7 ESSENTIAL Motorcycle Skills You MUST Learn!

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hello everyone it's your boy gallon of Lube big old - but yeah me noob today I'm gonna go over the essential skills you must learn as a motorcyclist there are no exceptions to this list because without these skills you won't be able to ride at all seriously if you somehow managed to ride without knowing any of these skills well hats off to you because you're probably on some sort of unicycle or a three-wheeled or maybe even a car I don't really know now before we begin there's big news big big there's big news you literally only have 48 hours to get entered to win for our motorcycle giveaway on October 17th 2019 at 11:30 a.m. Central Standard Time I will be shutting off and shutting down our merch site and anyone entering through patreon after that time will not be eligible to win either if you haven't yet you should definitely send a postcard because free entries will be picked up from our p o-- box in that afternoon on the 17th and we will finalize our list of entrants if you want double entries to win use the code double 2019 at checkout on our merch page and you'll get double entries plus 10% off your entire order or you can sign up on patreon to get automatically enter to win and support our series also we officially have our next motorcycles in hand and we'll be announcing our next batch of bikes and hopefully publicly announcing our winners on October 19th the Saturday if we're able to get ahold of them we've got three brand new bikes we'll be showing off so you definitely want to check that out we will be contacting you if you've won via email phone number if we have it in any other means of communication so best of luck and tune in now without further ado let's go one of the most essential skills to learn as a motorcyclist is differentiating and controlling your motorcycle at both low and high speeds it's a summary of everything you know how to do and it's something that must be mastered the shift between low speed riding and high speed riding must happen seamlessly and instantaneously anyone literally anyone can figure out how to get on a bike and do 100 miles per hour in less than 30 minutes if it's in a straight line and they have enough bravery the challenges come during slow maneuvers and fast cornering motorcycles handle differently between low speeds and high speeds at low speeds turning the handlebars to go in the direction you want to counterbalancing hanging off the bike and using the friction zone of the clutch are gonna be the top techniques you want to master once your speed picks up and you're going over ten miles per hour or so everything changes at higher speeds you begin countersteering hanging off the inside on your turns leaning or dropping a knee and you kind of forget about your friction zone it's all about your throttle from here on out the only way to get better at any of these maneuvers techniques or skills is to simply practice it's all about see time my dudes the more you practice the better you'll become and the more fluid your transition from low speeds in a parking lot to high speeds on the highway or streets easy easy just release it nice and slow and you stalled next on our list of essential skills you must learn is clutch control there's no way around it if you take the msf or know someone who has a bike odds are bikes have manual transmissions it won't do you any good if you can only ride an automatic either most bikes or manual transmissions and they are the most common by far I think it's something like 99% of motorcycles are manual the clutch won't hide any secrets for you if you're a new rider you're gonna be stalling worse than a politician during a filibuster your clutch is one of those things that you're gonna have to get accustomed to and quick the clutch is what gets you moving allows you to upshift and downshift and do all kinds of cool stuff you must really figure out the balance between engaged disengaged friction zone and all that you must really figure out the balance between your clutch being disengaged fully engage and that special friction zone that happens to where you're gonna be switching gears on some bikes you might notice a harsher engagement point on a cold start and a more smooth engagement point once it's fully warmed up if you're not used to your bike this will cause you to stall unexpectedly another tip I'd like to impart on you as you're stalling might not even be due to your clutch control anything like that some bikes run very lean from the factory causing them to stall more easily than other bikes for example to KTM rc390 that we had for a little while back for our beginner bike giveaway series back in the middle of this year it was extremely lean from the factory and would stall almost every time I wrote it and that's not due to the fact that I don't know what I'm doing it's due to the fact that the fuelling was so lean that it would stall like that here's another tidbit your clutch will also let you know when you've missed your oil change or if your oil is in really bad shape because the clutch plates transmission and engine share the same oil when the oil degrades it brings down the ability of the clutch to allow smooth shifts if you have weird shifting problems such as miss shifts when you know you've pulled the clutch all the way in consider checking the condition of your oil or changing it it could also be your plates to work on your clutch control it's one of the easiest skills you can improve by sitting in a parking lot or even on your driveway in the world of motorcycling one skill is possibly more important than the rest once you get moving and this is throttle control this is also Papa yams weekly reminder to watch a twist of the wrist if you don't own it buy it if you own it watch it again and again if you don't own a bike watching this DVD will help you become familiar with your bike faster throttle control is a somewhat difficult concept to grasp when switching from a car to a motorcycle the premise that the throttle not only controls acceleration speed and traction but also weight distribution for a car the concept is used in racing while motorcycle is needed in everyday use the throttle controls the riders ability to gauge and apply how much throttle is necessary to maintain proper weight distribution in traction the skill is not only used for accelerating but also while cornering riding over debris and road hazards and for riding in bad weather without throttle control two things can happen first all those fail videos of people looping their bikes yeah that's a result of bad throttle control going wide open throttle from a dead stop is a surefire way to start up some bad results and to without it a motorcycle wouldn't be able to corner at high speeds sure you can coast through some easy turns at lower speeds when it comes to cornering the bike will want to stand itself up it's nearly impossible and dangerous to even try the effects of poor throttle control are peril wheelies skidding looping it losing control and even low sides through corners and just that kind of choppy on/off feel that you see in some bad riding videos Bravo throttle control can take years to master and even then more can be learned when you take your bike to your first track date it is very important to continuously improve your throttle control and to never be complacent with your ability in your throttle if you aren't already confused enough about how to ride a bike braking comes into play as another essential skill that you must learn for cars braking is very linear going too fast brake need to stop brake ru mid-corner brake ate a grape brake the things you were taught in a car do not apply to a motorcycle for bikes braking is an art form much like throttle control and clutch control when you maneuver at slow speeds the rear brake can aid in changing your turning or faster allowing you to make tighter turns it can make your bike feel more stable in corners trail braking is a technique that's used instead of braking before entering the corner if you need to scrub off more speed than you anticipated trail braking occurs of the riders slowly releasing your trailing off the brakes up until the apex front and rear brakes do very different things and are controlled independently on a motorcycle unlike cars you can control either one or both at the same time the front brake is where most of the braking occurs but too much of it can lead to a stoppie which can scare the crap out of an unsuspecting rider this is when your rear wheel comes off the ground and you're thrown forward sometimes over the handlebars too much rear brake can lead to locking up the rear tire which can result in a total loss of traction now in the right situation that can be a lot of fun but if you're not expecting it it can be dangerous learn when to brake which brake to use and how to effectively use both of them if you ever pop a mega tank nooner your rear brake will lower your front wheel to the ground once again now this next one might seem a little obvious but you need to look where you are going and where you want to go when it comes to riding your bike the best example of this action is when performing a u-turn if you don't look where you want to be you won't execute the u-turn it's really weird but it holds true you can't desire to do a u-turn to continue looking forward when you turn your head and look the body arms and the bike it will follow when you stare at a pothole in the road you're gonna hit it when riders Lane split they're focusing in the space between the two cars up ahead and nothing else if you don't focus you'll be stricken with target fixation which will lead you to running into the very object you're trying to avoid maybe squids don't be afraid to swing a leg if you think this is some kind of Voodoo as your experience and skill increase so will your ability to not hit objects that you're looking at if you ever seen Rossi taking a turn at 60 degrees of lean he's literally looking at the apex or even further out of the turn all of the time it's not just slow speed boring parking lot stuff it also applies to expert level maneuvers as well it sounds so simple but it's very unnatural in cars we know where we're going and we can head to the spot u-turn can be done by looking forward after we checked the surrounding areas not so much on a bike you must remain fixated depending on the tightness of the turn in order to execute it tighter the turn the more need to be locked on to where you're going and not pay attention to what is in front of you if you have room for the turn you'll execute it and the first days of riding you're gonna learn how to balance your bike it's not such a big deal as you go through the MSF or a beginning riding on a permit balancing becomes an essential skill when you consider the different things you're gonna be doing while riding although I don't advocate for riding with only one hand it's a very common practice as riders we use our left hand for Bluetooth phones or even to give our hands a break on our hip or lap for some riders letting go of the handlebars can seem scary or nearly impossible with time and experience you will learn how to balance your bike with both hands one hand and even eventually with no hands it's possible to even turn the bike with just your legs by squeezing the gas tank but it is not advised it's just that some of these things are possible so if you're a noob who just started riding and is definitely afraid of letting go of either handlebar it's okay eventually you'll learn this essential skill and be able to ride one hit it it comes with comfort the more you ride your bike the more you'll fuel the bike is perfectly balanced and you can let go what was the one thing you didn't do during the msf it was check your mirrors most of the bikes in the MSF course have their mirrors removed because the wax are guaranteed to get dropped at one point or another the last essential skill you need to be aware of is your surroundings it sounds easy but new riders are already at the highest risk for an accident when you combine balancing clutch and throttle control braking turn signals checking mirrors and wearing the proper gear can become a little overwhelming one of the benefits to practicing in a parking lot is you can develop your essential skills so you won't be as distracted on the streets using your turn signals checking your mirrors and looking over your shoulders will be the difference between life and death as a rider be comfortable with everything else before you venture onto the streets being aware of your surroundings and being observant will help you the most once you start riding so that's it for today's video I hope you liked it let me know in the comments if you think there are more skills that should be on this list or any other essential skills that you feel very strongly about also if you'd like to check out some channels dedicated specifically to learning how to do some of these skills go ahead and watch moto Jitsu Moto Trek or dan dan the fireman all three of those channels will get you well on your way to learning these really specific skills for riding in a practical manner but as always there's no substitute for seed time and don't forget about our motorcycle giveaway you only have 48 more hours to get entered to win sign up via patreon to get automatically entered and support our series or you can pick up some merch send in a letter right now for free I will be picking up the last of the letters on October 17th in the afternoon and tallying our final list I'll also be shutting off our merch site temporarily as well after that time until our next round of bikes start up thanks again for watching tune in next time I'll see you later fact according to a 2017 report published in Nature communications there's evidence that extinct emperor penguins once stood close to six feet tall and weighed more than 200 pounds a true emperor goodbye [Music]
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 845,817
Rating: 4.8491149 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle skills, essential, motorcycle tips, yammie noob, top 7, top 10, top 9, motorcycle riding skills, riding tips, yammie list, list video, yammie, how to ride a motorcycle, how to ride a bike, learn
Id: MZiKdCToFt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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