Buying DISNEY Castles from AMAZON!

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so someone told me that I can find a castle up Amazon in Minecraft I am so excited that I've actually come prepared today in my Elsa dress and I am here to live in my Minecraft castle Here I am world I am prepared give me the castle of my dreams whose Samuel you looking awful like a lady I mean no harm by this but uh Samuel I'm gonna come talk to you hi Samuel oh we're awful close oh hello there Brianna you're just in time I really need your help our last castle was destroyed by an evil dragon do you think you can help us build a new castle I am Elsa of course I was born for this challenge and here to help of course I can help you here's all the make bucks we have left a million ok first of all that King just said it very casually I know I know it's not that much but it's all we got I trust you'll find the best castle possible for us y'all when I was just handed a million Mick bucks he said it wasn't that much I have never held a million Mick bucks in my life or any Mick books for that matter but uh anyhoo I won't let you down Samuel King Samuel that sounds really biblical I approve okay let's go so curly honey of his on go to Preston Styles calm I'm gonna click on castles this is a huge moment they just casually sell a million dollar castles it's beautiful comment down below if you think I should buy or if you think I should think about it first there could be other castles out there but this one is looking pretty amazing also it's blue like my Elsa thrust no it's meant to be built now so I now have the blueprints to make my casual million Mick buck castle enough cuz I need to choose where I'm gonna build this beauty let's go over here this definitely looks like enough space for my million mcmutt castle hole man I'm a little nervous right about here I also want to add my Amazon filters I have 60 more of them these guys are so easy I need these guys in real life oh man oh man stop you guys look how much work they've gotten done I still have 61 more blocks to place let's go oh they are working hard ladies and gentlemen this is crazy I've never seen a castle being built so fast what kind of school do these guys go to oh now I'm getting stuck in the gaza they're still going how big is this place gonna be oh my goodness you guys this castle looks officially done being built do you think it's time to go inside I know it's the king's castle but I feel like I have an invitation anyway whoa I've never seen so many bugs in my entire life kind of reminds me of Beauty and the Beast there's so much cake can I please have a cake yum yum yum yum yum yum yum don't tell him I ate some cake the king he looks so fancy now that he has a castle excellent choice this will make a fine castle to roll in feel free to look around okay before I start exploring I'm gonna have to eat some more cake I'm sorry I've just got a really big appetite right now I shouldn't have said that so loud now that I just had a little more cake wait is that actual floating in front of my face or am i I'm not going crazy that's a jewel oh you found a jewel I have to go tell the king not only is this castle amazing it's magical where is Samuel is he's still on his throne why he is I found a jewel what have you found here those jewels can be turned into some serious money find me 10 of those and we can upgrade the castle oh how cool I can do this I found one I can surely find nine more let's start over here it's buki down here No let's go fast up the stairs um here why is it spooky in here oh no I took a wrong turn I don't think this is it I have to channel my inner Elsa and not be afraid these look like lucky dice so that's a good sign oh no there's a week on your roof Samuel oh but there's a big jewel yeah jewel number two has been found the second no the third to the third jewel is it the kitchen I knew it I just knew it I just you know I fooled you that I got lost a couple times you know at first let's see I see another one oh no nobody's gonna get to this jewel faster than me but a bing bada boom four down five more to go just a few whoa this is like a big maze a maze of books what's your favorite book mine is probably the Hungry Caterpillar another jewel this is crazy there's so many places to go and see a secret staircase there's gotta be a jewel up here oh my goodness you'll see this jewel over here how am I gonna possibly get over there oh no that looks complicated Oh pineapples it's tip it's tempting me I found it and now I can't get to it what's this way oh there it is tada only three more to do only three more to go I can't English anymore what's in here nuts I hear a fire but I don't see a fire that is not a good sign what's in here no no surely it's in a chest somewhere I mean if I lost jewel I would put it in a chest just for good measure oh I don't think I've been down here oh I've been down here Oh a job seven I haven't ventured to a new part of the castle I'm outside there's things there's flowers and oh my hates jewel I'm only gonna have to find Oh two more I was thinking I only need a nine see there's got to be more of these outside what's this - just gonna start flipping levers and making things fall on my head another one Dada Dada on to the last one then am I going to have a reward or is he just going to buy a fancy cast for himself and not share the price oh boy boy after looking all over this castle for what I think has been like a couple tastes I don't know how the King hasn't kicked me out yet I've only lived off a cake anyways I think I finally found what looks like the last jewel or I'm hallucinating when I walk up we'll see what happens [Music] yeah now I have to remember with penis this place is brill pink King Stephen Stephen I'm forgetting your name Oh Samuel I'm sorry you didn't hear me right I meant no no harm Samuel wow you found 10 jewels he said you were the best I'll take those and get us more Mick bucks for an even bigger castle ten million big bucks that should be enough for an awesome castle since you did such a good job last time why don't you pick out another I'm up for the challenge also look how big this pile of Mick foxes I can't believe I have so much power in my hand you guys I am back on Amazon and I'm about to purchase a 10-million No ten Mick buck dollar castle and uh yet again we have a Preston Stiles lovely advertisement so a head on over to the Preston Stiles website you're just gonna fill that now head on over to see what it looks like I've never seen such an expensive blueprint in my entire life and my plot of land already is paved and has flowers that's what you know this is gonna be amazing so this time to right-click the blueprint let's put these Amazon builders to work Oh get out of the way they're causing damage and they are speeding guys I learned through the process of the first castle I have to run real fast to get out of their way because they work fast this makes me think of Bob the Builder when I was a child this pop the builders still on TV oh my landscape it looks like the jungle oh oh I'm gonna fall let's uh let's walk over here and yeah get out of the way run guys look how fast they are you guys I thought the castle was fancy before but I can't even see to the very top of this castle this is amazing let's go find the King Stephen Stefan I still don't remember his name this is amazing feel like we need like a butler or somebody it is whoa whoa whoa there needs to be a sign that there's a big hole in the middle of the floor I'm gonna follow all of the candles the King just appeared he knew I was coming it's time for my coronation I am Princess Elsa and it's time for me to become Queen thank you Samuel I knew that was your name all along hi now this is more like it another great choice see if you can find more hidden fortunes in this new castle what is with it and castles and finding hidden you won't find anything hidden in my house except for like dust bunnies okay I'll try to find some clues but I don't know exactly what kind of clues you're looking for Steven Samuel he didn't hear me it's fine hmm where would I go if I was a clue I would go downstairs I would go downstairs that's all I know I'd probably become a chandelier because I like Lumiere and you and Beauty and the Beast that's all you know clue clue clue I don't know what a clue looks like where would I be if I was a clue I would sneeze and say achoo whoa hey there's a chest over here I feel like chests are known for hiding good clues least if you're a pirate ruah shiny puck glue one by the ancient one this is a clue to the treasure you seek the next one lies where it's never bleak tell me what does that mean where is it never bleak it's sunny outside guys we should definitely go outside how do I get there other than out is this the right way to go outside I hope so there is a garden out here oh this is the prettiest garden I've ever seen it reminds me of the Palace of Versailles and France there's like a maze and a fountain whoo I kind of want to eat a turkey sandwich out here now I don't know if turkey sandwiches are allowed in fancy Gardens nope nope oh cactuses do I have to go in the middle of the maze I see the chest do y'all see the chest it's in the maze I knew it I knew it oh I knew it would be near the Sun or if there was a cleaning room by bleach I thought about that too you'd think this treasure would lie in an altar but really you'd find it where you get some water I know exactly where that is because I almost fell in the well when I first came in this place now I hope I don't get lost I may get lost finding my way there because this please this you know - look that was easy these clues want me to find them okay safe Caliban oh I almost died but I did it so it's by goodness there's 24 jewels and Kohl's jeweler except we're just not gonna tell the kid got this okay we're just gonna take all of this does that nobody's gonna know it's in the bottom of a well it's probably gonna continue mandate all the water you know nobody wants gold and jewels in their water you want just clean crystal water in it that's this precious priceless artifact just - yeah we'll bring that to the king yeah all right sure you're right you're right I should take this to the king but first I have to figure out how to get out of this place stuck I'm stuck in the well I might be here for a while okay King Stephen see there he just appeared out of thin air Here I am approaching you with two glowing books twenty treasures twenty-one tools and a golden chalice what do you have to say for yourself Samuel no way you've found all this in the castle what are the odds I've never seen so much treasure and I'm a king let me see how many Mick bucks we can get for this hundred million Mick bucks now this is a lot of money go buy the biggest castle we can find you guys first of all Samuel should think about giving me you know just a few big bucks because I've definitely helped him along the way but secondly let's definitely see what motor castle we can get with this kind of money so I'm finally on Amazon for the third and final time third time's the charm and I'm about to buy and build a 100 million million Mick buck dollar mcboc285 meek buck valued castle sponsored by Preston styles build now so apparently when you have a hundred thousand million when you have a hundred million big bucks you can't even hold a paper anymore it becomes a giant wad of the of a back like you can't even hold it like this anymore are you ready to witness the most glorious thing you've ever seen ready okay let's begin building and running Barry best I'm gonna step back and watch magic happen gold and black like a bumblebee that's so cool they're ready for that challenge guys I don't think they're ever gonna stop building like it's gonna be twenty years when this castle is over when this castles done being built I think I'm gonna be twenty seven thousand years old my grandchildren are gonna live to see this castle being done built did I just English being done built bring it dump it oh my goodness look at this crazy castle you guys it goes on forever it's ever I don't even know say except it's time to tour the castle hi Samuel this is even better than our original castle well of course it is thank you so much our kingdom is now whole again of course Samuel it was an honor now if you wanna like hand over some of those jewels I found earlier you know for my work oh my actual girl but anyways I'm definitely gonna have to help with making my own castle now I'm gonna get busy I don't have as many Amazon builders of my own so I'm gonna roll up my sleeves here and uh get to work I'll see y'all later
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,320,032
Rating: 4.8519621 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, kid friendly, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: YkWSV9ICbpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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