7 Legit Data entry jobs from home to make money online in 2020 - 2021 (BEGINNER FRIENDLY)

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oftentimes i get asked laura how can i get started as a freelancer and by the way i have no skills and while i can't believe that and i honestly truly believe that everybody must have some skills what i do tend to recommend to these people who are just starting out on their freelancing journey is to look into data entry opportunities they are low level of skill low level of experience really low level of risk and commitment type of job opportunities and i think pretty much anybody can do them so for today i thought i'd share with you seven legit data entry jobs from home that you can do as well so you can start making money online and working remotely if that's what you want to so if you want to know more then stick around and keep on watching hey welcome back to superhumans the place to be if you're looking to create a fabulous career and master your life if you're new around here hi my name is laura very nice to meet you i'm the founder of superhumans on this channel we talk all about working from home and freelancing so you if you want to hear more tips and tricks about career success and happiness then be sure to subscribe and also make sure you hit the notification bell as well so youtube lets you know every sunday when we post a new video my question for you today is are you ready to start a freelancing career comment below yes and let me know well with that out of the way let me get straight into the video and talk about the seven legit data entry jobs that you can do from home so you can start making money online today all right but before we go into the video and talk about the details i've prepared for you today let me do one thing first let me clarify what data entry services actually refers to because there is a bit of confusion here and i want to explain what you should expect when it comes to offering data entry services on the one hand you have transcription services and that is a whole other field or a whole field in and of itself and i'm not going to talk about it today because i made a whole video talking about freelance transcription jobs which by the way if you haven't watched make sure you go ahead and watch that one as soon as this one is over i'm going to link it down below and pop the thumbnail here so you know what i'm talking about the other type of data entry jobs could be any type of the following tasks that i'm going to mention on the one hand you could be asked to convert a certain data set from one format to another so you're given a pdf file and you're asked to convert it into an excel table the second type of task you could get is you're given a set of documents like invoices or receipts and you're asked to pick certain fields and input that data into let's say a bookkeeping system the third type of data entry jobs that you could do would be to classify and tag different types of images and this would be further used for ai and machine learning training but the task you're given has nothing to do with computer science you're just given 20 cats pictures and you have to create tags that explain what's in the picture the fourth type and by the way this is not an extensive list it's just to give you an idea of what data entry services could mean a fourth type could be that you are given a topic that you need to research and your customer gives you a specific format that you should put all the findings in so you're given a template in a word document or you're given an excel file or you have to create a csv document where you include all of the findings based on the research that you are hired to do so as you can see pretty much all of these are simple super straightforward tasks that shouldn't require any skills and that you can do even if you have really no experience in terms of data entry now you will see there are some companies that have some let's say more strict requirements when it comes to enrolling on their platform but there's something for everyone and if you can't find something at the beginning make sure you stick around because there's something for you as well all right so the first one that i would like to talk about is what almost feels like the veteran in this field and it is axion and axion data services is a company that is very well known in terms of data entry offering they are a little bit more strict in terms of their enrollment requirements in the sense that they would like you to have two to three years of data entry experience they would like you to have a minimum typing speed of 15 000 keystrokes per hour so essentially that's more or less the equivalent of 50 to 60 words per minute and that you are based out of the us another thing that they ask is that once you register and create a profile if you want your profile to be a member of their network you are asked to pay five or seven or ten dollars depending on the period of time that you would like your profile to be included in their network so the time that you want to be a member of the axion network honestly i don't believe that this is a huge investment i also believe that partnering with axion would be a really good way for you to start as a freelancer especially if you do meet the criteria that i mentioned at the beginning other than that really data entry services is something that you can do without a whole lot of effort and without necessarily having to go through lots of training and lots of practice as long as you have the typing speed that they ask for and of course if you're based out of the u.s for my viewers from outside of the us i will come to some options that are available and applicable to you as well so make sure you stick around number two is die dion data and this is again another authority when it comes to data entry services they are one of those companies that have been doing this for a long time and have been doing it really successfully now a few reasons why i really like them and why i suggest them well number one is because they provide training so you don't have to go ahead and enroll into training regarding data entry services on your own dion data will help you and provide that for you however i do believe that if you're not trained in terms of data entry and you want to start a freelancing business around this topic then you might as well go ahead and get some training on your own now the second thing why i really really like dion data and why i believe they are one of those companies that you would like to partner with and support as well is because they are an equal rights employer so they will offer the same type of opportunities and equal rights to everybody without making any discrimination when it comes to background ethnicity race education or any other differentiator so i think this is a really really cool thing really a really important aspect that should convince you to look into on data now another important thing to mention is that they do require that you are a us citizen so for those of you outside of the u.s this unfortunately will not be open for you at the moment if you are a u.s citizen then do make sure you look into dion data i truly believe they are a great opportunity at the moment they are not hiring they don't have any open opportunities but they are worthwhile keeping an eye out for and whenever they have new open roles make sure you consider them number three is actually a platform similar to the ones that i mentioned in some of my previous videos which i'm going to link down below and this is clickworker and what clickworker does is essentially is a company that provides support in the development and creation of ai models and machine learning but for that to happen they need human intelligence that is able to support the training and the correction of the model so they will hire you to help with simple straightforward tasks like completing surveys like proofreading like running research and filling in the output into a given format like we've discussed or categorizing data so any type of these entry-level data entry services is available on clickworker and actually even more there is even cooler ones like mystery shopping where you go and shop in a store and then you provide your feedback and talk about your experience to audio recordings picture taking and lots more but data entry is definitely one of the areas that they would hire you for the enrollment process is super easy and straightforward there are a few assessments that they do mention on their website but they don't expect that you have any experience and you can be based literally anywhere in the world it works for everybody not just for those based out of the us or canada like the ones i've mentioned before so all in all clickworker is one of the platforms that i think is perfect for you to consider if you're just starting out as a freelancer and you want to look into data entry services the types of activities and tasks that they would hire you for are very easy and straightforward do not require any experience and no matter the level of skill you believe you have you should be able to do that all right number four that i want to talk to you about today is microworkers.com and in a way it is similar to the one i just mentioned before in the sense that there are multiple types of data entry services that they offer so there is a broad range of tasks but on micro workers we're not talking about any ai model training here they specialize in outsourcing micro tasks so they will have everything from electricity meter reading to picture categorization to video quality rating to survey answers and everything in between there's literally tons and tons and tons of different types of very straightforward easy micro tasks that companies want to outsource and they use a platform like micro workers to outsource those tasks to people like you so the enrollment process is quite easy and straightforward they do ask you a few questions but nothing really out of this world you should be able to enroll and go through the questionnaire and then get a profile on their website and on in their network once that is finalized you can start working on the tasks that are outsourced on their platform and start making money as i said there is no expectation for you to have any experience or any specific skills and you should be able to start providing those services quite quickly as long as you're able to address the requirements and categorize pictures or answer survey questions you should be good to go number five is a lion bridge smart crowd and this again is a crowdsourcing platform where companies come and outsource some easy straightforward micro tasks that they want people like you to help support with and lionbridge also offers machine learning as well as human sourced services so you can either offer the second or help train the algorithm for the first they will there will always be work for you and they do work with tons and tons and tons of freelancers worldwide so definitely there's a place for you in there as well now in terms of their enrollment process this is let's say a bit more complex than some of the other ones where you just create a profile and you're good to go here once you create the profile you then need to go through an assessment phase where you have to take a quiz and then your profile needs to be validated and reviewed by the lion bridge team but once you're done with this and your profile is enrolled onto their network then it should be quite easy and straightforward for you because you're part of the network you are a member and you don't even need to go and chase task after task they will assign that for you so it makes it a lot easier for you once you become a member even if it might not be as straightforward and instant gratification type of enrollment process where you create the profile and you're done in a second this one will probably take a little bit longer just a few days maybe it's not in my opinion that complex and it should be doable and the effort should be worthwhile if you really want to get into this so definitely consider lion branch lion bridge smart crowd i think they're worthwhile looking into and you should have a future in terms of collaborating with them on a longer term not just on a one time only basis all right number six is a place that i've mentioned in one of my previous videos as well where i was talking about freelance translation jobs and if you haven't watched that one and you speak multiple languages then make sure you go ahead and watch it as soon as this one is over that might be something you want to look into as well but coming back to data entry services the place that i want to talk to you about today is append.com and append.com is a company that also offers machine learning and ai model services and they offer different types of collaboration with different types of freelancers that are able to support that process for them and last time i was talking about translation services because one of the things that they do with their machine learning is automate translation from one language to another but today i want to talk about even simpler tasks like answering surveys or collecting collecting data which is again something that they would be outsourcing to you no matter the level of skill or experience that you have and the output that you provide they would then use to train the model that they're building so if you're able to complete successfully and at high quality this type of work like survey answering or data collection then you should be a good fit with append.com and in terms of enrollment process that is very very straightforward you literally only have to create a profile and you're good to go also when it comes to payment they pay through paypal so you need to have a verified paypal account and that's it so very easy collaboration with appin.com certainly something that you can find in there in terms of micro tasks and i definitely believe that you should look into them if you want to find legit data entry jobs from home that you can do today all right and number seven is again another place that i mentioned in one of my previous videos which is the freelance job sites video that i recently posted and this is guru.com and while in that video i was saying that i don't feel they have lots and lots of opportunities and that their offering pool might not be the broadest i've seen there are definitely a good amount of opportunities for data entry services this is actually one of the categories or a sub category that you can find on guru.com so if you go there and create a profile and you go and search under business and administration one of the subcategories of this big business and administration category is data entry services and while there might not be tons of opportunities there's always a good amount so definitely go and look into that there might be something for you and the application as i said is easy you just need to create a profile and then submit an offering for the job that you would like to work on the difference there is that you would be bidding for the jobs that are published on guru.com like you would on some of the other platforms for example upwork or some others so maybe not as easy when it comes to competition but certainly something you want to look into and that would be very suitable for you if you're just starting out on your freelancing journey all right that is it for today like this video if you liked it and be sure to subscribe if you haven't done so also please share with a friend who might also be interested in starting out as a freelancer it would help me a lot spread the word if you haven't done so i would love to share with you my freelancer success formula it is something that i have put together and that has helped me for the last 15 years and it has always led me to success and i would love for you to have that as well today it is completely free and just one click away i'll make sure to link it down below so you have access to it just now last but not least make sure you join us on facebook we have lots of fun and there's lots of very nice inspirational motivational content that you don't want to miss out on with that being said i hope you create everyday magic i hope you have a lovely day and a lovely week and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: SuperHumans Life
Views: 144,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data entry jobs from home, legit data entry jobs, data entry, jobs from home, legit data entry jobs online, data entry job, data entry tutorial, data entry jobs work from home, data entry jobs from home without investment, legit data entry jobs 2020, data entry jobs work from home 2020, remote data entry jobs, remote data entry jobs from home, data entry clerk, micro jobs, data entry jobs online 2020, data processing jobs 2020, remote date entry jobs 2020, superhumans.life
Id: EiYZ2j7lKbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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