EXPOSING False Church Doctrine and Popular False Christian Doctrine

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[Music] [Music] [Music] the Holyland a 2016 biblical jerk we can worship according to Yahweh's word or we can worship the holy demands pradesh emperor constantine of Sun worship solidify the change from savage the Sun in the first 300 years of the New Testament the church made hundreds of clean thunder we follow Scripture and not the tradition of the man I like to welcome you to a shattering traditions we are in the land of Israel today and we're going to continue talking about the contradictions of the Mossad we do this and he'll cook near the Sea of Galilee you might remember that program go and continue with that theme today before that I want to reintroduce everybody we have elder Alamance ager the Alvers restoration ministry elder Don Esposito in this congregation of whites wh is that correct tourism and good good to have you with us for sure it's special day to have you compare Israel elder James King from Cisco Texas a single be our seventh take in elder Wayne Wilson from Shalom Assembly Yahweh in Illinois USA so like to us thank you all for being part of this first let's begin with prayer and maybe Donna key would do that for us dear Heavenly Father we come before your blessed throne on your Shabbat and we thank you and bless you Father for this great opportunity of being here with my fellow elders and studying about your son in his fulfillment of Scripture so we thank you when we bless you when we ask your blessing on this meeting in the name of Yeshua we pray hallelujah hallelujah okay we're maybe you can give us a description of where we're at I mentioned we're in Israel but we're exactly are we and we're actually in a nice park setting right to the north of the tomb of Herod's family and right outside the Jaffa Gate or the on the northern northern western side of the old city and you can actually see certain parts of the apart I can see it right here I can actually see the western or the walls of the old city and in front of us so quite a quite a place last program we were talking about again contradictions of the Messiah and we reviewed really some some very important topics today I want to begin with the tradition goes that Yahshua came the Messiah came to do away with the law that he made void the law and that would include the Sabbath and feast days is that true do we find evidence for that and if not what do we find in Scripture who'd like to open up with that uh with that supposed contradiction Allen wouldn't mattify some 5:17 of courses is the one that most people like to quote and but they don't quote the whole verse that's the problem he says actually in Matthew 5 is the Beatitudes and he he goes on and talking about a little bit of the law and how it works and then he says think that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill and so they say well he he fulfilled the law and that means to destroy it saying is what they were saying and of course fulfill just means he he filled it up he accomplished it if you fulfill your duties as I say a servant or maybe in the service armed services you fulfill your duties I mean you did them it doesn't mean you did away of my duties what keep reading every but yeah that's probably an important passage they don't read the rest for for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled so as long as that heaven on earth here the law is still in effect and again I think as you pointed out if Yahshua Vesey says I come not to destroy but to fulfil if we interpret that word fulfill us to destroy it makes no sense at all and yeah that's exactly what they do that this word fulfill means to destroy or do away with and and it's just amazing how people can read the Bible and come up with their conclusions they do what other evidence do we find in so so Yahshua there she says that he did not come to it do away with what about the Sabbath and feast days do we find any examples of those in the New Testament being being observed by bihter the Messiah or the Apostles sure I mean we see a show keeping the Sabbath his disciples keeping the Sabbath if he came to destroy it why would he say okay I'm gonna keep it then I'm when I'm gone it'll all be done away with certain it doesn't make any sense whatsoever so he kept the feast days II kept it do they have any examples of that I mean I know we do can you show me some example so the audience on a valide verify that yes he did keep the Sabbath he did he took these days the one who is with his parents says that even a young child they went up to Jerusalem over and - at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles when he was with the disciples he he left he says you guys go ahead I'll meet you later and he went up as well so it shows that he actually went up he didn't do it himself and say you guys stay back at something I need to do right now they all went and that's the whole point they all went to keep the feasts and the Sabbath is the same way I mean he's all the way through and in acts if he had done away with the law and done away with the Sabbath why do we find Paul in acts going to all these cities keeping the feasts going to the synagogue I mean that the Sabbath going to the synagogues keeping the Sabbath at the synagogue's why would he be doing that yeah and then he said even even the whole city went I've forgotten which it's annex throughout the chapter but even I give two examples real quick because I mean you're right and Acts we do find Sabbath observance acts 17 verse 2 for instance this is Impala it's interesting to Jesus Paul people say Paul's 1 2 changed all this yet we found Paul keeping the Sabbath Sabbath this is important as his manner was and the word man Revere is important because it means custom religious duty and Greek so manner religious duty it was his custom to worship on the Sabbath not on Sunday but it goes goes on as his mentor was went in unto them and three sabbath days reasoned within that of the scriptures and we know that paul would go to the synagogue to worship matter of fact we've actually seen several synagogues here in israel we saw really a neat synagogue and tell me from pronouncing destroyed mandela or imagined Magdala Magdala her Tulsa's maybe the more ancient of pronunciation but there in in bag della we we actually have a synagogue going going back to the time of Yahshua and we know we know Yahshua was there what Paul might have been there - who knows preaching in that synagogue and we've seen other synagogues one of course there's a later synagogue what one in a Capernaum or kafir now whom I think as you say here a village of a Nahum or novel now the Prophet not home by the way but anyway I Paul as his manner was as we find here next worship on the Sabbath and one more example in acts 18 verse 4 it says there in he and this is Paul still speaking was says reasoned or in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded the Jews in the Greeks now two points here number one it was every Sabbath there wasn't some seven you know Paul wasn't like some and then the church were you know if it's convenient I'm going to go Paul in every single week but not on Sunday on Sabbath and the other important point here is that he persuaded both it says Greeks and Jews James do you have something you know in acts 13 we have another example of Paul keeping the Sabbath it says that he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and and after the reading of the law in the prophets they sit down and Paul was preaching to them and then it in verse 42 it says as Paul and Barnabas were going out the people kept begging that these things might be spoken to them again the next Sabbath isn't that amazing that is amazing that really working they weren't asking to come back the next day for a new service they were next Sabbath come back and teach us again and they were urging them to continue and says the next Sabbath nearly the whole city assembled to hear the word and so that's that's an amazing testimony of Paul keeping the Sabbath and his ministry on that I was going to say actually have also a scripture of Yeshua keeping the Sabbath in Luke 4 and verse 14 it says in yeshua returned in the power of the spirit to Galilee and a report went out through the entire neighborhood about him and he taught in their synagogues being glorified by all and he came to Nazareth where he was brought up and as was his custom he went in on the Sabbath day into the synagogue and he stood up to read as was his custom so we know it's his custom and even in mark the first chapter he's called master of the Sabbath sofa Sabbath sent away with his master of nothing that's a good points a very good point yeah also over in Acts chapter 15 there's just a lot of references through here to talk about this but this was kind of a special case they had went back to the council in Jerusalem to decide on who how people can go into the synagogue because there's a lot of controversy on the Gentiles being able to be coming in and be converted but if you read down in acts 15 around verse 21 they're basically trying to answer how these how they how Canadians house come in and it said that from Moses for Moses from 18 generations has in every city those who preach him since he has read in the synagogue's every Sabbath then it seemed good to the Apostles and the elders with the whole Assembly to choose men from among them to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas just as Barnabas and Silas leading men among them the Brethren and they sent this letter and so we know the letter basically says you know here's the four things that we need to get them in the synagogue but the idea was that they would go to the synagogue and then they would learn of the traditions and the Torah as it was a commandment that's what they read in the synagogue's and that's a really important passage B sermons or acts 15 is often used to show a look that the Gentiles were only required to do these four things and that's not the case because you pointed out they would learn those four four things and then they would learn same concept today you know people come to us and say you know what do I need to do and we say okay you need to stop keeping up worldly holidays like Christmas and Easter and that you keep the Sabbath you're calling y'all we should start there and from there you're going to learn yeah I've often wondered if if that letter were sent out today in today's scenario what more atoms would they be choosing out as the initial things that that need to be touched on before getting people in and teaching them every Sabbath but you know it's funny that in Revelations 14 says here's the the perseverance of the patience of the Saints those who keep the commandments of Yahweh and the testimony and the faith in Yeshua it doesn't say those four things it doesn't say you have these four commandments and the faith or doesn't they don't just have the faith but they keep the commandments of Yahweh and they have the faith in whatever equals before more this is revelations 14 and verse 12 yeah that's an incredibly important because revelation is the last book of the Bible and here we have a clear reference saying defining a saint two things obedience and in faith in Yahshua that's a good point too because they said well I have Messiah I don't know he is that he is my obedience he is my is you know he kept this he did away with things because now he's my Reston and all of this but you mentioned the one there's three actually in Revelation 12:17 14 12 and 22 14 and say have the Messiah but also keep the commandments that it's beautiful it ties it all together at the very end of the Bible well another passage that people like to use is Romans 10:4 says from Messiah is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes so we believe in him that's the end of the law yeah yeah what they don't tell you is that word is go opening he's the goal he's the purpose he lives Oh exactly he lived the law so he is he is how we are supposed to keep the law by following he'll only find out with the Greek word Telos yeah a more gold right right yes he he is the whole manifestation of the law in his life that's how we that's what they mean by the goal of the law I think we've talked about law and we've seen examples of Sabbath just real quickly and what about the feast days I know there's some examples can you provide any examples of where maybe Yahshua kept the feast day or Paul kept a feast day any of the Apostles kept the feasts there maybe some say I asked a question I'll start off here and there's many many examples and maybe y'all can find one and share one if you want and but one of the more were certainly one of the most apparent examples is acts 2 says when the day of Pentecost was fully come meaning it had arrived they meaning the Apostles were all of one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues and stirred gave them utterance and there were dwelling in Jerusalem anyway talks about how I believe 15 nations were were present and of course we know this was during the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the day of Pentecost but why were they there they weren't there necessarily for the outpouring of the Spirit although they were there because Joshua promised a comforter but more they were there to observe Pentecost for the feast of weeks is where Chevy Otis is the Jews call it today do you all have any examples of maybe where again the Messiah kept a feast or Paul kept a feast yeah 1st Corinthians chapter 11 it if you go down reading through verses from 20 21 22 it talks about them gathering together for the Passover who remember when Messiah died and the emblems that he gave of us and the night when he had the last Passover with his disciples and Paul is really making a teaching about that because they were keeping it improperly but they're all gathered together and they're keeping the Passover as a memorial and some people take this and they they set up a lot of different other things like in different churches they'll do it at certain times maybe every Sunday and once a month or you know maybe the tradition of Mass and all those things but really this is a reference to Passover and the things that Messiah did with his disciples it last night yeah it's good example I think on me might have one yeah I think one thing people forget about also is putting things in the time chronology like Corinthians where you're talking about here Corinthians is written about 30 years after reverse' fiction right so 30 years later after your shoe is death and resurrection and now Paul is writing basically to Gentiles you know there could have been some Israelites reducing it but basically Gentiles and here it is in chapter 5 right he's saying your boasting is not good do you not know that a lived a little leaven leavens the lump then clean out the old leaven that you may be a new lump just as you are on leaven so 30 years later they're keeping a leavened bread people that were Gentiles had never kept it before that and then he says for our Passover excuse me is Messiah who was sacrificed for our sake therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old leaven and that's written a command form yeah it's literally commanded them to keep not only Passover but unleavened bread so it's inconceivable if these people if this was done away 30 years ago why would he be given an example to people of keeping this that never kept it 30 years after the fact so I think that's really really strong proof yeah that pull and the whole congregation was keeping these visa you don't see anything either like Paul saying let us keep Sunday don't let us worship I was like let us keep Christmas let us keep it yet there's nothing in in the New Testament of states that I want to share one more example an axe and axe is just right with with examples it's just amazing you know people would remove whatever bias they have you know guess we all come from different backgrounds if they would remove that and just read acts you know be Zack shows how they were worshiping what they were doing of what they were not doing in certain cases but in acts 20 verse 16 I believe it is now this I believe that's one of the most important passages it says therefore Paul had determined to sell by Ephesus because he would not spend him the time in Asia for he hasted you know he wanted he wanted to be there he was in a hurry if it were possible for him to be a pen to urge Ruslan the day of Pentecost it's interesting here we are in Jerusalem right outside the old cities but Paul wanted to be at Jerusalem and again I mean I don't know what the timeframe is acts 10 they say somewhere about 10-15 years so this is maybe 20-30 years after Yahshua's ascension just like Dawn's example and again it shows that Paul of all people was still keeping Pentecost so this concept of the Messiah and the Apostles did away with the feast days and in the law and the Sabbath and in tradition to this Hellenistic worship with Sunday as a day of worship justice is not correct well I think we're going to take a short break here we're going to come back we're going to talk a little bit about the Trinity which is a huge topic we're not going to spend just a lot of time on it but we do want to touch on it because certainly that doesn't fit the mold that we find within the New Testament and also we want to clean and close with the three days and three nights tradition says that he died on a Friday and was resurrected Sunday morning that's kind of fuzzy math but we'll talk about that when we get back I'd like to encourage you not to go anywhere stay tuned we're going to come back talk about those items is certainly going to be an awakening I'm sure for you so stay tuned we'll be right back within 200 years after it began Christianity abandoned many of the teachings of its founder Yahshua commonly called Jesus influenced by Greek and Roman paganism Zoroastrianism and beliefs that even go back as far as Nimrod in the Tower of Babel Christianity turned away from most of its Hebraic foundation worship rituals of the Sun God Sol Invictus who was born on December 25th were adopted in rituals common in the modern holiday of Christmas to continue this veneration of a Sun God Sol Invictus Constantin in the year 300 and posed Sunday to replace the biblical Sabbath other holidays like Easter and even Halloween were adopted in favor of the original Hebraic days of worship it wants honoured but the rabbit hole goes much deeper and the church doesn't want you to know the truth from what the Messiah looked like the very name he was called by what you have been taught all your life is almost entirely wrong minister and journalist Alan Mann Sager explains Christianity as we know it today started out as a Jewish faith and it wasn't until 300 years later with Constantine started to make changes in the Sabbath in Passover and many of the other fundamental doctrines of Scripture it's time you came out of the pagan babylonian worship system via Yahweh's restoration ministry have devoted decades of study removing false doctrine to drill down to the foundation for the Apostolic stage don't believe us believe what you read in your Bible all it takes is an open mind free from the traditional baggage of church theology let's start the adventure together here's the first step subscribe to our YouTube channel we have hundreds of revealing videos and more amazing releases on the way [Music] you desire to better understand your Bible if so then you need the restoration times magazine this insightful bimonthly publication includes in-depth articles on proper living prophetic trends and biblical truth it reveals how to have a real relationship with your Creator what we must do to be saved the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and much more only in the RT magazine will you get absolute clarity and Bible understanding including how popular doctrine develops and why you can read the restoration times magazine online at restorationtimes.org also for those who give a gift of $25 or more will receive a hard copy of this amazing resource don't delay open your mind to truth like never before by going online or giving to this important work you can donate online at donate.yrm.org or by calling one five seven three eight nine six one thousand monday through friday 8:00 to 4:00 central [Music] since after a meal I can welcome you again to shattering traditions we are once more in the Land of Israel near the city of Jerusalem and we left off talking about the law the Sabbath the feast days and show two examples many many examples so if you didn't see you want to back up and watch the segment of why the Sabbath and feast days of the law is still in effect we want to transition now to the ax Trinity many people believe that the was part of a triune relationship with his father we don't really find that in the Bible though so I want to you know with these uh folks here these are all elders within the sacred name of some from various parts including a elder Don here from the land of Israel Don I want to begin by generally well how did the Jews view the Trinity well it's very interesting sometimes I'll meet Orthodox Jews and they'll want to Kerrang or argue with you and they'll start out that way they'll say well you know the Trinity is pagan and I'll say absolutely and then I don't know where to go from there you just sort of cut them short in there yeah because it really if you look at it most pagan societies and pagan religions all had this triune deity and we don't understand that oh yeah they know that yes yeah so you know when I try to explain to them that look no I believe the father is one he's separated and it's only him and though Yeshua is the messenger of Yahweh or the Messiah in the Tanakh then they're good with that you know you're starting at a good starting point but when you're trying to start with the Trinity which we know it number one it makes no sense because I've never heard anybody really be able to explain because in one sentence they're telling you it's one and in one sentence they're saying they're three and even Trinitarians can't tell you the difference whether they're saying it's three or many scholars will define it or described as a mystery as great mystery disciple Stacey big moment cannot fathom or or or explain what are you all rest transition now because I just wanted to get a Dawn's perspective being here and you've been here in Israel 20 years so you understand the Jewish perspective which is really creating talking to you this week during this tour because you approach everything from the Jewish standpoint which is really great we approach things from a Christian standpoint coming from the States and it really is fascinating to see the different approaches so you know based on a Jewish thought again the Trinity just is not something that they believe in they really see it as humorous in many ways but a so let's transition I'll talk about why the father and son are not the same thing well you know I have a just just in like we have a lot of things on earth that we recognize and see the natural way things are and a father and son when you have that designation a father and the son are definitely separate there's never a time when the son is as great as his father because the father is the one that brought him to life and so I think you know as we walk in our relationships we see that working which is it which is an example or a you know something that reminds us of how the authority is in the heavens as well because everything's patterned from there but in Philippians 2 there's a there's a scripture that I just think it speaks right to this point verse 5 Philippians 2:5 says have this attitude in yourselves which was also in yahushua messiah who although he existed in the form of yahweh did not regard equality with yahweh a thing to be grasped and when you just contemplate then think about that I mean there has to be a separation because it's just not possible and I think that was understood by the early assembly you can look back and see just marks of time when certain doctrines took root and took mould and then you have to look from that point to see where they actually came from and I think the Trinity is one of those yeah absolutely anyone else I made one comment on here from mark 13 and this is part of the Olivet prophecy of Matthew 24 Luke 21 and Mark 13 but when Yeshua is telling all these things that are going to happen in the end time in verse 32 he says but concerning that day in the hour no one knows not the angels those in heaven nor the son except the father so is he saying if he's the father is he saying no one knows but me so it clearly shows it and the other thing that's even more important is when your shoe is on the tree of crucifixion and he's dying and he says a lawyer' lawyer' lama sabachthani my el my el why have you forsaken me did he forsake himself and did he really die because if it's the father are the same did he die and was he dead for three days and three nights in the grave and did his father resurrect him as it says in Psalm 16 that Yahweh says to the Messiah I will not leave your body in the grave to get corruption so I think from the standpoint of the Old Testament and the prophecies clearly we see they were not the same being well I think that's a great point just real quickly because logically speaking if they're the same thing who then resurrected the son now some will go so far as to say that where the son ever died he went into a Hell and preached the spirits and in there and but he never died so really there was no need for him to but the scripture says it the father resurrected him so regardless of what their theology is the Bible says a father resurrected his son or how do you resurrect yourself in and on that same line who d gotra pray to you know if they're the same thing is he praying to himself I mean it just makes no sense and the example you gave you know when he's under the state crying out for the father why you know they're one it's supposably anyway but anyway Alan do you have something I think take it even further if he didn't die then we have no remedy for our sins because the whole idea of the sacrificial animal back in the Old Testament was that sin requires a blood sacrifice he became our blood sacrifice in the New Testament if he did not die then we're still having to pay our own death penalty for our sins but we rely on him but if we don't have him if he lived on you know in some other way and never really died you know that they'll say well he that that's really Yahweh you know well then Yahweh died and then they're getting that same problem to resurrect himself I mean it well you know they wrestled with this back in the first several centuries of the New Testament era they wrestled with this over and over who are Vakili what is the substance of the Messiah and this a Phoenicia sand area so now the round and round all these different these councils that they called this was one of the big ones how do we do you know if it was cut and dried in Scripture why did they have to power this thing out that's always been my issue it it should be clear it should be unmistakable this is the foundation of faith and if it they can't figure it out and there's something wrong with the doctrine of God yeah or you know one of the things historically speaking if you look at it and you're right with that because there were no there was no cohesion in the early assembly or the early church the the Council of Nicaea 325 I believe it was but we know that during the council to see they established the least the relationship between the father and son and that was driven from Constantine and really that was a political motive there he wanted to solidify his kingdom and bring peace to the Roman Empire and he knew that to do that Christian Christianity had to be be at peace the other thing is to the Trinity wasn't really solidified until 381 and a 381 was a cancel of the Constantinople I think was the addo she's the first or the great over that normally the Roman Roman emperors would have reside over the councils but anyway that that's when they solidified that the Holy Spirit was also part of the Trinity but it literally took almost 400 years there were 350 years anyway to solidify the trineas and as Alan said if it was so obvious and apparent why 350 years I mean it really is faster when you look at it historically it should make people think hmm you know what why so long that's right you know and even whenever we're talking about Yeshua as the perfect representation of a person living out Torah on earth in Matthew 19 says someone came to him and as a teacher what good shoot what good thing shall I do that I may obtain or eternal life and he said to him why are you asking me about what's good there's only one that is good if you wish to enter life keep the commandments but even Yahshua who was a perfect human being on this earth sinless even he didn't consider himself good compared to the Father in heaven and I think what that shows and I've always have wondered about that and I've had questions of for many years different people asking why if he was without sin and I think the answer is Yahweh is so holy yes sir righteous that he is on a caliber all his own that's right and even though Yahshua was without sin Joshua's holiness is not the same as a father and I think that's a great example because it shows there that how can the father and son be of one if the father is greater and he brought up his death his execution and is crying out there but in the Garden of Gethsemane when he's when he's literally grieving about the upcoming sacrifice that's going to happen and and father you'll take this I would ask that you take this cup from me but not my will but thy will be done not what I want to leave this but but I'm going to do my father's will in heaven those are the things I'm done he continually defers to the Father's will and that I only do the things that my father tells me to do and the scripture says that whenever he was resurrected he ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven he's not sitting on his own lap you know it's sheriff you there's our key New Testament references to that 13 New Testament references to sitting on the right hand of the Father and episode that's that's definitely showing that there's two individuals in a throne room they're not yeah oh yeah that's a very good point going to do you have something well just really quickly I think that one of the troubles that we have with this particular issue is people want to put definitions on something because they see how something is working but if you look back at the root word of what we would call one or two be together it's really an akkad is to be united and there's there is a unity that happens and it's called reconciling man back and bringing salvation and there there are the ways that the Father has designed for that to happen through the Messiah of course the Holy Spirit is a guide for us and so it's easy to see why people get lost in this whole thing but the reality is is that they have they have the roles that the father made the plan to reconcile man back to himself and that's the that's a beautiful it doesn't really have to have a lot of definition and just really we just really need to know who we are and what he's doing for us and with us well I think the word of cod is very important because it does it shows a unity but not always in one person matter of fact in John 17 I'll just sort of paraphrase this because I want to talk also about the Holy Spirit quickly but Yahshua there is praying to the Father and again why pray to the Father but we've already driven that point home but he says let them be one as one as we are one so the question is how are we one here I mean we're not one person we have our own minds or our own bodies were but we should be or strive to be one in goal one in mind one in love one in care purpose and I think that's in same way yavan yas for one they're not one physically or you know and being I should say but but they're they're one in goal and I think the passage there in John 17 really is crucial actually on that when you look in Genesis where it says a man will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife and the two become one it's the same word yeah so like I said yeah it's it's not meaning one like one being its meaning like you said it's a unified word so let's transition these I I we we have only so much time the Trinity is something we can literally spend probably all day on because there's so much evidence against it really is amazing but let's talk about a Holy Spirit because they the Trinity basically says that the Father Son and the Holy Spirit or are three and the other one so the Holy Spirit is part of the equation and viewed as an actual being within this Trinitarian formula so how do we explain that I mean it is the Holy Spirit what we believe based on Scripture is it a being or is it something else no I think clearly the the Holy Spirit is more representative of the power of Yahweh the the anointing that comes upon a person to achieve the will of Yahweh and not an individual's never given a name you know you don't have a human name assigned to the to it like a father and son for riggs Yahweh and Yahshua they have a name right it says the Holy Spirit absolutely and not a good point a personal name there Alan GI something yeah this speaks to the essence of what we just talked about here what Yahshua is with his father he says in John 15 believe me that I am in the father and the father and me or else believe me for the very works sake how was he in the father and how was the father in him through the Holy Spirit all things were created by Yahweh through the power the Holy Spirit and with Yahshua as the acting agent so it all speaks to the same thing spirit being ruach ha'qodesh and pneuma hagion and the Greek both mean the exact same thing power like the wind when that when the spirit hovered over the face of the deep in Genesis 1 it was it was the power that was putting all these molecules together to create a to create an earthen really the whole universe so so you're saying that the Holy Spirit is is not a being bit of power in essence well for one thing look at this it doesn't have a name it was never prayed to that should speak passionately you know that we have a Trinitarian booklet there - with the ministry and one of the points we bring out on the booklet which i think is just such an important point is not once not once is always sure pray - and not even once does Paul used all his burden as a salutation of readings he never says something like greetings in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit never not once not one time and I pointed that out to people and they're amazing really and I said okay look at it and they look at it it's like really I just shocked tell me they just assumed but now not once does does Paul refer to the Holy Spirit in his greetings one other point - if you ever want to really get into this and look at how the church looks at these doctrines pick up things like Roman Catholic Encyclopedia or the Baptist encyclopedia it's amazing how honest they are and when they try to explain the Trinity they go they go page after page around and round and round because they have no firm evidence so they got to build their own case through their own study you know of what they've what they supposedly believe when someone does that talks too much yeah our flag when I think James you know he showed that the tagging is amiss gems is a long history of taking beliefs maybe it's dawn that talked about that but it's true that the Hindus the Egyptians that you look at the ancient cultures many of them believed in some sort of Trinitarian formula Don is since you have the mic there and I know we were talking about this this week explain how the Jews view the Ruach the spirit yes well the word Ruach literally means wind so that's what they look at it they look at they never looked at the Holy Spirit as a being or a person or anything Shepherd that we've looked at as as the in a matter of fact in Hebrew when you say rock rock very literally breathing like me and that that's the way it was always looked at from from the Tanakh that it's it's the power of Yahweh and I've heard people say almost like electricity you know like it's a current it's something that's living but it's not something that's separate from Yahweh it doesn't have its own mind it doesn't have its own wheels right it's not a separate being it's literally the power of Yahweh that's work and like I said is though the rock is hovering in Genesis on you know it's not a person just hanging over there yeah oh it's always power that's there and like I said to to the religious year it's actually comical when they look at what with Christianity beliefs of the Holy Spirit being like this person cuz like in Scripture and anything you never ever see you don't even see even in early New Testament writings of like the Holy Spirit being of being that cumbersome you just never see it you never see a persona fight and you know I would think because if you go back again you look at the history of the quote church you're going to realize that the church initially was really just another sect of Judaism you know scholars have made the observation and many scholars many historians oh they'll say things like uh you know in the beginning people would have viewed the Assembly of the New Testament assembly it's really just in their second Judaism like the Sadducees the Pharisees the Essenes or the Herodians whatever you know my point being with all that is we really need to go back to the Hebraic mindset and the Hebraic mindset doesn't view Ruach as he holy or as a person but it's essence or as power and and that's what we find also in the New Testament Aled maybe I just want to clarify what I said written about the cyclopædia their honesty sometimes for instance like the Sabbath so yeah we know that the thing that would say is the sad lesson tit but that we we worship on Sunday as as our worship day so they make command at 4.5 you know and so you know what when it comes to things like this you'll say we just can't understand it if you take it on faith and go ahead and try to explain it yeah I'll try to try to prove it what it really is but you know you find this all over the place or where so much so much deception involved if it's useful description you know I'm not the Sabbath day is is very clear in the commandment see me again you know he said work six days rest the cell 7 and as we've had people say well I I keep every day holy well then I guess you work every day and then we should which me yes but anyway and there's many many Emily again we could talk all day long because there's so many and it's just crazy how many differences in contradictions we find between the church and the real Messiah and we've just really touched on the surface there there's many many more topics and you know I would encourage matter of fact let's do that real quickly Allan I'll let you speak to the ministry since we're both from Yahweh's restoration ministry but I'm going to just go down the line here and you all can sort of give the web page and again who you are and if they want to check you out and read more about this your break faith that they can do that so Alan why don't you give our information maybe again the you know who we are then the URL and how they can contact us we're always restoration ministry located in Holts Summit Missouri and web site is wire org we our congregation of Yahweh Jerusalem here in the Holy Land in our website is WWE yhw H I'm James King one of the pastor's at the Assembly of Yahweh's seventh day in Cisco Texas and that website is Hallelujah org h al lel you why aah dot o-r-g god Dwayne Wilson from Sterling Illinois and the assembly there Shalom Assembly of Yahweh that's poor is name.com and I'm also the director of reach Rihanna International Ministries and that's reach for Yahweh that work I just want to say you know it's really been a blessing to be here with you guys it's just terrific and I think it's great you know we have four different centers represented here and to have the cohesion the unity and to be able to come to Israel speak to the word and it has a cohesion we have it's really been outstanding I like to I just think each one of you for being part of this prep and assuring the word because not only is that our just a great experience of being here in the Holy Land that you know being able to hear the word with not only one another but also with those who will watch this is a tremendous blessing to this day I think Thank You each and every one for coming to the trip and being a part of this so a special experience and also like to thank you those watching and pray that this has been a blessing to you from shattering traditions Yahweh's restoration ministry it is indeed a blessing to be able to help people understand the word and as I pray that it's going to blossom to you and we would encourage you to visit the different sites at different symbols here and I'm sure if you're new to the faith that you're just going to be amazed at the knowledge you will find there so until next time may Yahweh bless in the land of Israel solo thank you for joining us for another episode of shattering traditions this program is an outreach of Yahweh's restoration ministry for all our materials including free booklets in the RT magazine visit our web-site yrm.org e get your copy of the restoration study bible the book that's changing hearts and minds around the world visit store dot yrm.org keep up to date with ministry news and events by liking us on our Facebook page facebook.com forward slash Y around subscribe to our shattered traditions YouTube channel and see all our latest videos this ministry is only possible by the tithes and offerings of our members and supporters to donate by phone call toll-free 1-800 eight nine nine six four three eight or online at donate.yrm.org until next week remember to search the Bible remove religious baggage and join our mission at our tradition [Music]
Channel: Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
Views: 201,207
Rating: 4.3573833 out of 5
Keywords: false christian doctrine, how to discern true christianity from false doctrine, examples of false doctrine in christianity, list of false christian doctrines, popular false christian doctrine, false doctrines in the christian church, exposing fase christian doctrine, exposing false doctrine, christian errors, pagan christian doctrine, pagan christian teachings, exposing false church doctrine, pagan trinity in history, is the sabbath on sunday?, is the sabbath on saturday?
Id: oSQdQkNt3XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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