Proxmox 7 Setup: 10 things to do after installing Proxmox

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yeah it's Brian the rambling Tech and today we're going to talk about how to get your proximox server set up for the first time so that you can have the best virtualization experience for all of your VMS and going forward in the proxbox environment if you like content like this please like And subscribe and I'll see you on my desktop all right y'all so now we're back on to my desktop first thing we're going to do is we're actually going to use putty to SSH into our device so once you get putty you are going to up here where it says hostname you'll put in the IP address of your device if I can put it in minus 10 100 1.202 and we're going to make the appearance a little bit bigger so that way you all can see it a little bit so you come in here click 14. and then go back to session make sure that's correct and we're going to hit open then you will come into your page right here where it's going to say login you're going to log in as root you're gonna put in your password and you'll get this so I'm actually going to clear this out to clear any of it so if you've got a whole bunch of stuff on your screen that you want to see just type in the word clear for now the first thing that we need to set up is going to be our DNS because if we don't have um a DNS set up so if you're using if you set up the same way in mine where it had the loop back so I'm gonna have to go ahead and update that so to update your DNS you're going to go to Nano dot or slash Etc resolve without the econf that just stands for configure configuration and right here you've got name server and it's going to give you the this is known as the loopback you'll go ahead we can leave that there and we're going to add a new line okay I am going to use cloudflare's DNS so that is 1.1 we're going to press enter then once we've done that we're going to do control x y and enter now we've got that set up so we can just go back in here if you press up button that'll take you right back to your last command and it has been updated so control X again the next thing we need to do is update our repositories because right now if we're using the non-production um proxbox so we need to make it so that we can update our version of proximox this is going to use more of the beta versions but that is okay I've not had a problem with it so first thing we do is nano Etc to get this so we can get these repositories or slash apt slash sources versus the list all right so once we are in here I will put all these description or all these commands in the description line or in the com the description so that way you can just copy and paste but the first one at the top these are for your Debian configuration so proxbox is based on a Debian on Debian so we still have to get the update for Debian right here that's what them first two lines are going to do this next one is for security updates and we are going to add another line we're going to go all the way down to the bottom we're gonna add another line we're gonna do a pound sign or hashtag whatever you want to call it this is a comment so if you put anything behind that it will not be read by the computer this is for basically you saw humans can read it so I'm gonna do not recommended or not recommend a different product then we're going to add in this line I'm going to actually copy and paste this because it is easier and I will mess it up so if you're using um putty you can't use the control C button you actually have to use the right key click that maybe it'll be what you've got up there or PVE no subscription make sure that it says that then we're going to do control x y and enter that will have updated that the next thing we need to do is by default it wants to get the Enterprise version so we're going to go in and disable that I'm not going to show you how to delete it out if or you can delete it out I would say just to we're going to just mark it out so that way if we ever do go to the production we don't have to reinstall proxmox so to get to that we are going to go to Nano Etc app sources list slash PVE Enterprise list so hello got a new scenario click that now that we're here all we are going to do is use the pound sign once again and like I said that is one of those things where if I type this in here then you could do it won't say anything so I could put something like like And subscribe and it'll say there so the computer is never going to see it but that is one way for you to put notes into anything that you're doing inside of a Linux operating system so we're gonna go control it or control x y and enter once again now that we are there we're ready to run our first update now if you did not go ahead and change your DNS I am going to tell you you will get some errors that will come along where it's not working and it's saying they cannot reach the Debian or proxbox or something like that that's because your DNS is not working so let's see if we got a setup right so we're going to do app get get update and it'll start count and start looking at it and all that this might take a few minutes so we'll see I'm gonna let it just go through and I will fast forward this and I'll see you on a minute all right we are done getting pulling all those updates now now we've actually got to push them into our onto our Proxima so we'll go out to dist upgrade so distro upgrade we're gonna do y for enter now if you wanted to not have to press the Y button you could have actually went impressed after doing out dist upgrade you could have went space Dash y this would automatically put that Y in there so we're going to let this pull down everything and it'll take it a few more minutes and then I'll be back in a second foreign foreign we are back so that is finally done the first thing we need to do you can wait um I'm actually going to wait but if you can do a reboot at this point we're gonna do a few more updates for a few more upgrades and stuff so that way we'll just do a reboot at the end and everything will be ready to go so the next thing I'm gonna go and clear this out so we got a nice clean stuff you should have right down where is it about it you will have a success that will all of that as long as it will it will turn back if it was um faulted but once it's all said and done if you want to clear and go back to the top screen just type in clear and you're back at the top now we're going to make it so that we can use our P use the PCI devices that we have inside of our server so we're going to do PCI pass through now caveat to this is your device does need to be able to do PCI pass through so you'll have to look at the make and model of your device and see if it allows for PCI password if it does not then you can go ahead and skip this one but we're going to go in here and we're going to go to Nano slash Etc slash default slash grub now once we're in here you'll see this line right here where it says command line or grub command line Linux default quiet we are actually going to comment that line out and then come right here and press enter and go back up or go to the Inner Line and press enter then we are going got it give them a second foreign where I put my note there so I finally got that and we are going like I said we're going to comment that one out and we're going to add this line so it's pretty much going to look the same but if you notice right there it's got outside of the parentheses Intel IMA i o m m you on which means pass through if you do have an AMD I'm using intel if you do have an AMD you're actually going to come back here and you would type in AMD so but I'm going to take mine back to Intel and we're gonna go Ctrl x y and enter that has been saved the next thing we need to do is we're going to actually add it so that so we've got it set up but now it needs to know where to look so we're going to update our modules so that it knows where to go so we're going to go to Nano BTC slide forward slash Etc uh modules uh I told y'all don't judge my spelling yeah you gotta put a space so once we are here we're actually going to just come all the way down and we're going to add in these four lines I'm sure they're all in the line I'm gonna go control x y and enter now that is set now that we're done we're gonna go ahead that will be burnout that's going to be all we're going to do inside of our putty so I'm going to go ahead and reboot my server so just you'll type in reboot it's going to tell you that your session has been unexpectedly closed do network connection that's okay and close out of this oh I need to come over here and go to my proxbox server so we'll always wait for that to come up I'll show you how to kind of look so I want to use a command prompt to see when this device comes up so I'm going to go ping dot 10 100. 1.202 and I'm going to do slash T this is for continuous ping so it is actually already up if it was not up then it would say um uh yep forgotten we'll move on so once it comes up you're going to and this is the first time you log in you are going to decide hey this connection is not private we do know that the main reason it's saying this is because it does not have an SSL cert but we're going to go ahead and advance and proceed we know that it's safe even though it says it's unsafe number save once you get here you're actually going to see that it says login you're going to use that same password you use for SSH so root and then your super secret scroll password so first thing you're going to see is we have a not valid subscription I will show you here at the end on how to get rid of that but we're going to go ahead and click ok now we're going to set our Network up so that it's a capable of VLAN now if you don't have VLAN set up on your network that's okay this will just make it so later down the road when you do get your VLAN set up your proxbox server will already know where they're how to select them so we're going to actually let's go let's do our videos so to do vlans it's actually really simple I'm gonna go right here or the data center and they're kind of worth it I'm sorry we're gonna go to PVE and then Network right here and we're going to look for the one that says Linux Bridge once we click on that we're going to go to edit and we're going to say VLAN aware now we can go ahead if you wanted to and you only want to have certain vlans that's okay you can do that per device or you can actually go into your command line and add just those VLAN I'm just going to open to all my vlans and then I can set it up on each server or each VM that I need to it's almost click ok then the next thing we need to do is we're going to first go ahead and set up our backup chair our back as nnfs share so that we can back our server up because you're always going to want to back this thing up especially if you do any changes so let's go uh [Music] we're gonna go to Data Center and then we are going to go to storage and we're going to add and I want to add an NFS share so I'm going to call this backup backups I'm willing to point it to my NFL shirt if you don't have one that's okay you can actually do local backups but I want to back mine up to a server in my network so my server is 10 100 1.6 let's see if it'll pop it up for me and we're going to go to our backup one once we do that we're going to go ahead and click add and we'll add another one here just for my isos I will show you how to upload an ISO to your normal but it's always better to have it so if you do decide on a NFS share that way if you decide to have a problem that way if you decide to have multiple a cluster of servers or cluster of proxbox servers then if you use a NFS share it'll be across all boards and you don't have to sit there and add items to every single one so I'm just going to add another one real quick so I'm gonna press share let me call this one ISO oh I forgot to do something so this one we're going to want to do ISO images not disk images and container templates and we're going to say add on our backup one I messed up we're going to go back in here and edit it we need that to be BSC bzd dot by files and you can take off that disk image click OK and there we're ready for backups all right the next thing we need to do is set up our ZFS so ZFS is what we're going if you have some extra disk in your device then you're able to add more storage so to do that we're going to go to PVE and then we're going to go to disk and ZFS so once we click on disk it'll expand and go to ZFS and create a ZFS now if you come in here and you see that it's empty and it doesn't have anything or that you have more disk or something or everything's not equal and out to the right space then what you can do is actually go in and putty into your proximox server or you can exit out of here so show you the first way if you wanted to just SSH or putty or go to your command line from inside of your proxbox server then you can come over to PVE and go to Shell and this is actually logged directly into your Linux server using command line I'm going to use putty because I like it a little bit easier so I've already logged in so I'm going to go to S or fdisk and then the device so I see right here if I go to Data Center and I go to storage nope if I go to PVE and then go to disk it will show me all of my disk so I want to clear the partitions off of this device right here so once I open it putty I'm going to go f disk slash Dev slash sdb once I'm in here I'm going to select P for partitions it'll show me that I have two of them and then I'm going to go D for delete it's going to ask me which one do I want to delete the number sdb 9 or sdb 11 I'm going to go spd SD B9 you're just going to look at it and see what your number is and then press enter it'll tell me that it's been deleted then I'm going to go to D again and it will automatically delete the last partition that we have once we are there we're going to go to w this will write it to the disk now we can log out of that so now we're logged out of here and if we actually reload this you'll notice that sdb does not have any partitions so I'm going to go back over here to ZFS and go create ZFS I'm going to call this grade 10 because I am going to do a RAID 10 I'm going to do grade 10. and then I'm going to select all of them it's going to ask me for my grade level so I want to do a grade 10 which is actually going this I do have two terabytes worth of space but with the right tint it is going to mirror it on so take a terabyte from each and mirror each other so this way I only have a gig of space but it is redundant and backed itself up so once we do that it's going to take a few seconds to grade it that is done now RAID 10 is there and it is actually over here so what I need to do is next okay here and I need to make sure that this is set up right and we're going to go to Davis storage and we'll go to raid 10 just so I can make sure that I have everything that I need to put on here I'm going I wanted to be able to have disk images and containers so this will strictly only be four VMS to run on will not be able to put any isos on here that's okay because I just wanted it as image for disc for VMS and for containers so that is verified let's get on to the next one I'm going to paste this in this is actually going to get rid of that description or that subscription note that comes up that ok button at the beginning I'm going to press enter if it'll take it people um my rock songs ever discards we'll put it back in the other one thing make sure it's a password that you can type so now that we are here when we're putting back in we're gonna go ahead and put this line in come back up here and we're gonna press enter give it a few seconds for it to think now that that's done we're actually going to just type in reboot reboot or Gore reboot so now that our server is rebooted we will come over here back to our proxbox server it's not actually going to come up give it a few minutes and it should come back in so the next time that you actually log in you will not get that thing that says hey this is not a Live subscription that's just a way to get rid of it you're still using the non-production but you are able to not have that ok button that's how we get our proxmox server set up so like I said if you like content like this and you want to learn more about proxmox home Labs virtualization anything that you can think of please like And subscribe leave a comment on what you would like to see next in our next video I am going to set up a VM probably do a Linux server and event and a Windows Server just so you can kind of see the difference on how you'd set those two different operating systems up and then we'll go from there and work some other VMS and make an awesome home lab using just one device so I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Rambling Tech
Views: 10,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dI80NaLf6gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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