Skyscraper Sized Hole Hidden Inside Tennessee Forest. MASSIVE Cave System

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that is a gorgeous pit oh my God there's just so much more in here too look at this massive flow Stone right there absolutely massive holy crap you see all this rope you see how out of breath I am you know what it means when I got Rope Rope on rope on rope one two three four we're at a big big big pit today oh my goodness that is a gorgeous pit about to rig this thing up pop on in3 we are all fairly confident that this rope is on the bottom I guess there's only one way to find out right so this is the pit okay and it is absolutely massive hey quit standing there oh oh my God woo you good with it all right so check it out the pit is right over there is this your road down there it is yeah so we're going to be coming out of this we just got to find a way to get to the sinkhole once we're down there so that's going to be today's project we're going to rig this pit up and uh we got so much rope it's crazy might jump over this pit all right we're about to go down in this thing that's echoey oh my God all right pad is on here we go doing this in shorts oh let's turn the tm2k on it seems like a good pit for it although I will say all the daylight in here you really might not even need lights until you get to the main system all right come on let me get going there we go this is oh my God this is so cool this is such a pretty pit a lot deeper than it looks too man like bu a [Music] lot do a nice little spinny spin all right I'm going to rip it down have to hit this ledge bounce off okay we're good we're good probably still about good 50 ft off the ground which is crazy there's a rope over there oh my God this is so pretty on for oh my God that was the prettiest repel I have done in a good hot minute honestly a dude this is so epic tell me this is not the most epic freaking cave ever my lights are off they don't even my lights are off let me get a good look up wow guys this is so cool 200 ft into the Earth and it looks like it too this is a massive pit absolutely incredible light it up with the tm2k you actually need it down here a light big enough to light it up this is awesome all right let's start doing some looking around what do you say so there's a rope that goes up there top for reference this is just pretty much a massive Canyon Cuts along there there's a dome way up there with I don't see a rope and then it kind of flattens out right here it's crazy these cuz I've got a couple 2,000 loomin lights on my helmet right now and it's like they seem so small compared to this oh man nice and muddy down here that looks uh interesting I'm going to wait till a couple guys get down here then we're going to devise a plan probably have to split up and um we're going to have to find this freaking other pit to come out of all right I wonder uh who's coming down next so I kind of uh left something a little bit of a surprise there's actually a third pit over that way hey what's up man that Kelly yeah okay so that's where the next rope's coming down huhman he Kelly a minute ago so it looks like we're going to be climbing up that into that window over there I got Alex coming down a thing is that Alex what's up [Applause] dude yeah yeah that's what I'm doing can't really see you though you're going have to come down a little bit what's up man what's up heck yeah and here comes Alex that's such a good isn't it dude yeah that was bad heck yeah with the Superman shirt and everything comp all right so this is a cave register I think is that a Grateful Dead sticker I'm not quite sure of course it's full of water they're all full of water can't sign this that's funny I know her I know him this is from 2024 this dry box has really failed it's uh main objective keeping things dry not signing that I guess the gasket how did that even happen so when you get up to the top um there's a bolt and then the Rope swags off to another bolt okay so you got to switch over when you get up up there but you'll be able to before you hit that bolt you'll be able to step over and and get one foot in the passage the skinny ass little keyway it goes back there and uh goes to the main drop sweet there's only the other rope was just long enough to reach the bottom oh really yeah we're getting nervous we're going to go up that rope and go look at some stuff you get pretty wet going up that really cool I got shorts on right now it's going to be a uh cold cold day [Applause] welcome up thanks dude get past this waterfall really cold up here is it very bummer cuz I'm freezing oh oh hello hello fuzzy rope oh no it's fine no I know his PMI ROP just comes fuzzy I feel like yeah wow that's just what I climbed that's crazy that's a beautiful view right here oh yeah pull me over won't you hey Wes you coming up coming up okay all right nice little canyon to explore word of formation has been spoken who sweet so that is the canyon we just climbed up from the big room we are now in this also very big room this whole cave is just absolutely massive Let's uh Alex is saying something about a Traverse line over here see what's going on with that okay okay I see a lot more rope over there too yeah oh that's a lot of water uhhuh okay okay you'll Traverse over it that's so neat is that salamander down there I don't know what that is look like some people have just walked right through this like let's look up there there's more windows yeah dude that look at that giant flow Stone up there something over here look at that giant flow Stone dude a lot of waterers coming through that passage oh yeah it's another rope right there going up Over Yonder I guess we're going have to check this out before we go out yeah that's got to happen okay and then it comes down over that all right nice blob of Flo there's just a massive Dome and that's where we're going to Traverse you get pretty wet climbing that yeah yeah yeah heck yeah dude got Wes in the party D we found a lot of other ropes back here oh yeah like a lot more more than just one so now that we got West following suit I'm going to um see what's up with this Traverse over here you know I could have just climbed this I'm kind of dumb I'll admit it though I am sometimes a I thought we were Clos to the toping at home right here we're not even halfway I don't know if this is the other entrance or what but there's a lot of stuff over here and I kind of want to see what's up with it you feel me let's go ahead and clip both on right a fun Little Traverse all right I'm off your main rig so if you want to join me in crossing over this toxic pool actually everything is good footholds over here and then yo where'd you go wait so you say drop down the the Rope oh dude I know where we're at I think yeah dude I'll see you at the top okay this is making a lot of sense okay are you wait hold on Alex let me get over this ledge real quick before you get on rope or are there multiple ropes back here I think there's multiple ropes okay oh it's just redirected okay it almost seems obvious so we got West coming on over let's popping West I got to fall good always wear your safety horness I hear you if you want to go up real quick I'm I'll wait on you well if you go down then as soon as you drop off and while you look I'll be on the next that makes sense okay cool get up there and right I can dig it all right dropping down into here oh wow I can already see the flow Stone starting off rope okay and that goes out to the canyon huh so oh my God there's just so much more in here too look at this a whole another Dome so I was told there's some really pretty flow Stone back here oh yeah with the rimstone dams massive flow Stone right there absolutely massive and you come to this side and you got a nice caramel color flow Stone coming down see all these pools of water these are called Brimstone bams it's pretty crazy actually you can see roomstone dams forming within a dam um this is all calite like giant bird baths one of my favorite formations but really pretty room I'm glad I came down and checked it out there's water coming from up there which would mean there's another passageway somewhere a nice little Carolina Reaper right there actually that looks like a shroom right there I should get a laser pointer for in caves man get back on this rope right here once Wes is up and then I'm going to go up and see what's up instead of down slipping and sliding okay and I guess just carry on okay oh there's a lot of wind blowing right here I see a plant look at this it's like a walnut the sprouted oh look daylight got Wes up there climbing out right now see if I can't get this yeah a nice little uh ascend beautiful beautiful flow Stone right here behind me you look here up oh is there I see them yeah okay we're going to get on rope once uh West gets off rope and get on out of here beautiful flow Stone right here wow all right strapping this rope to myself okay I'm Airborne baby you know if I didn't run a tile business that I was very happy with I think being a window cleaner arborist would probably be my uh profession huh okay well we'll leave it on hopefully it doesn't melt a hole in my [Applause] pocket some beautiful formations right here why is that happening I mean I don't know oh it's going to sling me it's going to sling me I'm slinging I'm getting slang yeah slick shoes thank you Kyle for letting me borrow your shoes yep that's going to pretend like that didn't happen nice and hot out here outside out of a different sinkhole than I planned on coming out of I'm out side though hey what's up guys uh I forgot to do an outro so sorry about that but um if you've made it this far subscribe because I post a lot of awesome Cape content and um yeah also go subscribe to Alex over underground explorers and Wes over at Cave zip they also post epic stuff um I've included some ascending footage from this trip cuz the pit was just so pretty so stick around for that if you want if not not I'll see you later peace w e e for
Channel: Mineral dude
Views: 6,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tn6CMcRXGLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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