7 New COWS That Minecraft Should Add!

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give me your milk beautiful people do you like cows because i love cats i chatted with this guy eric he has a family owned farm in colorado and this place was so cool 2500 cows so we decided to add seven new cows to minecraft and the best part is america's dairy farmers are sponsoring this video if you guys want to learn more about it go to the link in the description usdairy.com these 2500 cows have cross-ventilated barns which provide outstanding cow comfort with evenly distributed airflow and controlled energy efficient lighting from a light density they are lavishly taken care of but also in a responsible manner to the environment beautiful people if you're like me you probably love dairy products okay this cow i think this cow has taken a liking to me shoop you probably saw the title of this youtube video with seven new cows that we had custom added into minecraft just for today's episode for you people we built this minecraft map out of inspiration of a real dairy farm we did a virtual tour on this real life farm had over 2500 cows there are only like eight minecraft cows inside of here okay like that's it like youtubers over 95 of dairy farms small and large are family owned and operated so anyways we got farmer tim we're moving on we have a big objective in this video today we have to find the golden dairy cow she went off somewhere so this is the caller for the golden dairy cow radio frequency id caller otherwise known as rfid this collar was used in the dairy farm in real life it was on every single cow we're talking about 2 500 cows it's a lot of cows it's a lot of milk it's a lot of dairy it's like a cow's fitbit to let the farmer know about their temperature their overall health and well-being that's what i'm saying i'm getting jealous of these dairy cows they're treated so well it would even tell you how much activity the cows put in for the day so you know if the cow needs more exercise or not and they get the information to their phone like a text message no they don't even have to go to their computer to get the information from the cows it just gets sent to their phone the last time i went to a dairy farm when i was a kid there weren't robots and machines they have come so far this is our first cat ladies and gentlemen the curdled cow also can we just say you would take a moment to appreciate how beautiful the curdled cow is [Music] i just love it [Music] i love the cheese look at the little cheese head it's like when you're playing in mangas and it's like is it i swear in a manga there's like a cheese hat anyways oh look at this okay so like if you feed i think this is a little bit overpowered oh by the way do me a quick favor if you guys love dairy as much as me hit that like button on this video you can feed the curdle cow wheat and you get cheese wedges tell me you don't want to see this in vanilla minecraft and not only is this delicious and nutritious but the wedge of cheddar cheese gives you increased strength it basically is like a strength potion but better because like look at this you can okay so instead of having to like normally when you break a barrel with your fist you have to hold left click it takes a few seconds it takes too much time no all you have to do is double click the barrel and it instantaneously explodes and like with any good infomercial but wait there's more four cheese wedges turn into the super cheese wedge a wheel of cheese that greatly increases strength and health when you eat this bad boy look at how much health you get boom look at that i think i got an extra three hearts and you can literally just break blocks with one punch look at this honestly it's a little overpowered like you don't even need to use mining tools anymore look at this this is actually although i will admit i feel bad for my colonel my poor cow over here is now going to be left in the dust listen you see this beautiful cow so the second cow we have has two heads this is the two-headed dairy cow that for some reason will not let me milk it please two headed dairy cow can you please please stand still good there we go thank you so much you get the multi-milk with this bad boy it's milk but extra all right so i i mean honestly i'm dying of laughing but check this out so we are going to put our multi milk inside of the brewing stand with our blaze powder put a few water bottles in there now check this out and you get the splash potion of both valentine did i pronounce that i think it's splash potion of bovality a potion that spreads the bovine beauty meaning you could basically you can turn other animals and minecraft into full-grown cows with this potion once again like a good infomercial there's more ladies and gentlemen we need more multi milk to make the next potion this time we're gonna make an awkward potion before adding in the multi milk and obviously once again one of the big reasons we're doing this video is i want to bring awareness to how sustainable america's dairy farmers really are and how much they help out with all the dairy products you guys don't even understand you understand that's why i'm trying to help you understand bringing more awareness with this video you know what i'm saying now we put in the multi milk into the awkward potion and you get something beautiful guys i'm gonna warn you right now these potions are potent okay the super potion of bovality we grow our own hordes and we get speed four and then also jump boos because why not because milk makes you bone strong also you explode when you hit the ground because why not farmers have now taken all the innovative technology that we have and cell phones gps all that cool stuff and basically put it in their farms and have made it into a technology haven i saw cows being fed by robots machines milking the cows knowing how much milk to extract from the cow yet so delicately that the cow basically didn't even notice what was going on it's it's insane like the technology that these dairy farms have now whether they're like a big family or a small farm is unreal all dairy cows are beautiful including the guardian cow this cow was getting into a little bit of trouble as you can see often you will find the guardian cow inside of the caves most likely trying to kill zombies and skeletons why i don't know i don't even need to help out the guardian cow i got my hands up right now i mean look at this this cow don't even care just let me take out those okay seriously i thought maybe you would need a little bit of my help now it just says i got you the guardian cow banks you with some loot i literally didn't even do anything i like her eyes she's got like these pretty like emerald looking eyes other than being a beautiful guardian cow you do get the full iron guardian cow set a lot of you people watching are like me and you love the planet god bless us with and dairy farmers do too they're always trying to innovate their farms making it more economically sustainable and of course environmentally friendly and you can't tell me that dairy is not both nutritious and delicious because boy i eat dairy almost every single day we've got the green hoof heifers cow this bad boy right here just like its name in states turns everything it touches into green look at this fun fact for you guys when i was touring the virtual farm of the cows they had beds of sand because apparently the cows love it and it stays nice and cool but look at this this cow will turn the sand back into regular grass blocks and if you walk it over like any crops and vegetables boom instantaneously turns the seeds into wheat and i think it works also do we have any i wonder does it work on carrots look at this honestly dude if a cow like this existed in real life this would be so cool also i love the name the green hoof cow yet i do not see any green hooves nor does the cow look green i feel like this cow should have been the guardian cow in terms of looks and then the guardian cow should look like this oh wait a second yo finally we found the golden dairy cow put on your rfid collar all right no no what are you doing stop it okay i know this cow is massively overpowered but this is breaking this is breaking minecraft just a little bit can you stop how am i supposed to get you back bruh all right the golden dairy cow has left the building ladies and gentlemen so this next cow is very interesting we call it the brazen cow the funny thing is about this gal is you actually have to make it i've never crafted a cow in my entire minecraft career experience but today we are changing that up by the way if you've enjoyed the video so far make sure you guys hit that subscribe button if it's red go and make it grey i'd appreciate that very much this bull or cow you actually feed it iron ingots and then it turns them into a new type of ingot so now we're going to take our ingots feed it to the brazen bull and he is going to spit out a different type of material you got to give them both gold and iron ingots you got to feed them charcoal as well but look at this spits out blazing brass we're gonna take the new ingots and we're gonna turn it into the blazing brass saddle a saddle for only the rarest animals if you haven't figured out already we need the saddle in order to tame the golden dairy cow because clearly it's a little unruly and a very rare creature kind of like one of those rare legendary dog pokemon also can we have a moment just to appreciate how epic this cow looks it's got like a furnace on the side of it i love its eyes i mean maybe i'm biased because my minecraft character is basically the same color scheme as the brazen cow but it looks so good i don't want any jokes about this cow in the comments okay all these dairy cows are precious to me but this is the albino cow you give this cow a golden ingot and it starts to hunt for treasure why once again we don't exactly know why there's seven new cows for a reason okay if minecraft wants to add any of these cows into the vanilla version of minecraft i more than so welcome them to do so this cow is basically looking for any buried treasure um in the nearby location you gotta admit too like it's a pretty cool looking cow like i like the red eyes it's got some anime vibes which i appreciate so far out of all the cows we've shown you let me know down below in the comments which one you would like to have particularly in your minecraft world wait did the cow just disappear okay dude i can't lose sight of the albino cow wait a second has the albino cow found the treasure i think ladies and gentlemen she has oh hey look at this potion of invisibility and three diamonds thank you handsome cow i appreciate your generous efforts into helping us find the treasure we cannot forget our main objective we gotta get the golden dairy cow hey good job getting the collar on the golden dairy cow earlier she has stopped moving so now is a good time to go and get her i'll give you the coordinates make sure not to scare her away bro i'm literally getting roasted by a farming robot this ain't happening to me chief stop running okay come on yes don't move don't move dadgummit listen we spent this entire episode trying to hunt you down and yate yes yes we have saddled the golden dairy cow bro we are so fast when you run through a sheep it actually deals damage to them and when you jump look at this i could see multiple chunks from one job oh and also you take no fall damage by the way on the look at this you fall into a ravine get a golden dairy cow i prepared this beautiful golden barn for the golden dairy cow because i mean come on she's a she's a rare gal gotta treat her right you know it has been done finally we've recovered the golden dairy cow so this thing is epic we've got a ton of different recipes that we can make with a golden dairy cow using its special golden milk excuse me golden dairy cow i just need to borrow a couple of items she's looking at me like yeah what are you doing you just want me for my gold milk first thing we're making using a snowball sugar and the golden milk we can make the ice cream recipe look at this i love milk and cheese ice cream has also got to be one of my favorite dairy products i mean come on if it ain't made with real whole milk it ain't ice cream just like with the other food products if you eat the golden ice cream you get a massive amount of absorption hearts like one piece of golden ice cream eight absorption pumps we saved the best for last this is the golden cake recipe oh my it looks so good why don't i want this in real life i need dude i need to do a video where i make nothing but golden minecraft cakes look at this look at the amount of absorption hearts we get i can't even see how many hearts we have anymore what is this like 80 bonus points if you guys can count how many hearts we have in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video big shout out again to america's dairy farmers for sponsoring this video wouldn't be possible without them if you want any more information go to usdairy.com thank you so much for watching have a fantastic day and i will see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 1,696,776
Rating: 4.9338775 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: pVgsNojEyII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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