7 Rarest Phobia You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

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hello psych2go fam welcome back to another video we hope you're staying safe and healthy during these crazy times and we've always got your back with plenty of videos to keep you company when does fear become a phobia the american psychological association defines phobias as extreme or irrational fears towards a certain stimulus that is grossly out of proportion to the actual threat at hand it's when a fear worsens to the point where it starts to hinder our personal professional and social functioning classified as an anxiety related disorder phobias are among the most prevalent psychiatric illness in the world along with depression and other anxiety disorders some phobias are more common than others to know more check out our video titled seven common phobias we all have but there are actually quite a number of phobias we don't even know existed wondering what those phobias are here are seven rare but very real phobias you might not know about 1. allodoxaphobia allodoxophobia is defined as the fear of other people's opinions it's also linked with a fear of debate discussions and confrontations as well as extreme anxiety and discomfort at discourse and controversy people who suffer from this phobia do not want to know or hear about the opinions of others which can be a problem at school work and everyday conversations this phobia is so rare that psychologists are still arguing about whether or not it should even be considered a proper phobia at all since so people are known to have it 2. decidiophobia a specific phobia that often co-occurs with another anxiety disorder decidiophobia is the fear of making decisions and it's extremely rare those who suffer from disidiophobia feel panicked and afraid whenever they're asked to choose something because they don't trust themselves enough to make the right decision as a result they have a habit of relying on rituals or superstitions to decide like flipping a coin consulting their astrology or asking for signs from the universe about what to do three nomophobia a modern day affliction nomophobia refers to the fear of being without one's phone it's usually characterized by anxiety about not having your phone charged misplacing it forgetting it breaking it or not being able to check it throughout the day while 66 of the global population shows signs of nomophobia only a few are actually serious enough to be considered a clinical case in need of therapy as you might expect it's especially common among adolescents to age 13 to 18 years old and was only brought to light in 2013 before that it was simply characterized as signs of smartphone dependency and social media addiction 4. katoptrophobia are you creeped out by the sight of your own reflection there's a phobia for that it's called catoptrophobia or isotophobia the fear of mirrors researchers believe this particular phobia may be rooted in religious beliefs or superstitions as mirrors often serve as portals for ghosts spirit and operations to appear in many urban legends it's also commonly associated with witchcraft and satanic rituals thus those who suffer from catoptrophobia avoid mirrors and anything with reflective surfaces at all costs 5. coraphobia chorophobia is the fear of dancing those who have this phobia avoid dancing and areas where dancing usually takes place link ballrooms clubs stages studios theaters and so on being around people who are dancing or watching them dance on tv can also be a nightmare for them choreophobia is closely associated with social anxiety fear of embarrassment and low self-esteem it can also be caused by upbringing for example being brought up in a strict household where dancing is prohibited six ablutophobia mysophobia commonly known as germaphobia is one of the most common phobias in the world so maybe it's not such a surprise that its exact opposite falls on the other end of the spectrum ablutophobia ablutophobia refers to the fear of cleaning washing or bathing oneself it normally begins in early childhood while some of us dislike taking baths when we were still little there are actually the rare few who never grew out of this fear because everyone needs to shower and clean themselves regularly people who have obliterphobia suffer from poor hygiene body odor skin irritation fungal infections and a weakened immune system seven anchor phobia anchor phobia is the very rare and extreme fear of wind it can refer to a wide variety of air-related fears like the fear of drafts swallowing air and even being blown away by strong gusts of wind people who have anchor phobia try to stay away from doors and open windows as much as possible they feel anxious around windmills hand dryers air conditioners and overhead air vents based on a 2009 study a possible explanation for this phobia is that those who suffer from it have learned to associate wind with tornadoes hurricanes and other wind-related disasters were you surprised by most of the phobias listed here these are just a few uncommon phobias being studied further by psychologists and researchers today there are more unusual phobias that aren't discussed in this video if you'd like to know more let us know in the comments below and we might make a part too with that said if you are suffering from a specific phobia of any kind don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health care professional today to help ease your fears and better manage your phobias lastly if you find this video interesting don't forget to like and share subscribe to psyc2go for more psychology videos thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 3,045,759
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Keywords: Allodoxaphobia, decidiophobia, nomophobia, catoptrophobia, and chorophobia, strange phobias, phobias, weird phobias, fear
Id: Jwb1bfmDqOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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