7 Prophetic Biblical Feast Days

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we can worship according with Yahweh's word or we can worship reporting demands true - Emperor Constantine a Sun worship solidify the change from Sabbath to Sunday in the first 300 years of the New Testament the church made hundreds of changes time - we follow scripture and not the traditions of man like to welcome you to shattering traditions a program dedicated to returning back to the truth of the Bible or today we're going to be talking about the seven prophetic feast days in Allen I want to begin today we're talking about who these days really belong to maybe you can open up and talk about that for us well you did say prophetic and they are and but the biggest misnomer when it comes to Yahweh's these days is that people think they are Jewish of say the Jewish feasts the feasts of Israel and don't realize they're for us as well now we go back to the original way back we go back the Old Testament where the feast days were commanded we find that Yahweh calls them my feasts or we find the feasts of Yahweh for example in Leviticus 23 nothing there about the feast of the Jews or a feast of Israel he says these are my fees and that's really important because it shows that these feast days don't belong to a specific people they belong to every more important they belong to Yahweh and Yahweh so mankind as we find throughout the word that's right so really again is that they belong to Yahweh they don't belong to man they don't belong to Jews or any one nationality specifically they belong to Yahweh and they they are given to those who follow him and in his ways and along with that we find them and then both old and new testaments well that's an important point now obviously everybody knows that were kept in the Old Testament I think doesn't given but you know it's important we show people that they were also kept in the newbies people they don't realize this they don't realize that the feast days were not only kept in the old but they were also kept in the new by the Messiah his apostles like I think it's good that we look at that look at some example showing where these days were observed in the New Testament now you know we find that they were observed in the evangelist matter of fact I'll just look at one example maybe you have another example handy too but Matthew 26 of course most of this passage is speaking about the Last Supper which is also the Passover but in verse of 17 of this passage Joshua's feast is now the feast of the first day of a feast of unleavened bread which really should be first or before the feast moment bread-based agree but it says the disciples came to Yahshua no Yahshua is the name of the Messiah those who may be new to the program saying unto Him but where will that we prepare for thee or UD the Passover so we find Yahshua going telling his disciples to go prepare place that I can either Passover with you before before I die essentially so we find that Yahshua we find that the Apostles kept the Passover in the New Testament that's true and so many make the mistake of thinking they were keeping Easter in the New Testament there's actually in one place in the King James that talks about uses the word Easter and that's in text 12 for where the word is Pacha and it means Passover and nowhere other than that do we find anywhere any reference to Easter and we can take that even further you find a reference to Christmas Day Halloween or any of the other pagan holidays that man has taken on and considered them religious now Paul you know many people they will acknowledge that okay Joshua kept in the side kept and the Apostles kept them but that was really before his death so in other words you know all this went away and you know was no longer you know important after he died on that stake but you know Paul in 1st Corinthians 5:7 now this is a reference to Passover ESA's and and it's important to recognize what he says here it says purge out therefore the old leaven now we know that no leavening was allowed with the Passover in the Old Testament so I think there's a symbolism there but it says that you may be a new lung so there's a spiritual lesson to the Passover but it says even Messiah our Passover sacrificed for so we see here that Paul connects Yahshua's the sacrifice of sacrifices on the side with the Passover matter of fact he really does represent the Passover so again we find the Passover you know in other places also in the New Testament now what about the feast because you know the unleavened bread we know Passover was observed we also know that unleavened bread was observed just reading on with what Paul says again in 1st Corinthians 5 verse 8 he says therefore let us keep the feast now this is not the Passover feastin is not a passover in the sense of a high day this is specific to another bread it says here not with old leaven now we know that during an orange talked more about this I think as we go on but they were to remove the leavening it says neither with you 11 of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth and the important thing I what I want to really bring out here and I think what's important for the audiences Paul says let us keep the feast you know if it's not needed why you know why why say let us keep the feast I mean it's obviously something very important about the feast days and specifically he's referring here to 11 bread and that is significant as well because we find that this is long after Yahshua had been on earth sacrificed himself and was resurrected and we still find the Apostles and Paul for one of them keeping a feast they kept all of them if we really look at it look into the New Testament find the examples they were nothing had changed as far as the observance of Yahweh's command yeah that's true they were to do anything else but keep Yahweh's fees because he commands them you know acts of the axis often called Acts of the Apostles because it shows us what they were doing how they were worshiping in how they were showing their dedication to yah with her father in heaven but acts 20 verse 6 we find here references says and we sold away from Philip Isis again Paul after the days of unleavened bread so they're 11 bread is a feast an 11th brother so we find him observing this time again in the New Testament as you pointed out this was years years after Joshua's death ascension so if these days were no longer needed or why you know why do we find them still being observed in the in the new test more or less let's look at a feast of weeks this is another feast days we find within the Old Testament also within the New Testament probably the most notable passage is acts 2 and I'll just read the first part here it says from the days of Pentecost now Pentecost is another name for a few weeks and Chevy Oded this was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place we find that there during this time during the day of Pentecost the apostles were gathered to observe and honor this feast day and as you pointed out with the previous example this was after Yahshua's death and resurrection exactly and you know it's interesting too that this feast is memorialized in many in churches they've recognized the feast of weeks or what they call Pentecost even get the word Pentecostal from that they'll say this is the beginning of the church while we find reference to Paul talks about the church and the wilderness that was Israel that was back way back with Israel it's not really the beginning of the church it's a continuing on of the Covenant promised through the ages is what it amounts to but not an end and then a start of something else well that's an important point I think too for people to realize that the the New Testament we're going to talk maybe more about this later but you know is he a break it was in this greco-roman of leave system that we see today look at another example real quick acts 20 and again this is Acts of the Apostles what they were doing how they how they were worshiping and here's what Paul says in acts 20 verse 16 he says and Paul had determined to sell by Ephesus because he would not sin spend the time in Asia for he hasted if it were possible for him to be ad Jerusalem the day of Pentecost so I mean this isn't something you know some you know some some hobby Paul had this was a serious religious obligation it says here that that he determined that this was his goal to be in Jerusalem during the stay of Pentecost and this was again decades after Yeshua's resurrection and his death and here we find that they were still keeping Pentecost now I think we're going to maybe just sort of skip over the next one trumpets we see this I think prophetically but not mut but not precisely them observing this day but I want to talk about Tabernacles real quick before the break here because this is an important feast matter of fact I think we can make it the argument that this may be be the most important feast of the year maybe we find an example in John I don't want to read that but John a chapter 7 is where we find this example and this is in the evangels and the you know what's important here is that we find an example of our savior observing a feast day and specifically this feast day you have that example 737 and the last day that great day of the feast Yahshua stood up and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink and so here Yasha was and we find that he also kept these feasts with his family remember the family left they couldn't find him where was he he was back in the synagogue and debating with the with the lawyers and the and the the priests and so forth they were just amazed but he went with his family from from a child to keep these feast days in Russia and as we've already seen from Paul this this did not end also when Yahshua died and was resurrected no anything has continued acts 18 21 Paul says I I must by all means keep this feast that comes in Jerusalem so here again Paul is making a commitment to keep Yahweh's feasts or John s72 it is sort of you know search for it sets of context here says now the Jews and by the way the reason it says Jews I mean this is people although these days belong to the Jews as we've already talked about they were the only ones keeping these days obviously these days would be called a feast of the Jews being identified and keeping them at most I'm so surprised the called the Jews fees but it says the Feast of Tabernacles was at hand and again as you've already read in verse 37 we know that Yahshua the Messiah observed these matter of fact I want to read a note we for those unfamiliar with that we have a restoration study about just a great resource and we have a reference here the footnote says in verse 2 the Feast of Tabernacles along with the eighth day of the LAT were the last great day was the final feast of the biblical year as seen here scripture records that Joshua's Apostles kept the annual feasts his practice is our instruction numerous New Testament show passages show where he and his believers were tended to keep the feasts did keep them and would keep them again in the kingdom and I'm just going to read this it says they include Matthew 26 to 17 and 29 Luke to 42 John 5:1 7 2 verse 10 14 chapter 12 2008 een verse 21 first Corinthians 5:8 and also we note here see zekiel 45 21 through 25 and his echo I 14 16 through 18 well I think we're going to take a short break but we're going to write back and we're going to delve more into the feast dates coming up their importance is Yahshua found in each of these feasts this is probably the time when the Messiah will return returns but not only does it return considered one of the greatest archaeological finds in modern history the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered between 1946 and 1956 by veterans and archaeologists at the site known as Wadi Qumran in the West Bank of Israel Qumran is a series of eleven caves about a mile inland from the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea the lowest elevation on planet earth the arid environment helped preserve these priceless Scrolls the Dead Sea Scrolls included writings and fragments of older scrolls and texts dating back to 250 BCE a total of 972 manuscripts were found adjacent to cure bet Qumran cure bet is Arabic for ruin on a hill the site has been known to European explorers since the 19th century this ancient settlement dates back to the 8th century BCE it is believed the Essenes a sect of Second Temple Judaism much smaller than the Pharisees and Sadducees the other two major sects at the time wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and inhabited the site of Qumran for two centuries from the end of the Hasmonean period through the great revolt of the Jews against Rome at Qumran we find remnants of mikvahs or ritual baths which were common around the Land of Israel and the precursor to New Testament baptism found in the settlement were assembly halls a central dining room kitchen laundry room watchtower stable and a pottery workshop the Essenes had a scriptorium or writing room with desks in each stance this is where quite possibly they wrote most of the scrolls found at Qumran the Essenes lived in huts and tents around the settlement during the reign of Herod there was a serious earthquake in the area and the Essenes abandon the site but later returned during the rule of ARCA Laius Herod's son between 4 BCE to 6 C II and rebuilt the site during the great Jewish revolt the last known inhabitants of Qumran were members of a Roman garrison stationed during the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132 to 135 CE II when the garrison was relocated the site became lost in time the Dead Sea Scrolls are written in ancient Hebrew Aramaic Greek and Nabataean mostly on parchment but with some on papyrus and bronze they include the earliest known surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible canon as well as apocryphal works prayers legal texts and sectarian documents every book of the Hebrew Bible except Esther was found in the scrolls there are 225 biblical texts included in the Dead Sea scroll documents which makes up 22 percent of the total discovery the Dead Sea Scrolls provide a window into Jewish life during the Second Temple period and connects the present day to biblical antiquity in the Land of Israel some of the scrolls are on display at the shrine of the book in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem welcome back well we've seen where the feasts are very important in both old and New Testaments among even Yahshua and His apostles if you look at the back up and look at the whole picture of these feasts reality you'll see that their significance in several ways first of all they're significant as far as historically and keeping the Covenant throughout the Scriptures they're important in salvation and this of course relates to their importance is Yahshua found in each of these fees well it's their the depth of meaning here is just astounding it really is and if you look at all the different feast days even chronological and I think that's probably the best way because it really shows you the plan you know how it develops and and how it begins so let's talk about each one of those I think that'd be a good exercise a Passover that that begins and that's technically not a feast but it is an appointed time this matter of fact is a very important important time so what happened Passover in the Old Testament we find that the Death Angel came through killed all the first point of Egypt to a more importantly as what we find in the New Testament in the New Testament we find that this was the day that Yahshua died in he and he shed his blood for our sins so he provided atonement on Passover so Yahweh lost his firstborn or his only born I should say and also again our sins were paid on the Passover day so very important lesson there with that feast again showing as you said not only an important historical fact but also prophetically as well right and you know we can we can carry these through all the feast days and see Yahshua and every one of them not only that but important events happened on these feast days very key biblical truths happened on these feast days that wasn't just coincidence no no Yahweh has these design that way that Joshua would died on Passover yeah as a reflection of the Lamb that was killed in the Old Testament but there was a meaning to that as he took Israel out of sin Yahshua died for sin when he shed his blood there's the passo and the problem is when you don't observe these days you just don't get that you don't understand the these important lessons because you're not observing these times is really important to not only acknowledge that yeah these things exist but to keep them because that's when you really understand the relevance and the importance the criticality of these days when I loved her bread this this immediately follows Passover unleavened bread they were told to remove all the leavening all the yeast and really we find a symbolism now that that had a physical symbolism for them but the symbolism there in the New Testament is that were to remove sin from our lives were to remove hypocrisy from our lifes yahushua talked about the meaning of leavening and how it represented these negative attributes that were to remove well Rebekkah Yahshua again Yahshua is resurrected yep on a feast day unleavened bread three days after he was he was in the tomb he was resurrected and that was on a feast day because he became the wave sheaf offering to Yahweh now the wave she just so people understand the wave sheaf in the Old Testament where during during 11 bread this was the barley now the for course we're we're on 11 bread so let's stay with eleven breckel look at I guess Chevy I just in a moment but you're right Italy all have to do with Yahshua and what he did and what he represented in Yahweh's plan or feast of weeks Pentecost Shavuot as is called in Hebrew meaning weeks now by the way those names is important to realize they all refer to how this feast was counted you know all the other feast days Yahweh would say something like where this feast is on this day and this month we don't find that with feast of weeks because they would count from the omer offering her for the barley during the for the barley harvest that and fifty days from the omer offering enough pentecost or shavod but this feast really has it says such great significance number one we know where we believe anyway based on the evidence that the law was given on this day in the old testament we know that for instance in Exodus 19 that they were in the wilderness of Sinai it says in the third month or that's the month of Pentecost we also know the New Testament acts 2 that the Spirit was poured out on this day so you know some easing compliment when you think about it the the law which represents really the the morality the code of ethics of our Father in heaven and then in his spirit the discretion and the ability to to apply those in a that is wise exactly and again each of these feasts represent a significant part of Yahweh's plan plan for man and plan for salvation of man as well so we have Yahshua then pictured in the feast of weeks we have Yahshua pictured in the next feast which is the day of trumpets Feast of Trumpets we know that he said he's going to return at the last Trump the Dead will hear the voice and come forth and we which are alive and remain will be gathered with him as well well that's the feast likely of trumpets we don't have definite proof but it sure fits yeah it really does and it is such an important feast you know it's kind of a unique about that feast to us really there's nothing in the Old Testament of symbolizing its fulfillment it just says it's a day of blowing of trumpets and maybe you know it's a day foreshadowing what it would fulfill in the in the coming time and that is when Yahshua does return I think there was just a lot of evidence there to suggest and most people do believe that most people who study the feast days in eschatology the study of the end times they also agree that this is probably the time when the Messiah will return returns but not only does it return but this is important we also know that this is when the resurrection happens this is the first resurrection the firstfruits and the first fruits really is depicted also by the agriculture but is the firstfruits of those of mankind in the first resurrection they're going to be Saints of all mighty on all of it all of this occurs possibly more than likely on the Feast of Trumpets firstfruits is key because these these feast days are agriculturally based Bible's plan of salvation is the theme throughout is agriculture harvest firstfruits going back even the millenium back to an agricultural setting each man will be under his own vine and fig tree I mean it that's another theme that goes throughout the scriptures well us what these feasts are they're based on agriculture and that's why we start off with a be the first month of the year which is a stage of the growth of development and that's how we determine the year do it through the agriculture exactly that's a very important point just don't understand I exactly we have a biblical calendar booklet that explains this goes through how these days are determined and why it is agriculture that sets the standard for the beginning of the month and that's actually the end of the great booklet because it also talks about the Jewish calendar the modern Jewish calendar shows why the modern Jewish calendar is not the calendar we should be using today if we want to really observe the feast days based on our fathers calendar because they're different hello the second not to get into the weeds but a lot of second during the fourth century he established a new calendar for the Jews or prior to that they basically used observation that would use the agriculture as you stated along with the new moon crescent they would determine the year and the calendar based on those two things and we explain that a great detail within our booklets that's a very important booklet or the next feast day which is a little bit harder I think in some ways to understand but Atonement or Yom Kippur as we find in the Hebrew the day of covering this is when Israel sins were basically removed from the camp now how this worked very briefly is that there was two goes one represented Yahweh's awaz goat and the other was the Azazel or the scapegoat now the Azazel what would happen is a priest would a transfer symbolically the sins of the people to this scapegoat and says a fit man then would take the scapegoat out into the wilderness which in the Hebrew means like a place of desolation now we believe here that more than likely this scapegoat represents Satan the devil we know prophetically that when Yahshua comes back an angel is going to go out is going to bind Satan says with a chain it's going to put Saint in a pit for 1,000 years so I think the symbolism there's the removal of Satan and more than likely Yahshua is going to again depicted but now probably through the high priest which he will serve when he returns furniture I believe as a wild goat and AZ's he's led off into the wilderness wilderness is a place of you know desolation and so forth he's going to take the sins of man put it back on the originator of sin and Yahshua then is depicted by the goat that was sacrificed is his blood given for man so yeah the atonement is a very key in fact it actually it it's depicted by the covering of the Ark the Kapoor Athiya the Ark of the Covenant and it is the mercy seat all of this is so intricately intricately bound in prophecy in the plan of salvation in Yahshua they're all that the depth of meaning in these feasts and if you don't keep them you're missing a big chunk of the Bible in fact you really to get an understanding and a grounding of the scriptures the feast is a great place to see art we have about another minute I guess we're running out of time but I want to make sure we talk about Tabernacles in the last grade Davies both at those are sort of as I mentioned I think Feast of Tabernacles is probably the the most notable of all the feast days is certainly seems to be in Scripture and this feast course in the New Testament we believe it symbolizes the coming Millennial Kingdom the time when Yahshua is going to come he's going to restore righteousness back to this earth and it no longer we're going to see sin as we do today now sin will exist but not like it does today Yahshua is gonna rule over this earth and those who defy him they're going to do it to their own peril but that this time represents again yahweh's kingdom here on earth has governed it through Yahshua the Messiah you know there's this feast depicts our coming out of the world a kingdom really that's to come to this world where the select elect are going to be taken into Yahweh's Kingdom and to reign with Yahshua on this earth so the this feast and the one that follows which is separate the last great day so what is the last great day or it be is that you know we have just few moments left I mean that basically represents the final judgment of mankind so you know we have everything from Yahshua's atoning sacrifice to now the final judgment all depicted encapsulated in disease that these days are really really amazing I'd like to thank everybody for joining us today because it is really important that they understand this because it's such a big part of Yahweh's word before you leave just consider one more time requesting one of these booklets this one is called the amazing biblical feasts and goes through what we've already done what which we've done today but a much much more detailed I like to thank you for joining us today for shattering traditions may Yahweh bless we'll see you again thank you for joining us for another episode of shattering traditions this program is an outreach of Yahweh's restoration ministry for all our materials including free booklets in the RT magazine visit our website yrm.org G get your copy of the restoration study bible the book that's changing hearts and minds around the world visit store yrm.org keep up-to-date with ministry news and events by liking us on our Facebook page facebook.com forward slash yrm subscribe to our chatter editions youtube channel and see all our latest videos search shattering traditions this ministry is only possible by the tithes and offerings of our members and supporters to donate by phone call toll-free 1-800 eight nine nine six four three eight or online donate.yrm.org until next week remember to search the Bible remove religious baggage and join our mission shatter tradition you
Channel: Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
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Keywords: prophetic feasts, biblical feasts, hebrew feasts, biblical feast days, 7 annual feasts, seven feasts of israel, seven annual feasts, 7 biblical feasts, 7 jewish feasts, 7 jewish feasts prophecy, the seven feasts of the lord and the blood moons, feasts of the lord and blood moons
Id: xx0glZSw6Co
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Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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