10 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE Riding Motorcycles (Important)

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what is going on everybody welcome back to another episode of weekends with yam if you've seen these before this is when i sit down and chat with you guys and just have a nice time on the weekend just talking about bikes and it's a little more low-key title of today's video is 10 things i wish i knew about riding motorcycles before i got into it now i've been riding motorcycles for a pretty long time and honestly i wish that before i had started riding someone had clued me in on a couple of these things because honestly a lot of them are not really well understood until you've been riding for a little bit of time so sit back relax enjoy this video and maybe i'll impart some knowledge on to you that you can take before you start writing but before we begin i have one simple request no sponsorship no promotions nothing like that i need you to smash the subscribe button this is a big initiative for us this year we're trying to get to 1 million subscribers and as a treat for you guys once we hit that one million subscriber number i will turbo my hayabusa i already have the kit it is being shipped over to me in a couple of days it will get here we'll make a video about it showing y'all the turbo kit it is going to be awesome i can't wait to have a 250 rear wheel horsepower hiabooster to make a bunch of even better memes with so don't let the memes be dreams hit subscribe down below and do it i'm also giving this bike away don't miss out on that let's get into it all right i took some notes here because i'm not rain man i can't remember all this stuff outside my head so let's jump in [Music] the first thing i wish i knew is just how fun it is honestly nothing could prepare me for how fun it is just jumping on a motorcycle twisting the throttle and going it still excites me to this day all these years later after riding motorcycles i still get excited about jumping on basically any motorcycle and just ripping the throttle and seeing what it can do most motorcycles i'd say like 99.9 of them are very fun to ride they're very different than cars or other types of motorsports or anything like that and that they all are about just kind of fun giggle factor they're all pretty lightweight they're very intuitive they're very small you get connected with the machine and i just kind of wish someone had told me how stinking fun motorcycles are because they are a ton of fun to ride especially as you develop skills and more confidence when you ride them you can jump on any bike and try to get it to wheelie do reroll skids you can understand how they lean through corners and stuff and then riding off-road is super fun too the joy of riding motorcycles will probably never get old so if you're about to get into motorcycles and you're worried that one day you know you'll fall out of favor with it or you won't like it that's probably not going to happen they are so fun to ride [Music] number two on today's list is there will be some aches and pains as you get used to riding i actually had a guy on my discord server just sent me this message the other day he was like hey yammy i just got my first bike today and i've noticed some pains and aches on my bike while i'm riding and i hadn't thought about this in a long time but as you develop your sense of riding a motorcycle as your knees and arms and body gets used to being in the position of being on a motorcycle your body needs to adapt and adjust to those sensations so you're going to build up new muscles in your knees and your quads because riding a motorcycle despite what some people might tell you is surprisingly physical if you want to ride on the balls of your feet and grip the tank with your legs and do so an effective and good way of riding it is a little bit physical and you might have to get used to it a little bit over time so i wish someone had told me when i started that riding a motorcycle would be a little bit physical the third thing i want to tell you guys today is that butt pucker moments are pretty common but the more time the passes you will probably just get used to them i know that sounds a little crazy to think right now you know it's pretty common to have you know rear wheel slides or maybe a weird butt pucker moment as you enter a corner or maybe a car comes a little bit close to you these things are surprisingly common when you're on two wheels and as you develop more skill and more experience on the bike you'll learn to adapt and to be pretty chill when you're on the motorcycle and big stuff like that is not going to throw you off your guard there was a video a while back where a shade tree surgeon put up a clip of a car just kind of cutting right in front of him and driving aggressively and he was just like whoa that was weird and he just kept going along his way whereas a less experienced motorcyclist might have made a big deal out of it or gotten all out of sorts so you'll notice that these kind of butt pucker moments as i call them are going to be pretty common on your motorcycle but your ability to deal with them will get better over time uh the fourth thing today that we're talking about is your first year of riding you're gonna literally find every and any excuse to get on your motorcycle and you'll probably log more miles on your first year than you ever will in your later years but we'll talk about that in a little bit too when i first got my motorcycle i would ride it to work i would commute with it i would go to friends houses with it i would go grocery shopping with it anything i needed to do and anything beyond what i needed to do i would jump on that bike and go have fun with it it didn't matter what i was gonna go do and often on the weekends i just jump on it and go for a ride and just go out for the whole day and just see what it was like and it really imbued the sense in me of just adventure and wanting to be outside and to do fun things motorcycles are definitely these sort of things that can allow you to experience a more full and you know rich life if you want to go out and take them out for a long ride or something like that explore where you live explore nature all these kinds of things they can definitely provide that for you and i remember for me and my first motorcycle i just you couldn't get me off that thing you'll definitely notice that your first year riding you're probably going to put on more miles than any other year like i said mostly because with time you're probably just going to ride less and the quality of your riding will probably improve as well so you might do like a big week-long trip out somewhere in a big adventure ride and then maybe not ride for a week or two or you might do a couple track days and that's really consistent good quality riding so that's gonna change over time but you're definitely gonna put a lot of those miles in the first year uh the next point on today's video and i think this one's kind of funny is people genuinely do not care that you ride a motorcycle you guys need to understand that when it comes to people who don't own a bike you telling them about your bike they could not care less let me put it to you this way if someone came up to you and they were like dude i just got into pole dancing or dude i just got into owning a ball python let me tell you about this tile let me tell you about this hobby if you're not in it yourself you probably don't care about listening to this person unless they're a close family member or friend of yours but if you catch someone asking a lot of questions about your bike or how much your gear cost or what the licensing procedure was like that person is probably very interested in riding a motorcycle themselves [Music] the next point on today's video and i think a lot of people have said this before motorcycles are surprisingly expensive and you need to be prepared for that between tires insurance gas registration ongoing costs modifications i mean the list just goes on and on whatever you're thinking a motorcycle is going to cost it is going to cost more than that i guarantee it also motorcycles do this weird thing where if you put them in the garage by themselves they tend to multiply when you're not looking and all of a sudden there's three motorcycles in your garage instead of just the one so be careful with that that can also be a little bit more expensive than you anticipated the other point i want to make is that motorcycles have pretty limited ranges you might not realize it but a bike cannot usually go more than about 120 140 miles to a tank unless you're talking about a big adventure or touring motorcycle so you're gonna have to be prepared to fill up this thing pretty often and obviously the gas tanks on motorcycles which are right here in case you didn't know they are pretty small usually they're you know three to four gallons on most sport bikes maybe four to five on you know touring or sport touring kind of motorcycles you might see like a six gallon tank on a really big motorcycle like a big adventure bike but the ranges on most motorcycles tend to be pretty small but you'll be happy to know that you've got that you know 120 mile range you go to the pump you pay 10 bucks to fill up and you're done so kind of a cool thing there the other point i want to make too today's video of 10 things i wish i knew before i started riding is that even slow motorcycles are pretty damn fast by comparison to like most cars or other things for example a ninja 400 is probably about as fast as like a i don't know a wrx or a golf gti or something like that they're pretty quick and that's a little like ninja 400. when you jump on something like this panigale v2 they are rocket ship fast um and i know that's a big reason why a lot of people want to get into riding motorcycles and trust me i'm a dedicated and addicted track rat and racing boy and i love my 675r you never get me to shut up about it but that is a big reason why people want to start riding motorcycles they go really fast and they're a ton of fun to ride but even the slow ones are kind of fast so be careful if you're buying a motorcycle it can be a little bit of a handful if you're not ready for something like that [Music] the other point on today's video is that wrenching is a whole lot less fun than riding if you're a new rider i want to just implore you i'm i'm asking you i'm pleading with you don't get a project motorcycle as your first bike it's going to be so much more fun for you to get something that you can just go in the garage flip the key turn it on go out for a ride come back lube the chain wash it every once in a while and kiss it good night you don't want a bike that doesn't run half the time you have to diagnose all these issues with that is going to be way more of a hassle than it's worth so for your first bike do not get a project bike and really understand if you want to start wrenching on a bike versus riding it me personally you guys probably already know if you've seen my videos before that i like riding a whole lot more than wrenching i'm very capable to doing basic maintenance tasks on a motorcycle i can change the oil the brakes the tires even if i needed to chain adjustments chain replacements the super basic stuff i can do if you're talking valves you're talking extensive modifications big changes to the bike i'm taking it to a shop that's just me personally maybe you want to learn how to wrench i certainly didn't the next point i want to make today is that you may not know that the community is super welcoming the community for motorcycles is one of the most welcoming and engaging communities you could ever be a part of most people if they notice you're a beginner rider are going to be very kind to you they're going to be very like welcoming to you because you're new to the sport you're the lifestyle new to the hobby most people want you to succeed and want you to be a lifelong motorcyclist anyone who makes fun of you for your motorcycle or makes fun of you proving a new rider is probably not a good person and probably sucks ass at riding themselves i'm just gonna put that out there most veteran and experienced motorcyclists and expert level riders attract days and just people who have been around the block a long time with two wheels would never make fun of someone for being new to be honest anytime i see someone who is new to the sport at the track or on the road or wherever it may be i get super jazzed i'm like this is great i love seeing a new person on two wheels this is one of the most cool things that i can see honestly it makes me think like i'm doing a good job getting people into the full on motorcycles [Music] and the last item for today's list is just know that buying your first bike is not gonna be your first and final motorcycle there's very few occasions where someone buys one bike and just keeps that one bike and never gets another bike it is not that difficult to buy a motorcycle and then sell it and get another one they're not super expensive by car standards or anything else like i mean this bike right over here is pretty expensive it's 17 500 or something like that but you can kind of hop scotch and trade between five to eight thousand dollar motorcycles just all day long so if you have five grand in your pocket right now saved up for a bike if you buy a used bike chances are you can sell that same bike a year later for like maybe 10 for depreciation so you've spent 400 owning it and you save up another 400 bucks boom you got another five thousand dollars go get another motorcycle and see how that one rides for a while um this is really common a lot of people ride bikes in this way kind of hop scotching and skipping around different ones i myself personally have probably owned for me and not for yammy noob the business and the giveaway bikes i think i'm up to motorcycle number eight at this point i think or nine something like that and if you count all the giveaway bikes i've bought and owned i have completely lost count at this point it must be up to like 40 or 50 but um i'm a bit of a special case because i run a youtube channel based around motorcycles but for me personally i owned about eight or nine of them in my years of riding um so guys that's my list for today of 10 things i wish i knew before i started riding motorcycles what do you think is there anything that you wish you knew before you started rioting leave me a comment down below i try to respond to all my comments here on youtube but if you want a better chance of communicating with me i'm always on our discord server over on navynew.com sign up you can get access to that and be sure to smash that subscribe button i'm trying to get one milly help me out here help me help you to make turbo hayabusa content i'll catch you guys in the next one see you later you've made it to the end of a yamy noob video did you like what you saw do you want to see more of it check it out right here just like magic waiting for you click this little square right here more memes more yammy more of my face isn't that great
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 237,359
Rating: 4.9468555 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycles, yammie noob, new rider, newbie, motorcycles for beginners, new rider crash, yammie noob beginner bikes, yammie noob beginner, motorcycle safety, best beginner motorcycles, motorcycle tips for beginners, motorcycle riding tips for beginners, motorcycle beginner mistakes, motorcycle beginner guide, basic things to know about motorcycles, motorcycle wrenching, project motorcycles, cheap project motorcycles, first motorcycle, yammie noob hayabusa, turbo busa
Id: FbdEtPuuwSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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