100 Players Simulate a Minecraft Mythical Tournament

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imagine spawning into a deadly Minecraft mythical world where there are useful companions dangerous gods and 100 other deadly players over the next 7 days I'll be trying to survive in this Minecraft Battle Royale so will I be the last one standing or will I fall to the other players well we were about to find out as I headed into my toughest challenge yet let's go for the chest I ran to the first chest I saw and I began to loot the gear however as I looted this chest players around me started to die and I started to as well hey Min stop stop as I thought there was only one host player I tried to turn around and fight him okay what is this sh what are you doing with the shovel why are there four people chasing me I soon realized that there was three players on my tail why are you chasing me why are you obsessed with me I don't even know this guy never heard it before oh no yep you're dead here you're literally dead here while these players were chasing me I found a water pool and I had an idea to get them off my B yeah don't let them get away okay with that I was able to create some space I just told you don't let him get away right behind you get off me uhuh he got me he it was clear these players desperately wanted my heart so I wouldn't be able to run away that easily thankfully I found a structure in the distance you're a dead man you're a dead man walking you're not getting out of here bro yes I am oh no oh no by going into this Tower and blocking it off I was able to buy some time to loot the remaining chest we want to loot Your Grave what are you talking about child and as I was looting I finally found exactly what I needed a crossbow hey guys I I have a little surprise for you what is it buddy it won't matter we're coming up let's go why is there a little baby chasing me are you yelling you yelling at me for okay okay you just knocked me off great this is great oh my God the with the crossbow I found I was able to take down one of the three players but I still had two more to go he L just killed like how low even was she up why he place blocks like a freaking like a freaking V freaking okay okay bro this guy just loves his blocks wait oh wait M through the side M through the side M through the side that's a wait he just places blocks everywhere it's actually we're just giving him time to oh my God oh my God he's just waiting for us are you not dead oh wait I'm I'm just trapped I'm just trapped get down get down get down get down break break that block break that block above you I'm breaking I'm breaking I'm breaking Neo NE do I get in the video though if I kill you do I get in the video though if I oh no oh my God after just escaping the tower the other two players follow he went to the cave under us look at his name t look I don't know how we did it I literally hear you get off me byebye oh my god let's go let's go okay okay oh after two of this player's teammates died he decided to run away cuz I guess I was too much of a threat for him however with the current gear I had I decided against going to the other players loot as there were still a ton of deadly players nearby I I can't I can't believe I made it out that was oh my gosh now that I was safe I decided to use the diamonds I got to craft a diamond sword and use the iron to craft a chest plate and then finally I used the heart I got from isex I should be pretty geared now oh what is this as I was exploring I found a little cam structure so I decided to go to it to see if I could get some extra loot however what I didn't know is that there was deadly players hanging out nearby where's the where's the chest no no way it's looted oh someone's been here unfortunately other players had already looted this area before I could leave deadly mobs started spawning oh no what is that what are these what are these why are there baby zombies riding bees what is what is this what is going on no there's little okay I have poison this is oh this is not good this is really really not good I was almost dead and pretty much out of food another player appeared in the camp Oh no hey Budd bud give me that heart give me that heart wait wait wait no no no wait wait there's bees there's bees watch out for the bees oh I don't care about no Bees be friendly no no you should care about you should care about this want that heart I want to ruin this event for you buddy come on what what did I do to everyone why is everyone just chasing me I I don't understand this although I hope this player was friendly he unfortunately wasn't Neo come on Mr mine give me that art give me that art with such low health and no regeneration I kept running hoping to find anything that may keep me alive what is your what is your deal with me I'm getting away from you as I was running I remembered I had some obsidian in my inventory I have distance and with the use of some blocks I might be able to do something to get away from this player come here I got to lock in get off of me get off of me leave me alone leave me alone woo why' you get so quiet Bud why'd you get so quiet no way I was on half somehow I was actually able to kill that player I I'm surprised myself I didn't think I was going to do it but anyway I was done with staying on land so I made a boat and I quickly got on the water I am out of here with this boat I began exploring in the hopes to find some teammates as I quickly realized that this server was extremely deadly and I would definitely need teammates if I hope to be the last one alive and win this event and near the world border I ended up finding a ship which had players on it but also extremely deadly mobs okay there's there's a person do I kill him or is this a team oh don't run there no no no guys guys guys let's relax let's relax I look I'm the big dog here I'm not relaxing I'm not relaxing I started breaking into the ship and I recognized one of the players here relax what's the wait J what's up I didn't know you were wait NE oh NE there's so many there's so many no run run go okay guys go go under under there's water in the boat I move no no no no I'm going to die I will die run run away to it break it to it's WS it's WS the mobs began attacking us and we tried to find a way into the ship there's a hole right here where's the hole where's the hole there's a hole right here below me below me below me right here right here right here right here come up in here and then you got to crouch up you got to crouch inside me finally made it into the ship at this point we were completely trapped I could not I could not imagine this going worse don't worry I've been in worse situations did I hear someone else sh sh okay come this way not only were there deadly mobs on this boat there were also people surrounding the area there's people there's people here to to to take this take this now with these deadly mobs and players we'd have to explore this boat pretty safely and hope that we stayed alive there's loot here there's loot here wait it's it's actually pretty good yo behind us behind us there's a million behind us there's a million yo block it up just block it up yo behind us there's a million someone help someone help someone help Diamonds oh my gosh there's so much good glot here was finally able to get some loot from the ship but we still weren't in the best situation it's not going well to be in a bit of a predicament there guys ow ow ow out yo get out this ship is horrible this ship is horrible can we go can we leave leave bro don't leave I have a boat I have a boat yo no soliciting what does that even mean can we get out of here I was finally able to break out of the boat there was mobs and players waiting for me oh who is this don't don't get no no no no no no it's fine I don't need going to goo don't you that strier bro you just go faster than boats I'm faster than boats why why are you hitting me this player initially was hostile but thankfully he let me off so he could rejoin with his teammate then I went back to look for jira and tame where is tame and jira is that them that's them that's them oh my gosh R yo what's the play What's the play What's the play we're running I'm we need to get this ship this boat is awful even though this boat was extremely dangerous I still wanted to try to get some loot from it so I thought it would be a good idea to enter from the side however that wasn't the greatest idea no no no no get out no no no no not worth not worth I told you I told you there's so many okay run run run run get in the boat get in this boat take that boat take that boat take that boat get the boat to okay run run run run I'm done I'm done I'm done I've had enough is it just me or do do pirate sound kind of French they waited go like what are you talking about what is he talking about thankfully we had just escaped that ship and although it may have almost taken my life it brought me what seemed to be two new teammates you got you don't you guys don't have teams right we're all like solo here we are all solo the the stars are aligning stars are the stars are aligning the planets are coming together let me invite you to the team with all three of us just going through the same scenario and me already knowing this player named gajira it made sense for us to all join a team and now that we were one step closer to winning this event I should explain a little bit more about this world to start off this guy at the Cornucopia is the Oracle he's the speaker of the four Gods Zeus Poseidon Aries and Hades who all want to find a successor to join them in Mount Olympus therefore only making it possible for one of the each God types to win so as an Aries descendant myself I would need to be the last child of Aries alive along with being completely worthy to win this event through capturing fortresses in their names doing Quests for them and even killing their rival gods and in exchange for being worthy the gods grant us things like the ability to craft Legendary Weapons our own mounts and the ability to actually win the event so now even though we had a team we still needed to get geared up so we headed down to the mines [Music] okay that should be a pretty good amount all right wait hold on how many diamonds do we all have I have none I have a diamond hoe why why why why in the world do we have a diamond hoe I was looting a structure and had a diamond hoe in it after getting a little bit of materials we began smelting and pulling our gear however we were shortly interrupted let Let's Get Buckets and stuff yo there's people there's people behind you behind you behind you wa wait wait wait who who is that who that dinkle is that dinkle there dinkle on nap are we killed are we cool with them I have no idea let's go see if they're friendly though hopefully they are hey guys take this back up yo back up we chill we chill okay wait this you're an [ __ ] your teammate right here has no gear and you just stole everything that is tragic this is how it's been yo wait a minute why is your teammate in rags right now what the hell he's playing with homeless man team wait hold on 1 2 3 four five look at that easy math five yo big team I think that I think that's a team yeah I'm down to team you guys might share with him I'm I'm I got him I got him I got him I got him don't worry wor after definitely giving this player my best gear we realized that these players actually seem to be pretty friendly so we decided to team up with them so we can have a full maxed out team which would make us even stronger however as this was happening another deadly team was approaching us but in the meantime with the team of five we decided to keep mining oh some gold that's going to be this going to be pretty good after mining for a bit we decided to get some gear yo nap uh I got some leggings for you the blessing oh I've dripped out of every piece of armor there is after our team had geared up a little bit we were looking pretty good however the players from earlier were finally here yo there's people there's people there people y they're dropping they're dropping we got to go right above us right us go go go guys go up don't try to fight it don't try to fight it no I have a pickaxe we did we leave the furnace move go up go up wa sh Wait this actually kind of hello and while we were mining the Hostile players started to attack us what is happening and eventually our team was able to make it up to the surface guys I hear them I hear them I hear them I waited for my team to make it up to the surface however I could still hear the enemy team trailing us below us below usow us rightow us right below us right below us right below wait go to the structure go to the structure let's go let's go let's go right behind us they have diamond stuff they have Diamond stu oh no oh no they're right behind us right behind us there's like a castle as we were being chased we found a fortress which is a structure on the map that if captured gave the team that captured it worthiness so if we were to capture this point we'd be much better off Fortress for con to gain worth oh we should conquer this wait this this will help us a lot yeah but we're going to have to fight them it's going to be heavily contested with that team and Not only would it be contested by the other team but also by the deadly mobs inside W wo W there's like guards here there's like guards people he entered the Fortress and started immediately running to the capture Point yo yo they're doing so much damage oh my God that wait we're starting to capture get on the point and as we were capturing the point the enemy team finally caught up with us is that right is that right hey no no no no no no okay I'm sorry stab wait this guy in a gold chest plate this guy's literally in a gold chest plate hold come here there so many quick wait Ben go Ben go Ben go while we were fighting these players ended up killing our teammate nap so it was my turn to attempt to get revenge's trying to drop me trying to drop me I'm dead I'm dead I help you help you and as we were fighting we were able to drop two of their teammates now we just had a few more to go they're over here they're over here they're get Neo oh my God no this guy's got diamond oh my goodness why are these doing damage come here oh smile died smly died up take your loot take our loot take loot I'm going to die J run yo I'm so low no no no no run bro wait where's our team they're destroying me I don't know they're down there may who died I don't know I don't know they're running running get him get him get him get him guys guys come back come back come back wait who died group up group up group up wait where's um where's where's where's n where's the Harless where's nap where's nap by killing three of this team's members we were able to drive them out of the Fortress however we ended up losing nap with the rest of our team we finished up capturing this Fortress W 25 worthy points so now that we captured this Fortress for the gods they granted us 25 worthiness each For the First Time Capture and now we would gain 30 worthiness for every 30 minutes we held this point which would be extremely useful let's get out let's get out of here so we left this Fortress and started organizing the gear we just got and while we were doing that the first world event had just began okay I require food oh no way theer the goddess of the Harvest had started her world event where players could grow crops with one click oh we're rich oh please a baby just out it's so fast B baby it's a b baby what is that what is that what is that what is that yo hit it I can't I actually can't hit it it's moving so fast H it I have I have I have a fix for this watch every time what every time the only downside to this was deer's minions spawning they happen to be quite fast oh I'm the little baby comes on the crops why are these guys so fast while we were dealing with these minions we noticed a player lurking in the area yo who's that goober over there what is that it's one person bro come here come here come here so while dinkle checked out what this player wanted we continued farming I need so much food food is my favorite pastime oh and we also continue to deal with these baby zombies you have to you have to get it immediately you have to get it immediately got it what what is that what does that clown want what do you want what do you want just some loot you guys look pretty staged whoa where did where did you come from who is this guy token of friendship oh thank you to so are we friends with him now I don't I don't understand what's happening random player approached tame seemed to have a liking for him he even gave him a diamond hoe I mean we have an open slot should we get him instead a nap that is so sad we are replacing since we had an open spot on our team we decided to let this random player who is lurking join our team as having an extra teammate would be extremely useful as well as him having an enchantment table we have to do we have to do a trust test the test to see if you trust us come here all I want you he does not he does not want to do that he does not want to he does not want to do that he's all right so I guess tame wanted to put this player threw a little bit of a test no if this is how I die like it's actually RS I promise you I'll never play so while I kept farming toam was setting up his test and began asking his interesting questions tell me what what is the bu day for Maria car okay who knows this what is going on what is happening know what are you spewing bro just no hold up after this tame might be off the team get out of here all right so after getting absolutely nothing from talami test we continued to farm and once we had a good amount of crops we began to enchant from the enchantment table that Quest had on him so now that we were fully Enchanted we continued farming until an issue arose guys bad news I have a I have a bounty on me you have a bounty wait what how how does that work oh yeah that means a a team is going to be hunting me down okay we got to watch out I now had a bounty on me which means that other dangerous players will be hunting me down so as we continued farming we had to make sure that we kept an eye out I don't think this got is full mentally sane I'm with you on that one I'm 100% with you on that one people people people on theill yeah yeah they're probably for the Bounty yeah the Bounty they're for the Bounty players who had me as their Bounty eventually caught up to us now we were on the Run hey guys uh we we don't got to do this get off of us okay run guys run oh my no no no no no no go go go guys go was very clear that these players were targeting me but I had a plan in mind no no no get ne get he my bounty player behind had his bounty on me so I knew if I could take him out the rest of the team would run [Music] away sorry D come here come here Apollo wait what are you doing what are you doing you freaking me out as the enemy team kept chasing us our team ran along the coastline they followed what I would give for a couple pieces of stone or a couple what are you saying being chased and you thinking about Ro what is this yo they're right behind it keep running keep running keep running I keep running get his bount get his Bounty get his bount okay okay let's why you going into that why you going into that get the Bounty get the Bounty get me no dude why does this always happen to me I'm I'm I'm chilling I'm chilling oh my God these players were still on my tail and I happened to get a little bit separated this was the perfect opportunity to use my [Music] strategy oh my God my oh my God oh my God yo yo yo he's alone yo what are you doing what is he doing oh my oh my okay I actually I actually can't believe that's that worked now that I had The High Ground the Bounty wouldn't be able to reach me easily and with my crossbow I would be able to hit them off hey guys I'm up here oh Apollo hello what the yes oh okay the player I just killed had the bounty on me now we were able to drive back the rest of the team get you come here come here love out here just run just run to to back up get this guy out of here who is this guy he'll stay away all right they're running they're running okay let's back up guys the enemy team ended up running away so since I no longer had a bounty on me we backed off and waited for Quest to return as in the fight he became separated so while we waited I started to upgrade and enchant some of my gear finally Quest had returned y look at this guy this guy oh yo thank you running away from that fight that was I really appreciated that I really appreciated that oh for show for show for sure I was fighting we we we made it we made it we made it Qui at this point our team was looking all right we needed to get some worthiness so we decided to go out looking for more fortresses or a temple to gain worthiness and eventually we found the Temple of Aries we started making our way to the Village as there were Quest there that if we completed would help us gain worthiness o PR MPC Quest MPC oh my God I'm talking to one right now Quest NPC oh okay wow that was good so while we were here we checked out what was inside the temple wo we can't enter wait we can't enter it right now y That's my God right there that's Aries I'm a child of Aries wait that's sick right now we couldn't enter the shrine room however much later that room would be very important for us and in the meantime we went back into town we started talking to the quest NPCs 80 worthy wait guys guys 80 worthiness ancient city we could all do this Quest so I ended up finding a quest to go to the ancient city and explore it for 5 minutes so we all decided to accept and we started to head to the ancient city and as we were traveling tame was just being tame I accepted it I can show you the world shining glimmering Starlight oh my God come on why does he sound so mad he went okay let's get boats wait wait no wait wait before we go before we go there's something there's something I must do another bad joke another bad joke that is the thing he has to do I'm going to crit your help okay Quest another B show that you trust us shut Up's [Music] get what get in and while we were traveling we got some bad news guys someone's getting our capture point oh jeez while we were on our way to the ancient city our Fortress was being captured but we couldn't go back as we were on a quest so we would lose all our passive worthiness we would no longer be getting worthiness from that capture Point wait guys guys guys guys the compass is changing oh we're right here nice yeah we're right about let's just m straight down question mark I know if that's a best way we can just water bucket clutch if you miss your water bucket clutch you're indeed a bot thank you thank you T yeah my sorry it was aimed at my Ono don't worry damn oh got right on top of the ancient city and started to dig down to it where is the city is it lower oh my God I see it you see it where mebe first what bro bro did he make that bro he made that that's we found the ancient city and we started to go into it guys we got to be down baby everyone everyone wait guys there's a guys guys there's a plugin shut up shut up there's a plugin that that makes the the W hear us vocally oh I'm sorry what don't don't shut now we were in the ancient city and we would have to last 5 minutes and especially with the warden able to hear our voice chat it wasn't going to be easy so for the 5 minutes we were here we went around looking for some chests like usual that didn't turn out the best Y where are these chests I run no no no where is it where is it dude where who who did that where is it to you idiot I swear it was F it was me this time it wasn't me this time get the chest get the chest don't spawn more please oh sorry I missed that part so now for the rest of the time we were here the warden was with us we would need to avoid his attacks while still being in the ancient city okay we we'll be fine wardens aren't all that I started to make my way to my first chest and I began looting it okay this is this is okay I guess nothing great I hear the warden I very much hear the warden another Warden had just spawned and it was practically right next to me it sees me it 100% sees me the warden had found me and started to attack ow oh no and with the wardens on me I was bound to die however thankfully since my Patron God was AR one of the effects I had reduce damage to mobs which had saved me a couple times here and on top of that I had access to the Aries sword was able to get a Greek horse as a mount no no no no no no no no no I began running for my life eventually the warden was off of me and I happened to find dinkle dle I saw I saw I saw name attacks I saw name attacks in that wall dinkle had spotted enemy names in the wall and now it seemed that an enemy team was approaching with Quest and then oh my God run run run we got to go we got to go we began running and we're able to find a cave we should be get here I don't think he can reach us we had escaped the warden's range however now we had a new issue we weren't getting the quest and the time was running out I think we have to be we have to be on the edge where we can get it without without attracting the warden I'm getting it I'm I'm getting it yeah I'm getting it here I think they've all gone in I can't hear them anymore as me and dle hit in the walls we were able to complete our Quest however time to get to the Oracle was still running out we need to regroup with our teammates wait do you see I do you see names I see a lot of names the enemy team was now under us and our friends were right below with them so we went to check out what was happening not the enemy team was led by the player Ben the player we encountered twice before our friends were down there preparing to Ambush them [Music] run what what happening there's a ward there's a warden nice let's go let's go let's go oh it take me someone it I I can't see anything guys guys yeah where are you there wait wait what happened where's our team I don't up there I think they died what do you mean they what do you mean they died what are you talking we had dropped down into the ancient city and now Ben's team was after us come here oh my God wait where's our team jro where's our team I help me where are you oh my goodness oh my goodness dle just did did he die he dead get off him hey there what what did you just do you're oh are you Hades yeah I'm Hades I'm Hades there how does that feel huh love about doesn't work on me anybody help can't where is he where although this was our third time encountering Ben this Ben seemed a little different from the other time it's somehow gotten stronger is kind this one war is hooked on me bro scary I don't know I kind of want there oh I got him right here he's right there oh my goodness dude this while I was running the warden started to attack Ben and his team which ended up giving me and jro some space we we got to go we got to go we got to go get in the wall get in the wall just go go [Music] go while me and jir HD in the wall Ben and his team escaped and on top of that there was even more bad news oh no okay and now we had failed the quest means we lost 160 worthiness which was really bad as if you HD zero worthiness Gods would instantly kill you not only that now that we were unworthy mercenaries would spawn and try to kill us at random times yo yo yo J yo yo yo what's up I what the run run run run run run run run run get up get up okay oh I know what that happened our worthiness low oh no they're coming for me oh my God are you okay no I'm not okay actually I'm at a heart a single heart where are you get up get up um here here here wait where's uh where's everyone else you have food I I do have a little bit of food I I don't I don't know if they're all right I don't know if they're like they they they might have died they might have both died what this what happened okay so we were we were sneaking past the wardens to get up to the enemy team right to get up to Ben and them and while we were going up this Tower to get them Ben like started bridging off and then he he used this fishing rod and he pulled them up and I I don't know what are you talking about the warden he pulled a warden up using the fishing rod he pulled a warden up yes up the tower with the fishing rod and it started attacking everyone and I just I had to get out of there I couldn't do hold on let's see let's see if D's still on the server D's not on the server he's dead after realizing that dinkle wasn't on the server we tried messaging the rest of our teammates and it seemed that they had all died what are they all died you said Ben yeah Ben's team was there Ben's team was there the guy from the capture Point yeah the guy from the capture point so you're saying he wiped out all of us how he sucked at the capture point I I don't I don't know what to tell you man he took out everyone Ben had originally seemed like quite the weak player however somehow he was able to craft Glaucus is fishing rod a fishing rod that only one player could craft which gives them incredible luck when Fishing Unlimited durability and most importantly more strength while pulling which is the fishing rod Ben used to pull the warden up and now because of that our entire team was dead is it just me or do this pirate s kind of French they way to go like what are you talking about what is he talking about what I would give for a couple pieces of stone or a couple what are you saying being chased and you're thinking about rocks look at this guy guy yo thank you for running away from that fight that was I really appreciate that I really appreci that oh for sure for sure for sure I was fighting we we saw we made it we made it we made we saw you fighting first to show you that we forgive you take this a show up forgiveness we we need to get our worthiness up we need we need to get a weapon we and I we okay at this point me and God jerro decided that no matter what we would Avenge the three of our teammates the best way to do that is to try to get a legendary weapon so we started getting ready to get out of the Cav what oh no wait is your karma also low yes yes yes let's go up let's get out of here these things are these things are nuts come come come on let's wait before we go let's get dripstone right now we need traps I think that's the only way we could possibly do something so we started to get some dripstone and we started to head out should be close it should be right up here yes daylight daylight oh wait we need to go back to to one of the one of the temples cuz that's where the quests are it seems like and we we need to be worthy or else those this goddamn this goddamn I don't even know what to call it the soldiers going to come come back to get us our main objective right now was to regain some worthiness first we would need it to stop the mercenaries from spawning and to get the legendary weapon so we made our way to a temple complex here I don't know what Temple this is what Temple is this I actually have no clue it looks exactly like the other one oh dble Zeus all right nice let's get this money up at this point we entered the town and started speaking to the NPCs and eventually I found a quest that was worth doing gajera this is really good we could go to a woodland mansion and get worthiness on top of that how much how much worthiness 80 80 I think that's pretty good for the quest that's perfect that's awesome so our new Quest was another exploration Quest we would have to go and explore the Woodland Mansion so I accepted the quest started to head over wait I see it oh the Woodland Mansion finally found the Woodland mansion and started making our way inside no we can't break it why why can't we break it okay we have to go through the front we have to go through the front who goes through the front like the temples and other structures the Woodland Mansion was a protected region meaning that blocks that were placed here with Decay and blocks here could not be broken by players however we were able to find a massive opening in the Mansion we went inside and started looting but as we were looting another team in the Mansion approached us what's up hey no I'm I'm chill if you guys are chill oh save him save him oh my God thank you my twin low oh oh my God it's been so long it has been so long oh my God wait do you guys only have three on your team we're only four people right now but yeah what one of us are logged out I don't think yeah we can't team with them so sad but I mean temporary Alliance you know we we won't kill you Alliance yeah dude of course it's l and arrow and Wesley this is my favorite team right now I knew this player LC from a previous event where I actually teamed with him and he ended up sacrificing himself so I could stay alive so I knew he was an extremely trustworthy player wait guys watch out watch out for Ben by the way do you know he's like a 5-year-old he's like a 5-year-old child dude he he's he's running around with a fishing rod and he like I dude at first we were decking him we were Bang Bang bang he it was game over for him at we were at a fortress and he couldn't do anything but then he fishing rotted a warden into three of our teammates what killed he killed we had five people on our team how dides he do that what so we warned lok's team about Ben and then we continue to explore the Mansion while completing our Quest oh my gosh oh there yo it's an aoker it's an aoker okay oh my J I just got a totem I got a totem yo yo J this is I'm healing I'm healing hold on I'm healing I'm healing just F them off fit them off right here right here and after staying in this Woodland Mansion for a bit we finally got the quest and once we did we made our way to Mid and completed the Quest for the Oracle yo let's check out the the weapons too okay the Aries sword the legendary weapon available to me and God jir was the Aries sword as we were both descendants of the god Aries either one of us getting the sword would be extremely useful but we would need to be 100% worthy and get all these materials this is exactly what we needed is the only way to take him down I don't see any other way of doing it yet I think that's I think that's the plan me and God jera quickly realized that now Ben was a force to be reckoned with the only way we would be close to taking him down if we were able to get the legendary weapons so we went out exploring looking for ways to get worthiness oh yo yo wait have we been to this one I don't think so maybe oh Poseidon so no we haven't been to this one okay we found this new Temple and began talking to the quest NPCs yo jir this one's giving 40 worthiness to go kill someone you think we should we should do it I mean I think we have to I don't think we have another choice so we had just encountered a bounty Quest and we decided to take it he yo I got my I got my bounty let's go you got your Bounty all right let's do this wait how much how much uh wor do you have I've got a 19 J do you still have the the drip Zone yeah I got a couple pieces what if we made a trap to get these guys let's Scout them out let's see the gear if not we jump him we we smack him but if we can't then trap could be a a play I I think that's perfect just hit him in a hole and then bam it's done it's over it's wavs they're finished they're they're absolutely finished so with the plan in place we started to make it towards the Bounty Bas base they're building I think that's them it this way we were able to find the player that I was hunting down so we went to the mountain opposite of them and started to create a trap as we were making this trap I realized that I was running out of time so even though it wasn't the best and probably wouldn't work we still have to go and try to use it J J this we don't have time for this new plan new plan all right let's go ask him for help on our nearby base genius absolute genius absolute genius that's great and although our plan was a bit dicey we still decided we were going to go for it this base is sick yo the building hello oh hello you're a build wait this base is sick mind of this is amazing a c i don't even know that was you did all this that are you are you at a family function who is talking I don't know we're making like a little base nearby can you help can you help us like dude you seem like such a good Builder can you help us like I don't know deck it out uh sure I got to kind of finish a bit of this though or yeah real real quick though cuz like we have no idea what to do cuz you're you seem like amazing at this so as I glazed this player he finally agreed to come back with us and hopefully it would be our time to trap him this seems like really like trap material like I mean like your base nah like what say why would your base look like a trap no I mean like this is like your like guiding me to your base bro we we literally Tred dude look at how bad we are we literally just tried to make a little like hey that's not nice who the baby who's the baby talk I who's the babyg huh as this player was catching on to our plan I absolutely choked and almost fell into the Trap oh that's nice oh I knew it I knew it no no no come here come here I'll give you diamonds brother Diamond I'll give you diamonds I'll give you diamonds no I promise I'm sure you will please please please please please that miserably failed diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds yeah it's kind of over for you just give up just give up so now it was on to plan B no no okay okay if you drop everything will let you live deal that's like the same as death no you can still bu my armor my armor isn't as valuable as my life okay okay what do you have that you could offer nothing I got bread I got bread that's it bro how much bread how much bread 14 give me every piece of every piece of that bread cuz I'm lowkey like I need food okay okay wait wait stop stop running you're just run okay you're going to run with the bread then drop the bread drop the bread I will run drop the bread and I I'll stop I'll stop chasing you I want every piece of bread I eventually coerced this player to stop to drop his bread that was my time to strike you still you stay that I'm sorry you're my bounty this this is kind of sad though yo this is this is so rude this is quite rude I'm the TR this is embarrassing we we feel the mind of EV you're my bounty stop yapping stoping zero star with you I'm sorry but yeah let's go I feel I feel so bad it had to happen it had to happen here you could here you can take this heart surprisingly this player had a crazy amount of good loot like this power three Infinity one bow and a heart so once we were done looting we started to head to Mid so I could finally redeem this Quest I don't think I make that you got it you got it just go just go with less than a minute left on this Quest we started to Sprint to Middle as if we didn't get this Quest we'd lose even more worthiness why is there a mountain here why is there a godamn mountain here and we're finished we're finished it's WPS I can't wait to have two wor pling get up this damn Mountain oh we're clear boost me you can't boost me you idiot people no I don't see any okay oh thank you wow magnificent boost spectacular place got you got it got it let's I was able to complete my bounty and now it was finally time to make a base so we went out searching for the perfect location however we stumbled across something interesting okay before we get a base I think we should get this capture point and if we can let's build a base near it I mean why not it's righty here so we decided that we were going to Capt after this point in order to get more passive worthiness however it seemed that I forgot about the deadly mobs that were here bro you just deflected the arrow I hate those things so much who's is this oh my goodness team 74 oh my goodness I just get on top of something wo sure we got to build on top of something quick quick go oh yeah all right here we're safe now and by Gaming the system a little bit we were able to get to a safe location in this Fortress and as we were capturing this point I was able to repair some of my armor however while I was doing that we quickly learned we were not as safe as we originally thought dude what how did they how did they actually climb I I don't understand here J uh can you get this and this God can you okay hold on can you get the stuff up yo you got to come on chir come on like no just glitched okay go go go go as we were trying to repair gear in a protected region something unexpected happened hey guys hey guys run totem back give back this is ours it's not yours if we capture it I have a bow of oh my God that bow does a lot of damage watch out I need my boots I got him on me come here I'd watch out behind you get okay I'm trying to hit him oh my God this kid I definitely hurt him get him get him get him the rest my team I'm on fire oh get him I'm on fire got I need my why you right here this is our capture Point wait get the point get the point I don't understand how are they in full dond though okay get this W I thought we were friends what is this this guy's a clown get him get this clown look we got another teammate what happened to us being friends of they're back they're back what happened Neo I don't know you tell me you tell me dude just give us Capt Point come on okay that fire is deadly not extinguish it be careful yeah I have a totem be careful I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying oh my God water we can't place water oh my God okay um I need to get up here I need to get up I got you I got you run I'm we got to go I'm on two HS I'm on two let's go thankfully with this extremely overpowered bow I was able to stay alive not only that we were able to drive the two enemy players out J come back we have it jro come back we we have it I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming that enemy team ended up ambushing us as we were capturing this Fortress however we were finally able to drive them out and we returned to capturing this point I almost got of I almost got him I almost got him and after staying in this point for a bit we finally captured it oh let's go dude wait each time we capture a new Fortress we get a we get a a bonus capturing that Fortress we got 25 extra worthiness as if you capture any of the four fortresses for the first time you'll get a capture bonus for that Fortress and as it was now the end of day one on day two fortresses would become even stronger as it would give us more worthiness in a shorter amount of time now that we had this we found the perfect base location nearby what about somewhere like around around that Village what about on a you think of like a little Hill base we can make a little Temple underground area I mean it sounds good to me I'm not much of a builder but I mean I like this area and it's high so it's a vantage point so both me and God jira agreed that we would build here so that's exactly what we started doing after terraforming the base I went to middle to get some care packages that the gods were sending out with build materials and after I got that it allowed me to start building the [Music] base after a long night worth of work we finally had the base done which had a farm chest area and even a trap which made for some very interesting plays later on but for now me and gajera logged on for the next day what oh I got worthiness yeah cuz we have the capture point Y we were still being awarded worthiness from The Fortress which actually for the first time made it seem that our worthiness was actually at a good point however we were still lacking in armor so after we got some food we began heading down to the mines wow good job all right let's get to mining as we were mining we were still getting our worthiness however some bad news came right after capture point we owned is being captured by another team means we just lost our passive worthiness again but there was nothing we could do at this point except to keep mind okay jro let's head up so after finishing our little mining Journey we started to head to the surface where Z oh okay yep I think we have to get that when we had resurfaced a fortress was right next to us so naturally me and Goda headed over as we' lost control of the one we had J there's a guy there's a guy okay wa what's good guys you look like you need some help yeah I I can use some it's jei it's jei jeppi wait oh okay yeah what's good new yeah maybe you want to help us huh wait is that not a good idea oh my God I was so low these guy these gu are dangerous I'm going to oh yeah they do so much damage yeah I know yo what's good NE wait are you capturing this right now I was just exploring are you alone yeah I alone I just joined you like to would you like to maybe team up how are they not even attacking you what is I no they were attacking me when I blazing look at this they're literally on our dude they're on my meat they're on my meat they're not they don't even care about J look at we hate you they are after your emotion they sense theemotion I have oh they would this guy would never attack me I known him for so long this your twin my twin no you got this jeppi no no no what's up guys oh you're back okay wait you want to join our team yeah I would love to join your team this player Nam just jeppi was a good friend from other events with only two players on our team right now we were massively outnumbered so teaming up with jei was a great idea although it was still his first day on the server so we practically had nothing I would love to team you with you you know as long as you don't make a bunch of bad jokes I don't think there's going to be a problem I will never that never you know who would do that so after staying at this capture point for quite a bit we were finally able to capture it since capture points were buffed on the second day our capture bonus was too and as we've never got this Fortress before we were able to get that worth bonus yeah by the way which God are you I am Aries and he is I'm also Aries he's Aries we're both Aries I am Zeus whoa okay wait that's actually really good you know I love Thunders all of this thing yes the Thunders Thunders Thunders Thunders Thunders the sepp's patron God was Zeus which was actually a really good thing as only one type of each God could win so that means me and goder would be able to win alongside jeppi however no matter what me and goder would not be able to win alongside each other other so we would have to deal with that when the time came but in the meantime as we started to approach home we got some bad news no way we just C that point as we were about to make it home our capture point was being contested and we really needed that worthiness so we decided that we were going to go back so we quickly went into the base and with the diamonds we got started crafting Diamond gear and then of course we had to enchant it okay there we go I'm fully enchanted now all right let's start going back everyone had the gear they needed yeah I'm full one we started to return to the capture Point all right I don't see anybody here uh just keep keep your eye out they're down here they're down here there's players okay no no no just stay in the capture Point Let's capture it and just wait for them there were enemy players nearby for now we stayed in the capture point and waited for someone to attack right there's someone on the roof where where are they roof hey what are you doing up there oh I see that an enemy player had made it onto the roof however he was massively outnumbered so we began chasing him wait is somebody back at the point just is jir back hey yeah J's back I'm not hitting him I just got him no he's he's way too far all right I'm going back to the point let's let's back to the point so after that minor inconvenience we went back to the point and officially captured it now that we did I was officially above 50% worthiness which was extremely good as worthiness had tears amongst the gods if players had under 25% they would be hunted by mercenaries players had 50% the gods would grant them an ability players had 75% the gods would give them amount and if players were at 100% the gods would let them craft legendary weapons and join them in Olympus giving them a chance to win this event wait I was granted a passive skill so basically if if I kill somebody I have a 25% chance of getting an extra heart and on hit I have a 5% chance of giving them a glowing effect that is sick I still have 40% all right man we we'll get you there you know we're a team now than thank you yeah yeah this sounds like a team now guys what do we do about food I think we go back to base and just like I don't know try to grow crops maybe you want to sit in our base and farm crops looks like a plant okay well then what do you want me what do you what do you suggest out of the corner of my eye I spotted a random player and I started to approach yo yeah yeah yeah yeah yo yo he's he's lagging so much all right all right chill chill chill chill chill wait wait don't kill him don't kill him yo y yo please please please please hold on please stay back yeah chill chill oh we're chilling we're chilling no wait wait hold wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we just want to talk don't run don't run don't run don't run don't run don't run run run run run run run run run run run run don't run don't run don't run relax relax stop I'll stop chill out chill out okay stop no no don't kill him don't kill him don't kill him we can we need food yeah we could do something with this why is it yo uh eka I feel like you want to give us some food you have some food I just have a hunch that you you want I think I think you should give us some food I feel like you want to give us some food for you know exchange exchange for your life uhhuh yeah I think you should give us some food I think you should give us some food I I think I'm pretty hungry I'm pretty hungry all of it all of it you still got some in your hand seems you have all of it all of it all of it all of all of it all of it all of it all of it all all of it all of it all of it all of it all of it all of it all wow that looks delicious you sure you don't got anymore your pockets look kind of heavy oh okay okay so so you were lying you were lying run away run away now run away now run away run run thank you for the food all right you're such an amazing shoty what a nice guy what a what a great friend such a generous such a gentleman yeah I know right that was amaz such a generous person he gave us every piece of food he had so after making a new friend and him lending us some food we started to make our way back to base but on our way the next world event began Pandora's Box had started which was a world event where Gods left Pandora's Box here the player who finds it and returns to the Oracle would instantly gain 250 worthiness so thankfully we made our way to the box and it was extremely close to us out of us who has the lowest worthiness prob right okay then you get the box go go grab it thank you thank we just need to bring it to the Oracle and we'll get it we found the box and just sepi got it now all we had to do is return it to the Oracle go let's go lead us lead us to the Oracle okay the freaking Oracle lead us to the freaking Oracle see I didn't see the compass we're going going that cheap with a Pandora box in my cheeks oh wow oh thank you so much for that thank you so much for that was so crazy oh there's guy there's a team right there on the left where on the left directly on the left go right go right right go right go right are they coming for us I don't know they they saw us and with enemy players all around us another one had just approached oh no I'm I'm not here to fight I'm not here to fight I'm just intriguing yo what's good good there's a te holy what is going on over here oh okay oh my god dude there's so many people after us where's jir jir is behind us wait if we could get on land we could snipe all of these guys it's Aus team it's a team how far is the Oracle like I see that combo it's like a thousand blocks oh that's a lot of blocks that's more than seven yeah Goa are you okay wait should I stop and oh oh my God what guys chasing him already what is happening with wait wait wait give me an angle just give me an angle hey my hey Farin we're we're we're here to help you guys here help oh they here's behind us too's behind us yo what's good oh my just they're lying it's Farland they're not helping us BR okay yo what's good yo sniped us both snip us both no I won't no I won't why don't you leave me alone we have to go behind us too was behind us too yeah I saw that nice one there's so many there we go get get gppi don't get J nice no no no boats no boats for you guys nope nope no let's go no no go for the box go for the the Box this isn't even worth it why are you attacking me I don't have the box who got the box the Box what the what the heck give read the Box what the I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming get in get in get in get in get try to give you an angle get the get get out of here my goat bro wait he Dr did he drop the Box get him get him get him get them get them he dropped the Box where's the box here I'm making a boat thank you random man who's helping me here do you want hop in you want me to drive you to jeppi no jeppi lost the Box no no no no there's so many people why are they on land what is the plan wait how he how did he get the box jei dropped it jei they were killing me this ridiculous we got to go and hop for you I'm just I'm just alliance with you guys guys I found a random man who's amazing who is this guy yo what's good do what's up so with this random player that was helping me and the rest of my team we started to chase aquatic as he had the Box aquatic has it aquatic has it he's on he's with Karen of course it's F's team wait genetics get genetic get genetic I'm cting out for you should get genetic because she's aquatic keep running aquatic run bro aquatic what are you doing how are you fumbling more than I am no come here aquatic come here aquatic drop the box and you live drop the box right now and you live Drop It come on Neo Neo Neo I'll drop it if you let me live I'll drop it if you let me live drop the box drop the box drop the Box oh wait he actually did it he did it okay hey get him who you can't jump me right after dropping the Box what what kind of eate is this hey get Neil get Neil here's the Box y I'm sorry Karen get the box get the box oh H what a bad lava damn oh never mind not don't play with me Jen run away Neo Neo Neo I I dropped you the box for my life how am I Tov one you guys this is embarrassing this is so embarrassing give me the Box yo leave me alone he's my teammate I can't let you live aquatic I can't Neo Neo Neo I dropped you that box for my life bro what the you think you're doing hello hello quatic while I was chasing aquatic I found the perfect opportunity to leave and head to the Oracle wait I'm at I'm on a home stretch I can do this I can do this I was the only one in the spawn region and I had the chance to get to the Oracle so that's exactly what I did going to get it going get it I ended up redeeming Pandora's Box which gave me enough worthiness to get my mouth Yes wait I have my mou too I was awarded the Aries Mount when I got 75% worthiness which players can use for 50 seconds is responsible and only has one HP per spawn run Z run Z run oh my gosh what the [ __ ] how do I get goodbye goodbye idiots goodbye after I got Pandora's Box and my Mount we made our way to another Temple as I was now really close to becoming 100% worthy which would give me the ability to get the legendary weapon and we could finally hunt down Ben and at the top there was a familiar face yo L yo Neo yo what what's good where's your team bro I had they all got killed they get jumped by this Ben of the known guy what Ben jumped him Ben that's crazy we going out of this this capture Point lok's team had face Ben and they didn't make it out somehow he was able to escape you remember we told you about Ben yeah I I didn't think that much about it back then but now I realize wait your whole team's gone this 5-year-old is so powerful yeah why is this 5-year-old like a monster bro bro jumping everybody we need to take him no we we actually you got go old I don't like those okay I I guess we have a common we have a common Mission want to join our team yo I'm down I have go y te the family is expanding guys with lok's entire team dead we decided to add him to ours wait have you been looking at the quest what what are they uh what did they say these IAL to this guy this guy needs 6 nether oh yeah NE oh we should probably go to the nether wait is the nether time I don't know I don't think it's open yet and just un qu the nether had open nether unlocked piing okay wait let's do this Quest then with the nether now unlocked we would finally be able to do this Quest and go and get 16 Netherrack we all started this Quest and now all we needed was some obsidian does anyone have any Obby on them I got 38 on me no way okay let's go let's go down and set it up that's very convenient I found it in the wooden mansion they're just sitting in chest so once we got out of the protected region okay finally made the nether portal so we made it into the nether get the get the Nether and then we we go away like oh we're going to have to go to Mid again no we quickly got the Netherrack and we started to rush back to Mid so that after I redeemed the quest we could go back into The Nether and find some blaze rods as we would need them to craft a sword so we kept exploring the nether until we found a fortress guys there's one right here there's a fortress right here oh there's people there I found a fortress but there was enemy players inside so we needed to hurry and get these blaze rods as fast as possible there's a spawner who's over there who's over there let's go let's go what you mean there's somebody is that NE it's uh is this there's a Minotaur ne's Fortress and there's two people over there yeah there's behind you behind you NE behind you Neil behind you Ne Yo watch out yeah once we were inside this Fortress we immediately realized it wasn't like the others as there was a Minotaur in the middle of the Fortress but we would have to come back to that as we still needed to get blaze rods before the other players no idea where they went where did they go they're gone they ran away they saw us and then ran they ran up oh my god oh should probably not chase them they might be stacked they did not look stacked there and Diamond they're right there they're right there they're right there on the left on the left like down the down the path oh that's big team is that aquatic oh oh why are they here what's good aquatic yo jei bro we're broke yeah you stole the Pandora box for me I remember that we were now face to face with these players and we started to chase them as we had to ensure we were the only people to get these blaze rods I am in need of food bad get him get him get him oh there's breaking the blocks are breaking another thing to mention that Hades the ruler of the nether decided to make it so that blocks that were placed Decay over time which we definitely had to watch out for no you don't get that guy On's low On's low get him get him get him come here [Music] Onie nice damn they went to the portal don't go through that portal they're going to [ __ ] you we were able to kill one player and drive the rest of the team out which ensured that we would be able to go back and get blaze rods in peace so that's exactly what we did I'm looking good on blaze rods now okay let's let's get out of here there's people there's people there's people where it's Ben it's Ben it's Ben team it's Ben team after we got blaze rods Ben's team had shown up and the only way out of this Fortress was to go through them oh my God wait what buddy who do who do you think you are what what are you even talking about like oh nope NOP NOP you missed you missed your coma B cuz you stink you absolutely thing while fighting Ben he popped my totem and it ended up just being me and him at this bridge as my teammates had moved the fight elsewhere pop your totem yeah I thank you I can see that well now you're in a c okay nope nope nope NOP let me uh let me just okay then then then then head knocked me in the lava he was able to clutch onto a Strider that was left here since I still had fire resistance from the totem I wasn't dead just yet even hit you where are [Music] you oh my goodness I'm so low wait I got to okay I need to I need to craft this um shrider shrider oh no I'm back I'm back Neo you're not going to kill me here okay okay maybe why do you have a bow for why do I have a bow for no don't you dare don't you dare Ben no no no no get in the lava buddy get in the lava buddy okay never mind just get Strider just nope NOP nope just get on the Strider just get on the Strider I guess just get on the Strider guess Mak Ben I was able to get my own Strider that still wasn't keeping me entirely safe stupid idiot stupid idiot yeah yeah see that that's what I thought okay why does your bow do so much damage for huh you have like power a trillion I don't why are we using vertices cuz I have no other blocks and it makes it looks cool it looks cool right Neo right Neo the way looks cool let me get this out of my hand this Soul Sand is so annoying Soul Sand is very annoying CU I didn't have any food left I tried to keep Ben a distance I knew I couldn't take this fight and would have to escape no are we now we dodging a weav okay how are you not Maybe not maybe maybe what do you even have on your boat why is it so good I don't have anything on my boat for real Nerf bows M have Nerf bows where are you going oh my God there's lava right here thinking it's some Hades where are you going wait where are you going oh wait I'm so lost he broke my ankles he broke my ankles no way he broke my [Music] ankles where did he go yo Neo where'd you go I'll find you neo I'll find you eventually than not more likely than not I'll find you did he break my ankles where did he go my ankles just got broken by the mind of Neo himself I was able to escape Ben and after he finally left I regrouped with my team that was crazy I don't even I was telling lowy I don't even think that Ben's a good pvper I think he's just got so many people that it's overpowering bro no no no he fishing roded me off a cliff what what he's fishing roded you off the cliff fishing rod we were doing stuff on Striders that was dude that was what I almost killed him too but he no I I had no there was no chance it sounds like you had more fun than we did he's so good with the fishing rod I don't even I don't even know what to do I actually have no idea what to do they they literally the only way is we need the weapon yeah we need the weapon there's no bro he's he's going to fishing rod me off of the universe into the abyss like he's a 5-year-old boy just fishing roding everyone like he killed he killed a whole goddamn team what do you like I don't understand what's happening I I just I I actually don't understand all right well then that's game we got to we got to get our money up we need to stay away from him during the fight Not only was I separated jeppi was too however thankfully he was still alive able to meet up with us so L I was so L you're push me it's okay now it's okay now oh my God good you to hack me hack me please oh yeah oh yeah get away from me get away from thank so what happened apparently apparently my boy pulled out the fishing rod again the fishing rod wait he's done this before we told you he pulled up a whole goddamn Ward and and bang they're out of there like everyone died bro I forgot about that not going to lie so now that we all regrouped we decided that we needed to take Ben down as he almost killed all of us along with him and his team getting more powerful so we needed to get our worthiness up and one of the quicker ways to do it was to do boss fights so that gave me an idea wait guys you remember the Minotaur what if we what if we went back there we could do the I don't know what's what do you think be better what do you think it' be better what's going to give us more is what what I'm what I'm think since we didn't know how much the Mur would give us we decided to head to the Fortress as we were already in the nether yeah okay The Fortress Is Right here after traveling a bit we found the Minotaur we decided that this was worth the risk of worthiness so it was finally time to enter his Labyrinth wa what is oh this is the ma the minur maze which way are we going um yo G You Take the Lead You Take the Lead usually there's on go J let's do this like in in mythology there's supposed to be like a bunch of arrows but they end up leading you nowhere uh I don't know just keep going I guess okay thank you for that can we build giv you facts I'm giving you facts what do you want from me I'm giving you facts I'm giving oh there he is what I see his boss bar oh oh my God go hold up yeah we're getting oh I failed I failed you oh my god get you don't got the motion you don't have the motion not have thetion this is embarrassing shut the hell up yo why did why did you have to do just happy like that am I stupid am I going the same you are stupid you're stupid but for different reasons we couldn't find anything so we kept traveling and eventually we happened to finally find something nothing what the hell oh what they do I I I led you to some Ms at least behind us behind us there's some behind us oh no oh my there's so many run run get him bro get him finally I got him I Y if I kill oh my God there's more just run just run just run away just run away run away run away you don't get anything from killing him there's no point just go I got he's fine he's F bro get this mother get this guy out of here all right come on let's just go let's go oh there's so many after there's so many no no oh my God go through these go through these wait this must be this must be we're close right uh maybe oh just guys come on we were able to run from the Swarms of soldiers however what we didn't know is that there was still more to come no no no no no no watch out oh go go just run just run just run okayo oh my God oh my God oh there's so many someone drop food someone drop please yeah I got you I got you thank you there you go in the middle of them no you idiot you idiot okay you're fine you're fine there's so many that's I'm going through I'm threading the needle I'm threading the needle oh my God they're not threading they don't care about you I'm I'm threading the needle go turn around don't just stand there R where are we going way Follow by some sheer luck I was able to lead us to the main room what is this that's nothing what did you find what did you find is this it that's it bro he just summoned he just summoned the hammer he is he's Thor oh what the dude I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead he's sending Miss I died to the minitar almost instantaneously it didn't matter because if my teammates were able to live and kill the Minotaur I wouldn't lose any worthiness and it said we'd gained some from the gods for killing the Minotaur he died wait I can see my team's progress so I kept waiting and eventually my screen turned white wait you guys did it let's go I got I got an Aries Mount wait you you got a mount too I got a mount I'm at 95% let's go gajira wasn't the only one now with the mount Lok had also gotten his just right click this hey you get to fly fly way why can he fly guys let's use our mounts to get out of the nether beautiful oh yes yes fall off lava wait guys don't worry wait Neo ne ne I got a mount as well let's go let's get the best's this might be the saddest thing I've ever seen what do you mean I just like you so everyone except jei was looking good onw worthiness finally so we explored and found the nearest portal should we go in this portal or this isn't our portal I know I did we don't actually have you should go in the portal first I'll take one for the you should go then may I got you guys I got you yes come on so I decided that I'd take one for the team and make it through the portal and luckily on the other side it was extremely peaceful is this sideways is this me yo oh my God this is this is is this the greatest on no no no no I'm breaking this I'm breaking this this is this is the greatest base ever wow put love on it put love on it now that we were finally back to the Overworld and that was so close to being worthy we had to decide how we were going to get our last piece of worthiness yo do you guys think for the last piece of worthiness we should do a boss fight I'll do a boss fight we should sounds good to me so now that we all agreed that we were going to do a boss fight we had to figure out which God we could fight as we would not be able to fight our own Gods so with me and Goda being Aries sepi being posidon and Lok being Hades left us with our only option as Zeus so we started to head over to his Temple yeah I think it's here wow this is sick do you think we can take him there's only one way to find out L yo Ze look at this you smell like Ze did you just did you okay never mind never mind so now that we were finally at Zeus's Temple it was time to fight him so I joined the queue and I waited for everyone else to as well however Lok clicked the button and accidentally just put us two in where's jir wait wait where's jir and jeppi oh my God what are he doing yeah we got spit up oh my God no no no no no no no no no no what is happening give me like tornado oh my God this is really not good die insect no bro don't call me an insect that hurts the feelings no oh don't watch out watch out what oh my God what is that what is that I'm flying I I'm in a [Music] tornado oh no no no no no no no no oh that's so much damage hold up dude we need five people we need four or five people oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no Lok just died I can't do this alone oh there's no way we needed four people I don't understand why Lok did he hit Q I don't know what happened it's oh no no it's over it's so over I okay it's oh no no no it's cliffed it's very cliffed I'm not even healing I I don't know what to do I think I just I have to keep attacking and hope hope that like he doesn't hit me or something I have no idea oh my gosh I'm I'm so dead here I'm doing I'm I swear I haven't done any damage to this guy I'm dead I'm absolutely dead here it's over and okay yo stop throwing Neo stop I'm joking bro we were so close to being worthy no oh I'm at 47 now what I'm on 35 I even lost my wait what happened to you guys did you guys just yeah we got destroyed yo I got just struck by lightning I don't know what happened we got sped oh my God we had all lost our boss fights and now he had significantly lower worthiness so we went down to the village and found an easy quest to do where we only needed three blaze rods to complete it and we got a little bit of worthiness it started to head to the Oracle to redeem our worthiness there we go okay once we completed this Quest we started to go home but on the way we passed by a fortress we decided it was worth capturing for the extra worthiness bro I can't wait to use my Mount again it's yeah how do you think jeppi feels how do you think I don't care how je feels w wow that's crazy that's crazy that's crazy I feel very and I feel very hurt I'm sorry jei I'm just I'm very angry I'm sorry as we approached the Fortress I saw a name tag that's aom that's a team there's a lot of them I don't know if we can take that yeah only three three no there's like four five there's five of them that's entire team there were players at this Fortress and if we wanted to take it over we would have to take it forcefully go ahead I've almost going up on the right are they running I have no idea let's let's hope that they I one one one they see us they see us just go get out of here get out of here someone SP oh Sho oh shoot okay I think you guys should just leave I don't I don't know if you guys can fight this we have bows get all bows get don't bows this is seems why you come up here why you come up here yeah come up here at this capture point we happened to find a V's team and we continue to use our bows to keep pinging them with arrows we're going to take it no you're not how many arrows do they have yeah I have Infinity as many as we need as many as we I just want to let you know I have Infinity they have Infinity bow they kidding we're at a snow mate here we got to get out bro I think you guys should run yeah me too yeah get out of here run away decided to jump down as I thought I might have a chance to take down one of the players get him get him get him yeah jump oh my God I just jumped on I just jumped on help help no no don't help don't help don't get just happy don't get just happy get out of here just up low I'm not low I'm actually full that's where is he oh my God he's so low out of here taking this points BR run run right here right here right here nice oh nice nice nice nice oh my God oh my God get them out yo go get your point go get your point guys yo back off this is our Point yo get away this is our Point hold on they want this they want this they ain't backing off they want this got him get him get get out of here get out of here oh back off this is our Point go find someone else's get go some he's not taking any damage to Lava oh why did the lava not work I have immunity to fire I have immunity to fire is that why yeah bomo we used to be friends man okay okay okay all relax relax relax okay okay you get your point get your point we we'll back off there's no way there's no way we're taking that no no no no it's it's wraps where's it's over wait M I was down to half a heart oh my God after realizing that there was no way we were winning that battle we decided that it was the best move to leave so we told gajir and jeppi to come to our base and me and Lok started heading there Welcome to our base you haven't been here before all right here's our little water elevator oh my God yo Welcome to our base so I was showing Loki the base but most importantly I had to show him our Trap by the way this is a trap so watch out if you want to look if anyone comes down you got to break this this block right here the whole floor Will C oh my God so after I showed loc the base we started farming until jeppi and gajira arrived once they did we started to repair our gear on top of getting a fortune 3 pickaxe I also ended up repairing my boat and getting flame on it and after we did we decided to head back to the capture point so we can finally reclaim it all we're reclaiming it let's just uh let's just wait and after a while of waiting on this capture Point eventually we were able to capture it two oh there we go after we got the capture point we decided that we were going to go mining as we still needed a ton of resources for the legendary weapons so we started to head down to the [Music] mines oh oh my god oh no while we were mining our capture point was being provoked so we unfortunately lost the worthiness that came from that but we decided to keep [Music] mining after a good amount of time mining I was able to get everything I needed so I made it back to the base and I began organizing all my Loot and we were able to get a ton of diamonds with the fortune 3 pickaxe now that we had that we had to figure out how to get the last bit of worthiness do we want to go to the capture point maybe take it back that's a good idea but wait I don't we have so much good stuff here I don't want to get St what if they they St them again yeah that's true yeah yeah you know what you know what I'll stay behind this time I can I can stay behind what if like five people show up shows up that might all we'll just we'll just run we'll just run if like be ready if they come to theas just message just message yeah be be near the Trap be near the Trap yeah I'm going to be ready with it all right jro let's go yeah see you guys good luck with Lok insisting that he stayed behind got jir and jepi made it to the capture point and we began capturing it and thankfully after some time we were able to capture this point with no problem at all oh we we captured the point let's go after we captured the point we started to head back so we can meet up with Loki we were not prepared for what was to come I also need food I need food I I need food for real like do do we have any food oh my God I'm hungry luy do you have any food yeah I got some actually hold up L what are you what just happened what just happened he's trying to kill him I'm sorry get him get him get him oh my God I don't have food for this I don't have food where is he where is he there he is there he is we got him highlighted go oh my god dude for for what why why did you kill him not for what get him I don't even care damn it the entire time the entire time okay what the what are you doing I had to I had no choice oh no oh no no we started chasing Lok because he betrayed our team and as a result just sepy ended up dying stop running oh no no no no no y Neil come on come on come on do you have food do you have food at all I have nothing I have no food I can't we have to go oh no dude the blocks are breaking get him get him hit him he keep shooting me okay I'm sorry sorry wait wait wa wait wait wait listen listen listen listen listen to what listen to what I had to my team wasn't killed only half of them was what and Wesley are kidnapped are captured they told me to kill I don't care what why do I care listen listen you killed our team K I had to kill you guys it it was the only way to get get them back Ben capture them what are you what are you what are you talking about Ben Ben captur them Ben captured them you remember how how I told you they jumped us yeah yeah yeah apparently he captured both p and Wesley he'll only you know Aon rest like I don't know what to do I that's was the only way out why did you try to kill us I was in that trap you know just Happ you saved my life I had no CH they told me to that was the only way to get him back that was the only way bro it what about just happy I know I'm sorry that's the only thing stay down there stay down there okay so so you're telling me this goddamn region you're telling me that the reason you killed us is because what your teammates were captured yeah they couldn't tell anybody they would kill him instantly why didn't you just tell us like we were your teammates I didn't want to take the risk what if it slipped what if somebody found out now they I told you guys now they did now what do we do now you tell me do we kill you too late yeah what now what what happens okay just happ's dead what happens now our chances of like winning this and Ben taking us it's over what do you suggest we do now I don't know like this was my only solution like what do you think we should do should we save him are we are we good enough to that no I don't think we could kill you we could kill you but what would you get out of that what would you get out of that to avenge our to avenge our our friend okay j j j j what do we do say no don't move don't move I I I don't I don't know should we should we go save his team and try to take down Ben or I don't I don't know what to do we lost another teammate another teammate I don't think I could trust L anymore but listen no no listen if we to be honest like if if we're both looking to take down Ben I'm I'm with I'm with letting him live for now listen and if we' save them if we manage to save them we'll have a full team of five we'll be stronger than ever trust me on this it's worth it with us and Lok having a common enemy we decided for now to trust him as it was the only way that we could collectively take down Ben so for now we made it back to the base wait for us to go first huh why don't you go next that's damn straight nice nice nice real uh real great as I was looking at the Trap had finally hit me that Lok had been messing with us all along when we were in The Labyrinth he threw food right in the middle of the guards or even when he split us up for the boss fights and made us all lose worthiness lastly when he stayed behind knowing that when we came back he'd have the Trap waiting for us I'll stay behind this time I can I can stay behind now because of Lok just Seb he was dead wait Neo NE Neo NE I got a mount as well let's go let's get the best ever yeah I would love to Jo your game but now we had no choice but to keep our team so now our next plan of action was to get our worthiness up so we could get the legendary weapon we were on our way there with our capture Point getting us passive worthiness however not long after it was being provoked all right oh it's being captured back okay nothing's going good I wonder whose fault that is no but bro listen listen I didn't want listen I don't want to listen I didn't have a choice after we lost our capture point we had to find another way to get worthiness so we started to head to the temple and once we were there we found a quest that required us to go to an ocean Monument so we decided to do the quest okay if we're going to go to a monument we should probably get some boats and some doors and yeah I think that's good let's go jro L don't even don't even think about getting in the boat you get your own boat okay there's no trees around there's no trees around broke there is absolutely no trees embarrassing here I I I have W for you actually I I made another he has to give you wood he has to give you another boat so broke so broke listen listen I I I don't want to hear it I'm la la la la I can't hear you la la la la la okay okay okay okay I'm going to shut up shut up you're babbling you're babbling okay okay okay you're babbling after Lok hit us with that blabber attack we were approaching the ocean Monument but on the way we found a lone player on the beach we saw an opportunity to get some hearts as we needed them for the legendary there's a guy right there and with a diamond hat and a chest plate of iron what is he doing this might be an easier way I we investigate we do need the hard for weapons that's true sir sir what happened sir what happened sir what happened excl what's up Sir what happened sir sir sir hey what happened sir yeah uh well like what's your class wait what's your class I'm RS I got Rob my te bad that was my bad that was my bad that was a misclick come on come on oh sorry that's my bad oh oh yeah my bad his bad uh what are you doing oh my gosh I have no team right now so um just trying to survive really yeah I mean our our dilemma here is right now we need hearts and I mean I already I'm sorry about this my heart's up I don't care let's go while I was politely asking that for his Hearts Lok decided to take matters into his own hands and since time was running out on our Quest we decided to keep moving and as we approached the ocean Monument the next world event occurred sidon's wrath was a world event where the waters would become treacherous as players and mobs would instantly sink making it extremely hard for water travel but our Quest time was running so we still had to make it to this ocean Monument what is this stay far away bro we're in the middle of the sea what we need this Quest this is epic we do there there's there's a Temple right here as well okay let's go no no no I can't swim I can't can't swim what oh I I cannot swim up the oh no no no use your oak doors oh my God oh my God get me get get me in there get me in there we made it into the ocean monument and we were getting our quests so we waited and hope by the time that we got our quests this world event would be over only a few more seconds after waiting a good amount of time we were able to get the quest but the world event was still not over and it was going to be quite the challenge getting out of here I still can't move oh sponges do we do we need this oh I'm going to I'm placing a door here you supposed to here I can't go up I can't move what dude what are we supposed to do okay guys push push I'm almost there I'm so close okay I'm not drowning I'm not drowning oh I'm so close oh I'm I cannot get to the surface and just get pulled down instantly we're going to make it all we have to do is tap the boats oh that's right that's right come on come on come on so close come on almost oh my God close please put it overhead get in get in oh come on there we go put it overhead put over here J I got you yeah get good J that [Music] one there we go once we were finally able to make it out of the monument we started to head to Cornucopia time is yeah time's running out I'm I'm good I am so good a I'm 43 okay there we go we're one step closer so we got the quest and on our way back to the base we decided to go to the the capture Point as it was on the way and would help us get even more worthiness however this time there were two extremely deadly players here guys guys people two people two people frog farmer frog farmer and Freddy hello oh they see us they see us they see us guys what are you doing what are you doing guys we tried to sneak up but we were immediately spotted so we started making our way to the roof of the structure get down here Neo how can I get down when I'm so up what are you guys trying to do trying to get some worthiness bud I we also need some Karma we need some worthiness can have you can have after us listen man get down here get down here Neo get down oh you see that you see that they don't know about that they don't know they don't know I have an Infinity boat by the way just uh letting you know wait what yeah we both have Infinity you're you're your fult yeah I don't run out of AR well you guys aren't keeping it Budd me for the infinity to be any wor uh you want to go outside instead of playing this game you you guys okay you guys got you guys you got to lock in okay it extremely hard to hit this player so I went down to the house to get a better angle careful they're big and scary we are very big and scary yeah you're really big I wouldn't come up here Freddy stay back okay they're they're coming anyway oh God l l help okay get him get him come here you say Arrow Arrow Arrow's dead bro Arrow's dead see oh my God I'm going to be honest I think what is the point of this we're just pegging you with arrows just what is it actually we need we need okay we need like two more points of this if you can all right just go do a quest go do a quest yeah go do Quest it's worth it trust come on yeah that's for it's for it bro yeah what like what is the point of this your armor is just breaking like where's the fun in this you know what I'm saying okay I have an idea frog follow me follow me come here you nope terrible idea Freddy terrible okay that does not work out I'm going to be honest I love bow spamming this is amazing okay well are we going to go bye byebye guys yeah this is not it sorry frog you were nice to me ear you oh I hate you guys you you fall down you fall down near oh they're coming back want to fight yeah I'd love to fight such clowns such absolute clowns I was buing the [ __ ] out of that guy they're still out here they just sitting here waiting us for us to jump down these guys yeah these guys must be dumb hi guys hi hi oh maybe they're not d okay he ambushed us I come here Lo come here y please no come here Lo come here oh no no no no no come here Lo here get off of him Freddy oh no okay come here low come here bro come here come here frog yo somebody help me bro help me I'm stuck in a corner here why aren't you dying bro why aren't you dying okay I'm coming I'm coming hold on youing come here dude oh my gosh I'm coming help someone come here bro come here you're not getting that up that ladder come here come here I'm here I'm here you're in you guys are big trouble guys leave the leave the point leave the point leave the point they they're leaving they're leaving even though there was only two of these players they were extremely good and extremely geared so we decided that we should run get get get get get him get him get him leave the point leave the point or we going to die Neo leave the point going to die just let us leave just let us leave leave yeah we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving we're Le we're leaving yo maybe we focus on getting netherite cuz like that was crazy no we need gapples we need gapples immediately we realized that we were extremely undergeared and while debating what we were going to do about it we were sered some very bad news what oh oh my God we need to hurry they're they're so far they're so far ahead wait wait we still need Hearts how many hearts do we have I have one one I'm I have no extra I have no extra I have one EXT ra I have two extra okay wait we need we need worthiness we need worthiness immediately um what do you think how do we get it what do you think we just wait for them to leave that might be the the plan dude this changes everything this actually changes everything yeah we we need to hurry up like we can't play around with Ben getting the legendary weapon time was now running out as he still thinks that Lok was trying to betray us but it was only a matter of time before he found out and killed the rest of lok's team and got even more Hearts so we needed to hurry and get 100% worthy this changes everything we need more teammates yeah we need we need to rescue p and Wesley that's the that's the way to win we need to rescue them we could stage an operation after we're done doing this yeah Freddy said he only needed a bit of worthiness we decided to wait 5 minutes and then reapo the Fortress as by now Freddy should have got his worthiness and wouldn't care about the Fortress anymore wait do you think they're they're gone now yeah they should be gone we've waited for a bit hopefully otherwise we'll have to run away again because we Cann all take them we cautiously approached the capture point and thankfully nobody was here so we again capturing it and keeping our eye out for any other players and thankfully we were able to capture the point with no issues let's go we got it we got it finally okay yo yo there's a guy up ahead there's a guy there's a guy on on a horse Y what is that what is that mon who that who that that's ferland it's get an extremely deadly player named Farland had just entered the Fortress however he was significantly outnumbered so we began approaching I have a quest and I'll let you guys have it what yeah what what do you mean I I have a I have a quest for this out and I'll let you guys have it please wait please please please please please where's your team wait why why doesn't he have a team my my team not have a team most of them most of them betrayed me and then it's confusing one of them one of them just kind of got kidnapped I don't know please just kidnap capture this okay this some I don't know some kid named Ben I don't even there's too many of them is he doing that to everybody is he doing that to everybody Ben like the kid that sounds like he's 5 years old yeah the kid that sounds like an idiot oh okay we know who that is yeah okay wait he he took he took everyone even even you you there was five of them and my teammates betrayed me so it's a s v it was a s it was a 7v2 I couldn't do anything okay and now I just need this so I can get my weapon I can get my weapon and I and I'll kill them with my legendary weapon that's what I need if you guys let me capture this point please I'm begging you I don't know I don't know if we can trust him at all there's history here there's history there's history but put that's the past you know put the past by this you know what I mean 5 5 me away please the history we were talking about is that in a previous event he and this player were enemies and we ended up wiping each other's teams out we do have a new have a new enemy now yeah yeah you have no team no not really it's just one of my teammates is captured the one Farland was with his teammates but they ended up betraying him and the person behind it was Ben while one of his teammates got captured he managed to escape if Farland joins our team then we actually we kind of we might have a chance we have a chance wait how close are you to getting your weapon I'm 99% this is all I need like yeah but what about what about the recipe oh yeah I have I have what I need I just need to go to the end get the end rods and I'm good Farin in previous events had wiped out my entire team and was an extremely deadly player and almost had killed me but with Ben getting the legendary weapon seemed that we had to trust him I'm willing to trust him save them without oh oh my God y guys we all hate a right yeah get guy out of wait wait there's team coming oh wait Farland you're with us you're with us wait wait leave your team leave your team and join ours you'll get you'll get the capture one you'll get the capture one I hit one I hit one I hit one I'm leaving yo did we get out of here I think we I think we there's a lot of as we were getting ambushed I quickly invited Farland to the team they're running they're running yo these guys stink they're running these guys W oh they're just running oh my God wait wait wait let's let's push this cuz we we need Hearts too with Farin on our team I was even more confident that we could take this fight however they kept running they ended up making it out we're not going to be able to do that I saw him zooming in the water we're just going to get we're just going to get killed let's just capture this point running out of time anyway we went back to the capture point so Farland could get his quest for exploring it and after he got it we had to head back to the Oracle at Mid so he could redeem his quest yo you better not betray you better not do anything funny no funny [ __ ] from you I I can't afford I can't afford it anyway I've never I never thought I'd see the day where you were graveling this is amazing this is the this is the greatest day and as we were running since our team was getting passive worthiness from the capture Point plans had now changed I got theth anyway but I don't want to lose it so let's go mid no once you're 100% worthy you don't you don't lose any worthiness you sure yeah we could just head back to base since we no longer needed to go to the Oracle we went back to our base why is this why is this Netherrack yeah we should mine it oh my God oh my God wait team 51 oh yeah that that's Ben's team that's Ben's they have two legary two Legendary Weapons as Ben's team was getting even stronger we began gearing up but as we were doing so we were served with more bad news are you Ser that's their other teammate that's three of them they all have wait we can't do anything we need to gear up we need to we need to gear up every going to break so as Ben's team started to get all their Legendary Weapons we started to Gear Up immediately but nothing was going our way and we got even more bad news bro I just needed 5% more now even though our passive worthiness was stopped continued to gear up until Farin ended up noticing something I'm going to use this heart I can with draw it later so I'm just going to use it now I see a name tag cter all the way down there are we in a mountain I have no idea what the outside looks like yeah we're not down very far down there I think we murder him can't see him oh look to the right to the right to the right look straight straight it's the dog wait wait guys guys guys're they're shifting they're shifting Farland had noticed players right outside of our base so we started to head to the elevator to investigate let's go let let's go Crouch make sure you're holding down Crouch bring my armor I see them down there in a boat leaving I'm telling you there's a name tag hey hey hey hey he hey guys guys just take his Hearts take his Hearts I'll give I'll give heart give heart give me your heart wait let me let me you out give me all your hearts all of it all of it what's the what's the thing for it SL withdraw and give me your food too cuz I'm really hungry guys should we go to the end yeah we going to do this we can get the dragon egg and we can get 250 worthiness one heart just give us more Hearts give us more Hearts y need I need a heart yeah I still need a heart I think low needs a heart I think jir might need a heart you know come on down to the minimum we have to go just give give us Hearts give us Hearts okay one more yeah I got that I got that one more one more one more that's it okay one more okay last one go be gone we have to go we have to go we have to go we go we go okay come on don't don't shoot him don't shoot go get on the M while we were robbing that player the end Dimension had opened and if we were able to get the dragon egg and delivered to the Oracle one of us could get 200 50 worthiness so we ran to Mid as fast as we could guys why is there a giant waterfall at Mid okay I think we have to go up there it's got to be up there why why is there all of this if it's not up here yeah this is weird I guess no guys the Portal's at Mid okay let's go let's go we entered the portal and now we were officially in the end we started bridging to the mid Island just like the nether blocks decayed in the end so we had to be extremely careful and on top of that while we were bridging over another one of Ben's teammates was able to get a legendary weapon so we needed to make sure that we got this Dragon egg okay guys we have to get this dragon egg get like a torch or something to to break it if you find it I got a pressure plate in preparation to get the egg we started to mine some blocks while we were doing so we spotted another team guys they see us one of them has a weapon oh they see us oh no is it just a team I think so oh no they're pushing us they're pushing us watch out watch out they have the weapon they have the weapon watch out currently the only other team in the end was A's team they were extremely stacked and had a legendary weapon y watch out guys watch out he has the side oh my God it's a sick this player's Hades sighte was extremely overpowered and while we were fighting them Ben's final teammate was able to get his own Hades sight I need a button do you have wood here here I have this I have this thank you thank you kill the Ender Dragon yeah I'm about to Yo they just got boosted away you want to like the dragon they just got destroyed M behind you come here Neo come here come here Neo no no no Freddy Freddy come here jro come here as we stayed longer in the end more teams showed up and now there was a ton of players in the end our team seeming to be the most undergeared our chances of survival were extremely low oh no no no get get for for let's go help ly come here come here wait is that Ben come here's Ben oh my gosh okay he right after I eat this okay guys what the hell there's you're taking me back there's three legendary weapons again get off me that's crazy oh Ben why are you here get off me oh my Lord why are you so annoying for what are you so annoying for Neo what did I actually do to you I I I don't understand oh that did so much damage to you you're so bad you're just bad Neo you're not escaping me buddy you're not escaping me cuz you stink and you're bad and you smell oh my goodness I'm I'm so low I got to get out of here quick oh I was just on half I was on half Chase it Chase it Chas it yeah where is he where is he your aim is trash your aim is trash what do you mean there's three people there's three people chasing me I of course my aim isn't going to be good go for the dragon what are you doing attacking me we don't want the Dragon no he's got a point I'm kind of stupid actually um um we're chill we're chill we're chill stay chill okay NE what y NE oh you're I keep doing that yeah come on lava Min see how that works where G help me help me I am I'm hitting him like every time that's Ben's team I just hit him almost off the edge they're all going for it don't you have punch on your bow yeah yeah they're all going for him just push him off the edge oh accidentally hit off [ __ ] behind us behind us behind us it's low he's getting attacked by Ben this will work this will work y I know put the fishing rod stop fishing rotting him bro he has the legendary he has the legendary oh my go kill him kill him all right budy we can get him wait 3v oh hell no wait no yeah get him get him sorry sorry go after Neo go after Neo hereo no do not go after us do not go after us come here you still want that capture point you still want it a bombshell a bombshell a bomb shell get him get him a bombshell get him get him he's got to be low get him get him get him what the heck what is that don't attack don't attack guys we can figure something out here okay please please I don't oh my God wait help my team help my team help my team a bombbomb we after who we after here get 51 get 51 come here Neo dude help me help us oh my god dude I'm going to kill you we fighting another team was killing the dragon and they were finally able to make him pop wait dragon egg dragon egg okay go to the Gateway go to the gate go to the Gateway Ben go to the Gateway ne's hitting me's hitting me help help who this I need food badly I need food so badly here wait wait where's our team I don't know jir J's back here okay okay we got to oh my God the legendaries are so good bro we got to get them wait wait J J 4 J Four J four do we get it we it it we get okay okay go to Gateway go to Gateway getra or something since other players had gotten the dragon egg there was only one other valuable thing in the end which was the elytra so we made it into the gateway and searched for an nend City he there's a city here and oh ship ship we made it into the end City and began scaling it we needed to be be quick as other players were arriving okay I just need to make it to the ship oh do blocks Decay here okay I don't think blocks Decay here it's probably only on the the mid-end island I here shulkers okay wait this could actually be good okay help me shulkers this is not as good as I wanted it to be ooh it's right there okay good shulter please move all right let's okay let's loot the chests okay not great let's get this though once I got the elytra I regrouped with my teammates but we spotted something guys guys guys team wait 1 2 3 it's Ben it's V it's Ben oh no oh no no no no this is not good hey guys oh they're coming up they're coming up oh that's you okay they hit me we got we got it get out of him get out of him I have knock back to watch out for the weapon watch out get him get him knock him off knock him off oh no what's going need to get back up uh I need help where he wait oh he's in here he's going down into the bu what no no no Ben Ben what do you want from me Ben stop oh my D someone off where he they're up top they're up top top there we goo's up here Neo's up here come on youo wait that's you what's up how'd you get out none of your teammates are here there's no one to save you neo might have Neo might have I don't know I don't know what what your mind full of what are you talking about bro I'm too low these shers are I'm out of food I'm I'm like nearly of I'm going to die I'm also out of food do we have what we need yeah but our team dude get these wow good play He's Back even though I now got the elytra still needed to regroup with our team before we could leave our team our team we need to just go back for L okay y uh guys here I can knock him off I can knock him off oh he no you don't go what's up Neo oh oh please let me what are you doing uh I'm going to hook you you suck with your there's someone behind you there's someone behind you what do you mean N I don't have either oh my God wait [Music] what what did he just do food food I have steak okay um I can't hit this yet I can't hit this yet um where where can I Pearl where can I Pearl okay over there I'm going for it no no no no no um okay oh oh my after barely surviving I was separated from my team and as I was digging up they were heading back to the Gateway and gajiro was able to find another elytra on the way back so after I was separated from my team I decided that there was no point of going back and instead went to the end Gateway and I made it back to the end Island but I needed to be careful as other players were already here heyo hey chill chill chill chill chill yeah okay let's just let's just relax yeah you you you can go we just fire our harvesting pearls okay thank you thank you my goat so we we don't want to fight now thankfully these players were friendly and had no interest in fighting which allowed me to get to the end portal and make make it back to the Overworld safely okay I need to make it back to base and and get some food and hopefully they can they can make it back so I made it back into the base and waited for the rest of the team to arrive oh my God you made it l oh I'm so happy you guys made it wait is that is that they're with me they're with me yeah they they made it just flew up some my bit ahead were you guys able to get any kills I don't think so no I just I just I was I wasn't going for kills okay I got I got chased by two people and then I ran away and then I found an n city and stole everything and then I saw a guy and all right all right enough enough so where is everyone at with worthiness because I we cannot encounter Ben again he dude he threw me off the side of the Void we need that legendary weapon we we really need it yeah I have 100% worthiness mine said 77 so I got to get mine up this point we definitely needed worthiness however we needed food even more so we started to head to the nether to get some bone blocks so we can get an infinite supply of bone meal and regrow our crops finally okay and while me and Farland went out to get these blocks Lok and Goda decided to go out to get wither skeletons for Low's legendary weapon which was the Hades site he needed to get a Nether Star in order to craft it so we continued mining after getting a ton of bone blocks me and Farland were separated from our team we spotted a player Oh player player player player player player dude the player is right there wait we need the hearts we need to get this kill it's a 2v one yeah do you even see him he's right behind hey guys hey bud he's trying to kill you yeah I can see that far okay get him he's got a weapon he's a got a weapon he's a got a weapon he's Zeus okay um knock him into the lava knock him into the lava far get him we need the heart oh shoot you're right you're right uh yeah let's not let his stuff burn come here guys hey hey bud this way this way wait this is easy we have two wait just get him get him away from lava try to get him the Trap there was a dripstone trap right next to us so I was trying to get this player to go in it oh I completely missed um oh no no no this is not going how I wanted it hey Neil come here no he fell oh that's not good this is this is so bad he's in the where's your team I need a team you sure about that Vixen you sure Bud okay oh my gosh I don't have blocks oh you guys suck come on come here NE yo what are you doing for I'm tra I'm trapping him in here with us I'm getting hit he kill him I'm going I'm going oh he he has the bolt he has the bolt ooh I know that did damage wait will he drop his legendary weapon yeah he will is this a good idea dude he has I know you're low I know you're low come here mine Neo here run here run no oh no crap he for I'd really appreciate some help here he's going for you he's going for you yeah I see that you're you're the one I want you're the one I want I see that far you like that run hit him there's no way you're not low I'm knocking away oh there we go I only have apples okay get him get him I I don't want to K him in lava oh no why am I not regenerating do you have a gap do you have a gap no I have nothing I have no heals wait no we can talk about this guys all all right go away go away go away no die I got him I got him I got him I got him oh my gosh wait I I can't pick up his I can't pick it up oh I picked it up wait did I not to craft it now ow do not do that I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh 44 wait wait yo take take this take wrong thing here take this no way no okay okay let's go back wait wait we need to go back to jir once we killed this player we made it back to the base while we waited for the rest of our teammates started to farm with the bone meal we got and once we got all the carrots possible we started to make golden carrots now we had food and our whole team was back before we went out and fought the Wither I upgraded some of my gear and even made some golden apples so once we were good with that we started to head to the Fortress and we captured it pretty easily and then we went right outside and spawned the Wither are you ready all let's do this let's go go back up back up back up far get get your get your bolt ready get your B ready be careful you throw that thing thing right away so it dies I know I know it's about to go okay okay okay oh use your Mount yes yes oh no wait it does so much damage hold up for that bolt is so good run R what thunderstorm what is this lightting become while we fighting this wether de this thunderstorm occurred it was a world event where players would get struck by lightning and there would be supercharged variants of mobs so we had to be careful I just got struck oh guys watch out oh no boo you come on no after a while of attacking the Wither we eventually killed him and got the nether star hey we got this we got this come on we got it we got you got it you got it I got the neur I got the neur here thank you thank you oh my God that was a oh my God yo my my Zeus bolt did a lot of damage to oh my gosh that was after we were able to capture the Fortress get the nether star we went back to base okay what's your worthiness at 80% and after discussing how much worthiness we all had we eventually got the fortress's passive worthiness look all this gun powder wait guys I'm now officially worthy okay I can make my I can make my weapon I was now worthy which means I had a chance to win the event if I was the last Aries standing and now I could also craft the legendary weapon however Lok and gajera weren't worthy yet so on our way to Mid we went to two fortresses and captured them and eventually we made it to Mid we're finally here okay I I should have everything now I just need to get my hearts so after withdrawing my hearts I now had everything and it was finally time to craft the Aries sword oh damn damn we got it that is sick looks huge try leaping try leaping like that guy to LEAP how double shift maybe no no way wait what else what else can to do well trying to figure out the other abilities our capture points gave us even more worthiness and now Lok was finally at 100% I'm I'm at 100% nice wait craft it then craft it so now Lok could finally craft his legendary weapon I just need the the gold to make it I have no gold for you I don't have any gold I I have not how much gold do you need 30 blocks I'm sitting on a steady nine Jesus oh my God ow now all okay needed was some gold but in the meantime I tested out the rest of my abilities one of which was a chain that I could use to pull people towards me and the other one being my ultimate attack which if I held shift long enough it would strike down a massive sword and deal a ton of damage to anybody in the area what are you doing sling on a sword that's insane oh it's doing damage what I have an ultimate to I have an ultimate to I just didn't know oh my God that did so much damage that did like three hearts one hit okay that's sick oh my God oh my God now that we had this weapon we began leaving Cornucopia and on the way out we found a nether portal where we decided to split up with me and Farland going mining in the Nether and jir and Lok mining in the Overworld so we can all get as much gold as possible [Music] okay let's go back and meet up with lanira after we were done mining Farland gave me a heart so now that we had some gold and I had an extra heart started to head home all right let's meet up with Lo and jir this how much we have I'm home hello jir I give you my box where's Lo at um he was mining he should be coming how many blocks did you get how many blocks did I get of gold um I don't know it's all unmelted Lok got most of gold I see Lo's name tag all the way in distance that boy slow yeah I see him yeah yo what's up coming down how much gold did you get I got about two stacks gold after we all collectively pulled our gold we had enough for Lok to make his weapon so once he smelted it all and crafted the blocks we went to Mid boom finally I'm going to get to craft this thing I'm going to be on I'm going to be on eight hearts though so I'm going to be careful and the only one left after this is we just need to get zero one yeah see it hold up I'm I just got to withw the hearts you got that yeah especially after you killed jeppi you you got that oh my God eight hearts I feel so vulnerable okay yeah I trapped him and killed him wow and you guys are still teaming with him yo this is sick hold up let me change yourself for my sword y can we try this out on somebody yo Mor what's he loves killing your he loves killing his teammates so let's see what Happ you know we can try this out on you right you know go ahead what just fling you up into the air it's way cooler when you're not being attacked oh my gosh oh my gosh get over here guys get over here I'm out what is that you're friends with the devil dude wait if I right Happ Mak that makes sense okay let's try this on you one of you to see what it does you done for this never mind you don't have a choice damn damn I'm getting hit by it what what is that it just makes him flow it's I can't do anything okay oh my God that is insane wait if I do this hold up you're lucky what is that it makes seem like invisible this is nuts wait wait wait guys guys we can definitely take Ben now now we can we can save we can save your teammates we can save your teammates I think we could do it we do we go after Ben now I think we have a chance three three of us have a legendary weapon three of them have a legendary weapon right I mean wait jir how much do you have left what do you need left for your weapon uh let me go check let me yeah I'm also worthy now so I can craft it I need more iron blocks I need the hearts which I have and then the diamond blocks I have and the blaze I have so just the the iron blocks then the iron all you need is iron dude wait how many I have 15 I have 15 blocks right now and we need 48 so oh that's a that's a lot that's a lot yeah no [ __ ] do we get the do we get the iron blocks or do we go after Ben we might just have to move fast I don't know okay well can someone can one of you message one of your teammates for cords all right I'm I'm going to message PO with time now running out we made the decision that our Legendary Weapons would have to be enough and that it was now or never to go save Lok and farin's teammates so after Lok got the cords started to head to Ben's base that's definitely their base okay watch out watch out here yeah that's their base get off get off get off we followed the cords and we eventually found Ben's base so we started approaching slowly wait I don't see any name tags it might not be home everywhere that means people were just here yeah okay yeah we got to be careful wait wait I see name tags there's name tags yeah there's name tag there's name tags in the eyes there's so many stop stop what do we do uh we got to like sneak hold up just follow my lead no Lo okay Lo okay trust trust I know I know you don't trust me I have a plan okay okay just is it going to work this time didn't work it's going to work trust me guys come out come on come out I have prisoners for you you got to let my teammates go Ben Ben there's people at the front door wait hello are you kidding me give me my team back uh I got I got you them I got I got I got them for you them yeah okay come in then what what take should they not take up their arm take I don't trust them yeah just wait well you got it well bro you don't trust us what are they going to do they suck at PVP like this guy loses every event that is crazy okay diabolic all right go ahead just come in then your PE your people are up here your little kid your little trolley stand away from the gate no a Wesley don't don't free mine doesn't care don't free him what is going don't do it wait where's where's our prison you we're going to get you out we're going to get you out what what what what what are you guys doing what did you guys do what the I flicked the lever I thought it would save him you just kill okay oh my God you just killed him this is blood on your hands this is on your hands that's that's your that's you I didn't even know him I barely knew him far just ended up killing M th Ben's prisoners and if we wanted to save the rest we'd have to be extremely careful okay they're alive at least but you know well yeah you guys killed far killed someone why are you Looting our chest bro get out my don't worry about me don't worry about me well far distracted their team by opening their chest L just said you know what to do so I started charging up my ultimate oh my God yo what the he get him get him guys go go no oh that does damage your friends out getting away just getting away yo my I just got that off oh my oh we ended up breaking out of Ben's base now he had the chance to end this Feud once and for all wait for did we save anyone oh get this guy get him yo I don't know the oh no he wait oh no I'm getting low I'm getting [Music] low no four four four four yeah where are they yeah yeah what's up there's three people up there I don't I don't know he's a b where's L where's where's jro I have no idea where J is no no no no I'll save you I'll save you a bombshell oh no uh hi Neo leave my friend alone you can't escape you can escape get him get him get him I can't come here Neo Rel go go go Neo go go go out oh no I missed come here Z come here bud come here you're not winning this you think you can take this no what's up Neo what's up Neo I'm back for you I missed you oh my God that guy's nuts that guy's nuts back here babe back yo what are you hey sisters what's up get off all right buddy all right buddy you you don't even know the sh you don't even know your Str even have you legendary w w what are you saying what are you saying oh you do have it oh you do have be over the age of five please would you say be over the age of five please what' you say you think I'm young or something you think I'm a little baby you think I'm a baby he sound like a little baby okay [ __ ] you I dislike you cuz you die in every video and it makes me cry I'm sorry every video I'm sorry G oh my God G bro what is this what yo there's too many oh my God oh my God wait I have a chance I have a chance I can take down Ben for I trust you you got this you got this I'm so low I got to get out of here for the first time in this event I actually had Ben low so I started to chase him back into his base crazy this little 5-year-old baby is crazy where is he hey Ben where are you oh hey Neo [Music] what just happened oh you just got to my roof bro what's come back here oh my God uh get back here nea I guess cuz my Ro's broken now and I got to repair that later I'm about to call my uncle to repair that my uncle what what did you do to the just TNT us while me and Ben were fighting the rest of the team got separated so now it was only me and Ben I need to hit these shots I need to use my bow come on come on don't you dare then get out get out what's up Neo I'm back okay okay nope this is just great this is just great this is just great this is great this is this is actually great no come down here Neo ow oh my gosh this kid's insane you feel like running still you feel like running still I do I do very much feel like running I'm going to go back to my team I was able to run with my Mount and eventually get away from Ben okay I think I'm safe I'm gonna I'm gonna start digging down Neo Neo where'd you go I'm lost I'm like a baby in an Ikea I'm lost bro where did he all right I think I'm safe once I was able to evade Ben I went back to the surface and made it back to the base so I can meet back up with the team how the fight how' the fight go how's your fight uh I have two di h i I thought I could take van bro he he had a TNT trap in place he fishing roded a TN what out of out of like the lava wall in the back and then he just oh he blew me up I I don't know I have no idea what we're going to do how can you even like damn the fact you fall for that [ __ ] damn okay I mean it came out of the wall I wouldn't see that what do you mean how was I going to fall didn't you kill jeppi wait wait wait let me get this right didn't you kill jei I never killed jei didn't this guy accidentally kill ma okay that was an accid okay that was crazy I was trying to save him jro you're the only one I can trust here K yeah apparently me and him twins you guys [ __ ] you [ __ ] you guys all right you hit me okay wait did we save any of the did we save any prisoners whoever lived escaped I don't know who who lived who died I'm going to be honest message your teammates that was the whole point of this so you guys get your team back after messaging their team the only one who was able to live was genetic well my teammate's alive but the other two ended up dying in the crossfire I don't think I don't think either or Wesley survived so it was all for nothing it was everything was ni so you killed just happy for nothing perect for nothing no I forgot to tell you U me and Lok killed Aaron we were able to get us stuff oh that's where the netherite came from okay on top of freeing genetic they were also able to take down one of Ben's teammates and get his netherite gear things were actually looking pretty good as they got new gear and we had another teammate on the way I actually I don't know if we're going to win against V's team I I'm not sure wait yeah you guys are I just saw name tag oh it's Jen I'm see Jen Jen hello oh my God Jen Jen okay are you stupid where are she's gone there's a building up here wait y you're so stupid where is your armor oh you might be brain dead oh I just repaired it how' you how did you escape because I did not save you I just kind of ran good job good job F you're such a good you're such a Fantastical guy fantastic I didn't see her is she going to put on her armor this is like freaking me out oh oh my bad my bad I was just like nice why were you wandering around with naked Jen finally made it back to the base and now we had a full team of five and with Deathmatch coming by the end of the day we needed to Gear Up so while gajir went out mining for iron to get his legendary weapon I was able to upgrade my gear with the extra netherite and diamonds we got from Ben's teammate and once I was all geared up and got jira came back with his resources we started to head to Mid so he could craft the weapon damn he thick what what yo Jen please please lock in the cage I kind of liked it in there though what is she all about you have the hearts I have two extra Hearts I need one more there's also a team right there so we should probably hurry this up give me give me one more leave us alone leave us alone let us craft this yo just use your like normal one giving me I give I'll give him one because he's been nice to me yeah yo where's my heart where's my heart Hold Up Hold You Killed jei you killed jei there's a guy in Iron here all right let's get out let's get out let's get out let's get out yeah let's get out let's get out after gajira got his legendary weapon we left mid as players were now approaching and we talked about the rest of our plan for Deathmatch I think I think we're jir jir nice I think we're good now wait we have all Legendary Weapons except you Jen but it's it's fine you're good it's yeah yeah you can knock back people you can knock back people into the Border whenever it shrinks really small oh yeah you have a knockback sword oh that's actually kind of perfect wait we can we can actually do this I don't know though Ben is Ben is pretty strong you guys suck compared to Ben's team I think I think I have someone that could help us though except you suck who yeah yeah that was okay you're the only one with that legendary weapon damn money spread Dam money sprad Mone sprad money sprad money sprad money sprad money sprad we been talking to have people like tried to help you while we were gone Jen seemed to have some outside friends that we could alliance with before death match so we started to head over wait Jen is this is this it yeah this is their base this is it all let's go wait they're friendly right what like we're going to be good yeah they no yeah yeah we got to the base and started to approach in hopes of finding an alliance you think we can trust J on this oh I don't know I'm going to fly up there I'm going just Scout it out hold on yeah same they're all name tag hello hello hello hello what who is it who's this hi oh hi Jen hey go oh my gosh they are stacked I'm late but I'm here oh wa I didn't even have my chest play oh my bad oh [Music] wow um yeah I I didn't mean I didn't mean to do that nice okay okay hey bud hey well okay you're messing up the face um uh sorry sorry okay wait I mean hey guys how open are you to I don't know why Jen brought us here Jen what was your plan they can help us oh my gosh I got two help us do what when with like an alliance yeah an alliance would you guys be open to it uh sure they are mean yeah wa okay let me let me put it this way I I don't know if you've seen Ben's team yet but they are no we haven't met them like none of none of us are none of us are winning I'm telling you this right now none of us are winning unless we work together to take down Ben's team there's like there's no chance I know you guys have crazy loot but I'm telling you there there's something crazy going on there but if we can't take them down then sure if like we have to team together to take down team now we'll be down okay so I think I think the plan is yeah we should we should align let's do it yeah okay let's do it sure wait yeah do you guys have any gaps or anything that we can use to help cobwebs yeah we can drop some we don't have that many but we can drop some do I have I and you have much you just you have a stack stack and wait a minute let me in there let me hold give me some give me some hey get back no Budd after alliancing with this team and getting some of their golden apples we started to head to Mid as Deathmatch was about to approach but with having this team on our side we were way more confident in our ability to win this people people people guy with a legendary weapon running is that a that's a a it's a [ __ ] you a can wait can we pick that off maybe he's alone we spotted a and we decided that we were going to go and try to kill him hey don't run don't run I don't know is really sad run him just flying for me I want right there yeah I think his Mount is out of render Cal down Cal down hit me out hit me out hit me out we have a big problem we have a big problem and a huge group of players who just infiltrated our base and completely split us up I'm pretty sure they killed one of our teammates already it's like it's team 51 the team with like all the netherite that is Ben team yeah no are you trying to attack us W buddy wo buddy V had just approached us he let us know of his team being attack it turned out Ben wasn't only tormenting our team he was tormenting everyone but aoma managed to find his way out and Escape get him he's getting away I don't know I think that might have been an accident yeah that was definitely an accident hold on all right let's just wait wait wait we're not going to kill you we understand it's an accident yes yes if you if you follow me I can guide you I can guide you towards towards them attacking my team right now I got away do we trust him is that a trap I don't know yo do we no no not even do we trust him do we want to fight Ben he's way too open have you see how many Legendary Weapons you got have you seen the gear there's no chance we taking them down yeah okay so let's wait till end game wait we have a few alliances just you might have to let your teammates rot you might have to let your teammates rot and come with us just Escape bro no no no no no no I'm I'm I'm checking on them I'm checking I'll be back I'll be back I'm checking on yep he's dead yeah let's just leave and when he comes back let's not be here yep yeah game is game is game game is game F's team was also facing struggles against Ben now that the borders were closing our fight with them would be inevitable so we continue to hold our position near Mid and wait for Deathmatch to start he guys let's watch out for the Border we got to be we got to be careful here wanted to hug the Border Well yeah if I think the weaker teams are probably going to be around the border so if we could pick them off for hearts that's going to be really use you like us yeah like us shut up oh my God this border is getting small dude oh oh I see them I see them we were able to find a team along the border and we started to attack hold up get him get him wa no they never mind all right where yeah which way are we wa yo yo yo bro this doesn't have to happen this doesn't have to happen no I [ __ ] I'm de no no ni we can tell this out bro we can tell this out this doesn't need to happen get over here let's go D it get him get this guy yes no he's beside him he's he's him he's him he quitter was padan which meant they were extremely fast underwater so there was no possible way we could fight them in the water okay I pearled hopefully I land on him hey guys come on come on he's on Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl no no don't Pearl don't Pearl I Pearl that's our team wait that's our team Cy get this guy all right oh my God I feel so bad dead he's so dead nice let's go I got him don't don't focus on looting come on we got to go we got to go hey guys with the help of our alliance we were able to kill one of those players there's more people here te a team in front a team in front yeah we can is that Freddy Jah who the seor hey sector sector we'll get him we'll get him come on who is that oh that sector h no no no don't go don't go to Mid do we want to really push mid I we have to we're falling this gu they're already pushing mid we have to now hurry up I cannot take this alone well dude I want to waste I don't want to waste pearls or anything oh big team big team hold on where where where where Adrian team to our left Deathmatch was about to start our current goal was to eliminate as many players as we could so we could all be the last one standing of our own Gods he fighting them he's fighting him he's fighting let's go go go we need to take him we need to take him down help us get him nice we got one we got one we got one are we fighting are we good are we good Neo are we good yeah let's go let's go let's go okay okay okay okay okay where's your team where's your team so much no idea I have no idea my go oh my oh guys Focus this guy Focus this guy I got him I got him I got him nice oops get him I need I need the heart I need the heart I did I'm KN okay how is he still alive I don't I don't get this that was over go go you got to be low you got to be low no I shot him out shot him out oh big team big team on the right big team on the right hey get that guy get that guy where are the people oh waa whoa whoa whoa do have some problems right there Go's go fredd over there Freddy's over there Freddy's over there y'll be going in where's our team where's our team no where's our team behind us dude this team is just pass they're pacifists I think I don't know hell is this wait we not to you what the hell oh no who are we fighting right now there's so many people wait get back jro get back to the team you want to boost you want to boost I don't think I'm the guy you want to go for oh I have nothing oh my God that's have Gs I have one G look this is my last one that's it what you have a heart though you have a heart uh I have 12 yeah but you you okay you you can drop a heart I'll with one yeah there you go there you go all all right all right w we were able to coers that player into giving us the heart but with mid this chaotic we didn't know what to do Freddy's right here Freddy's right here wait wait we need to get back to our team where's our team at I don't know um messaging I'm messaging right here I see Ben I see Ben team I see Ben team Ben team's on the left right there you see him we don't want to push that we don't want to push that the Border has now pretty much closed in on middle Death Match had begun this means the gods now want to see who's officially worthy now if you killed a player you would steal all their worthiness and if you were a worthy player and the last of your kind you would be sent to Mount Olympus and you'd live among to Gods dudee what do we do I don't know where our team is uh I'm also running out of food I have no idea come this way come this way do you have food do you have food have food I have food I have food uh take that oh my no no run it's it's V go go go go go what do we do that's aom we can go to aom boost over there boost over there a a y yo yo yo yo yo yo oh good good they're good we're good we're good with Neo's team how many gaps did you guys get I need more gaps wait let's go let's go where's L where's L and Jen I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm looking I see I see I see this way this way this way if you need any extra armor I've got so much I'm getting chased I'm getting chased help J help J not anymore you okay everything's going to be all right let's go fighting at this point oh no back up back up back up back up back up watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out yeah good morning yo guys watch out watch out oh sorry get this guy oh crap he I got you I got you I got you yeah thank I have no water yes nice nice wait was that part of Ben te oh can I get the can I get the cobwebs can I get the cobwebs can I get the cob with our alliance we were able to take down one more of Ben's team there were still more players to go wait who is this I don't know I thought you were talking him I don't know that's not me I okay wait don't where's Jen my bad my bad my bad my bad hey Neo no no no no wait literally stay in the void just stay there just stay there just stay there okay okay but you have fro come back help help help oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm good the Border had started moving so if you were outside of it you would take damage so things were about to get a lot more chaotic are you fighting dude I'm a l fighter I'm so scared oh my a oh my run R get off me R run oh no oh hey guys I no don't run I was charging up my ultimate okay get this guy come here Neo come here oh no come here bab come here pull them pull them pull him get him get [Music] him where is my team element help help yeah oh I was trying to kill Jen oh you have to kick oh actually come here going to kill me oh my God bro yo back up back up no no get help me help me help me help me go I got you oh my god out H bro corus died corus died another one of Ben's teammate happened to die without us knowing Jen had two where's where's I'm right here okay wait go back to we need to find jiren far I don't have enough hearts for this people have so many heart yeah we need to find okay okay Mia your teammate has literally no armor Mr G's got Zer oh my God your helmet's broken oh my God your helmet's broken I oh he has an extra one oh my oh oh that could have been really bad I'm lagging I need to get back I need to get back oh my God okay ni trying to sneak up on me you trying to sneak I wasn't I wasn't I wasn't no sir no sir say te take me can you are you alive my hand is so cold bro I got to warm up hold up I'm touching my balls you absolute freak you freak y run run okay yeah we got we got to get out of here yo I need help I need help oh my God yo zap I need frog farmer okay never mind yeah frog is really dangerous you know what was that come here no get him get him get him get this guy I'm sorry oh no yo you're hitting me L it's kind of annoying let's go wait there's a player there's a player right [Music] here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh four four four I need gaps of food I need gaps some food thank you as Death Match continued more and more players were dying and now the count was lower than ever which meant the only way we would win was train some of our alliances so I messaged Farland Lok and gajira that we should Target a vus team we got to kill a v team 169 they they're the strongest right now yeah I think that might okay wait guys guys guys we have to kill a we have yeah let's let just do so after deciding that we were going to go kill aom's team I started to head over wait I love you what you okay never mind who dying fire die D fire with that betrayal we were able to kill one of aom's teammates oh my God we got one we got one we can do do this guys get him get himo I have gapples I have gapples you want gapples yeah yeah give pearls a little bit not that much um this is yep you're going nowhere like the voice line said good look good look good look he's lying who I just launch I out here get out of here I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out dying got yo you betraying me is that that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Mis click Mis click Miss click click misclick Mis click misclick that's what you call that betray us all bro yo aoma we need a invite a inv come here ly come here come here Lok died no in this massive scuffle Lok unfortunately died and even though he killed jeppi he honestly had regained my trust and he was a valuable teammate to us yeah yeah you know what you know what I'll stay this time I can I can stay behind listen listen you killed our team I had to kill you guys it it was the only way to get get them back just follow my need know lo lo put plan trust trust I know I know you don't trust me I have a plan Lo had proven himself worthy and we would now need to avenge him Neo L died died get this guy the sad news L might died by the way dude this puffer fish is awful yeah I know I saw I saw I saw got to do something about team 169 big slide with the legendary weapon that was our only chance he tried so quick NE need gear uh do I I don't know bro L di bro I can pick up SC the Border kept moving more and more people were dying Al here no oh did I get him good job good job good job good we got the V we got the V nice I then B gooda oh my God follow follow get off me oh God okay I got you thank you no no no come here for Lauren come here do you have helmet I don't have [ __ ] I'm getting Target I'm getting targeted bro I'm going to die I'm going to die okay I'm Fine's go frog forer a member Freddy's team had just died but so did some of the players on our alliance so we had to be careful I'm running out of stop I'm not going to lie what do you need what do you need I need Bo I I can give you I can give you that that's I can give youil now Freddy had died as well so now the only threat we had to worry about was Ben come here Chris yo this this fight turned around man it really did oh wait we can do this we can actually do this that armor came in clutch Neo thank yeah got you oh my bad my bad my bad I'm good I'm good get these guys my my entire team's dead except Chris oh my God the goat is the only person what the hell oh no oh no oh let's go oh my God the storm does so much damage oh my God oh my God infity my entire team's dead because of what the heck Ben I didn't ask for this how ask for this all right what up that was not that great that waso bro uh there we go and I just okay wait get get him get oh my God my a Ben being practically impossible to kill jir took me to the edge of the Border tell me his plan J J you good you need gaps or something no no I'm going on gaps I'm going on gaps okay there's so much going on there's so much fighting dude I yeah I have no idea what's going to happen Ben is Ben is really powerful I don't I don't know what to do the fishing rod with the TNT I have no idea I I I look there there two Aries can't make it one of us has to die time had finally came me and gajer were the last two Aries alive okay yeah yeah but what does this have to do with Ben or anything let's just take Ben down first I think I have a plan what's your plan J goodbye my [Music] twin do you got you know you guys don't have teams right we're all like solo here we all the the stars are online the stars are online the stars are line the planets are coming together J you're the only one I can trust here yeah appar me and him TN you guys [ __ ] you guys one of us has to die I think I have a plan God jir had sacrificed himself so now I was the only Aries left which meant I had won the event if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to like comment and subscribe join the Discord if you want to play in 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Channel: MindOfNeo
Views: 2,734,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Players Simulate a Minecraft Mythical Tournament, 100 Players Simulate a Minecraft Ancient Tournament!, mindofneo, 100, minecraft's deadliest tournament, minecraft 100 days, 100 players simulate, 100 players, minecraft civilization, speedsilver, forgelabs, hunger, games, hunger games, 100 players simulate civilization, Minecraft MYTHICAL Tournament, 100 Players Simulate Minecraft's Deadliest Tournament, Minecraft's Deadliest Tournament, Minecraft tournament, hardcore, mine, craft, silver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 50sec (8570 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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