Health Benefits Of Baking Soda | Most People Don't Know This!

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in this video I'll uncover the health benefits of baking soda hi ladies and gentlemen I'm doctor zorroski and welcome back to the channel now if you're new to the channel it's a pleasure to have you here be sure to subscribe hit that Bell notification and join our notification community so I can help you excel your health and your life in this video we're talking about the health benefits of baking soda this is a really incredible topic because this is a really simple remedy that most people have right in their kitchen that they didn't know had so many uses especially when it comes to their health so let's talk about this topic and dive right in first here what we want to do is use it for oral hygiene okay many toothpastes actually have baking soda in it and it's for a good reason and so you can use it for plaque removal it's known to whiten your teeth up and you can also use it as a mouthwash because it acts as an antibacterial and antimicrobial which is very powerful for you know avoiding cavities and when we look at using it for plaque removal and whitening your teeth you can actually just take your toothbrush dip it into some baking soda and then brush it and so it has a little bit of an abrasive quality to it that it's gonna help whiten your teeth up and remove that plaque make sure it's deodorant so a lot of people like to make natural deodorant because many of the deodorants in the store are full of different chemicals and toxins and so you know putting those different toxins and chemicals in your armpit every day is not going to help improve your health in any way so when people go and make their own deodorant they'll use baking soda in many cases because it's a natural deodorizer and so putting some baking soda with coconut oil and some other different mixtures you can make your own homemade deodorant so you can look up some recipes online as to how you can make that if that's something you're interested in but once again it's a great natural deodorant next year is kidney disease so it's very powerful for your kidney health and typically when we look at people who are suffering from kidney disease essentially they're gonna have a buildup of lactic acid in the body and essentially it leads to metabolic acidosis and this is a big problem and so using the baking soda will help buffer this acid and balance the pH in a study what they found was is with 134 adults with chronic kidney disease they supplemented with baking soda and there were 36 percent less likely to have to develop rapid kidney failure so this is something that is very very critical for someone who is suffering from a kidney problem using some baking soda is very powerful in this case so what you do is you just mix it up in some water drink it and it's gonna help your kidney health especially if you're suffering from some sort of kidney disease and when we look at the kidneys if you're suffering from high blood pressure if you're suffering from you know diabetes or any of these things that actually tear up the kidneys you want to make sure that you're working to reverse them so you don't have to think about chronic kidney disease down the road next is cancer many forward-thinking doctors that deal with cancer in many cases are having their patients go and drink some water with baking soda in it because basically it's gonna increase the pH of the acidic tumors and help stop them from metastasizing so it's going to inhibit that metastasis and it's going to help reverse this cancer problem so basically like I said forward-thinking doctors are utilizing this when it comes to cancer in their patients next year's heartburn so there's many reasons that people suffer from heartburn some of them are stress greasy foods overeating stomach alkalinity and late night snacking now when you look at baking soda we can use this to help reduce the heartburn now I always say that you know using the baking soda is a short-term problem and the reason I say it's a short-term problem is because typically when you have heartburn is due to stomach alkalinity and the stomach just isn't functioning correctly so when we want to go in reverse heartburn many people are actually using apple cider vinegar so they're putting acid on what most people perceive to be as an acid problem and it actually helps and so what we want to do is if we're going to use the baking soda we use it in order to just help in the short term in the now but it's not a long-term solution it is known to help for heartburn but just not a long-term solution sports performance so when we look at sports performance this is pretty cool because what happens is as you're working out hard you build a black thick acid and that leads to fatigue in the muscle groups and so if you use baking soda it's going to help raise the pH and buffer that lactic acid what the studies show is that people who are performing athletically or at a high level we're able actually to actually last within their workout four and a half minutes longer when drinking some baking soda water prior to the workout so once again we can take a little bit of baking soda and mix it up add water drink that prior to our workout and this is a trick that athletes used to last longer out in the field next year our skin conditions now it skin conditions is something that baking soda has been known help with significantly it's almost any skin condition you know whether it's like psoriasis or even you know insect bites bug stings rashes and even sunburns and so what we can do is we can make a paste I remember as a cup child my mom would make a paste with baking soda and then put that on a sting or a bug bite we can put that paste on the skin and it helps out significantly next year is how to use it now when we look at like sports performance or doing a mouth rinse or maybe kidney disease and cancer what we want to do is we want to mix one the two teaspoons in an 8 ounce glass of water mix that up drink it and that's how we're gonna get the benefit or just swish it around in your mouth if you're doing using it as a mouthwash we also can make a pace and you just take a little bit of water a little bit of baking soda or you can even use baking soda in coconut oil mix maybe even a little bit of essential oils in there make that paste put it on the skin and it's going to be very soothing and really help heal some of these different skin conditions that you might be facing or some of these may be stings or bug bites and then also we can mix 1 to 2 cups in bath water that's also very healing for any type of skin condition and rash sunburn and so those are the ways that you can use baking soda to improve your health and what I'll do is I'll put a link to the baking soda that I like to use in the description below and it's just simply I like to find one that doesn't have contaminants in it when that's very pure one that is just I know that I can trust and so I'll put that in the description below other than that be sure to give this video a thumbs up and share in the comment section below how you use baking soda to improve your health and also if you haven't done so yet be sure to subscribe to my channel I'd greatly appreciate that check out my other videos on how you can improve your health I'll see you in the next video
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Keywords: health benefits of baking soda, health benefits of baking soda and apple cider vinegar, health benefits of baking soda and lemon, health benefits of baking soda and lemon juice, health benefits of baking soda and lemon water, health benefits of baking soda for kidneys, health benefits of baking soda water, benefits of baking soda, uses of baking soda, baking soda, baking soda and vinegar, baking soda benefits, baking soda for acid reflux, baking soda for face, baking soda uses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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