ever found anything because about two months after that mom decided to move out of town i asked her about it a few years back some memory had clicked it back into my brain and she got very quiet that man was gonna take you i think he probably would have killed you had i not been there that day she said with a shudder she told me that the cops had never found out who it was despite all the things that he had sent me and creepiest of all she told me that he'd sent me love letters she had held on to one of them thinking maybe one day she would contact the fbi or something but after we move i guess the stalker had decided to move on the letter said that he wanted to raise me that i was a beautiful girl and i deserved a good father it sounded sweet on the surface typed out of course so no way to trace it really i'm convinced after reading the letter that this guy was going to kidnap me and probably a lot worse [Music] i've been told to share this story online a dozen times and just never had the guts i think that's probably because no matter how safe i feel i get the feeling that i'm being watched this happened back in 2013 i just graduated from high school and got my first job working retail at a local neighborhood walmart my manager was a guy named billy at the time i was hired he originally had me running the self checkouts but i'll admit that wasn't exactly enjoying the idea of having to be on my feet all day so i asked if i could work at the money center or the cigarette counter money center was only allowed for employees who had been there for six months or longer but he did say there was an opening over for cigarettes and tobacco for some reason nobody seemed to want it and of course because i was the new fish they didn't explain to me it didn't take long before i figured it out though there was this underage kid that came in frequently and tried to buy some marble lights and of course i always asked for id and that scared him away well at first he did then he started showing up later in the day when it was near the end of my shift and he was becoming a lot more insistent about cigarettes finally i got his name they claimed that it was matt honestly i don't have a clue and still don't to this day first i try to be firm but friendly matt i like you but this stuff can ruin your health matt i don't think you realize how addictive these things are sometimes he would just stop by and chat and i got the impression that he was starting to flirt that was when i decided to switch from being nice to laying down the law matt if i report you to the cops for coming in here and pestering me about smokes you could get thrown in juvie i remember warning him i figured that would end the conversation when he hightailed it out of there that evening on my way to my car though matt approached me in the parking lot honestly it felt like he had been waiting for me to clock out i hurried in my car to leave but he was right there behind me i'd reach for my keys where i normally keep a small can of mace but he moved faster grabbing my purse and running off across the lot and jumping over a nearby fence of course i'd reported the whole thing to the police and they got permission to check the cameras somehow matt seemed to be aware of where the cameras were positioned because none of the angles showed his face the cops told me to call again if i got bothered again and my managers said they would get security to walk me to my car each night a week passed by without incident then another honestly i kind of forgot about matt and figured that he just grabbed my spare cash to go get his fix somewhere else a month or so later i was on facebook when i got a friend request from someone named leon carroll no profile pic no info besides just generic stuff that looked fake and then a message you're really pretty i ignored it then i got three similar messages from other dummy accounts again i ignored them all and reported it to facebook been around the block enough times to not respond to those scams and i didn't put two and two together until another message came in with a picture of my house stop ignoring me the message said something in my brain clicked that this had to be the kid from walmart so i called the cops then and there living in a small town we don't have a cyber unit so again i felt like i was wasting my breath sounds like it's just an admirer to me was what one officer even dared to tell me when i got off of work that night i found that my admirer had also decided to vandalize my car stop ignoring me was sketched out in bold letters on my front door that night i felt like i just couldn't make a move without this weird kid knowing every day on my break he would send a different anonymous message usually something really perverted and expect a response it was unnerving but i tried to act like it didn't bother me again a week passed and it seemed like he had given up it was nearly the holidays by this time so i decided to go to a nearby sprint store and get a new phone and make new social media so that matt would stop bothering me the next two weeks felt like a godsend i didn't have any more threats or weird texts from dummy accounts i felt brave enough to even create a dating profile again i match with a guy named richard who asked if i could meet up that night at a local outdoor restaurant i was feeling confident and didn't see any reason not to when i got there i was dressed up thinking i was going to meet a 20-something guy instead when i got there i saw who else but this kid sitting there i think the creepiest thing was how well dressed he was not the scruffy little guy i had encountered a few weeks back instead he was dressed to impress and when he saw me his eyes sparkled and he ran to meet me i was starting to think he wouldn't show he said matt what are you doing here i asked he started rambling about how he had misjudged me started apologizing about all the weird messages and explaining he was having a difficult time talking to girls i just want to be normal can't we just have that but my red flags were brighter than ever this kid was not stable he was trying to say all the right things to me but i didn't want to spend more than even a minute there with him somehow i managed to convince him that i was going to freshen up in the bathroom and when i got there i dialed 9-1-1 they got there about six minutes later and i remember hearing matt screaming and trying to fight them when they told them that he had to come with them later on i found out that he actually had brought a knife with him because one of the officers said that he had tried to pull it and they tased him he was sent to juvie just like i predicted i later found out that he was staying at the local homeless shelter and apparently kept a whole binder full of photos that he had taken of me some of them had weird love notes attached as well honestly i feel sorry for the kid he started out awkward and i thought maybe being friendly would have been the answer to make him get on the right course but after that i stopped working the cigarettes counter and got a new job at the hardware store across town sometimes i forget about them all together and then sometimes i still get anonymous messages and it truly triggers me [Music] when i was in college i met this guy that became absolutely obsessed with me didn't matter that i was dating someone else didn't matter that i told him to leave me alone it got so bad that i actually had to fail some of my classes and leave campus he was getting his associate's degree in cosmetology and we met after class one spring morning i was friendly to him introduced him to my boyfriend at the time craig and we went our separate ways i remember telling him i thought it was neat that he was going to become a hair stylist not many guys i knew got into the field he was a little awkward and shy clearly still didn't know how to talk to girls but he thanked me and said he hoped to see me in class soon that night he sent me a friend request on facebook and honestly i didn't see the harm in responding his profile said that he was from the same neighborhood as me growing up and i decided to be friendly and ask about his family he responded almost right away teasing that i had stalked his profile and said that he grew up almost a block from where my parents lived yes crazy we never met before i told him he admitted that he didn't know me or remember ever seeing me but he did say that he thought my name sounded familiar nothing about the conversation would have led me to think that he was going to go completely bonkers in less than 24 hours i told him that i hope to get to know him better in class and logged out i always turn my phone off at night so i can get a good night's sleep even my folks know that if it's an emergency i can't help anyway i always say the next day this dude sent me at least 300 messages probably more my phone blew up with all these notifications and it took me a minute to figure out what was happening i read them through as fast as i could and honestly i don't remember much about it except that he went off the rails very quickly first apologizing about not knowing me then making up some experience where he thought maybe he did know me then he was rambling about his life his problems and how no one understood him i was beginning to feel he was mentally unstable if the plethora of messages wasn't already evidence enough late in the wave of texts he was becoming angry that i wasn't responding he was so mad that he started threatening me my boyfriend and even my parents rambling about how he knew that i was a pathetic excuse for a daughter that i would never amount to anything and that i should just give up and die it freaked me out so bad so i just deleted and blocked him immediately i told craig about it and he told me not to get too worried i'll stay with you when you go from class to class we have the same schedule so if this weirdo does try something crazy i'll be right there he told me that sounded good and all but the next day craig had to go see about his car he was never good at keeping his words so when i went to class this dude followed me the whole way he kept his distance and didn't say anything but i knew he was following me he sat behind me in the seminars we attended too i mentioned to the teacher not wanting to cause any problems just that i was freaked out the teacher actually had the audacity to call him out right there in class in front of everyone and tell him to say that he would stop bothering i felt humiliated and frustrated because i knew this guy was borderline sociopathic from the text i had gotten and immediately after class he confronted me asking why i ratted him out thought we were friends he told me i tried to make him leave me alone told him that his messages scared me a little and he just became more irritated he even tried to follow me into the ladies restroom i remember he was cursing and getting angry banging on the door and telling me he just wanted to talk i got on my phone and called security the college made a big fuss about it because when the officer did come this dude lied his way out of stalking me claiming that i had stolen something from him he had pictures of this necklace that he said he had given to me as a gift said that we were dating and i decided to break it off and flush the necklace down the toilet i tried to tell college security that was all a lie but this guy was really convincing so they punished me instead i had to miss two days of class due to a disciplinary suspension that actually went on for a few months craig would always have something to do the days that this guy would follow me around campus and he knew how to lie his way out of any situation it was unnerving because no matter where i went he was there too he was smart enough to not ever bother me when anyone else was around but when i was alone he would always try to get close to me one time he grabbed me and pinned me to a wall i think he expected i was going to scream or something because he smiled and said he liked when i played hard to get only thanks to two girls walking by did you let me go i usually would have to go hide in the bathroom until it was time for my next course and even then he was just standing there waiting outside eventually it got really bad because he had convinced a lot of people at the campus that we were sleeping with each other like i said this guy was cunning he was a good student never got in trouble and he was very convincing even craig almost believed that story because somehow the guy was photoshopping me into pictures with him on instagram it was almost the end of semester by this point and i had enough so i found an excuse to use some sick time and stay at home until time for finals but this guy actually came to my dorm and tried to get in and this was the last straw for me because even after i managed to prove to officers that he was the culprit he managed to smooth talk his way out of trouble again craig was the one who suggested i should drop out and finish fall classes so that's what i did i changed my number and moved back in with my parents i think sometimes after that night this guy would try to sneak over and see if my window was open because i caught a figure on the streets a few times late at night but eventually after my dad bought a home security system he stopped it still rattles me to this day to think that i was this close to getting really really hurt this quarantine made me question a lot of life decisions i made back in february when this all started i was working two jobs living with my best friend lexi and enjoying the high life then we got thrown into lockdown and i swear lexi changed immediately she was so serious about all the virus restrictions that even when i was in the house i had to wear a mask i'm not even trying to downplay this by any means but she was taking it to religious extremes here anyway after one particular argument about washing my clothes three times one for normal wash one on heavy and once a third time just to be safe i had enough and told her i was gonna move out that was dumb move number one i was already out of work waiting and hoping for unemployment and really didn't have a place to go my parents are elderly and live two states away so i wasn't going to risk that then i got the brilliant idea to post an ad that i needed a room to rant on craigslist yes that still exists and is still just a sleazy lexi forced me to move out that same day though calling me all sorts of bad names as she tossed my stuff on her front lawn i didn't even get a chance to argue so yeah desperate times called for desperate measures and i put an ad on facebook too with a revealing picture of myself call me what you will but it worked this older gentleman responded to the ad and contacted me via email the short message provided me with a small allowance for my gas and instructions on how to get into his apartment when i got there i didn't ask any questions although looking back on it i really should have you know that saying about too good to be true anyway i grabbed a bite to eat and made it there around 5 30 on foot to save a taxi fee place looked nice enough and i followed his instructions to get buzzed in he lived on the sixth floor and explained that because of some medical condition he couldn't meet me in the lobby again stupid me i didn't ask questions as you told me in the email there was a key waiting for me under his doormat inside the place looked nice well put together nothing that made me paranoid or feel the need to run then i saw this guy standing in the kitchen wearing i kid you not a kabuki mask at first i laughed because of how bizarre it was he said his name was hano and he wanted to keep the mask on because of the quarantine and provided me with one as well with a dragon design on it he even claimed it was far safer than those other n95 masks and hey i was getting a place to sleep so i figured why not next few minutes were him rambling about different things in the apartment and he showed me to the room this is where things got a little creepy i saw that he had some mannequins on display that were wearing traditional japanese kimono dresses with other kabuki and they were all lined perfectly on the side of the bed he insisted i pick one out and get changed again his reasoning was my clothing had the virus on it once he excused himself i sat down in the bed and tried to convince myself that this was normal so he was a little eccentric it's not like he was trying to do something worse than that right i went over to one of the mannequins i think he was wearing a scarlet kimono and took off the clothing figuring that i needed to suck it up and appreciate the kindness of strangers then the mask it was wearing accidentally fell off and i noticed that there was a hand painted face on the other side it looked very realistic once i got finished changing i went back to the main room where he was now cooking up a fresh meal and he complimented me on how well the dress fit i thanked him and casually mentioned the hand painting would you like me to do one for you he asked but you only saw me when i first came in i pointed out gesturing to the mask i was wearing it's all right i've already memorized you he said i told him no and we ate in awkward silence as my eyes glanced around the room i think the first thing that really made me concerned was when i realized i didn't see an open window in the place and that the door had a deadbolt on it do you get a lot of break-ins i asked him and again in a deadpan voice he said more often than not it's the other way around then a few seconds later he laughed and i laughed back nervously he told me that he was going to bed and thanked me for staying with him but i really didn't feel like i wanted to now hey i uh forgot to go grab my phone charger in the car where's the spare key i remember asking i was just going for an excuse to get out of there honestly this dude had an answer for everything and this time use my own words against me crime is bad and it's getting late you can borrow one of mine and go in the morning no i may not be smart but i knew that sting probably would mean something bad i got a sixth sense about it you know i have an iphone i think you've got samsung i said hoping that my feeling was wrong and that he wasn't being overly creepy again a dead stare and serious voice you're not leaving he said something in japanese a second after that and clapped his hands i don't know why i've never noticed that he had some of those sensor lights and it got dark in the room a second later my instinct was to scream but he placed something over my mouth and i felt immediately faint but somehow i managed to not black out and i elbowed him right in the gut everything happened so fast after that i turned around and grabbed what i think was his head and demanded that he tell me where the key was i felt something smash against my side i think i kicked him and managed to hit the wall where the light switch was i flipped it back on and saw that he had fallen over the couch and one of his ornate antiques had smashed to my thanks it was also where the spare key was hiding i grabbed it up and ran to the door as i heard him cuss something in his native tongue again but i never looked back when i got downstairs i told the lobby i needed an uber stat i didn't care about money i just wanted to leave i saw the elevator moving downward as i raced out the door and maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me but i heard hano ask the receptionist where i went when i got far enough away from his apartment i texted lexi and begged her to let me back with her i promised i would never complain about all her quarantine rules again i told lexi the whole thing when she did a little digging and the icing on top of this creep cake is that the guy apparently had been doing this for some time apparently he would target young women that were either trying to get out of a bad relationship or family situation and promise free rent but then turned out to be a total creep watching them night and day when they stayed with him two of the women lexi said had gone completely missing it made me think of those weird mannequins and i wondered if maybe the paintings he did were tributes to victims of a sick mind i didn't want to think about how he had likely researched about me in the same way and how easily i could have wound up on that missing person's list [Music] so this happened when i was in high school and still trying to figure out my orientation i wasn't straight i wasn't gay but it was also the early 90s and i was smart enough to know not to mention anything beyond the norm to my classmates most of them accepted that i was just not into dating but this one chick would not take no for an answer let's call her becky becky was on the cheer squad extremely popular and very bubbly at least that's how she made sure she appeared to anyone who saw her i saw the other side of becky her darker side where she would taunt me in the cafeteria calling me belittling names and shame me in any chance she got being the queen bee becky never got in trouble for what she did it even got so bad that i told the school counselor but that didn't help any you just need to man up they said then they gave me a cheesy brochure about learning how to be a better christian or some nonsense like that i threw it in the trash the second i left his office but that little incident didn't make me furious enough to fight back the next time she tried to pull a prank it was lunch and she and her friends were making sounds and pretending i was a pig so i went over and spilled my food all over their table it felt pretty good doing that to be honest and later after sixth period becky confronted me in the hallway it was pretty gutsy back there steve she said i thought she was going to pull another prank or maybe even try to start a fight since i had nowhere to run instead to my surprise she leaned in and kissed me right on the lips i remember being confused and shocked then she started chatting about how she found it hot that i played hard to get and wanted to know if maybe i wanted to go on a date that was a complete 180 behavior from before so i was suspicious besides which i really wasn't interested i cautiously told her i would think about it and she gave me her phone number but i still felt it had to be a prank she refused to leave until i gave her my home phone number too though and including my online screen name and then evening back home i started getting messages she was sending messages that were provocative and it made me uncomfortable i told her to stop and she even sent a picture my brother's in the room with me and surprised when he saw that and even started whistling wait until mom sees this she's gonna hear about it he teased it's not like that this girl is taunting me you know i'm not into girls like that well send her my way she's hot he said i remember rolling my eyes and shooting messages back to becky thinking it would possibly end this whole sharad if she found out that i told my family to my surprise she agreed to start chatting with my brother things kind of escalated quickly after that becky became my brother's girlfriend in less than a week and was over to our house two or three times during the week for study sessions my parents weren't the brightest bunch but insisted that i chaperone them often that still led to them making out with each other and every time they did i got this really creepy sensation that becky was putting on a show like she was just pretending to like my brother to make me jealous sometimes i saw her look at me as she would grind on him i would tell them to stop and they would both giggle and tell me i didn't like it i could just leave the room i warned them i would tell mom and dad which of course infuriated my brother and he shoved me out after that i held true to that though and ratted them out becky could only come over once a week after that at school she kept up the acting she was interested in me though sending me dirty messages over instant messenger telling me to not show anyone especially not my brother she also warned me if i did say something she was going to tell the whole school that i was coming out as trans no this was the deep south by the way and at that time coming out like that would be a death sentence and i felt trapped i couldn't tell my brother my parents in the school wouldn't listen and becky just kept making things worse this went on for about two months she would try to make out with me every day at school and i would manage to get away or hide in the restroom till next period and then when she came to see my brother she would flaunt herself at me i tried to tell my brother that she was obviously obsessed with me but he said i was imagining things things came to a head at around halloween there was a dance that the whole school was attending and my parents were also going to be out of town i got sick before the dance and stayed home and my brother went to go pick becky up while i laid down now the next part i can only say happened for what my brother told me but apparently becky started acting weird at the dance and said that she felt sick then she slipped away to the restroom well he got impatient and went to find her and discovered that she had left like lefty school entirely he told me he drove back home not thinking much of it maybe she was really sick then when he got home he saw that our front door was wide open he woke me up after that and told me that we had to break in we called her mother and father and they told us to check their home security system i remember my brother was pacing the room as he was on the telephone with her mom and dad and his face went white as a sheet what is it i asked it was becky he explained i didn't understand at first why she would break in but he explained it according to mom and dad she had brought a camera and came up to my room where i was sleeping and just took pictures of me like for about 20 minutes until my brother got home after that my brother broke up with her and my parents refused to let either one of us have anyone over to the house for like six months and we filed a restraining order against becky and even used the security footage as evidence she left me alone thankfully but she sometimes would smile and wink every blue moon to this day i have no idea what she did with those pictures and the cops said unless she posted them somewhere or potentially did something worse she really didn't break any sort of privacy loss a year later she moved away but i still think about all the grief she gave me and wonder why she was so obsessed i don't think i really want to know the answer though [Music] my family decided to take a road trip in the summer restrictions were lightening up in our state and we really were sick and tired of being cooped up so my wife suggested we surprise our folks upstate and drive to see them we were about an hour into our trip when we ran into some highway construction outside of galveston and had to take a detour traffic was bad i was angry the kids were whiny and i remember pushing my foot down in the pedal and flooring it to go around a couple of cars at one merge to get going daniel my wife chastised me about it right after it happened split second impulse temper i guess anyways as we went down the highway i pointed out that a black ford pickup truck had decided to cut by and was coming up behind us also if they jump off a bridge you would too she questioned me i rolled my eyes and just focused on the road while she decided to take a short nap i guess it was 20 miles later i noticed that the pickup was still behind us and i thought that was a little strange there have been enough gaps in highway merges that at least a little distance should have been made but no this driver had somehow managed to maintain closeness to us i kept my eye on them for another forty some sense of danger softly ringing in the back of my head i guess but then i had to pull over and get gas so i figured that they would just drive on and they did and i chalked it up to me being just a little paranoid as i got out to fill up i asked my wife and kids if they wanted a snack and went in to grab something when i came back i think i felt like i was doing one of those classic double takes from the movies this black truck was right behind us at the pumps and not only that a gentleman had hopped out of his cabin was apparently chatting with my wife i walked over the snacks and smiled cordially at them trying to figure out if i was just seeing things but it was definitely the same truck howdy name's mitch i was just getting friendly with the missus here said y'all are headed towards galveston he asked with a strong southern twang yeah family road trip you oh just about the same nice i figured that was the case since you've been behind us a while i was hoping to catch him off guard but the man just gave a short laugh didn't mean to but i guess that's what happens we've been on each other's tails since you decided to cut everyone off for that last interstate turn off huh that sounds like an accusation i blurted out my wife later chided me for antagonizing the man and maybe i shouldn't have but he was definitely giving off some very strange vibes and this was before things got crazy he didn't take the bait when i said that instead just tipped his hat and waltz back to his truck and i got an earful from brittany i mean he scared me at first but i think he's just a little lonely she offered right well he can go make friends somewhere else i said as we drove down the highway again i felt like i couldn't get away from the truck fast enough about another hour passed by and my wife was checking her social media when i noticed she got this frown on her face something up i asked i know but forgotten about the strange encounter uh it's just kind of weird remember that driver we met a while back he just sent me a friend request on facebook uh well delete it i said bluntly she chastised me again but i was serious something didn't feel right i checked to see if he was following us and britney got on to me for being a worrywart he's not a serial killer she teased but she listened to me and blocked him on facebook we were halfway to our destination and decided to stop and get a bite to eat when he showed up again it was this waffle house right off the interstate honestly i hadn't seen him about 40 miles so i was surprised that he had caught up he just came in ordered his food and sat down britney said something about it and i told her to ignore it i kept getting this feeling that he was watching us as we ate finally she had gotten tired of my paranoia and walked over to this guy's booth my husband wants to know if you're following us she said the guy just laughed so loud i think the whole diner heard him he rattled to have some flimsy excuse i didn't buy and then asked if she got his friend request i was furious and got up and grabbed her hand look i don't know what your problem is i said then this guy stood up and looked me dead in the eye like he was going to fight me then and there one of the waitresses told us to take it outside but i chose to leave before things got serious when we got on the road again britney realized that she had lost her phone at the diner let me use yours so i can google where it's at she told me using that find my iphone feature she soon saw that it wasn't at the diner it was moving down the highway towards us i knew it had to be the other driver who found it and took it oh my god is this guy seriously stalking us i asked my wife panicked and tried to call the phone but it went straight to voicemail then she started checking her social media daniel this is scaring me she said as she showed me that he had taken multiple pictures of our car as he had followed us for the last several hours call the cops i told her as i tried to check my mirror and see where he was about five cars behind us okay there's a rest stop ahead tell them that we'll meet them there i said as she got on the phone with someone they're saying it could be another 45 minutes since we're so far out she said frantically as i pulled over right on cue the other driver did too right stay in the car then i said when he pulled up behind us honestly i was prepared to defend my family then and there but this guy took it to another level he pulls out a sawed-off shotgun from his passenger side and aimed it toward me blasting straight at my tires i fell to the ground and shouted for my wife to do the same he did so again on the driver's side and drove off when the cops came i did my best to offer a description of him and his vehicle and they gave us phone numbers for a tow to the next town we made it there a little after dinner and honestly i was so shaken and rattled by the encounter i just wanted to go home we even added the additional social media profile hoping that they could help them find the person and a few days later they told us that they had found the vehicle it had been abandoned somewhere and apparently it was registered as stolen so we had no clue who this guy was worst part about this whole story is that it's not really over every so often my wife will see pictures of our car on social media and know for a fact it's gotta be the same guy [Music] all those posts on my facebook feed about new year's resolutions have had me thinking about an experience i had a few years back that i still have a hard time dealing with emotionally anytime i think about it i actually feel like my stomach gets a notch and i need to vomit it was that bad this isn't actually my first experience with a stalker but it's the one that comes fresh to my mind this time of year it was february and i just got my tax refund so my best friend convinced me to join her local legends gym i told myself this was the year i was going to make a change and get healthy i think everyone says that anyway what i really liked about this gym was that they would give all members a passcode and you could come in weird hours to work out since i usually have to work a split shift as a cna having the chance to swing by the gym super early when i clocked out was a blessing usually i'll get off around two in the morning so of course there weren't very many people using the equipment it was like a literal ghost town a little creepy though especially since they had obnoxious 80s music constantly on repeat throughout the entire building i settled into routine with that gem first a short shower and then heading over to the ladies only section that was another thing i thought was nice about the place fellas don't get me wrong but i am a bit self-conscious and i prefer to do my workouts in private in that separate part of the building i was usually the only one there it was even quieter back there because the music was muffled and i'll admit that there were a few times that i thought it was a bit eerie sometimes you hear something and at that time in the morning it gives you the jitters you know somehow i convinced myself to stick to the routine even when my best he dropped off the wagon in march i was determined and honestly the membership fee was one of those locked-in contracts so you know what a hassle it is to get out of that and despite the emptiness of the gym i convinced myself that it was okay since no one was there i couldn't possibly be bothered right well a few weeks passed and i was getting on one of the exercise bikes when i noticed something strange attached to the monitor i paused in my workout and took it off trying to figure out what it was supposed to be it was smaller than my finger then i noticed a reflective surface and i realized that it was some kind of camera i stopped working out immediately and went home a little freaked out i told my bestie about it the next day asking if she had ever seen anything like that while she was at the gym oh yeah girl they do that all the time it's in the contract you sign she said nonchalantly i tried again to explain her why it bothered me she's never really understood my experience previously with stalkers but that is another story if some guy's given me that much attention i would jump on him then and there if it really bothers you though she said just talk to mike the general manager and i'm sure he can calm me down i did that the next day leaving for work early so i could meet this mic guy beforehand he was a lanky man in his mid-20s and seemed nice enough when i told him about the camera he did actually show genuine concern huh that is weird and you found it over where i guided him over to the bike and showed him where it was attached uh it's definitely not one of ours he told me he promised that he would look into it and figure out if someone was tampering with machines but just the confirmation that it was apparently a hidden camera made me feel extremely on edge i stopped going to the gym after that and my mind constantly was conjuring up crazy scenarios about maybe one of my exes having found out that i worked there i've managed to break away from two obsessive ex-boyfriends before and it literally made me panic to think that one of them might be back in my life i was trying to get my life right and i didn't need this drama at all i think a day or two passed and mike contacted me hey i think we figured out who was messing with the equipment but there's a problem he said and that didn't sound good i remember my heart dropped when i asked why well on camera i can see them coming into the gym when another member enters they go work out casually for a few hours until the building is kind of empty and then i spotted them slip the camera on the machine and leave but when they leave and enter they don't scan a membership card i'm pretty sure whoever this is they actually aren't supposed to be here that made me even more freaked out i asked him i could come by the next day to check the cameras and see if i recognize the person i was completely convinced that it had to be one of my exes when i got there the next day i even insisted that my best to come with me i felt that paranoid going into that gym again we watched the security tape together with mike and i kept waiting for him to identify who the guy was but much to my surprise he told me it was a girl some tall blonde fit chick that came in odd hours always waiting until a member entered or left i didn't recognize her at all i checked the times it's probably just a coincidence that they chose that machine they weren't targeting you anyways we put up a warning to anyone else we don't want any pervs in this facility obviously mike told me i did feel a sense of relief after that and mike did post a grainy picture of the perpetrator near the front desk so i actually convinced myself to start working out again it didn't take but two days before i saw this blonde at the gym though and i swear seeing her in the flesh made my blood run cold like mike said that she waited until someone came into the building and slipped in then she would go work out in the ladies room when i was there it was just me and her i got this really weird feeling that she was just watching me i mean was it her and was i the one being targeted by her it was just really confusing i thought maybe i should confront her figuring out if it was her and what she wanted she left before i mustered up enough courage when i left though i found out that someone had taken my clothes from my locker and i panicked again i knew it had to be the mystery stalker i canceled my gym membership after that despite the fees i told myself it wasn't worth dealing with this crazy woman or any legal process that i would have had to gone through with him my friend rejoined a few months later and get this the blonde girl apparently had even gotten a job there my bestie always said that the blonde would ask about me if i was coming back to the gym dear god i don't plan to i bought a stationary bike and started working out at home i think she quit a little after that when she realized that i wasn't coming back and it was so hard to pin it on her i still wonder what she was doing why she was constantly filming me and whether i should still be on edge hey friends thanks for listening click that notification bell to be alerted of all future narrations and if you've got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit r slash let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video and join a live stream to catch an invite to my discord and if you want to support me even more grab early access to all future narrations for just one dollar a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read merch on spreadshirt and check out the let's read podcast where you can hear all these stories in long compilation form and save huge on data located anywhere you listen to podcasts links in the bio thanks so much friends and fart on my face
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 156,263
Rating: 4.9288154 out of 5
Keywords: true stalker stories, stalker horror stories, scary stalker stories, true scary stalker stories, stalkers, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: 3GI0_RjU6wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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