5 Motorcycle Fears You Shouldn’t Worry About

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motorcycles are well scary to your mama they're downright terrifying the thought of her precious baby on a two-wheeled death machine is enough to have her racing for that PEZ dispenser full of Prozac that she keeps at the bottom of her purse didn't know about that well this is a little awkward now but if motorcycles are so terrifying why don't we love them so much I've said it before and I'll say it again motorcycles my dear chaps are like women insanely terrifying and undeniably attractive all at the same time what a rush all right my adrenaline loving junkies turn down the lights and grabbed the nearest weapon it's time to go down to the basement hello you two we loving lunatics I'm your host exchanging nudes back to deliver the regularly scheduled motorcycle content you've come to know and love I spoil you guys but you are my children how could I not even though I've seen a few comments letting me know that it's creepy that I call you guys that well too bad you'll always be my children to me today we're gonna delve into the scary pits of motorcycle hell but don't worry your ol Papa yam will see you safely through to the end of this list all the way through the troll infested comment section and back to that boring desk job where you should be working but instead you're hanging out with me today's knowledge bomb is supported by rich wallets I'm gonna tell you guys a little bit more about them at the end of this video on today's episode my young squid listen veteran barnacles we're gonna talk about the five features you should disregard when it comes to riding motorcycles and before anyone goes all Berserker mode in the comments section at no point will I ever seriously recommend that you should disregard your own safety or suggest that motorcycles are worth anything less than a healthy amount of respect so unbunch your panties and let's get crackin while the thought of our first fear is genuinely terrifying especially for anyone on a decent bike you've got to get over the fear of dropping your bike beginner and veteran riders are both scared of dropping their bikes but the reasons are as different as night and day a beginner rider usually starts out pretty nervous about everything having to do with their motorcycles it's an excited nervousness but the panic about dropping your first bike is a lot like the anxiety people have about getting the first scratch on a new car you can park all the way in the back of the parking lot but there's always going to be that one car to find its way into the side of your freshly detailed Beauty it's not anything that physically hurts you but you swear you can feel the gut-wrenching pain deep inside your tiny soul on the other hand a veteran rider is more likely to worry about dropping their bike because they've probably have a nicer bike so it's probably more expensive to prepare alternatively I've seen plenty of bad days trackside when loading up a motorcycle into the back of a truck leads to a nasty drop sad both riders will agree on the primary fear behind the terror of dropping your bike though humiliation that's right the fear of dropping your bike is born from the fear of being embarrassed so allow me to lay that fear to rest for you there's nothing to be embarrassed about while other riders rib you for it undoubtedly will leave you the first to help you get your bike back up you're damn right they will why because at some point or another we have all been there and because riders well we stick together then because karma so don't sweat it does it suck sure is it something you should really be afraid of not in the slightest it'll probably happen once or twice in your two-wheeled career but seriously it happens to the best of us or it even the worst of us like me moving on if you've watched the second video in my seven motorcycle myth series which you should then you're probably already familiar with the safety concerns and many riders share for riding on the highway but fear not my fellow wheelie loving companions the highway and interstate are actually a lot safer for motorcyclists than regular roads look I get it I myself live in one of the biggest cities in the country let me tell you some of these highways and interstates are scarier than Freddy Krueger's creeping in through your bedroom window there he is whispering sweet nothings about the Panigale you should take a twelve point nine nine percent loan out to buy get away from me Freddy I don't need a European money pit again but damn it I just can't quit you but that being said all the crazy rush-hour traffic is going in the same direction there are no surprise cars darting into your path from obscure turns or curves no red lights or stop signs for anyone to run and the only incoming traffic you really have to watch for is merge lanes and from the cars already in the lanes around you while speed limits are slower on regular roads of streets they come with way more surprises more unknown variables you have to constantly be on alert for which is why it's actually safer for you as a competent and licensed rider to stick with the interstate and high possible and because ii am hi ray runs are super fun kidding don't do that keep it at the track my dudes ok maybe sometimes right i mean come on we didn't buy a bike because we want a tool around like it's a Prius right right the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published a study that showed 91 percent of all crashes between a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle occurred on non interstate roadways and then in at least six out of ten two-wheeled motorcycle crashes occurred on urban roadways man I'm crushing these fears alright let's move on to fear number three this one kind of goes back to number one with the whole embarrassment factor and that is being the slow one in a group ride here's the deal guys it's a group ride not a race and I've been guilty of riding a little too fast on group rides because hey testosterone is a hell of a drug and when you're in your early 20s and you're on a machine capable of 170 miles per hour well you're gonna assert dominance the first chance you get but I want to implore you to reconsider this one the entire point is to enjoy yourself and whether you're more comfortable leading the pack or bringing up the rear as long as you're enjoying the ride that's all that matters my man or a wool man whatever it's easy to get sucked into competitive riding when you're on a bike but worry less about where you are in the lineup and more about what having a bike is all about that sweet sweet freedom of when knocking you breathless giant bug is blasting you in the face and that signature ode to swamp fragrance that only you can find pooled in the lining of your riding gear take a deep sniff my friends because that smell is the only thing you should be scared of and yes it's probably what's causing that weird rash introducing new and exciting from yummy noobs swap begone got some swamp ass you just can't get rid of Gooch juice driving you mad well with the new swamp be gone you'll neutralize all these odors and more I should actually make that into a video shouldn't I let me know in the comments if you want me to make swamp begone into a video and that's gonna carry us into the next sphere you shouldn't worry about there's nothing like hitting an oil slick road after a shower of rain unless it's still raining when you hit it which is why riding in the rain is number four on our list of motorcycle fears you should get over already riding in the rain can be nice on a hot summer day can offer a nice cooling reprieve for the rotisserie carcass that was once or chiseled dadbod it's a free wash for your motorcycle which is pretty great because going through a drive-thru car wash on a motorcycle would actually deserve a spot on the list of things that are terrifying about riding our freedom machines you aren't scared to drive your four wheeled vehicle in the rain assuming you have one so there's no reason to be any more fearful of riding your bike use common sense and ride carefully wear rain gear if you have time to prepare and most importantly always remember that you aren't actually in a car so pay attention to water levels turn around don't drown is a saying for a reason but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a nice ride in the rain just use your head and make good choices say no to drugs kids unless those drugs are Daytona's then say yes always say yes say yes every single time that triple whistle gets me jonesing for a good time Daytona 3.0 when my dudes and now we come to the most serious fear on our list the crash this one is a legitimate fear motorcycles leave you completely exposed to the elements and to the choices of those around you so it's natural that riders have angst about being involved in a collision however just like drivers are for wheeled vehicles of seatbelts motorcyclists have protective gear as well and not just gear there are all kinds of situational classes available to riders and some of them are actually pretty fun my point being that riding a motorcycle is a lot like driving a car there's always a risk factor but wearing a protective gear and being prepared puts you in a much lower risk for injury or death wow that got dark really fast so protective gear wear it you don't look cooler without it and most riders worth their tyres will tell you that riders not using safe riding practices or wearing the proper safety gear look like douchebags so there where are you helmet kids and jackets and gloves and some quality boots you know it's weird actually one time I saw a guy here in Dallas who had a helmet but he had it strapped to the back of his bike instead of on his head I still think about that at least once a week the reality is the gear saves lives it's your seat belt so wear it alright new boosters that's a wrap for this video be sure to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell to get updates with the channel I'll be posting even more motorcycle content to spoil you with soon so make sure you are subscribed because you're not gonna want to miss out on any of the ridiculously awesome stuff that we've got going on over here at a woolly Amy's place thanks again to our sponsors bridge wallets if you're looking for the best wallet money can buy here it is boys it's made of super strong aluminum literally bulletproof technology and has RFID blocking inside of it basic it's the best wallet in the last wallet you'll ever need it's got a minimal footprint easily carries all of your cards in cash and it looks awesome and they've got them in burnt titanium black aluminum carbon fiber all kinds of spec for a limited time ya me fans get 10% off by using the code ya me a check out so click the link below jump in and get yourself the wall that you deserve again that's 10% off using the code yanny at checkout and of course I cannot end this video without mentioning our bike giveaway as you yeah me love Ambassadors probably know or should know I'm restoring and building up the CB 900 also known as the Honda Hornet nine one nine and I'm giving it away check out the link in description below to find out how you can jump on board for a chance to win this beautiful soon to be hentai wrapped motorcycle seriously it's a free bike guys don't pin on this one you'd be crazy not to I'll catch you guys next time see you later fact according to US laws a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking beer go ahead YouTube some of your favorite commercials you'll never see a person drinking them goodbye [Music]
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 2,369,139
Rating: 4.8155408 out of 5
Keywords: how to ride a motorcycle, motorcycle safety, learn to ride, yammie noob, harley davidson, motorcycle training, motorcycle safety foundation, motorcycle fear, motorcycle dangerous, motorcycle instruction, kawasaki ninja 300, dropped motorcycle, motorcycle accident, dropped motorcycle what to check, dropped motorcycle damage, i dropped my motorcycle, motorcycle safety course, motorcycles, motorcycles for beginners, top 10
Id: 3j0GAoOpv-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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