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we've played some of the most insane games of hide-and-seek and spots you would never find like going fully camouflage to blend into a painting hiding in an invisible gaming room in a forest but make sure you watch to the end to see the best hiding spot ever posted on YouTube starting with extreme camouflage hide and seek the person who's going to be seeking us is me Lexi you have 30 minutes to find me and my friends and there's no way you're going to be able to do it okay and for each person that I find they have to face an awful punishment time starts now oh wait what okay okay there's no way these guys hiding spots are going to be good enough Lexi and if you don't find us within 10 minutes you have to get a tattoo of my name deal deal that's how confident I am this is the weirdest house I've ever seen like what the heck is this yo yo this place is massive what Lexi doesn't know is that we have professional camouflage artists here they can literally blend us into any object we want just's wait till you see how talented they are I mean these artists are so good they can literally just turn me into this painting there's kind of too many options I'm kind of overwhelmed but okay guys so I just thought of the best idea in the whole world what if I got painted blue by the artist and I just just hopped in the pool I just like chilled at the bottom this is going to be easy I think Jeremy picked the wrong person to be the Seeker I need to make sure that my hiding spot is Elite so I can see I'm Lexi's body forever y bro what are you doing I not suck I don't suck I can literally become this Lego wall if I wanted to all right guys so there's like a ton of greenery in nature back here so I'm feeling like maybe if I like post up in the plants I'll be one with nature you know what I mean yo this might be it I can definitely do something with this come on this wall is blocking off this entrance I think that means something are you kidding me it's just the garage guys I have the perfect plan I'm going to talk to some of my girlfriends and we're going to make something happen 30 minutes is a pretty long time so these hiding spots better be really good where's Lexi not going to find me maybe in here let's see what if I get blended into the bed all right I didn't want to have to do this but it's for the best all right Mr teddy bear let's do this so sorry no no why is there so many Legos in this house like I'm starting to think I could probably just blend into one of them right this is sick thank you guys so much for coming I promise this will May Sun soon I'm just burning into every single room in this house I got to find somewhere right now this room could work there's a lot of paintings in here I can get blended into one of them that was close oh my goodness this Lego building I love you all right guys it's time to stop messing around let's get painted I guarantee I'm going to find Jeremy first because he's super tall so you can't hide from me Jeremy I guarantee you Lexi is just going to look at the painting on the wall and be like oh that's Jeremy trust me this is going to look insane guys I'm making progress right now I got my arms in but I just need to get my head inside try all right I'm outside now and I feel like honestly I have way more options look at all this textures this is that's perfect and just like that I'm camouflage I know it's hot how genius I am I'm do you think it's possible if you can blend me into this painting right here yeah I think I can do that after that being said we got straight to it but we only have 15 minutes left so I hope we finish on time I don't even need 30 minutes to find them I can do it in 10 and remember if she doesn't find us within the time limit of 30 minutes she has to get a tattoo of my name all right my plan is to go behind the pool because it's going to be much harder to get and plus I got all these different plants and stuff to kind of hide behind I look dumb right now but soon I'm going to be a fence in a matter of no time I'm going to look just like this wall ah ah I can't paint you as you can tell I'm extremely ticklish everyone is starting to panic because time is about to run out and Lexi's better to come inside I'll J inside this is the best spot there's no way Lexi think that I'm just in address all right 5 more minutes until I walk straight through that door and find everybody there is no way that Lex's going to find me I'm just going to hide behind these bushes as low as I can get to match as many of these lines up as I can all right so we're this close to being done but Lexi is going to be walking in any second now guys you're looking at the winner right here teddy bear we all managed to get get perfectly camouflaged just in time and remember Lexi and I made a deal that she doesn't find us within 10 minutes she have to get a tattoo of my name deal deal time is up now she's coming inside right I'm fully painted I'm going to get in position just like that now checking in the backyard somebody could very well be hiding back here anybody in here okay this Lego house looks awfully suspicious especially because there's a bunch of balloons in here okay I don't think anyone's in the balloons okay I just heard Lexi come in the house I have to be extremely quiet and she walks in here I'm going to have to go like this please I just don't add suspicious Mason dang it put so much effort into this he just found Mason all right Mason since I found you your punishment is an ice bath well oh I can't feel my legs I'm camouflaged in plain sight baby Lego man is now elited okay so there's just a random coffin in the middle of the stairwell looks very suspicious if you ask me Hey so uh you guys want to play like TR the Dare or something no no one in here besides a paper that says nice try someone could definitely be in this closet anyone Jeremy I better figure it out because I'm running out of time and I'm not going to get Jeremy's name tattooed on me Lexi literally walked in the same room as me and she didn't even see me okay I think I hear girls talking in here who are you guys Matt you happen to know where that is no no I think Blondie on the bed is a little bit shy well maybe I should just introduce myself you I found you so now you get a punishment the one chip challenge this is the hottest chip in the entire world oh my God he ate the whole thing wait I hear somebody screaming what is going on down there I really don't think Lexi is going to be finding us in 10 minutes so I think she's going to get this tattoo of Jeremy this room looks pretty interesting cabinets I feel like when playing hideand-seek people love to hide in cabinets Jeremy hopefully she won't find me I'm definitely not doing that extreme punishment honestly Jeremy's been stressing me out so this is kind of like the stress relief anyone where could they be yeah I look like a fence right there's no way she's going to know and plus I'm outside the only bad thing is that it's extremely hot in here but at least it's better than facing a pun okay look I think I found jar JY maybe he's in the trash can because he's literally trash Jeremy are there any more trash cans around here oh my God there's only 10 minutes left I have to hurry I need to find these boys as soon as possible because I'm not getting a tattoo of Jeremy's name where would a house full of boys be hiding in the bushes I'm a fence fences don't talk dang it yo this actually looks crazy from every single angle you can't even see me all right Lexi what am I doing in here oh oh my god oh oh it's in my mouth Lexi this is the last time I turned myself into a fence holy crap I think somebody just got found I'm so glad that it's not me no one in it this is an even bigger Lego wall which makes me think someone is definitely behind this one it is this is just a bathroom keep looking I'm starting to get really frustrated like if I have to get a tattoo of Jeremy's name because of Legos I'm going to be really upset this is definitely one of the most suspicious things I've ever seen okay there's definitely someone in here I'm going to hit you even harder now if you don't expose yourself hey that's what I thought hey wao wo yo mine was as bad as the F come on yo where the heck am M Lexi only has one more minute left and if she doesn't find me she's going to have to get a tattoo of my name I'm literally looking everywhere at this point I'm looking through every single cabinet I'm running out a time and I feel like I've looked in every single good hiding spot that's here okay I literally feel like I've checked almost every single room and I've had no luck so far oh my God no you don't see me no I do see you no you don't I'm looking right at you and you're no you're not looking at me you're looking at a painting Jeremy paintings don't talk you didn't find us in 30 minutes though yes I did no 3 2 1 go oh oh my God are you kidding me right now you got to be serious right now I'm covered in slime hey can we still get that tattoo done though no we're not getting the tattoo well I tried my friends because they're trying to hunt me down and shave my head let me explain I built a secret hidden gaming room that is literally completely invisible because I made a bet with my friends I can go in entire month without playing any video games my friends don't trust me at all so they randomly come to check on me and this time they might actually catch me I am so frustrated right now Jeremy has us driving around everywhere I am sick of this I know J extremely well he's definitely up to something okay why is his location here at some random Park like is he messing with us or something I I have no idea oh hello this is McDonald's right can I do two orders of two Happy Meals please and um it might be a little hard to see me I'll explain when you're here I know that sounds weird I make sure to give you a guys guys guys look Jery's B here that's Jeremy's favorite snack he's definitely here each these buttons sets off a random trap and I made sure that they were good honestly guys I think we should just give up no we're so close oh should we start off strong sure oh my God I can literally hear them screaming from outside of this room oh it gets me every time if I want to be honest I have no idea who these three people are but hey they're a good distraction see guys here hey I'm here with your Uber sorder okay my food is here but my friends are literally walking around right now and I have no idea where they're at um I don't see it oh well where do I go what does it look like invisible what over here where can you just come out and grab your food I I really don't see anything I'm going to have to make a run for it here we go oh wait is that you hello thank you for the food thank you I really got to go though I really got to go oh my God you're welcome you guys hear that what what I don't know I heard something like over there is it bad or good what it could be Jeremy get me in here get me in here I really hope they didn't see me but I got the McDonald's I should have maybe picked some healthier snacks in here cuz I am out of breath I'm starting to think like maybe this was all part of his plan and he wants us to get locked but the PIN is right here that means he's here he's around here somewhere let's just down they are not going to like what this button does oh man I wish them the best of luck one step closer to shaving Jeremy's bye-bye Jeremy's hair guys guys guys who is that who what is y doing back here y'all can't be back here oh no we're just here to see our friend well I'm not your friend that's terrifying we could be friends I mean we're nice we're nice I have enough friends now it's finally time to do what I've been waiting for the entire day I haven't played any video games longer than a week I am so excited I look kind of crazy right now I know I'm addicted I'm going to stop someday probably not look a unicorn a unicorn where that way ah FY I miss every time dang it I forgot I need to be quiet D think they heard that I cannot believe that Jeremy is this addicted to video games that we're in this situation right now this next button is going to give them a little bit of a colorful surprise what the freak bro what the heck was that I know that Jeremy's here and I know that he did that I'm starting to get really frustrated we're just walking around the forest like a bunch of idiots what do we do with it's dark time we have to find Jeremy if they don't go home after all that I think they have a personal problem against why do they want to see me with the shaped head so bad it's like let me play video games in peace okay um well I guess we're right here oh the Oh shoot what the heck Jeremy what is this Jeremy jemy are you in there who are you y close the door I'm trying to play fortnite I'm sorry who are you you know where Jeremy is where's w tring to play fortnite we've been looking everywhere for him you know where he is you want to play fortnite I know you do no I we we want to find our friend he's around here somewhere take one of those Who wao whoo what are you guys doing all right watch how bad I'm about to lie to still completely get myself out of this situation what are you doing here I met this guy earlier when I was walking my dog oh you're Jeremy and act like I didn't pay this guy to take the blame for me why do you guys have the same outfit on why is this the gaming room why are you here and you don't even have a dog oh well my dog's actually right hey get him get him I know you're down to stay you seem pretty D this is be the perfect spot to he girl are you down oh I'm down I'm so glad I still have all my hair but now it's time to play extreme camouflage hide and seek how are we supposed to hide in camouflage dad what was the last time you played hide-and-seek it's probably been at least 40 years BR Rusty dad you have 10 minutes to find us if not you're have to face an extreme punishment wo wo I didn't sign up for an extreme punishment 10 minutes starts right now there's no way of letting my dad find me in hideand-seek so we need to go bro how are we supposed to camouflage we have less than 10 minutes right now we have to hide this place is huge and I don't know where to hide so what happened can I hide behind the bush I camouflage enough there's a leaf costume let me go put this on real quick oh these mannequins are kind of creepy what the heck how am I supposed to camouflage you these guys only have 10 minutes to camouflage themselves somewhere in here so I wish them luck that's not a lot of time no I am wearing white these are some pretty white curtains can you see me Plus's keep looking be perfect because there's so many bushes in this house I'm a different shade of green like this is dark green I'm light green dang it it's going be harder than I thought this place has the weirdest decoration maybe I can try to fit in the horse yeah yeah that's not happening I'm going to find these guys as fast as possible cuz I'm not trying to face an extreme punishment here what the heck is going on you call this a camouflage hiding spot I'm not here this is the worst spot I've ever seen look at you bro help me this okay that's not happening it's too unstable so I'm going to find somewhere else dang that's not going to work yeah that would have been a good spot if that was like actually real so I grabbed a mirror off the wall and I have a trick that's going to make me look invisible all right so I'm going to go hide out front because I feel like my dad is not going to look there he is not that smart this house has like the weirdest stuff hly all right guys I just found the craziest costume guys my dad's about to start looking any second so I really need to go I'm green and this trash can is also green so let's there is no way I'm hiding in here wait a second I just thought of the best idea ever there's a lot of trash in here what if I tape all this trash on me and I have a trash camouflage my plan is to go to a foresty like area and get the reflection of the leaves so that I look invisible now you see see me now you not going to lie I think this is a really really good hiding spot because I'm pretty much invisible yo I can't believe this worked there's no way I'm going to get found hey look at me I look like a statue I have no idea how he's going to find me cuz I literally look like a statue all right guys this part of the house is literally a forest there's bushes there's trees AC what I need to hide yo excuse me this hiding spot's taken when Jeremy was younger he used to love playing hide-and seek and he sucked at it all right guys I am fully covered in trash right now I even made a helmet for my head and I cut out some eyes so I know you might think I have a bush cost on I'm going to hide outside you know what that would be the obvious place to hide because I mean bush costume in the bush saw this earlier it's a perfect spot I'm no longer been I'm a bush really uncomfortable it's really itchy I don't know how I can do this for but I have to stay in this position for as long as it takes win this challenge this is the most disgusting spot ever 3 2 one here I come let's get it all right guys ready or not here I come who am I going to find first here we house man so stupid just a normal house I don't know how they could like camouflage themselves in here somebody might be in here we'll see what the heck is that go guys where's everybody at he right there start to get a little Lo Pati here with this beds look a little sus anybody up in here you at Jeremy if you guys haven't already make sure you guys subscribe cuz we're getting super close to 5 million subscribers can these guys be shouldn't be this hard I am hiding in the backyard he doesn't see me let's see if anybody's in these Bush way in here that's somewhere like Ben would freaking hide in hear something like that guys this is perfect look at me I'm a freaking Bush guys Jeremy's dad is coming closer over here starting to lose my patience with this this is crazy guys I'm telling you I'm invisible anybody in here of course I come back here and not only is this house huge there's another house back here this is crazy anybody in here Lexi you in here I definitely have the best camouflage spot out of everybody hiding this is kind of trippy like looking on myself like look I don't even have a head you guys I'm actually getting like attacked by bug I'm literally in the forest so maybe this wasn't the best hiding spot right now I have to start looking everywhere because I can't find anybody right now but I tell you what this Mir looks a little sus to me there might be something behind here oh that's stuck to the wall my legs are going numb it's really uncomfortable but look if he ever comes to find me I'm going to curl up like a ball and he won't be able to see me just like this guys I'm going to smell like trash for the next week after this video it's going to actually take me 10 minutes to walk from one side of this house to the other tell you what I'm getting my steps in today though someone up here I'll shake you out of this tree ain't no one going to go up there unless you're call Tarzan so onward anybody in these bushes this is getting ridiculous I'm going to find somebody soon Lexi what are you doing what the heck great idea yeah but guess what you're the first one found I'm the first one that's right Lexi where didd you even get that from I grabbed it off the wall oh my goodness oh my god there he is there he is there he is there he guys with this on there's no way he's going to be able to see me cuz it's literally just trash in the trash can all right I got to be really careful with this camera because obviously a headless statue is not going to be holding a camera no nobody underneath the couch tell you what this bush looks little so to me he's right there anybody in here no oh yeah got you what the I thought I was going to win i l thought I had the best spot you walked by me roll the clip you literally walked right next to me guess what look who I found whatever winner winner chicken dinner once I find Jeremy that's what he's getting hey oh yeah that's what I thought caught you like the best disguise ever I don't know you found me I swear you were a little bit farther over that way earlier got me got me yeah guys my D's coming all right we only got like 2 minutes left to find these guys and I have to do extreme punishment if I don't find them I'm not doing that anybody in here nothing I'm going to go to the backyard screw this the heck who is that oh yeah I got you bro what the heck you chucked a water bottle my face you know what your hiding spot was trash bro wow really funny dad just like I said I was going to do when I found Jeremy I'm going to whip him no ow ow oh oh my god dude what the hell just happened man that's some dude that freaking blast hard bro this is an ordinary normal mirror with the secret mirror you can see through it but they can't see you and we're about to test to see if my dad loves me or not this is the first thing he's going to walk into Papa Hut how's it going SE how you been brother I'm good how you doing great Jeremy yeah oh you know he's like in the bathroom like clogging up the toilet you know you know he is classic Jeremy right imagine that bro I wonder if he's going to eat the cake or not I'm more nervous about the fact of him noticing this room yeah so yeah I I got to get going actually but yeah and oh oh oh also Jeremy said whatever you do do not eat this cake I don't I don't know what he's using it for I don't know if it's for a video or something but uh yeah he just said don't eat the cake my dad literally just texting me asking what bathroom I'm in but little does he know I'm spying on him right now oh my God why is he looking at the cake oh my God oh my God he ate the cake I need to confir my hey why'd you eat the cake what the heck bro where did you come from bro you guys set me up look at they out of the wall no way you you actually ate it I told you it was very important that you weren't going to eat the cake dude what the heck is this how' you do this really hey I wanted that my God Lexi just got here okay so this is just like a super quick bit like it'll probably take us maybe 5 minutes and then we'll be good to go sounds good but you can sit here'll be like a Q&A sort of thing Pearson is actually doing such a good job and not being suspicious right now I still can't believe that the smear fully works and I'm just watching their conversation right now what is your to go coffee order my to go coffee order is anything matcha like me to I'm on my matcha kick oh my God it's so good I can't believe this is actually working so if you weren't a YouTuber what would you be I would be finishing up College college and then I want to be a ultrasound tag a that's so cute isn't that so weird like what the heck like that's so Random it is random like that actually I just realized that this lighting is so bad let's like try and find better lighting bro what is Pearson doing she's being super obvious right now she is literally right next to me I cannot believe that the secret mirror and wall is working out so well what is something that makes you the absolute happiest in life I love when I I order something online and it comes in the mail that is like Peak so it sounds like you like shopping yeah what is your favorite dress I've been wanting an Alexander Wayne dress what the heck is that you just filmed a video with Jeremy and it was a music video where he confessed his feelings for you what did you think about that video yeah I thought it was something I mean the video itself was great singing could have used some work yeah but I mean it you know are you saying that Jeremy singing is not very good yeah that's what I'm saying really oh my god really jery you don't think I'm a good singer enough of being Bob the Builder now it's time to play the most intense game of hide-and-seek versus my friends and subscribers one thing I will tell you is that I'm hiding somewhere on this property and you guys have 30 minutes to try and find me and I'm going to be eliminating you guys at random time and whoever Finds Me is actually going to take home $100,000 well I'm going to go to my hiding spot now that you guys are never going to find good luck to you guys you guys aren't going to find me yo what no way bro we got to all split up and find them I'm looking for you I'm going to find you first no I'm going to find him first I'm I'm going I'm going I'm going this is literally the biggest property I've ever been on in my whole entire life and Jeremy could be hiding literally anywhere dang imagine if I win all this money this is the first video I've ever been in I put an air tag on the back of everybody's phone so I can track everybody's location and also see how far away they are from I don't trust anyone here to the tell that for themselves I think Jeremy trying to throw us off with all these tents little do they know I placed booby traps and distractions all around this property just to make it that much harder ain't no way he's in these he's are way too small knowing Jeremy he can pull anything I'm also going to be eliminating whoever's air tag is the closest to me every single couple of minutes he's actually in here he's freaking dumb definitely not in any one of these but it was worth a shot guys there's Lally a piano in the living room this is crazy I can literally see every single person's move cuz I have security camera spread out around the whole entire house with this $100,000 I'm going to buy this Manion and bu some DRS over it's time to eliminate the first person we're going to see who the closest person is to bro this guy set up all these tents and he's not even in one of them whoever this is It's time for them to get eliminated no sorry man I'm going to keep on looking for him oh my God it was one of my subscribers I feel so bad but I'm completely doing this at random all right we going to find J time is on now oh my God what the heck all right I've had enough FY stret when I see this thing I'm going to slap in the face we're wasting so much time being together right now we all need to split up and find Jeremy I'm going this way Jeremy should definitely be in this firl Jamie bro I need to find Jamie for everyone else all right there's like so many rooms here so I'm going to go check upstairs cuz I'm not messing around what does this door lead to ah the basement that's straight out of a horror movie why did that just happen normally this is where I'd run but I'd go down there for $100,000 I have subscribers competing for $100,000 in today's challenge so if you guys want a chance to win $100,000 make sure you guys subscribe all right Jeremy where where you at huh coming to get you this place is literally like an army Jeremy just had to make this to y c I you than dude why would I tell you I'm trying to win this money all right I see how it is news you lose are you under this car found you he's not there either I set up a really good trap that definitely get my friend Matt out what the heck are these are these R pedals this is definitely going to work it's like the biggest bedroom I've ever seen what the heck Jeremy would be the type of person to hide in the oven so ready H all right he's not in there what the heck I feel like Jeremy would hide in the bathroom cuz he's always destroying the toilet Jeremy oh it smells so bad in here Jeremy definitely used the bathroom before going in his hiding spot so we're definitely close all right so what if Jeremy might be under the bed let's check it out all right it's not under the bed you come here often I mean I mean no like you're so cute I love your necklace no way this is actually working all right guys we're going down the side of the house right now there a lot of places that he can hide here so he could literally be anywhere and honestly like this is a lot better than like looking for Jeremy like honestly Jeremy you know like put me on your shoulders and we'll split the money if he's up there my shoulder oh my God you're so heavy Jer he up there all right he's not up there yo yo what the heck is this yo this place has like the weirdest stuff in the room how am I supposed to get throughou He's Mine He's Mine back off he's mine W ladies ladies this is enough me to off for everybody so I didn't even have to eliminate him using the air tag literally the girls got him out girls are literally this guy's a weakness yo this place is actually sketchy the looks a little sus where even am I I just got some scissors and uh I'm going to pop all these balloons cuz Jeremy can be on the other side Jeremy are you in the pool he's in the pool I'm going to have to jump in that weird looking cave over there I got to go check that out time is running out for them but it's now time to eliminate somebody bro this place is so huge it's never ended bro why me why did I have to get eliminated bro it's okay I'll win this money for you I never feel like I've had this much power in my whole life all right with all these balloons Jeremy can be on the other side of the door so let's go no time to waste come out come out wherever you are jery Jeremy's not in here but there is a bunch of spiders in the corner over there so I'm going to get out of here I'm literally just choosing whoever was the closest to me I don't even know who it is all right knowing Jeremy I wouldn't be surprised if he's hiding in this balloon right here dang it there's literally a whole tennis court right here where the heck am I at wait I got to find Jeremy I got to win this 100K so I can bu my own tennis court let's go this sign literally says danger stay off the Rocks so D this thing's heavy I'm breaking the rules but for good reason though it's now getting down to the final people but they really need to hurry because time is running out yo what the heck is this thing it's in like the middle of the yard watching some of Jeremy's videos because uh I've seen a couple unbreakable boxes I might be doing something in here why did Jeremy have to pick this Mansion this place literally has like Six Guest Houses J are you in here it's crazy that this invisible camo is actually working Jeremy you didn't think I'd come back here did you come out Jeremy no you're back here a save Jeremy if you're in there I don't know what the code is so this isn't fair hey Jeremy you there all right looks like he's giving me the silent treatment so uh come on Jeremy let's [Music] go come out Jeremy come out did he have a bad day today is literally destroying that box he's not back here I'm going to leave the pool now because it literally says no children allowed here so there's no way Jeremy could actually be here okay time's running out and Jeremy is eliminating us at random times so I got to hurry up stuck bro what are you doing you're wasting your time no I'm not he's definitely in here well good luck with that because this is definitely a trick Jeremy are you in here hello maybe Dereck was right about him not being here so uh I'll keep looking it's now time to get the next person out all right I found this little hole in the ground are you in there I don't think Jem's in there he could definitely not fit yo is this like a jail cell on here Jeremy hey you want to see something cool all right so he's not upstairs so he's like really messing with us right now I seriously bro oh was that him no no way no way this guy got eliminated he knows where we're at too he's messing with us I feel bad it's now getting down to the final people but they really need to hurry because time is running out bro where could jermy be we've literally checked everywhere d and c are approaching this crazy room watch this oh what is it my God no no no no bro I am not going in there why is there snakes that's one of the only rooms that we haven't checked it says do not not dude he has to be in there he has to be in there okay you got first no no I'm not going no no no no go go go if I pull this off and nobody finds me I'm going to hide-and seek God oh my God that thing's hissing right now they're all hissing I'm so scared of this big one over here bro I'm going to check the door and I'm going to get out of here because this is horrible dang this place has a movie theater ah no everybody drop a like to wish my bank account good luck oh my God oh my gosh oh my God Jeremy J you're in there jery are you in here okay he's not in there I'm getting out of here there a picture of Jeremy in there wa [Applause] the dude we just made it all the way into this room and he's not even here damn there's a big snake in there with you get me out of here I can't get out there's a snake attention all Seekers you guys guys only have 5 minutes remaining I told you guys you weren't going to find me Jeremy you in here a he's not in here guys we've been together for a while now I think it'd be smart if we split up kind of because I think you're holding me back and I'm a little smarter what are you talking about bro you're the dumb one time for an elimination I'm the dumb one what do you mean you're the dumb one D you wait is that mine or yours I'm freaking eliminated I'm going to get this money I'm not going to lie it's kind of a Vibe and the crazy thing is the inside of this place is sick but it's literally invisible on the outside here we go Jeremy where are you what's that noise no no that's the air tag that means I'm eliminated there's no way this air tag just made me lose $100,000 what the this is my reflection this is a box screw this I hate you [Music] jery oh how the heck did you find me I'm kind of upset right now cuz I really like like that hiding spot all right I BET's a bet here you go bro no way give me a hug man of course everyone subscribe to Jeremy Hutchin let's go wo how it's time to play hide-and-seek with someone who isn't human today my friend are going to play the most extreme game of hide-and seek ever son I hate manquin okay I feel better because inside this house over 100 mannequins but five of them will be my friends in Disguise this going to be a lot harder than I thought and what I did didn't tell them is that every round I would unlock a new weapon to find them and the bad thing is I only have 15 attempts to find everybody and if I don't I have to face an awful punishment and you all have 5 minutes to hide starting now go go go go go go go go go go go holy crap there are so many mannequin this is terrifying I meant to do that I think we should go in here and hide together because you know like two brains are better than one qu being weird Logan Paul do you have any advice for me all right I got you thanks buddy I'm making sure I get fully stretched out for this because I'm about to wax some mannequins and my friend there's a ton of spots here but I feel like this guy suits me the most he's a bad boy I'm a bad boy think I'm run it who are you you're bald and you're ugly going upstairs everywhere I look there's mannequins I don't know if these are my friends or if these are just that's mannequin can these guys hurry up and hide already I'm getting bored I'm trying to release some stress sorry buddy but I need your clothes I need this hoodie hey hey hey you're dressing a mannequin where's the respect man I have to do what I have to to do to win this challenge okay I guess so do I I'll be back and would you look at that I look like a hollyood movie star why his pants on the floor it's like a maze in here I don't even know where to start I got to find the best spot to hide man it'd be really nice to walk in here if there wasn't so many mannequins you suck LOL ouch hallway is filled I see mannequins I see mannequins I see more mannequins FL is massive there's endless spots on this wheel are a ton of weapons that I'm going to be hitting the mannequins with so they better hope I don't find them what's with these three mannequins on the bed right now hey bro I'm another manican yo is that Matt what are you doing in the bed in my freaking hiding some bro oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm really starting to stress out because I feel like it's been about 5 minutes and he's going to come in and I got to find my spot I did used to play football back in the day so I mean honestly this is probably a good fit blue 42 blue 42 down man I really am a professional football player at heart and for the Final Touch we have one mannequin on this side but there is no mannequin on this side until I am that guy this is my decoy I really hope this works strike a pose this kind of hurts time is up I am going inside and I'm finding everybody I don't even know where to start I'm just going to get a really good look at every single mannequin okay look behind you idiot you're looking kind of suspicious there this entire place is packed but once I start spinning that wheel they're not going to be so silent freaking idiot hello here we go woo no no way we're starting off strong baby woohoo it's time to hopefully no one gets found on this first one guys I have a real life samurai sword by the way i' move for you I need to use every single attempt to the best of my abilties so I'm using my first attempt look I have to stop flinching Jeremy just smacked a mannequin with something he's not breathing anymore I definitely have the most tful spot of everybody I'm definitely going to be the last person found there we go a chainsaw you guys trust me with a chainsaw because I don't even trust myself I got a chainsaw baby who wants it there can only be one real fighter from [Music] Ohio okay that's definitely not anybody oh my God what's he doing down there do you hear that this challenge went from all fun games to freaking terrifying I have a good feeling that this one's going to be good here we go a motorcycle I haven't even driven one before I'm pretty sure that's a mannequin that called me dumb earlier I heard it from the distance freaking idiot hello 3 2 1 oh yeah I knew it no no who is that no Ben you are the first person to get eliminated I'm definitely going to be the last person found cuz come on who's going to find a better spot than this I would not want to be anywhere else but right here that's like two hot girlfriends all right please land on something good here we go holy crap oh my God fire extinguisher I've never used one of those before Oh my God that's going to be so much fun I'm trying to see him go through this punishment because it's pretty dang terrible who is on fire and who needs some fire extinguisher oh do you I think she's okay for now I have so many options and only four you guys are real and are you one of them this wow that's a real person I give a lot of credit to them but I think it's a mannequin this wheel takes so much energy to spin ah oh my god oh this is a good one what I'm just practicing my swing oh man I'm about to swing a home run it's on a baseball bat it's an axe he l'sen up everybody in this room if you are a phony I need you to raise your hand in 3 2 1 oh I was thinking smart I picked the football player because I got padding so anything Jeremy throws at me I'll just be able to you know take it off huh I don't like you I'm not going to get found all right here we go oh are we about to bring a dragon inside this house right here is Lany she's a professional fire breather because she can do this oh all right this is definitely going to get somebody out I don't know what I just heard outside sounded like something really bad I've just been running around this whole time cuz it's just way too fun to be messing with Jeremy spit fire on anybody here I don't really care I just really need your help okay is someone faking to be Mr Beast right here after having a brutal stare down with all the mannequins inside we're moving outside ouch ouch ouch ouch that really hurt okay this is definitely not a real person or they will definitely be moving right now I hope you step in a wet puddle with your socks on oh snakes in ter tulas as long as I'm the one not dealing with them I'm down honestly let's just throw everything we got on this bed okay let's do it here wow we'll put one right here that'll be interesting try more bigger ones here we go oh it's moving anybody's in the bathroom we have snakes and tarantulas yeah oh yeah what about that you want a spider on your face I don't think so nah that's fake are you sure about that oh my God if that was me right now I'd be freaking out Str will Bight right through all that oh oh oh hey who was that who was that was it you it's not this one it's him let's spin the wheel here we go a WWE wrestler are we actually talking about a professional or like introducing a real WWE Superstar hey no no no oh the man the mannequins okay in this bathroom let me in now open the door okay open it okay there let all you I know it I know it this this guy come on I'm wait are you sure yes all right what are we doing with him I'm going to break this dude's back right now here we go I told you I told you get up get up here go you're good you're good let's go oh this is by far the best one I just got a taser okay what are you doing what are you doing you're supposed to be hiding you're eliminated I to go to the wait I thought there were bathroom [Music] breaks yo there's a mannequin under the bed and it has dirty socks none of these mannequins have socks wow look at this I didn't know the mannequins had wigs under their hair too oh I mean this is all news to me get out of here get out yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I don't have to do the extreme punishment let's go now my friends are going to have to use a lot of duct tape and a lot of smart thinking because today we're going to be playing the craziest game of hide-and-seek ever so we've all played the game before but have you ever used duct tape to hide yourself why would anyone use them how is that even possible I stop asking questions cuz your guys' time actually started now so go go go I'm really confident I'm going to be able to find everybody in no time I'm the best Seeker around um if you don't find us in 10 minutes we're going to put you through extreme punishment so good luck wait what yo there's so much duct tape right here I want more give me that serious all right I found my rules I got a brilliant idea give me that hey hey I can't really decide what what T tape that I want to use so I'm justly use all of them yo this house is massive I'm getting lost oh my God okay what if I like laid on the wall right there above the door that might fall that's a bad idea I got to keep looking can I potentially maybe fit in here maybe like duct tape over it so he doesn't see me maybe I'll try the next spot Mexi what are you doing I'm just going to make this a little bit harder for Jeremy so Jeremy's right out there they have to get really creative with this because they have to use duct tape to hide clear tape right here I'm going to keep adding as much tape as I can so when Jeremy walks through he's getting hit with this I don't know if I want to be in this tight of a spot for so long so I think I'm just going to tape it up and make it seem like someone's in here looking for any kind of small area where like I can fit but nobody else can fit because I think that's how I'm going to win this thing going on the third floor right now this house is massive bro what is going on over here people are really trying to mess with Jeremy there's like duct tape everywhere I just needed to give Jeremy a little daily reminder there is no way any of them are going to find a good hiding spot with amount of time they have you sure about that we're all getting pretty creative down here so uh good luck Jeremy I doubt it so I strapped this dummy to the bottom of the table so Jeremy thinks it's one of us you know this is a genius idea but I wanted to hide here well you can't now because there's a dummy here unless you're the dummy get it hello who is this it's a mannequin and done okay so honestly I'm not even using this to hide myself this is a distraction for jamy to make it harder for him because this blocks off one of the ways to get upstairs how the heck am I supposed to find a hiding spot by using duct tape this is a lot harder than I expected what if I taped myself to the other side of this wall you know if I fell I would I uh yeah we're not doing that so this is what the duct tape wall looks like from the inside I don't know how jerem's going to have to get through here he going have to pick and punch looking for my spot that's what I'm doing oh look at this wonderful bedroom tick tock tick tock time's about to run out they better hurry up so right when he gets through the duct tape well if he does there's more duct tape going all the way across he's going to run right into this I'm going to put a lot more don't worry all right so I just found this bathroom and I think I'm a genius I think have the best idea ever we got some cabinets over here what if I duct tape the the handles together while I'm inside and I just like wrap it up like a bunch of layer so that he can't open it wait how am I going to tape it on the outside if I'm on the inside okay so here's what I was thinking Jeremy's going to have to move this whole TV to find me and why would he do that doesn't make any sense this looks interesting and I can fit under here it's just a bathroom another bedroom bro what is this bedroom number seven yo hold up there's like a little lead I'm going to landay out of the bathtub use this right here to make myself disappear oh my gosh okay I almost walked down the stairs and I'm glad I didn't but whatever this is I hope Jeremy getss stuck in okay so I'm finally all taped up to this wall the front door is right behind me so so I got to make sure that I'm really quiet okay I think I'm going to be taping myself to the back of this door let's just hope he doesn't like slam it cuz then I might get killed all right there's one more minute left I'm more ready than ever there's no way I'm going through that extreme punishment so I'm going to find everybody quick come on y well I definitely look ridiculous right now but at least I'm going to win a piece of duct tape right here right here and right here technically this counts duct tape hide-and seek all right guys I'm literally hiding above the ground right now I am literally taped to a door right now yeah this is very uncomfortable I don't think he's fighting me at all ready or not here I come Jeremy just started seeking he just started get closer to the wall all right I got to find every oh my God who did that oh my God this is ripping off all my hairs I need to find find everybody as quick as possible cuz I'm not trying to go through this punishment I got to find everybody quick I thought duct tape was going to be hard but look at me now J on the same floor is me right now and I got to fart but I'm not going to think I hear somebody laughing there is no way there is no way how the heck did I not see you I walked right by you dude this took so much effort and time everyone else's spots are probably so much better I'm just literally sitting on top of this freaking wall I love this wall his name's Wall-E one person down four more people to go let stop I should have made rules against this because this is really wasting my ow why can I find anybody I really need to hurry you got to be kidding they really took the time out of the day to write this for me you suck Jeremy sorry I think they actually suck I'm definitely very confident with my spot I think I'm going to win now I really know what it's like to be a wall it's pretty pretty cool you could just sit here and just you could just do nothing all day I'm going to check the bathroom what the heck is that over there I have a feeling that nobody's going to be under here and this is just a waste of time hey who is that I was uh no you did not win I'm really hoping that Jeremy doesn't come from this way because if he does then he's just going to be looking right at me how do they have the time to do this I'm coming in all the tape he having to go through right now is my fault so sorry Jeremy I don't really care here we go ah where's everybody at okay I actually feel like I'm slipping and I think Jeremy just walked outside I haven't looked in the back yet anybody can be back here I really need to hurry though all right hello anybody hey where is that oh oh there is no way I literally walked right by you Jeremy what the heck I'm sorry but you are now eliminated Swan team coming through put your hands up you need the bed nope okay what's in here this room looks also as suspicious in here anybody no okay there's a piece of duct tape on this table something tells me someone's under here here we go who's under here you got to be kidding me they taped an entire mannequin here just to throw me off as you guys can tell there's a whole bunch of tape right here holding me up I really took this hideand-seek duct tape to a whole new level if no one's up here I'm going to be really mad hello that has gave me a heart attack are you serious this is the scariest thing I've ever seen before do you guys see that I think someone is underneath the table yo oh what was this another trap honestly Jeremy can't be mad at me for not using that much duct tape cuz I technically did follow the rules I use duct tape just not that much I can hear somebody breathing hello the TV isn't on how is there noises coming from this area no way no wait am I the last one I'm not going to walk anymore I need to be running everywhere oh wow that was close you got to be kidding me is anybody in here hello all right guess I guess have to bite myself man what the heck is this I feel like they tried to make this one look bad so I don't go in it I'm not falling for the tricks well nobody's in the bathroom that was a waste of time all these tape walls have been a waste of my time seriously bro somebody has to be in here though I see a random piece of duct tape up there I think somebody's up there aha oh who's up there who's up here hey what you're telling me this was a winning spot you didn't even duct tape yourself yes I did I duct taped myself you call this duct tape you literally grabbed one piece of duct tape and you call that your hiding spot Jeremy I know you might have found me but um I have something important to tell you what remember that deal we made like early like you know in the video if you don't find us in 10 minutes we're going to put you through an extreme punishment so good luck wait what no we don't if you're one of what's behind it okay let me just show you we have over 50 boxes spread out everywhere and there's going to be four people hiding and there's going to be one Seeker looking for us all the hiders can hide in any of these boxes but it's going to be really hard for the Seeker because there's over 50 boxes and also the Seeker only has 10 attempts to find us or they have to face an extreme punishment and at the start of every round the Seeker is going to spin the wheel and whatever tool lands on they're going to use that to hit the box and if somebody's in the Box Let's us say good luck to you all right now let's go meet the contestants what's up guys it's Ben I have no idea what all these boxes are for but I'm sure I'll figure it out right what's up guys I'm Pearson and I'm so excited to play tag and time go see Pearson a crap hey guys it's Andrew I dropped out of high school but I'm still going to outsmart everyone let's get it hey guys it's me and you already know I'm going to win this challenge because I'm the best at hide-and seek let's go hey guys I'm Lexi and I'm going to use my height to my advantage and nobody's going to find me well all right we're about to be spinning this wheel right here and whoever's name it lands on that is going to be the Seeker oh you guys ready yeah that was a good spin oh why me I don't even know what's going on well hey you're actually kind of lucky because you're going to be the one hitting all of us don't hit us too hard okay I'm not going to hold back I'm going to find everyone and also kill everyone I'm kid no I hear my Mom calling me I got to I got to go yeah I think I got to go too you know and if you get found you get two attempts to find somebody here we go guys I have 5 minutes to hide starting now go all right guys good luck I'm going to find you get get away I want to hide there it matches my shirt this is perfect size it matches my shirt it matches my shirt you're not even going to fit under there oh wait a second oh what in the world that actually fits I guess my only hope is that he chooses the Box furthest away from him I don't know uh no know am I going to fit in here I don't even know if I'm going to fit in there I don't know which one to go for bro all right guys I'm going to put the speaker under the box and it's going to sound like somebody's moving around but it's actually just nobody into the speaker so here we go okay my Strat is to go right here like right in the front because I feel like it's kind of like maybe going to throw Ben off and I like the color pink all right see you guys on the other side I'm in my box I don't think Ben's going to find me because I'm like right in the front and I kind of feel like maybe it's going to trick him who's in here hey Jeremy it's me at least you're not b hey hey I'm going to sabotage you she's over here she's over here honestly I feel like if I go in a low one Ben is not going to suspect it so I think I'm going to go in here I think this is my spot guys are looking at the window right here shh let's go maybe I this one no dude this is mine no we could both fit in here no we can't yeah we can dude go you know what I think he's actually going to think nobody's going to go in these tall ones cuz you'd have to be stupid they're like the most obvious ones so that's exactly what I'm going to do a little reverse psychology on them right quick before we start everybody drop a like and make sure you guys subscribe if you guys haven't already and let the best one not be found okay I have to be really quiet guys I'm honestly regretting this hiding spot because cuz it is really tight and uncomfortable I'm already getting a neck cramp right now oh my God all right guys good luck I'm going to find you anyone there are you guys sure no one's there they really want to win this so I'm just going to go like this oh my god wow no boxes moved are you serious all right well this is useless so we're not going to use that what if the first one I ever looked under was a person so I'm just going to okay well that wasn't there's so many boxes in here I don't even know where to start so I'm going to spin the wheel find a weapon and make this process go easier because that's going to take forever so let's spin the wheel I know it's going to be something good chair I need to be quiet cuz they're going to hear me I'm going to go he said something but there's no I don't know where where that came from people are saying stuff now I got to get the chair I got to get the chair I'm so scared bro if he kicks my box I'm going to get a concussion I know y'all are trolling me right now but you're not going to be laughing when this hits you in the head no I tried my best okay not even a chair could do it let's spin again guys this is so uncomfortable oh my God time's ticking let's go axe oh they're they're dud got an axe oh my God if he finds me I'll literally be dead guys I think he just landed on an axe I'm hoping he does not come anywhere near me okay let's get it let's get it come out come out wherever you are okay here footsteps got a little friend come out come out wherever you are well that didn't work are they even in here let's spin again dude this is a lot harder than I thought I can't find anyone ah okay I'm not going to say it out loud this time because I think they're listening to me so guys I'm praying I do not get caught because that is going to hurt very bad I do not want to get hit with any of those TS actually wait this is kind of stupid now that I look at it here goes nothing look at this if this don't do it I don't know what will I got to look around God I think you just walked right by me a you just got here oh my god let's go ow concuss me on the on the way it's just the giant handsful it's not my fault I thought there was a good one I thought you would go to the far this place first I mean honestly it took me a few tries I didn't even think you're going to be in there because at this point it's impossible guys Pearson literally just got out okay because I got caught first I have two attempts to spin so here goes nothing box cutters okay let's do it my favorite color is yellow I'm going for the yellow one oh man what I thought there were so I thought it was going to be Lexi just so you guys know how down and dirty we were getting we were going all out okay and I still got out first so all right let's time to spin three two baseball bat I'm going to break someone with this guys I'm armed and dangerous you know some of you who haven't been very nice to me these last couple weeks you guys don't even know what I'm holding in my hand right now okay anybody in here I think so be kidding I thought I was about to hit Jeremy upside the head Jeremy you're lucky Bud you're lucky Jeremy what what's up Jeremy what he's all the way over there Andrew he's over there CH you know what I'm over this I'm over it you guys have fun okay I'm done here goes nothing shoot all right coming for you I already know Andrew and Jeremy got lazy and wanted to go in one of these tall boxes to like stand up so they don't have to be on the floor come out come out wherever you are I know you're in there no I really thought I had it man time for another one let's go I was about to go spin the wheel to be honest nobody's watching they're all in boxes who cares about the rules go are you freaking serious hold up I thought for a for sure chance someone was about to be in those boxing are y'all even in here did you guys sneak out okay they're definitely in here and they're saying stuff I thought I would find them by now but dang it this is hard oh what does that say new hiding spot all right attention everyone you have to find a new hiding spot I'm going to close my eyes you guys have 10 seconds to find a new hiding spot starting now okay guys so I'm in my new hiding spot I literally never ran so fast in my life before holy crap I left my other BS flipped over UNT position they're all in new hiding spots does that make it harder or easier for me I don't even know but let's switch table all right I'm throwing a table at someone let's go I have a whole table right here first try dang it another one I'm just going to go crazy no in here in here I found her get it off hey you know what that means 3 2 1 what the heck I really did think I was going to win guess what table found you so all right flex's turn now all right it's now my turn to spin the wheel hopefully I get Andre Jeremy out I have a good feeling about this this is probably the best one let's do it we have the axe let's start I feel like I'm looking for some movement any type of movement and I was hiding over here and I'm a pretty smart person so maybe someone else is hiding over here oh my it wasn't this one guys I totally forgot that I put a speaker under one of the boxes so I think I'm going to play her wait what the heck is this a trick a speaker Jeremy saw yo sorry guys but uh cover your head got this saw got be a crazy one that one's a little bit lifted off the ground no get out of there a I found you I was about to get chopped off bro all right we found Andrew let's go all right let's figure out how we're going to kill Jeremy all hiders yell yo we got all hiders yell Jeremy yo in 3 seconds I hear I hear him get the get the get the let's go let's go we got to be quick we don't forget Jeremy yo yo yo surprise oh oh oh my God what the heck oh wait I'm in here I'm in here hey stop yo what the heck was that for we got him yo we knew you were in there I won oh um well we did tackle you but you still win let's go guys I think this is the first challenge I've won on my own video like this is the first challenge hey Round of Applause bro Ben literally knocked over the box I was in after I changed hiding spots over there you knocked it over so I would have got hurt yeah all right guys that's going to be the end of the video thank you guys so much for watching make sure you guys subscribe and I'll see you guys next Friday peace out guys [Music] wo
Channel: Jeremy Hutchins
Views: 17,007,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Hutchins, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Mason Fulp, Stokes Twins, Andrew Davila, Dom Brack, Amp World, Pierson Wodzynski, Logan Wodzynski, David Dobrik, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Lexi Hensler, Loren Gray, Faze Rug, Kat Hixson, 24 hour challenge, Smiles Family, Pierson, Extreme hide and seek, Airrack, Ryan Trahan, Last to leave, Last to stop, 24 hours, TikTok Compilations, Preston, Matthew Beem, extreme camouflage hide and seek, One color hide and seek
Id: eiMn2ODrQAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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