Proxmox 8 Setup: 7 Things to Do After Installing Proxmox 8

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hey y'all so you just installed proxmox 8 and a clean install and now you want to go ahead and make sure that everything is up and running and ready to go correctly so here are the first few things that I do every time I set up a new proxmox 8 server I will put all of the commands in the description below so I'll see you on my desktop and we'll get right into it there y'all so I am at proxmox and what you need to do to log into proxmox the proxmox gooey is you're going to put in the IP address of your proxmox server and then you are also going to put colon 8006 this will get you to it you'll have to click Advance or that you agree there is no SSL or or anything like that so go ahead and agree to that and then you'll put in your rout will be the username and the password that you created and set up so let's go ahead and log in right now I've got that you do not um have a valid subscription description for This Server please visit Brock MOX to get the list of available o we're just going to click okay and if you look up here I've got proxmox virtual environment 8.0.3 so I want to update my pxm server and we can update it the way that it sits right now but you are going to get some errors so if we run update or app update you will see that we got a few errors right there so we are fail failed to catch the Enterprise that's because we don't have a valid subscription so let's go ahead and make sure that we can resolve that so that we can get all of the updates and everything correctly and prox MOX will work properly first thing that we need to do is you're going to SSH into into your device going and using putty or whatever your favorite SSH tool is with the IP address once you're logged in I'm going to go and clear this out nope clear this out all right so the First Command that I want to run is I want to check my DNS to make sure that everything is set up because if it is just using like then you won't be able to do the updates and it won't be reaching out to the internet maybe some things happen where it didn't get proper DNS from your default gateway so the first thing we need to do is run this command which is nano Etc comp resolve comp and you want to look right here and make sure that you have at least a name server for for like 1.1 or like Cloud Server and or if you do have a DNS server already set up inside of your network you want it to be pointing to that one I'm using Cloud flare so I'm just going to go ahead and leave that as default and I will do that if you do need to add one and it just says like go ahead and put name server and then space 1.11.1 and that'll get you so that you're able to communicate with the internet now next thing thing that we need to do is we need to update our repository so that way it'll pull down the non-subscription so to do that we are going to edit our sources list our sources list it's going to be Nano Etc app sources list and like I said I will put all this in the description below so we're going to press press enter right here these three we are going to leave we're going to come down to the very bottom and we are going to paste in these three lines or these four lines now if you look up there there are some that are blue and they've got a hashtag in front of them a hashtag is basically the way that you can put notes inside of Linux so that you can read them that the computer does not actually read them so I could do like and subscribe and prox MOX does not read that so just remember if you do need to put some notes in there always do a hashtag or pound sign that way you can leave it there and then tells you what everything is once you have got those put in go ahead and do contr x y and enter now we need to disable the Enterprise repositories so that it won't try to pull those down we're first going to start with Enterprise list so it's going to be this command Nano Etc app sources list for/ PBE enterprise. list right here we're just going to press the found sign and comment that line out crl X Y and enter so that is for the PB Enterprise repository now we need to disable the Seth also to do disable Seth we're going to go to our Seth list it's going to be this Command right here sources list. deed slist same thing we're just going to comment that out contrl x y and enter after we've done that we can go ahead and do an update so we would run app update go ahead and let this pull it down and I have 76 packages that can be installed so I'm going to do apt disc upgrade we're going to collect yes or y for yes and we're going to go and let this install this will take a few minutes so I will fast forward or I'll skip over this and I'll see you when this is done all right y so that has finished and it looks like it took about 2 minutes for it to fully upgrade so if you just wanted to upgrade your proxo server and not have any errors you are good to go you can actually start installing VMS and things like that and using your prox server but I'm going to do a few other things like do PCI pass through allow vlans even get rid of that non-subscription so let's go ahead and enable PCI pass through now to enable PCI pass through you do your device does need to support that so you'll do you will need to go and look at the requirements for PCI pastor and make sure that your main board and your computer will support that if not it can cause some Dam it can cause some issues with your proxmox server so just make sure that you always check and make sure and that your proo server can do this so to enable PCI pass through we are going to edit our grub and we're going to use this Command right here Nano Etc default grub right down here where it says Grub command line Linux default quiet I am just going to comment this out and leave it there and I'm going to add in this line and just paste this in so grub command line Linux default quiet Intel mmu on ials PT now if you are not using an Intel processor and you're using AMD you will just change Intel to AMD contrl x y and enter now we need to make sure that all of our modules are being passed through correctly to do that we are going to go to nint we're going to edit our modules we're going to go to Nano Etc SL modules we're going to scroll down here to the bottom and we are just going to add in these three lines once you've got those added in go ahead and contr x y and enter and the next thing that we need to do is update our grub so it's going to be update SLG grub and it's going to start folding that down this might take a few more minutes so we'll just go ahe and let this run through all right that is done so what I do like to do at this point is go ahead and do a reboot so we're going to do reboot now and once we reboot it we are actually going to jump over into our gooey and prox MOX as everything we're about to do is a little bit easier over there so I'm going to do reboot now and go ahead and let that reboot while I'm waiting for that we'll go we can bring up command prompt to just ping it to make sure that it comes up so to Ping it you're going to go to the IP address of of your proxmox server minus 101001 43 SL and then to do a continuous you're going to do DT and it will go ahead and tell you when it pops back up so right now it's on reachable here in a few minutes we will see that it does come back up all right so once you start seeing that you get a reply from the IP address that does mean that the proo server is back up so we can go ahead and exit out of this I'm just going to go and refresh my screen and you should be logged back in if it does tell you that you need to log in you'll just log in and go ahead and do all of that now once we are here we're going to go ahead the first thing we're going to do is enable vlans now even if you don't have vlans set up it is okay because once you kind of get into home Labs you're definitely going to eventually set up vlans so you want to go ahead and have your proxmox server ready to go so we're going to come over here and we're going to go to PVE 2 we're going to go to networks and then right now I have just one Nick that is actually that I'm using for my Linux server or for my proxmox server and that is the default one that is the one that I set up in the beginning so right here we're going to click on that one and we're going to do edit and go to VLAN aware hit okay once we've done that the next thing that we need to do is go ahead and if you have some external shares that you want to use for maybe backups or you already have isos installed on your on your network then this is a great way so that you don't have to push isos or do backups to a local Drive onside your proxmox so I'm going to set up just SMB and we'll go ahead and and do that so we're going to go to Data Center we're going to go to storage and then add and I'm going to do like I said SMB so we're going to come right here I'm going to do first one is going to be backups I'm going to put the server address then my username and then the share and I'm going to click on backups on right here where it says content I want to unselect dis images and do VZ dump backup files add now that has been added the next one that I want to add is another smv and we are going to call this one isos it's on that same server we're going to unselect dis images we're going do the drop down unselect dis images isos and container templates add and now that is there and we can come over here click on PVE and you'll see we've got backups which is right here I actually don't have any backups on this drive but if we come over here to isos I've already got some isos installed on this ISO file or on this ISO drive so these with having it as an smv or as a share I'm able to connect this to all of my Pro MOX servers that I have in my network and I wouldn't have to install each ISO on every single proxar server so this does make it a little bit easier to have all of your isos in one location and you don't have to worry about installing them every time so once we have got all of that done the next thing that I want to do is I just want to get rid of that annoying little popup that comes in every time that I log in that says no subscription to do that we're just going to stay right here we're going to go to Shell so you can actually do all of these commands from the goey I like using like SSH or any some kind of SSH it just makes it feel more normal for me but I'm going to go ahead and use it right here and we're going to put this command in and I will put this in the description below going to paste that go ahead and click enter it will take it a few minutes for it to think and you might see that connection is closed that is okay so after a few minutes it should everything should be good to go now what we need to do is we need to actually clear our cash and log out of prox MOX so I will see you once I log back in and we'll see if that no subscription still there all right so I have went ahead and locked in and now there is that there is no subscript that no subscription thing is gone your proxo server is up and ready to go there are some other steps that we can do later um down the line but this is just the best way to kind of get everything up and ready to go for you to get started in prox MOX 8 so I'll see you in the next video
Channel: The Rambling Tech
Views: 10,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1hP1anXex4k
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Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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