7-Day Solo to Canada's Greatest Wilderness Cabin? - A Lonely Homesteader's Wooden Castle

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a quiet cozy log cabin deep in the woods the very thought stirs a deep bruted desire our Primal craving to exist in the wild I've seen more Backcountry cabins than I can recall both spacious and small some well-maintained but many more in ruin some have nearly been reclaimed by the land all together there have been cabins that were expected and others that appeared like a mirage in the middle of nowhere but on this trip I'm seeking a cabin so Monumental that became a piece of History a structure so remarkable that its Builder became Legend a cabin so Grand that it could only be called a [Music] [Music] castle [Music] it's day one of my week-long trip to find this cabin but as I set out from my access Lake to find a man's Legacy in this Wilderness a much older history comes into view traces of the people who inhabited the land from Millennia before a homesteader came with his dream they didn't build castles but left a much more subtle mark on the land [Music] these pictographs stand as a reminder of the people who have sustained human life here passing down their culture through centuries sadly the Castle's Builder did not get the chance to do the same as his amazing But ultimately tragic story will tell the trip begins on Devil's Gap Lake though you won't find that name on many maps and this is the Devil's Gap it's found in Northern Ontario about 50 km north of quo but more on the map in a bit it was fall as you can see from these golden tamarak and the days were getting short so after a full day of travel there were only a couple hours of daylight left and the only thing to do was to find Camp a month earlier the area was hit by severe wind so a lot of potential sights were covered in blowdown and there was a lot more of that to come eventually a viable sight turned [Applause] up Light number one sighting route lots of points of interest great campsite and the treat portages to get here but an incredibly quiet and peaceful Lake end of the season I'm in my [Music] glory starting this trip on a new moon so the Stars should be great [Music] [Music] tonight nothing like sunrise on a cold morning it was a very chilly night Frost and a much needed fire tea on the way ended up being a great camp for night number one very very happy with it just a bush site no established sits on this Lake and I'll be heading down that way before too long lots to do today what a morning one of the best I've had all season although I'm probably biased given the warmth of the Sun and how cold it is right now got a huge pan of black bean and hash brown mix with cheese and onion for a big breakfast burrito look at the size of this baby those little tiny baby burrito or tortillas drive me crazy why do they even make them that small can't get anything in them but this will keep me going for a while today is probably my biggest day I'll give you a look on the map in just a moment so here's the plan for this trip I'm in Turtle River White Otter Lake Provincial Park in Northern Ontario and according to the map I am here I always laugh when I see maps that have that obviously this was designed to be a a plaque a mounted plaque here but I am actually over here and Devil's Gap Lake and I intended to get to nor Lake but the forestry roads were a mess didn't happen so I've got an 840 M Portage just to get to Nora Lake where I hope to start the trip and I'll do have to do that on the way back out but it was totally worth it for this Lake and the pictographs So the plan is to go from nor Lake over to Half Moon and down to this huge Bay off of White Otter Lake that's the biggest one on the trip the white utter Castle is there can't wait to get there but that's a few days way and then I'll go around some small lakes and the Turtle River back up through here back to the car that's the route on my way clouds coming in and the wind's picking up so I'm glad I got a bit of sun to warm up this morning be at the Portage in about 60 seconds [Music] w [Music] relieved to see that the Trail's in good shape since I've got to do it both ways beautiful big Pines and just a little light clearing work with the folding saw look at this giant white pine okay halfway with second load into Patricia Lake nice walk in the woods there beautiful Pine and this lake is not too big so p is next Portage sooner than I'd like the wind is really picked up now and it has become quite a a cold day the wind played a big factor on where I chose to start this trip I wanted to start from the north otherwise I'd have the wind in my face most of the way you can also start from the West you can start up here in ignes but you can see it's just pish City up there if you want to do that full distance there and you can come in from the bottom which would be the most convenient really but yeah the wind would have been terrible trip from that direction so put in that extra little Portage just now and I gets a ride to wind to Fair bit on this [Applause] trip Trail into Nora lake is looking great it passes three small ponds on full of gold and tamarak it looks so beautiful and [Applause] fall into Nora Lake this is where I hope to access so everything I've done today plus the next two hours of paddling is where I hope to start but it's been a nice stretch so it's all good lak's looking beautiful here so was wrong back there there was one more Portage one bonus Portage now I'm in Nora amazing rock formations all over this Lake and Nora is probably going to be home for the night because there's only about 2 hours of daylight left and if I jump into the next Portage then it's going to be a long day so that's all right make it up tomorrow biggest criteria for a campsite right now is Morning Sun so an east facing view it makes all the difference when it's about freezing when I wake up [Applause] Sun just busted through feels amazing makes this sight look even more alluring seems pretty perfect as long as there's someone to hang the hammock and there almost always is aha thought so beautiful exposed Shoreline like this got hit hard by that wind just look at this and blowdown is common in the Boral Forest but you can tell a lot of it's still green so it's all quite new got a great spot for the hamic here of all Camp chores the one I find most tedious is inflate and deflate my pad and roll it up especially So to avoid that I've started to just leave it inside the hammock and then I just roll it all up kind of like a bed roll and stuff it into my pack at the bottom by the time I put everything else on top of it is pretty crushed down so the difference in volume isn't very big saves me that task all right time for dinner I'm starving turning into a beautiful evening got some garlic non toasting up there pot of chili can't wait despite the slow progress so far the route would bring me to my destination within the next 2 or 3 days the cabin I was bound for is known as White Otter Castle it was built by a man named Jimmy MCU and completed around 1914 while it's famous for its size there's much more intrigued to this Wilderness Mansion than its dimension and it's hard to say if it's more bizarre how he built it or why why would anyone build such an impractical structure alone in the middle of nowhere in my trip planning I learned about his motivations and they boiled down to two themes to prove someone wrong and to prove to a woman that he was worthy but I needed to see the castle with my own eyes before I could really understand the question what's truly baffling is the claim that he built the castle completely on his own and with no roads to get materials to the remote location no Machinery not even horses for the brute strength required to Hoist the massive Pine logs all he possessed was the bush Savvy of an experienced Homesteader cool clear morning in the Canadian wilderness got love it great start to day 3 up in good time just having quick granola cuz I got to get going and make good progress today to make up for the fact that it's day 3 and I'm starting where I hoped to access on day one so yeah and today and tomorrow are the nicest days of the trip according to the forecast after that it gets maybe less nice so I'd rather make my big days is today and tomorrow I'm almost set to get going here's a plan for today I'm camped there on Nora Lake short paddle over to this port page a longer one perhaps two into Half Moon Lake two short portages on the Turtle River into Ann Bay which is the size of a large lake on its own and then through White Otter Lake which is about 30 to 40 km of paddling with no portages which would be lovely and then I'll continue up into here but that's the plan for the next couple days so in trip planning for this route I found lots of resources but no real good detailed map we got like this high level overview there trip right UPS so I kind of made my own on I keep too maps on my phone GPS can be used offline it's not dependent on Signal and here I've got three potential portages into half moon either a Portage over to this large pond and another one there that I don't want to do cuz it's long or similar thing but into a small pond slightly shorter ports or one big long one all I found sort of hints or Clues on online so I'm going to have to find which one exists and hopefully it's the shortest one typically it would be and I'm pretty sure it's going to be the middle option because if you look at the contour lines the the top and bottom options go over Hills people don't usually like going over Hills so recall it's the middle one no sign of that first Trail there's some debris there orange stick but uh no it's not marking anything not that I can see anyway but that's good I didn't want to see anything here and look at these root mats I was actually supposed to be camping in this area during that wind event and I delayed my trip by 2 days and I'm really glad that I did cuz it would have been ferocious never get tired of looking at Rock does that make me boring I also never tired of sunsets and sunrises I like talking about weather I'm a simpleton Trail was clearly marked looks like it's in great shape and based on where it starts I'm assuming it's going to take me to that pond but it could shoot straight across either works got some work to do on the way back beautiful Pond White Pine golden tamarak and super quiet and secluded but not a day for stopping really so moving on into Half Moon Lake on this beautiful beach and I'm really happy to be here because the next 48 hours look gorgeous and very little portaging and there's something right around the corner there I want to check out right after I whip up a little peanut butter and honey wrap here it is folks just about to come into view White Otter Castle kind of underwhelming n I'm pulling your leg this is a sauna and I'll show you why it's here in a sec it's an outpost Camp quite a nice one boats are pulled up for the season so I don't think they're expecting anyone for the remaining of this year nice pile of logs that gets me a little excited for some winter camping but it's kind of gross to think about that on a beautiful day like today nice Kevlar canoe oh yeah very nice and here's some free advertising for this company and in exchange hopefully they won't mind me just taking a quick peek in here I won't touch anything very very nice okay well there's a warm-up cabin for the trip can crusher that's how you know it's a professional operation I love these cabins they just have such a good vibe to them and make you think of Happy Times Wilderness and fish fries beers with buddies but it's profoundly different experience erience from the cabin I'm going to see on this trip hopefully tomorrow for now it's South on Half Moon Lake up the Turtle River couple short portages there very short and then I'll be into White Otter Lake [Applause] at the first short Portage very Scenic in here there was actually a Portage from Nora to White Otter Lake and I'm glad I'm taken the long way cuz it's quite nice some good size bass and oh good size bass in the river here this one's pretty strong interestingly get a good look at it who that's a pretty big SMY wow my hand's getting wet wow that is a slab look at that it's just tall pretty [Music] cute well that was just the sweetest thing I thought I had another Portage into this Lake perfect little Channel there just enough water to get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by come up to another potential point of interest on one of Kevin kalin's Maps he has White Otter Lake featured and I have campsites all over the place on this Lake which is nice and on his map this was a identified as a prisoner of war camp now appears to just be a really nice campsite but I wonder if there are any relics some dimensional Lumber here well I can't find any signs but what a fantastic campsite now [Music] for [Music] is [Music] just cross to the east side of the lake to check out this place there was an eagle right there spooked them off this spot and it turned out to be a phenomenal sight look at this red pine it's got sunset and sunrise View and the water Clarity here is something else Cliffs over there more in the distance and fire pit surprisingly unused fire pit just losing the sun I've got a calorie bomb dinner tonight hash browns onion cheese get a ketchup greasy oh that's better washing it down with some boiling hot mint tea and and some Scotch it helps clear out the the arteries kind of like Drano through pipes still have to set up the hammock but perfect amount of time this came up exactly the right time after such a great day on the Turtle River Cloud n seriously life doesn't get better than this we otter Castle was now within Striking Distance and the anticipation was building this piece of history is now over 100 years old but of course the first nation's history here runs back thousands of years White Otter Lake and the Turtle River are known for their pictographs like the ones I saw at Devil's Gap often these locations are not publicized because of their cultural significance so I had no coordinates for any of these sites but the park indicates that there are 37 within its boundaries and 23 on W artter Lake alone I would just have to keep my eyes [Music] open [Music] thick Dew and fog this morning for day four my shelter is all dewy and wet so hopefully I'll get a chance to dry it out today because tomorrow and really the rest of the trip looks like I might not see the sun again anyway at least it's warmer than predicted it says zero on my forecast but it's definitely not [Music] zero [Music] [Music] [Music] there is some pretty decent boss hanging out right here in front of camp [Music] [Music] [Music] dog's burning off getting a little drying in time on the hammock let's have a look at the map so I'm camped on the end of that point there in an Bay it's about 32 km around the route I had planned to get to W arter Castle there I think those might be just the warm-up Cliffs based on what I saw in the distance yesterday and there's just an incredible Rock right in front of me here towering Pines growing on top of it okay here we go no doubt about these ones K in his book says that there are several pictograph sites on my daughter lake so I've been expecting them oh a turtle I debated not coming over to these Cliffs it was a fair detour so glad I I did that's the first Turtle pictograph I've ever seen here on the Turtle River system wonderful you ever see pictographs never touch them with your hands the oil and your fingers can apparently degrade them beautiful [Music] rays just about to clear an Bay and it's just illustrates how huge this lake is just this section took all morning so hopefully I can still make it to W otter Castle today the cameraman and me really wants to because I'll have afternoon evening light on the castle instead of tomorrow in the shade with potentially rain so much harder to film tomorrow really want to get there today taking a quick peanut butter and honey wrap break here well used site looks like a sh lunch spot but pretty nice sight otherwise views to the north and south on the sandy beach but a lot of installations not too bad though crossing over to Big Island now which is more or less in the middle of White Otter and I'm just trying to hammer out this distance it would be really nice to split this day into two days this lake is giant you could easily spend several days here here but I just want to get to the castle that's what it's all about right [Applause] now feel almost certain I missed a pictograph there but can't see it don't have time to look clock's ticking on Golden hour for the castle that was a long paddle but I'm finally almost there final kilometer I can see it right over there just a little bit of it through the trees going to have serious claw tonight thought it was worth it I [Music] think got just enough daylight left to film this thing I'm so glad I'm here it has such a presence it's a little spooky [Music] actually [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] a made a loss for words as I look around the castle imagine trying to build this alone in the middle of nowhere with no machinery or Road access maneuvering 37t logs weighing up to 2,000 lb and fitting the dove Tails using only counterweights to lift the loads a quote here sums it up as Jimmy talks I realized that this is no ordinary backwoodsman but a man of rare intelligence capable of adopting the principles of counterpoise and leverage so that the manipulation of the pous logs became a comparatively simple task and then there were the windows and odds and ends that couldn't be fabricated in the bush Jimmy had to Portage these between 40 and 80 km from the nearest towns I wonder how many he broke along the way as I peruse the plaques and witness the work my sense of awe swells after M's death in 1918 the castle didn't maintain itself without Emergency Restoration in the ' 50s to stabilize the structure and replace the roof Jimmy's Legacy would be rotting into the ground longside his grave in the 80s the friends of white utter Castle was formed to continue the extensive work needed to keep this landmark and good repair the story on the third floor is where his life becomes somewhat tragic to me it speaks to his remarkable Life as a homesteader eventually selling all he had to chase a gold rush only to lose it all and wind up on white utter Lake in 1903 living in a shack but James mchu was resilient much of the historical accounts for his motivations for bowling this place are chocked up to one moment a childhood scolding where someone told him you'll never do any good and you'll die on his Shack decades later a journalist visited the castle and Miku famously told him you couldn't call this a shack could you it's easy to call this his motivation when the records are limited but I'm not sure I buy it I don't believe a childhood schooling provides the motivation for a man in his 50s to go to such efforts and consider that these plaques can't even confirm when he started building the castle so certainly not everything is known about Jimmy's story and I can only annoy historians when I add my own speculation here but in my research prior to the trip I found mentions of another motivation that to me explains much of what I'm seeing his desire to attract a woman to share his life with it's known that Jimmy made efforts to find a wife and he understood the obvious fact that if all he had to offer was a Shack in the bush with an aging man he wouldn't have many takers but the king of this Castle never did find his [Music] Queen reading the next plaque I'm picturing this slight and kind 60-year-old man completing this remarkable achievement alone what I've learned about Joy is that it's best shared and I don't think the odd local or passer by In This wilderness would have sufficed to share such a dream coming to fruition and then there's the circumstances around his death he drowned while netting fish in the lake only a few short years after getting the roof on the castle it's sad that he should die in such an accident but moreover that seems like far too short a time to enjoy the fruits of all his labor however you could also say he got to finish his dream before he died and he certainly lived an exciting life it's just that the more I learn of Jimmy's life the more I'm rooting for him the more I wish he had found that partner to share this spectacular home with with how can you not get attached to such a beautiful expression of Love whether that was love unrequited or just a labor of love and how many of us have wished for a life in the wild with our soulmate it's no wonder so many people have related to his dream there's also the tragedy that so many great artists have suffered when their work is only wholly appreciated after death but then again who among us could ask to have our life's work so worshiped as this looking at all the historical records the countless visitors and the significant efforts to keep Jimmy's dream alive I'm sure his heart would soar to know what he created is so loved and perhaps he does know there's still a fourth story to see and that's the peak of the Tower every good Castle needs a lofty Tower from here Jim you could survey the land and watch for game and people moving through it looks like that ship has sailed but I have to imagine Jimmy would like it this way I'm speechless to be honest I don't really care about human buildings very often this is mindboggling I was skeptical about all the things I had heard about it coming into this the fact that someone could build this on on their own and move these enormous logs this is the tower so it's the smallest but also the highest it's it's really hard to Fathom what an accomplishment just amazing one funny thing to me is how many windows there are which would have lost a lot of heat in Winter and Jimmy was an experienced Homesteader you would think that would be a major consideration but he looked past those utilitarian factors can't imagine how much it costs to upkeep this place not to mention hold the liability which no one wants to do anymore so so glad that someone is Friends of wet otter castle and the park system to some extent I think had just enough daylight to experience that I'm so glad I did pretty Blown Away actually but go find Camp cuz it's getting cold and pretty dark on Kevin K's map there was a campsite marked on this point not seeing it but it could just be the low light but with the hammock and the stick stove almost anywhere can be Camp so looks nice in there this will [Applause] do yeah this is great Cano's turned over for the rain beautiful red pine for hammocking worked out nicely just got in the hammock feels like it's 3:00 a.m. it is 9:05 but that was a very full day and another good one see what tomorrow brings uh with the weather and I'll make a game plan in the [Applause] morning day five it's been cool and rainy this morning as expected and the Trip's been go go go so far barely enough time in the day to do everything so decided to slow it down today I'm going to stay here slept in a little while it was raining and I've got lots to check out on this lake so it's nice to have some extra time here there's a hill on this small island that I want to check out and have a look at and just notice something this morning a a dead bird I'll give you a look but lots of points of interest on this lake so it's worth sticking around so never never come across this before I'm sure it is dead yeah oh I know it's sad to see a dead bird but looks like it died peacefully a little Hawk not sure what what kind but uh yeah I've never got to look at a hawk like this that's kind of cool almost looks like a paragan but I don't know my my Hawks or birds all that well so I'll have to look it up when I get home but it's beautiful just in peace the little burial so there is a campsite here I just couldn't see it last night though it looks very seldom used considering how close it is to the main attraction which is just across the bay the castle I'm just over here and I'm going to walk up this hill and have a look it's a pretty nice view actually I'm sure Jimmy would have come up here at times part of the reason he said he built that the tower was for a lookout so you could see people coming see animals moving to to hunt or trap so it's turned into quite a beautiful day in the end so much for that forecast the castle is right ahead of me I'm on This Island right here and there's supposed to be a prison of War camp on either side of it and then an old Ranger cabin on the North side so I'm going to see what I can find hopefully it's bit more substantive than the first prisoner war camp [Music] is so the information I had suggested that the prison of War Camp was here there's no way a camp would have been established here it's a huge jumble of rocks with a ridge behind so that's the purple dot there where I am then there's the ranger cabin beneath that castle and another prisoner of war camp down by the campsite so I'm going to carry on I really don't think there's anything here and gods of me finding it if I don't have like a really good hint as to its location or nil so the ranger cabin looked equally inhospitable just a jumble of rocks but just to the south of it is this beach which looks like a more likely spot for a camp so I'll have a snoop around so I see nothing at all except for this pile of sticks which is really kind of spooky none of them are saw off they're all broken if it was sa off I would be like okay humans did this why is this here it's just weird really spooky so I'm holding out for these three building points on the old Tapo map that's my best bet at this point at the end of the speachy point is a campsite with a waterfront dining table and the first Relic this is definitely not of this era and it weighs a shocking amount oh my goodness I can barely lift that no idea what that's for [Music] jackpot relics of all kinds steel cable Steel Rod all sorts of scrap oil drums but what was this is the question see if I can get any answers wow look at that pile jeez looks like maybe a wall back here what's left of it well I think this is a logging camp for sure perhaps a prisoner of war logging Camp oh these things are just unbelievably [Music] heavy anybody home this is so weird the dead Hawk at camp this morning and now there's a hair right there just huddled down trying to blend in with the Rocks which he did quite well but shocking he hasn't run he's right there in that jumble of rocks by this campsite the hair looked like it just saw a ghost which is an eerie thought as I approach Jimmy's Castle again and I had a really spooky thought last night as I was setting up camp in the dark on the island over there you can see the castle and I imagined a light turning on in the top of the tower o that gives me shivers had to come back for another look yesterday was so rushed and the one thing I I really can't get over still the windows not only the heat l but they had to be portaged in here from ignas on the rail line 16 portages including over the height of land alone I don't know that one I just find hard to Fathom there were the forestry teams that would come in here with horses and I wonder if they could have played some role in it but I don't know according to history he did it and then of course there's the size of it most Trappers have small cabins with one small window because when it's 30 or 40 below in the winter there's no more precious commodity than Heat a lot of the writeups on Jimmy will cite his conversation with that journalist who he told that you'll die in a shack and you'll do no good basically and he had to build this to prove him wrong but no I think he probably told the journalist that somewhat tongue and cheek and clearly the the reason for building this was to attract a woman that dream sadly never came true it's really tragic when you think about it that he built this enormous Mansion to attract a woman and ended up drowning in a fishing net and living his life alone I just signed the log book which I forgot to do yesterday in my hurry and the last person to sign it was 3 weeks ago and that's the beauty of late season trips had this place to myself which has been a privilege seems like I have the lake to myself and when I'm alone on trips and I'm pretty certain there's no one within earshot I like to sing camp songs one of them is wild goose and the final verse I was just singing it and it remind me of Jimmy here's what it says I've worked in the bush and spent money in town I'd like to get married but I can't settle down at the last Portage when I'll pack no more let me fly with the wild goose High over Northshore [Laughter] [Music] getting breakfast going under the tarp this morning rained a fair bit last night much to the surprise of my weather forecast all set to head out just got to pack up the tarp it's cold drizzly and there's a headwind so yesterday would have been the better travel day in the end sometimes facing a trip around the weather forecast on the satcom can do more harm than good and I just happened to be reading something about this this book is hilarious I was tackling out across the lake this morning when I couldn't sleep I was reading it and it just was talking about weather and it says I do think that of all the silly irritating Tom foolishness by which we were plagg this weather forecast fraud is about the most aggravating it forecasts precisely what happened yesterday or the day before and precisely the opposite of what is going to happen today yeah very very funny three British guys taking a canoe trip on the temps in England and I'm sure it's all fictionalized but it is funny my mom found it for me at a thrift shop and I made an update to the route and it makes even more sense with the weather today I'll give you a look so I'm just off the edge of this point on a small island there on White Otter and I plan to do a couple portages out this way on the Turtle River system and then take 2 kilm of Creek travel into this Lake to eventually get me back up this way but that just sounds like an massive wild card and if it fails which seems likely with the water levels then I'd have to do those portages back and come up all this way so it just seems like a potentially ugly way to end this trip so I'm just going to go straight up the gut here four portages uh five portages gets me back to my access Lake and I was so impressed with the little part of the Turtle River that I saw that I plan to come back and do that full route in the future down this way so I'll be back for that section anyway I'll see it then glad to have that paddle done wind picked up pretty good there's a beautiful White Pond campsite here some nasty blow down right across where the fire pit is and this rotting table but gorgeous view sing goodbye to White Otter some clearing work to do as usual pretty bad at this end small folding saw wouldn't come in a trip like this without it [Music] [Music] [Music] onward [Music] so after that first Port tge this morning out of wet otter I hammered out the following 4 and just powered my way back to Devil's Gap Lake here my access lake so that feels amazing portages are done and is still super overcast but according to the forcast it is supposed to get really clear so should have one more night of stargazing [Music] here I passed the camp from night one already so I'm looking for something different tonight and all that portaging is hungry work can't wait for a big dinner here's the view for the final night Sun's finally just breaking through over there I'm hoping I get a little bit of that cuz it's gotten quite cold tuck the way back in there and it's time for much needed dinner improvising dinner tonight based on what I've got left in the barrel and what I feel like got some Scotch left cheers great trip tea is definitely a priority too Cas Diaz baby smell Exquisite really these are a lot like the burritos I normally make but it allowed me to dump everything I had perishable into here including all my cheese and it looks really good I don't know why I've never done it as a kadia before fantastic I was so hungry [Music] [Music] it's a chilly one this [Music] morning cold this morning yeah that's for sure there's actually a thin film of ice all over the canoe and that wasn't quite in the forecast forecast was also predicting quite a bit of rain today and now it's supposed to be brilliantly sunny and it looks like that'll be true once this fog Burns off I can see blue sky so it's tough to head out it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day and this is probably the end of my season but it was fascinating to see the way people left their mark on this land with the castle and the pictographs and this place left its mark on me too I'm sure I'll be back for the Turtle River and to bring Aon to see that castle yeah lots to come back for so great trip and I'll have to soak up this paddle because it's probably my last one of the season I've got a wedding to attend in a few weeks and I got to check my calendar but I believe I'm the groom so going to be busy but it's been a wonderful season and this is perfect Misty morning to close it out cold temperatur is on the way snow it's like could be ice before too long [Music] [Music] ah as I got on the road I savored the precious sense of peace that comes after a week in the canoe and it was indeed my last paddle of the Season just a few weeks later I got to marry my Wilderness Queen so it was sort of a funny trip to experience right before the wedding and it made me that much more grateful that I found the person to share my Wilderness dreams with though I can't help but feel guilty that all I had to do to find her was make an online profile while mchu built a log castle for a woman who never came having seen Jimmy's vision for myself and giving it much thought in the months since I became quite attached to his story and found myself wishing that he could have had a second shot at finding her but for whatever ever Lov Jimmy Mist in this life it's comforting to know that he's gotten so much more in the decades since May he forever Remain the king of his Wilderness [Music] [Music] Castle
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 250,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness, solo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 31sec (4291 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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