7 Health Benefits of Baking Soda | How To Improve Your Health

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- Welcome to MarcusG.tv. I'm Chef Marcus Guiliano. I'm a chef on a mission. So I get a lot of questions, if I drink or consume baking soda every day. If you've been on my YouTube channel or if you caught me through a baking soda video, my couple baking soda videos I have are by far my most popular videos on my YouTube channel. There's some great information, and in the one video that I did several years back, I touted that I was doing baking soda on a regular basis. Well, of course, things change, we change. Health conditions change, and I don't do baking soda every day anymore. So what I do want to talk about the benefits of baking soda and the times that I use baking soda. So the times that I use baking soda, I do it before or after a endurance, a longer endurance run. Something that I'm out for maybe two, three hours, as it helps dump lactic acid out of your body. I also take baking soda when I have digestion issues, which doesn't happen much at all. For the first time this year, it's October, end of October, I actually had something fried the other day and it wasn't because I ordered it or because I wanted it. It was because it was put down in front of me and I didn't want to be disrespectful, and it was a samosa with a chickpea gravy and so I didn't want to be disrespectful, so I actually ate it. But I could feel afterwards... I said, "Man, this fried food is just sitting in me" and it just didn't feel right, so baking soda was in order after that. So baking soda aids in digestion, heartburn, things like that. So those are the two times that I really take baking soda. There is another time if I consume too much alcohol, which I don't try to do that. I typically don't drink that much at all, but since I own a restaurant, I do consume. I do taste, and I do enjoy really good wine. And I do enjoy really good beer, especially hoppy IPAs. But as far as getting drunk, I typically don't do that. However, if I do drink too much, like sometimes I do go to wine tastings and I will get carried away. That's when another time that baking soda is in order. It helps, of course, dump lactic acid, clean your body up. So it helps with something... It helps with hangovers. So I'm on Dr. Whitaker's site. Dr. Whitaker is a well-known cardiologist, natural cardiologist and he has this thing on his website, seven benefits of baking soda, 7 Health Benefits of Baking Soda. Now he is a heart doctor and I guess he is endorsing baking soda. So if that answers your question if you have high blood pressure and baking soda, this might be a good resource for you to investigate Dr. Whitaker, W-H-I-T-A-K-E-R, Dr. Whitaker. I've followed Dr. Whitaker for years and one of the first videos I ever saw from him. It wasn't until he started doing natural approaches that he said he started curing people of heart disease. And that was years and years and years ago, he started doing that. So he's very well known as far as cardiologists, heart doctors. So seven uses of baking soda. Now he references everything, so if you want to go to his website, drwhitaker.com, you'll see all of his references there. I'm going to try to keep this video short, so I'm not going to list all the references, but here we go. Seven uses of baking soda. Seven uses of baking soda for health. Number one benefit, kidney disease. Bicarbonate is an alkaline substance naturally produced in the body that buffers acids. It keeps pH in check. People that have chronic kidney disease, which is most often caused by diabetes or hypertension, poorly functioned kidneys have a hard time removing acid from the body. This often results in a condition known as metabolic acidosis. And he lists some studies here for that. Health benefit number two of sodium bicarbonate is cancer. There's a lot of great resources out there on cancer. Dr. Mark Sircus, Dr. Tooley, so there's some really good work on baking soda and cancer. If you have cancer or if you're concerned about cancer, definitely go look up some more resources. There's a lot of work out there. There's a lot of information on there about that. And, of course, baking soda is super cheap. Benefit number three. Occasional heartburn ingestion, just like that I had mentioned. Ingestion heartburn, works phenomenal. It works within like 15 seconds. You can start feeling the difference. So it's just a teaspoon in a pint of water. I do 16 ounces of water and a teaspoon. I put the baking soda in first, then I pour the water on top so it kind of like stirs it in naturally, and then I take a spoon and I stir and I let it sit a good minute, let it all dissolve and then I chug it back. Dermatological conditions. British researchers found that adding a half a cup of baking soda to bath water soothed itches and irritation in patients with psoriasis. That's another good thing. So any kind of skin condition, acne, whatever. I've seen people use it for. Natural deodorant. Simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to create a milky liquid. Rub it on your feet and underarms. I've seen a lot of people do that in the natural health world. Oral health. Of course, lots of toothpaste has baking soda in it, and that's why. Removal of plaque, of course, is one of the most beneficial things. Number seven, athletic performance, just as I was talking about earlier. When taken before intense exercises, sodium bicarbonate buffers a lactic acid that builds up in hard working muscles, delays fatigue, and enhances athletic performance. So in a sense it's like an energy drink. If you look online and you get a natural energy... If you want to make your own natural electrolyte drink 'cause we don't want to drink Gatorade. One of the ingredients in a natural electrolyte drink is sodium bicarbonate along with other certain minerals and salts, but sodium bicarbonate is one of the things that's in there that's in every recipe that I've found. And here's a note on the bottom. Although sodium bicarbonate contains quite a bit of sodium, it does not raise blood pressure. The hypertensive effect of salt, sodium chloride, comes from the combination of sodium and chloride, not from sodium bicarbonate. So that's interesting. So Dr. Whitaker's saying that. Of course he's a heart doctor, so you have to understand that he has experience in this so if anybody asks that question, will it raise blood pressure. I'm not the doctor, but Dr. Whitaker is, so he's saying that it's not. That's something that's very interesting, 'cause a lot of people that I know are afraid also to take sodium bicarbonate and the doctors, even the heart doctors I know, are afraid to tell their patients, 'cause I've had people ask their cardiologists and their doctors say, "No, no, no, no, no." Well Dr. Whitaker's saying that that's not a problem whatsoever. So, benefits of baking soda. Now here's another benefit of baking soda. It is an amazing cleaner. It's not a health benefit, but it's an amazing cleaner. We had some grease spilled up on a wall in our kitchen and had somebody start cleaning it, and they were using soap, they were using vinegar, they were scrubbing it. And I'm looking at him, and I'm like man this wall, this corner of this wall is just really built up, 'cause we started moving some shelves. And I said, "You know what, try some baking soda." And, of course, mixed baking soda and water, got a rag, put it on the wall, and the grease immediately lifted right off the wall (snap) just like that. It was amazing, the dishwasher that was doing it, he was like, "I can't believe this is working. I can't believe this." And I said, "Baking soda is good for a lot of things, like I told you." So benefits of baking soda. I'm Chef Marcus Guiliano. Thanks for watching this video. If you like my video, please hit like. Subscribe to my channel and definitely pass it on. And definitely check out my other baking soda videos. And while you're at it, check out MarcusG.tv or ChefonaMission.com. ChefonaMission.com, you'll find a bunch of interesting links and don't forget to click the link to my green certified restaurant.
Channel: Marcus Guiliano
Views: 821,329
Rating: 4.5329003 out of 5
Keywords: Sodium Bicarbonate (Chemical Compound), Health (Industry), baking soda, health, cancer, heart burn, digestion, kidney health, Natural, how to, how to health, natural health, alkaline, pH, Dr Whitaker, Naturopathy (Field Of Study), acid reflux, 7 Health Benefits of Baking Soda, baking soda for health, natural toothpaste, natural deodorant, heart disease, kidnery disease
Id: 3nTm2mmtn9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 24 2014
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