7 Surprising Fruits to Help Lower Blood Pressure

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If you're worried about elevated blood  pressure and want to find easy natural   ways to lower it then you're not alone over  one billion people worldwide have hypertension   medications for this condition can work well  but they won't necessarily get to the root cause   plus they can have some undesirable side  effects a healthy diet can be an effective   first line of defense for preventing high blood  pressure but understanding scientific research   can be challenging that's why we translate the  research into easy steps for you in this video   we're going to explore the top 7 fruits to  help keep blood pressure in a healthy range   we'll also discover the relationship between  sleep and blood pressure and how one fruit   could help improve both but before we jump  in can you do us a favor and like this video   ring the bell for future notifications and make  sure you subscribe to heart disease code for   more help managing your blood health and stick  around to find out how you can get two free gifts   number seven a refreshing and healthy fruit that  is at its best during the summer months and can   be beneficial for blood pressure is cantaloupe  also known as rockmelon cantaloupes are rich in   vitamin c folate potassium magnesium choline these  nutrients are all associated with reduced blood   pressure one cup of cantaloupe provides a  hundred percent of the daily recommended amount   of vitamin c an essential vitamin for heart  health furthermore folate plays an important   role in helping blood vessels relax and improving  blood flow studies have shown that diets rich in   folic acid the supplemental version of folate  can improve blood pressure a large study on 150   000 women analyzed their diet and blood pressure  information it showed that women aged 27 to 44   who consumed at least a thousand micrograms daily  of folic acid from supplements and foods were 46   less likely to develop elevated blood pressure  than women who consumed less than 200 micrograms   daily additionally the minerals magnesium and  potassium are key for blood pressure regulation   they also work together with choline and vitamin c  to help lower blood pressure choline is a mineral   which you don't often hear much about however  symptoms associated with deficiency in this   mineral include elevated blood pressure so enjoy  the health benefits associated with this fruit   it can be eaten as a light refreshing snack in  a fruit salad or in a melon and cucumber salsa   next up is a fruit that has been found to reduce  blood pressure and is often associated with its   rich fiber content number six prunes this  wrinkly fruit is the dried version of plums   prunes or prune juice are often recommended  for people who struggle with constipation   this is because of the rich fiber content which  can help to keep your bowel movements regular and   can also help with weight loss as eating plenty  of fiber helps you feel full for longer aside from   this high intakes of fiber are also associated  with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease   interestingly a 2010 controlled clinical trial  found that prunes help reduce blood pressure   over an eight week period prunes are also high  in vitamin k niacin vitamin a vitamin b6 and   riboflavin these are all important for maintaining  a healthy body prunes can be eaten with yogurt   or as a snack on their own now for a more exotic  fruit number five guava guava is a tropical fruit   that's native to central america the fruits and  leaves alike have been used as a health remedy for   various conditions interestingly a 1992 clinical  trial on 120 people found that those who were   given guava before meals saw a decrease in blood  pressure by eight to nine points a further 2010   review noted that using the leaves to make tea can  help with blood sugar regulation this is thought   to be due to the compound in the leaves which  helps moderate glucose absorption after eating   people with blood sugar disorders such as diabetes  have a much higher incidence of hypertension   therefore lowering blood sugar can be critical  for a healthy cardiovascular system for the   reason squabblers can be so beneficial for health  is that they have an abundance of antioxidants   vitamin c potassium and fiber these nutrients  all play a role in keeping our heart healthy   potassium in particular helps to balance out  blood pressure this is because it helps the   body get rid of sodium too much sodium  in the body can cause fluid retention   holding onto fluid causes an increase in blood  pressure due to the increased volume of blood   hence potassium can help reduce blood volume and  therefore reduce blood pressure an analysis of 33   studies discovered that individuals who consume  plenty of potassium-rich foods significantly   reduced blood pressure and had a 24 lower risk of  strokes to gain the benefits of guava either eat   the fruit or use the leaves to make a tea next up  another fruit that's rich in potassium number four   apricots aside from their abundance of potassium  apricots are also noted for their ability to   improve digestion constipation earaches fever skin  diseases and anemia this fruit contains vitamin   a c k e and b three as well as minerals which  includes potassium copper manganese magnesium and   they are a very good source of dietary fiber which  is important for a healthy cardiovascular system   plus they provide an abundance of antioxidants  called flavonoids flavonoids have been shown   to protect against chronic diseases such  as diabetes and cardiovascular disease   the fact they provide a source of vitamin  c is an important factor for heart health   this is because it helps build collagen  collagen is part of the blood vessel   wall if our body isn't making enough arteries can  become very stiff this can lead to an increase in   blood pressure as the arteries are no longer able  to dilate optimally stiff arteries can also lead   to an increase in damage to their walls which  can lead to serious issues such as heart attacks   adding apricots to your diet is easy  as they can be used in both sweet   and savory dishes alike if they're not in season  then eating dried apricots is a great option   as we have uncovered the importance of vitamin c  for our heart health this leads me onto another   food that is rich in this vitamin additionally  this fruit can also help improve sleep   can you guess what it is we'll get to that in just  a moment but first if you want to learn more about   improving your cardiovascular health then why  not download our free ebook the surprising truth   about fat and cholesterol plus get exclusive  insights from some of the world's leading medical   and nutritional professionals by watching the  first episode of the untold story of heart disease   both gifts can be grabbed simply by clicking the  link in the description below so go and claim them   for free now number three cherries these are stone  fruits that are available in two main varieties   sweet and tart both of these are a good source of  vitamins and minerals particularly potassium and   vitamin c which we've discussed the importance  of for maintaining a healthy blood pressure   cherries contain powerful polyphenol antioxidants  such as flavonoids anthocyanins and catechins   these help to decrease inflammation and protect  cells from damage both are important factors for   cardiovascular health studies have shown that  a higher intake of these types of antioxidants   decrease risk of heart disease considering  hypertension is one of the major symptoms of   heart disease ensuring you eat a diet rich in  these polyphenols is crucial furthermore tart   cherries have been studied for their ability to  help regulate sleep this is due to the fact that   they contain a substance called melatonin  which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle   one study on people over 50 suffering from  insomnia found that those who drank one cup 240   milliliters of tart cherry juice prior to bed  increased sleep time by 84 minutes you may be   wondering what sleep has to do with blood pressure  well according to the cdc sleeping less than seven   hours a night increases your chances of having  hypertension plus mayo clinic website says   that if you already have high blood pressure not  sleeping well may make your blood pressure worse   therefore eating cherries can play a role in  lowering blood pressure and improving your heart   health to include these in your diet either enjoy  the sweet variety as a tasty snack or consume tart   cherry juice for improving sleep now for a fruit  that is a rich source of potassium and magnesium   it's not often thought of as a fruit but it is an  excellent addition for a heart-healthy diet number   two avocado we've already discussed the benefits  of potassium for keeping blood pressure in check   but another important mineral for this is  magnesium fortunately avocados are a rich   source of magnesium this mineral is responsible  for over 300 chemical reactions in the body   importantly for blood pressure it  helps our blood vessel wall to relax   thus allowing blood to flow with ease avocados  also contain heart healthy monounsaturated fat   plus a wide range of vitamins such as vitamin  c vitamin k vitamin b vitamin e and vitamin a   these all work to help support a healthy immune  system and enable the body to work optimally a   further bonus reason to eat avocado is that it  contains fiber be sure to enjoy this delicious   fruit whether you make a delicious guacamole  or add it to a salad this fruit is a must   now we've already mentioned some of the reasons  vitamin c is so important for healthy blood   pressure and a robust cardiovascular system and  that leads me to our number one fruit to consume   for lowering blood pressure but before that are  you ready for two free gifts find out everything   you need to know to prevent heart disease with  our free ebook the surprising truth about fat and   cholesterol plus get exclusive insights from some  of the world's leading medical and nutritional   professionals by watching the first episode of  the untold story of heart disease both gifts can   be grabbed simply by clicking the link in the  description below so go and claim them for free   number one citrus fruit whether it be oranges  lemons or grapefruit citrus is known for being   a good source of vitamin c along with its immune  boosting capabilities vitamin c can also act as a   diuretic thus aiding the kidneys to excrete excess  water and sodium which helps to relax blood vessel   walls and decrease blood pressure citrus fruits  also contain a special substance called neringen   this is a very small bioflavonoid that has  amazing healthy properties for example it lowers   inflammation reduces oxidative stress improves  cholesterol lowers triglycerides improves blood   sugar and increases the good enzymes whilst  decreasing the bad proteins a 2014 study   looked at 101 women it found those who drank  lemon juice and walked daily had significant   reductions in systolic blood pressure which  is the top number on a blood pressure reading   studies have also indicated the same for oranges  and grapefruit however grapefruits can interfere   with blood pressure medications so be sure to  consult with your physician before adding these   to your diet whether you snack on these fruits  or use them in recipes they can have significant   benefits if you don't like eating fruit then  try squeezing fresh lemon over savory dishes   this will increase your intake of vitamins plus it  can help bring out flavors and improve digestion   that sums up our seven surprising fruits to  lower blood pressure let our community know in   the comments below if you've managed to lower your  blood pressure by adding in any particular foods   and before you leave make sure to claim your free  gifts by clicking the link in the description   below and don't forget to subscribe to our  heart disease code channel and hit that bell   button for more help managing your blood health  thanks for watching have a heart healthy day you
Channel: Heart Disease Code
Views: 478,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high blood pressure, low blood pressure, stop high blood pressure, angina, angiogram, stroke, blood clotting, atherosclerosis, healthy arteries, beta blocker, blood pressure, stop chest pain, stop heart attack, heart disease risk, calcium channel blocker, improve heart rate, how to clean arteries, coronary artery disease, dyspnea, ECG, EKG, electrocardiogram, reduce heart attack risk, myocardial infraction, bypass surgery, ischemia, off pump heart surgery, prevent artery damage
Id: nHxR6q-pnXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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